TilLE JGU.. Pubi!iLeJ everyday la tie jew, eiccp 1 1 CC" Monday, at f lIIe street. . . ' - . Phoks No. 8. .-J -i - ' CHAIUJC3 U STEVENS BJDITO AX9 rOrIM0B . V .V, ' ' '! - ' SUBSCRIPTION RITES - One year. In advance.1"... ;.iV jOneyear, not is advance. .., atonuuy, oy earner in uw o" j. .'.SO : Advertising Rate tarnished oa.nsppll 'eatlon.' Entered at the Post Office, New Bern, j h. O, u seaond clue matter - OBctal Paper: at., New. Bera T X. JCraven CtMtyC'Xs end ! jIllE GENIUS OF LABOR . The acuity of concentration, 7 ability to perform one thing thoroughly - and well, marks genius which U not apt - to make a failure In life ' The e-enlus'ot labor to as much the lore for toe task undertaksn.as It is the eonaclenttona effort and thoroughness pat Into the work, Uneongenlal work seldom develops the rlgh effort la the person nndertak log it, hence the necessity for seeking work whlcKappealt to both-the sympa thy and Ability of the lndlvlduaL ' V The uasulted work as often produces Individual failure, at thi lack of "ability to perform the work, and success la im possible to attain. The genius of work Is not found . In the quick realisation of fame, wealth or position, rather It comes through the methodical effort, the quiet and steady application of months and years, and is the legitimate result, -the. natural' pro duct leading to success, solid and sub stantial. Failure to recognize the necessity of thoroughness in whatever line of trace or business that Is undertaken, is a per sonal weakness, which marks the lack of genius to attain real success. Education gives the first lead, thelm petus towards a line which seeks good work and thoroughness in the -work, opens . the ;way: o : the , knowledge of grasping Ufa work which shall be con genial, which ' will therefore appeal to the best efforts of the lndlvlduaL Genius of labor does not belong to any profession, trade of pursuit. The hum hie sjechanle may possess it, as welt as .the greatest Inventor or financier. ' It la the -ability to do the work at handVthoroughly, completely, effective ly, leaving nothing to be added. The possessor of such a genius for la bor, commands , attention in the world,: la valuable as an employe, and Is of val- ae to his oommnnlty. Combined with other attributes, such a manor woman marks his or her time for good, for achievements which may not be great, yet are far reaching la their moral effect. Catarrh Cannot bewared with IrOOALmjOlTIONS, at they eannot teach the seat of the disease. Catarrh It a blood;or constitutional dis ease, Md In order to core it yon must take internal remedies. . HalTt Catarrh Carnal taken Internally, and, ecu di rectly on the blood and maoont snrf aoea Haifa Catarrh Curs It not a quack mod da, it wen pceeorfbed by one , of the . beet BjfcytlcUsJ la this country for years and It a rtgnJar prenaipUoa. It Is posed of the beet tonlce known,- conv bUedwUh the beat blood pnrlflers, act ing directly .a the atnopna sirfaoet. The perfect oombiaatloi of the two in- gMdlanU I what prodnoea tnch wonder fal swein laenrUf Oatanh, v Bend for I liaU' ;rau:y VUli are the he!. J vktr. Gnn-tVi(t Aa yew have SB SWrm clock H your chamber for If yotj eWtbare the alarm vonod opt ' OCsse. Ottr-tt rsro toold nave beard tharrlU Unt .tny hatband said wheat ihe alarm- wnt rf. yo wtUdat Sak JATPoatoi:raMKz1pt '' r , 1 - , fOAOTOTXTA. atyg rm t tit. la Dratil wmki-rt stvl parrn bars tatomrts la rorafutm. Thj tut only ' reset la the but wurk f n taawaat sc0t. Th. rooriio-js rnn.,t eeatly -tit bis rratl ..t tu.f fma tbe tra. it rtin-vts rn1 iats tmt s.iwtr.j V.