't Z' Jt . i. r J..AAA..V.VvV,v.f...v.w..A.v.....-..... . . . - The Kind Yod Have Always Bought, and wLlcSi has lv ? .in juse.for orcr. SO. years, has borne the sigrnatnre of I."." ' and has Allow no " All Counterfeits, Imitations and M Just-as-good" are tut fj. Experiments that trifle -with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against JExperimenfc'v; WhatioCASTORIA ..s--v,s,. , . 9 - w -- - . Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor OIL Fare gorie, Drops and Soothing Syrups, It is Pleasant, It 3. contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other. Jfarcotlo -X- i substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. -It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind v , Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation . and Flatulency. , It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural Sleep - :? The Children's Panacea-The Mother's Friend ';""" -f GENUINE CASTORIA ALVAY8 i;J& Bears the Signature of" The Kind Yon Have In Use For Over , 30; Years. rVVVVVTVVfTffitTVfVVVVVTTVTVfVTtTttfttffttYttVVf.X John Bairn, Grocer 3 .Begs to call the attention of the Complete Stock of Staple and Fancy Groceries. Every bteamer is bringing big stock. . -; A snare of your trade is solicited, ionr orcera Will re- receive careful attention and a PROMPT DELIVERY.' All orders small or large will be appreciated. t John 3E Grocer, X Phone 74. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMAAA'SSStiMStf'- WVVVVVTTVTVffffffffYYffVYYYtVYYtfl.YttttY9Yt lU NIVER SIT M COLLEGE .OF. MEDICINE,, tUCHMONO,! VlfeOlrllA. EBICmt-0EIIT1tTlf-MAWfcCT . , - -r , ( rrHDRD, .nrit-ciiitgHriragsa - f J. clinics.- ' Executrix JVotfee. All pertotu halng claims against the estate of Mary 0. Blow deceased, art hereby notified to present them (or col lection on, or before the 28 ih day of July 1904 or this notice will be pleaded In the bar of their recovery. MARY B. GU10H. Bxecalrix. July 28th 1903. , . ' vtthxtefor College Youns Coones wotnen : ocy of I 4Vy.xc-iWli 127 Middle St. fall line f Dragi tod Mediclati, Ferfamaa, ToQet Soapa, etc., alao the followtnf Mbtaral Waterat Uatobkaa '' Mineral Pprlnt, Bnffalo LtthJa, Bonny. 141 Janoa, , Danyadl Marjaa, Caracaa, Vtronk,'"ApnU,:Red Batea HpIIta," -Comaa, Pnuhea, Tooth Oraabea, ' . Paaterloe Tootk raaam OULUMHIAN IHSB .TlCIDr. v 4 Creotura, the Oraat DUtnfactant and , . nedOofDeatfoyar. . , Brom-Chloralum , A-lura r RKVXH TAT1YX of fafectt of L. B. Habichti titt In Ui f toUi. . Cold and ITimK, i '", TK FloMl Mjnif. and Wlw. f . i. . -' ' fM hAruciiT, - , . Crwt'f rout and ITjnrrnt ftwta. been made under his r cr- , : f sonal supervision since ftoinSincy. ; '- one to deceive you in tLIs. I Always Bought imn, antOMtin. t: Housekeepersto bis Fine and in some delicacy to be added, to : ' r "1:' worn POJULOCK ST. FajnvnoYAkPiLW turn, imn riuu. Publication of Bum , - ' xaons. wnrtrn fiAiior.tNA. - la th Cbaw Coubtt ( feoperior Crtirt 4 Mary Bayr4 Woottea v. - .