n n , -r n Has just received a Shipment of' WBK ,BV .ev 0'0 - mpr J. mm ilk - V V ft if $ 7a aflc Torchon Edge and Insertings y to match. , , V" if These goods have been marked down low; far below the O ' - . . if i usual price, in order to close them oat before Fall Stock jfM 43UAYS TJr End X a.. ....J price, in order to close them oat before comes in. . New All Over Lace, beautiful patterns, at 80c, 40c and 50c per yard. ; ' r - Atl Over Swiss Embroidery at 50c, 60c, 75c, $1 25 ud $1 50 per yard, . ? All Colored Lawns atlialf price. See us for Low Prices and' Save Money. , 1 C:stlEnotii Esisture Since July 14 v ITiSt S'j-lay. rsssffe to Crops,' , It w2 not tike much s'.retch of the Imagination" to guess jhoit It was with Noah when tlie Cist- rainy season . was Instituted It li, however, not the pur pose of the Journal to lam iti leader with the thought that we are going to be drowned out because we are baring 48 days rain." We wm be all right if we can swim and .that accomplishment see ma to be almost a necessity now. , There hare been Tery few days since July 14 in which some , rain . either -in large or small quantities has not fallen. The aTerage dally rainfall has been t one half inch but on some days considerably more than an inch has fallen. " v- ' This record Is for the 40 days which we are now baring and which wm end next Sunday July 23. The season will long be known as one of the most rainy summers on record In this section. V; The greatest damage ' caused by : the ralnwlll.be to cotton.; Farmers fear that they Will suffer a shortage of fully half their crop on account of the weather The corn wm also be damaged" but not to such an extent as cotton. ,iT, r 4 The end of the 40 days , of continuous moisture comes next Sunday . and no body will be sorry to see its finish. There should be in order to eren things up a long pleasant autumn. Atlantic Hotel, MOItEIITRAB CITY, W.'. SPECIAL REDUCED ATES during August and September $2.00 per uay, $10.00 pee week, $30.00 per month. , Now is the delightful season at the sea-shore. Fishing and Hunting is fine. "v " ; ' The Atlantic Hotel is newly remodeled and jrefornished, . Enjoy August and September at this famous seaside resort. EAKLE TURNER, Manager, Morehead Cmy N. C. A pretty home"',! wedding' occurred at the home of Mrs. Fannie Williams,, west of this cltr at 5 o'clock last evening, ' In which her daughter, Hiss Ki'anie - Wil liams was united In marriage to Mr Sam uei Cockrell, a well known business man of Klnston. " . t t-. The wedding was beautifully arranged the rooms being handsomely adorned with plants and flowers.;; A number of friends witnessed1 the 'ceremony .and many raluable present's were received The ceremony was performed by D? H u Harper: Br. or Klnston.' ., . Mr and Mrs CockrellJeft for their home In Klnston on the evening train, OCCCODODODODODOnODODOCCCCD T. J. Turner Furniture Co. The only Exclusive Wholesale Dealers and. Jobbers .01 ,Q QOPurnitare. Mattresses, Cooking and Heating' Stoves, Bed Q Springs and Feathers in New Bern. - Q All giods shipped direct from factory in solid cars. Q Atl Mail Orders receive prompt attention. Q Office and Salesroom : East Side of a Marknt Dock, in "Drl Htiirhfia '' Tron Clad O A . Open 7 a. m., Close 7 pJI., ,. . O Phones : Office 173; Residence 254. ; ( UCOCOQODODODOaOOODODOCCCCJ o a o a At Farmers Warehouse, - r,10NDAY,-:AUG. 31903. v Our, aim is to get the Highest Ilarket Price for your Tobacco. , Buyers for The A.T, Co. and the Imperial To bacco Go, will he with us during the entirasea- son, .and they will pay as much for your tobac co as on any other market. . . v . Plenty of city water and good stables for your team. - , . . Oomo to the opening sale and keep coming. FAItMKIta WAItKIIOUSK CO., 8. CURRIir, -Auctioneer. ,. , vH0WAB0 k HISTIIl, Mri FERRY NEEDED, CockrellT-WIUJams. ? r i ' MA VANCEB0RO.'4' Infant Killed in "Runaway Accident "Whiskey fctolei viPjronijGoreni- y men SOIL i Many .Comers and -'Goert '" March 18 We hope the rain will hold VD for awhile now for . e here ' had a plenty.'' ''--.