i r-m a aaa-t a i i I CITY Orj)L ' ta use far over CO tcj. L J. - r ' . ,ew8js--"e J r 1 f - a ';. . :AlI Counterfeits. Imitations czil - - v lixpenments mat tn. a r:;. 1 '.'7 InSuits and IHrca lipcilvace cjalnst Err 3".v r YAi ' rr&.v ' '.--.-4 1 1 K'.u. ii.ul-4jl uafltnrifl in a iiarmipp unrr'tnta Tar cjastor 1. . i.' contains neither Opium, Xlorpnine nor other : -re -3 ' t substance. Ite ee Is Its guarantee. It destroys 7c- - -J and aUays "everishness. It cores Eiarrxa fc 'iasl " ' vouc. in reueves xeeuung xrouoies, cures whupu , and Flatulency. It Assimilates the Food, retrulates tl.e - 7 Stomach and Bowels giving - line vuuaren's ianscca xne .r In Use ; For Over 30 Yearoi ' r-7 -"'--! GtOCCIt TBegVto calf the" attion of thejloiiaekeepersjtolilp Fine and t . z Complete- Stoofcof - : ;r 1 1 ! : : , g Staplev I i brinirinlr 4 2i'hlBStock. v receive careful attenkon tod a PROMPT-DEIlVlERY" - 1 Z "Jt'-r All ordeni'"8njaU'or.larg will be appreciated.' "'"V Jr-i Gioccif 'V4444444444444 '7 WlttMtl('''ttlfttftllfltlitftttitMMt.. Tbe Farmers & Merchants bank: i . Caaltal, Svplu ail front $ti,M4.4 ATIUL loV lli i ; What We Haya Dona, Do, and Wilt OontlniM to Do. . ' r Tkls Baak eoadocU lU botlaaM vpoa ap-to-aow" method. -. - i It It ourporpoM to deal Justly sad JberaHy wtih ail- i - Wsearefally saleraard U laUratta of ot etuUror, Mortovtr, ws .fra quMtiy do Unknowa to , tbasaj as op; . porta oUic otiam com lost t a oo.ld.a- tul ways, and yoa oaaiotover-appecUU sack ooaaldaraiioa. . . Wl m Bat dintn la Mwtivik tk. ha that Ue taurwu of tba Baak and Uom ol tha people are eloeely bound to , aad caaaoi by aay aaaa bf ! asnaralad. ' .f.. . 1 bl Biti teu tj WxWtnrr fat . UU, and eafoly . kcpa,U"-ii till U , . empf Um ti ssmailct... V. t4 slao aoi . ai iki cMtUf of jnoaty ci jm un . vlU a la . Ho tWj for ihaaa -.MloW ' - .. ' -. ; ' . -,We piMMM Uait ra al CrsJH fnr fa- . W. .la bi l nmianl ' la tM SMUtt of ieooaiRiodsUoaa.'Uits Beak avwu every rwialreawal a IUla -U. Ilarits ! pnw.ol baaktog. If yoa bit. strtr Wa IdcnL'SJ whb - at patma, w. auk yoa to oosaldav n Ik. adtUaWSHy of Noomtig oea. !' ; We aaa4(W a f)r.l fjara aad faratcb tmn l'l Im.ka W yo la wvleg U tal d alokUM.- Ilia. K mwm ArmlU 1 00. Unit t-VO 00 ft ek .aad t0Q art "ftM, apna alrk. Wt IU pay yoa 14 ar cau If Wl 8 moi IG rot roxi cm . na, pir :in,tmn, (irito4 to f h rhmmUr.'-f v f a v.ar.l vattr aad f ln-'4 I . u- . f 'y ! Urdt aivl !'.: 1 I I 4 O - aor!'"n. 1 e. .irarai dally (aatvpt f ''T'ii laulia. , l iBda (ralall ob't) T a mn 1 1 ivmb. For frtem S4 otbar'ioffwmtt a, : , ' ld.'lrata, . ., f ;i ITCT7 Berne Ic "v Aft r.rny at Law, -' c : . jI f at. - T a tr-- " - - 3 c . ' ... .. ... . . .... . V-r?. ' Just-.3-00d" 1 re I 5 r " ru ci-ar scr tne 1 r : . 1 c s ' ; limy 1i ' Mk ''. ri m' v ;w i-w - al -1 r -i4 bealthyand ns-turai 8l?C ; xtowtot's irizna, . - 3 "i" - -T 1.VH in some Celicacv - k cuicuk-rrra-a mqi law! 11- "v hkc.J b.vr c. 1 f I lw. nff Ilk MM. 1 .lr. Ilrfx, 1 1 V. V. Slaiaiaaa,- i 4, DjWarl " ' 31MT10NS WARD - ATTOKKIt aat C0CHSILQK3 at . .-V . LAW.. - -,t - " ' IIV BUB1M. a. BL I .. ,1 bffioa neatorad acroaa Street to feaeond i Bury of No, M (above Telegraph Of- v floe) Bon la front tureet, sail to - Praotln fa' tka 1 ooaatlea of Oraven, DaDlla. Joaea. Ontlow. Carteret I tnill no and Vt tka. 1a thj Supreme aad JTed rraj Ooaru. aaJ waararsf seTTicca are raairaa. ; ' h. . . 1 t. Admiiilstrator'o NoIco Harlnr ontllflod at admlnlttran. ". 