jour:::.! PttbJileJ everyday In tijear,excep Monday, at M KUi street , -" - PhoxiKo.8. , T , rlALT3 L, STEVENS. , " unoa ax ttiinmoiv W2SCWPTI0B RATIS On year, U advaao...,.,,.M' ;jOn year, sot In advance. .....- M 1 .Monthlv. bv carrier is the city..... SO Advertising Rate furnished aappli -Batend at the Port Office, Hew Bern, KO.U second olaai matter. . : jtaatni pimi af New Bora vul aaaaaBMaaBaMawBwaai RAIH At HOME AND ABROAD. ?i A correspondent of the London Times comments on the exceptional rainfall of the present trimmer In England. At Brentwood, Essex, 0.86 Inches of rain fell In Jane, and 9.80 Inches In July snaking lt.68 Inches for the Wo months, breaking the record of 45 years. At Wellington to May 119 Inches fell In 84 hoars. At many places In J one oyer an Inch of rain' fell on three consecutive day. Por the seren days Jonefl-ltV the average fall over the Thames watershed m st Inehea. On the 19th of July In Hanta 8.81 Inches fell In 00 minutes." The above report shows that there has J been some rain In England during May, Jane and July, yet these rainfalls are not ao heavy as compared to those In this Bute. 'from one point In this State the re port came a short time ago of over five Inches of rainfall within a few hours, while ao far this month here the rainfall has been nearly eight Inches. The old BalntS within talny day the ory of rain, seems to be about to be veri fied In this section, this year, as the rain has fallen nearly every day, enough to make good the ancient legend. CatifTb Cannot be Cored with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the dlseate. Catarrh Is a blood or constitutional dts- ease,'andln order to cure It you must take Internal wmediee. ball's Catarrh Cure U taken InternaUy, and acU , di rectly on the blood and muoous surfaces BalTs Catarrh Cure la not a quack medl ctnat fit was proeerfBed by one of the beaTphysIolans In this country for years and la a regular prescription. It IS com peted of the best tonics known, com btnad with the best blood purifiers, act- Inf'dlreotly on the muoous aurfaoee. The perfect combination of the two In gredients Is what produces such wonder frtmults la curing Catarrh, Send for testimonials f ree. . .; v ' i's-y -.; t. i. CHENEY A COn Toledo, O Bold by Druggist. 75a Hall's Pamlly Pills are the best. TJat B AtraM't Prlr. In n hot summer nature takee rjptt- trc,laro her ewn 'hands. ' Uumantty peraplrarln spite of Itself. In this way an Incalculable amount of waste la thrown -trt through the aktn. "Ion canawt pviisytie too freely so long aa It la natural peraptratlon, one not c ne ed fey tileeaae,"' aeM a eorgoa- "The freer the peMpiratloti the lean work for tbeUdbey."' It feUowa, then, that In ceU Srfmtnertt is advlaahle tndnc peraptratlon' thronch t the medium of elaorova exercise. Qranlad that It ie vastly mora eamfbrtabU ta lounge la ahafiywetreal' and watfi . eome -one elea ehaee imtrfs ttllf B6r a broiling raaat'trrxs kclhattawtfcatly over the golf tU'Matvvrtheken -their Ttward win home tettt ffher -win, enter the winter, with Itrtaore leea asaieeary Benftaemaat, better physically, better, tn fttott Eat tilt AIL AarowCwiB nntlmae-oeeneeaaa resell of thHaarell TpaU 'iros&f ever taxed orgaATHialneea, BaokaehaJUver eoeipUUt and Oottrr)etrb.'BBt thamka te DfiCTgt!iey7.Ue jPffli they pat aa i tmd to It all They are natW-bat Ihor ech, Try them. Only S50, Ouaraataed hf C, IX Bradkaa's drag store, "T ' " litekt'Eji Striia.