t s wiwiM!S"L;iiuiiia v " ThuJVMfiurw.M4 tht Bowci treakks f mm r: I) AM'gebUe PrtpacaUonfA3 sunuaong meiooaanaKeeuia-r ness andRestContalns neither k OjAira.Mbrphliie twpMncraH jnfoujtssHcnjmaat Apcrfecl Remedy for CortsfipeJ Tioa,Sour Stomath.DiarrhoeaLl Worms jConyulsionSjFcveristw ness and LOSS Qt SLEEB Fas Single Signature of if NEW YDHK. 11 - EXACT COPY QT WBABHPt. W MJ z r :-, '-v Vj 5fTTTT?fTfttttfffftfftttttttttttttttt Gfocet Bee to call the attention of the Complete Stock of - 1 Staple and Fancy :Groceries.:: 2 Every steamer is bringing in some delicacy to be added (o J nia stock. A share of your trade is receive careful attention and All orders Bmall or large Gtocer, Phone 74 lUMIVERSITM COLLEGE inc. ncniriiJCv. wommono. 'Un I4.UI WIMbi viminiA. linicmiOEimiTlf-MaMKTiW 1 111 1 I CLINIC. Executrix Notlee. All persona havlnt claim agalnat tba ettale of Mary V. BloTer itocaaaed, are hereby notified to preaenk them for col lection on, or before Jhe 88ih day of July 1004 or thti nottoa will be pleaded In the bar of their recovery. MARY 8. GUION, Kxeoatrlx. Jnly 28th 1003. , , AMtitata fof College l CoortM Youaj Comerva- lory of Mmle.'S; PKArKWu-M RmC rWe (or Your Daashter 187 Middle-Bt, Fill fine of DriM lad MedlcUei, rerfumea, ToQel Boa pa, alao tba following M literal Waaerai KaichlcM Muter Spring, Dnffala LHhla, Uanny dl Jumw, Ounydl Matyaa, Cmrbaaa, VaronUm, Apetita, Bad RavaipUt- CoU, nrob Tooih Broahaa, .' PkWriM Tooth PaaW. CDLCMBUH IKHK TXCIDB, Creolum, h Great Lfetaferwurt d tlA fleg Deatiuyaf. r- - Brom-Chloralum A awe PRKTSNTATtYK of Mk I MiagiMi ni DiraTatau; mull iVOX. : . , A' Good Telephone pEUvicb ta 4 .CHtjtisa"' : f- KECESaiTT, A DOMI 1 . . fJO.tTISTXHCl, A COM.. . ' VnTrn!rnr .; :.' . . Tiitxnrjr. I "trf fa.ll ru-ma f 'tlrvral RuSSwiriJoilGD. Trills la J'r'TTt n or In ttri (1 th R i!l Iloaaa. T'rtt ... - 1. V ftALnaa I , rmxx Al'-eif r t .( j r'". ' r1;' an. r-f'-f atef,- 1, T" f J I I f i . I " T " IcTTr Tb ;!:. J Vcj i::v ' Jvays Bearstho Signature y fir v 1 In Use f Fnr nuftr t I VI , VIWI Thirty Years T: 3. tttftttft Honsekeepers!to hif Jne and r 7 4 : J f ITT - ' t A .liV, 1-K ifltKl h nit mum MupMWi eoat1 wn , solicited,' Your orders will a PROMPT DEIIYERY; will be appreciated,' - . -3: POXiIjOGK ST. AAataa aa a 4 4 a t 4a a a l 4 t a a 4 TTTTTTtf ttttf.ttf ttt It I ttt w E CNICMrortM' kmoum r . ' MICHKMTKU'H ENOLXSH lUCO Ml 4M4 Mdl u 1. mk mm Ihm Mm mt mr DrmlM. aw mJ aW Illcationot Bum-7 NORTH CAROLINA. I ' la the VBAVnuoxirrTj. I bnperioruonn. Mary, Bayard Woottea Charles T. Woottea. v Tba defendaat abort natMd will take notice that a action en ll tied as abort 1 bee commenced la lbs 8 a Deri or Court of Orare coanty to obUJa artU rore from defendant and the wild de fendaat will farther take a 01 Ice that he la required ta arpear at the October term of BnperlorOoert fotaald County to be beldoa