Of i .Ut4 ; I - S e i .'CM ...wtl In nofi :u.). t. f ( I 1 n, ekes i: v Ssi. "1 r; JVc- "sD" c'-nJC' -r a incsl Co ' It Oj iu.a,J lorj 1,3 nor 1 ox llAac OTXC ks .-v"w . a- i ' ....... . ' .. . - - wr , ' ; ., -t.. 2 fclftr - . C -Will Aperiecl Remedy for Consl"p3-s Hon, Sour Stomach, Ciarrhu.? J Wfarms.ConvulsioiisJeveris ness and JLc s 3 or tZZ. ' facsimile Signature Of . V 't GfOC22Tr 1 r Pegs to call tha attention -of the uouseketrff to bf Fine and; - Complete Stock of' r ; 'V-' W.rt a, ;1 J 2J . Every Bteamer ks.ringing ia gome jaolScacj to Le idled to P . r : - . . t- . jt N li M nr vinir i,nuiH ih ; '' ZZ receive careful attention : tod a PROMPT DEMVERY,y " - f ."t : All (ttdenr aniail or.'lar'vfll.t)e kpeoiaed. -f j ; Vi MlMlttllltttlllMllfiiiMtpiiii.) m i:;ivEnsin ccllece OF T.ECICUJE, tDICmt-BmiSTIIt-HRCT.' First -Class BTkNOAHD, ' ' I CLINIC. ' ' Cxecutrlx Notice. 7 t . . AU proni bTlo o!lmt (?lnt lh irr 0. ed to 1 '.Hi htntf BoUfii to r irMcnt tbfun for eol- lactloa on, or be for tbe 28 ib diy of Jnlf . 1904 or Uilt boIIo wlU ta pled4 In tb bar of ibelr woowrr, 'v " , -.-v -JuiiY a onoN, .'.July 88ih 10(13. Atitm for Town 'tar . T PEACE . for Your Daajbter , BcElsou.Tcicrhor.i Tw'J ! Th followls T,ll JUtM w!'JrUl. AyJm . SOo UulftoB ' 6V lWTi!tn '. Trio, U.n!'')ftrr - i Iturr.ioi-'ptlngif, i s y,n city t lUjrllnetfui Kio ?,bti:! 4" Jloafr k, , &hj Nrpt,f v 'hjt City if..j ' ' t (Mtk?i:!4l ! 0J 1'ijrntoutli : 4 w t'hrl UiU , f !:!. 1 tv !orhrt H"x5 l!o k y Jilniio 4 -EnflriiJ Pr. t;,n J yrtukllntoB . ti. ij . v Ooi.Uhoro hTi'a.'rM ()rrnforo f fr-r t i j : . f Ci'rrrrV'.Q r I '- Z'k 7 -.r-. : '"9 1 , . i ' f ItitW." I .'.( 1 '-rrnto'i !"rn!rroa " 1 f. .r ",". n Il'kh I'olnl' , V. . a Kinalon ."! w V. !i... I',: .. f. CTOFl L! '.! A ' - - f I . 1 , I - '7 (I I. r" I , L .i i J P 1, - I CI . . I ' - t m S .. : For. 37oi:r Thirty "oar G -Ni -- -s, sr a - thi ocktauh OUMNT. VOSW rw. S-i Himinri. w tmr .inpra .will ', rth r ' li ' t m ' , toe t-v- l 11 TV ' ' Putlicaticn bT Cum-j .' mons. . t . ..... .. j . N0IIT1I CAROLINA, I - Vlitb i : Cmtu Coojtt 1 8uprlof Conh. . j j- Miry J"-, urd ,Mrooilea i I - ? . , .. . ' ' I i ' i ' ; Cb ' i T. Wooticb. j Tie (Jc'or, t.'oTtBtmol !IItlU fcOlit U.t i i .'.' n::.:. J lx Iim bMii r . 1 la "'ipcrlpf Coort of n-. a r 'jr to of' orf from .! n : t ftu.l IL cufj dtv feadnt t,l 1 -r;l. r t e o. ', ! a lint l U re -.'.ins 1 1 -.r tii . i..' terra cf Hotn. ,.,r I rt f rif I l.nr' , tot bid OB !! a f i T C. f Or! ! r 1903 t Court 1 not . 1 C .lnirl New Ikrn, N f:, 1 nfr r,r . unit to lb compUtol la 1 m.i!. .a ,t t;. pU' i til SU ir- 'r ti ' ( (Vina Jnf tc.tf ThU; .t f - r Wn'1! In r .Int. 1 X . . WATTon ! Clerk .f thfi : jpcri.ir Court, i TotifO C;:rr-;cr., ."OTtTH A I;i ) I.I ."'A. Ct Urn;: ' j. f if - v ' I ;:. r , Tl 4 J' 'rnltf.l ' HI r " - tint an . i a, , la I --a y. ! : . ' i. t l f'r? n . r. , , "'' ''.' ' ) r '!" '! '!, 1 a -.'aUWm.U : ' t -il'ai.a U t a rt i" 1 1 r: -. f I'll '. .. ;..! i S ' -'t f ' '. alt n . -lLa ..' i ; : "V.t t.f L. ",!,, tV l, ; r !..!;, dial 4 . ...o s... .a find it !a a. Dr Eolia-d II - 1 ...1 ;.iug tiie worm bore rurr.l f 3 uoliVijry Jsed la the State." B' 3 t" 1 ; un'.rf Te; routes Viv a t A nV ' j C t!"ir- r -.mr l f : nell has been a: 1 la Eni'.tcouiity for vio lating tl e TTatt'i Jnw. T!