- V OiuuriMT..Wootteji ;?r r TV defeadant sboy auaed will tut otto that aa actios entitled ae above kea beta eommeaoed la 6e Superior JDartf UriTen ooantr to obtain a 01' foiwe Iran defendant ; and the ft Id da a4ant will farther uVe notice that he aa raoolred to apoear at the October annofopertorCoort. for laid Ooanty Re be held on the Bin day of " October ntOS atCoart'Honeeof aail Coontyja Btow Bern, HO, and anawer or demur to m ooimUiot la laid acuoa or ua pi.in hi wui appiy tnyum uoan tor. reuai oc namnded la aata compiaiar. ' '. Thl20thdehf Jal190Sr"" ' r; :v . : w. if. waTpon,. r uteri oi ui eapenoi woon. INotice of Bummbns, I Ttu jefaadant abbra named will take mwc Ibu aa aotloa at abote en titled lhaa 1 eia eommraoed la the Superior njomiutt CtaTca ooantr, to obtaia a a fieae a Tfnnalo aaatrlmonlt from tfaetal tohwdut, tmm K. htlaon. and tht kal4 defendant will farther take nolle lahMahela reqalred to apper at lh Mat torai Of tr Bnix-tUir Court of ! faawty to be hold oa the 4th Moodir af hvir e lt ainndny of September, lw- 190 9fwtot lTr.nr in lh. Cnmiil!Dl In t 1 entloa, eft he plulnlifl will apply to IN coort for tin r 0; Iff IohiiiOp1 la tat TtU tOih 4ay of July, 9f9. W.k. WATPOH,- " . c&a A Good , Telephone BEHV1C3 H RECI- ."ITT, convrr.:"" pi;:i) . A IT" A 'X A leak. la ; j. It Is n. iUsi, nra to be sJ 1 to graduate at Dublin ualver- A Tw-tal twth and "oppera" for boots and i.x nro tuioug u sew -esea to which paper ta being pet ; ' I V tV "MwX&M'X n3lttdlng 43,- ' ) eI-ows- an tredso " last An Au'allah eclentlst baa analyzed Tt' rr?. wtlcbr ontamca tracea of foil r jwtng tla t.:t eenrja not Ia"4onn8ctloa,. -tia Orarjg split to ro:fast 8,000 rn3 ara i Tereeolved to forpOfl toOeppQ? Jraage oraer tlj ttt Uefcoantla t!X' , ,. t V. ' TfftT'W' ihootinV Ifl tbe Brtilah na? CiJoff. Bowles WjlSet to tlJOUsa twt retclbli oi cotnmandj TTt3tfi?ie eppeat for telp f6tne per tempff Jews la Etehlnefl ynn coade la NwTork tbe Chinese cave ft benefit port orjnance in the Chinese theater and raised nearly $300. Dus no f rota .the tua& at Jioakxme which Napoleon formed in the hope of iaadUig England, s ceaecttoa oi bnt- tons fepreeentlnir twenty FreriCav regV- mit8' baa been presented t6 the Aroy ariaenm at rarla. . AecoMtnir to statbtlcs lust TeflOed W tn itpse enajnbefvof 'icomafercev UM)9tttes or jrreaea ampape BAf a ceea j W5rroa- aimnar xne war rft Bopthe, while only la,ouoo bottles were sold In Fratoca. Tbot the people of the Tjaftod Btfltea do not eat rice la shoara bythe ta tlstlcs that a -poputoUob-oS bO,ooo,w coneomea .leas than. Ave, pomods per capita per anntim ,"of' the 400,000000 pounds of clean rice now produced an- Ohio baa BtabUshed "free employ ment ofJBces to -the are large dttoe of the tabv and the offlclala tn charge report that from 1800 to 1000 the total number of applicants of both sexe wae 270.0ia bf whom 136.670 wer Wtea employirients U m WSW-t- , At th Tnmgj!Jajraar, 1903, the American Federation or Labor had 2,429 unions. affiliated,, divided .as