4, a on th etat f Muttb O. Hob- Wu. doUHt oa Iba J'Jih day of J aria. ?905, ftotln. U beraby cTa to- all pr kona ImliWfxi to tb. eatate of the a id llaabetb O, Kobcrte, to maVe Imn dl- ata MTmeoi and aou.VumMit; and all pr filit having vltimt af-alntt tald . ast. will pteaont tbam tor ymn oa Or fnrihat7tKilayof Jaae, 1904. or IM ...Hns will be pk4 bar of tfr re Ouvefy. . -AJ0LFIIU3 ROr-nTS,' t ' '. A'nslaUtrt..r, e.t.B. ' thlM VAM day of Jane, liML fiXTtiMIcr.ticri' ct fscs Jtortk CatoIIna, )?a lLa f (' -.'t Carolina, ) ?a l!-a t (' -. . Coanty. J f (J.8.G, . Oravta 0. J. V.'Cnr'.hy,' 4 '-n. t J'.. 1, bar t- t, I . - k : :..vt ,! f : .-r U- 1. 1 a;. 1. . a- l! A, .Lit ,t if !t It lj ;j to t ' ' t f r. I t'" f 1 ! '' Vv3 k! . . . lluiig fl.Tys nfU'r t:.y isore s of wild elophiiuts trrr; 1 1 - 1 a' ml. gal ip i n. ) eat Li 1 '1 a ... alert, i ...... i a caress and stnd still until the plucky fT 5i at' b") a rope aiuiJ the leg of tii9'auiaial La wishes to cap ture. - - , - . . "In our own country I have seen many men who can creop -to a trout Stream and, gently prs tholr banda T?An a -- Xe? tr. y they ruh its 1 1 it-it out lie Quite tUl iiuul, with a sudden jerk,, it la landed on the bank. ' , , . vv fl have also seen' professional rat catchers put ther fcn5s, palm upward, baore a rat hole when the ferrets were driving them.- -As -a rat ran out' It would sit still for a moment on the rat f&ULu a LauJL Ihen with Us other he Would stroke It delicately, and in three times out of Jour he would manage to Jife the rat without alarming it and drop it Into nis bag. - I have even known a man who could bandle the salt water- blue crab, the, tnoat belligerent and -vindictive crea ture in the sea." .-'V .' A. little story Is told of that great. good man Bishop Phillips Brooks that to worth passing along. ue araisit ing at a friend's bouse and holding a little daughters tne jamiiy on nis knee; After awhile she looked up Into his face and said, "Bishop Brooks, you miffht tm soe tnv dollle., - .n . t sFor a moment be said nothing: , hat simple apeecb seemed to set him to thinklnflt. Then ne asswerea siowiy: . I-ouirht-ta tee --your floine: WelL If I oudrht, I must; anq I win," - Three great words linked togetner Dy wnsoIenee-H-1 Pl'iin of duty; toy t wrarl. ;. V-4-'.V" - r xv,r TVaatcd ABOtb.r Boot, - ' ' ESW'ood, aged four,, had stepped ipto n enndy s toro to talk to tbe gh'l behind be-counter, ,.;V. bat is your name?', be asked. .- - ' ! "Mary nowe," waa tbe answer, "and If rou will jemember It I'll give you a .candy boot tor your doll. .-After talk ing a few minutes girl- asuea, What it my garner ,-V r - "UDrr Hava." he Said.- V That ls rigb n. bera'la the boot for your doXL" ' " - J" t Thana y.ou.", saw iii?soou awev-njr. And then, after' aMnomeut'e -thought, added, ,But my doll bas two feet,". . - -.-" A."s-. ' TTm-r "Herrtnirton.-sotlf orxaaWes Austin perrlngton it Chicago, U one of the youngest pilots on tne great laaea, He is twelve yeara old ana uunng last summer atood at the wneet 01 ue tier vey vWatawa, which runs as a -ferry from Macatawt rark to Ottawa ueaca lie la hardly big enough to look over tha wheel that be turns,, AJ though the boat during tbe summer carried more than 200,000 passengers, tbe boy ntver nad an accident : He takes bis boat alongside the dock 'with the skill of a yeteran. rm & -v ' , Ha rvoala. ; ' Two UtHe fall Hows of seven and elgbt years h jrd .1U, people apeaklng of skeletons, aaya Llnylucotf s Magaalne. The seveo-year-old boy listened Intent ly to tbe conversation, Wben the cider .hoy, -with an nir of superior uowj- adge.sali abm tiy; 1 "Xo '-n ki ow - bat r.cloton is, .nil I A - - . - E0 do I" replied tin youngeR "I do know. I know for certain, I Cor . mi, what la ltT" , . "its oonas witn xne peoyis vu-i ' Bta rirat Onflam. . I ' nvaa Iht Itat dar of aoaool, aAoV Th. . ot'Mlaa iMMa nu solos V oaaa tmA tha platform a Daaca. . a ' , - . ' tB another had cartful la- Uughf him . . each word v.