4 TUB JOUI.i.V-L. NewEtrs, K. C, Atjnst 21, 1SC3. . LC1.CE tZUXTCRT. - . ... CRAVEN L0DG3 KO, l'l3nGHTB 0 EAIUIO-Sr. Meets Sad and 4th - WedaesJay n'ghts la each month t Itonntree'sEalL Pollock etreet, et ,7.80 . o'clock. rJemnei B. Bill, President; J. Ii. timlUk, M07J a. n. iuu, iuuub Bern' WT. '- k- v Ialt Re AdTertJsexnents. Sato of bmber. , - ' .JITfcylaHBter.-s atlas rrrel)e Muilo class. , Proclamation by tha Governor. : Owen 0 Donn Rapid printing.,, Davis Pharmacy 8are satisfaction. -i: Broad 8t Fruit OaBanana,'. eto. 3 B Pwker, Jr.-Oorned Mackerel, ete Bimmona ft Hollowell Co, Clerln Bulness .Locals. MONTATJK CREAM dally t the Broad St. Fruit Co. ; 4v:S " H HUB OLA FEREBEE will reopen her music class Tuesday September 1st 1908 at her residence No, 17 Johnson st,' s BANANAS, Pears, lemons, Grapes, and all kinds ot Fruit at tha Broad Bt. Fruit Co. 3 jy fe1' ' M W CHAPMAN has just received a fine stock of grown and young chickens tad ducks, also an excellent lot of corn Ad mullets and jnackrels, country cab bage, jam potatoes, a full line oi uoutn ern Tegetables and fruits, sweet cider, Corner Middle and South Front streets. Call early Phone 288, New Bern, NO. FINS DcVilled Crabs at Dawson's. BOARD Wanted by young lady, private : family preferred. Address stating terms and location, "B",boi 643. FOR RENT 109 East Front Street, 7 room house, $18.60 per month, with water. Inquire at Blades Lumber Go. ELIZABETH TURNBOrT We want the heirs of Elisabeth Turnbo w, a widow who came to Texas from North Carolina In 1884 or 1885. Address J. W. Law ' rence & Bon land agents, Austin, Texas. FINE Lot Country Hams and Should ers at the Oaks Market MISS NANNIE P. STREET, Insurance Exclusively. Prompt attention. FOR RENT Store under Stanly Ball, opposite Post office, will be altered to suit tenant. .-Also titer September ' 1st, store now occupied by Barfoot Bros. For terms see F. M. Hahn. 0. A NIOOLL Insurance and Brick. MtMMMSMaMMSVtSBmssamawwMMawBWMaMM MU 810 Miss Kathryn Griffin will be gin her music class on Monday, Sept 14th. For further Information, apply at SI Pollock St HOUSE FOR RENT, apply to F. F. Matthews. STORK For Rent Corner Broad and Middle streets. Apply to Oaks Market AN easy way to accumulate something. Buy real estate by paying a small sum each month. Valuable property acquired la a abort time from which an Income wfU be received, beveral lots for sale by the New Bern Investment Co., R A Nunn, Attorney. 1 WI GUARANTEE Wilkinson's match less Mineral Water to cure dyspepsia and stomach troubles, or money refund ed.! Davis Pharmacy. BRICK We have a large quantity of good hard burned building brick and can Ulp promptly. Brick and TUe Mfg. Co, Phone aOaadlOO. - . ' HOTEL MONTRSAT at Black Moan Ula, near AaaevfUi, N G. Elevation 1,000 feet Right la the mountains. Mod atk.Ope eH season. Two miles from depot, to, Rt.w For booklet and rates, address, W D Paitoa, Montrsat N 0. SABATOGA Spring Water Just recelred at Jacob's Cafe. WEI Pffil 4imoM Tb Cheapest it to per roQ ' Tlulfest si 18 00 per roUf BsJspU sent to tout honie.' . t Hwna 205. Jew OtWm IwMt Home Molasses U 1 plat, 1 aaarV I gaSoa and callea etas MJftPartvr, Jr's. " We have a large' lot of plate, quarts, . tad I taert fmi Jut, Cta tavt roe seeey on what yoa want I B Parker, tu . ..; ' , If yoei want a good U. smoke, try aay of the foDowtaf btsads, IU4 Drigrm, Aaat fJaaaah, CnUls, Crwao, TrtaAt IsdW AU for tl II in I'txkM, Jr.