t- .'ll. ..f THE JOURNAL; New ftera, H. C Aifist 11,'ltOS. LODGE WMCTOkT. CRAVE LODGB HO. t XH1QHTB or harmony. MaMa Snd and 4tb ; Roan.tm's HalL Pollock street, at 7J0 O'clock, bunoel B. Bill, President; 4. fi.mltk, BeCr, R.R. EM, financial - ' -,--... , ..--- Index to Heir AdTertftemeats. Holloa. 8 Toffle Summer goods. OH Ennett Hammocks. Barfoot Bros Great reduction. J E Benton Fall suitings are here. Q H Watera & Son-Putty and print! Simmons & Hollowell Co, Clearing sale. Business Locals. FINE Lot Country Hams and Should en at the Oaki Market MISS NANNIE P. STREET, Insurance Exclusively. Prompt attention. BOARDING. New House, just opened one mile from station, Rates five dollars per week. Mrs Mallory, Black Moun tain N. 0. FOR RENT Store under Stanly Ball, opposite Post office, will be altered to suit tenant. Also after September 1st, Btorenow occupied by Barfoot Bros. For terms see P. M. Hahn. G. A NICOLL Insurance and Brick. MUSIC Miss Kathryn Griffin will be- eln her music class on Monday, Bept 14th. For further information, apply at 82 Pollock St. NUNN ALLY'S Fine Package Candy at Dawson's. HOUSE FOR RENT, apply to F. F. Matthews. STOKE For Rent Corner Broad and Middle streets. Apply to Oaks Market. AN easy way to accumulate something Buy real estate by paying a small sum each month. Valuable property acquired In a short time from which an income will be received, beveral lots for sale by the New Bern Investment Co., R A Nunn, Attorney. WE GUARANTEE Wilkinson's match less Mineral Water to cure dyspepBla and stomach troubles, or money refund ed. Davis' Pharmacy. BRICK We have a large quantity of good hard burned building brick and can ahip promptly. Brick and Tile Mfg. Co. Phones 62 and 200. HOTEL MONTREAT at Black Moan tain, near AshevlUe, N C. Elevation 8,000 feet Right in the mountains. Mod em. Open all seasons. Two miles from depot, So. Ry. For booklet and rates address, W D Paxton, Montreat, N C. SARATOGA Spring Water just received at Jacob's Cafe. WALL PAPER IFROM The Cheapest at 6o per roll TO The Beet at (8 00 per roll' Samples sent to your home.' Guilford Lewis, At Dawson's 108 Middle St., Phone 209. NOTICE! By vlrtae of a Mortgage eaecoted on tbe Kb day of May, IMS, by H. T. Din cock and T. W. Dewey to Old Dominion Steamship Company which Is dnly re oorded la the Collector's cfflca for lh District of Pamlico at the Port of New Bara,M. C, In Llbar 11, Folio 74, ws shall sell at pabllc auction on Pasquo tank Rim at the foot of Fearing Street at what la known at "Robinson's Dock," la KUaebeUi City, If. C that certain BVeeaaef o Teas at called '.Guide," Tbt Mid tale to be made at Twelve o'clock M, e Tbarsday. the 17th day of Aug. ut, ltd. Tarns of sale cash. The said Steamer will be sold ander the eel4 Mortgage subject to ibe In debtedaeee that saay be against It, ooa traded staoa Ibe sold Mortgaa ThU Jllk day of August, 1901, . J. B. IjKBot A A. L. Cabooi, Aatlgaees of Old DoaaiaJoa Steaaatblp Oo. " " ' '., HtitMtsa-aBaBflsjsjsjpjSmjyBMSHSaHamart' Criid ExcMtloa. ' V Te AUasllc and Hortb Caroline rail way win raa an esMratoi from .Mora head te Aahevtfl Taaadty A a gnat tSth i Ueataaatagly low rate o .W from all sUUoas between Morafcool aadHtw Bern. Tickets good fetwttag oa al ' trelas isUttl. Ucladlag trala fif The epetial roaratoa train Imvas Moraheed Al 1 JO am and Ifew Dm A JO ' Tkk wtfl make ert efceep trie and fU( PTporlnariy to valt this twa-Altal COtntry; . ' - . ejWSssjssaseMsslBssMlejn Tmk Orfta, Oat JTakaau Shredded ITVtot Weeertis, Tort, and a sawbe of Che bteeifeet Cartels jtst rewired at JR Tarter,; fa. : INDIGESTION; PlIDCn lasfilitfly lj OUNuU thuiecflilcVi 10c, i5e,fe Onp- '! " ' ' ' ' "' '" AROmSi) AJti) ABOUT. There will be a meetlng'of the Mer ehanta -.Association ; at ,8 pm Mon , TW Improvements out on Dunn's Avenue are Indeed encouraging. Several pretty cottages have recently been erect ed out there and three more - being iramed, , ' .