-fs is the .first trrest the Gt at a L-i- uiaie so far a known. ' ' , ; - '--5-:'Xv:; :.;' The Lui t Eur ' or ofTablaTftlk, (PhUtdolphla), 1b received and as osutl gives the beet Information tohouse-J keepois on all tututers pertainiDg to the t , ' " ' f :." 0 , chok ing and serving, etc., etc. - Sample copies will be ennt f re to all who request.., ' Education for tfcc Country Boy. ybOT-e ednRtlon and training are ap pl..it 'b 1 i, t or- you f d the hlghd he 36 1 lyi lof rien.and .he hart-'v-' v-plef'".;:.' ' ,;- ; -: , I.vu we realize the farm b oy needs ed ncatlonlntheiamway as his brother, who Is to be a lawyer or doctor, we will nr ier -r -uc ""ci t ol ucveuful farm" lr i. li - jU( ;e sur at'in I "on! i gUe tl.4 f-.r; young .arcuis, It Is to attend an agrlcaltaral college for the training It r "! r'""- - !t In Ws work,. training 4 r-i Lope, luipiratlon, success. ': v'vj"'? - And eTery boy tas an opporunIty to get an edncaUoa.' The' eSori- of the 8tste Is to help Joan mi-n make enccess of agriculture.. Young ruen Of the farm I want you to think of this, I, too was a farm boy, I. kaoW your -ihoughts; ' 1 know how you feel and how earnest you are; and so I beg you to grasp the oppor- tunity to got an edacatloq. : Now la , the time to do 5U jTha Agricultural land Mechanical College was established to W jrt;w It, fcr It Isjocra.'jlf' you waut to koow more about the courses of staily, tLe cost, scholarships and oppor--uluu fur suit support, write he pro sor of Agriculture, Chss. W Burkett, :.ai, N. C, at once for fall partlcn lars. .r;.;- : . :: . :. ,. ' rtry Aw-ep-Miim Cuttor, there la v. i-thinar. X'tc tirca trj-li.g-ior three Imnra to ay to you. Cawn't yon aw tt - fiiMlWbatltUil1 liu, CutffT fitil lo yen mt nn'tTO ,'. Mr Btraui.fi I'va b;n thinking of " Li. Eit AIlToaV'snU reraont Iroul.ird with In ' tottlon or pf ; '-' r t t t '.o : " ; r. , ..a w,.a ' a, r'-'.'nt.on, !'. a nf '1 rf t' ! : tO l i t.f r . : f t : -h. : ' i ? - r -, - y -4 If t' " . ! t t'.a re- a ml f 1 1' "J. r r if t " , ! v 'i .it 1 ; n v."::' s i ' i ! ; I : ' , s Lo i ( i.,.. :. ?- . ( ) v : iv." ., : .; (. Mi't l.ave t.) f to Wei'l; . . e J i't." t.;-!.;l.n J .'.e pu... '. tl n't? V.'bct vnr!-ty of bte is -. ..t's wimt tlit-y cnllj' o husking . -lie won't have anything to do 11 m .vt fall," Judge. '. Felt Like a Boy. " ,' It makes me feel like a boy again to tt Into the country," said the enthnsl a.itlc citizen, , v ,. "Yes," answered Mr. SiriuS Barker. I went to a picnic the other day, I wetit rowing and blistered my hands, went swimming and fell Into the yra ter, played" baseball until my muscles cie sore and fell out of a tree;;. I felt exacyy as if I were a boy again, and I want to go on record as being mighty tliaukfuTthat I am grown up."