-.7 The ytterfoaa aad aaaaaiable Maaa- Uoea ate per cm alaoat always be traas4teaktetTe lUtia, which wIU Weoeas aasat pTeeiieed whaa or Jest si let readlnru ersay c'. work, aad la a aaorehrreSe sirala thwa IWtnn areuv ' feompa&lei VA a h4ch, VtryW In tewettrat Cereal pertodaj Uls bJ- eeha hegfae( la the eyes aad forrhetd aoaaedaMt "rtendlng dowa lie t k. ' eAan4TaMl aausiriC akk slooach i.J 'veailllag- w ' - - ". - This eoBKint dreJaea theaerruns trsteei rees'.H frqoi!y la UauJr, ao lehodeg as'f o tjt r.r!a. lis trl- kaeatDf f ' slor ti.n.:?y ta ty HMy ip'i : . trtm-.i Is w.wt ewe eay ft' t form of rnni,ad 1 Very reafciftU whew he t nf c?'r end - theeV-l ff t .irI the irrw tiv x u Is-) . Li if viuoa Is ao frorJ of lie sre tf rjt iir!i jt.i ewof'ncs smi-'iiitof errnf of rfracilfa, hat aa !' ' ef si lioftwlTe 1 Of a r Utir her I ar. ' r f T. t ' I f 1 1 r 1 ire aaf tf"'. f r a r.l, 1 f ir si' a, ar. 1 " w era If"-' ', "' " f, an 1 If J 1 t ' cs, C.'Lla, Fror'.siuuJ sal S... HiEe la Price. Rece!?a tal . SV , sent. . . The following are the market quota- lions," received by private wire to A B. I Baxter & Co. New Bern, H, C ' Haw yoan,August SO, Gottoh;- f tpen. High- Low. Close Abg..vT. 12.25 12.85 1855 ',.v.iSJK 13.85 1858 12.85 'ep.V;-.A'iii; 10.77 10.78 10.70 10.72 Oct. ,7...-.: 10.03 JQ.03-. - ;MoT,;.i..; 951 91 9.81 9.61 Dec 9.80 9.80 fi.J7Vlr.79 :jan.;. . ?r.: m A 9.88 .9.78 H , -ft ". .... "Hw.'TorE, Augusjlj&O';, Ooea.y , Close STOCXSi Ajnr.Sugai'.. HoPacifla-i.flS j- ' 8o;aclno Union Pacific.,. '741' Manhattan....,' 1331 , Ami. Copper 401 ;': - . 47i Atchison.,., ....604 -: Rejmbllo Steel.;. 11 Reading.',....;... 65 " . Texas Pacific... 26; ' -,61J "J 65J - 84J Wabash pf..,.. 84 Southern Ky.. 22J; Southern By pf.. 83j U.fl.BteeL.: 82 U.B.'Bteel pk.,-71 ' -i - - 8J 1 ' ' 82 " 71i Penn.RR.......128( Brio 28 - -,H35 m LouUvlUe&NaBtj 105 04 Bt'Paul..,. i.. 141 N.Y Central. ... 182 18d 0. AO.. B.&0...... ...81 M. & W 68 - Brooklyn R. T.. Goloradoo..... 14 I Coal Fuel, Iron.. Amr. CttonOIl.; Va. C Chemical. 22J ' -,68i -451 14 iTenn. Ooal.Iron. 43 Rook Island. .,..27 I Am. Ioe. ...., I Money... : Cholera Infantum This dlseate has lost Its terrors since Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy came Into general use, The uniform success Which ..attends the use of this remedy In all cases of .bowel oomolalnts in children haa made It favorite wherever Its value has become General Grant' SaprmeCarmce. General Grant's courage was aw preme. o man count lace aanger wiu greater composure. He did noteeem to know tthe meaning of peril When duty called him to risk his life. ' At one tlmal nw the aeneral eacaDe death hi a very slight margin. We wereToreak. Ing camp at Spottsylvanla Court Houas and under the fire of a Confederate battery. All of the headquarters -equV page had been removed except a camp toot, and on this the general was Sit ting, while the shells of. the enemy's mm ahrloked over our beads." A shell passed Just over the general, not mua inghlm apparently by more than a few Inches. ' end struck the ground about thlrtr feet awayt. Without, ehowlng the allghteat Bervoosnesa he called me to get the Shell. ' earing, "Left what kind of ammunition that bah tery la Mng." ; Iwenf and picked op the shell, which was a Six pound apher leal case, and the general examined 11 s coolly es tf there was not ah nemyi gnn within 100 ndlea of him, NattonaJ u , TntDtatB Penalty A UtUe, thing sometimes resultaln death. .Thus a mere scratch, inslgnlfl eaat 'cut or 'puny bolls have paid the I death penalty.