- ., . 5..-" i ! - .,.- ; ' - .... . ... - -... . ' ' t vr ! '1 v- VOL. XXI-KO.J40. Si C, FRIDAY MOSSm, SZPTIMBZS 11, 1803. 'TWINTT-8IC0HD TIAR - -s -"v .v ."V-V " -v -0 a n n " i i ' , l - . , cis - v-:11 ", - r n -' n. A' LISPEKSART ARGUMENTS. rauxjopa Enforces by jrarshlpt at BclniL Cinj f Rerer Beard ot Vapmnt Uw roUcem&a "? v tialned on CLj. : 1 ' Reslpiel Wake Wanty Tax CoOTTijmHorL.8ept. 10-The kavt I . RiiaidH, BepUmberlO. The chfet tr leaf wirstlpa cleared fpr ,cUon ad J gument made by the adrocatea of a dia- traled Oxdr gun. on Beirut today, c f7? 1 ZZTtZLZ n. . . .i. . . . ..i. I a.ji. .1.. vl w iiumiw. ..... aiuuawr jueianman aemiuuou uim v. . , . . n 'VW. m ritioi! Piii3F fj: NEW STOCK JUST IN. Box Papers aa&Tablet3, ' Rno Paper by the pound. Beat Assortment - ever . In :.. New (Bern. ma and t-Y ft ma t ; juua.flamana.waa aooooou mj. I The opponenU ot the dlspenaary are making the claim that ft wiu hit more I liquor, meaner liquot and higher priced atuff than the bar-rooms ferre out. Sheriff! who were aaked If they aver ft&e CHarre Killed This Women, I . PavIa? JyxA floninrnViAr 0. Mrl Jlknfl WRaTfr ffu knew tha law. agalnat.Tagraacytohe nerVBr-knw'rt QUALITY UNEXCELLED. UIIITEIIURST'S ILj 45. Pollock Stv -Phone 228. if V' Beautiful White Waiat Goods for Fall and Winter, , , 'l grauvtofrlenda.,t While Kit, tyJcnnge he cannot read or write. Bia ex. was at a hotel near Spartanburg, D,., ,t,Ai, . n, ma nnt flnfl it thWoioIarieBtf)mAuguata,vtJa.,T11 .noilam,n. ABAM f-J.ikV-J. I O T K wh rouoeu w ow mna a "Jtwi. I ;Th ut1 MM In 4ha ftueument of aH property In thla county outalde of I SAW . 3V Cottdn Albatooaa. Iteantifnl.Pattorna-'for Dreaaini Saeka. L""L Kalelghl. TOl.OOa K, We are making a apemalty of Applique-Farioi Work the Federal court at Charleston. B. ! I ' 11 Hi TuWn FnvprR ntid Wash Rffl.nl Swirfft. " " - .i" t .1 r UiMmW.!' Maggie 2 cyrAfVisitjto ouri store win te wortli ;&yourllile.," - ? . . . , V; 7 Bowdcn & Land, Staple arid .Fancy Swansboro JotUnfs. JKJLCJIS10 Sept. 10. " I Havinsr boneht the entire stock I Spence Sean, nee McLean I '. Kr TC - . . WM srJ newapip work and wa. t muafclan - W - K"5 rrJudt a share of your bade.- , UrSl.!?? !i.r UayaMrVsenn, U a eleter of Mr. Kaah Twtf.ordenf.irffl receive our care K & W SSa . I daughter-o,f the :laie. 8 McLean and p .'All orders large or small will be Riainms Nice Lot Just .Received. :r Also, nice lot Harvey's Small Sugar g Cured Hams, Breakfast Strips, Big Hams to, cut, and Pic Nic Hams. - Heinz's Pure Apple Cider Vinegar, Sweet Mixed and Plain Sweet Pickles. Full Cream Cheese, Fresh Elgin and Pox River Print Butter. Wholesale & Retail Grocer, 'Phone 01 71 Krcafl St 1 1 wlfe-ot our townMhlebelng her & appreoiatod. go.