fof towaft; Watfonat ;andtofernaflohal unlona, IDii state" brancnea. ; mt cHy centrals, 73; local trade ana federal unlona lZy'rBm-i4" ? Hall Colne locatea the scene of the bra TBst Heed with which he is acquaint ed at the Vatican: "The. hero- of the in cident in Question,",, he ;-wrltoe, fwa Pope Leo XIIL, who, on the occasion of our first Interview, ; actually- con fessed that he had never read one of Bmcelhe great volcanic disturbances In the windward Islands It has been Impossible '.tot "maintain upbroieai ckble connectlona between the Islands of lfaraniqae sad ' Goadaloupe. 'and tha French goverhment has ttabllBbed wireless telegraph, service between the two. The distance exceeds 100 miles. wai Jlrat made1 itf China and -was li troduced In Europe (Germany): In 111 Bven Hedio oh his-Uat 'Asiatic, trip discovered fragments of Chinese paper that were 1,000 yeafa Old. Himly of Wiesbaden, the expert ta -oM CUnese, Is engaged In deciphering jthe writing on the papef.- The famous catalsptld aleeper; Mlla Boyenval of Tbenella, France, has new been asleep for twenty, years-without moving a muscle.- Decently an abscess appeared on her arm, and when the doctors lanced It she'gaVv a alight twitch; this. :bclnjr &e snly outward sign of- life he sot litt sine me state of eomd first 'appeared '..-.1 ;i J ,-Tbe Bodoty of American Atrthors Is proposlnf to move upon congress at Its next aeedoa In behalf of tbs eamoge of authors' manuscripts in the mails at third class rates, or two ounces for a cent The proposed reduction la this country. wU maapbetno la the Unit ed Btstea What It la la Lurppe and be tween SB countries belonging to the universal postal union. . -v. A carpet lodoirtry'waa- started t few years ago in- a poor district In Don egal, and, pomnwaeing , wltlv a-dowTi women workers,1 it has growh to such an extent that It now 'finds. employ' tnent for sercral bundtcd people. Tha carpets art bandmafle. sfter' Ibo Turk ha and reralan fsahlon, in moealce of small woolen square, the designs ind coloringa betas' meet SfttaOo and ef fective, . :;-;-.n If a small quarrmef radimn 1s held against tha forehead while the eyea art ckwod one will, see light. Tha eays pJhetraU-tV the frtlnS and tauss ft to pboaphoraaca, The mora recently dis covered poluCilom Is doeety allied to It The recenUy cabled import that polooV am gtves eight to the bUbd may baT foandaUon la the fart ttsat 4t fya, atrlktng the blind ties, aire the Im prenaion of light , " - The highest point fir wage reached before the panic of 1J3 ba now txn rRdliiod or pnaacd practically and ta ell lines of work. . Labor nnknss bare Inercaac l la strtTith and ftumbcr la a dUtlnct'7 anrprwins Way. It la esTt- cd, for tmniiilfl, that In Ctkwgo the ltt of t:Jor,a line letiEthenrd from 121 to 600 ".nrU nwhe pnnt ir and tl,t the Kt ;.,Tx:iM!,!p lin adrarcl frrna 12XK) to tlw "tiiat ouinUe la tvi Satr.o prrind. ILaC--' f'Dgr'i after wrtt!1ng wi;i t! 1 f ' 3 "ft twvir jit fn a I M pmrirug for tLc r :r... 1 t.r a r:iwy mw th An' Ii,i.',;,tn!;. to r-. j , r.