- :,: 1 0n account pt many cf the Westers Union telegraph wirea being torndowa by the storm we are unable, to gijre a complete report of the market today.: '' T It may be of local Interest to know that Virginia-Carolina Chemical stock touched the lowest point in the history cf the corporation, 19, high 21, market closed at 20 yesterday ; - A gentleman of thta county showed a sample of tobacco for which he had been offered.flve cents a pound this year. Last year for the same grade of tobacco he received from twenty-five to thirty cents per pound. At a large mass meeting of the tobac co planters and merchants held In Kins ton yesterday resolutions were passed denouncing the trust, and deploring the Inadequacy of the btate laws to control the situation, and-approving of the course taken by the Retail Grocers and Merchants Association. The Greenville Merchants Association have declined to co-operate with other associations In the proposed boycott against the American Tobacco Company, They say that the time has not arrived for action. If It tsnot time when the price of tobacco, with a short crop, Is forced to two and three cents a pound, then It will never be. In the party who left here last evening going to spend today at the seashore, were seen, MIsseB Olivia Waters, Bessie Randolpb,AnnIe Randopb,May Primrose Turner; Messrs J A Jone,Ral'ph Gray, E J Hester, F F Matthewp, and Capt D L Roberts; Misses Rebecca Street, Bessie Parsonf; Messrs V A Lowe, Fred Scott, George Henderson, Jr, and Capt Joe GaskllJ; Mrs C W lieil, MUses Minnie Bell, and Pearlle Bell; Messrs E K Bish op, P H Pdletler, George N Ennett, Lon Bell and F D Perry. A WET AUGUST Rainfall Thus Far About 6 J Inches. In Jury to Crops. Thursday's rainfall was 1.74 Inches, which was followed Friday and Friday night by two Inches more, the total rain fall here for the first fourteen days of AngUBt being 6 49 Inches. The Journal's correspondents, and farmers coming to town, all say too much rain, and the early planted cotton is being greatly damaged. The forecast for today Is for rain. DIED Edgar M Harrison, son of the late James C Harrison and Mary E Harrison died August 15th, 1903 at 7 o'clock p m, after a lingering illness, aged 30 years. Fnneral services will be at Centenary Church Sunday evening at 6 o'clock. DIED. At her home near Thurman, Craven County, Aug 15th. 1908., Mrs Etta Y Forsythe, wife of Mr O. H. Forsvthe In her 84 year. The remains were taken to her home at Bloomlnglon. Ill, yester day afternoon for Interment. OAS3TOX1.IA. Ban th. I " IM 1W His) thrift AV Kind Yoa Ham thrift Ufutnn We have a large lot of pints, quarts, and 2 quart fruit jars. Can save you money on what you want. J R Parker, Jr. If you want a good 6c. smoke, try any of lh following brands, Red Dragon, Aunt Hannah, Cubanola, Cremo, Prtace of India. All for aale at J R Parker, JrV New Orleans Bwaet Home Molasses In 1 plot, 1 quart, gallon and (alloc cans at J B Parker, Jr's. DRUG STORE COMPLETENESS. Bradham' IbarmacyU