v V ! .;'i:'.-LM NSW BXS5, S. C, WIDXESDU jOSmB.JJOLY.? 1903. . 1 - r --TOU XXI-KO. 103. ,TWI5TT.SIC05D YIAR 1...yf- ', 4 S As - :!;: 'V H' Has; Just .Received A? Largo Shipment of i,i v.- - i ii 7V Shests; Pillow Cases, Bolster Cases: Notwithstanding cotton goods we stillIiotd th?m M:;tbe same old price 1 Best Quality Bleached Sheete. Size 54 x 93?i at 50c. ; 0oxo,;r?,6oc: 44 00 x 90 44 70c, BOLSTER CASES 72 x .v. H . 8tltcnea at opc. - riain axem,. i uo PILLOW OASES, 36 x45, 'Hemstitclierat imSiSSi oZ " WIOfTl J. Wl I Manr CL-IH- finhdo IffCt in. ' All wool Black wavy. the thing for the beach, 60c the yard. The remainder of all StrfpeiandOp OUt lUSUAlUAUfcOO VIX lllTlIiTlinFR VOU haVfi fllll. Vthree months . - vet to wear tiieseiKOoas. ana ji wiu. De .woru your wnlie to taxe a ioox inrougu una -SUITS MORE PBOPLB TEA OLDsllEURY RYEl " WHISKEYS ALWAYS UNIFO&M. STRAUS, GTOST & CO., Proprietors, ' . ' - .iuciiMOHrv::'ril; HOIIST QOAUTT BOIKST rnn ticrcia ricxxiiia. -. " f tl- taaleat BUI UImW m the World. 0ly . ' 18 Ibeawre ttraia m ebehi the m rwiftU. . CHAIN S v tooi v A - x V ; A ill --'.. LI - !; . . . . .mm i... W ii . ?fct l!t m'ifin'rtjl In in. tn ih r tmtllM ; to. I ! .vl t . i ( k 1c nmr, ' ' ' " "' ' ""in. i i I n P ' :tQ!P'-' . le 11 . - - ... .Vlj ;'' Tr Mill a1! f (ft the . advance Maff i r -1 r: '1- HOTV1 DT. IV.Xn ni'. WW ivy w-1 Oxford ana ureen, t jusxi B8 taches xjlde, jonly w-' f I XJoloredLawns, Lace ,WOA. J v - ? I ,, -. ii. I H ANT OTIlKRlBBANDl' HANDY PACKAGE. I 1 MIA8DRI. VPOPDtAR PR1CL . . , a i Mir- - , I HAVE Ilf STOCK Tribune, ,iZ)L2fiU, t ' v f ' y- ' f 1 -. K;DICVGLE8. RACYCLE . ana raccir.ancrs. I . Ican rcr-ir any "niallO Of T7l: . 2l3. . t A fall cf all "tlr.J i of Cu:riric3. la 1 7 46, Best quality : Hem.ht Ji!tM wmitit.; 'Baptist. t'IWWUPaioBtttct.ali tailea from this - -1 ' A. I Improving since tie "warm' weather eet The cotton crop In this vicinity leeme tolMim&llertlian any other heard of. Kr EU1 Eomplirey told me last Sunday tkat oa .land that he got a bale of cottoa per cre, last year that H, cottoa iras only J and 4 leaTes klgh caused Ij too much cold and rain. Ula seems to' be worse thin hit aelghbora; Theie are I than la the ame- neighborhood " who hare good orops. TheOakGroTeSondsy school picnic was a great success lastThftrsday, There were fire oralx haadred people ther and more good things to eat than one generally find at a picnic. ' After all had left the long table there wa enough left for u many more." Mr White's, talk "to the Sunday school; scholare .was . very good and appropriate. The net galas or the' refreshment stand was which will go to help . cell and repair the church---ix . 4 j ' ' Dt O J Beader will foro la a few days on a professional trip' la 'Carteret and Oaslow Co"w-"f 11 . v What hu become of the Ward's Uitt cofrespoadent of the Jouraal t ,We ; all woald like to hear from him occasloaal 1,'Bo wake op lad glte .the dolags around four aelghborhood. -DrO B Hughes and wife re off oaa boslaeu and pleAure trip la Greensboro Dr Z V Parker t in town oa profe slonal buslaew.. , ' ,V ; llnDrE W Ward left Monday for her home la WllmtngtoaV. She his been W Itlag kef daughter here, Mrs J fi; Belli -Our new Doctor Hammoad u getting a little practice, . out says u nas peeu .a dUtreaslpgly healthy Summer so far, ei peolaliy around and In PollockiTllle. This to generally the case here for this Is one of the most healthy picee la north Oarollaai tm?