-t I'. , wl!h r.'j.'Jr o a:..l VU r x It v i '. t!;S I t 1 11 r . fr ... If I V' rs, t ( f X, I ' 1 1 .1 to I : t 1 f ( I PLUCKU.a H E E P. Ehrarlng I'rttru ot tcd la Sitt- laad ma Tare trtil Auimala. The pure brod shefji la hJtland nta not shorn, but placed. .Tha. process takes place (renerally in June, when the fleece Is "ripe" and the silky wool .can be pulled off without pain. ' - This a called "roolcg" and 4a much jesa daiaaging to the young fiber than Clipping with (shears. - The wool when thus bandied retains its- peculiar soft ness, so that anyone of espertence can tell whether the material of a knitted article has been plucked or shorn. It ripens first .upon the, neck and shoul ders, so that sheep half pulled resemble in some Sort a poodle that ia clipped.. : We must suppose that harsher han dling prevailed at one time, for we read that In 1010 the Scottish priry council spoke of the custom as still kept up "in some remote and uncivil, places," -..and James t; wrote to tell them that it had been put down In Ireland under penal ity of fine, TjpoaJhlBthey passed an act oa uarch 17,-loiu, oepionng tne destruction of sheep -thus caused and Imposing similar ' fines en those who Should persist in-the practice,' y - . - The Troplo Hom. ' , .. ' , White. Tmen's homeS'Ont Indla,"'4he West Indies, ' west Africa and -other parts of the tropica to which civilisa tion has penetrated are usually run on "the principle of having as. much ait and las ' little fur nittrro; as possible Carpets,. rugs,' cushions hangings and poroeres are nanisnea. - lames ana chairs are made of light wlckerwork, t am boo or cane.- .The -floors are pol ished with cocoanut husks , until they become as slippery as a -good dancing floor. ' Indeed, they are used, for that purpose' nearly eery evening in any settlement wnere tnere is socicry.- .a ball in the tropics requires no prepara tion. After dinner It la only necessary to move the light furniture ta one co ner of the spacious room,: send some body to the piano and start dancing, The- ballroom , is1 practically 4n -the Open' air,' for wooden "JalousieaT form most of . the wan space ana are.openea keen6tiantada,V let the cool bimt breesea. - HERE'S ABABY rr MoraK& is'Witu'iA' iThabay.b bttllhy bacama Surinf (attatlaa Itt awthar mm4 fb. purely rawrtabl Mnhnant. a -ft Mother! Friend It a toothing, Wlmlnr, ralaa Inc oil, nmed. makar.invlcoralor amlTmlif at. It pat. new po war Into o bark and hi pa. A coming mofhar rub It In trom the outside, wltb her own pretty angaray-Mio dosing aad twallowlaa ft aaaty dr"- laalde till merit Ta.ttat.of the inotber dSrrhvf geeuttoa may IndiMare ibe dUpoeltlea and wbule tature of Ike child 1 Ibal la why mothen ahoaid Watch thelr condliloit and free themeelTee Iroat pain, liar bealta. chat si the efcUd aad their UHa,depead keying tree from tortura, worry and awlaa duAy b of e" cheer, etrong of heart aad peaceful anna. Mother. Frteod raa an will mane yoa ao. Bearing daw. paiaa, BMrnlng ttcmneetb aoresen of hreaat. aad In aao ineoeMua are v thla wonderral all relieved and dlmhaiehed by thla ramdy beckrd b tw. aoor paarg of mtcett oTdruCTUtaaix , 4 64 iooerbao"MotherhlJiiJ ftea.. THK BNAOflCLD RtauUTon CO. Aruara, a. 