complete' in all lu equipment. Gierke are never btfflperad In obtninlnf Vwt molts) la' ootn pou tiding prrecrf ptiooa because of a lack of modern apparatus or logredieaU'CalUd for oa Um Doctori rtdps. Tbr aff yi plenty of alleodanU to wall 00 customcri prompU The general stock is carofull aelected, U first quality la every pArtlct!r. Every depattmett U nm on the most eooDotntoal baali ia order. that expense may le reduced and prion lowered aooordinglf. Tou save money end get a nor eaUafactory ar Tloe la every dlrexrUoa by trading at nraJhAa'--rio qneaUoe ; . Only puroft highest qoalily drug and chemlckU mmA. 'All recipe bandW only by"eiptrijf)cd, rg?Urd plarma data Beappreotirf. IMov alwRja rmaonnMe tgnnd on a faif pront over actual coat of I BniD::irrs-Fr.iscr.!?Ti::: r;:i:"'cr. - ler. rstl"fk &!'y!'.?: Mr J N Foacue of Jones eonutv is In the city. Mr Will CUpntrkk went to Klnston yesterday. . - Mr X B Elliott of Follocksvllle was la town last alght. - ' ' , 1 ' , Miss Annie Foy went to Morehead yesterday morning, MrBM Brio son ' went to Connolly oprings yaataraay, - - , i a . . Mrs L M McHweaa weat to Ooldahoro yeaterday to spend a few weeks. Mrs H 8 Nunn haa retnrned from a visit to Bell haven and other places , Mrs 3 F Denton of Raleigh came last evening and la visiting Mrs O S Waters, Mrs 8 M Brinson . left for several weeks visit at Salisbury, yesterday morn tag. - ; Mr William Dunn arrived yesterday morning from a business trip to New York. . : ': Rev. L P Howard returned vesterday from a visit with friends and relatives in Alabama. Mr John Dunn went to Boston to at tend a meeting of the Retail Grocers As sociation. - Miss Lucy Rlshton left yesterday for Hotel Montreat, Black Mountain, for a few weeks vacation. kiss Adelaide Peck returned home yea terday morning after several daya visit to friends in Etnston. " ' Misses Minnie and Addle Bagwell who have been visiting Mrs' G B. Waters re turned to their home at Raleigh yetter- day. 1 Mrs M 8 GlUett, Miss Llda Weeks and Mr L B GlUett of Maysvllle, passed through here yesterday going to Bean fort - Mrs S E Dillon and Miss Battle Ryan of Hot Sprlngf, Ark., are In the city, the nests of their relatives, Capt and Mrs O K Hancock. Mrs L R Mann, Mrs Richard Ellis and Misses Octavia Eellum and Sarah Mann, left yesterday for a few weeks visit to relatives at Rlnston. Misses Ssdie and Emily Brown and Mr Zaih Brown, who have been visiting friends In this city for a few daya have returned to their home In Chocowlnlty. Letter t6 J. F. Taylor, New Bern, N. a Dear Sir. The way to reckon the coat of paint Is to put both costs together; the cost of the paint and the cost of put ting It on. It would save thla country hundreds of millions of dollars a year; It would aave you alone (If you happen to be a victim) several dollars a year. See bow It works. It costs aa much to put-on one paint as another, don't It? Yes, If you nse the same number of gallons. Well, don't If No, you'll nse twice as many gallons of adulterated paint aa of Devoe; and you've got to pay twloe as much for put ting It on. Mr N Avery, Delhi, N. Y., haa two houses. alike and In same condition Painted one house with Devoe: C gallona Painted the other house with a paint that was half adulteration: It gallons Same painter, Geo. Gilbert did both jobs One cost $27; the other 5L Better go by the name. Yours truly FWDnvoiAOo. X W Smallwood Mils our palat Police Court News. Acting Mayor, TO Hymaa paaaed upon the following oases la the muni cipal court yesterday. .Nathan Barrlngtoa white, disorderly In city llmlta. Judgment suspended upoa payment of ooete. Walter Aldrl&h, colored, violation of bicycle ordinance, augment suspended on payment of ooala. Nancy Brock, colored, cirtiag and dls orderly ooa d not. .Taxed the coats. O mm iToniA.. iIMMfntMMmliirjl lngrwilftiu. t' spl I44 ila t ! 