-. It Is wise to have Bach ten's ArnlcftEalve ever handy. .It's the beat Salve on earth and will preveat fa tality, whea Baraa, BoreS, Ulcers' and Piles threaten. Oply I5e, at O D Brad- , ham's arog store.' - ,. - i , -- , .In a German law Journal may be found a curtoxia account of a woman who,' though actually living, la legally dead. Some years ago ebe dlearmeared from her home, and after three year had e la peed the conn formally pro nounced her dead and turned orer her prepey to bar next of klm. .floea after ward ate returned to her native place. aad as there was so juetion aa to her Identity she naturally thought that St would have DO dirQculty la reeererlng her property. The court, however, flat ly ref need to Comply with her reqoeat ; -Jen have beea declared dead." it vir tually eald. "and it to Impoaeibie for ne to regard yw e 11 ring." - - Thrmipon the woman appealed to hihor rwrrt, but her labor was In vain. ft the verdict of the lewer owrt waa UpbHd. aod. flxmwret, an offlrlal rvo- ttre was tiewd to ttie effort that the p! I In tiff,' bartne formally tx-n o Clar4 ded, roull not now 1 rrntorrd to life, a rbe law nn4(TiUn4a th ward, sitd nin-t rrmala On 3 until dUieJay. , . ' ' m - i ' y-WTie MeMlea StHSe , A Bn-etaq trrVta has a very Mr raere Iryh time on h-r w11!:if (' than kf Amrrlf!i ltur. t. r t rfiotyfat arll.'af'er Ih e-tm'y orrr and tiat f: r ;.'.'' : i V. ? t;' ef a "farewdl tiertr" (Ur Uf n. A a the weit'lliig, 'to t. fi.kl. .tsnnt ni't take t!re til) t!i rtelilp. ka ey to n:f It l t u -tLu r-d '' t1 litAo .ftn enters 'n t DT l'f l'!'le .:Vl;rii! ' ll.c-r ) V, trlile :rj h to XT'1' ' ' (t irtiiri-'-'. :tb jin-N-r ft tT',',rI. ai i V'r a r A"- la 1 6' : i t t .f..;. !(' ' ') t rt f "! I I ' f 1 "f f ' ' t ! s-' '. o rftl , ' ! t t 3 1 .1 ,1 (if '" 1 ' 1 ' f ' r,' ' - - Iff! r It' .i.k- :.s : - rofE-i t on a v lor. Di HB Parker, of Trenton, after spending most of last week here doing some dentil work reurafed to - Lis home latt Ballsy. ..." .... . . Mr Q L Conner and Mrs J S Morton spent last Sunday : irlio ttitlr sfatet at Kiverdale. - : - Mr H W Bell, Messrs Koonce and Mc- Danlel, who are holplng to pat down the mill,' 'l went u New Bern and eamo back banday. - r - , - - - - " Mra Herman W Boll aad chlldrea Came dowa from New Bern Monday to be with her husband. ' . - Mr Jaa L-Taylor, of Dachekr was la our berg one day last week. - . Mr Batemaa one tf our aaost ' popular salesmen paid as hla nsual eall jested day apeoding the- night t th;Mortea House " 1 - , W were glad to have Mr J A P White, heatd of Morehead a caller at Oui1 sane' turn today. " tr-1? - ? Z Mr Eay mond Mason goes to New Bern today where he goja to take position as-aaw Bler.- 4 "i V-." - We have had heavy reins dutlagllie past week, and: cotton ;cxops eepetrfaJiy have been injured by, theov air yv r uoaner net returaeo itotx r3even Springs and 1 tttth toptevedi Messrs O Q and D O Bell of Moretwetf City had to eome In via of Bveielrfci aceouat of taeovetflowaon theNewprort road last Sunday. r - - " Mlsa. Ada:Beetoit-1uM gono taWfii- thropto spend a - few Weeks !wljhr' oroiner, mra jj secton. Save the cniiflren."-A ' Ninety-nine o( every one hundred dls-i eases that children have are due to dis orders of the. stomach, and these dis orders are all caused by indigestion. Codol Dyspepsia Cure Is just as good for children as it ia for adulta. XhUdren thrive on It. ' It keeps their little atom- acha sweet and encourages their growth and development.,' Mrs Henry Carter, 70S Central BC, Nashville, Tenn.,- says; My Httle boy 18 TtoWi three years old and haa been Buffering fromlndigestloh ever since he Was bora. ' I have had the beet doctors In Nashville, but failed to do him any good;" fter using one bot tle of EodothaMaawellbaby, I recom mend U to all sufferers.'; Kodol 'digests what von eat and nuaee1-th atomach sweet. .Bold bvPB mar?? -i- A wi ltet oa New Eunlaiid nnd New; CnftlaiuU people' some ycara ago.