i : ). i : " - 1. . 8 i 1 ! i ' - ? ! i a i ...... .j i a I. , h Jl i if- '-, it 1 ) . t. ". IK. 1 l,Ir- -U; J. t8 i:zir Aivcrt'sc its. Davis' Pharmacy -ti Qny rope Watermelons. ... . v J3 J ? , Simmons & HollowcU .Co-Embroid-: V 't ry sale. .. ' ' Euslaess, Locals. FOR SALE, 200 Tubs Lard to MgheBt Udder at A & N C Depot. - 1 NUNN ALLY'S Fine Package'" Candy at Dawson's. - MR. EUGENE McSORLEY is. our au thorized representative, and will con tract for work to be done by us. '' Any courtesy shown Mr MoBorley will be - duly appreciated by the New Bern B team -t Dye Works. , ' 1 FOB BENT, One half of house No 54 Hetcalf "street Containing I tfour ,ood ' rooms on first floor situated in desirable ' residence part of the city. Apply to Jas. "B Jones, No 64 Metcalf St. s v r MUSIC, Miss Carrie HendrenwiH be- Kin het class In inuslo, Mondays Septem ber 14th at her residence .158 Middle t street. cit'.i'M;.'.;, s',, inn I 1 1 nil i ': 1 " 11 HOUSE TOB. RENT, apply to F. F. Matthews... " r v .FOR Nice Bogue Sound Cuban Sweet Watermelons, go to i raraer jrs. 4 - w a STORE For Rent Corner Broad and Middle streets. Apply to Oaks Market. Hi tEWIS I WASHINGTON :"lh ei) '.: known house mover will - be In New Bern for next 80 days. Any one wlsh ' Ingtls services will please find hint at Work corner Middle and ;New street, between the hours of 7 and 6. " , i ' '! - AN easy way to accumulate something ,' ( Buy real estate by paying a small . turn i each month. Valuable property acquired ' I in a short time from which an .Income will be received, ' beveral lot (for sale by the New Bern Investment Co.;-. R A , i Nunn, Ammv,',m-tt:in mfc I II I ' i f iv WE GUARANTEE Wilkinson's matca-k- ' leas Mineral JTatett6 cure dyspepsia K and stomach troubles, or money refund TatV lhMnmir.yt. X-k &4 '-v'v v ; BRICK: Wo have large quantity ;of '' good hard burned building brick and can -ship promptly, Brick and TUe Mfg. Co. -7 VIimm M imI MA ..-r-r-i..J, ! v 1 t V HOTEL MONTREAT at Black , Mono i "tain, near AshevIUe N 0. Elevation ' 8,000 feet Bight in the monntalns. Mod '. era. Open all seasons, .Two miles from vdepot, So. By. For booklet . and fates, , ' sridreaa, W D Pax ton, Montreal, N C. . ;.'( ... . SARATOGA Spring Water Just received , '' 'atJacoVsCafa;'. v?.:v,U ft.'.-; ,i . t ' '- . . FROM : .xuoiUCBpen i per zuu.., x" I .i-i j-'i TO '':.- " -?, I,, , . " i ' -. i A ' The Beet At 18 00 per Tollf . . flampla teat to jour honae.J . : -Guilford Lewis, Jit Di.loo'i 103 Uiddk Et, ' ,'.t,t . ,. .Aim sot.. i rr. ' ii i. .Frcoh ; k :";s fa .-f J i 4-' t . Cream ' ; ' ' Just Arrlvfcd ' 'n , " .AT TOE' . ' -J' ET:KUIT C0.P2ELC1 KICK UA h'rwU Carolina IUmi aftd a few Coitu4 Mallets Jut icff !red at J It (" ruler's Jr ' '. . " " lltTtJut Jfetrft l.1) Urj fine r!tnftfi!f'.,-,i;.it,i from I-Vjie f,.'UR UCft'.l ar.J (tt yonrrh h " qi,! k, (iaf rr.e coreor of l.Unr'. k n4 t':'"l Ptnv't. A KIC'S ! A ft T !e at J. IC r'i't't Jr. , i to c: I " r ite .... v . n.oved ti-j"r tLe Oaks Ha i to : ca I Attmore street as cloned to r - .'" yesterday. Very much l . ' . .! r . ,. . will te maJe on lliat tliorouglifore. The tobacco sale yesterday was Eina'l. Farmerg are comlcg to market elow'y and some