- , , .. , . ' - Frh Crlta, Oa rkkea, Pir!,Va WVt E'-frvIia, Fee, s I r ff of t(W hreehfMl CU jqM iolf-l tt JBrftkM,Jra. inninF.siin, gij::d j j t cr; J 'Mi. Mr F U E&Ln lu removtd from Pol lock street to Dr Dagald'i hone, No S3 Ketcalf street- ; . ' Mr OwenO Dunn, the printer, has placed la his office a water motor to run his presses with. " The local Anti-Saloon League will hereafter meet at Rountree's Hall oa the second and .fourth Mondys In each month. ; r r.,!,'-,,-'r"-c f v. -. Mr J W Moore' has changed, the ap pearance of the interior of hls clothing store on lower Middle street, effecting quite an Improremeat '-4iC':' Watermelons are hot so plentiful how as they "were a few days ago, and the quality is growing rapidly poorer, still they are In good demand.':? f ;; The church of St. John's, for the col ored race, located on upper South Front has been pushed back several feet on ac count of 'Its front beingbullt In ihe 'Mr L O Daniels1 Is buUdtng" an addt Uon oh the rear of T J Mitchell's livery barn to accommodate '.hit sale-department. The dlmenalons of.thenew build ing are 73x64 feet.;;! X' 'Mi i Mr Herbert Q Draney has put up a black-smith "and horse shoeing . shop In the lot formerlyi used by MIreheU's liv ery stables. Mr Draney has procured the services of an expert shoer, Sam Cherry of Greenville, N O. : The streets of New Bern are In the muddiest nasty condition that they have been in for a long time. It's simply mud and slush everywhere but on the shelled streets. This weather Is the best kind of argument for macadamized roadways.? After keeping behind the clouds all day, Old Sol, Just as he was sinking le rest last evening, beamed a smile upon poor, rain-soaked New Bernians. His shining countenance was Indeed a weU eomealght, and It U hoped It will be seen again today. Tie Journal haa received a letter from a lady who signs the name 8 M Fitch, and gives 1300 Park Ave., Hoboken, N J as address, saying that het maiden name was Sarah M Lelth, and that she was In New Bern In 1870. The- writer recalls the name of several families, Osgood and Hay being among them, and says she would be glad to hear from them. A colored man was seen cleaning and casing same kind of skins at the market dock yesterday. Upon Inquiry, the re porter was Informed that they were eel skins, and that the curing of .them was quite a small Industry. The skins, after being carefully cured are eagerly bought ap by the colored people.who wear them on their limbs, bracelet like, as a charm against various disorders. Work in the lumber business Is com pletely suspended on account of the rains. The same can be said of the farm ers. Several persons were discussing the weather yesterday and It was agreed that any kind of out door work was out of the question. Another came tip and remarked that his was out of door work and that he had not lost a day. He con fessed at last that he was a mall car rier. .resh bbL Corned Beef at 8c. lb., Freeh bbl. Corned Mackerel, jnst opened at J R Parker, Jr's. Mass Meetln;, Tomorrow. President John Dunn of the Mer chants Association which has called a mass meeting of the country merchants and farmers of Craven County to meet In the court house tomorrow, Saturday noon, to discuss the tobacco situation, yesterday received telegram from Col. John S Cunningham, saying that h would be here on 8sturdsy to attend the meeting, If possible. : , Col. - Cunningham, the,, greatest