j v w v.. V - M "V v. I i l. I I'll . I ' V- - I ft We seUrthe? DorottiyDodd; 'MeyX: $ loo the .bestfeel m the best.?'' ! jfVf S You and style and comfdrtfiii ihis c k shoe that you connot mjanot,? Wu i Ask to see the I)6rothy;Ppd4,; -":;:rrf i rrr w. -t.,.W WMH ..wwiW' 1 MONARCH ROOF PAffiT. 5fep5 Leaks. Makes Roofs Like Iron FIVE YEAR'S GUARANTEE. C. D. BRADHAM, New Bern, N. C. Or MONARCH PAINT CO., - -: WilxuingitoKC OCCCOEODODODOnODOnonOCCwOO 8:, NFvMtukEr smRsy O nWjf(vilI open pvicrnvt exclusive Wholesalpi Ftftniiure, O 13 8ioi Hotse FftmisUng Goods Slofe Septembar 15th, , O O - V " This store wjll be"tpett for o o SL New Bern. Q frefghtadded'toKeBernj - x . ..2 Office and Salesroom 49 Middle 8treet, . Warehouses 6 anil y WWII U1UC JU1UU1S U1.J.1DW iWlli. . Office Phone No. 172; Residence No. 254. - - -cm-D All Mail andThbne Orders trill hare prompt attentioa. ' ' M ' mm - mm Oilv J. Turner FurnitureCo 5 occcbQ6n6ognoson6ndb6t5l jfohsaIk Dealers In GetieraJ 5airdware,i3oblcllit6ves,! ;aints. 79 "onih Fmt St' 1 !.,..,.. f I i"v xiugnt Prices. , ? fc: Uranfys Shop, tr MHehfll'iOUfttad ;E?periencodrchocr, . X rimprbved shoos, ""i :gva Frujt Store 60 Broad Dtrcot, next to Oaka ITarliot. "" V if:::est fnuiTs Ar;', Tear, ri-J!r. r.-.;, ml O-gf"! &',Tl frn.-n f r.V'rjrr'i, If J I . r ) ' - . I r r f I f " I "- It ; . i . . I f Ed -S 1 f I i I I I I I r i 1 "viJ 3tf SJ V.3 taatf , I 5 ' t v l4i rt-v.f teiv 7 '-iV v if l's,rv.A 4d U) ?& it ,t$iO 'A f , tk " A. the good merchants of fiastern EJ ' " m J' ' ' . ;'0 7 effort p die jnfljt ' irccuon 14 " U.I .''" Etc. . . rMHMa66sx' fiilPIi ' t m4 i Wy trek i i v,, r r.t nmn" uwen u. uunn, ' JFyNTER STATIONDR, 4 ?I CRATED 87. ij u , j .i 4eit4 or pot up !;) t& ti to jk-rr j (trnl In tail oa J W Wck.4 tier f 111 l T'!l t t,1RAIf ABOUT TOWN. ;' tx- i..---"ir-" - v Fdute Opinions PnWIcl ExpKSseJa is ' -Z. A" offEani Banner, .... ". W - )l .'' V - ' ' ..... v Like the ghost of Bmqno 'irhicli will not down; the topic ot the escapade of T W Dewey will not down,' but erer and anon some derelopment or new Idea will be sprung which will, fill space. In the newspapers and peep tongues wagging. Now that the. speculations as to where Dewey has gone, how he got his atone, what he did with it and other questions of like nature have been jelked to death the moral aspect bobs up". i ' , 4 w-jfc .f"ri. J'''' 1 "That 'Mrpewey, was a deep thinker and well tersed reader Is a weU ,Jnpwa faof.' He had books In Ids library irjdch shpwed him to be a man. of maohi more than ordinary literary taste. And those books were Indices of his mind.'' He was bllosophloal and loved to peruse deep books. But there wu nothing to lndl oatethat he had delved , deep into any philosophy, ancient , or modern, which would laflect ,the , "lWUngof 18t- ti V l! ' -','f' I There are-4hose who- hare an Innate desire to 'throw off" at Certain Institu tions by making Dewey - the -scapegoai. They say,; "now here Is another case of a good f man, gone wrong.' Ar church member,',' kpromlneat T M C A worker and allied; with charitable' institutions, tarns oat to be a thief, and If the church harbors such as he who la the world can we trust t These ultra views were ev dently glrej by persona who vera' either rery much, prejudiced against, religions organizations generally .or, is the "yiotln) of twofnl Ignorance as to the facts dt.the A person who