-"' -', - Miss . Bebeoct uutolf - has 4 rrtnruea from Dover aooompanied by . Kiss Hand I Kiss Ollfe Cleve hu returned from a rUH to Dover, Klnafon and tarange, Dr1 L O Covington, J.B Harvey, and B 9 Warren returned, today frorn Kore- head." PjiSiii.fiZfAHfr p ! KraJWm Clave U very r, I Dr Sleks of Bhelnaerdlne visited her today !r - the abMooa of Dr Covfngton. 1 f V.-A ;Mr J s Askins who Is a uambar of the marine corps at Norfolk, Is on' a visit-to his parents Kr and Krs X A Aaklna. iThe Infant child of Kr and Krs Kslor Fulcher of Kaoedonia, met with ho rible death frlday night. Th Xamily were returning frosa horch wbesr the buggy ran Into a ditch throwing tile parents out. and the horse ran home kill lag tha'ehlld. Vi '.'?' Ui'-l Kiss Lola Brewer hu aooepted a pes Hon as book keeper "with Kr-" w: whit- u-'-iVr-s i;?;V-:,v.i.' Kr T L Smith who has a position w drogglat la Edentoa Is rutting hU p enUhere.-' . i KrsJWmu, MU Hale Brewer of Vanoeboro and Krs Miry Ell of Hew Bern are vlalUog at Mr W O Brewer's. Mr Hobert QrifflnofTeiu and a!Mr UlM flatUe OrUBa of. Wathlaftos are vkltlag hera.' i , I The warehooM of the Kenae Etm Qu Boat Co, Is naadsg oowpletloiW ' - Mr and Mrs J L Bland. Mi aad Srt W Bland and 3 P Boyd of Fpwrth Church ipnt laat week with rcktlTM at Aarora. , Thty were accomptniixl btmt If MU "Iffle Hadnell of Aaror. ! t Mtw ays ago some tukoowa. j par- tie It ok il barrals it whUhej from the stlU her. The wliiitey aa locatft' on Uire mf5'iffwi!i and a liw dtyi after miosu oftmt wnl with Tr al picked n-ra 14 nML rti , frnt OpBd Jr on tii rro 1 and tt. Jot. ..?. ar li,lLcy ltrn"l IJ.'4 Ji nhtt rmt In O rve to ?t oni f t!. y ( Across Reuse Rlrer to Connect the Maple . v Cypress and Port BarnwelLSec. ; . , ;- -' . ; tions. , -: ; ! ' Attention is often called to the need of a ferry across JTeuae rlrer In the neighborhood of Fort BarnwelL - t - The Neuie divides what might be easQy termed,? agriculturally speaking the richest part of theounty; from Street's Ferry on up to the Lenoir coun- ty line."' " " -r , ' -. , And yet there is no ferry or bridge by which those living on one side of the river can cross orer to the other side, fronfthe ferry mentioned to Elnston. si Families of one side have intermarried with families on the ' other side, - but If they want to visit they' must drive thirty miles or so, while It there was a ferry or bridge, they would only hare to drive a few miles; in lome cases not over one or tWO. An y-s-i . 5 y People living on the north side of the river are practically isolated from those living on the south side. ' " ' 1 : ' A person living in the neighborhood of Maple -Oyprees wishing to come to New Bern , quickly, must drive ovejes bad, sandy road thirty miles ana more, when if a crossing of the Neuse c6uld be effected near Fort Barn well,Dover could be reached in" iwelre miles or sudu matter, over a good, hard road, the train be boarded,, and the person be In New Bern in a fraction of time consumed on the other route. Bealdea. there C Is a large volume of trade ' on the north side of the rlrer Which would be attracted to Fort Barf well and Dover if the - people could get across. , ' ' There is no doubt of the great need of ferry up there. IThe people who lire along the rlrer want one. The