-Wnsh- lugton Star., " - - All the Beat of It. - " r "I think," she "said, "that I have a Mttle the best ol my husband.";..-.;. . "How is thatr . : - ' "Why, lie . thinks I -give-too much time to my clubs, so I offered to give up one of mine for every one of Bla that he would give pp.'.S&i-n I "Well r l:; ? -.4 7-h -"?: sn-fy t "Well, ho belongs to only two; and I belong to bight "' Tes, I think I have a little the best of hioi."--Chlcago Post.;-; - : '.. "-'" ;."M? c",f;,,i A 'Pbre.rui1aelr.0t LodnaeitTi "There's no uso fof he to auggest 'to my wifo that ;it;B.;:ttmtCgo;:home. She'll talk for two hours yet." . "What mnkcajou think so V 1 "Didn't you hear her remark when She started the argument?" 2 - "No.:. What was itT'f 'r e,iS ''She said, 'There's very little to say on either side. !'Denvcr 'Newev y 'MOTHERS, DO, YOU, ti&iitauiow th many o-cllod birth mtdtcfnc, and moiit romedlet for women In th trftiment ' tf hr doltct-orKRna, contain mor or opium, morphin ana ttryenmnaf -. D Von Know thai opium and morphia ara atupafyinr narcotic poi&ona? . U yoa Knaw that in moat count rleadmtf. (Iitt ara nut permit! fl to aell narootica wiui- lo Vnu Know tliat you ahnnld not taVa Internally any madKln for toe pain accom j..nvi'. prnftnryj Do mi know that Mothcr'a Fr(en41 la a pur?:? vcr'.tAMa praparation, 4&d that It la appli' t a, rrn.uly only. - l Yoa m,w that Mothrr'a Priaad la a rnt,rutl praarriptios and that it baa bras In no over forty ynara, and that nch hottla of the genuine be ara tiie nama ol lb Bra4 ' SeM Ktcu1at,r Co.) lo ynn know that when yoa naa thla pat fe:t remedy dorlni? childbirth or througbotit tha entire neriod of rertatlon that you will be free of pain aaJ bear healthy, c la rat hll.lrenj .- . -' Well, tVeea thlni' ara worth knowlnir. They are U -ta (( drni-!'tt, 1 .W. Accent aoanbitltuta. Our book "ilolbarbood" Ira Ti:n EwcnnLD requlatorco, , ATLANTA, OA, , Teachers' Interstate Examtnatloa e . -: " '" Course. Tetchori wifclilng to prepwe for txim Inattons iboii'd write, at enco, to I'uor. J.L. filtMIASf, LL. D., 152 -134 Ran dulj.h EulM.'ng, Jicmrbis, Tcdo., for particulars c."jucrnirg b!i "c!nl Tcarh C'' J"in!i'.ri'.!nn C'oUf'. U tvi.Ltl; , and i , evo y ! r ' ri j r for eiair.!i.'.! n la In !'. i'r.! n. ..m it I' 1 . .: t . i t ct UT'B cvfr n, a 1 . t:.. I V. I I lit i f ,r re 1 J- - . 1 ...; .. .1, Pfrofuja I j r 1. 0 U.ut-d 11... m. It si ,e . i ...xa ia t..o b:ood. If V"f hare i ad p' ' In b '- i, tttci and Joints, ll.it.iT.g ' y ' '!, i'ic.i iV- iiot or tij.'i, Swollen Glmiaa, 3 a l l.iu.is oa the ;:m, ilucufl Patoliel lo . i, t so l!i. o.a, timi.lcs, or ollenslre erafitlons, ' :r. d b .on or ra&bon Sln, all rnn-down,- cr . at I k-t-ra on anypart of tl'.o body, llaif or tya- biw6 ii.u.i.g out, CaibuiicteB or iioUa, lake - t ':" ' -' j I 'sod Calm, puaranteed to cu t oev..'n il.e wont and most dec-pmcatcd me where doctors, patent medicines, and hot sprinys faib Ileal all ews.stopa all aches tuid pains, redu cc all BweUlngg, niak.es blood pare and rich, completely chancing tlie entire body Into a clean, healthy condition. . B. B. B. baa cored thousands of case ol Blood J'olsonevea. attet reaching the last stages. . ' , '..