knows Ht Dewey ; eays $ha$ whatsTsrelsemaybe said of him he jean, sorely .be cqlutted - of any charge of hypocrisy that may be brought against him. i Jf hen he sirwas associated with church work he found that he Could not kbe jOonslstentaand. do 'that which he wanted to do so he " honorably asked to be released f 10m his obligations ; to the church and his name erased riom Its rolls. His request iras complied with and he has for a Jong time been die aasoolated fromTthenv;, Therefore ft Is unjust to organisations referred to and also to HrDewey to make and allusion ooAnectlnghlm with thenT within recent yearsr-' r '"'t;$ If any'oncl thinks that rnnsip hath charmi to" iooflie ; the saVage'' breast should be on lhe: down town streets dur ing the eTenlngiwiniai.aylrom 8 to 11, they w.Qsldohange the well vorau adsge to aomathlsg like thUi "Musi or what Its better termed,' alleged musle,' hath power to drive one to drink.? It Is wonderful when Apollo strike. hls;lrs what sounds wDt brst upon ths ;amb lent alf, It was our privilege to' llstea to a strange medley of sounds ths other night,'. At first the deep, rich, aonoroos tows of a chorch organ Were heard and presently the sweet and fuaDtar time of the old hymif, -My Faith L6oks Up To Thee earns from within the sabred por. Ulsbf fii clmrch.' Immediately ' what seemed Ukl rtYsfto that music started up la another jocallty the equally beantl f ul hyma, ''Nearet If y God to Thee."- A bunch of nUa on the street thought they would help the good caned along' "begaa sieging 'la the , Sweet Bye Ztht, Bye. This awakened a Uhy whose Hb was. lathe neighborhood sad. fee Joined la the chorea with right good visa bet aot eanch harmony, .Lest, btot leawt,the band began to play. .Theeomblnatioti of Bscal endeavor we eaoigfc U eestre af put there was something doieg fa the bnaloal4lM that sight .-' -i- We herewith publish the, proeeedlsgs ff the meeting of the rarmers ani Ker ehanu of Cratel oounly' at the , pourt aoussyeiieiaayi . .,u rurauaht to notice the, JTamaara ahd Jttrcbwu met la. the oourt hooae at 8ewBem i4Hmi4 J The aveeUeg was called to ordst by H r JtAM Vwnf f '-- jrr JB llimycfysoWboVvwai e'e't4 frmshnt Ctialnnaa, and j W Ji Kjon, Of 2upt, Btcw.Ury,, luZomlsg i'jt from tbe fart ooi priuta la ths county wr pmhl Vli U B Ifock,I W8llX,tin IT Alfrei Cxitlai, t S 7rt,C, T.. VI r . i!n, ihs!..: tjm..., 3 :t - - , ; eiv o ill i r l;' ; ! on. " Ob mo'.!ia It i Lca..' i.omly t i ' t i i t:.e rrm' A- are" r-f C'iiii c-'uotf, anl JIf l is i 1 I -, ' T f. - -i t J t.. t . .' . I i U () n r. ear. ,-.,-. . litrr.r t '- f ' ! li T' ! i f e'uti'.y ' t i V7 r. ffi World-Renowned ' or rki T i NATIONAL BANE; Of New Berne, N. 0. at New Bern, itn the State of North Carolina, . at the close of Business, Sept. 9th, 1903. , IIBSOUROES. Loans and discounts 485,704 29 Overdrafts, secured and un- 'secured..., 4,768: U. S. Bonds to secure circu- iation,..:...; : 25,00000 Stocks. securities, etc.. 84.000 00 Banking-house, furnlture.and nztures. . .... ; 11,000 00 Other real estate owned - 4,018 28 Dae from National Banks . . f not Reserve Aenta 21.722 B0 Due from State Banks and ' Bankers.......... 14.139 79 uue irom approvea reserve agents.. 8,37491 Checks and other cash items 6,185 46 Notes of other National Bank....; 2,777 00 irracuonal paper , currency, : nlckelsi and cents. . . . . . . . . 