-ia ta lrv. On tr . V , Si - k7S f tat'.A. fcerr. ' " ! ' fK t ' f ; "T'.' r tl' 9 f ' . tr ' t V) I r t:. f r. i-1 1 ' r t r,-' tnl (; !.'jk 111 M r;!:t, 1' s r). rt V,m r art 1 J sr. 'ft - ''-.. .4 ,. 3 r t t: f -r ' t 'i f ' $- a C ;t ! ; Pi .ci. pa a .1 i The following are the market quota tions, received by private wtre 'o A B I Bailer ft Go. New Bern. N, C, - - New Voan," August 13. ' Open, High., Low. Close Cottohs-. Ancf . ... . . " ' -. . 13 30 IX SO 1 00 Sep.. : 10.81 to." 10.80 Oct - ' loos' w 10 Dl r- - c i --9.77 Dso..-....A! 9.80 9-78 . Jan..., ii' . 9.79 977 '9 77 . m, J., . Mew orfc.Augutl& - Btockb; ' Open, Amr.f$ugar.f...,7 ' Close -I'f-.. - 1161 Ho. Facia Sol Pacific ... Onion Pacific.;."' lianhaltan..- .. Atchison........ . Republic tJkiot...; Beadlng..... - 95 m : -rat Texae Paclflc... Wabash pt...1. "Southern Ky... .. Southern Ky pf.. TJ. a Steel....... U.S. Steel pf... Penn. B K....... Erie f - r LoalSTlll''&Naa 1 Bt. Paul, , . . N.-Tf1 Ceuirai. . . 0. SsQ... -. 10? mi 4S B.&O ... VL & VV Brooklyn R.T.. Colorado SO. Coal, Fuel,Irou.. Amr. Ctton Oil. Va. 0 Chemical. Tenh. Coal.Iron.. Rock I&nd. . . . A.m. Ice. ...... Money., 53'' 431 25$ Taken WiH Cramps. x; yv m. iv.irmse, a memuer 01 mo unugv gang working near Llttleport was taken suddenly ill Thursday night with cramps and a kind of cholera. - Hit case was so severe that he had to have -members of the Crew wait upon him and Mr Gilford wag called and consulted. He told them he had a medicine In the form of Cham berlain's Colic' Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy that he thought would help htm out and accordingly several doses were administered, with, the . result .that the fellow tu able to be around nextday The Incident speaks quite highly of Mr Glfford't medlotnes. Elkader, Iowa, Ai- This remedy never falls. Keep, it In your home, It may save life. For sale hr all Drnirffiata. ' " v -'''i-f- - r m 5 ;' I .jlJi L "If I had my way' aald the man of high princlplee, "there would .be no money in poutica." i v - "But," eald Senator Borghura, W yon didn't pot any money In politic', it isn't likely you could have your way.? Washington Btar. ; , : . Y W hen you want a physle that la mild and gentle, easy to take and certain to act) always , use Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets For tale by ail Droj For tale by all Drug- -..' teal ( Tear, v 1. gists, . .Te Jaerati A significant" bit of wisdom, to be pondered iover by the very- yotJDg, whose griefs and dlasppotntmeats teem fcjHtragte, was that uttered by . Mr Dollv Madison "when she was over eurtity" yters old and near bet death. . Cat life bad been fortunate sad beaa- ttfol not only bensae clrcmnstsncee had broved kind to her. but from the itrightaots and buoyancy, of her teta- perai&ent - ; ' :-. Bhe harbored no bittern rs over past axpertanora, but Ufe had taught br tht trJmportanos- of moat trtatt which loom ee gigantic ta appnecblag. ; e i h'ot tout before bet death one of her hiecettwent to her for sympathy In tome alight trouble. -- .V- M 0ear," she said, Mo not trouble about It, - There- It "nothing ia -this world really worth cartas foe. Tee," she rftpceud, looking intently out ot a window, "l who have tjvvd so long re peat you that there tt nothing la this world briaw really worth -caring The Clitabathan era gtve rogut to the button and the buttnabota, twe ln- rratkiDS Which tnav falrlf be rnrnnlpd is Tarportant, since thqr m much to nimuMww. uevn A vadium uufc m wst hdty s troduct of 1 Work, whkh was aoon improTd t y the twe Of S wodon trw4 Tbe trass but- ton tt ld to have fcn iotrw1nrd t.y a BlrBiiinham ewrrtisnt lo 1" It took IjQ jtn te improve on ts towth 4 ct awwtea tha cloth po tt rv- nd b(ua Ttn aa intiw.! 