tba Bib day of October 1908 Coon Booaeof said Oovntytm Kaw Bern, N C, aad aaawer or dnaor to the oomplmlnt la aaid ecuoa or the rial US will apply to tba Coart for relief do lajKMd i eau complaint. -- 1 ThJaSOUOaynf Jely 1908. - " . N W.U. WATSOlf,' t " Clerk of Ua Beperlor Coart. W Otlco oi ' Suiiimqns- BORTII fl A TIOLIN A, 1 AH.,r, . Cravat omaly. ? f B'P-0'0 ? .s- ' WB.Uait.KeW 7 1 . . . ; ' . Xoub IE. Kelaoa, - Th dafetideat a bora aataad wt9 lata aotloa that a actio at abor tilled ha bee eoMSMracad la the Bvpariny Coart of Crave cotaolT, to oMala dl- Tore a vtactilo raatrlnwnaU fret lb tald dafendaat, Eaoata Y.. JHa!r, tad the aid Jafeadaat will furtbar tab aotto IhU abets rxnlrd to sr? at lb aeil tens of lha Btip-rior i Mtofn'l eoaily to ba bt. 1 oa U, jjfw- f tt the ltt sfnartay pf fv- 1'ir.hrr. 1. llbatBgtb6ihdr of firiotr. tkeeoort boaaa la Iiw 1', N. O ,a 1 eaawerprdeennr lhrTn; . .iuia,t j aotlo. Of tba r-UIatM wlU i; ; T la t court fTtbe relief Osmtn Is aaii ernnr'lalat. . TISwOUflyt,f Jalf.lv1 1 . W. It. WATOK, L. B. Habiclit, " . : Ilt"" w 4i Ai t, , r T-fel In I t TUr;.-r-.t !. Ilatl'S.fS I' j v r.'-an C , -e I' " 1 . t r. .... j.uj c- : 1 c e rxm wldla Ue eom-. t 1 C-'ST" at ccnvf . 11a. tars ., t.; , 1 "xton- iure He V y i 1 t Jr- to,. - "s ue oujer sma5 cw to " and see U Irttat-'iq-. .;5diel tore?; lingo; ta can teach Ctyetnilseyo,". - The toaraaerata t)ytv 9 target iHJt rectW.Gf ; tJpolntlng pntll 'tS bUadfcailed -victim ClAJi. caoiUm. ly, butinot roughly, betwera two rowa fts' Ml-"30.ibjr&y VtXtts -onJf4eratea, whlla ono 'ty oac iiatlief vlctlBwaUtlatD .H It Irrrvatfualf there Is-gooS bum at the 'feastrW jVw ?TJ 5 6t6 ' A." tivrtflsfx plaxtaisaiae.i'Ot Tdnottg one,o the j3aUa-sfleitt uUomUkv taoce out over the lawn, wbere a crow sled:itaMlxtetttoit er- Wentiyttanklng waa an egg. AfteS mnclr'peeklng, from ail "of which tba ftoHcwwpe iUtleJuU) bHBedwyTi. broken, h crow titid acaexctted don- anltaaoa wttn aeveral of hla- fellows and then deliberately cartlittailJftll to ttw too of a hbrb treoaatdrletit drop. Aydathe'aawrinraefblyAieatheredi expenntntarNtbetw s auwand -in ajnaaetnent vWas there ever jmcb aye inartablo eggrt;1 ,Itha4- fallen from a bebrhttaat played havoc with their efga?n4 lritlttlirtdifiMllwcai and yef urrlved'-intactr "Then- one after amrtbef 'tramped on it wlng loudly - , At UT, jm aueeriexaauBoon ana an- gasv .tBey, all ave,4t up,Tflew to tne ton. of .'their f avorfii tree find, ttill, cawlng"4oud!y,vi watched &nei ot .ithe ptagponf wlayent; comet out tfrem?the, house aXwry-oit ttUa hivlnciUe gg that bad baed thboldeatatUd SatnkmS bad a little friend that used to come, to visit blm ?BW! qa.tweefci.it was tba: amy of the weekvwneq mo nnnerTwa swept .KurMe would put the glw fTomtbe tmreA -dw npoD, the floor whlle abe waa. duatipg Man tmttbul tslnga away, ana tnea.it was that this other