'JU, Teacher'.- Interstate ' ExamlaalloB Taaytiara WlaKlnal Ia nremara fftt agartw inatlona ahould write, at once, to raor J. L. OlUn AM, LL D4 . 15MM ; Ban. dolph Bonding, Meaipblt, Taaa,, for paruculara ooaoeralof fcli ipaiTBach- V Eitmlaatlon Oourae, ,-. y This eoarae . ta ' Uoghi by. matt, aad prepares Teachers for eiaminauon eve y BUU la tbs Caloa. Leadlnj edu ction proooance It the beet course sm offered to the Teaching profeilon end all Teachers wlihlng to adraneo in their profauloa aaould ItaaiodlaUly avail IberrafilTat of If. .Zncloae lUttp for rs- Pl7 I : Tcacbcr'antel -We aecd al once a few more Teachers for Fall chrola. tlood potlllons are bf-Inr Oiled dally by oa. We are rwxilf Irnmore rails tbU yaar thin er te- fi.rn, rVclifioli aed Cf!lPr" ytjptilled wilh Tf' h r-r a free of ct,, Eocloaa t, for T""i''r. - A4.t.iticA.N lr.Acnr.n3' . . :apsociatioh, J. Lk GatiitK, LL. D,, l'm,y 102-134 Handoluh Pulldlng, Kempbl Tnn. V v'.; -'c-,-; .'- '-r:'''-.-- ,'i r -V-''".' BaasMBiMsWaWaws. . ....... 1. - .i . tkln Diseases. 8wenine Carbuncle rimplca, Borafiila PvtiULBnitlr aml br UUt BoUnia Bkd Bcls. B dettran UK Mt'T FoUon ta t!ia Uood, Jl 10 km j Kctx. nl pila la Dones, back ana Jofaitt, Itchtnc Batbby EUa, IlUxxl Fecll txH or thin. walln Glairia, 1 Siilnd aaA BmmxM fbm SUa, Hoot ttUbm la I aloaui. Bora Tnroat, rtmpua, or Hawn truptmia, GonoarolMad Snota fir tnth mi Skis, all fBsvdava. e. Mrroua, clear oa any part tba body, HaU-ec Era. I tnnri tallica oat, Oaibosdaa or SoUa, Mta - Botanic Blood Balm, cruaranteed. tepgraareo thaworrtanamcxtdocp .cated eaetyhtre aoetoa, patent IDfrinea,aa hot IprtntltalL' Hcala all Mrea,ttopa all aobea and palsa, radaca all nrUhit, akaa blood para ana Men. anapicteir caantiat tha aUn todr tnta a elaaa, healtbr wmditton. A. B. B. Im imi nil thwHanrtaot caaMQf Bkxxlfoiaoprren aflat Kehlm tbalui irana. v. -.. . .t. .... OM JUiaaaaaUaaa. Catarrh, Snnui an ontai by aa awful yolaoart ooadtUea at th B. 0. 0. (top Banrkuis aaa SpRUac Itehttuj AabMananlaati Oaurrhi haal all goaba, Scalea, Zraptlooa, Watery BlUtara, toul fttfettnaBonaof Ectasia', M (truit a joTKnaaunj DtooarappiytoaJiMteasani. al cancer Cured - s-: Bounta Blood Baba-ernca Oaaona etaU Kindt. SmoiaUaa BwaUlntav: Eating Bona, Tnraon. b1t CImm. .'It alUaUM).Caaoer Polaonaod bealaUMton. at mnt caooer prtUj ItToa htm a pentttent j rimp), Wait, 8 waning Bbootlagv SUngmc Faint, taka' Blood Balat and they wlU Oltappeu for ttay Qmlop lata Canon. Stanyappanntly bopeleai eaaaa at oaneat ennd by taMnf Botanlo Bloofl Balm. f; a. di.L a. cj A. i.A ! '1' KM. . Stww a laree baitna far SA.ofaa'r 4t iuimfjtil.aa.aa.) almunnme wbaa tbe rlarbt aoaattty ia taken. ft att ittd.y.aaaty,trta ng arenment. vOjKeUQ OjflKjlXJ . tiai m viiaa n.1i n Tt Tl fe foi ana tore to who. -TDorotifmiywttea lorwyn. impoted ot Pur. KoUnlo Ingredlenta, 'Btrengthene weak kidney tKKanro mHTeutenu. -Htenauiene weak etomacha enrea dTtnensla. 