1 felt npoa it .w tf mk!" tj ttiitto ! la two rrts end r!u:i.!r j t!,t.m to I fattier, Wi!t tlM! rl'th t-t- i u!!f.fii era rxw ri4 f alm-st TTTt!.:i.ar (rota m t,i f i:k i, fi to rn'tfv i f f Hi I ra fi.! txmf, Tt C'-U-t tirtbifn era t.d fn.m i!js(o, i tri-tyi rlirrtil.'aliy, J r.ti. r lard aa l.r. lwt..n 1 miian-tpt '. - T.ti CfP:i!:r UIL Two rrj'-' "' l 1 'f aa kira r-V.t !,a tnei" r: J. F I f -a i f ay tu ! ' ! i'f I - t :. 1 is n. "A fJwiul Th . ..' - Thar never was a qt.k5.t-r way to ki:i eo'irii.o In a f " r C ua it f Lt his Rfelts for lin.-"rLe a! .it. ' 2 Women hnve us back to the condition of primitive man or tLcy ehoot ns high er than the topmost star. "The Ego ist." Tact is the exercise of ttitt t. "here by women renders man nnco&sdoat of the chains in which her fcpauty klndt Uim.-"A Summer In New lork." . When a man has 1 once treated a mat ter as a Joke, be It for ever so brief a period, be can never take it back again Into the region ot the highest tragedy nrhere alone danger lies.-E'lower o' the Corn." Optimism In life in a -good working hypothesis if by optimism we mean the open yedv faith that, force exerted it never lost' Much that calls itself faith Is .only the blludness of aelt satisfac Hon. "The Philosophy of Despair.". - ; --. 'i- J," i Prevttia f kDeMttrl. ' ' . An Instance of the Italian .child's nulck. DOlcnant Derception of the beau tiful occurred the otner any in one 01 Jhe 'settlement llbrarlee. - A hT little maiden. " with - a EWorld or oream thonehts In .the depth. f .her dark even, stood : by the librarian's desk waiting for' Andrew Lang's -"Gray Fairr Book." ' But when it was given Intp her small, hands all the wealth! of fairy lore "between. Its .covers was for a moment' forgotten' In -contemplation 1 pt the covers ft inaintjr design la tay ana silver. . All tnongnt 01 iua envy vanished."'- The child stood; there- ey Ins- the book with A look" Ahat was a caress. - ner- nauaa - just toucning-tine, bindlnpr. tooderly, s something of frfg- tie beanty.t And .then, very softly, ias If to herself, she said. "I mustn't get It 1 ha loan hit dfrtr. v I fa aa 'nrettv." Everybody's Masslne. -gjh z . r .s-ul- ! 'i" "1 1 "J111 , '- Violent Attack of .Dlarrboea. Cared by Chamberlala'&tlolic Cholera 1 and. Diarrhoea Remedy and 7 Perhaps a Life Saved. "Aahorftimeago I' was ttken with i violent attack of diarrhoea and believe I l would hate died If J. had not gotten re lief, saya - John J Patton, leading citizen of Patton, Ala. '?'A' friend tree- ommended Chamberlain's .Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, -1 : bought.- a twenty-five cent bottle and, after taklpg three doses of tt was eattrtly caTed. -I consider It the besHemedy In the world for bowel -complaints,"!! For sale by all DrugglsU. Employer 'Tea. I -. advertised . for i.a strong boy. Think yoo will fill the bull I Armllcant-WelL I runt finished llckln nineteen ether appllrants -ont in the hallpluladelphla Inquirer. r;Sa , It takes a mighty good speller to write With, some otkMgBt' over Us I ahoulder. Atahlson Glebe. I ' This dlseate hu lost Its terrors, since I Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera "and Dly rhoea