express .diBtatlsf action wi:& the low prlcos. . " Mr F M Hahn returned 'yeeterday from a trip to Western Virginia, bring ing with him a c&r load of extra fine Kentucky bred driving horses. The New Bern Dye Works have start ed and will be found to be an Institution that will be convenient and necessary. Mr Eugene McSoriey Is the soliciting agent. ' , ; Hon Charles, R Thomas made an ad dress' at the Confederste Reunion at Jacksonville yesterday. A large attend ance is reported and all bad an- enjoya ble time. , Mr C M Klrkman, who for some time past has been inF S Duffy's drug store has severed his connection with that in stitution and has accepted a position with the Ballance Drug Co. at Morehead city : j ;:-rl' "-I "- --ir y il (i'ii ; i SJMSMSJSJSWIII i' ' ii ) :.!" '; 1;.':fll. ? u " 1 ' Police Court News. - . ( . The ' following; cases " were, before Mayor Ellis yesterday. , ' ;i Ed Fulcfier and John Moore, charged with being disorderly within the.' city limits. Folcher discharged and Moore taxed the costs. ;; - Sadie and Berdie Agent, keeping dis orderly bouse. Fined , ten dollars and costs. y " I - r " BerlhalJvaus, violation of the sani tary 'ordinance, taxed tbo costt, $ 9 85. I.George Hyman an 1 Foster J Marshall two negro boys were arrested for fight ing add were sentenced to be whipped by their parents In the presence of the chief of police.' Is - ? : - -i Mary jfaome, charged with larceny. In default t of ball, : she was sent to Jail to" await trial In criminal court neit -Oc-toberM r W v v v",-, DEED. 'V ' In this city at" the home of Mrs J 0 McDaniel on Griffith street, Mrs Mary B McDanlel, mother of Mr John L McDan lei, aged 76 years:;j.:j:xu ;?.t : ii -The funeral services will "be " held at 10:80 o'clock this morning at the First Baptist church, Middle street, -Rev Rich will offlclate,'' ; .i: '-'..; ;; ' . - -Xi. fH'v.',.V7a8 a'Wcw Bernlan. - . !",' V'.-.'.-z. . . ",' .',(.. . ., "frv -The reported failure of Sharp! and Bryan In NewiYort, yesterday, was of local Interest, as the junior of the firm, Mr Charles S Bryan Is a son of James A Bryan Esq. of this city 'and was there fore very well known here, and . his numerous friends were sorry to learn of hrr failure. ' , Later: reports' irooT New York said that the firm would likely soon, resume buslneis. " : ' ' r- HoteTneAO " - ' - . . The unloue advertisement of the Uni versity College of Medlolno, of Rich mond, Ya4 appears In this Issue. .This college evidently Intends to Impress the fact that It teaohes Medicine, Dentistry and Pnajmaey, not only theoretically from text-books, but actually, by person al practice. ' ' - " ' i We are pleased"to know that the teit aesiloa wu lu most successful one. , OAflTOniA. '' Banti, r'lH M y Han !nn Ea. ';' Public Sale. ' ' I will sell at the Court House door Monday, August 10th, at 13 o'clock, one bay mule, to pay eotu and eipenses of Impounding, laid mule bcloc found atray qu the streets of New Bern, and impounded aororrtlflj to orOIoance pre Tided. , J. M. BaRQETT. ugustS. ; ,' Chief of rolice. 4eeeeeeeeteeeeeeeeeee4 VJRADHAM'S COLA ' . HEADACHE TOWDERS I I a in - 'it'' V , : til i I , i , I . 1 t' i i tf ' ' cf .: .. V..-s i fracUc&"y v ' il . .. : . U.