tittle Babyklns came. , It was a dear-.Uttle:ipabSlb.tX4t had curty heir waging OTer,U lK;ad Balkln WOUldWreeri up close to the "glass, tot be never could toBcw the Ut-: Uo ,vlsUDt.;.i ZV&W r ' f One day Babykma thoughtT be would creep aionnd bflt)ndiiblaaa'aDd Wire a nmp wth, thfdefUbykb who lived there. Oh,- he waa o aisappout dl v What do you. trappoos was there? Nothing at fellvbvt 4tae fback Of i the glaaal- EabyVlna ade:bate to creep. back agaiil to the front -of ,the glaaa, and there teAa theTialtof- jfir -1 Babrilne Dlarcd wlthTbtai ! ontll' nurte-cmennd took thohriasa away. Then.Babykl;llttle WenflVwentoo.. for another vk.uabyiana. V".' -"V I1'. r-4.e ' QaMtlauirM avfu mmm wma. - If jroo arefwood at gneaalng or an swering horelere a few questions you can wrcU-iltir:1 isniTr, Xoa can aeo'jriiyidjy a 'white horse, but did rot vra f a v. hito coitl now jnasy .out - t m :.s 01 Treee grow In j-ow; ac. :. odd, mad what rtbeytEx!'for7 k-A Why doaibxiiMatralaNwr and a cow forarardT-' -. - . w.- 1 Why doss a bop vine wind on Tray and t baas Tin the other? v r . , , WhetQ .ahonld a chimney t the lar ger, atth top or Doctotn, ana wny t iC&n Ton tcu whyia oorae nen acta- red .with a roDOfalWaSW-o: rnvwa It while a wwreJwwo twleXaJfcftto klnkr Jmotl : . - ' alow old saoet gyerto,iefw. a Dogma 10 oeep ; . j . - - Can Ton tail wnyvaome teare ton nrjaldadowa lnt before a rata -Wbat wood wUl Hear th 'greaom Wdght before breeJtfng) Exchange. i. AMttwa t:r:.:i 'A. little bov isitAuiaxaiick of candy on tba mantel While tat btmonl bis abof. Ills stetor, .aovlaa ItvaUarooad th room, reaching tha,cnrt,s ah kaaoa, acl tastily r.'o't "VCtm cr trotlitr bad nnubod btjttoouig ni kltoe aadArd for tt.Uo.tt wi r "Xoa Uv4 tof .eta&T. tni-a. tits It to bar be criad. -Brott-vr,- at anewe- nt roa ercrieat that candy yoo U te be tha while, p4 I'll bar te ! : a ata. W.a t know a funny in tl a ra.v -. t- Aa a 1H aa a mouaw. ' Tl ho aV-a i .a n.ht that t Son . la ver liody a bwi ! "nwre a aa) on er ek.aj I I Am'. re ere all a-ra - ' TNat try, t-iaia era braak WMaradud i 0 'Tie !- elre tears out? booaa, H'hilM -- , t d'-oe-a)r! a Te r- ai l - trnm rroea aoy atjrta i f. ' e t a f . r. , li ,. t A:- r t.l alvar aquaa. t i e a tv b 1 7 i ! r. t - . r. , r - i , - 1 . L . .a ta t A -fil Iba f ra s t- !: II i In I 1 r.NA- A WONDERFUL TREE. It Baa Taraatala-llk Bio omi With -1 a Stapefyta 0.-S A wonderful tree of unknown varie ty taa been discovered in a mountain canyoa In a. spur of the Ban Jacinto mountains, : dowa, hear , the . Mexican 1 Une, It was discovered by a narty of prcepectora;whd penetrated the can yon In search of watery A -branch of the tree and Ua bhwioma Were brought to this city fog daaglncatlon. but It la unknown to botanlats in this city. v;.' t The teareB ot thertree, resemble. In size and shape the ng leaf, but per are of a vivid purple