travelling people want one. and the county should apply the need. - A Very little expenditure of money would purchase a boat, there 1 already a chain, end the cost of operating could be easily managed. The neighborhoods contiguous, would gladly build and keep up the approaches to the ferry. If those who are interested in this matter will get together and petition the board of commissioners, they will doubtless be willing tar furnish a . boat if they do not the means of operating it jit's worth trying fori anyway. uii Uarninn.; ...... w .. ; Any that hare not paid their Oog Tax or any other tax dae the city as Imposed by the City Aldermen, are hereby named that if such tax is not pTTU on or before Sept. 1st 1903, warrants . will : bo Issued against them, and will be dealt wlih as the law preecrlber. v ; - i Dog Law Any , peraon having or owning a dog who shall fail to return for taxation or to pay the tax shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and fined not more than fire dollars or Imprisoned two days, dog . deobred a nu'a a ce and de stroyed. s' ,' " ' Any person carrying on or exercising any trade or profession taxed according to law, by the Board of Aldermen with out first 4 obtaining a llcenae, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor i and 'fined not more tha n fifty dollars or Imprisoned thirty daysJv. Ail Hoenae tax -required Jn adrance. . - ' , ... J.J.TOLBON . 1 City Tax Collector. Thf; Newest Styles in Fall Bats. . i' I have Justreoelred all the new things I in Fall Hats for swell dressers. Samples! . . 3 K. W. ABM8TRONG. - Jif Grand Excursion. , The Atlantic and North Carolina rail way will, run an excursion front More head to Ashevill Tuesday August 25th at the amazingly low rate of 5.50, from all stations between Morehead and New Bern. -Tickets good returning on al trains up to and Including train 80 of AuguBtso. , : WW APE! M A MUT? A nTTTRT7'RQ AdPMO lvn Morehead at 4:80 am and New Bern at I En J Boilera and Engines, i.O.-Wll Arp tossing Away. A dispatch from CartersvlUe, Qa., says that Major 0 H Bmlth (B1U Arp) the well known Southern writer, is lying at the point -of death at his home In that town.- ... pr Ralph Smith, a son of the .Major, a ho l attending his father; says there ts positively no hope for his recorery snd that death may be expected at any moment. i'rt M:i :i- Thousands of readers- who hare en Joyed BUI Arp's homely but ''Interesting letter will regret to reoelve this,- lutein j. - , !.' v -,-;t. tOR: PRESERVING. Leave your orders at J. L. McDan iel's,, 71 Broad Street, and you will be supplied with the nicest Figs grown in this section. ; Corned Mackerel, this year's catch just received. Complete stock ot Staple and Fancy Groceries. Prices as low as possible. Yours, to Please, 'Phone 91. 71 Broad lit It Alls llOAD, MIE.Ii AND MACHINE SUPPIilES. 6.20 am. . , , Tbis will make a very cheap trip and I fine onportnnlty to rislt this beautiful! country. v Just arrived direct from the mills a fresh car load of Floury bought beforel grapplies iUV XSBk kWU IUIMlWIr -AU fiaVQO lfV w Riving our trade the benefit of ' our low prices. J R Parker Jr. y. Van Winkle Celebrated Gins and Pr.eses, The Oneida Wood Split Pulleys, The Wagner Duplex Steam Pumps, Starret's Fine Tools. We carry a full Btock of everything iri the line of Machinery and Gaskill Hdvv. & Mill Supply Co., HARDWARE 78 Kiddle St Phone 147. KILL SUPPLIES 44 Craven St. Phone 216. v. jr i . w- m-- K&:'- . . I l Aucust l8 Rev Garner of Pollocks. Villa and ltev Davis of New Bern ended their revlral here yeurday,r there were three additions to the church,- we hope they will prore faithful , i " Mr J. J. Simmons and B. F Henderson of this place hereTxea spending this watrk at Seven Spriogs taking a vUIt . . mrl.. 9i. 1r. ...... t,t n.iln rUnnt jam a.ka ciwiua v. v-p.vw came Sunday t visit her many - friends, fa wre glad to see her, hope she will not leave us soon. ' Kiss Nettle Redd of Elnston Is spend lag a fsw days with lllss Olare Harper. . . ' ''-..