- - ' ., Aa4 ftttaan or twenty rabearanla had fcrd. . " . .. . - Baartnnins. Daaf laachof, ao hlM an4 tt pltaftrit, - It told i.f -.$ tvjtwlart btS bought btf a - jpr4ewaatf tv' V ' - "" ""' Tka threa wara loos, but ThaophOut S ntw tltsra, ' And backward, be Watad, waa' aura "tmild go IhrotMTlj fhort. - ' - He'd lrr.4 v baaj I; U w t..l tl.O J" i ;n t' 1 f; " " - It gavmt after aaytas, "Thla tokeq ra- Cl'" ' TbeM. tamllng tha boa, he would grraoe- . fulir go To y--- a t' vrn f Jrt Hit beat ' I -.4 stand In a pulpit and fm h," Ao though I to blmaalt frtmd Thl'.'Iua . JJeawsh. ' . But h It waa lime for tha tW kmd t- - ka-t t r Thw-tl- So tiir .. 1.. l.fath a4 e ei.aky 1 ' k fi 'in, JH , - . ,! -e -"- ' y tt t a ii't- i . d !y If he a-d t- 1 ll-: t i. t a. iif .a r rttns, i 1 i s t 1 f A. 1 . . ; '.t ,!? li s . -e t t J ' 1 ' 1 A ! 1: ! ' I., r. v., 1 j iv i o..t of a Pi'u. .p ft Cui.tir . X. II. l At Jhe ires'tit time pg iron is prt- Ck-vJ la Ue UnSU'J gtatos at the rate of nearly 21,000,000 -tons a year. - ;- - The British post office department bandied last year nluety-two pieces of mall uiatffer per capita of population, while the United States post office han- dlwl 1'jT pieces peg capita...:?:--. : 1st the Tamarack copper mine' a plumb luie 4,250 feet long of piano wire was recently lowered from the jmaft mouth. .'It took' tlkirty minutes to drop and is probably the longest plumb line ever used.- Zl - - u A Portsmouth (N. EC.) man bas a gold fish that will take food from bis hand. He will hold some dainty in his fingers Just above the surface of the water to the globe, and the jBsh wilLlnYarlably come up and take Jt- ' " -- - A" letter was received at the agricul tural department the other day asking for .twosioads-of . "furtcllisser,"- The writer, having 'received seeds from Jt paternal government, was anxious to get whatever else waa coming to mm. ; After tbe unveiling of the Sherman statue-in Washington in October-the dragon guaiMPd studio of Rohl-Smith, tbe sculptor which bas stood near tbe Bite of 'the , proposed monument for more-than five yeara, will be tors down. " i ' Trtokjr Cynarotte. 'Perhaps nothing is more uncertain In tbe line of accidents than dyna mite," saldVa dealer lm the dangerous! staff.' VYou might5 drop a cartridge out of your band, and.tt would explode and. tear your body to atoms. Another cartridge- taken out of, the same ase might be burled from the-top of a tall building and ft ould land on tbe' pave? nient UHe so miicb barmlesswax,;' to. heavy trucks And to ie cxplooea ynia tire of a bicycle." c,c. i - 'V aa C Beautiful vThbughts 'the aa-nt, (wrre lirrjatltof the babe I " mtlvtof iHUtiwiicrttud liaalth. SHnectiu dren are Igrll nm (Jelloet. t tbamodeat Power, noinTar. lUtmf anil bright, aoine art frnll aitd nli'lf y.v ... ... .. , ,r-- A inuther'i venmrng for children It Inaap arable from a Uiveot tha beautiyuVana It benoovra every woman to brina the awaet ant Influence to boar on, tha auojectef her tnMerpHy. ' .