, A. f HC iiSt 1DWAI Xw Ben, R. Cn Attut 8, HOS. : LODGE tOlECTOAT. CRAVEN LODGI KO. 1 XHIGHTB or HARMONY. Meet tad end ta . . w . 1 l. weaneaoay aunta nsene 4 -a.ir i.nAjv u t 9 fill i ti --1 n TI.11 .i.Mi. -j J . n o l.v n T D mil mnMftiai EL. mnitn, iw j j . urn i " Secretary, a.'fft-i- f-!,-fc ; Index to Hew AdTcrtJemeats. Lort. ; " - For tent ?. ' Heir wanted. Board wanted. J L MoDanlel Flgi. B Ooploa. Last tale. Broad Bt. Frolt Co.-FruiU. Simmons & Hollowell Co, Clearing ale. Business Locals. ALL kind of nice frnit today at the Broad Street Fruit Co. Phone 88. LOST On Pollock street, between Bern and Middle, a oalr Bl Focal Bye Ulasses, nickel frame. A suitable reward will be paid Under by leaving them at E. C. D Dock. J H Smith. BOARD Wanted by young lady, private family preferred. Address stating terms and location, "B, box 818. FOR RENT 109 East Front Street, 7 room house, flSJSO per month, with water. Inquire at Blades Lumber Co. ELIZABETH, TURNBOW We want the heirs of Elizabeth Turnbow, a widow who came to Texas from North Carolina in 1884 or 1885. Address J. W. Law rence & Bon land agents, Austin, Texas. FINE Lot Country Hams and Should ers at the Oaks Market. MISS NANNIE P. STREET, Insurance Exclusively. Prompt attention. BOARDING, New House, just opened one mile from station, Rates five dollars per week. Mrs Mallory, Blacky Moun tain N. a FOR RENT Store under Stanly Hall, opposite Post office, 'will be altered to suit tenant. Also after September 1st, tore now occupied by Barfoot Bros. Fpr terms see F. M. Hahn. Q. A NICOLL Insurance and Brick. MUSIC Miss Kathryn Grlffln will be gin her music class on Monday, Sept. 14th. For further information, apply at 83 PoUock St. NUNNALLY'B Fine Package Candy at Dawson's. HOUSE FOR RENT, apply to F. F. Matthews. ' STORE For Rent Corner Broad and Middle streets. Apply to Oaks Market. AN easy way to accumulate something Buy real estate by paying a small sum each month. Valuable property acquired In a short time from which an Income wDl be received, bereral lots for sale by the New Bern Investment Co., R A Nunn, Attorney. WE GUARANTEE Wilkinson's match less Mineral Water to cure dyspepsia and stomach troubles, or money refund ed. Davis Pharmacy. BRICK We have a large quantity of good hard burned building brick and can ship promptly. Brick and Tile Mfg. Co. Phones OS and 200. HOTEL MONTREAT at Black Moun tain, near AsheviUe, NO. Elevation 8,000 feet. Right In the mountains. Mod era. Open all seasons. Two miles from depot, Bo. Ry. For booklet and rates, address, W D Paxton, Montreal, N O. SARATOGA Spring Water Jut received at Jacob! Cafe. WALL PAPER FROM The Cheapest at 6o per roll TO The Beat at 00 per roll' Bamplrt sent to your house.' Guilford Lewis, : At Dawson's 103 Middle Bt, rhone 209. Dorey's Hoii Here. Tns report that T. W. Dewey, the) miss lax cashier of the-Farmers and Mat cheat beak el this city, had carried away lank fllt, hi OaahtoCi bond,' la vttkMt train. .... Receiver Taos Daniels says a has this bond tsi kit possimlaa. Crtnl Excursion. . "-'i Ta AUaati aad Nortk Caroline rait way rfl ru an etnrtlom ' trosa More kWse AaWrtU Tneeda Aagwt S3tk at the asaadaglf low rata of 6.60 from all stations between Horebeed and Kw Beau Ticket good rrtvttng m al trains to to aad UoUdlag trail 00 cf Tbsy tpacfal tscantosilralB bare M orebenA M 4 SO ess and NW Bern at JO .. v's- - ';-;' TkJb WlH auk very thaep trip aad flMaWottnltl toV'1! Vb Usnllfol Matry. - -' .'". ItiPIGESTIOfl AROUfo AXD ABOUT. The "ahoo fly carried. 