-aald tuni we ceuoow oj tne new atagmaaew In giving an answer to a direct quee- Oon was Illustrated to him wn day When he asked an eastern Mend whose family were not noted iot very- actrre bablta, "Waa not your fathere death ver auddenf UW:.-.ii,; jG'j Slowly drawing one band from bit pocket and palling down hie heard the interrogated cautionary replied, "Waal, rather sodden for hun.7. . 7?: I Potent rfll Pleasure The pills that 'are potent la their action and pleaaaet Jn . effect are .De Witt's Uttla Early BJsera. W B Phllpot of Albany, Qa., says t "During r bilious attack I took one, Small u It was It did me mora good . than talomeL; hlue maaa prhny other pOlj I aver took and at the same time h effected me pleasant ly. Little Early Blaerr are oerUInly aa deal pffl." Sold by PS Duffy. r-KSTi ij'-V' ' "1"" 1 1 i '' ' mtmmU ,B'Cha).''i ; "I wouldn't advlaaayaoa-4o-fd tl Cuba with the Idea of seeking employ ment, eald a young Fhlladelphlan who haa just returned bom ; there; " "My health had beea poor during the win ter, and my fleeter thoughrrho climate of Cuba would benefit me, -aa It did. The climate la all right, but there's as touch sat Wt!l aaf for the Island. My financial Teacurcee wr hot great, and when my money ran low and I found J waa being benefited T made ny tnlnd to Stay longer U t could get eome congenial employment ... ."After two weeka of eonetant' look ing around t had two Jobs offered ta .. One waa to go Into the tnteriot and cut augar cane with a ta Ot hegrnee for t enoath od toy keep, and the other waa waiter U a ree taurant foe any board and lodging and What I eould pick up In tjpe, Thars Why I came borne eotner than I had expected. I met a lot ef followa took tra around down there, and they all had the eama story to tell." rblladuh phia fUcofd. "- SOMS - ULISONS VThy Now Bern Pec Should roller Thia ' Valur.blo Ad--; ' . . - vico.' Horeaea U.a fwof U ti f'ow Dera. Toa ran essi'y Invw.''e ft - . . Pr4 aert i7 to STr-eriml With some Botilr 1 rr,; Prof.t y the fi; 'y. f a 8 II f'arlier, i B'KI list V'rrn sr. ) V p'ara tf r-Hs 1 1 . r -."a ' r 1 i i 1 i l.j f . '. I I !:. I ! m 1 1 ' o t ' III f -! I I I ft ; 1: - -'t 1. ral .tto L , . a '-ft U1 ; j . .rt: . i .y- ven ti c ' e womti .-t t- itr t- t-n t' ; Le civil service examination are i i to pass it . ... ...-. -T - - : A valuable colt belonglng"to Chaxlea ; L Brown of Wert EllsworUi, Me., was found dead recently In a paatsre, tV- leg choked hlmaelfHT Iba, children' swing. .' ; . 'V ., One oubllcatlon uTNew York neea 140 tons of paper a day. , Thla repre sents the pulp from thirty acres of tim ber taken trunk and branchv or -eevsn-teen miles of virgin forest per annum. Af present there' are about eeventy- flve persons engaged In gem cutting in the United States, with not far from 5,000,000 capital Invested. There ar probably about TOO skllledjtapldartes at work, earning' an - average tt -IJJW apiece per year: - . The Mexican government proposes to compel all !gns"tnd vdveYttaettantrbti walla to be In Spanlab, wltbytf dcatnt), translations Into other languages, ,, It la considered contrary to the dignity aT the nation that English slgM, now-very numerous, should not have their amauK lab counterpart ; v -4" Six million dollara' worth of anoeh have been eold abroRd by Attertcah Shoemakers within a yean This ahewk the exports in that line to have-mult-piled by twelve In ten years. Mexlcd Cuba and Canada 'each bought tbout 1900,000 worth, and feearlr B the w- malnder went to Great Britajbv ;s m i Hii' ii rm r 4 Violent Attack of .DlarruoeaCnre . by OianiDerialn'sColIcC CholerA -and Dtan-hoea Remeiy an ;7 : Perhaps v Lite SaVcL Cr fA short time agfflwa taken wtth 4 violent attack of diarrhoea and believe would have died If J hd not gotten .ref lief, I says John J Pattorv a leading citizen of Patton," Ala. ' "A friend MM ommeoded Chamberlain's Colic, 5holefa and Diarrhoea Remedy.:; I benight twenty-five cent bottle and after taking three doses of it waa entirely cured. consider U the beat remedy in the wdrldj for iMwer complaints: For sale hyalt DrugglsU.