- . ' s- - To make eaiy that perloa "when Ufe It barn agalOM immmmmmmmmm IMothers Friend It pntwlarirtii' ftit I ilnlitiaot. eaajly admlolM, red and lorejumal ua only.'" No rl.k, no eiporiaant, marely a pala ralismr aad bannlcaa. - : ' . . Pregnant women r eameatly etttreatad ta try thlramedr, It bolr nndenlably a friend to ber during nature't tana of ana penae, tear and anticipation, Mothar'a rrland. If need dHUrerrtly throughout getutloa, will aoften the In-mat, therohvnrevontlnK craclied and eora nlrrplea. A.u uaaaei with the t All tlaaaeai tUMtcle and Undone etrsinlng t buroen wiu aoncn. max, nacona entwla aad alaatlc um It bohUm- tnoUiad,e aed applit All nim In tbe aMonrfnal mrloa wra ra- nucatlaaa .. .. - ..: - In tha embryo If r)Iothr'a Friend I ad upletwed externally all daring amcnaucr All rell.We dracauu aau uua irenadr 1st ArealU ierrtM treaclae aa motHarrjaod will be nt froo, If yon write u. . TtiE BKAUriCLD RIGUUTOR C0 ,:-4 ... "Atta.taVOaW ' - Adralnistratora Notice ' Htvlrfthli day onalified at adotl&li trator of tbt ettaW ot JUarglaoa Blount, deceased, all pertont baring claim Kgaistt tald rttate are reqaetted to pre sent the ma to the oadertiined Jor rttyment on or before tbe i'dh day of Jnn 1901, or tbla solloa will be plctded la bar ot their recovery. All rertoat la. debted to- ttld atltta wCI pleat mtk Immediate oarment . i-Tbl Mn day of Jaa 1VXI. . . , t- a. j. McCarthy. , ' AdmlnlttVttOr of Mtraltna llloont, f5- Orated . ' tr - f-Cjt for Young Collese Couiei Wome-aQ CoT",rvt t .mC "Ce n iVtuaiirt I tax I "t riac aiirtat. Jia.r:nIJ." Daughter ris Teachers Wanted, . We tirril at once a few mora Tttxbtr , Fall r i i.'a. i.i-. I r.u"'- r t are lx!rf f. f I In- mot f fa f . : -v ' '. "J fi . for r .. tlUi.tA -."y tr ft. V tt ik!' !!.' j " "- r f ;s ;. i .:. I ff'l (jf t i'rAt :m a trr t- . a ; : . f i, n h, LI CUTIU , P.. Vu J.l : t list. : I i a E v al aWk w-e. rruitidi m w r- - AT w .... t kln Diseases. - . 'v- SweUlngrS, Carbuncles, Tiuiplpa, Scrofula Imminently cored by taklne BoUnle Blood Balm. Aestrayi the act'T Foiwa la toa blood. Ifyot Aar ache tnA p&ii. ta nonet. Sack ami lomtt. Itching Soabb Skin, Blood tecli hot or thin, Swollen Glamte tiings and Bomnt.on tha SUa, Uneaa ratehat la llootn, Sora Throat, Fimplet, or oSuiflTt truptloDt, Copper-Colond Spou or rub on esin, all raiHtows, cr aerroot, Clem oa any part ol tb body, JJalr or Eyo browi falling ont,Cronncle or BotU,Vak --, , r Botanlo Blood Balm, guaranteed toooreeren the wont and moat deep-Mated caw won doctors, patent medicine, and hot iprlncataU. Bealt all torsi, rtop aUacbannd paint, redncwall mUlnct, roakel Mood para and rich, oompletely changing too ontln body Into a data, boalthy condition. B. B. B. hucm-MtboottndaofcateioI Blood MltonercaatM reaching tbe laat tafef, .-L w - - Old Rnomaatltm, Catarrh, Eeaema- ; ' art caused by aa twin! polaoned condition of tha Blood. B. B. H. ttopt BawUng and Spitting, Itchlna and Scratching. Aohet andPalnt enret Bbmaiatlani, Catarrh; heal all Seabt, Scalea, Krapttont, Watery SUitert, foul festering Sorea of Ecsamat by glylng s Bora, btaUbr blood topply to t fleeted part, , t . - cancer cured . , " ' Botanlo Blood Balm Caret Cancers Of tU Kindt, Suppurating SwalUngt, Eating Sorea, Tmnora, ngly Cloen. It klllt the Cancer t oitoa and baala tne tore or wont eanoer parteeUy. If yon bars a peniatent Bmple, Wart, Bwelllnet, Bhootliu;,' Banging Palna, take Blood Balm and they Trill dlaapaen before they develop Into Cancer, llwy apparently oopeleu eatat of eanoer oared by t&Hng Botanlo Blood Balm. . ' , . uttt UHAitANXEE. r n largo battle rr A, of any aimfet talM ip directed, llotanlo -luud Jum (ll.tl.li,) at wave cure when the rln-ht auuntltv la tukoii. lr not enrea.yoMr monoy,rua fnrWIM. : Pnra Botanlo Ingredients,' Strengthen a Anil VMk .tivmunha. .uip.a riT.ntfn.l. .Complete dlnsctlona go with each bottle Sample weak kidneya an writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Oa. Seacrlbeyow or ii.i!.Bt FanpMet lent Vreo by iiimi auu epwai inw ineiuuw auvuav w auifc yw. rntrtWtvr. Notice to Appear, elc, and of Us Pendens. f. hORTH CAROLINA. ) - lnthe' urayen uounty. ibupenor uonn ";' - . ' Fall Term, 1903 - - 8moel W Bmallood - 4 V'V , " -r-, Clara Jerome - - To Clara Jerome, defendant. 