500 excursion ists to Morehead Sunday morning. There were about ninety ticket sold at -the station here. - vi..Jl; - -: -'"-' Mr WT HOI began moving hU print- ing office and bicycle shops into the newly completed store adjoining the one be already oeeapleeV ;V;'fv:,' There will be a meeting 'of the di rectors of the Circulating library at the rooms of the library at 6 p. m. today A full attendance is desired, x WT. Some of the tobacco towns are not willing to boycott the products pf the American Tobacco Company.. That shows that the trust is getting In Its work already.- ,''.;. . Four men from Morehead made a record catch of mackerel Saturday , They brought In 203 fish ranging In weight from H to 8 pounds. The fish were caught outside of Cape Lookout. t Last night while Mrs Susan Andersen who lives on Broad street was crossing ,a bridge which covers a gutter located near her home, she fell and sustained severe injuries, nearly breaking her leg. rA drinking fountain Is badly needed at the A & N C station. People waiting for the train are often put to inconven ience to get a drink.' If a fountain was flowing there, many who resort to the' nearby bar room to get a drink of water and substitute beer, would drink at the fountain and never think of the beer. The Retail Orocers and Merchants Association had a well attended meet ing last night. The object of the meet ing was to make preparations for the Mass meeting to be held Saturday noon, as previously announced. There will be another meeting of the Association Fri day night. An affray case was tiled in Justice S R Street's court yesterday. The offenders were David Speight, Lena Blount and Manilla White, all colored, of course. The two had a littlo "mill" up oa Kll monlc street, SalurJav uL'ht, and the Justice closed the affair by requiring bpclght to pay $3 and eoBts. The wo men were' let off with costs. Mr E B Rice left last night on the steamer Ocracoke for Johns Hopkins Hospital for the purpose of having an operation performed, lie has been suf fering a long time with a wen on his neck. He wishes to thank all who gave him assistance, for without It, 4t would have been Impossible for him to have gone. The farmers and merchants of New port and Wlldwood have organized with a membership of three hundred, the ma jority being tobacco farmers. They ex press themselves as being determined to fight the truct to the last ditch. That's the right spirit, and It the tobacco farm ers throughout the tobacco belt will take the same stand before the trust gets In Its work, the fight will be easily won. An enterprising grocer exhibited some meat on lower Middle street yesterday upon which was placed a placard an nouncing that It would be sold for cent a pound. The attention of an old colored "auntie" was called to the low- priced meat, whereupon she exclaimed; "Gawd bless my soul I I'se gwlne to hab one more mess ob greasy greens." The old woman had been paying 12 cents foe meat, and was astonished st the sudden reduction, but observed that she "spec dero Noifen gemmen done gqt sorry for de pore cullud people." Reception tt Oriental Mr and Mrs William MidyetU, who were married In Bwansboro last week, Wednesday, were given a grand recep tion al their home la Oriental last Friday evening. Mr Mldyeltets proprietor of the hotel there. About slity-flve guests were Invited and the happy young couple were ac corded an enthusiastic welcome. Elegant