&--'p. A-;ss? List Bunday, the 2flih Wu4he annual ipuc wnTerybodr goto a1 see their Meads once a tt If was . sUmated llDOiUIIDgDIUT. 1UUI huuo,uc ... - - 1.. I sermons very inairucii iuu iw jyiim n Imd a g o ttnie. v -t v.-. v i7.-the pie hi rrw.y passed iXS ity of the pie ale people ' came orer In i.. . . . ... i .ti.ii k. tweea Cove and lime.' The game ended their first mate! game, y ' a . patiakfOBstoc4aodowB Saturday Bight to spend two weeks with Mrs D P iKtnMdf. -. i!-1- Mies Maud Xabaaks of Klostoa la ?U- niat frteads and relatives here, i MIm . Mabar Taylor of La Grange is here TWitag hw sister, Mrs Wt Broth- There wfit be oa Thursday tight July tU50th tCoE2oolJh(roNl tv.lce ertam npper and basket party, aieo ma slo to U furalshed by the Cots string head. ' The proceeds to go mo toe mm ball cluV.'Irerjbody is cordially tavlted to iatund 'ad specially the young ladles to brlogbaaket. a, good, tlmk la ...... ' a l " store ror an wao may aitno. : . , 4 .4 -i , ' . Heaoa, 4 issJwaja 4geon'-doot sibfclt lo the soigeoa's saife ueiU yoo-hae tried D Witt's . VUoa, Oas 4 4110. It Will . . . i . srei. a a. . a done this la tbo-aeeda d.OMe. Hers Is one of them I euCered froaa blcedtng ind protrudloj piles foe. sweaty year. Was treated by ol?reat specUHiii and lasedavaay reiediea,.bt I raltel aatll I aee4 DeWIu's obtalsed iio Witch n itl 8eJTe.- Twe boiea of Ule aalre cored me e'ghteta moatba ego and I hava not tad a toach of the fUes ataoall A Tts- dUe, Pomrortoa. 8 0. Yo1 tllntl, tie!!::.-, V'Vg iol rroUsdlog- VUet rr.r,'T tri.'s rv. !u'i Ultcb Ilaael &4lTa bold tj 8 Vn"i, , ' . It to a strange omWoM lbt tlx dny after, eturfi n1 lU mnV'.us f-fri'A tt tUnti, .-I'.'t b fs ' l r,,-;. t'ti Wiueii? Uh I Its Ju- rn '.!. Xe Qnlnrry, lit M fftw' : ' ' 1 ' ' WiMl !: 1 m-" l.:--i- at t'.e ;t," !" o . t;.t la m' r... !::-t 4 trtf1y, t!.e i:.otrifiit tnmt ir.' fri!t!.t t'-'r-.r, to rx.t t)i " ! Wt.!. h t I "f I r t r ' no C ' If.; it f 1 t t : t Li!i t'.e f ,-t ki trt. V. !" V , t . t r - ' f f t r t t' -1 r 1 J air S3. Cora and cotton are rapidly dicitjc .stc:.::s. A. ' Ughtnin; Strikes Several Places In ; ,'1 c Raleigh.; - LSinUr Fire at Old J'ort Micoa. Compltmeatary Chorus to ; 1 Teachers. - Tax Commls- 5 l i - sloa Still Working. A- - State CoBTiets , . Decreas- ' - r , -. . lag ' T - - Balbiob, July 28. There' were two severe eleotrlc storms nere iai ; nigni Lightning truck " lfae! oak In a few feet of "the louse otMrW$lter Hay, BearSt. Marys Female College, ' From the tree the bolt Went Into the 'gable end of the house, passing through ;the other gable, thus setting the house bn fire at two places near the chimneys, jibe occu pants were aroused by the terrific shock of the explosion and in a moment heard the fire, which despite the rain burst out front the entire roof. No one 4 wag hurt and most of the furniture wis eared, though of course damaged by ;the rain. The house was the property of the wid ow of the late