rcolor ana tne un der aide of the leaf I, thickly covered witW ti(T hninr which stand out from thi leaf fuUy half i?neh. These Jiairt are sharp and thornlike ana easily pen etrate the akin. And when they do so they are polao'noua, causing swelling and much pam K;iS-vrfc' l The blossoms are as pecuuar as. are the branches and Jeavesi They are1 of a rusty red color anaere about rwo Inches la diameter In shape they are a rerygood repreaentatioB: of. the ta rantnla; There is a huge hairy bulb, to ahane resembling the abdomen of the -Dolaonbns spider, andihero are several chives, -or "stamensj eorrespcnmng n the less of that insect - T f The ;lnottpecullar feature ?bl the nlant however.', remains -to be told. .Whenever one approaches, the plant or When the wind agitates the. branches of the -tree the. flowers give -.off abnndance of perfume heavy, sicken ing and deadly. This perfume has tne quality Of chiorororm,' ana a. xew . in halations of "the odor 5 produce i uncon sciousness. The prospectors who made the dlBCOvery of the plant were ren- rlnrart insensible UDon aDDroaching the AS the plant seems to have'no botan leal name- two names nave neea, ug- vested bvthe aunlitles of the plant it self. One la tarantula" plant,, the other chloroform tree.-Log Angeles Times.; The Human lottery A. If Mir I war kaaatifal . , kaw baavr US waald be." Many a tot-lorn Btaidaaaaald thlaaaaba woHumiviuiuiiiivi. . J r t ha-aacrifloed horn, love aaamanaa. itta tha oaa MaaaaaloB In tba lottary of boman Ufa wblcb woman would not rataaa wBRADFIELD'S FemcJe Reiulator aod, baa baaa ipvainaoia, w oemnoj iw- gome twla and laaaald, taa- ayaa ami achioBlieadft-atandhandi cold.appatlt' .... ... vm.l nh.tnietea barioda am na.lalalniwnaaa, anataTayaemaBaiaa, r raa aWa, they need building S a4 .,(. hiiil .ma, tneanalna. - Lradaald'i Paaiala k er"l for. worn e I la partionlarly tralaabla aad aaaiaiowiBf to Ita toeilo propwrtla to batld ap wjV: torn, ana aa a ratr"w ay - ti.ii.fni fth.tr.nt. and aapuiaaaad Ma.Matiaa Dwrmaaaatlv raltawad aad Mil dleaaeaa pwaallar ta bar genital of fan are I etired bv It. tke eoaipiaerloa, eriflnV I Heralatsreli n.tnaara. aKi nana tba appetite. aoadliKnao) tba ah la I mod (If aaq hjotc i nr.i aoadltioBa of .r lcaree,iokheaowcbeloaaafTauiiy ay remarltif tha eaaea i .i.e. 4 MtwbAMlA .w r' h Jtk forWoaean It f faa aad U1 ba autiiad oa raoalpt of adaraaa. r THf Baonti.ofauuTOCo. - BTUtava, a. at . Tcacller$, .Interstate lamination . Teachers wishing to prepare fof sxao- laatlona should write,' at onos, id Paor. J. Ia CRABAM.LL.P- 168-15 Raa. dolpb 'BalldlBg, Memphis, Teanv for particulars eonoarsuf his special Tsacb-1 an' Examlnatloa Course, - t This eonm It ' uughl by - mail, aad prepares - Teachers ror xamiaauoa is tvs f But la the Eaton. Laadlag da- Cators pronounce ft tba beat courae aver offered f 0 lbs Tsachlog profeasloa, aad aU Toachers wishing to advance la their profeee.o. should Imnvedlaialy aval Ueo-aelveiotlt. Eaclos stamp for re el-, i. -.t- - : :'-.' -.' 