- s ' vjr -f -;.-us . nsuarMia is rsa. 'tv r JEtairdreeslng la en elaborate artndy In Japan, Where the atyle of the Coif fure gwiemlly Indicates the position and age of the lady., Thua ' glrlaef eight or nine wear their hair in a jrow at the back bound round with red crape, the front left bare except for two locks dangling , at the ; aide,; and the -m rlageable damaela comb 4helr treeses high t in front and arrange them eJ ther fa the ehhpe of t butterfly or a half opened fan. A widow looking oat for a second spouae twists her locks round a long eheli hairpin placed hort- WEWtnlly- acroee the beck of the bead, while she who vows' to remain faithful to the; dear departed .cute Jer hair short and combe It plainly back With out any patllnfvg t"?u?'-lX'- v :f;;:".SnIcIde PrerenteS.:', " The startling announcement that preventive of suicide had been discover ed will Interest many.- A run down aw i tern, or despondency Invariably preosdf : suicide and somelhtng his beea .found that wni preveat that condition . which I makes inlclde likely. At the first thought or self destruction laky Klectrio Bitters. It being a great toakj and nerrlae will strengthen the nerve and build up tha' system; III also a great Stomach, Liver and. Kidney regulator. Oaly . OOo. Balls faction guaranteed by 3. . D. -Brabham i .r.-A' kUIUra V AUriee,-.- - Sometlmoa roprewlng a client payi a lawyer well. Thoro la a penilatent sto ry, which probably will hevef he prtnti ed aa to names end details, that a fa mous trust magnate paid a' lawyer a million dollars in cash for simply say Ing to btmf "Dont fight If yea loalat on fighting I will take your caa .But tf you fight remember ajl your book will be opened and all your methods dlaclocod." The - bewildering munifi cence of that Instant fee of a million Was a record for wise philanthropy Which abowed 'the getdua of the phi lanthroplat Never war a re better earned If the tale la troevverybodyl MagaalDO. - ' '.:'- Un. Vollle Allea, of South Pork, Ky, lays She hu prevented attacks of cholera shorbaa hy taking Chamberlala Btouv ch and LlrerTaUets whea she felt an attack coming oa. Such attacks 'era anally canard by Indigestion aad the TeUot ar Jnit what' la needed te fl'eahee the stomach and ward off lb ap proaching attack. ' Attack of tUiout cu'.'.o may be prevented ta tb sasa way rotsalebyallDmEslsls. The f id loving u a tA example at Ili prttrlto qiiotaUnna! A clergyman rfliitd to an East r.n 1 llTlng found Xi'.t t nrlt h churrh aaJly In n-d of re pnlr art! fare orders tor tfa Xr DOTst'un. While fhla wee le haul the tlea or mrril to 1.1 in to Ut the rr.l.-lul b'.la in CinrxviWin wl'h tt ti - t at e ').t he no-' i th-r. la one f t '."ia wlu h wa col aa a ii.'' '! rl f""! he fut 1 a'ote of litiVnrr:'!.! f. . 1 f; e- t to .:! and an a ,( r,:';.is s. 1 1 , t i r i ; i t l I' ( it 1 i r , a f t f.f ! ' i- Di ' . f f p r',. 1 li.n n.l ! 