740 45 Lawful money Reserve in Bank, v . . viz: Hoecie..... . S4.ooeou "Legal tender notes 80,000 00 : 54,568 00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treas'r (5. of circulation) . 1,250 00 J ' ' Total $668,118 07 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $100,000 00 8urplusfund,, 70,000 00 Undivided. . pronts, less ex penses and taxes paid 10,047 20 National Bank notes out- etandln.?. ;........... 25,000 00 Due to other National Banks 8,803 60 uoe 10 .Diate uanss ana 'Bankers.. 8,441 66 Individual deposits subject to check 801 ,649 98 Time certificates of ' deposit..,.. ... 118,664 15 Cashier's" chocks . !- outstanding - 6,989 78. 426,248 81 Notes and bills redltoonnted 4,575 00 Bills payable, including certl , fioates of deposit for money - -MMrrowed 20,000 00 ; Total $668,118 07 State of North Carolina, I . . . Oountv Of Craven, f M J, G. H. Roberta, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my . . . ..-..- aooirieage ana oeiier. vff- f O. H. ROBERTS, Cashier. ? Subecrlbed and sworn1 to before me this 18th day of Sept, 1908, J;- - . ' TUUMA8 i.MITUHELIi, II. F. Co&bbct Attest: Jso. Dim. . r K. IT. Rnnn. Jambs A. Bnvaa. ' , Directors. .'.-.roiiaAiii!.! t Owing to toe death Of my wife I have decided to abandon farming and win sell my track and stock Lust, SlloaUd on tns A N C railroad, Ova miles south ofNewBem.;.: "'- c , v'--. ' I farm eoatalas 860 aorae. 100 of which are under enltlvation. Bnlldlnts all new Good six room residence, two large barns, rep;Urrfy, $8x60 and 45x60 feet la site, shelter 60x80. Two potato houses and such other boudlDgs as are seeded on aa Improved fara. Alaonre commodious tenant bouies.' Fine well 7$ feet deep and 104 barrel cfstera it rood ooodlUon. Thrifty voant orctard jut begua btadeg.Dee of the best f arms letMoouairyv , - Farm stock and taiplerasats will be sold, er the farm sloae, to suit purchaser Aty one waatlag a farm wHl do Well to a.t '.reee. - O II FOR3TTII2 '. ' ' ';'' N.w Beta, N C. iJovucn'CrLand, I riiAuyj lit ': GROCERIES.- IU. : I. t (!.n n.liro f!k f:r. :. i. i.'.c--ii-jDi.. !' 11' -i f f ) r t . '. Y ' ' ' 1 .- ' ' . " f ;;r r-.rp TI10 Best Light. , Onr Improved Stand lamps ( Beats them all. PERFECT VENTILATIOr r BA ILT MANAGED. 1A New1 Stock ' of . Hall Lamps and Store Lamps . , WHITEIIURST'S 45 Pollock St, . Phone 228., The Autumn Season of 1908 offers an abundance in styles ana laDnci tnat is sure to delignt all those who regard correct dressing as an essential to the refinements of life. At P M Chadwlck's tailoring establishment 1.1 1. m . uu mom complete line 01 gooas ever Buowm is reaay lor your selection. P. H. Chadwlck, Storm ! 71i.ere At 8. Goolon's. Oar entire stock of Fall Goods, are now ready for inspection and prices are In harmony with the hard times. For the pasv 5 days we have been kept buisy marking down the cash prices in order to give par customers the benefit of discounts. , The prices below will convince you that the above statement is correct: ., " MEN'S CLOTHING. 