-IV it V L -J 'a" a , 31 SWT HOSSIKa, SSPTlMBIlf 1903, f TWIHTY-SICOSD TUB VOLr XIl-KO: 143 0 $ u UU:-"'"f of i Cowardly Attick,; -il: 1 ' - ' ",- -..UOi IU1 C4 f j A Kept, Trespasser' Uader 1 Sentiment ana Erldenct WorldKenowiiea Netef tefort hu tldi MCUon. pu: tlcalftty ,Jqbm oonntr.' 1T0 thi trig- tij oocnrrw, bw tftew 9mb raw ww mmit when, an BnndtY. It wu leuned UutMtfuralfoW 0 BlmnoBi, father or I t two 00iook yesterday ftetaooiu oi Unlt4 BteieaBenator F II Slmmohl jurge numbet of ftieodi , Irom all fver hMfi itinrHerad: ?. '-Vita-dllCOTerOf UmLl. .Hn.itiu Raw W firu- -ir. . t - r. r:7i -i.'ajjij "'." . : - " - ' , J.UOV w lOiaKeauamuivoayui a Mwwv.wwittMohof thuclty officiated attbeter 'W. Inn hfa fam''" flnnttvv morninff iru thal-i... i along the rlrer on bla'lan near the! gfenatwof We sell theDorothy Dodd. look the Jbest;:fteelj the best and wear. j You find style and comfort" in , this A?' 2j shoe that you connot in any other. ... 'l-f; W' we nave pienxy oi sizes. Ai. - a air rn " eaa r n a . i inrnrn v iinriii. . ..a- .1 - . . . . t. y, w www iv j r MQdaker bridge. He went in aearenoi fjk ti -. ' ' - ' 1 vJa IthetrespaMer anduw tome one ihoot- l53 &'-!ttfSttS.C I lur lanlnela bat vat unable to teU who undertrowth , or jbnbbarvv The man Kept ninateir onceaiea an npux" ? Blmmbni hailed Mm be got no answer. On returning he mentioned the tronble be bad to locate tne poaccer. . , Again 6h Saturday morning . shooting I was heard in about the same locality and MrlMmmons got his gun and ftarted In the dtteot'lon of .the shooting determined to forcibly put sri end t6 the poaching. This1 'was the last tim waTseen aJlye. - '. ' . : '." . .. '.. ! - Nothing was thought of the fact , that ll BImmcms failed to atmear at dinner but at snpperlme his . absence , canse4 alarm,1 n was supposed jhat be baa The Dcst. light; Oar Improred Stand Lampa Beats them all. PERFECT YENTILATIO V , ; X.'. EA. I. TlfANAGED. -A Ifew JStook of Hall Lampfl Slid Store Lamps., I v- w- "AT " WHITEIIURST'S 45 Pollock St, ' Phone SS8 Bowden & Land, CSTORm $ 1 ;iH.' GROCERIES. MONARCH ROOF P. on bis farm;v Btmday ' morning wu the I rIcM gauaaviunvp kiuvw wimuh y," "; whole community for H? Blmmoni was 1 uulrersallr resDected. , , ....!? 1 MraimmonawataTerMtobaTlogasyl WfW I WlTl'I ri I Having bought the entire stock I one hunt oa bUfara and MTtralyearsI :r- Por Infanta and Children; i l0f M. E. Land & Co, we bee to bo- TEZXttSEZi ina m m Have Always uoDgn udt a share of your trade. Last Fridav mornlnt be heard shooting! Bears the jrtf ,t . . I WiU " " fifejtedl I foi attention and prompt delivery. An orders large or small will bel appreciated. Bowden & Isand, Phone 162. 75 Broad St. ormec :ifJaekere Just Received. Fresh Elgin and Fox River JMnt Butter. Shredded Codfish, Boneless Codfish and Whole Codfish. Cream Cheese. Big Hams to cut, Small Pic Nio Hams and English Cured Shoulders. . Fresh Roasted Coffee and Fine Teas. Door Mats, nice ones 50c, 60c and 75c each. Yours to Please, Wholesale A Retail Grocer, 'Phone 01. 