1 ana totlon complete airt mt It. Jt. H. aad writing Blood Balm ueuuuua trouble, and aneelal data, alto lent la Btftlad letter. NORTH CAROLINA. ) In the ursven ,uounty. v j superior uoun -"'. : c. ;i v Fali Term, 1908 . Samuel W Bmallwood ki Clara Jerome. - To Clara Jerqme, defendant. . . - : k " W TAJUt NOTlCX. . Thla is aa lctkm wherein the above named Samuel W 8mallwood is plaintiff, ana sua uiara deronw is ueieuaana, nun the purpose 01 said action la to compel he defendant to execute a good , and sufficient' deed to' the plaintiff for the tract ot land situated ia said Graven County: known , as the Rock Spring Lodge tract, sad the mules, - furniture and other personal property situated oa said land ana aeea tnerewitn.. sua lana be Ins the same which belonged to 0 C Jerome at tha time of his death and was devised by tha wllT ot said 0 O Jerome to the defendant. The defendant will taka notice that aha la ' reanlred to an- pear-tt tha term of said court to be held In New Bern on the 4th Monday after the 1st Monday la September 1903, aad aaiwer or uemur to tne complains. ine defendant la furthet aotlned that a no tice of 11a pendens of thla aotloa has been duly filed la the offlos of the Clerk of (aid court. . . - - , ' . . ThU 8d day of Joes 1908. n - a- -?: We' M. WATSON. Clerk Sapetior Court of Craven ooanty, aorta uaroiins, -i. .. . ;&- experience; Titnw Mama DCSIONS CoviteaKra &S aaron tending a ekglek end demrlplloa a t. a(A.l aarartaln ear fMrtnWm free m Tree weemer - ; InrenUna te nhlf Betentabla. Oneinamea- -- UooeetrtetlreniiOaenUaL llandbor V em iree. Oirteet aeeecr for e.wert -- tloaeetrtetireoiinaenuai. iiananonaoa reieua tjMita taken InnMirn ntunn A Co. nealat " geerta aeuee, wnatwa n.re, at lb. (. g aenteneealr nieerreted aeetll. lei ' " aaleiam of anf ernUDe JnornaL Terme.ata jf : foarnontaa.Sl. aula arall aawedeaiva. I vlaafiffStsfeJlt Directory ' ei de Kail at tne Weir Bert Post OfflccX Mall for all ro!aU North' and Wast via AA K. a U. B. close at e.UU p. m. 'atari for OrirmtaL Maateo, Xllaabeth Cltv and Norfolk via bu. Nense close al6.30 p.m. - Vail forOrlental. tfantooT Blsabeth Cltv and Norfolk via Sir. Ooraooks close at 1:80 p. sa. . ; 1 1 -gf -t . -.. "V . STAaBqUTSS. Mall for Olvmpla. UranUboro,. Bay. boro. Blonawall, Vaodermera aad Ortea ul cloae at B,T) a. m. . Mail fw 1 ::.i'.t. Urns, Oeddy, Chip and DoLU cJom at v w a. m. Mn for Atkta, Frnul, Zorah, Wasp and Vanrixiro ciOe at 1:00 p. . Vatl for W-onVr.lo at 1;00 p. vs. 4 FnTMOUP V. IlAKC!X, P. It. Ilcn:;r;c3 Tclcr Trie f."o!re T tCft rn inli. r 10 rl.ar a fir f ' innc -Toll Hates. 1 FaVra r.l rla y 1, 101, subject !-n. Frua iicw 1 I r - n 1 ,'oK-tlLi. a t ) r o I ! T 1 I- ma l City f 1 ; 1 c : i . 4 r.l t. e 1 i: 1 1'r 4 4 - 5 L v a- I . -v - 1 I Pill 1.