1 - - - Tetclitriwanlt-. ., Wa eol at Cne 4 few more Teachuri i fit Fa'l ' rinri's. Uood rot.Uoca ate I Mrr i..'.ci ciniiv by es. V. are roro'v tl it.nn ca':sUls yar tUaa ever h. f,,r. t-i hfM.'.s and tyi'.lrrM I ": r''"l rl.i Trwi.prs Irfto of 6' l. J.acloi I '.r-n for 1 I AiltKICA rr!f. ' ican lr.Acnri .T rArr-OCIATI'', J. L. GaAaia, I.u I'., i"r, r.3 134 r.ndo'iB r:.::r.iE, : t:t, T'cn, rr -n,Ti 1L P. aa-aaM --?"-'J - .J. . - . . vf - i , . , f-... tkln rjlseasea. . C . aia . . . . . . .-ftt.nv Sweninet, Cu-banclea, l'implc, Scrofula. wmuwnil, cored br t&kliA CoUnio Ulood B&Iib. a . i K. .rfM TAiMM. In th. Urn W mm Lm. ' aebai and ptira bt doikw, buk aaa jolnu, itabias BobPT Btia. Blood feel hot er thin. Swollen OlmK, Blast! ant BosrMioa tb SUn, Uacal rMobM bt Month, Bora Tbroa, rtmples, or oCeMlrt npttoat, C)oDieiCloi8ioroniJiniiowTi,D Mm, Ulot oa any put ot tba bonY, Uiit or tjw. bimtaUlagotaibtincleaorBoui,Ui; v Botanlo Blood Balm, euarantood tcenreerea theircTitaiid amt dum nxiuo mam when Ooatori, FKua atwUelBcai and bot iprlrja tall. HaUa. Ul0iel.oaenr1flrl,reoelllwUliigi1 nmket Mood paw aad. rich, aomiiklely rtianglm tba sttn BDdr Into a dauvbeaUbf ooadiuoa, -' B. B. B. M onrnil ttinnrtailiTT--'" luooorouonereaanai Old BheiiBatiTn.Cataih, Eeaaina- an caved bras atal polwasd otfloot tba Blood. B. B. B. atopa Bwlln and Sptulnc Ueblaf and BmtuWBfi 4 ''"r"T """"""""1 Cuanti beate aU Scab, SeaHa, Brapttot-. Watery BUatera. tool teatarlaf Soraiot Keanaa; by BtTta a rnra, beaUby blood aapoly ta affected V'-ri'i ' Botanla Blood Balat Cwea Canows at aU KbH, aasDatmUiK BwelUius, Bona, I-umora, uly Olaa. . It klllitb Caaear roiaon ana bautMaen t wont camat porfeeUy. 11 yea bar a peretateU Unsla. Wart. Swe'.llnea. Bbootlnj, BUacu. ftut. taka Blood Bain aad tbetwIUdiawpowbotoiaBwry derelop tato Cancer.- any appareatty bopeuat aaaaa ot atnoaT owd by taking Botanla Jjwoa num. fewa-i ava curea uaa r'"" f""w"S I BmMnDttTbePw ya f aBotantsBleodPalrafRB.B.)ts CompoMd at Para Botanto IngrtdJanM;! Bbenathent 1 veak kidoerf na weak - Comnlabtii dlrftbsUofbt ara 1 . wioiiumjii ciiry. uicfw-l VaBOCJ VliJ i$3 -tFir5Clarkeavllle WTiant Blood BtlrajOOH Atkota, GjDerlb; Tour I AT H. M. . amoaW ar-miaa nrilaM rmimtv bum. aiaM bbj irvm abtaviwaai - wn rtjai Not Ictv to 1 ubeafl etc.." and of Iti " - ,- , I . , - . - , . -reiioeiiB,-. ' - ----.r.v I NORTH CAROLINA; Y-uC la the -h, Craven County f Buperior uoon . -:StZtZ:::WiXL Term, 1908 4 L Samuel w Smallwood ., s Clara Jerome. ToClars Jerome, defeadant. 