Mj, Ssaton Gale, aad was entirely destroyed Another bolt "of lightning : struck ' the home of A IS B Lindsay a mile nftrth of Raleigh, tearing off the cupola and a large part of the roof and making a number of holes in the first and seoood stories. . Parts of the timber werj thrown a great olatfnce. The honae waa not set oa fire. The wind was Try high and did damage to crops, particularly corn, this being noted by the - case at the fine farm , owned and Qperatel by thedty. , T -.V "Night- before last- therr waa 'a queer are IB Ula r ariamcoo, at Dnuiurt. jlb same wsrthe "grass on , top of the fort m ... m . . .. . . n. t . T. caught fire.' A number of person seeing the blase and - rush of the fire, thought the Quarters, were la' flames, and iwent aid sergeant UofBoberg' .They fond him and his son pouring water on thabliilog grass, on top of tbe.caseniates, while his two daughters drew the water from cis terns within the fort. .The fire jwas on top of one . of the magsalnes in- .wh'ch there to. some 2G0O pounds of old ' pow der, the barrels containing it hate lltet- ally crumbled awey. The fire was la a taw feet of the ventilator' of this maga- Grand Becretary Woodell of the gratd lodge t-f Odd ' Fellowi h reoeirei an application, for a new lodge at J ami s- vllle. The grand encampment , , will be hld at Charlotte August lTih. 1 . - At the Academy of Music this evening the festival chorus lc compliment to the the summer school for teachers, bow in progress here, was glree, and with fine effect, - There were 125 voices In the chorus, most of them being ladles taking the muato course at the summer school. These were aided by local talent anfrelso by Mr Dunbar, basso, and Mr Turpraan, Uaor from Richmond, and. MUs Msry K Xwsll of Norfolk. The orchestra, com posed entirely ot local talent, with.- the exception of Prof. Brockmaa, was com posed of 15 piece. t- ,,l . The State ux oommltaloa Is working nine to tea hours a day oa the est moot of the property and franchises of eommoB carriers.- These are required to give their owe cellmate ot the market value of their stocks and bonds, fit if no such value to obtainable tbea to give the actual value.; la some' s'.atea the rail- wajtsetr., are required to give as estl- mate of the value of their freachlsee, but tela to aof dose here, the eommle- sUa making Its owa estimate, vi courae CiertbeatUaaUlamade the railways will be given ao Opportunity to BU ex- tpHons sad also It will be gtvea a hear IngtfTbey OeelM'. ' , A rerort On the caovloia, mad by state prUoa oSlcial, snws that there art sow at work oa tbe ra.Iwtyli Ullchell coBs'tieiiiroTet ti asdike Bale'gh a4 Of tf at ta!ley U at the railway ton oatrrv at U lUboro L OB lb Wilkotoro taroiU t9. at tbe ti Nrm on tbe Kotaoke 490 aod la the ptnl tm!a'y 100, waking a total of lit. !.'( h I about 609 U't Ibaa the total Bumhfr of conTicta .jcf ago. Tk nil r'rrrr" In tlifl InmUi of ta irrr!n ff prUnne's 10 woik 00 couily rM-l. T!i::uta tt..l i.ee ynf old i .t. 1 l :s j a p! 4 of l ta i r!nl 'f ',i:n this Lfll f, : nn a tnti tf wt. It ws f--an4 ' i ! h hi t 1 i n I I'.'r la lt Ui ; -IT. i r.r H'rf f.niO olrf '. k 1 ( ,f J. ' r I .