- - V Mail for all polsu North, South tad T '"T Wes via A. A N. TlTL, aad A. 0 r J- i . Una aiosa at mo a. sa.r -:-o-. r;i',--:..r.v;, , 1 k-afeasetsfi?,! Citizens': iBank, Cost? Mf 25 tiii auU tf tatai U ;C W km hutted Or. tniintl'rtut,h.ib.i r r7T72!i!0'..,"l.." ud trM. x . prkMmedK.., .4 our iT avw at mount 10 lwtf uareal bota ut ngreonu M qUcklf tk Iroatilw in r I lent k mm A standard and Infallible cure for RHEUMATISM and GOUT, endorsed, by the highest medical authorities of Europe and ; America. .-Dispensed only ia spherical capsules, which dis solve in liquids of tha stomach Without causing irritation or 'disagreeable 8vmotoms.TkPrice. Sl :ner- bottle. Sold-bv rCOLCHICIftL1 ILICYLATC y ruggist&.v' Be sure i WIaJOAJa SaFO, CU. : f . .5f-jr.nr.YF s Low ANNOUNCED, VIA Very low rales are announced via Southern Railway from points on Us lines for the following special occasions: KNOXVILLE, TENN.-Sammer School June 28-Jply 81, 1908, MONTEAQLE, TENN.-Blble School, July 1- August 80, 1908. SAN FRANCISCO, OAL.-Nat!onal Encampment O. A. R.. August 17-23. 1908. TUSKEGEE, ALA. Summer School, June So-August 7, 1908. Bates for the above occasions open to the public Tickets will be sold to these points from all stations on Southern Railway. Detailed Information can be bad upon application to any Ticket Agent of the Southern Railway, or Agents of connect ing lines, or by addressing the under- alffaed. 8. H. HA.RDWICK. Washington, D. O. , TO THE Qlorious Mountains of Western North Carolina THK Southern Railway invites the attention of all Health or Pleasure seekers. THE TOURIST SEASON opened June 1, 1908, and oa that date Low-Bate Summer Excursion Tickets weat oa sale from principal points In the South and SoutheaiUo the noted reeorte located on and reached br Southern Rail way. Tickets on sale up to and including September 80, 1903, lor return "The Und ot tha Sky" AVD "Sapphire Country,' AthCTlllc, It. C , and Eot Sprint! H. t, offer every attraction to the Bummer Traveler 01 Invalid. The East Tennessee aad VLrflnla Reaortt also offer many indnoementi for Bealth aad Pleaaura. any Soothers Railway Agen tor Busuaei Homes folder, flescrlpUvt of tbs many Delightful Resorts reached by Southern Railway, - s 8. H. HARDWICK, O.P.Ae - - OCSf MUMW MMMUH . IST. O. " Do a datural Banklnf Boalaaaa SApri19,19C3, Burplua aa4 twdrvi1 . - dedItU.aJ0Qr00. ; ' We will rire proas pi aad oaref pj aUaa Boa to an buaiaees Mtraated e aa. - Wa lavlts your aooount ' Try aa. rrt!naaS TJlnat ' I. i.kHlim, jt. a. aitiant, iaa.iinrlr, .amoel W.lpoaS . aaa aaaa rTi HaUa, ' , Taomaa dv.Sti Cii.a. H. rewarg I. Vr , (.ralnear, , W. Swan aood. O.B. ot Oe. a. I raa. ,w tfark Ptanea.T. Clnan, pure whnlreKvma, rni aranUad 0 tM rfnilrejiy rnada frf d aUllnd Wat tr frnm ImrmHltra.l faciallV ll Vnnda.1 and rrrIrd ff homaa eoe f n t t inn, I, a d liTfired daily (egfvpt Ptindtyt) imtolsn. r-umleig (ralafl eti'y) 7 a taA It imk for prtcaa and ct.'