refreshments were served and all had a moat enjoyable time. If you want a good 5a smoke, try eay-K of the following breads, Red Dragon, Aunt Hannah, Cubanola, Cremo, Pdace of Indie, AU for sale at J R Parker, Jf. . - . H I-,': ! DRUG STORE COMPLETENESS. Brad ham' 1 harmacy 1 oomplete In' all IU equlptneuli. Clcrki are pover hampered In obtaialng hft wsralta In com-' ponndlng pretcripUoa becaua of ft lack of modern apparatus ' or logwdlcnU' called for on tho Doctor i rodpe. .Ther ai aye plenty of attendant' to wait ' oa easterner promptly. The general stock U carefully selected, U first quality ia every particular. ' Every departmett is ma nf the' mo t edonomicil heels la order that expenses may bo redaced sad prion lowered ftcoordlflgly. You save money and got ft mors satUfactory scr ties ia everyvdirecUon by trading at Bradham's no queelion ftWuilC -iy; Y:, -i-'r Let um I Fill Your rrcNcrJpdoiij, " , Only puret, hlghet qoality drugs , and chemicals used. All recipes handled only by experienced, rfgi'stred pharms clit no apprentices. Trices alrajs reasonable figured on a fair profit over sctual Cft of lngTe3!mU. . fr. rellerl Mr L B Xnnett of Cedar Pl .V U la the city, r ;. n l : Father Leo" is spending a while at Bel mont NO.,:.;.- .- .; - Mr Charka H Hall of Jacksonville Mr George H Wallace went to Elisa beth City last nlghV f tfe r: " Mrs LI Chamberlalaof Darbaia,' ia qie gueai of Mrs C 8 EULv-S? ' MrsBB Goion and Mlaa Fettle Guloa went to Beaufcrt last Mr W M Tyadal of Dover was la New Bern on buiaeaa yeaterday. Mr and Mrs J 8 FUher, of Rlvardslo spent yesterday laNew Bera? '5; Mr C B Hill le t oa the steamer Ocra coke last high! for New York. . ; ? . Mr J Arthur Brewer, of Daaville.Va , to the guest of Mr W.P MarahalL . ' . Mr J A Patterson, lftft oa the steamer Ocraooke last night for New York. Mr. Frank R Hynfaa his relorned af- tye a month's vacation la New York ei d Canada. Dr O J Bender, and Mr J B Bender, if Pollocksvllle are spending a few dsys in the city. Messrs L U Culler, and J W Stewart returned from a business trip to Norfolk yesterday.. Miss Eula Calhoun was the guest of her sister Miss Annie Calhoun, Sunday and Monday. Mr Will Ear who has been vtaitlnir his mother here returned' to Wilmington yesterday morning. Mr and Mr EH Meadows and Miss Mary Meadow Mitchell have returned to Jackson Springs. Dr J H Benton returned Sunday morn Ing from a visit of several weeks in the western part of the State, Mrs Herman W Bell and children went to Harlowe yesterday morning for a few days visit with relatives and friends, Mrs Joe Rogers and MUs Mary Rog er, who havfl been the guests of Mr and Mrs B E Harper, left for thtlr home sin Clnston last night. Miss Laura Isabel Gould, of Mobile, Ala., arrived yeslerday morning from Yellow Bnlphur Springs, Va .to visit her cousin, Mrs Thomas Hyman Miss Mary B Moore returned from her summer visit to Morehead yesterday evening. Master Percy Cooper, of Balti more came with Miss Moore and will spend some time here. Mr O R Crowson, the popular travel ing salesman for the Hill Bros., of New York arrived In the city from Beaufort yesterday morning and left for New York on the steamer Ocraooke last night. Mrs FJ Hardlaon, son Fred, and daughter, Mia Annie, returned Sunday evening from a two week visit with rel stives and friends at Newport. Miss Laura Eardiaon returned yesterday morning. OABTOniA. fctnta 1 Tb Had Yon Haw aJwsrs BoagH Hgiatne Trylnf to Get Strfent. Wiih the customary eaterpris