Bemedy earns. Into general use. The aiform sucoese which attends tat use of this remedy In all . eases of bowel. complalaU 4a ehUdrea kaa made it a tavorlte wherever IU valns hat becoist f y prpgguts. . . People) are- very often.' proud of Hfe propcrtlee to-which' thy r- hern, btlt surely few hbded esrattft are so vairhi- edi t ew taatica are-so- boasted about M -srs'ttMnrw 10 which the flesh heir. Humarf"Mture fairly; yawls IB Its mUfortun,. and this revelry -leada to rivalry and to many comollcaUoni Kane la so iftrod," Aoe is se Jeelotit, at , your traveling la valid. London Queen, . - '" . J ' . v "Tots in End lottin." ( .... ( A grievous wall cfulmtt. comes ess resolt'or' nabaarabls-faia .from ever tasad arista Dtutsetai Baokache.Iiver eoaiplalnt and Constipation. But haakl to Dr Kingi Hew Life Ptllt they pat aa ndteU all. They are gentle but thor oega. Try tketa. Only IVj. Guaranteed by C. D. Bradhaaa't drag store. 1 . - . . nit says be has a -weft hart '; ' ', "Well, he's right about It; tt kat lf brittle tf ft lan't Weak, Why, hta heart la broken by three or fonr girl arrry summer." Brookiya Esgle. SOME IffiiSONS I V7hV I7CT7 PCHl PcCT'lo Chould rclloT7 t: :i3 Valur.Uo Ad- VlC3.- Pr'. tk pr ,! f U is JW f-r. Tot aa t!!y 1 ?'.'-! it, Wfit ft i. 5ir l.j nri ui t1 VTitb a- r- 1 Pr. (!l ty I MB. ' ! n i f. rf a ?l r h i' r- It t ( -eq I' I ! You know when rich, it 1 llool la tie v.. 9, for it sliowa in Ce bnr?!.. 1 - .ty end cleprr scf tiieco- ' i . .a. and robubt. Lcilthy con."..wn. t" -t i"-(irt r!-Hh and " tt t .IwLfulness and vigor. Good blood tjlr' rsi'-Uy s'l t -tally sound it 1 v t good l.-z 1 "xissess strong, Steady nerves and are Llest .with good erpetites and digesUon, and'rja- sound, refreshing sleep. U we coul 1 alwrjs maintain & VT blood then we might enjoy pernetuJ health, but It Decomes lniected p-.i mm. ..a. a a tee . poisoneaanamosioiineuisuaiai humanitv and undermine the coc '..ia- Hon are caused by an lmpow' ' -1 or polluted condition of tLia vital L -Ad. f. i..K-i.n um.o.. 4 - if aa vat v viywis v m4waiwwa aaaw vm-ism bes red fnTrohTnd fpi eruptions, blackheads, boila and rashes break out upon the body when the Mood im too ooor ortoothin snd arid. and Is not supplying tnoper notiriah- mmi iv enctMn t n.Ktit. t.j jiii and nervousness more otten coma imm Blueeish; impure blood than anV other cause. f To build up the blood, .restore and nutritious aeain is the onl7 tational treatment, and the piosec-way to ufal... . i a.t. grtnaoi sktn troubles, mere u so sua 1 1 f f:fjrr7 Hood disappear, the appetite improves! the compikzion dears and you get rid of those rniseiabledeprestiflff lecllnM todpexvotneas, and enjoy oncemore the blessings of good health.' S. 8. 8. M nature's remedy for all blew and akin Sis.' eases, u contains no mtnerai-wijateTer, but U guaxanteM rwoy vegetable. - wnte xor tree oooa. iwcnar-s Few people iih:ips notice thnb al). omnibus wheels are painted yellow. says tho London Chronicle, so that any .'wheel may be worn with any bus cIov. Every lrcua ring In the world -Is or precisely the 'same diameter, whatever the also of the auditorium, ao.thatjtne rider - kno,ws the : angle at . which! ae must lean In Ban Francisco is the .an gle of safety in Bt. Petersburg."1 Ejven ; the ladder it 'standardised." - Etery hodman in England knowe whftti he has to step when tolling up the build er's ladder, though he may not know it is seven inches. , The tailor who rnnl op the ratlines bat twelva Inches as a step, and that makes' a