0Y- A CAN Keiacel Trices." ' v Wa have made our proQt sad now we give you a chance to make . you re. All of our 5 and cent Calicoes, Lawns, and fercalea reduced to 44c 10o Percale now 8c, and ltfe Percale nowilOe, tj r ' TounMy,VS'i. "JK ARMSTRONG. ' This Veather Necessities Sponges, iaBrushesToile Toilet Waters, erftoesn Face Powders, Soaps, and all kinds Fine Toilet Goods. Coollns BrfJits " ftt " Oar! Fountain ' - DAVIS' PHARHACY. VBST 1 1 i ii 1 trt tmirt a i 1 ia 1 ccccooaHoaonnQnonononcccoo i 1 sa.s. vwi 1 II1UW nut IIUIII-. - -: - me une is Wetter Ihan titer. O Q Some very stylish O selection. Will be S V nmi vV U vUKii. o o HATTER AND B PHONE 167. 97 Middle Street. cccononoDonononononoccoo Bisnao On account of our removal we offer Sweeping REDUCTION on all Summer Goods throughout Summer Corsets, all sizes, reduced to 20c. 25c Summer Dress Goods, Lawns, etc, at 12J& 10c and 12c Lawns, all marked 7Jo yard, Fine Dress Ginghams, at 8o. All f adies and Childrens Oxford Ties at Cost. Everything in Millinery Marked Down to olose. 75c line of Mens Gilt Edge Shirts 45c. SPECIAL.. We have just received another shipment of Ladies White Duck HatP, Veils and Pom Pons. September Patterns and Fi shion Sheets. BARFOQT BROS. oooooooooo f. W WW frfffffff WyyyepeyeyeyeylieraA Ladies, Pisses and HQ Weiribite wti we believe, to be Shoe -'Bargains Childrens Ultras, $3.00 Low Bhoo&i all $2 26 Few pair Drew,' Selby & Coa $3.00 all over r Pat feather Oxfords, to go! at , - ' - . 2 00 Val . Duttonhofers, $3 00 Ox t fords, Sandals and Ttes.' " 2 25 I $225 Values at ::-200 ' ui ": 1 12CX ' u ;' r toov " 75 Sp " - ; :CALICOES,v";;:!:; Light Shirtlnrr Prints and 'soino- I Fancy'Drcc3 Triata to.closa at 4o. t sinnx Dnccial values t Goods, Oxford Oroy at COc. t sHrts, Ccikrs ml Cos. We sen the "Konarch""Hrt "Arrow Brand" eoUar and "Arrow Brand" cuffs They are toe well known for any explan atkw, All the newest styles are here, Jut eome right In and tell as what yoa wanf-f rr:--sorrows tmly, 4; - 1 I. W. ABMSTBONG,' : a patterns for your 2 glad to show you 5 I HABERDASHER. the store. - ooo.ooo. Low Shoes. to inspect what the Greatest LoKo ever offered oter I I -r - 175:: .:ico!: - 050 i: .' 76c;: t.. - r --,,"coo : : gcods.-.; in DO inch. Skirt :: rr i r z z 2 o h$ 4cccc n m- '- FALL I.Mat's and Shoes t " ; ARE HERE. We are showing all the New ShaDes X in Head' and Footwear. X Hats in Derbys $3.00r Shoes $3.50 and ALL GUARANTEED. J. G. "Dunn & Co., Correct Wear for Men, O err 1 Fresh. Pure. JUST RECEIVED BY EXPRESS. WILEY'S Chocolates, Bon Bons, &c. DUFFY'S PHARHACY- The Standard , Visible Typewrier. J The Oliver can be usp1 to advantage ' in making way-bills, freight bills, cor-. rection notices, pay rolls, etc., reduces1 itationery 40 per cent, j These results are mado possible by the visible writing feature of tlio Oliver. Ten reasons why the Oliver is superi or to all others; Visabje writing, double j tVD6-bar. direct connections, lieht touch rapid escapement, speed, perfect paper feed, drawing lines, release key, docs not write np-side down, and