84 Hen's Bolts, all wool, bv fine artiat tailors, formerly sold at $15, . now at your aisconnc, bv so. 17 Msn's Suits of Oriental beauty, all one size, 80s, worth $18, will go at this saie lorfiueaon,. t T Baits Same as Above, one slxe 88s, double breasted, something finer than fine at $7 76V ' Id Tooths 8ults, the very latest style, would be xul table for King Alphonio, only $4 25. i 18 Little School Bulta which would make any boy prond of bis father, good taste, Just Look 97c 4 Our Knee Pants. Great Soottl what oargaina, au sues, ana au prices. And that u ngbt. ; ? r snoEa. Our tl 60 Ken's Viol and Valour Calf erioee wiu go lor tnu week only at 1 69. Only 8s, 7s, and 9a. Uar 00 Ladles Shoe win he sold for $1 48. all siaes, 900 pabi to select from. Iflaaasaad Cbihfreoa Shoes ia pro ponton, r: ;- ' IN OUB DBE3S GOODS DEPT a heaotlful line of all wool Oasbimere m an ahadea, Benrieitae, Bergee, Mohairs, ee at g"tJy redaced prke. j ;T ..rotira lor IJsjaind, ( .; f 75 KIDDLK.BTREET, Next to Gasktll Hardware Co, New Sera. - SHE !' I , A more complete line of Fur niture of all grades from the Cheap est to the Best ever shown In Kew Bern, aaK- ', ... tV For tlio rioxt ; 30 Days S'iccip.l SrJ3 on ao'i.t cf liavlnjto moTO In sma'iic r s'awv, we are r'.rr.;v!(vl to ot.!. a 1 j .-.tf' f stir I.w t'.' - ? n . . a il 1 i r J r.rt. i n 1 in 1 it r idrnel iwaekeref Just Received. Fresh Elgin and Fox River Trint Butter. Shredded C!odflsh, Boneless Codfish and Whole Codfish. Cream Cheese. .., . - Big Hams to cut, Small Pic Nio Hams and English Cored Shoulders. Fresh Boasted Coffee and Fine Teas. Door Mats, nice ones 60c, 60c and t5o each. Yours to Please, i j. l mm p Th.ne 01. 71 Brad at tttWtttttWHtttttt rrrn j , . wc SIKH. BULLING FAST But must rush off zSrii "S. XrBv,BO we can do ready With the BIO PAT.T. arrnnv thins: in our store Prices. No such sale has been in New Bwrii uub season, v-u-o oixgaxuD aro ttxi gone. s. rorriE, 28 Middle St.. Near lvTovlrof -nni, vvy-tT HAH, ROAD, MIJLil, MACHINE SUPPLIES. WE ARE MANUFACTURERS AGENTS FOR Erie City Boilers ani Engines, Van Winkle Celebrated Gins and Prases, The Oneida Wood Split Pulleys, The Wagner Duplex Steam Pumps, Starret's Fine Tools. We carrv a full utrvlr nf v""""tt uuo ui macmnery and Supplies. 1 Gaskill Hdw. & HARDWARE 78 Middle St. Phone 147. Don't Be Ud or Influenced to buy anything you do not want, use your best judgment in selector the whiskey you use for yourself or family and after deciding on your brand insist upon having it, without considering the coet to the dealer so long as you pay the price he charges. We especially call your attention to the timn triivi HENEY- RYE WHISKEY, feeling certain no other brand will suit you better or give more sattefao'ion. .Compare it with any brand at tben know no one can persuade you . tjoioin eeajed botUe. or following sizes-quarts, pint and half pint. Full measure, uniform quality, and popular pricoa. At Leading STRAUS, OUNST A CO.. Propm, RICHMOND, VA. ' I havoJastrQirl a Car Loa4 VUU Till: l:r.T IN THE MARKET, GUARANTEE! wKl r ; e t; 1 1 f c'. ir e every broVeo alle regartUoei of load f elrcta A i k- r---t -; tinllmllcd T !(.''?" " fr:,'.'.V:!. l.j iA a C -t HMAI i It nfif-OtiilUOOrcrtH. .' ; '..l.I I.', n.AN'IUrr; rummer and WlnW UOBK.' MEDICAL n'i'i'!!' '. a if" 'ft rnrj.'iliitirs aJLOXL.rS Wholesale ft Retail Grocer, the remainder of our win vo oiri 0 n,, uome quick before Mill Supply Co., MILL SUPPLIES 44 Craven St, Phone 218. same mica or hhu h;u, to Uke any substitute. of AUBUW WAQON8" ui sAxtfUiinl of .TOP WidOFEN, L!s VarltV ftf Urifr-ir- Vinn mttA . cf rrfrr drlrtion ta!nfpT ti J. 4 , a 4 - !' 1 . - rr-.-! ! i 'MIj.ter.iw on I.ar-I 1?. fs r-l-('AH .V I: -'tfr !' i ! - i.

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