1 I ' " I ' . ' tr : ' . : . , - J r t' f It ( f i i I I ' ' -i ' r I I It I If nr i -U I ,;.t L a r ituJnd . V . . i t ... m? I s : vp ' fluent In 1 1- i, lit 3CC&1 niluea I V 9 on tUS fc.C Crow at tne 1 irfr r'Mf wtj Once wo-1 io -, . , , -uat. i but 13 . : 'v-e. t ice-of msX OTPO 1 Btmnjw.e-.Tv rtrc poesea rw-oig wonsu.awi cuuurea a,d frelht Mj redeem the same before from belrg Pv.!I.tha aala by establishing their title to the n ncH-4a'!M!!B9viaf!t!aTal '1 s it ccr-caSet!anto therXhekd. I When.the'ce.fsw reaches the-edeyt hfinl ,nr the waffdna. Jthlch. contain evc. 1 .....rwJwelgUt M '.. eoSl each, rind' .cia-oaTh rtulOo eort?ot X-liltfma Snoote-vfle; Mai down below to the screen of the'tld- -C:inrB8C3W ABSCC? tS VQOr du tievttf becasahvthe lewittay m trie icee !iweys-hWk wstvwtt as Jtdrr Torn the acnesv. .Thev atartwirit'atAaTocfe'lnladverll chBreeaean be ascertained morning and flolairat '4 m the fiow Tl.c ftcelVeT! ShKmgaor leswa flav. 'and Thetr Thirtto the 'asm Work et ahiuUigaV "Tntir wsnimff conenwi i it tJOuWrria eeaMB)4ftiviKmtb sa taons ' mnc&iw mm ..swawro Iwear fei(atav Which Jhm al -tto aroi. the wotat wtule engaged ian I '-'-W'sw'scw-W Hi . ft iWnt CSnWaWahaaaoiMaM TWW aM WcwMng IJtthl anddenlrlU Ttatsday inlght aafihWttph sever thah bad jtoika SahateliBfS'bl the cww wait arponihlm aadlrCnSar waa eaDed'aad'eatediOrtettha he had a medlolaaUtta dsn af Clan berlala'a CoUcCheleri jaattiatfito Remedt thai he thaoght wtldelpmt oat and swcordtogly everL oe war admlhlatored, wbk th MsMgiiithai th. fellow waa abl to b aroamU xt 'da: ThalncidiBt rpeaka oult UgWpof Hi OUbldaJaWdiBfaaai . ThiaaosBr jsevar faflai Keep it tat rour Ja9sne Ih iatar aave llfa.' For sale Newed-4 aay.'old chap, you' dughf tot aee the nine pound aadttton fa our ratn ttythht arrived last night He" a aaefcfc.''. - " ' Old wed (th lather er twHrWetl,! you -ought lo ha tbaiAM'saart a; aalrSt uais Hu. v i . r ' TWhea :.yoa want a physio that I aaUd aad' (flf My to tak and certain to act, atwayaAma Oumberlau'l Stomach aad Liver Tablet For aale by all Dng- gtata. ' '''. Tfc meat Tieele. dont think," aald the sapient gen tleman "that, th "trouble Uea ao much la English aa aha is spoke.'" '. "NoT" aaked the other person. "N -The dlffleuliy.toTny mind, ts la SagiMt-aa ah ts noArstood.-Hjudg. " y i. i yt. Jaarate c tMftHhw Hawaii f - ' ! .1 ,, : At,?.? Wt lit aii.L - TCblanei, aekcdHh heaattfal graa wtdew,' ihave- yea ever realty knows what tt waa to be frlghtenedT- V ? i M shoe Id any I have," replied the gig. knt warrior. . "At the deattatf oe th other day i could aetnaUy leal th blood congealing tn my tetna whea he-j cam at m with hlajiuaa aw." Chi cago necora-ueraia. r$t ? , jj.JNft. j. i i ii ii Eat AQ Tw WaatA. ' Psraoa tr6ub14 with tadrreatloa or DysppIa eaa aat all they want If they Will tak Kodol Dyspepaf a Cur.' This remedy trreparra th stoanich for th ey eeptloa, rateatloa, dlgeetlw aa-f aesfmI- UUoa of aQ i the whole. fjlod ihat may he aataat aad aaahlee tha dlgvatfva; pvgta to traufcrrai the aaaU' la to the klad of blood thai rives health aad treagta. Bold hy PS Daffy. ;:.rC; ' . . 'V. i. i i naaaas i , .. Va4awtsMrtt 4M -OMkKTkak ) 1 1 Of coorae yea woalda'A ,mary 4 , '"ifo. IT thera Waa any ether" way of r-"jng anawared th aeveraty . sctlcsl li.V-hlcaga Poet 1 - . 