-'' Old Rheumatism, Catarrh, Eczoma ' are caused by an awful poisoned condition of the Blood. B. B. B. stops Hawking and Bpltllng, Itching and Scratching, Aches and Pains I cores Rheumatism, Catarrh; heals all Scabs, Scales, Eruptions, Watery Blisters, foul festering Sores ot Eczema; by glrtnf ft pure, healthy blood supply to auected parts r. cane r cured vy. Botanio Blood l;m cures Cancer ot all Kinds, Buppuiatlng Swellings, Eating Bores, Tumors, ugly fleers.- It kills the Cancer Poison and beaUTtha sore or worst cancer perfectly. If yoa bnro a persistent Pimple, Wart, Swellings, ShooUna, Stlnglnf Pains, take Blood Balm and they will disappear before they develop Into Cancer. Many apparently hopelca of cancer cored by taking Botanio Blood Balm. 13 l-r fciA.).f any . i '- 'tj jsiHnnio i Msr.a " itiioi .iti.) niwayieureg v uva tuo 6 4iuntftky Is. taken. If not nir4our EaoaeywiJ ICrifnrtlo lliMtfl "Rftlrrt fit H.1Vfci "' Plwtsant and Ba f o to trt k- Thorouirlil v teated f orSft rr. Composr d of tura iHotanio Inpratients. Btrengtheni -frea)! kidnevfl and wale Btoroach. fnrei dyspepstn. Complete directions go with, each bottle, Sample r m.js.it. uiid l'Ainntilet Kent 'rea Dy writhiK lilood Balm Co Auauta, Gn, Deicribe your KTouuie, ana special iree me(ucfu swvuje, m bum jguf VtVSrC, aaiJrU tKil, ill sKOiCU ICLIAir : " ...' ". -a .;!; .. Notice to. Appear, etc., and of Lis - ' Pendens. , 3 KORTH CAROLINA.) - . In the . craven county. . ttupenor court -1. -y Fall Term, 1008 ' Samuel W Bmallwood ,r' I Clara Jerome. ' "T v ' To Clara Jerome, defendant.' . , TAKE NOTICE.. - This Ia an action whoreln' the above named Samuel W 8 mall wood Is plaintiff, and raid Clara Jerome ia defendant, that the purpose of said action Is to compel be defendant to execute a good ana sufficient deed to the plaintiff for the - i . . . . - tract of land eltuated in said Craven Countv known as the Rock SDdne Lodge tract, and the mules, furniture and other personal property situated on said land and used therewith. Said land beinar the same which belonged to C 0 Jerome at the time of his death and was devised by the will of said 0 0 Jerome to tbe defendant,- ine - defendant wui take notice that she is required to ap- ficar at tha term of eald court to be held oNew Bern on the 4th Monday after tbe 1st Monday la September 1003, and answer or demur to tbe complaint. The defendant Is further notified that nr ticeoflls pendens of this ' action has been duly filed In the office of the Clerk or satd court. - This 8d day of Jure 1003.' - - W. M. WATSON.' Clerk Snpeilor Court of Craven county, ftotta Carolina. . , . " :-. TAKE NOTICE: ' a, . - That by lrtne of the tai lint of Craven county In my hands for Colleotlofl for the year 1902, and In default of payment