-., Krs Walter KcDerman ot riorenoe 8. a came Saturday to spend a while with retetivea aad friends, - We were iUl to see hertctla as she used to live la this fleighborhood. ' " - Ht and Mrs Tillman Banks of Nsw Bern stopped at 3. D. Heaths Thursday oa their way KenanivlUe, where thsy were xola on boiineta. . ' We hare had rain nearly every day Ihls week bat w hope to have tumhlns will be sufficient to gain your. patronage.. The cream we make la dellolons In every sensed the ; word. It ts made ot everything that tends to make It delicious. If you like a smooth, rioh cream j try ours.' . .'HH B5o per qt packed In ice, delK ered at your house at any time, TO MAKE ROOH for Fall and Winter Stock PRICES on all Summer Goods GBEATLY REDUCED.' Ladies Shoe?, solid leatner 68o pair. Mens 44 " u 98o Mens Suits, that were 10 00, now 13 25. Boys " " 4 00, " 1 75. Same proportionate redaction in Hats and Caps and all Zt, other Spring and Summer Goods. 1 3 s. "rorriE, it t an miacue Bt., wear mar&et dock. now. Oaar Iria. tba ttiSU-t I' -' Xm i r T II. . rt U I "' I l- i- ' f f. f t t i It . ! ' It ' ' Til fluM Wlrra. A in WW Iw Iwi'ti fuinul f'T fl(v pnj.h win. Or. Msksu a Polish trtm VtukK ! attirtlM IU bumming Hound lliry unit atonnl!jr and tin f,4ind tlmt it t fx rttM If tti wlnil, a r-uninvmiy unpiwA. Kjnom a o!- i. r,.i!.,m i!fTi.i:ti err ?ffiiJ j, ..rm, hf)W that 11.'- ""n li alwijl t-.O.lrKta t!i at prrxsrh of rain, ann " a '.r,n. and la'aka InrV.iua i t! I '.''t t f t r r am in no w-r '' 1 1 ;t ,!('! vl' rn',Mt li, 1ul tj'u.- t ".T . .1, .. :.-t rl.r a. The Last 4 .s J"' i.J . t - - j a r-r4. -a- f Clearance Sale Of Sprinff and Sum mer Goods; " ' , " ' Bnrttia and Cassia Would Tarn Qroeri with envy If they ooold see the gannente While Mr. Coplon is in the North I b r K Chadwick. Well fitting; hand. buying Fall and Winter Goods we I 'l'n f'l Jif wm oioee vuv gar bwusv ui tr rnaklnit a penect lorn in ue mat u defective, u your Spring anil of fight overcoat, let us w " Summer Goods at prioca acre? be fora offer'-'. We have left a lew bolU of !Fig nred Laimi worth fio, now 4lo yd, A, few bolts of Stripe and Figured Lawns worlh 12o to 15o, now 7Jc to Co tba yard. Summer Flanneja and Txicos to be closxl out at lrs than half price "A few Suits of I.a.ti.3 Umler ilu'lin worth 11 5 salt, now at ft 2i suit. - ' ' Ir! Oi fords, a few fairs worth from 7fic to 12 1", in bo clostxi out ht : 'llj l 1 It I'ur. . I: '.; i (Jmw Vf..U worth from 1 1 :' now 2 !o to O.v Y 1 v i In IVrTile always in i ' .' ' I" i j 1. " . you naven't ordered flcht overooat, let us aliow you what a awell you can be when we have made your garment. ' SL Li , , U '"'y,Tf"rT I v' '1 1 tl" ) 1 1 !1 b) Patty end Paint (f r. Trr a W.nl.il'i 1 of it r'i will f n 1 otrr ' f f r i " - . r 'i ' :. ' ' r r t rorriitirrrUI s'nl rrs!rt to and r- , ? .r , ran - h is a r, rnor r "f tr.il n.i'.e JAP-A-LAC . 'PQBSLBr;t , J. O. W1UTTY & CO. 'MEW bkk, sr. a '.', Send for oolor card. - - , , ' IL' Be Be . -a; Oat (tot - C UnHCered, iCrs Hurt ' UN with ii.a.c : Ihtuiawrt I I"" irl; ara. si stbraitMer . i arrta arvetMl go edr am s nmut tr & a a w uiiuiaji a, la. - ou by nuMJErs rni.iau.CT, ;. : . Weat Broad street, ' r ( I lit tiic-iit Ycu v. IT r r- tv . . A A a 111 buy yev: iror.-i r 1 a .

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