run poselbrj?, And the Bremen's ladder u croteu with exact equivalence to the xatUi Potent Pill Plea$re.' The plUa that are-potent In r their action and pleatact in effect are pe Witt't Little Early Blsert. W 8 phllpot of Albany, Gs., says : "During a Mlt&ut attaokl took one. Small as . It- was;. It did me more good thaa calomel, . bloa. I mast or any other pUlt I ever took - and at the tame time It effected me p'rant- ly. Little Early Blsert are certainly tan deal pill Sold by. J 8 Duffy. , ' , ' , . -Aattclitttlne" Htm. " W , ' "Jenkins. 1 bcljere yon have someiof the elements of success about you." 4. "Hot -; dollar, M man. VQoaot bright.' ' Tou'd be .welcome to It if "r .T8"' ? ."" -,3 ::whea - our abaf hi f aO to bit the mark generally have a feeling that lr to because the mark U too low.-Puck ; - 'i.. r ThelDeati Penalty s vVH- A . little ' thing ! ometlniee reauUs ta death. Thus mere tciatch, . iMlraln- eaat eutt or - puny boils have paid the death penalty.. It Is wise to bare Beck, lea's Aralca Salve iter handy, h't ike bast Balve on earth and will prevent fa Itallty, when Burnt,, 8oree, (Heart aed Pllee threaten, Only Mo, at O U uraa- ! ham's drug ttortw .-- f - Tlie KlitnM1 CtUrMtoe, " 1 ' Tha London Globe" prints a "char actcifLKhleli an Enellab servant tott ing kindly gave her mlntrm: -"In as sec to your letter, It's not a bad place; tbe Mrs. nndcrvtand hut dutya. and Is ttvel and obllcins, but .troablct a twit gettlnf up early in tbe morning. There it ptenty, and If yoa doo't mind a plaoft where only cne -other jrouss tadyrla kpt bHilde yonmcif. you might give them a month's trial I Oka more ciaty, wbkh U Why lam fearing." , i, lira. K ollle'Ailee, of rtouta Tork. Ky, tayt tht hat prtrrnud attacks of cholera morbus by taking Ctamberlaia'i Ptota acb aad lift Tablet I when iht fU aa stuck comrrn co. Each attacks art sioaUy cafiard by Iud!gHlo and tkwe Tablets art Jail wfcat Is aed4 U c'iiiim 0) itomata aad ward off the r prnlisr a Hack. Attacks of Wlkms eoUo may bt pti(ntti la Ike state fy for ils by a'.l prn rz'.e'i. f .bt.b.r . lyrl 1: '' rj' ; f !: 1 I. 'f t! f I r' J .:: nr. k rf a -'" -ma: "At r st 1 r Inn' r -'t " it- ty r r'..'n I'r-.t 1.1.1 ' In s o n t!,f n I o J It t 7 I !a an t! ; rri,rr 1 ti I tM'.n' ..1. 'rr. 1 f . n r i : 1 ct II c 1 1 l.-J V. r, ot If t t I. " ' 1 f.i i : ' t" t " t r I I t cogt 11- 4 t i t..e c- - ij ',t' - aot ,L2t tt tj rr 1 1 " tod V t - - 1 !r H a nt.-tn rJ U t. a " j ti jpod health, end tc. 3 ;. , 7 s u-ii untainted. mm 1 I,M i-iv knA health say blood -" ;y erwae betnf " .'fh1 , . OTa.SS2 ? t , I Vonderfuixy' and saw I tobZ ma. X tuak It la a a cue: - - 1 lJ i - . 3.41Ja.AATXX80a. ' .JXC:tl - : .: T, ... . - -s .v" arc Tnree Tears tnao -tewt ca m . - i ctume 11aflMnAkva Ifnna rifMtaM"u1it ah t tcttM liad yteatetaeA to a to tie J cuva they eowd aeaoUiin for H tne.asooKeniytnreenotueeesB.BJk J andwaseonmletely eared, his was 1 1 tMtseifc wasw- ts ana nave Mvet sinoeaeaanyairaoziayoiatTouoiev . -r:- - , -i Its lost, eternities and 'rnai It irtcb. 1 a a T Xtk .. . a.