according to the provisions of the exist ing law. I have levied on the lands of the following named persons, and will soil the same at the Court llonie door la New Born on Monday the 21th of August 1303 to satisfy tald Taies and coats on the same. No. 1 Township. . ; -Dioklns, Kdmond, heirs by DF Dlnklns, agent, 100 acres, I'U nfy Neck, tax and cost -8 67 Wsrren, J It 11, Oarris land 20 acres . . - : . ' -85 Wsrrrn, IwU,ht!rs,U P Dlnkins e:.nt, 2'0 a, llorgsu 6wsmp ' No. 2. r,i-l, CI'TO, K3 arrrs,- Morgan !;i" p " y ( '. ;!), I ktfcor!,!') acres, Bear J'.;u,' U ' ' ! ' n '. : ',T P. , I. l". 1 013 at, 1't s, I'M Saaa.p ': E II Holtn, nrnt ; k k 1 i a, ' : ' ' lrsm h r .. 3. ', ' a, 'i i,. 11 Ca-Kins 6 C j J A I' f -k Lj cecli to C. :. . h ...I .ur u ia 111 li . E ; , r ... I .rrolW IfT fKT, Wm. t- e r.nm;.v. ..r u .-v no. .ukiy urn uouuitfs il .it Ui t. us LAstAA uS stt -a I - RESULTS. Greatest known female AeEfe., Ttnwsrn nf nnnntprrelts a nit lmtt.l.!nn old ay .k ... v .. v.. ' t j ' a " "r-o .- A Good Telephones SERVICE IS A BUSINESS NECESSITY US HOME' CONVENIENCE. , A; COM BINED t if 4 m , Conveiileuce, Order; Vout Phono at Oncsjl., - Very Low;, Rates t V ANNOUNCED, ' YI A .r . Very low Urates are announced tla Southern ' Railway from 'poInta?oa Its lines for the following special occasions: KNOXYILLE,TENN. Summer School June 28-slnly 81, 1908.-.--.vl..: ..". MONTEAGLE, TENN, Blbla School, July 1-Augua 80, 1908. 1 BAN FRANCISCO. HCAL.-rNatIonal Encampment Q. A. August 17-au. ifioa. ..." v i..rj" TU8KEQEE, ALA. Summer . School, June 20August 7, 1808. - V V?- 4 ? Rates for the above occasions open to the publlo.- : v -f v.-" '" i..;1.--'" ? . aa - a, -1 A.. rickets win oe somto ineee pomia from all stations on Southern Railway. Detailed Information can be bad upon application to any Ticket Agent of the Bonthern Railway, or Agents of conneot lntf lines. ox br addressing. the onder- slgned, - - & H. BARDWICK.. Washington,. D. 0, mi 1 m 11 1 " Qtortoui Moantalna of Weattiro North Carollru' J Southern1 --" : ' - . . , Invites the attention of all Eealta'or -- ;V-Pleasure seekers. .';' j . i - ' V" .t THE TOURIST 5DA50N X opened June 1, 1908, and oa thai data Low-BaVe Simmer Etemlea Tickets went on aale from principal points ia tbe South and Boutheaslto the noted resort located on and reached by Boothera Rail way. Tickets on sale rip to and Including September 80, 1903, for retnra. ,. "Tha Und ol tha Sky" . . aid ; .-f. : 'Sapphire Country, AshcTi le, R, Clad Hot Sprlnr. B. C. oiler every attraction to tbe Summer Traveler or Invalid. The ial Tennciste aa4 TlrtlnU iLtwrll also o&er tnsny Indacemants for ' DealUi and I'Vasara. Ask any Boutbcm lUJiwsf Araa for Bummitr llomca FoUIef, deacrtptiTe of the sneny r'T:-'tifi)1 l:orte rrarbeJ ly h.iiilLtira Kaiiwsy. .- fin.UAKD' TICS. 0. P. A. i EASV. tt, m. c, a.r. LCw.3, Ma JiTT.KTi.Oa . Not. W. Iswt c rnl.i ever since tie nfst intruuuetMia te UwpaMIs ' j iB-wi:., lurrmw. iivm 7v m fell IKtll NT ( fcri Btron eMnceof s merit end the satis! iectu..iy couateracta tbe atiecbs of the m unit. RAHKW DBOa CO.. Whotssal BntgJ ;op$ remedy. Price, $1.50 per bottle." ' '.sT5? Hi. mnnlnA I, nnt nn int. In k..