of North Carolina femurs, needs no Intro dactloa to this community or conaty, aad he will receive cordial reoepUoa oa Saturday, end.hlt coming will be Inv portant and helpful tithe mast meeting aad to the interests It represents. OABTOntA, - DRUG STORE v VViCOraPLETEWESS. , Bradham'J hannacy U complcU in ail Ita oqulpmenla. Clerks are never fcamwred in oltAlnlnr hmt rpaults In om- m t ronaaiaf prewcrintiooa bocatlse 1 '7 ptotj of atlcndiuit to t The general stock Is carcfullv particular. Ever dVpartmett it ran on Use moti eoonomical T Wii In order tlat pirctuc may b redncod and nHom lowrc1 -. X eVxrdIrjo;!f. .You nave mosey X 1 - J-.i . . nw in ovcrj Hjrecuon cy irauji) at urauiiACQ a no question tAxmili. - - , ,. ; . J ; ; . - . . ! ; Isvt h FUI Y u r IVcscr 1 p ( 1 0 h. ' Only purost, WgUnl, qnality drog snd cJ.Ti.lrs UrM. AH rocipte )iandk-4 only ly erperincfd, r";;'Ur" 1 jl.arrrv cist no apprentices. Prid alwaje r'-n.-iMowf .ir.l (.n Z Wit prof.t otf-r ft ct rf lr "rMi.i, P I" " I "111 r - - - . - . r -. , - . , ' ' I V 1 1 ! if - 'J I ii - - (r. I'tMora rJ:Laf C J cf J.. i cnnty Was a t . r I . ' ... . -'r 1 .f : V t 'y of Ulneton, spent yeaii!.;. la l";w Eern. , ..' Mr John OTaiiercf Cllv era, was In the city yeiverday ca tuis!aes. '. FuLer Geurre arrived I&at evening from a vL.lt to Foruinoiuh, Va , . Mrs W PXarroi and lira H C L'ims- den went to Beaufort last night Mrs W J White aad daughter. Miss Ethel, went to Meant Olive -yesterday, for several days visit Mr Thomas A Green left last night for Black Mountain where his family are spending the summer.- " " Mrs Susan J Richardson who has been visiting the family of Mr W J White, re; turned to her home at . Dover - rester- F"L: i." " K -:: Mrt RR Branchuwho spent Tuesday la the city, guests of Mr and Mrs G A Smith returned yesterday to her home at Maya-rllle.- v Mra Tnomas Daniels and MUsee Ruby and Mamie Daniels returned last - even ing from a two week's sojourn in . west ern North Carolina.'- t t MrandMrspFJarvlsand son left on yesterday mornings train for an ex tended trip fa the West, and will stop in Chicago for several weeks."' 'e -' ProBflc Cora Stalk. : " ,wThe Journal has added, another' curio to Ita fprirate mnseum." f Jhii Jlldie lU U a freak stalk of eora, f;-, f -1 J " The stalk before, cutting was, twelve feet high and very stout, la sire ., aJmost a wonder, but the curious feature is the unusual prollfloness of the plant ' 'Two welK developed ears kad .been plucked from . the atalk, leering ' fonr thoota, which might . have matured In good time. ' A few days' after the two ears were plucked two shoots each ap peared In their places, making In ell ten ears to the one stalk. " The seed was only the old time variety of feed core, i ' , Whole Wheat, Rye and Grahau Soar St J. R. Parker, Jr's. i . AndobeaSocfctr Orranlzatlon. i Mr T Gilbert Pearson, Beoretary of the State Aodbboa Society, Is Id, -the olty, effecting the organization of a breach of the State Society la this city. - Tonight at 8 o'clockat the City Hall, Mr Pearson will hare a meeting of; the membsrt of this branch, aad all who are Interested In the preservation of bird ureT and It U to be hoped there will be a large' attehdance.','-;':;;'. -, ; Mr Pearson will speak of the objects of the society, its many advantages, and perfect the organisation. ,'.tJ 'I : The f ollowing gentlemen have algnl fled their Intention of becoming mem bers of the local branch: v"- : D L Ward, Geo Green, - Geo A NloolL Sam'l W Bmallwood, O H Qulon, Geo B Waters, AD Ward, WFFoy, HCLums den, Jas B Duffy, W T Hill, Ed Clark, F H Whllty, J J Tolson, T G Hyman, S A Meadows, E W Bmallwood, SB Bryan, Jr., O B Foy, F 8 Duffy, b O Roberts. . . ' MMakMmaaMBaaMM -..