- remeay ue ts. s.B. to accomplish th it aoea wproiapuy ana inonmgniy. antldotea'Bnd ramovcairomf tfca all poisons and humors, and restores i tt torn norm&vneaiuiy concunon, ana in I vigorates tod tones up the general health, Vimenrlch.Tiblood:is-)raia flowine I throufi:hI'vouT.vin all !kfa. ernctiona lor meaicainadvic or other uuormatioa , (Te amiw'liimai Fatmer. -.When the. American farmer rise .ear ly lo the morning it-is to .look over broad , and fertile, acres that are -his own., "When be goes forth It is to fields that no human being can lawfully step Upon -without his consent When! he gatherr and garners the harvest; he Stores what In a vast majority of cases no greedy and rapacious landlord can take from him. It is all his. The pro ceeda Ot it are to clothe and feed him and. his family and educate his chil dren, to be tbe support -at his old ege And the heritage of his posterity.. Look ed at from every 'point of view, It is doubtful'lf there it another human be ing under the heavens Who has more -cause for carrying a light neart and contented mind, for regarding the past with satisfaction and the future with hope, than the- American f anner.-Kftn- sat City Journal., , v!STe the CWldren. ninety-nine of every one hundred dis eases that children have are due to. dis orders 61 theCttomacb and these die orders 'are all .'caused by. Indigestion Kodol Dyspepsia Core It jutt . at good for children at It It for adults. Children thrive oh If It keeps their little stom achs tweet and enoouraget their growth and development.'' Mrs Henry Carter, 705 Central 8t, Kashvlue, Tenn., says "My little boy Is now three years ; old and hu been tnfferlng from Indlgettlon ever tinea he wal bora. I have had the beet doctow In" Nwhvllle, but Tailed to do him any goodW After using one, bot tle of Kodol be is a well baby. I reconv mend tt to all wffeteri." Kodol digests what you eat and makes the stomach weet Sold by? S Duffy. -vVsnoee and lb ret. . "MnndK dear, those shoes look Iflht. I low -wo tney reel on your tr vTWectlycomforiaWe, mamma. (To feeraslO lf sIm hnd nkrd tno bow my feet felt In -t lie ehoue she weald bare fctd tncfT-Chlcsgo Tribune. - .. .'., . . II.. . - j i' . ,.'.. - - f. i OASVOZUa., 3 .' DWaJMtJMI BfOttary tUIUaa' t Expertmentt to disable a balloon ta the air by rifle or "old gun Are have been carried out by. the Austrian aruty. A balloon T,WO feet high was hold at tnchor, and the funoera. kept fnoraut ct .the rtasv WtrVtoM to disable it Twtnty-two shots Were Bred before tbe approximate rtnte wee fmroL and It ta only at tbe slity-fourth tou&d that the ballon wst bit, end that !;UUy, but tbe until rapture of the ti bag biade It Slowly daaotad. Lon don Otobe. - - .' -.'" -,' J Cr. V;:::i' ;:rr Ccrilal Cr.l aUtKra Sm()y. ctf aO nir t1 rwi trout. - fhll4r tWti. htAm from TH Lttt) Hvlitmi (r.i..., .:' llv. irl' !;.! Iliat ha U. ' f . - t i-n i. :v---,l, ur 1 ' ii -! t- t In I r ; l-tr - ' r i'- .!, -f t. ... i i . rm- y f. t l;jUr7. I ft- t I .-. t V.. I. if -t u. ... n va tvi a-(. t ixcmrr jusncc a OPINION. r.---'. In I' l ho - 1. 1 . t- r r. f . . . t .... .It"' ai!. T f ) , TA .t U IL at Kew Eern station, wlQ expose to &!e for cash to the highest bidder the herein below described freight, to recov- er charges of transportation, storage a the same and the eosts of see. 7!... The said goods bare been In the ware house of the A.&N. C.FrR. it New Bern ttatl n . forrnore than oae year from the date ot the receipt of the same at said warehouse, and that so part of the freight or warehouse storage charges upon the same have been Bald to the A. N. C. B. If. or. any of its agents. tAny person ' or persons claiming any of the said freight may redeem the aame before the tale by ettabltshrBg their -title to the same and paying the freight charges,' Warehouse storage , charges and their proportionate part of the expense for ad vertlalng tame for sale, The tale will be on Wednesday the 36ih day of August 1903, at 12 o'clock m. at said station. ,'v. The .following . it's list of freight in said warehouse showing Consignee, Des tination, Articles, Weight and Freight Charges. " (The warehouse storage charges and advertising .charges can be ascertained from the Agent at said station.) NO MARKS. 