1 -.'s v.TAKB HQT1CB. . . This ii an action wherein th above i named Samuel W Smallwood Is plaintiff, and tald Clara Jerome is defendant, that i the purpose of said action Is to compel a Qerenoan to . execuie gooa. ana sufficient ; deed to the plaintiff for 4he tract of land situated in said' Craven County known as-the Rock '-8prlng l Lodge tract, and ih mules,- furniture and other personal property aituaiea on aid land and used therewith. .Said land being the same which belonged to O 0 Jerome at tb time of his death and was I devised by the trill -of aaid O U Jerome to the defendant,; The defendant will E take notice . that aha la , required, to ap- pear at the term of said court to be held I. T.T T)v a.. ilk mMmMAmm, a.av s.T.rioTd:;in 8;, answer or demur to tb complaint, t am defendant la further - notified that a no- Uceof He pendens 'of this action has been duly filed In the" office Of th Clark oiaaia conn,-'.,, ? r.- .. ThU8dday.of June 1908. w. at. w a.iourt, Clerk Superior Court of Craven county, North Carolina, :Vr ..- . AnrOM eenillnf a wketeh and oeearlpttoa aua . aUlT aeeaetain onrvpiowwi reea 4 rnvM.itnM u nnihehl BMLMiLaMa. Co iMin onr efiiiira nei.Munr u twtiheblv DeiaiilaMa. Ontnwianwa. iillna te BrTitiahl . A wietiv ennadant eUyerml rennaaanuei. iiaHDnniniriwai aent frM. OllMj, i Inc (IMM uenet for wwllnf patami f-iaata tafcan tbrnaeh Muoa a Oa. rn aKtwl aouea, aril aoul chera, an taa r-ScitntUit Jlratrlccx A hanaenwHwy mawlieled veeatr. renal at ' aulttUnn of an, ananuae VieraaL Twffll. SI . yaw i fnar axniiaa, Sa. ao ay all aeeeumeie. ., ,vmavbiaaa,aWT4.Waabtaatua P.O., Directory '"oi the Jtalli at tHe Wew . -I1. Ben post omce.. v . . Mail for all oolnU North. South aid West via A. N. a R, lb and A.C Lias cloe at 8-80 a. sa. , v . . t , Mail for all potata Xast via A, AN. 0 B, adoa at 6 .80 p. I. -- Mali for an- otnt North aad West Via A. 4t N. C. B. R. oloa at fcOO p. sat Vail for OrlaaUl, Vaatao, Fllsabaak CUT ana Norfolk yla ctrt eus cloe at 6.U P, k. Mail for OrleaUl. Mia loo. Eltttxrth CHt aad Norfolk via Btr. Ocraook close el loo p. Bb " ',; f. r ; " r?TA Rottb. Mnfor Olywr'S CranUboro, Bay- boro, Ptonawa.l, asdarmrre aad Orle Ul aioa at 8 - J a. as, - r.n for Eol'.alr, I,lm Oeddy, Chip sod DoUecloeeatB.J0ev.em. - 'H for AX!a. Kraal. Zorah, Wasp ad Vnr !ro close si iixi p. v, V..U fcr V."L:-.furV!nM at 1.00 p. at ptT.orB W. ncoca, P. bL NOTICE! r vlrta of e 1' i ', (!f r,r r-T, ; a i t v.'. i '.'p l ": I . 1 In V l'i.i' '. -era tirfole.t Ca i, I r IT. T. L'in- r tii ( .1 D-.rr.lc! a t j -w'.'.i h It tiu'y rt . i t t"r for l!. : -I tl I--! I'f ft fcf I't 11, F Tt, we ' - a ' B r.n !' ,11- f .i i r r.--' ? ' - . . : ' .,.-n's : - '. ; . , . . , ,o.. T f ' r! A I r f fa-. r..i I t t ' ' i , : ' -rail' l ' f..l- . ! ' hi ..rr wi-'r, -O ' ' Daiaai . :: 't t ' CAtrrmaMT V Costs Csty fiats or autt ij iu ti -c- a. u4 raK M pr.prHuir MdniiM, Hd'oor tait t tt hM aMdilf InnvMdliiniwtoulHwiiiia Bow smoturt to Iwom tbna lialKlMd frnM pw which t. . nc; fltrowf .riifeiim at In Hi tud Ika lilfKilliw t (i'UMIto tb. motir at oo.ur, lot lfcr fMUiln as eaali wMutancU Uk tttom wl IkiiuM'i botma ot mmitnia fletl th traubtw tgcl.ltiit in uwihiiig. - - ... , ... - -rna uam bakkudkoo opk Ww-..db-. FrioIiiiliilSiis LYOU'SI i- Strictly Vegetable, perfectly harmleae, REUlVId. ureateet lmowa femal ft I nTlfl J Bmraraof aonTfelti and laltaUon. 