-,i.l t ! trh'j !..:; Ecra, r:.v ,. a rta . .",:e ei; : . ! j fc . .:. -, lot bank sustention Is cue V. affucts only the stoclholJurs and depos itors of that biiEk. The lots to the eeockholuors Is a se vere one, both on account of the manner la which they were defrauded, as well as from a pecuniary standpoint. The depositors suffer only the tempor ary loss of their money, as It seem well assured every dollar of deposit will be nude good, also suffer from the natural disarrangement to their financial affairs, which a bank .failure involves, making necessary the completing of other bank ing arrangements for their business. .. Yesterday's (Wednesda)) business at the National and Citizens Banks showed nothing of excitement, or Indication that there had been a bank suspension in the city. ; . . . . ' " ' The money taken In over the counter was greatly In excess Of that paid out. New accounts were made, and whatever loana were sought, were accepted as up on any other day. - Tenders of money from outside banks were received, but there was no local need of outside funds, '" Both of these banks were, and are, prepared to not merely pay all accounts, but are ready to serve their patron . as they may want, also protect every finan cial and trade Interest of New Bern, as It may be needed. - - . - There Is nothing notably ohanged In local trade conditions. , . It Is the dull and quiet month of the year, few goods are moving, little money is needed, and business is of a general summetquletness. "' - " - . The bank suspension has been a severe financial loss to those Intimately asso ciated with the Farmers and Merchants, and the causes leading to the suspension are shocking to all sense of financial in tegrity and ideas of Individual probity. ' But there is nothing to shake or rend er la the least unstable, the present ex isting floanolal aud trade conditions of New Bern.--'"" , v. '.) I: k' I They are solid, being amply protected and safe guarded, son trolled by men of unquestioned resource and ability with credit equal to every possible emergen- cy. ;" '" '":':'. v 'f-K- -This Is the local situation as It appears tho day after the bank suspension. iMistht Yob Haw Always Bongftf 8astue . . of . I have lust received 60 1 large fien Cuban Sweet watermelons frjnv Bogue Sound, Call and get yout choice, quick Guy Fope corner 01 uaocockana ijueen Street! - ; TieSolutlon. ' r -:';J ' ; O for a stein, way off in some "shady bower. Stelnwav "'.-'''; :"';. ,' This way Mr Eim, ball ground Is. on the right. KlmbalL . - . , On Easter Ling was married. bter- Well, I never, Etta who told yon such nonsense. Everett. V- Don't vou know Matthew, shekels are made of gold? Mathushek. - , We need one more mason' and Ham. lines up well. Mason and Hamlin. If that Is so. Myrtle may go today. Sobmer. Some one has "tie fed" my candy, said Utile Msbel.-StlcrL ' Dead lings bury no subjects. Kings bury. Give that chick a ring of the nock. Cblckirlng. The flrst correct solution wu received from Mrs 8 B Farkr. One or two others sent the right answer and several gueittd nine correctly. JOES O. RU38F.LL. aro a complete, euro rc for every form c f 1: c n cl" -' Thcro 13 no n: : I cf r ;i; in.T. You ( r.r.ot do y v.xrl; half-ri lit if y i ? . r i : . ff ..,.A rii nnrl nil .