of Man agar Green, he I negotiating for aa appearance here at the charming come dienne, May Bargent, wha tutslnt the enviable repaUtioa of being the most superbly gowned woman oa the Ameri can stage. Her present tour bring her near this city, and there 1 a likelihood that the famous eosaedy. That Impu dent Young Coupla," from the Empire Theatre, New York City, may bt aeea here at aa early date. Mia 8 argent' appearance here would be appreciated by an our theatre-gowen, aa the eosaedy ia kaown to be oa of the ooasplouoa New York sncceeeee. OABTOnXA 1 tw .. y ft m In fan than tafj sugavan sf New Orleans Bweat Borne Molaase la 1 pint, 1 qaart, gaSoa and calloa Cans etJBPkr,JrW ; .v .... . y ; . . a KH41s 8ts v . ReJaced Prices . v W have made our profit aad now we give you a chance to make years. All of our 5 and cent Calicoes, Lawns, aad Percales reduced to He, 10c Percale now 8a, and Hie Percale now.lOcv ' -v! ? ifx Your truly, . - SW ARMSTRONG.- This 7eathGr Ncccssitids : Sponges Bath Brushes, Toilet Brushes, Toilet Waters, Perfumes; Face Powders, Soaps; and all kinds Fine Toilet Goods. ; CoollnsIirljaDi;at " Our Fountain. DAVIS' PHARflACY. PH.r cccooooonbnnonoooooccccoo FALL SUITINGS ARE HERE. !! '- Tt ' 9 t ' ' . r. w ine Line is Wetter Iten Eber. O Some very stylish O selection. Will be U Halts $19.00 9 rr tn m-N-rm-KY O nansn AaB ruofls 167. UlllJ On account of our removal we offer Sweeping REDUCTION on all Summer Goods throughout the store. Summer Corsets, all sizes, reduced to 20c . 25o Summer Dress Goods, Lawns, etc, at 12c. 100 and 12c Lawns, all marked 7o yard, Vine Dress Ginghams, at 80. All adies and Chlldrens Oxford Ties at Cost. Everything In Millinery Marked Down to dose. 75o line of Mens Gilt Edge Shirts 45o. SPECIAL. We have jast received another shipment of Ladies White Buck Hats, Veils and Pom Pons. September Patterns and Ft shion Sheets. BARFOOT BROS. 1 1 4n 4 -VIiL3L-LiUQU SH.-rjbD ; . o .. ' .;,-r.trr',';:;-- -- Ladies, f.lisscs and : , We faTtte.yov iShbeargainslev I : Ultras, $3.00 Low rew pair jrew, v $3.00 all over 1 Oxfords, to go Val 1 Duttenhoforsr $3 00,-Ox-. ' - f ; ; $2 26 Values at v - ;v 'r 1 76 125 . . f :.05c : do - 40c - CALICOES, Light ' Dhlrtln Prints and gomo 1 Fancy Drc"3 Trinta to clozo at 4c. t v.Iill Special values I Qooda, Oxford Qrcy at CDc. Siirts, CcHars tad CrJS. . W seU the "Jfonarch- ahlrt "Arrow Brand" collar and "Arrow Brand" enffi They are toe wall known far anf explan atloa. All the newest styles are here, jus come right la and tell as what yon wans, - , - Yoars tnuy.nr.-v- : r . . Mb ' mm. W pattern for your 2 glad to show you S to $35.00. O UABEKllAsIlEIt, Q r.''.V;tfPBiilStwol.,.;.-( mm. i in t Low Shoes. to inspect what - Shoes, all $2 25 Beioy a cos Pat Leather at . 2 00 I l,v.v JjaJ. ia 50 inch , Cliirt x ". n av Jm JsV k JV Jsa. Ba. JsV ARE HERE. We are showing- all the New Shanes r . w k in iieaa ana f ootwear. a : Hats in Derbys and Sost, $1.60 to $3.00. ' Shoes $3.50 and $6.00. ATjT. aTTAT? AVTT?.