6eod(or UiroBUx u WU-UAM Mj0iStlarAeaus Mvalaa4,0bkj. tnakdjriSk Henderson Telephone Toll Rates. 1 The following Toll IUtB will be la effect on and after May 1, 1901, subject to change or correction. , . From New Bern to Ayden . : 80c Littleton 66c Boydton 70o Louisburg 60c Buffalo Bprings, 7Uo Morebead (Jlty aoc Burlington 80c KaahTllle 45e 85c Newport 86o 1??" . 700 uxiord 05c 70o Plymouth 40c 66c Raleigh 66o 60c Roanoke Rpds 60o 65c Rocky Mount 46c 60c Scotland Meek 46c 60o Selma 45c 40o Bmlthfleld 45c 90c Spring Hope 60c ChaDel Hill - Dunn I Durham . Bntieid V..b1lntAn c t euiumvu Ooldsboro I Greensboro Greenville 80c Tarboro 40c Wake Forest 80c Warrenton 60o Weldon 95c Wilson 40c 55c I Hamilton New River Henderson 65c 60c High Point Elnston 40c 11.00 80o Winston F. C. TOBPLBMAN, Oen. Bupt, TO THE- I Olorlous . Mountains of Western North Carolina THE Southern Railway Invites the attention of all Health o Pleasure seekers. THE TOURIST SEASON I opened June 1, 1908, and on that date went on sale from principal points in tne South and Southeaat,to the noted resorts located on and reached by Southern Rail way. Tickets on sale up to and Including September 80, 1903, for return. "The Land of the Sky" AMD 'Sapphire Country," Ashevllle, 5, C, aad Bot Sprinft, It. C, offer every attraction to tb Summer Traveler or Invalid. The East Tennessee aad Virginia Retorts also offer many inducement for Health and Pleasure. Ask any Southern Railway Agon for Summer Homes Folder, descriptive of tb many Delightful Reeort reached by Bou there Railway. B. H. H ARDWICK, v - O.P.A- T, A. Btaaa, Traa. JL BT. T. U, at. r-CaavbVa. Citizens' Bank, p jwavwr wamar. r. xr . Do a Oaoaral Banking BauloaM . April , 1908, 'Barplus a4. UaarvV v od Protts, 3s,ooaoa - Wswnitfvwpromtf aadoaiValettaa Uo to all twalnews aritraatad to aa,, W fsvlu yoar accoasL Try a. ' .' : ' eat at Parstttrs. . . ' ' ' Tardla'aaS Okrtaa . Waalawa, . J a.Maaaarera, : taaav tj.Jr. 1 W.laawia v.'. fc, , Jaaaaa ' I laial U.a. . ro-wuar, . .-. HerweHaba, J. W.t,ralBa, teM A.UraatV W. Siaa . B.I raa. . . V W.f, Mark PianaatV, ot ion en a a a , a Oaaa, pore erbolaaoab. rwra I be rbamlraJir SBada from diatUled Watt aid fra frrrr latpnrltlaav rtrwxaaily ta Irr.d'vt and trrvTtA 1H a ait eaau tnmrlifn. lorn di'.irared daily (eamrpt fandaytf S ra to I p bv. (raiail i?r) 7 a II Booq Tut prtoe bad fAbavBfnrmalaa, -Arlir-aa, . ITct7 Lcma lea CW ft: 1 r t, f,- l urmrt. - ' - ' : . . --3 v. ...JV , 0T.rf BotithrrrMStteeA a- Tet t ..;,t yea tat. -. , graph erfioa, 5ew lata, Jt, 0. t.i theBowtls.Stranlthsat V;(hail4ndMlka- artejx asoFFrrr; jyC r,: aw t-ovaav aao, sure to accomplish DE5IRET remedy nice, vio per bottle. Tbeamalna la Put aa ealy la pana-Voard Oar BdlTo.lrlti: A.