-. . . -. -. , ' c-" r' i ""-"".r " -r - - w v- - -1 w y. A w w f Go;no.Av:Gy'l:so;:::ii;?- : ;Ypu'll Need A.Klce Suit Czs. f- - '-'-z-r:-.:-:: ,- - J. -4 -- - " - V- t . All sizes, and Prices are Right, too. . Look them over. Good appearance goeg a long way you know. m , ' , ' , HATTER AND lUBESBAglSZS, ; " " ; 4-nONE157. ; . 97 KlMle Street - ooooooooxooxoooooooOo , w Ay7 throunlioat $ . Before we move 59 ToUp&Stredm met Vress Goods; Reduced to doze "r ap Trnnnr tip hq r n , Ve place oh scd: this morning ell our remitting stock of fine i ! Swiss and Lwn - ii ?7 i t .-. i . ....... .. .. il ... ... , , ' ,r . ', - - - a 3 r. --. " " " ) O vU TO jO () () r n iiiDVcicDiiJ f , 'c to Out New) Store i Oxford Tksr.Etcs, oat at once; '-0"- n .. ! I $ : " " V 'z t hs5i 'd,iqs 1 1 : c ":' f - r-- - ' ' ' ' 1 r - 1 i ' ' I ' HI ' "- - : ' ( I ' 1 a q . . v . x - i -i f t ; All v2.C0 L0T7 Cuartcr Chocs Ho- All Cuitc, Extra Trousers, Dtra7 Ilata 1 r.r.1 17c ali.tc o Chirts at greatly reduced O J r- Aircods for cash-at-the' re-V 4 , uueed prices. V q ( ) V: ,:f, ; Correct X7car for TZewt; .v - ( ) )' 57 Solloclx Stxbbt--' : ' J ri.U iL, uVS) ;! - ?vXT6,m ofleringthisWeiek our entire line ; ox Xilks it f s -a em ' " 1 Y7o also offer some 1 wm UhtCFrar.d Colored Wash Silks At-'39c Our Nainsooks and iejsj sWf seas jJ :,...,t. v - ff 61 Pollock" St., Opposite Episcopal Church. Tie f.btAuaafa The Oliver can be used to mdvurtage U making way-bills, freight bills, oor rectloa aotloee, p.y rolls, ete reduces Stationery 40 per cans,,. . . .., . These results are raade poaslble by the vlklbW writing (itiir of the Oliver. Ten reasons why the Oliver Is superi or to a.11 others; Vtnabie wriUne;, double type-bar, direct cortnectloDs, light tooch rapid scoapemeas, speed, perfect paper bed,drwlof lloea, release key, does bo write np-slde-dowa, and other. ress aona whlok we will be glad to show . sf yon will call (n.' , .,r - . . t Crtitua and Cassiuf - Wo14 Turn Grwsi '"1 wtj t' t tfn)l tilths prmnU f rn mii In IVrt iml made lyf il (!..UIk. BUIrj bind, t ,,r, . ,r I (well In nil (.howtnf a n an i h jrfrv-t luri (O pr(!tnjn, f r t ii j.rf- l fi rm in lb mn t t ! r!. ' .- . . U f 'i .Tn' cwcWfcl ? : r ' ; I i r-f 1 ' I OYrrl, Ui OS 1 j 1 r I k a i j 1 a r n H liTt ! t . j . r t . or, u. r. ; '. ci .- : it w ir- (I SI il :in: r r- - sVic vertr nrftttn NnvAltiAa Egyptian Dimities are HIVE. r For the Worklftfman at the noontime meal nothing ran com pare with pare high grade beer us is fresher aed strenrtberer. And there is none superior to the Budweis brew. It's the perfenUon of brewing. Purity enl maturity nnlte In making this excellent product eqnalty beneficial for table and medicinal uses., UWee strength ani vig or. -Of uniform" quality and highly paU atabU - . . .. J;:f: Taylor, Agent for Prospect Brent or Co tt fhll--adelphla ' ' ' rreah Ct.r Lid evfry we. k ,. .. . Special Sale Of Ilomo-mado Lard. Parties that wish eomo thing pure and sweet can get 5 Its. lard for 55c. Bend your buck et to tho , T!: Cak Ilnrhet. Uflfsr Hottl Cbsttawka. 1:3 r 'A Y

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