- ' I I t' r ' 1 t A BERTH JACK SHIRKS. , Rem Scotia Ship Arc Haid t B tk . r. i ,n Aot. s , The worst case in the way of sreblp Into which Jack can go to a Nora So tian. - A certain Nova Bcotla ship came Into port at Santos one day with a crew that was little short of mutinous owing to the fact that the captain was too sparing of the rations. "The ship had bad. name; among sailors at the beet, and ag soon as she was anchored the entire, crew -cleared oui-t For three weeks after Bhe had discharged and got her' new. cargo site lay there with no crew to takelher to sea.t At last tbe captain went to some of the crimps on' shore and told them to round up a crew under any pretext ' The crimps .sent men around the docks r offering big wages to any , of tfjo loungers Wlo would 'go i aboard . the vessel to rig some: new- sails, vSomec twenty" men were quickly picked up, many of tnem in 'their shirt sleeves, end were taken aboard.' They were then covered with revolvers ' and rifles ' by 'the ' officers, and the anchor was weighed, and the Nova. Scotia ship stood out to sea; her unwilling crew leaving families behind without even a chance to let them know what had happened. The. next port was Sydney, and the next Yoko hama, then San Francisco,, then Val paraiso, then Lisbon, and for those men who stayed with the Bhlp it was just two and a half years until she went to Grande du Sul, the nearest port home. Many of them, 'however, had ' cleared out and gone home-In other ships long before that Broughton Brandenburg in Leslie's Monthly: v Ctcero and HI Danarbter. . filstory -abounds with examples of the love that has existed between fa- ther and daughter which proved su perior to the. -changes, bt time and for tune, defying even death' Itself, and en tering into the records of humanity, Imperishable and immortal. V One of the most beautiful Instances was the love of Cicero for Tnllla. She was a woman of high, attainments and exalted . character, With qualities of heart and mind that peculiarly fitted her to be her father's Intimate com panion. v After her death he could find neither consolation' for her loss jtor'' distraction for his grief, i Affairs of state,''welghty matters ot political ana personal in terest, even the sympathy of Brutus and CoDsar, could not dispel the melan choly that settled -down upon his soul and' forced him for a time into retire ment ' He wrote of her In these touch tag word?: "A daughter I had In whose swt cwe:iirU!on I could drop all my coros and troulilos. Hut now every- tl.-).- U elm used." "It i :i!l over with n. '.t!"r;ui. 1 f-fl It in rtv tb:!b ever nr-v 1 '.) I ; on'y being V Farmers Attention! The American aa'd Imperial Tobaooo Companies have Instructed their buyers '0 ' reruie au tobacco not . properly graded.: -This order Is effective every where and will bo obeyed lo. the letter, : The grading by the faraeri will In sure them better prices and will make the handling at tbe local market and by the manufacturer much eailer, i - Tobaooo growers should betd tbU sug- gestloaaad acf eocordtogly. Ennhi' fTorth Carolina Court Calen- This Is tbe largest aad most complete Calender ever published.' u to 10 pages mantle bound, ready - to haog op. It gives the actual daiee