-. OABTOntA. " , Bun a "a yf laUM IM Hw ktnyt Bags' Blgiatars Round Inob hotel BouxM bj Sjn- Greeatbbro Telegram 19th. VjJ. -Mr. E. D. Steel and northera gentle man ' associated with aim ' yesterday bought of the Benbow estate the Round Kaob hotel property, Including the hotel aad 1,800 acres ofN ground. Mr Steel said It was the lateatloa of his oompaay to put la elaotrlo lights, doable the capacity of the hotel, aad add aB modera eoavenieaeet of every form. , The new owners of the Round Kaob Hotel prepose to Open It J senary 1 aad raa It the year roaad. No expense' will be spared la making It a worthy rival for the numerous 'fashionable all the year roaad resorts of the south. ,; , , Mir BteeU was la the dty yesterday and became possessed of the deed oa vsytsg the property to Ita new owa Prioe paid 111,600. . vir of a lack of modern arraratuj wait on customer prompt!, eeWbscL la fint nn&l!tr in fTrr and get a tnore aaUifactory e?r- T .. . .i 1 i 1 1 Sal IHdJIe tin T-JA 11..5 . T:.s full dress shoes are arriving, all gJ iLtpcr: They are gu&rknteed to n-e r:i to yoa, they can be seen la our wiadow. ... Tours truly, . ' B. W. ARM8TRONQ. ' - A nice lot fresh corned mullets just re calved at' J B Parker, Jr's. l-v Sura " tf:fcfir4:. ; -r Wfuffnore cm mmznask i::An fcfsy chaff 1 1 of out Famous '" Tteo'Ggits. " i B DAVIS, PHARflACY. ".r rcccopnoaonncncncaczccccn O ; , A ' New . Creation in - Neckwear Neat- O O -: New Shapes ana Patterna await your g n inspection;;.,: zS i , , - q () w -in ( - moss nt, pccccsooopoqococococcccccj On account of jour Temoval we foffer Sweepingr REDUCTION on aU Sunimer iGobas ttooughoiiV lie store. " Summer Ooraeta, all elzea, reduced to 20c. 25o Snmrner Drees Gocida, Lawna, eto, at 12ia. :y 10c and J21o Lawns, allrmarked 7 yard, Fine Dress Oinghams, ki 8c vT All ladies and CMdrene Oxford lies at Cost. Bverj thing Id Jlillinerj Marked Itown to olose. r 75c line of Mens GDt Edge Shirts 45c. We have just received another shipment of Ladies White Duck Bats, Veils and Pom' Pons, - September Patterns; and Pi shion Sheets. r "A BARFOOT BROS. AAAA A AAA AAAA M. A A. O'-IR " : I " 1 j I I Ladies,' Hisst-inti Childrens : Wc iriiite you to inspect vfui I I t.1 i i fllAVi X ! I'm' Im F'lv xue pcucvc w pc, owr counters ...- J Ultras, $3.00 Low! row pair urow, o.w au over Oxfords, to 0 Vol Duttcnhofcrs,' ' fords, Dandala f f C2 25 Values at 2 00 150' 1 5 1 00 75 CO a. ,1 t L!-ht f":!::: ' ; I). fill s:lVt:r I';w Is tie t'-3to boy your Fall IV. i,t.,ij,nl :i the new patterns asl il.it L s to Klect from. Prices from tl.03 to ( J.CX - , . . " . r -" Tours truly,1 ' :-tvi:'' E. W.ARMSTRONG. i i teuaajtr.ae HlsaaN eaW.a,Nt f) ! 4 t: middle iissmtl i 1 1 i " i n A. . 1 m. m. m. - - ' id! bL-JUdULUUi I 1 ! Low Shoos. ; 1 1 ine jTC2icsit low 1 -v WiWa. Bhoc3 all $2 25 ' ; uciDy es coa - rai. ircauier - x at A d 00 C3 00 Ox- and Tlca. Vi S3 25 X I J - 175 1 70C X I -s I.. r.rl rc":o ' 4 ' -J vvOOOOOOOOOOOO ooc c z z n FALL . ,:"Anr? iKe are showins: in Head and; Footwear. - Hats in Derhys $3.00, , . Shoes $3.50 and ATT- JLTT A T iiiiii,n.ii ' A . r aw sw - a - m. a. av av m. 1 . 