&N. cm R. TIKB TABL1 SO. 80 To Take Effect Eunday, June 7, ;iS08 - at6:00 A.M., K.8.T. doing East Bohkdtjlb: Going Wen No. 8 Passenger Trains No. 4 DAILY. Lv, p m btatiohs: Ar, a m 8 80 Goldsboro 11 06 8 69 LaOrange 10 89 428 Kinston 10 Is 6 40...... Ar. New Born, Lv, 80 60 Lv. Ar. 887 715....AT. Moreheadoity Lv 70S No. 6, I " I No. 0, Paaaenger I aTanoBa: I Paaeenger Train ITraln. DAILK. Lv. a. M, Ar,r. m 8 00 Goldsboro 8 80 818 Best's 8 08 8 96 LaGrange 7 67 8 87 Failing Oreek... 7 47 8 48 Kinston 7 87 09 Oaswell 7 96 918. Dover 717 9 80 Core Creek 7 00 9 60 Tuscarora 6 60 9 56 Clarke... 6 49 10 10 Ar. New Bern, Lv. 6 80 10 80. . . . Lv. New Bern Ar 6 IS 1040 Riverdale 6 47 10 43 Oroatan. 648 10 66 Havelock 6 86 1108 Newport 6.81 11 14 Wlldwood 615 11 40. . . . Ar. Morehead Oity Lv. ... 4 40 a. M. r. u. FREIGHT. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY No. 1. No. J. ZdOktss Ar, am ....800 .... 9 18 .... 908 .... 188 2d Chub. Lv. am 511.. Goldsboro... 6 46 Best's 8 19 LaGrange....,., 6 27 Falling oreek 7 88 , Kinston .1918 1901 7 40 oaswell 00 Dover 1101 1040 10 10 964 9 40 core oreek 10 10 Tuacaxora, 10 89 Clark's 11 00 Ar. New Ben, Lv 9 90 19 80 Lv. New Bern Ar 816 1 18 Riverdale' 7 40 190 oroatan 798 1 40 Havelock 7 10 9 OB Newport, Lv 6 M 8 90 WIMwood. 617 9 98 AtUntio 6 08 9 66 ..Ar.MorahaadClty.LT 666 8 00 ...Ar. M.clty Depot,Lv..... 609 Mt. a i St. B.L. DILL. a A NXWLAND, Qeo'l Sapt. Muter Transportation. P. Ha Pelleller, ATTOaUrXT AT LAfT, I41 Btrnt; Lswysrs Brlet BalUlaff. WUl Bfaathak ta ska Ooaataas at i Oaraerea Jo. Oeaalow a4 raaBlia. UaanttueHrMSM pa F..H..8lMMsas, . A. P4TrTar4 SIMA0N3 WARD. " ATT0UI1 aal C017KS1X0B1 at i LAW. T ' -(aw mxua. at. tu, OfSo Baaaorad acroea Btra to ftko 4 Btory Of Bo. SS (abort Tsaagrapb Of-' ioe) Boa th Front Street, aait to ; , Boul CaatuiTkav Practice la IV eoutlas of Grav, rw.iu e rw.lM. "- - - vtt. w.yii., jw mm ww w, v.' mi, .a, a ,1.11- ao aad Waka, la UE pasts aad Fad- rai uoaru, aad Waarevar sarrVoas are r Attawwar at iav, ni 74 Bo, Froat Bk.'Orn, HrWI ttaaMrk) ! . - KXWJltKXlX 0 : i i Ctmraa Coaaty AUotrwyy, ' ? J Otreaft, OrSveai, Joe, Onaiewr OarV ret, pajalioa, (rraana, laavatf, aad tba Buprem aad Fedetal Oaarta. . .. IlomalnJi Ar Wonn,- ' ITTOtm Lt.lhW.' rrarUe ta tb emaUot f Crara, " CartarH, PaaiUan. Joams 44 Ottaiow. and b the Btato BaprarM aad Fdrej . ATT!UC7IO??-Iri!", arwia te mmna eriii! tfca t r U t.el, 't i ?' t 'arJ dfts era, tt ve. tn er, ttaa-iii'ul paproaaintt. 1-1 J ., M A HT 1 (-.nr-.erb T fT ,f f f'-aag fen f . .-rk-ru'-ie t:at la Nt t ' ,- - a-4 I r.'ra-wl'.Saa, or f f '" Z I ..Li .. fT4 ,i ... ilil: ,h, n 1 t ' ' -s!., i ! ; . A I t- - t I 1 .-. t - a