-f '-J;-:y 1 Bowden a& Xand, Hri F Q Slmmena. and Mra, Lummy I vfidelo-k flentamha 10-o.Tble 'returna from ftounUea ao fari W in iumbei. as to rd of JnM county were the welcome I m!tair III thu itlU nhriw To at 1B1 IMrl twwvip mimiu w tuwn muu imm, I cent of the white .'children cannot jread I ul la eek. occcorjononononpnononccccc"), T; J. Turiieir Furniture" CoH. ? w Thn u' v 1 it a i tta wnn aaa a ' I uo ami ani lAhham hr t etnf nriMriaa a ntunhaa nr AAnn: I xiobwi miu mubdvu iuw kvuv v wua- j. utj VIU f 4JAUiu(u iw ' if uuavuuiv jLwutviw auu . v vvuwb va I it I aauva w itw, -v avaaaiav ft waaaaaayvi va ww- i " r . . , . v -t- -v . ( . .j ' 1 i J I 4 . ,l " I fnllr Vlrtvfnlai . a nlAf anliAAl at that 0;Forniture, Mattresses, Cooking, and Heating Stoves, Bed Ol IMeaAaTenotyevreponeo, ouawyconMyi--- r n Springs and Feathers Jn mew Bern. Qr r-- , 'h08 PUtman hu keen, appointed O " AH goods Shipped direct from factory in solid cars. ,..,.4J1I .- '.State St Louis fixIdMl.'",',- I Ko JPaWte aor Bwaaahoto aid vidav lUleig mmrfW?05-W,,w,,-l BelleTue hoapltal New York City last wr lit d.. , uowa tipoaiiion ( w,au i week Ui ,0n( L M and daughter Nellie, awln. ,Tha muaeum will ot.courae be ,1 their. father. They ar the gainer at all thecollectloii now. belngj M the Hoapltal Friday morning Phone 162. 75 Broad 8t. lit 3 ' All Mail Orders rseive prompt attention. , - ; Q i O Office and Salesroom: -East-Side of n Market Dock, in Dr.-.Hughes Iron" Clad O O Building, No. 7, NEW "BEBJaVlfc C, 4 .. ; R;" Open;7il-a;.m.,,Qlose 7 2p.-M. - 5J Phoriis :' iOace) Residence54. .VI 5 " OCCCODOGODODODODOnonCCCCOU thunderstorm! At b. uomon s. Onr entire stock of. Fall Goods. made outalde ollt .wu) be.lnatalledtfc-e4la lnlM, and after ataying until night I are now ready for inspection and BW, Zk lth.tday,lMrI.M WoodhuU returned, priceg M in baraony Irith the For the past 5 days AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaAaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaA4 J VTTTTWTWfTTYTrTTTTTTT?yfrfyfTTVTyTfyfVT?TTTTTTTVf X WE ARE SELLING FAST a 4 11 But must rush off the remainder of our summer uooasr so we can oe ready thing in our store will be sold at Cut Prices. No such sale has been in New Bern this season. Come auick before F the Bargains are all gone. la 28 fiddle St., Near Market Dock. mTfTTTmTmTTTTTTTyTTTfTTTVTTyTWTTTTTTTTyTT S ecuon LOSS OF TRADE ,.1- . -r - m mn aMjk tnAn mm nmdv tnovs'tTirr 1 mntW flnlns wll ft th f.HoOd Of I w 110TO ucw kclv uuidt uu&ujk Ctiart-r''Ba Cdoirf :dOTaya laj Wp. Wa' tak ah.irdow1i-the;caBh. prices in order to ?it 'ii;"-f-,;:i'fw','; ! " Itwirttwill. ; ' , v !-1 Eve our customers the benefit of """'"Idlscounts. RJLII, ROAD, Mllili AND MACDIINE SUPPLIES. WE ARE MANUFACTURERS AGENTS FOR 1 - 1 ' M . . FOIt 1 ,y -,'!. -Zii.ww fJ a Bcnoonara jonn ana , jsani. r !!' . IV.. . . . . .ll J . I t vj,' wmi cant', arant and Tnomaa. are in nortl r- . , . . . i theala,adIDg .ntoNewBe,0 mu-I Ane prices dwow wui convince Ene City Boilers and Engines, wriierwMpaiQea,no w aw i van winue ueieDratea uins ana trusses, uiuon exiaung. ,. weep 1MB, ana; nreaaaiwrioin6 8M000feetofiainUr waeaiwrre0t . I The Oneida Wood Split Pullevs. hit been thrown Into the holea. without! u.: c tr n.nm'- ..,1 ..n. . i aci... .ti fln. .