4 J- TAKE NOTICE. This It an action wherein the above named Bamuel W Smallwood Is plaintiff, and raid Clara Jerome Is defendant, that tbe purpose of tald action 1 to compel be defendant' to execute a good and afDclent deed to he plaintiff for the iraci oi una tuuaien in sain uraven . a t . .l . Jl " . t art . Ooaatyv known ? as. tba Rook ; Spring Lodge tract, and the mules, furniture and other personal property utuated on aid land and used there with. Sild land belne tha tame which belonged to CO Jerome at the time of hit death and waa devised by tbe will of said C O Jerome to the defendant. The defendant will lake notice that the is : required to ap pear at tne term ot tarn court to be aeia In New Bern on the 4th Monday after tbe )(t Monday In September 1908, and answer or demur to tne eompiatnc, ins defendant is further notified tbat.a no tice of lit pendens of this action has been duly filed la the" offloe of tbe. Clerk of saw aourt, . - -- - ' This 8d day of JorelUOn. -. , , W.M.WATBOH. Clerk Sopeilor Court of Craven eonnty, Hortb Carolina, -f f . Sheriffs TaxLeyy -1 ':..,' , TAKE HOTlCEi " That by rlrtut of the tat list of Craven county la my bands for collection for the year 190 and la default of payment according to the provisions et the exit V tng law. I bays levied oa thr laoda of the following named pertous, end will tell the isms at tha Court uoossdoor la New Bom oa" Mooday the Wtbof AflgrutltOS ioM'.Ufy tald Tarn an ootu oa tbe same, . t' f ;;: ; Jlo. 1 TowntWp, " y- Dinklna, Edraoad, btlrs bf BF . Dinklas, agent, 103 acres,. TU By Neok, 1ax aad eott 87 Warreo, J R M, Gtrrla lead 881 -4T8 Warren, Lswtt, belrtvO t Dlaklns . agsnt, too a, V organ 6wsap ' ... ' No..: . .j ' Botl, C'oero,-8J acres, orgB , . 'Swamp -;- 'v.: ; BInptca Btmsi 1, 1) acres. Dear - 0 aaeb . . . ' - 811 Eherxaa, Nat, 13 a, Flat Swamp r 111 Tanttall, ba!r B H Ilolton. sgfnt , 100 a, Lotk Ntvk WatliT W,8ta,Mud !y Braacb Willis, Jao 60 a, Chtrles .. - 'f " Ko.8. CoI.LMVIi, TbrallCMklfll farra ' -. L'ct.b, J A B, SlOt.roreC'fTfk IIUi, J D, 110 a, fort ( reek Ko. . " OjiUw, Wfa n. 4 a, iJtr.j CTu r-o. i. r.:n..u, bo, t lot inowsviHs ii- 'M, T':!,-Vr;!, t Vt Orift- 8 09 in S3 1403 8 7 . 1 t-t, V-t t!.. ',,"1 a ! 1 i ,!.'a la. i 7. 1 . a ! n ! , t l."i ' 7r7..-ti ' m KAfAtlf tllllAA TtfLlTiA rTt ft Tt fit PTeamntandaafatotnlrA. Thomnirhlvteateil Oomuoeed ol a a 1 lit, i. W, Wt-rrrnf tt 'hc 1st O(rmoe. tw pawkAe o wt Li .Tii s ;n A- 1 wot4ef bow w hv rU6d hu4M wiuukji it. Tlttbr Auy ksvdj to His ourt Aenttta ft package a 4 U cam 1 1 ncsrt wjortons) time ; oar btUM srua la ftMiifKn ootiditiODi hi boMU hsvl Ivwii in bnrf octitioa tor dsvr. sinrt i tuhtnf tha wo trnra di1 nj yaodt Um stmrtA dosM ol TEETH1NA nvt peT4ctwlinf Bi d b hast sa saO rurUM wnMUM. OUUT sftsWibrt U kkt Isvmilf saassd M sMftA aMasrj fayj kaan a parlect snoiiwsVi - - , ;.