-l7.Tt c7. (7. Tfann & Co., CI orr3et Wear for Men. 57 ,-Polloclr Street. g Fresh JUST RECEIVED BY EXPRESS. WILEY'S Chocolates, Bon Boos, &c. DUFFY'S PHARHACY- IHSi The Standatd Visible Typewrie. The Oliver can be used to advantage in making way-bills, freight bills, cor rection notices, pay rolls, etc., reduces ' stationery 40 per cent. I These results are made possible by the visible writing feature of the Oliver. I en reasons why the Oliver is superi- or to all others; Visable writing, double type-bar, direct connections, light touch rapid escapement, speed, perfect paper feed, drawing lines, release key, does ' not write up-side down, and other rea-1 sons which we will be glad to show if yon will call in. j WM. T. 1111,1a I AGENT. Printing. When you want any Up-tc-date Job or Hook l'rinting, !on't fail to call on Owen G. Dunn, PRINTER & STATIONEP, 73 CRATEN T BRANCH OKFiCK A. B. Baxter & Co., Commission Brokers. Stocli, Cotlmi.Graiii & Prom 17C raven Street, Phone 833 NEW BKKN, N C. Mala Office, 81 Broadway, New York. If ode rata margins. Excellent service. . Prtraas wire to New York. BignesS baoklnf and mercantile rf- Utent Eye Strtm. Tae Bsjatcrios aad aaaemeblo t ensa- Uoaa of a persoa can almost elwayi be traced lo a tatent eye strata, which will heoowk ssoreproeooDCed when or juii f 1st seadlag, or aoy eloee wo. k, an4 in a saors am re strain these foellajr are ac aosapaated with a beadache, varying la laUasttt at different period; this bead acaa bafta la the eye and forehead aoaeeUm asteadlns down the back, oflea-Uo eanalng lick stomach and meat ting. Tat coaaUat drain on the oerroai mteat rasnlu frtqunily In to Molly, ao person eta eoaceetrete ale mind whan laboring sdr aa aye strain, (be treat, neat ot speetaele for lata It y has by say specialist top reeded la most eases any otter fotea of treatment, aad I very reoaU when the Uwt of optics and the affects of ry ttrala on the sort on tysuts I known. Clear tlalon I ao proof of the sbseaoe of yt atrala a (aa eye kai tke powtf of OTercotetng - aa uomoti aaoaalof srror of rsfraeUon, tral St the SxpesM of tioae! toes of ssrms saargf. : :" -.' - ' ' f bonll ton bave-eay troalU of a blerrtsg'of prtat, laOnaaUoa, and laadreds of tlaPsr eye IroebW, we win Mamlaeyonrtjee fra, and If fea nerd aedlcal aid foe alii be directed to so one ecm pii s, If not flse wUlbe cUatlSMUl; fitted at s aoUrtt nrtr. j ;.o. Bsxrta. Sommcr Neckwear. , . . al. . I V ftv kv Bv Jv ' Jm. 0 0"k wa ' 1 F Pure. i For Lunch Bud wels beer Is the best of all bevor agep. It Is bottled Uj 3. P. Taylor, tho greateit care being taken to protect It from tho sllghUst contamlmitlon, aa pure be;T mint bo kept pure. J. F. Taylor, NEW KERN, N C Agent for Prospect Brewing Co. of Phil adelphia. Fresh Car Load every wetk. Special Sale Of Home-made Lard. Parties that wish some thing pure and sweet can get 5 lbs. lard for 55c. Send your buck et to the The Oak Market, Under Hotel Chattawka, GENERAL HARDWARE. Screen Wire Doors and Windows. The Ice Saving Gla zier Refrigerators, none better, few aa good. Agent for the Fanner (KrlNaid Boy Cook 8 to Tea, and F W De roe's Leal and Taints. NEW KERN, 1 . Dlstolntioa of Partner Lip. Hi upertaereblp hereto fore osleUag between O A Sleoll aad T U Bynsaa na.'er t)eaaaisaad(t)laof niooU and Drawn I dlnsoltsd try asntnal Soaaoaol. Mr By j aa mlrla from Its baataean. The baatnae wtO be eoallaeed by Ueo AWooIl. 0. A. Vioou, T.O. Orat iigntlt,ltOt. FILM I flUSI! riLlSIlt Dr. wllUams ladlaa Ml Olatmetti will rtrt Blind, Bleeding, Clennted aa4 Itcbrng riU. It Ibeorb the banters, aUay tha Itching at neea, tJa a a poel tkk fire laeiairt fetiet. Sold hj f B DaBf." -; " ", L.VV Smallwool 'f Jj CANDY CURED lsrtilttrlj tj ttecticnikii land ttw, trs knj( sad sarrew, new . . . . j ..it.. r .t . 1 1 r . I . f f ' "lHf la lk city f t T'. r t vy f c! in lb. 10e, !5e,t pnf it rnnt"fi -. - . . j tt?teeeft

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