-hA.., g nuFTV- - v - .uS: A. & fJ. C. R. R. iZ ' l TDC1 TABLl XO. SO - To Take ESeet EaodaVr Jtmei?, .1008 atStOO A.H..H.S.T. Going East j Bohdtjli:' Going Wen No. 8 . Paaaenger Trakis No. 4 py "f " DAILY. Lt.pn' ' " rrAttOSBi Ar. am 880.,...,.',Goldsboro...,.....110a 85...,..,...LQrange.., 108 23.a.ia r..K3neton. 1018 S 40 Ar. New Bern, Lr . . 9 0 560......LT, V - Ar. 887 716....Ar.UonheaddtTL..... 70S No. B. I . . I No. B. Passenger. I BTAnoHst 1 Passenger lirain " -Train. - - - ' DAILY. Lr, A, . . Ar,lP. m 800.'.........aoldsboro 8 80 8 18............ BeaVtf,,.,....... 8 08 88.......,..Laarange.....,.. 7 07 887......f.yaUirtt Oreek..;..... 7 47 88.........,.Klnjton........... 7 87 08..;. .. .. .OaeweO. ... .. ..... 7 98 18. Dorer.,. 7 17 0 80. .. , , .Pore Creaktee ...... 7 00 80s Tucerois, . 8 60 8 M..........Clarka....... 849 10 10.....,A. New Bern, !...... 880 10 to.,.. Lv. New Bern Ar 6 19 1040.r..,.;...Rlrerdale.'... 847 1048....;...,..Oroatsui.i,.. .648 10M..........HaTelock.... 6 8S 11 08.... .Newport... ....... 691 11H..,. .....Wildwood ......... 615 11 40.... Ar. Morehead City Lv.... 4 40 r?';- FREIGHT. - No. I. ' -DAILY EXCEPT ; INo. 9. Jd Claat, t.'" UNDAy ; - . : MCkua 6 II... .M-..,Uddsb)rt)..., ...... 800 6 49....,;.. .ke.vBestw 9 18 813.....,....IatOrange..,.,,M.9 08 8 17.. ......Falling oreek......,, 1 88 7 83...t.;.t.Kinatoww.19 18 . 740..w.......OMwail,......t 1101 00. . ., .Dover. .1 1 01 40. ...... .core areek. ........ .10 40 1010....,.,,.,Ttictror......,.,.10 10 1083.tn,,,....Lark. ..v.eV.iiM U 00rt..Ar. New Ben, Lr,,; 9 90 11 W.,... Jt New Bern Aft..,,, 9 IB 1 19...e.....RlveialeMa4..o. 7 40 1 90, ,iihh aeOrOSVttUI V.. ee 798 10 Haveiock.. ........ 710 8 0Sa,e,eeMs Newport. Lr.,.,,,, 8 98 9 90 ...WUdwooi.. ....,. 017 9 t8.i,'....,..Atla&tie....... 608 9 69 . .Ar.Korrbeavd olty.Lr...,. 6 69 8 00 ...Ar,K.tTDeioi.U.M.. 800 r.fcvt-,.i-j -, .;-k:.- Asst. . -' jjr v.unmH . , B. A. N1WLAND, - - .QealBunt , Vaater Traotportaiio. : , i . ATTo-urrr at tir, - 1I44U Btmt, Lawjen BrUk -Sanaiaf.; I " Wul pratU ta tha Oobvs f41AaS Oavraaca. Irmn, UtMioW aa.i i --"it. D Uoart a Saw shbtm SkM Suiaa4 1, F, H, Slauaeaa. -a' AP4Warl ' ATTCS5H aaf C0CK8ZL0ES at:' LAW. ;. -v.-,.., - TSxw aaaia m. . ' ' Ortce Rrmnyad -TT4 Pt reH tO bfnmA :"m ;etory ef Jl f libov TfjTwpk Of. ficc) iith Trrl trft, Mil to -i V f 1.. I C.UtVlA, ; ' rrartlrw tn the eooaUas of Orarea, Dnpl'n, Jrne, 4;. i slow, Carteret, Pamli CO - 1 ,, t la lw taprwma end r4 ' :U, er.l wlarevsr swnr1ce SVe d t44a.Ja. a' 0 f Attorney at Law, 74 F Frrmt f k.,'Or;i. rtoUl OaaUawW 2;i-,t;::;...:t,;x a . .. ; Oareri Conrty All"rriy, ' - "V (' r-- r . t, Jtmn, Crutltrw, Oa t, I - - '. f.re.t:, I -lor. S)lv it4) , a I i -.1 l'..i.i 'A ::::i, i.tv; i i . a.,.l c-'. ( ' V- low. v.

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