'U" i ' atanst 'Sselea' ': . X-raav-Asa yew rwrtT tor r?rl Cj-Leva yoet' WhyX- a: the very grouad yoajuherw,-. I ' r Vfc Cru( anutNvn H mfl K, n SU bthln. Urn Am front I Th tttlle Hwklrry ' f t er"'" W' r k4 rw,. I pi I Ml h . I how- t I.. - , ... at aM Ifte bot. It AM J . ciutr yjitr.vt c: a r it :v rra tutioa, er; oia t3 i aula f r c- to tie highest tUder the 1 1; 'Jt-'.st ctr..! frelaht to moot. er c' re. .. of t anSDorUtion -, ataTaea on I tbs i tot! the enati nf ' ' . , " ' - Tk. I . mi ). I. IV. ..u - of the A.N.C.H.R, atNew tenl wnon , tor . more man one year Iwm in" aK 01 eoeipt or tne same aa wihduuri, uu ui do pinoi the freight or warehouse storage chargea upon tne same cave peea paia to tne a.. A X, C. B. It or any of Its agents. Any or persons ; claiming any of the waiowwso storage- charges and thetr proportionate part of the expense for ad vertlslng same for aale. The sale will be on .Wednesday the 26th day of August 1903, at 13 o'clock ml at aid station.: The following Is a list of freight in aid warehouse showing Consignee, Des tination, Articles, Weight and Freight charge. (The warehouse atorage charges and after-iirom the Agent at'sald station.) 1 crate dbhes. 1 Lot Butter Tray p. 1 Pa Bracket?. jh-Baalae. II Goll Hope. ffllfcoi Castings. Boxes Mdsr. ij BtreetLamp. fVt Bdla. Springs. ' ,1 Bdl.. 2 Stool Chairs. .t Pee Iron. f Cast Iron Arch. 1 Drags. 1 Iron Vise. 1 Steel Roller. 11 Windows: il Cook Stove, i I Sheet Iron Stove, t Stove Bottom. 8 Kegs Nails. 1 Tackle Blook. I Pa. Pictures. "8 Buggy Bprlngf. II Pee P Castings, tl Stogie Trees. 8 Barrels Flour. 8 Half Bis. Flour. ' BbVGrtt 9 Package Belting 1 Back Beans. 1 Crt Sew Machine. 1 Sew. Maoh. Frame. 1 BbL Vinegar. 1 Vinegar Pump. 1 Bicycle wheel rim. I " frame. 1 Piano stool. 1 Bdl. Lightning rods, i Mt egg Crate. S Iron pots. 8 Tea kettles. t Kegs Paris Green. 1 BdL Cap box covers, glass. "1 Xaaptyheg. rl' Bbl. fish. . l.Bdt bed rails. f Bdl. Cotton lies. '4 Rolls Jute Bagging. I Mail cart 71 Stove and pipe. J Bdla. 13 weU buckets. tSJft. Oil barrel VHoll cable wire. Doe Harper, La Grant. 1 BdL 4 bags corks. ' S B Klnaey, La Gispgr, 8 boxea food. N CP Barrow, La Grange, 1 cooking lava.' 1071, t hexes H OIL - I, LljQrange, 1 box soda. D W Dixon A Co., Klnston, 4 Bdl. wall faper. J Emmet A Co., Bnow Ulll, 1 box wall paper. 2. v W. A W. La Graage, 1 bag dothct. (J I Hood Klnstoa, N C, 1 box. VA Jf.lbOxhoUlea, d h' -If, 4 kegs, dV, . W L Xaleataa, 1 box, d b. O 8 Klnaey, 1 bag grits. BP Ltaohayl 1 trunk and valise la nrvV. - " - : . W O Tal Qretn, 1 hoi X erase, r PODlso,Iawf. snn,ibor(ah. : HSBarrls,JboX,4h, 1 Xhaetoa If fg. Co, 1 box, d h ' ' T B Temple, 1 box, d h. -v : MiaMChadw!ck(lboxdh. ' TJ 8 Wallace, lbarran, da. --Qutaa Miller Co, I wash ataad, d" k j Gee W Segg, 4 aarrela, i h. j J F Co, 1 bos tobacco, d kv l'-' : " 4 Straad A 80a, 1 box M dsa da. BBQrke,laox,a. ; r. , ' Mrs 0 X KoRa. 1 box, d h. A B Kelly A Co, 1 box, 4 h., . " -. Oox & Co, I hoi. fothtd, d 17 ! r' C Woodly, lbct. ? r? Joe VI-1 Ilia. SLa.ewalL 1 ho a. '.- ' 1 J B Ashley, Perrlea leading, I elockl J 8 Garrett, 1 box wpy botOea, ft R Bdl, Arapahoe, 1 boa aoaa., ? Ju Morris, Vesa 1 hex oap.',OT 8 F Doff, 1 box dregfe. - A "t ,s oBnaiLihox. -iJv,v-:' If T II, I boa cfiffae. ' .if s 8 S, a box Adv. laaltar. ; ' i 8 GU.1-. 1 box ahell. ' : ;, J ' I P raatlaga ' ' ' ';: ; '. T!arrllar. ft tv.nnef, hflek ssoald. II 8 Co, 1 Crt oil esoa. : " D Upa'ta, 1 Chy, I Wa part (t,e7, C P J'-nri, 1 hoi dr"ca, tie. - - M T Tt , t lit iffetU tia. ' A r -H A f. It 'j njfier uls , a r. I 1 trci :C'o. --; -.i: ! ' 1 1, r Iti I , IS rt ff f -U 9(1, - ' ft 1 a ree 60.. ' 1 fV " w lers d b fits' l?"'f i 1 .A r. i: i 1 r 1 1 : v vuwwuis, t pacssgv axu'- - . :-- H R MUler, 1 itiV' H R Miller, I crt horas,;; ; :", H R Miller. 1 crVdon nowder S3jOS O K, W F Murrlll, 1 hit card In 17c W F Morrill, 1 es for mCas 80c. rWFMurrllllbrt flour, BOcl W F Mnrrll'; lax candy 17c, Croson Shirt Mill, 1 cs hosiery tSc. . SW 8mallwood,i doors 45c ; U D Lafioque, 1 hx ease $44, .