of the Supreme, Superior, Corporation, TJalled Slates DUtrtct aad Clculte Courts. The aamee and post Office sdbressrs of all court and coBBty officers. Hit of Commissioners of ADdsvtts for North Carolina thoughoot the world, aad much other valuable In formation pertaining to lh , courts of North Caroltns. BtBt post-paid npoa reoelpt of 50 cent. Addre. ' - i tos E5SI8S pcoLismna CO.,' " --. " --' " , Baieiih, N. C. V, JAlALAC i -r.x s .!.:; i;v .i. v. vi:n rv av CO ! I f 1 T f-l. hr A tactej Ice:- : will be snfflclent to cain your 2 patronage. The cream we make u aeitcious tn every sense oi sue T word. It ts made of everything X that tendr to make tt dellolons. If you like a smooth, rich cream T 85c Der atl ttacked in Ice. dellv Z ered at your bouse at'aay time, When you want Wiy Up-to-date 'Job or Book Printing, . tton't fail to call on Owen Q. Dunn, PRINTER & STATIONER, ; 71CEATEN8T. Hours I can best be spent ln.one oi our acme t Hammocks, EMITS BOOK STOBl ! e i 1 FOR THE st ' a.-5 - CUT SALE That has over, been; --.. coon in Now Bern' , t . - ' ; v , ' . - '. -a J- ' 4 j' . . ' ! ; O Co., Your Leisure ATI SPAC Binn -i 'lrice; lot Harvey s Smalt : ; . Sugar Cured hams ; JUST RECEIVED, v Kice Cre m Cheese, J .: - Fancy Fresh Elgin and Fdx River Trint finite just froni . the dairy. v- s Mason's Improved Fruit Jars and Jar Lnbbere. Heinz's Sweet Mixed and Plain Cucumber Pic', lea. or Heinz's Pore Apple Vinegar. , j Complete Stock of the Pest Groceries that mGney will' ! buy. ' t I respectfully solicit a share of your trade and guarantee t' satifaction and prices. J W W mm " i ours to please, 4t T T Iff.TIAifTTIf WhoiWi 1 1 1111 ni 1 11 m S 'Phone 91. RAIL BOAB, M litis AND MACHINE SUPPLIES. v WE ARE MANUFACTURERS AGENTS FOR Erie City Boilers and Engines, Van Winkle Celebrated Qina and Pr.ssea, ' The Oneida Wood Split Pulleys, 4 The Wagner Duplex Steam Pnmpp, 741 Starret's Fine Tools. We carry a full stock of everything in the line of Maohinerv and. Supplies. ' Gaskill Hdw. & HARDWARE 78 Middle 8t Phone 147. TH2 HEATH &. UIUJGANJJEST) PREP AREDP AOT VaV'LCNGCT-- Lbcc. Dest 'Calkxt V Dsar FOB 8AUB BY V : Dealers in General Hardware, Cook Htoves, '-v.'-'A:S, Faints. Etot 71 iitk Froat Bt. v'rn.n t .'Ji i 4 l: t .Vtf fft.y t fug .-1 BrroiAL. We re f,'-l tn B--mfe ltil l.t -'i'-l tk f-. A r-ry I t rrw tv U. r-'.ry r f a , T . ? I'.f m' r : . -lat!i::..e't i4 ' I t . f i . ; '--e.f i:tit'i.i; r I - 8 1 ' ! " !"'' '''; ' ' . 1 ' - T ' ' i k 1 a iv.ti Tt Tiwi n . '-'" .v: Mill Supply Co., MILL SUPPLIES 44 Craven St Phone 3H. NEW BEBtf IT. 0 127 niddio nu riH Hit if On, ill Medici:?!. ' retfaaaae, To 04 tVapa, eiA. abx t' loDowtaff Xtaoral W.r ,klt" Ktaeral Ipvtng, purTalo Llllfcv irnnnT. adl Jaawa, Ilaayadl statyaa, UiUtu, Toroatoa, ApMka, S4 Save f; 1IU. Oomha, Braahae, Tomb Craih, i rMUrtive Tcx.i: I'h'a COLTJXtLui isracne;: .-. Creolasa, tho Ora .DUIefectant an 1 : , . . , Bod Bog VtiT"Ti. Bro rn-Clil o r al u m A WrenurTITTATlTXol tr;! ' n - t OMtagioB el DirrrrnrrjA t rox, r JtirM m7kw'; tton; I. -.. . .. f t ! tt I'"''. J !,llb s' , . t f r 1 13 tv i l , , , -. i - I t t . '! t 1 ' r . i ' - , 1 SI

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