--. : ' '" -i. ,. " - ; - - ' ?, Trcchct's Colchicine Salicylate, t (ipsuley. A standard snd infallible cure for RHEUMATISM and GOUTy endorsed by the highest medical authorities of Europe and -America Dispensed only In spherical-capsules, which, dis solve in liquids ot the- stomach without causing Irritation or disagreeable symptoms. ;,i Price,- $1' per ' bottla, . Sold by V druggists. Be sure and get the genuine. ' - r '-" - 1 iVlAJJAMS SCFCa. CO.,, ClXTBLJUfD,. OHIO, aWle rroaa." -f:. . , .SOLD BY 15, 8 DOFFT K: - .' . I wCLCiiCir 1 ISAUCYUUj h aa"f r A Good Telephone SSRVTCX IB A BU8IMKBB NECESSITY, A HOMK CONVENIENCE. A COM BINEJ XecetJty, jraaaawataa (.... Order rout Pboiw at Qn4 Very Low Rates ANNOUNCED, S Very low-rates are, announced via Southern Railway from points on its lines for the following special occasions: KN0XYlLLf5, TENN.-Summer School June 83-Joly 81, 1908. . - ;- MONTE.AGLB, TBNN, Bible Befool, July lAnroit80,l0s v i 8 AN I- FRANCISCO, GAL-rNatloaal Encampment tt- A. . Augaai ij-ks. TUSKEQEB, ALA. Butamer School, June SBVAOgust 7f 1W. Rates for tbe above oooaabat open to tha tmblbs.' r-.. ' "W Tickets will De sold to taeas poutu from all stations on Bonthsra ruuway. i Detailed Information oaa be bad upon sppllcatloa to say Ticket Agent of the Southern Railway, or Agents of ooaneot ing lines, or by addressing: tbe under- llgued,'. : 'f . f-y-.'"-' ' -l ' S. H. HARDWIOta. :i . Waabingtoa, D. a TO THE Qlortoua Mountaloa of Waatern , Nortsi Carolina -' ' .. tub . . Southern Raftwty Invites the attention of all Bealla ot Pleasure seekers, . THE TOURIST opened Janel, 1908, "and oa that date tew-late tanner Eieanlea Tickets went oa sale from prtadpal points la USe South and Boalhaaat,U the aotsd resorts located on and reached by BooLaers Kail way. Tlekait oo aals Bp toand laoludlng rkpvembat 80, laXJS, for mars. The Und e4 the Sky11 ; - .Ao-";,.r.-- r5trpairi Cwttatry." Atbrrl'la, R. C , aad Eat SprlacM. C. offer avert aUreoUoe to tbe SastBSt - Travsler Of Isyalld. ., The Eatl Teaaetate ai Ytrftata Veorti v slao offer nssy l.dscatawSU fee ' . Haalih aad. r.taaare. . ' Atk aa rVtmbera Babway Itaa for Samratr IIoomm f elder, AtaartptlTe of tka ai toy Dellfhiful RasorU ... reached by bouiaam , '. ,. Railway. . .S.n.BiBDrTl'ck, ' o.r.A. . . ; win t"-"' a ta ' -Me at Cara. S 01 , ' . t . mi. 6 '4!t at apre ', . net OSarS i 8 fi T, .'' , rraa. . I'. , fca,T. Tree 'I., t, ,... a. k la. ... SCI ! ' f n: r- J 841 int. . j ; jj j-. t t; r'xmirt,t.o, . 9 7'. l-i a t! ' ' "--- . . . ' tall' t- r . - - M W ta aw' writes!) Kftfiocl ftrtd fllti MiiUior wkich maau man nas aa-WtafTOatJ A. & N. C. R. 1. TtXl TABLI VO. 80 To Take Effect Eunday, June 7, 1908 , at 5:00 A. M., E.8.T. Going Bast Bohkdtjli: Qofog West ! no. 8 Passenger Trains No. 4 1 ftilflr : . ua. T. p m statiohsi Ar, am 8 80.. . ..... . , Goldsboro. 11 06 B 09. ......... LGrang. io 88 428...... ...Kinston. 1019 o i.ax. new Bern. Lv, 90 060... ...Lr. Ar...... 887 7 18. . . . Ar. Korehead city Lv 7 05 No. 5. I No. 6. Passenger I btatiosbi 1 Passenger iraia -Train. DAItil. . L'.A, M. Ar'p.M 800 .Goldsboro.. 8 80 e io... .jjou's.. ,. o 8 80. .LeGrauge.... 7 67 8 87 Falling Oreek 7 47 848... ........Kinston.. 787 903 ......Caswell 786 918, Dover ...717 9 80. .Core Creek. 7 00 960...... ...Tuaoarora 6 60 8 84 .....Olarks.. 841 10 10...... Ar. New Bem.Lv. 6 10 80..,. Lv. New Bern Ar...... 618 iuu.........,Kiveraaie 647 1048,,;........0roatBa.. 6 48 10 56. Havelock 6 86 1108 Newport 681 H 14 Wildwood 516 1140.. ..Ar. Morebead OitvLv.... 440 - r. k. FREIGHT. DAILY ESI EPT SUNDAY No.1, INo.8. SdOlaaa. SUNDAY 3d Class LT,aa : Ar, p m 6 IS...... ..OoldsborOi, 800 5 46 ...Best's 818 oil ..Laorasge 4. 9 08 G17........FaJllM cwek,. 