- " t qath mpdhd. '". - ' ' LA Rutherford, lbd legs 67e. L A Ratherford, 1 dek eltd $1,83., TL A Rutherford, 9 seed desk 95c. Geo White, 1 cs paper. ' . Geo White, 8 ca starch paid Order, Sears Robuck A Co, 1 c stove $2.83. JW Gutter, lbd pipe 16c O K, T L Hoggins, 1 bd 1 catga. T L Hoggins, 1 pc brakes 88c. Hyman Sup Co, 1 bl flat hoops, 1 bk eolts, 5bd wood $3,92. F 8 Davla, Morehead City, 1 h char coal 22c. Standard Oil Co, 1 crt signs 00c. O 8 Wallace 1 keg mullets 44c. 8 C Bishop, 1 bl whiskey $2,60. 3 M Chaflet, 8 bd, 6, rockers 8fie W W Taylor, 15 bdt baskets $8,58. Allen Davis, 1 c druqs 72c. Miss Mamie B Gollahcr, 1 box dry goods 84c. M S Chadwick 1 box books 1,04. J R Smith, 1 box sock $1.60. O S McWllliams, 1 box glass 11,80. A P Pudtor, 12 tube 46c. A Thomas, 2 stoves 1,48. D W Sanders 2 c b powder 88c. Jas Laughton, 1 box mdse 28c. J R P Arann, bl castings 25c. Chaa E Dam & Co, 1 box m slot 56c. Frank Thorn, 1 bbl clothing $1,15. L H G Bishop, 1 box books 68c. H Rhem, 3 boxes w paper, 4 Ix.iea w paper, 1 crt hardware 83c. Alonzo Guthrie, 1 box drags 25c. A H Slocumb, 1 box hardware 1,25. Geo Lard, 1 crt castings 1,60. J B Jones, 1 bdl pictures 25c. A B RIgglns, 2 empty oil bbls 61c. Willie Spelgh, 1 box shirts 41c. Marshal burg O Co, 1 empty oil barre 25c. B L Dickinson, 1 crt 8 M L 84c. Gen Robt Gussell, 2 bbl effects 1,96. RIgglns, & Co, 1 empty oil barrels 28c. R 8 Weeks 5 empty egg crates 68c. Willie Milton, 1 box groc 90c. C W Smith 1 bdl bags 880. J Smith, 1 bbl pickles 61c. Pearce & Perry 5 box plastera 1 80. H O Bruce, 1 box books 2,04. W H Calvert, 1 pall s putty 88. L J Noe, 1 box 81c. Julia P Senynat, 1 bbl paper hanger I, 61. H Klnston 1 box marble. Hyman Sup Co, 1 bg catg. E Klnston, 1 pr thsrts d b. A T Hill, 1 stent Iron. J Colt, 1 box. J F Harper & Co, 1 box. JEW Suggs 1 package. HcClarlch Broa, 1 box. 10 Goads, 2 box tin. E Klnston, 1 box. Alex Flolda 2 eta atones. JWP Bmltherwlck, LaO range, 1 box glaas 17c. G B Hadly, LaUrange, wood alales 17c 0 K, O Slocumb Co, I aQmiK', slonu hoops etc. 7 1)". R B Shaw, La Cranio, Mi soil tv.x empty bottles 1 empty keg 12 36. Otcebla do , La Orange, 1 cnl.c ans 70c T U Junes, La Jrtnge, 1 pa saab 88c. on Hardy ft ttewboro, La Ursnge, 15 brla flour, (8.00. M W Uxioll, La Grange, lea. books 83c K E Sutton, Ls Orange, I pkg. wood aisles 15c Hicks, Dover, 1 bd. emU, 1 txl bedding 47c. A J 6mllh, New Bern, 1 show case, 1 bl. glaas, short 03c Mra M Berne, Mew Bern, I brt. glaaa ware, paid JCWhltty, Mew Bern, 1 bal store piste 43c M flecksoe. New Pern, 1 bd. carp-t, paid. Wm Twlford, Stamps ToUl, 1 pack stencils, ?5c "KG Dixon, New Bern, 1 bi. bdwe. 43a Headersoo A Co., New Bere, lObx.b powders, paid L M Satlenhwelte, (4 mat frt baskets II. 64. ... 1 8 Benight, New Bern. brt bottled aleao powders $1.00. . O Alliei, New Bern, 1 bos ka-dwara, tta, - ' .TFBaaoa, New Bora, lbd. fence wlrLta. H B Puffy, New Bern, 1 U. wall aap 'J 0 Whltty, Now Bsva, 1 jd. Iroa ISo, ; Prof.0 8 Perklaa, New Sera, 1 Ppea tshOerioU,7le. - i JO Whltty, New Seta, 1 sproehat wheal for wearer tt. ' . ' Wat Mereto, Nw Jtava, 1 hi. Collare, ttc'f X, -v. -1, .SO Robert, Datchelov, I ha. wH pa per,8ie.:." .:,. . .'. , H Cfa, New Sara, 1 hx, elo., va- A B Powell. ;Kew -aVrta I brow aeie M'lB RrnaTL New Beta, I hat aa. ba.ilJO. -- ' V JO Wkllty, New Here, 1 e hale ' Tt!4r l.timt nr-Nsw Beta, 1 hvt boiler eraU-e, 1 W. -l',.- ' l)t)txrt 8aia Ldy. Cw.llrnlta wall lrf IIS. . - ' ' . "- 1 '- ;t A Co., Paw Bern, 1 at a. e4l f 1 t i - ' , W It .f'Miwi,' Nek rjer, tM. 1 waif, tff. , .... 7 II rinntgnmrry, New tiara, 1 hoi Oe r-ja.Tv. t H W :',r, tMTF. I 111. W'llfH " (I V r ' ) r In 9, prTr, lOmty. erg t n ni-.a ha.-, a. sa stv-t. 1 1 ! I' I r -y ! !. 1.