1 crate dishes. 1 Lot Butter Trayp. 1 Pa Brackets. 2 Easles. 1 Coll Rope. v 1 Box Castings. 7 Boxes Mdse'. 1 Street Lamp. 17 Bdls. Springe. 1 Bdl., 2 Stool Chairs. 2 Pee Iron. 1 Cast Iron Arcli. 1 Bdl., 6 DNrag. 1 Iron Vise." I Steel Roller. . II Windows. 1 Cook Stove. 1 Bheet Iron Stove. 1 Stove Bottom. 8 Kegs Nails. 1 Tackle Block. I Pa. Pictures. 8 Buggy Springe. II Pees P Castings. 1 Single Trees. 8 Barrels Flour. 8 Half Bis. Flour. 8 Bbl. Grits. 2 Packages Belting 1 Sack Beans. 1 Crt. Sew Machine. 1 Sew, Mach. Frame. 1 Bbl. Vinegar. 1 Vinegar Pump. 1 Bicycle wheel rim. 1 " ." frame. 1 Piano stool. 1 Bdl. Lightning rode. 8 Mt. egg erate. 6 Iron pots. 5 Tea kettles. 2 Kegs Paris Green. 1 Bdl. Cape box covers, glass. 1 Empty kecr. 1 Bbl.Jsh. 1 Bdl. bed rails. . 8 Bdl. Cotton ties. 4 Rolls Jute Bagging. 1 Mall cart 1 8toe and pipe. ' 2 Bdls. 12 well backetp. ' 2 Mt. Oil barrel. ,. 1 Roll cablo wire. Doc Harper, La Omrge, 1 Bdl. 1 I ags cork'. , B B Klnsey, La Orange 8 boxes food, ( 0 P Barrow, La Grange, 1 cooking ttove. '1072, J boxes H Oil. K, La Grange 1 box sods. . D W Dixon i Co., Kinslon, 4 Ddlr. wallraper. J Emmet ft Co., Know Hill, 1 box wall paper. , " W. A W. La Grange, 1 bag ololbrs. J B Hood K'aston, N C, 1 box. A M, box bottle, d h . j, M,4aagt,db.- , W L EnlemtB, 1 box, d. "G 8 Klnaey, 1 bag grits. ; E P Llndisy, 1 trunk and vslle la- rW 0 Tl Oretu, 1 box X arma. ; P 0 Dlion, 1 box d h. '8nR,lbox,dh. ;OBBarria,lbox,da, ' ; Rtaatoa Mfg. Co, 1 box, d h. ; TBTesjple.lbox.db. v Mat M Cbadwtckjboi i k. ' 08 Wallace, IbamlLdh. ' Qalaa A Mnier Co, S wash sUnds, d h - On Wflarg, 4 barrels, d a. . i F Co, I boa tobacco, d a. Straad A Bos, 1 box Mdse., d a. It Barki 1 hot, d k. i , Mrs 0 E tieliaa, 1 boid b. . A 8 Kally A Co, 1 box, d h. ,'Owk A Co,l box , robbad, d h. ' ' f OBWoodly, I box.. . ' r" t Joe WUlft, BtonswalL 1 box.' . i ;-, , J B Ashley, rrtls taedttg, l uloek. - 'J 8 GarrslW I box empty bottles. , - W 1 IU'O, Ararakor, I box toap. i :' Jat Morris; Kraalo, t bo toai 'v 8 f DtfTj.l boi drogt - J,- ' : 0 8RU,lbot. - :-i .'' V ; M T II, t bo eoffae. ' " ;. T 8 Ilk la,t hot Adv. maiUr. " , iftniblx.Iboxahcllr. ' 1 IV cai:n. - - ItftidiMj A fllr, 1 b'irt taoold. lIC(.firrtMU. . ' U Mi . i, M t tiy, S Nl rrf 11,67.4 C P 3 b , I u i i;r f, 9. '. ili T IHrta, I I t f?r.stV. A f" '.! A .''i. fiH riilff ul, f'y, " M A r,', Uf. t ft !Tt. T'ri'n I'tj (n,l'Pf ilil.tH J. I k.t 1J tllrt W. I ir.'y ( Tt'- f t.-l .01 . 1 bnt rid t 85. " " i H 1 f. ' r. ! I'T, f KB 10 ft R fwiw!ft d I. J f, r't llniM f ' Cr' 1" tic 3 C Curhmlngi, ipacksgs tljW. C '- - G W MIdgett, 2 kegs muUett 61a. ; H B Miller, 1 table. ,W " -H,R Miller, i ert hornr. w ' ' " H R Miller, 1 art dep powder 2S. P K, Vf F MurriU.l brt vardta 17a , WK urrill, f ct for aWte SOe, : W F MurrOl, 1 bit floar.boo. t V F Murrlli; 1 bx candy 17C ; Croaon Sblrt Mill, 1 es hosiery 88o. E W Smallwood, 8 doors 45e, M D LaRoque, 1 bs case $4.50. - I qa'h mpd kd. - -L A Rutheiford, 1 bdifg 7c. L A Rutherford, 1 dek did $'. 