-ut I " "cor "P1"1 DH3ttln mpa, dlrtUlof plaoid 'uMn iC Which made 1 now at I Stanet's Fine Tools. it;t!tt:worae. wAn that We carry a full stock ofverything in the line of Machinery and . t T7 7 T'rir I -- - -c: ; lout alat, 86a, worth 118, wlU goat tbisl Buppues. vi wtuMtnuu ...-. f wa are Tary aorry to note $ne oeatni sale for fiueacn. Tha Pamllooyf 6ad a'a tnM-thuglatft.natdHanaock.aon of Kr and! ' 1 BulU Same as Aboie, one alae 88a, eUher. X. I ar joha Hanfiock. of B.., c.k. near double breaated, eomethlng . : i ,1 'u.. - .v u. i : . . 7 v. " r -: unneaaanvo. a. prvmurant pojiici m pw iswattaboro. - He died laat Tharadav 8rd I tiv. Hit. rt. s. htMt itrta. being fcanedo an' Tgentcaae; ..! .theii.it aed II veara. f ' : - : , ' 7 Iwimldbeanltable for Klna- AlDhonao, I HARDWARI 78 Middle 6t MlM. BUPPUES 44 CraTen sr. ' . -i'v-; . eountryarewwyaag.rouiwwl rf '1 , PhoneW. Phone 818. founders In a mud aloogh along ; one, m? Lltt!, tJohwlSujUwhloh would Don't Be Led or Infliien. rinl Unr. Tint hi. Am. tn hnnriMdl Onr Kna Panta. GfMI HooUI what I - www large peara oa It. . The llmlw art broken I ma, an alaea, and aU prioea. And I to buy Mythin you do not want, use your beat judgment in selecting down after being propped up all round. I , . I the whiskey you use for yourself or family and after deciding on your On one limb about three feet wsV.F I o, .9 j0 vlol and Velonr Calf brnd In5lBt P011 1)vi,T8 14 without considering the cost to the dealer tvuuKU at uuti vwi lh. . i ;Thd fltiilDf bailaeu U ttlSff good Gaskill Hdw. & Mil! Supply Co., New Bra, and foartaf for the Ufa and limba of kla horaa; waa eompelled te get I est In tha aluah and toe many' valuable I mlautea, aiahltchtng hli animal " and I drawing the buggg ifom tha mire with , aanda. -; r"'fi''-"ti" , flomebody la to blame for the roads be I SALE ds:::sxi:i:orrs; Dealers in General; Hardware,' Opok Stoyes,! I hiaowa .... PamW. EtfJ. 'L4 i Vlv OorlOOLadleaShoewUlbaaoldj lor - -: .., S'IKSYSl'!?.?. ' ""- rSobR debs goods iwrV. Harlng InatalM a water motbr In my office to ran y prata, I em now tble to tnra out twice the amount of work aa heratoforo v ' ,-. My eaatotnera gat 0iaaiila4ag' Owen OiOwani " PRINTER St STATIofiCB, ttat Ihey coald devlee lome via where- hnUtm qJUaaaa with lucloui I keauHful line of an wool Caablmere In mB iw"' aoft erahe every day and ihey eeU chiap ,m-w .V , onlyiOoanta.per doaan forlarp y aWW aMiM fvl a--aaiai-a saa wv- a vieee wouia Mmuoamora, mumu ; 0ut tfo ar, Wttbow reportadlaat tha bett mtaraau of theeounty. I on. i. iM k. Ml.. Than the rrand ; iurt mfiht Uke, al r..m . j..v... n. ti u4kU.v. . io vup-. q .a w. r. kM tUgU at uck of malarial ferar. Bern, and TC ; -' I. ,ep " f" T with a carbuncle on ,hla knee,, act able A mo: oomplcta line of. Fur Shoes wul go for this week only at 1 69. 