other rea sons which we will be glad to show if you will call in. WM, T. II 1 1,1,, AGENT. Printing. When you wiuit .my Up-to-diiLC .lull or Hook I'liiHii.c, t'oii't fail to call on Owen G. Dunn, PRINTER & STATIONI-P, 72 CRAVEN SI J5 BltANCII OKK.CK A. B. Baxter & Co., Commission Brokers. Stocks. Cofton,Graifl & Provisions ITICraven Htreet, I ' Phone 2:i NEW HEHN, N : Main Office, 01 linolwy, New V..rk. Moderate martini. Kicallent serri e Privato wlrei to New York fllgbeat banking and nierrair il ft srnnoaa. UTent Eyerain. The mysterloos and onDitrmbii renin tloaa of a parsoa can tlmoiu traced to a latent eye train. wbl b!,: baeOBM mora pronounced when or J nut ! tr rradlns;, or aoy cluv vo k ini li: n Bora severs Strtln Ibete fMlInx aro f eotnpaiited with a bradtchr, varying Id taleaalty at dl(Tr'ent period, tbli ht! acaa beglos Sin the eyes asd. forehead SOeJMlImM Stlendlnf don tbe hack, ftes)4ltee eaaalegalck momath nd Voaollln. y , Thlsooaataat drain on the oervoui Ifstaa resalu frrrpmily In laaaalty, no peraoa eea ooaceatraio bt pilnd wbta laborlof Bodet aa eye attain, the treat BMfit ot spectacles for Inaaslty has by asaay special UK aaperteded In tsoat eaaea ut olli at form of trealraeat. and Is very reasoaabJe wbea lbs laws of optics. aiTTrf tbe effect o( eye strata oa Ibe among srsteaji la aaowe!- Clear .vtetos U ao proof of tbe absence of eye strati as tbe r lai i be power, of overtaking , ao eaorflaoDSaaoietet error of refraction, belattsetrpeaseer ts eioeaelve Iom of ervoa's easrgf. . , tbovll yorn bare say Ifoalle of a blynlrl Of prt, ItdusMdoo, sal boadreda of'stajUar Sre trobUee, w will siamlae yoar eyes free, sad If yott Seed mKci .1 pt wiu be aireciea to sons XhtVth day of Aspst, M btek llaae' oae oeteUae, If sot 1aeeeS will be ,jj pm, wbo tasy breve eowplalaU aclatlScai!y liud al a awderaW price. J kotl ardeemii e-eotsW pnr-. - . - .O.BAlTtR. jtemub, W4,,pi6vlde4 lbelr eoea ' ' ' , J ' ' - " - 4 P'alou are vedoeed to ritla aad filed ' - Soanicr reClWCir,- " tihlbeCletoflbelWar4 h or Kr.' Hsreyoa aei Us seweat foor la- for tbal day h Is fortker vrderej tbst l nl tirt.silrs oe U)4 Barrow, ss ftuswloe be sltfeed by lbs Ckalrmaa f-i.rns anl t r'siiieclofs. ibe freHlet m4 p,blUbed la U Ksw Be"W Joereat line ff mtcti" .', iWf la lbs Bniil tbe lUb day cl flrol. and Sost, $1.50 to $5.00. j j ft For Lunch limlwels beer Is tho boat of all bever It Is bottled by . I. F. Taylor, Hie gruiitct care being taken to protect It from U:o Bllgh(st conUmlnntlon, as pine to, r m.ift be kept pure. J. F. Taylor, NEW HERN. N C Agent for Prospect Iirewlng Co. of Phil adelphia. Fresh Car Load every week. Special Sale Of Home-made Lard. Parties that wish some thing pure and sweet can get 6 lbs. lard for 55c. Send your buck et to the The OakH Market. Under Hotel Cbattawka. GENERAL HARDVARE. Screen Wire Doors and Windows. The Ice Saving Gla zier Refrigerators, none Imttcr, f(!w a good. Agent for tho Farmer Girl end Iloy Cook Stove, and F W Drvoe'a Iprvl nnl Pa nt - f t L K S ! PILES I! PILK.HII! I)r. Wlll'ar,,.- ndran I'lU (ilnlmmt will euro Blind, Hlerdlnf, Clrarated tart lUhing I'll It alxirb the tnmntv allays tts lU blng st imea, arts aa a pnel tlrts Rlt h,stant rrlief. Sold by Y A Duffy ' " "' 1 " " bOItipislfltt ! fOMtr CemmistloaV W. -Ofdeel lbat fbo BosMi'take MnxU y,, M today Is Mf est It ke4a EI . Smallwood, . - f of t'-r. W are n t.ry fr diws (be, . . J. J. BAXTER. 1 " t r fin. Cl 'fa Fl, Con, t ! ' An( lhl"3.