83 L A Rutherford, 2 sewl dctk 9r: Geo White, 1 ca paper. Geo White, 8 ca aWrh al.l Order, Beara liohock & Ci., 1 c stove $2,83. . JTW futter, 1 hd p!pp 16c OK.TL Hugginti, 1 hd 1 c.atga. T L Hugglns, 1 pc hrakea 8ftr. Hy man Sup Co, 1 lil flat bonpa colts, 5 bd wood t?,i2 1 bk F 8 Dhvls, Mortbind Cliy, 1 Ii i linr- coal 23c. Blandhrd Oil Cu, I crt kinf 90c 0 8 Wallace 1 I. eg mull. Is 4 Ir. 8 C Illi-hopj 1 bl blekL- $2,C0. .1 M Clisllct, 8 I d, 6, rrki-rs 8fl W W Tfjlcr, 15 I -tit haskeu 8.56 Allen Davis, 1 c diuis 72c. Miss Mamie Ft (io'lal i r, 1 box drj goods 84c. M S Chad wick 1 box books 1 04. J R Sn.lih, 1 bi J sock $1 60. O S MeWllliams, 1 box glass f 1,80. A P Pudlor, 12 tubB 46c. A Thomap, 2 stoye 1,48. D W Saaders 2 c b powder R8r. J as Laugbton, 1 box mdse 93c. J R P Arann, bl casliops 2.rc. Cl a- E Dam & Co, 1 box in tlrv 6(lc. Frank Tbom, 1 bbl clothing ll5. LHO BiHhop, 1 box hocks 68o. FI Rlicm, 8 hoxcR w papi r, 4 U xes w paper, 1 cr'. hardware 83c. Alonzo Guthrie, 1 box drugs 25c. A H Blocumb, 1 box hardware 1.25. Geo Lard, 1 crt castings 1,50. J B Jones, 1 bdl pictures 25c. A B Rlgglns, 2 empty oil bbls 51c. Willie Spelgh, 1 box Bhlrts 41c. Marehalburg O Co, 1 empty oil barre 25c. . B L Dickinson, 1 crt S M L 84c. Gen Robt Gussell, 2 bbl effects 1,96. Rlgglns, & Co, 2 empty oil barrels 25c. R 8 Weeks 5 empty egg crates 68c. Willie Milton, 1 box groc 90c. C W Smith 1 bdl bags 83c. J Smith, i bbl pickles 01c, Pearce & Perry 5 box plasters 1 B0 H 0 Bruce, 1 box books 2,04. W H Calvert, 1 pall b putty 38. L J Noe, 1 box 81c. Julia P Senynat, 1 bbl paper bangur 1,01. H Kloston 1 box marble. Hyman Sup Co, 1 bg cstgs. E Klnston, 1 pr shafts d b. A T Hill, 1 slant Iron. J Cott, 1 box. J F Harper & Co, 1 box. JEW Suggs 1 package. McClarlcb Bros, 1 box. 10 Goads, 2 box tin. E Klnston, 1 box. Alex Fields 2 eta stones. J W P Smltberwlck, LaGrange, 1 box glass 17c. G B Hadly, LaGrange, wood alcle 17c O K, O 81ocumb Co, I aGrangc, stone boops etc. 7 S5. R B Shaw, L Grange, lN ami box empty bottles 1 empty keg 12 86. OscuUa Co., La Grangp, 1 c L rant 70c. T Q J ones, La Grange, 1 pa naah 83c. on Hardy A Mewborn, La Grange, 15 brls flour, t&GO. M W Uzzell, LaGrange, lea. books 32c. K Sutton, La Grange, 1 pkg. wood aisles 15c Hicks, Dover. 1 Ul. end-, 1 bd bedding 47c A J tmllb, Now Bern, 1 ahow rate, 1 bx. glass, short 92c, . Mrs M Berne, New Bern", 1 brt. glaaa ware, paid JGWhttty, New Bern, 1 bal stove plate 43c. M Hack ma, New Bern, 1 bd. earptt, Vld. m Twlford, 8tumpi Point, 1 pack ateodls, 25c E O Dixon, New Beta, 1 bs. adwa. 43c. Headerton A Co., New Bera, 10 bx. b powders, paid J L M BelterthwaJie, 68 anl. frl. baskets $1.M. J 8 Basalgbt, Hew Bora, i brt, bottled cleat powders $1.00. , G AUIet, Ktw Bera, 1 box hardware, Vo. . T t Slsaoat, New Hera, 1 bd. fence wire $!., 11 B Daffy, New Bera, 1 bl. wall paper JC Wbhtj, New Bera, 1 j-d. Iron 15c -. ' .- - 1 '.,-- " . Prof. O 8 Perkins, New Bars, 1 Ba i.l n..iA. i. -j JO Whllty, New Bere, t aj rotket wtsol for wearer c - - vTsl Merslc, New Bera, t bx. eollara, tse. '.. 8 0 Boberu, tUtcbetor, I bif wait pa per, Mo, , . - , v. ' R Carrot, New Beta, I bxelov. ta. Use. - ".-.. ' . ' A B Powell, New ' Bare, 1 brc 'safe isM. : - . . .... . v os 'I t R-,all, Kw Bars, I bal. pa. bg. ilka - i u 1 niuy, rtsw two, l taewev ttire IJo. f . - -. . . filad LenSa (v New tWtt, 1 M UV't vi'.f, ) trt, , ... , . - v. lUyUtry girsm My. C ,14 ipllt wall piper lias. " r f s' T rwtt A Co.,' New Brs, I ct a. ! H.M. '. -;. , " - W n Warra, Nw Pera, I brt. t wr, 14c" " . F II Mnstgifry, New Pm, 1 boa (it r j , 7V. J II W!!f, Dnrr. fci, tio'l t". O V r'rYtt'Un, f 'f, ' 13 mty. fyg .--5. 1"-