1 so long as you pay tha price he charges. Our 00 Lw SlioTwlil be sold ior We especially call your attention to the time tried brand of -OLD tUtNBXT UXJS WiUSiUSlT, reeling certain no other brand will suit you better or give more satisfao' ion. : Compare it with any brand at same price or a little higher and we laS&Kr n0 one you to take any substitute, ate at greatly reduced prloea. , I i ... Bold in. aealed bottles of following aizea quarts, pints and half Toura for JJargains, '. " ... 1 plnta. - Full meature, uniform quality, and popular prices. At Leading FUcea,: S. COPLON, 78 M1DDLK.STBEET, Neat to Oaakdl : Hardware C04 New Bara. ; ,v . 1 STRAUS, OtJITRT ft CO., Propn, , ' , IUCI1M0ND, VA. ? uexi J ExporJcnccd phonr; Improved fclibca." ' J Right Pricoa. : .- 5 Drarily s ShopM " a. .'a M. tt , . '.. f , J aaea4aaaaaaae 'finn. nnmiDi in., irunau. ium amm eea uueui,i.,ii . u4 v On eome aeoUoaa the few hand, that the law rtqulre road aervka af have not caiiad eut formonthaky the over-; Bi'.il ao aclloa , la brought agalnat OTeraear. ,Tba trade ef Ha tfierahea been haaa- rad for tha put two teera by thaea bad roadi and moch ot It haa rono alae- on actount of having to. mora in J rb,ra and (be time ka eome when every smalL atore, we are Cow palled to avwchaat and baataM man la the city anoaia Uiereet toe aaalTee la tna road faVetw . ft . .. ' :'- For.tnor , o uuuiai oum. K" to get about' ' ' ' -,. . Bav J B Ollre held a two dya meet g at Ploay Grove cluirch, a ear Bwaaa boro laat Satarday aad tSoaday. Bav B u MaUbe wale etui bnay and I aard at work oa hie achool room a, "Swaaiboro Iaatl:uta." .Taaterday we aotload on! coo email aegro boy help ing him. Buoh praTtnce la bound to I aacotad we think. ' . LvLJu ' af-J-JW '( onload rrVof our larga atock- A4 nnfi ni. li a . j , t WW Cost Coma i tuui t Our lide. Cwh or loalAllmeoli k T3V Fruit Store Erc.id Clrcct njxt TF-SU3 uiJillU- TliVBi: lit 1 4 A . j...,FUB AT FtnrCTIO.. tilbtrirf f. 1. Uael Kara la Sublet J fr!yTo'--U tt. -m.V 0eta'gUra In,! I:, i :j r n firm (,f III !. 'i-r',3 W D I. , t 1'rrfr c ! a were dru'.rrjt J tyTr. Tta M'i'a ofih. Era It - rn f r tt. 1 1 4i '. : 1' u 1'f I f i. t 1 ! , . . : BLADES, - ) Tba Urge a 0. EtJo U Wdlag ki tod al Knne Klver Mill tb'i week. V.Ut Etowate iloward'i many frtandi are r wd to kaow thai aba la tepidly rrovrIo from an ailack l kmor rlat'.e ferer. Oor joorg f o le eraiVlig prrpar ttiiol to u-n.I th martUi-e 01 lilt! A!." Y.'L".' ' vl and Mr. Ilancwk al O.aOrote.t.a.'t.t. C: tCC i'uwtr j c t. la ff.mCI.tIa I ,n B. C. v i r- X to t'.'I !.! ' k eU'.r. V. r. t f ' 1 C r r.f r Jr. i f I.:rrr !-.' ! v, s. rr r. ; JAIVk-LACT - ro;i FAt.r. ny .1.0. Vi'niTTYiV CO. r.T.v 1 ::r.:T, n. C. Send f-'-f f.l.if wl. r. r t. ( 5 U 1 1 1 late ' Junl reived a Car Wl -AUBURN WAQ0N8" and vi r. 'i Tin: r.r. T the .market, guarantee-!. ai " ' . J M jMwf1t r. every IrokCT axle reganuoaa 01 ioa w hit Ir-...'- ' ' ' : , T;:,';rr!tcl aAftOrlawnl of TOI and 0FEN :. , .', IV., a! -i a tantty of tv.zzj, WT00 ncl ..vo f ri f f-!- "TOT 2 i . ..O I ., ... : .ra.-r and Wlnr H02t JIKDI TV4T. rurn rn." n in.- i lr. I 1 f .. ! I'.-- '1. n 1 1 t!.j r- . 1 r 1 CAR r;