188 7 83... ..(.M,,KinstOB., ....... .1918 7 40.. ..........oatwaD... 1901 800 .Dover.. 1101 9 40. Oora craek. 1048 10 10. ......... Tuaxjarota, 10 10 106),. Clark's 9 64 It W..,...Ar. New Berw, ...,., 9 80 II .,.,.. Lr. Ntv Bern Ar...... 816 lll.,...,....Kivstlas.,... 7 40 180., aroataa..., 788 140.. ....... Havaloek 710 800... ...... NtJW1MaTt.LT 8 8t o,,,.,.,,,.-Tvuawood en 8 18. .......... Atlaatio 808 168 ..Ar.aljrehtdty.Lv..... 8 60 tOO ..Ar.sLtfty Depot. Lr 800 r.n. . .. ' . i,m, : - 8.L. DILL. & A. RXWLAKD, - Gaal SupU Master TmagrxiTtarOii. Bale of; ValuaWo City ' PurWat to' tbe powers la tbe two SaortnLfes exeotited to Robert Q Motley by Joke Warrea and Vary Warns, his wire, l will tell at toe door of One Uout noose of Craves oosaty la the Oily ol New Ben, N C at traUlo aaotloa ea Monday tbe Srd day of Aagoat A D 1908 a 11 oeloog, nJd-day. Taal oertaa lot or paroai ot I ana sitasted ta the said City of Haw Beta ow tbe sonherti aide of Hew Front' street. Betiaalsf at a polatoo tbe" pnrth side ot said street frrrty-ose sad a aatf feet 41 fe) frota the eoraer store at Iht bta reaction of New Boath Front street sad 8prts BL. raat Inane aortbwerdly aad panUai with Hprrrif at raat oes k sad red aad sty e faaa and three laches 107 ft I Is ) U us tack ftaa or the lot, taeaos watf waidly aad parallel wltb tbe said New Rooik Frost street, twresty-etis sad a kail fee (71 J fi) to Odea s Use, IttMOS soikwirClr and 'pasllti with PBrlat ttrwtt ewe (tra ana ssvea retaaae tkraa (ache. (107 ft 8 Is) to NW Booth yrnal Uratt. tbasos ttattwardly ajosf a!d etrae aareatr-oM sad a ball faaA (7l ft.) la the beftaalsc aeltr fart si the lot kaowa la tka plea of said Lily as V tiehtf two ktrndratl aad Ihtrtv-fve n?Z) aad eoavarad to t!d Jobs Wtrras, sr, by Joba V arras, JrM aad wife by daetd record i a CrtTsa OOWBtf U BOO! 101, ioium k sea iim. ' - v : . Termt f itla, l ata. ' HAIIT JA5X V0TZ, 1 tieptrli of TUibert a gtotley, Tilt litf day efjsasll j : tWatsweaBaMa ' TM'rs IVs tt Crtres Coasty, K. C, ,T .'' all here yi'raa U.t (14) fo8N t"a t'ltr't n-": ' r t -13'. ir 5' ' at?', t' "t if H ! 1 ' i i n't r-i' r f l Y-',tiiU ef the j fr bnn V-4 T SrB 1 f -t'lll s . 5 'ft 18.V V Ths folio wing ordinal adopted aad ordered out::. days, by the board ef alder.. meeUng on July 22nd, 19)?; - i'j .HACKS, . That no license shall fetus to an . Be hack or transfer to be, used for carriage of passengers upon the it. ot jhe dty aatU alter the earrlsge, he and harnoaa, ahaU ba koeo; Inspects and o oarriage, horse aor harness hs be afe4 In tba carriage of t asseagers f . hlrenpoBtae streets of; the city, tn' license Is so iasnad. That ltoense thf. ' be Issued monthl t . , ,? That the Mayor, Chief ot Poller a-' Tajsi'olleetor, shall constitute Board 0 inspectors, and ant two, e them shal. be competent to set for ths Boards. , That no carrlasre or vehicle shall- be lteansed by said Board unlets the same shall be clean, neat, strobgand safe, and the said Board of Inspectors upon licens ing a vehicle shall rate It, as 1 to number or passenger that may be carried there on and la this connection shall take ln to consideration the. horse rt horses licensed to draw the same, j That at the time of the Itcensf nFot t' vehicle the horse or horses and b? " to be used therewith shall be W, and no license shall issue unless tht speotore find the horse able, safe and t such condition as to present a sighL appearance and the harness to be. use. therewith shall also be strong, safe and Ighfty That ejery person who shall UBe for the purpose