.c... nrurmailoa, I rcT7vCcnia X. Ic& SOCTIi RAILWAY. I" " "' 1 1 ,j M j JJa OR HOIECSt Olarrhota,Dyatefy,aai the Bowd Trauhks ef - t Vtzx'g: MOFPETt. M. D. T. CoUIS, MO. . Mttdil? ban bo. w tolZTZJlZ! E2Z - . .. 7 t: .7 Mtkini. : ' . and fet the genuine. - CI.CVXLAJIID, OIIIU, See nvrr? u A.&N. c;r.r. TIKI TABU IrO. 30 To Take Effect Sunday, June 7, ;i908 at 5:00 A.M., E.S.T. OoingEaat SobiduU: Going Weat No. 8 Passenger Trains No. 4 DAILY. Lv. p m BTATiONB: Ar, am 8 30. Goldsboro 11 05 8 09 LaOrarlge 10 83 423 .Kinaton 1012 5 40 Ax. New Born, Lv, 9 0 5 60 Lt. " Ar 8 87 715....AT. Morehoadoity Lt..... 700 No. 6, I I No. , Passenger I stations: Passenger Train Tralu. DAI LI. Lv. k. n, Ar.lP. m 8 00 Ooldsboro 8 80 8 18 Best's 8 08 826 LaOrange 7 57 8 87 Falling Greek 7 47 8 48 Klnston 7 87 9 02 Caswell 7 25 9 18. Dover 7 17 9 80 Core Creek 7 00 950 Tusearora 000 9 56 Clarke. 649 680 619 10 10...... Ar. New Bern. Lt. 10 20. . . . Lv. New Bern Ar 1040 Rlyerdale 10 43 Croatan 10 65 Havelock 1108 Newport 11 14 Wlldwood 11 40. . . . Ar, Morehead City Lt. . . , 5 47 5 43 5S5 C21 515 4 40 P. M. FREIGHT. No. 1. DAILY EXCEPT ' No. 8. 2d Clasi. " SUNDAY 2d Claaa ut. a m Ar, p m 5 IS . . Ooldsboro 8 00 545 Best's 9 18 613 LaOrange 2 08 6 17 Falling creek 1 88 7 82 , Kinaton 1918 7 40 oaawell..... 1201 9 00 Dorer 11 01 9 40 oore creek 10 40 10 10 Tuacarora 10 10 10 83 olark'a 9 54 1100 Ar. New Bern, Lt 9 20 1980 Lt. New Bern Ar 8 15 1 12 lUrerdale 7 40 120 croatan. 7 28 1 40 HaTelock 7 10 2 09 Newport, Lt 6 86 9 20 Wlldwood 6 17 28 Atlantic 6 08 2 58 .'.As. Morehead City, Lv 5 60 800 . . . Ar. M. city Depot. Lt 500 r. . a.m. B.L. DILL. a A. KKWLAKD, Oea'l Bapt. Haster Transportation. P.HaPelletler, ATTQXKIT AT iir, lldels Streets Lawyers Brisk Bsildlsr. W1U vraettee ta aae Com tie el Ojarea Oaraarat Joaaa, Oaalow aad raaiUaa. O Ooaot at Hew Sen. aad Bayge Oewrt f . H. Blataais, A. DJWard - 31MT10NS at WARD, ATTOBHBV aa COCHStLOBS at LAW. w a. c Oflos Renovad scroas Street to Seeoad . ;8tory at No. 69 (abova Talafrspk Of , ; floe) Soolh front Street, aeit to m -OJotelpaatUwkav ,r ''Practice) ta Us eouatUs of OraVea, OspUaoaes, Onalow, Carteret, Famll co and Wake, ia Ua Baprsaae aad Ted. eral Courts, and wherever eerrloes are daatred. -1. ' m ' Atloroty'tt Uw,', ' ' ' 74 80, Front BL.'OprX Hotel ChaUawka 'KiwputaKiir. . , Prsresi Cotmtj AUomey. ... ,r Clrrmlt, Craran, Joavis, Oaalow," Cat. erei, FamlltM, Oraerva, Lanotn and the Snprena and FederaJ Oowrt -x , ATIOBXftlT 11 IT. ' TraHloe la the; eoanWes- ef Cravea, Carteret, f ami loo,. Jr ma and Onslow, and In th Slats eoprame) snd Tedaaal Orta - . - OfToa: Month rroiit 9trt, traf Taea- 7Bph ale, lw Bem, N. C. 1 , ' . 1 (" i E: h' nan - L.u.ai AND fllIJtr1 COM.fOl A iTfiACIlo.Nrs.-I-.'' "n rnaa i.r. nefl.eklr lh. i r Ut -al. I'.ffarl n.Hral dra'n.ra, eiraiSem a- ef. KeeH-l'id en f Iff m f nit. , 1 i . .1 A UT "I h.,t'.ul pr'f eratlnn i t r -t rr rn f r t r t' I I' 1 , : - r., ' r. : - . lltlrr 'e ( .!.,'. !1 t ' , I a- ' .,1 a. f t 1 r r ' 'J ", (" k - - - J I . ...a I t 5 T I f JVSrt ' 3I, v-. -r? Tear I et