1 ff sT W Fresh. JUST RECEIVED BY EXPRESS. WILEY'S Chocolates, Bon Boos, &c. DUFFY'S PHARHACY- Fair Warning. Any that nave not paid their Dog Tax or any other tax due the city as Imposed l y theOi.y A'dermen.a-o hereby warned that U such tax Is nt paid on or before Bept. 1st 1908, warrants will be Issued against them, and will be lealt with es the law presoitbes. ' Dog Law Any persoi I aving4 or owning a dog who shall fail to return for taxation or to pay the tax shall bo guilty of a misdemeanor and fined not more than five dollars or Imprisoned two days, dog declared a nn's.i oe and de stroyed. ' Any person carrying on or eierclslng any trade or profession taxed according to law, by the Board of Aldermen with out first obtaining a license, shall be guilty ot a misdemeanor and fined not more tha n fifty dollars or Imprisoned thirty days. All license tax required In advanoe. i J. J. TOLSON, City Tax Collector. in The Standard Visible Typewriter. Ihe Oliver can be used to advantage in making way-bills, freight bills, cor rection notices, pay rolls, etc, reduces Stationery 40 per cent. These results are made ixsslble by the vlstblewrftlng feature of the Oliver. Ten reasons why the Oliver Is interi or to all others; Vlsable vriiting, double type-bar, direct connections, light tonch rapid escapement, speed, perfect paper feed, drawing lines, release kej, does not write np-slde down, and other rea sons which we will be glad to show if yoa will call in. WM. T. IIIIsL., AGENT. - , BRANCH OFFICB A B. Baxter & Co., Commbslon t .Brokers. 8biCiihoD.Gniii ft FtotIsIou I r 17 Craven Street, I Phone !3a HXW.BIRN. N. C. Main Office, tl Broadway, New York. aoomn Burgios. j.xouent seme. k Private wtree to Hew York. Highest baaklnf aad mercan ills ret- )FsMk4sjV vnr Will i qfn--ent trt rulo mif tif"nr.' T'it crm ws mute I. ,mt In rry stie CI the ''!. H Is lf evfylhlnff (' at Um!f to nk tt Hliclou.. If yott ik a mo t itch ern try mir. i " i f f,l j lt4 In lc. J 1 ! y..i at sr j tl I r tti j lt4 In lc, dftlv. v. . 4. . w e) . MiitiHiu teteeev u TtTjrtn : t 6 ail the New Shanes and Sost, $1.50 to - $5.00. I M . aT aTa. a m am . sar Pure. 1 i YOUR HEALTH j will be greatly improved if yon drink f the far famed Budweis beer daily and ; regularly. It's not an unpalatable med icine, but a very drinkable and enjoyable tonic and beverage in one. Anyone who I has ever tasted Budweis beer will ex J tol its merits you will when you have ; tried it. I J. F. Taylor, ! NEW BERN, N. C Agent for I'rocpect Brewing Co. of Phil adelphia Frosh Car Load every wei k Special Sale Of Home-mado Lard. Parties that wish some thing pure and sweet can get 6 lbs. lard for 56c. Send your buck et to the The OnkN JInrket. Elkallnd, Under Hotal Chattawka, GENERAL HARDWARE. Screen Wire Doom and Windows. I The Ice Savin tr Qla- iuioi AeiiKUJ7UburBf Dona boltpr. few aa rood. Afent lor tha Fannr 0'.t and Bof Cook fltoTea, and P W DevooV a a e t 1 , una ana raiois). i . . we w nE UN : r. ' DUiotoUon ef PtrtienbJB. . - Utwees O A Nlcoll ad T O Dyawa Bett'ssmsc4st)leof Nlooll and nyraaa Is dlMolvsd by netssl consent , M ff aa Miriat frosa t! e beitasae. Tbt bmlsiM will heeoatlauedby Uee A tftcoll. ; v : ; 6. A. V leoLti, , ' . T. O. IItvis', . Ainit lit, 103. ' . PILES S riLCStt PILE3 1 1 I Dr. 'Ii!!rf,i' Iwlian TU Clfilmsat ill fur I'iin't, riirg, t l.r! snl It. ' I-1 !':. It ah"rl.s V.t twrf "...' I' ' 2 St ir., tl S ol l - ( ! Ii'! ' 1 I r S S) it r