pf carrying passenger the streets for hire, say , vehicle which shall not have been ?cea,d fo said use togetaer witn tae horse apd animals used therewith shall pay a fine of $20.00- aad each month's use shall sonstltute a separ ate offease. . s . That every licensed vehicle shall be In charge of a driver not less tbaa eighteen (18) years of sge, and every driver of such vehicle who shall carry more pas-' sengers than his license allows shall be fined for each extra passenger $1.00 f. ',. And every owner of a Uoensed; vehicle who allows the same to be used for : con- veying passengers by s driver less than eighteen (18) years, old, shall be fined. . Fire dollars, and each day shall be a sep,' srate offease. - ,' ?w. BATHING IN RIVERS. No person not clothed in a proper . bathing suit shall be allowed to, bathe during the day time in Neuse river south of the Oil Mill Wharf aor la Trent river east of the mouth ot Lswsons Creek, nor , la Lawsons Greek east of End street. Any person violating this, section shall -be fined $a.00 or Imprisoned tea. (10) days. , j a ; STEAM WHISTLES. ,'..V That no Bteara whistle In the city ot J New Bern, bob of a steam boat moored y to a whsrf In the city or at snchor wttlvi In a mile of the city limits shall be blown . or sounded at night time, between tbe hoars of 10 o'clock p. uu .and - laarlse, except In oase of fire, and ao steam boat " or railway engine shall to sound., the 7 whistle of the same la or within a' mile ot the city limits, except at required foe drawbridge signals and as "required! by the regulations for navigation and oper ation a provided by Uw.A And each, person violating thlsord!nsnee shall ', bo fined Twenty doHsrs. STREET FOREMAN. The street aad pompe eommUwv shall appolBtoreman of street hands who ahatt bold bis posltlOB at the pleas are of the Board end subject ta - the re avoval as provided for polloamen The said fotemaa shall under the dlrecUoa of the said ooaualttes employ such handv as nay be aeoesisry, sad shall have snthortty to alscbarirt these U bta dli erettoa. " '.-;;.-, GATES. '. .: 1 ' No persons shall sacroaca .upoa the stragfts bw aractlne anr olatzav mrcb stoop, pellag, feaoe, cabaaey or . other ebettaoUoa. Aad ao gate shall hereaf . Isrbehnagsoutobe rtqalred loopea oross lbs tidswaUr. Where gates sre aow baaf so at to opaa scrou the sidewalk they easy be silo wed to re. staia anui.ueyjarB reqairaa kj m knag.' : Thai the aaeapant of any pre.a Isse ia the dty, havtsg a gate openln,,' poa the st4waik who allows tbe same to staad opea across, tbe ftdwaUt ei espt dortag tbe paasage tbroagh U. a ... . . a . m. gala, Shall be lied tt,C: for each, of fease.1 That say psrsot be skall leave a gtie staadlag opea across a sidewalk sbaJlbe fled tlirfof sack offease. Tktt wader this crdisaaos 'each day's vtolatloa shall ooasUtsta a sfoarau of feaae. . i t Ko teraoa aball rid.: assycle poa the streets or sldraiakt of tbe city sitar dark except, with a l!-bttd lea fcarn tUrplsyUig a'saiSciaal tlgaal Ikht," - i v . a. Fvery blrycle atd oa tbe eliy Streets iaU be p'r? w'sb a rv bora, an t et'-y ruler I ' ra e say strati an! bufora tart. Tt ?f aer snd er,"n B-K!ng ant. v. r i thai aonnl I t t J Ot wl!t.t I 0 Civ. wrn!r,7. rfo rr-.a tatll r!'a s I er"n the t atft'-tr"p t! at fB t' re it 1 of i . :ti r i r Q a vrt i a iir'.t t . i ! be -1 r'' rt T ' ,! I, mt I' . as S ' t r l' - l. i ' i , I ' s I i r (. tr. - s a i u'ollii i. 1 ; ct . ' I" 'i :. raj nrm ' 'It" ! t t v.t t ii ir t ';ta . tiat

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