71 Broad St Stops Leaks. Makes Roofs Like Iron FIVE YEAR'S GUABANTEK. ' C. D. BRADHAMNew ernf N..0V Or MONARCH PAINT CO.. Wilmington ji 0. j '000 nAnAnnnAflAnrnArift f'mfl 1 8ne ouocas vme tQ inspect a tot v O x5lii8lva Wholesale FurBitur O d Btyve an j House Furpishing Goods Store September 15th. ' O O' i -This store will be opeh for the good merchants of Eastern 'XX Q-KorthClina,VAll goods sold at factory price with localQ Q . lrelght added to JNewiJern, . p 2- w V l - Office and Salesroom 49 Middle Street. Warehouses 6 and f his tenant's cotton. When he failed to I ' appear later in the day aad von ; finfllog that he had not been' to' PoHocksvtlle, friends became alarmed 'and searching parties were organizea. Ki noy ,, ' i ka yTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTVTTTTTTTTTTVTTTTTTTTTVTTVVTVTTTTt V U1IUU1U1I A 11UUU I IHASOIIIC 0PI1I0DSE. 1 A'. Ion the following goods can sava big money by avaihng yourself of this I opportunity at once. FOB THIS WEEK ONLY. 86B0TS Salts worth SU0 to $175 choioe for this week 98o. 48 Salts above worth 2 60 and ,8 001 choice 187. 2S2!SSSi2K; Friday.NIght,8epl8 3V?iW Boys Knee Pants, sizes from 6 to 17, r this week only, 84c BVo, 69c USo, Juit received 168 pairs Hens Sample renewed and the party loundl CHASE, CLARK & I - gs Mens Shoes worth 125 to 1 50 Erie City Boilers Eni.Engines, - 7 .East Side Middle fit, Na Bern, N. O. w': ' t nffi PnnA Kft I7i RtMidenee No. 254. , . v"VV f " w ' T r j All Mail and I hone Orders "will have prompt attentloa. Youib gincsrely, o a J, l Turner Furniture Co. ,! -rd ucssoaoDoaonqaononoaocccsj nuimiiTi . m 1 t . av am L a " r ' r SB B W A .1 successful. Early Sunday morning, the I search was his body about 50 yards from the river bank aad 100,7rds from'tbe juakeri bridge. Th gin hi carried "was found I v iw sinui iwi .hi wiwii, .4iii.i would indicate, that he dragged; himself I tha fnll dtatanca between the COB and 1 1 the body In bis desperate attempt to get I theroaaWon rl '.V;? ' said that cries of dUtress were beard Batnrday morning In the neighbor I Qoakar bridge which Immediate-1 lysuooeededthe gun-shot. The cries were heard for more than an hour, it I wu thought probable that he had ' lived on til nearly bight. He had; tnfastened I hlsclolhlnglnblsecdeavors to get re, vEU body was perforated .with1 TXo. 4 1 li WE ARE SELLING FAST 3E But must rush off the remainder of our Dummer uooas, so we can oe reaay wun me iiii aijLi htuui.. iuvery thing in our store will be sold at Gut Prices.. No such sale has been in New Bern this season. Come quick before the Bargains are all gone. L . TOFFIE, 28 Middle St., Near Market Dock. RAIL. ROAD, MIlil. AND MACHINE SUPPLIES. WE ARE MANUFACTURERS AGENTS FOR Magnificent Electrlct and Scenic . - rroaaouon oi . MARIE CORELU'S Most Popular Btory THELMA A Norwegian Princess, A Complete and Competent Cast and Bweedlsh Quartette. SPECIAL SCENERY. The Land of the Midnight Sun I The Alton Fjord in Summer Time! The Halls of N Jedezgowel ' ThrLand of the Long Shadowl ; The Alten Fjord hi Winter Time!. The Aurora Boreallsl - barnin Sale for this week 98c ought of manufacturers 875 pairs U Attention Gents. I oar Boas' Children Bohool Shoes, worth from 75c to $1 25 pr, for this week only 49c to 68c 10 dos Mens Dress Shirts bUese style worth from 70o to 1 25 a piece for this I week only 48c. 141 prs mens vtorKing rants worm I from 1 85 to 1 60 vr, tor thU week 95c. 65 prs Mens Pants from winter wear worth from 1 75 to 2 5) for this week only - UAVULO UK11.3B WWIB. We are offering for this week 08 tooheawide Repellant, all colors, iwortn worn WW to ?oo yo, ror wis saie only Wo. . - , a. rail assonmens oi vforseoa, an oo- . at thU sale Van Winkle Celebrated Gins and Passes, The Oneida Wood Split Pulleys, ' The Wagner Duplex Steam Pumps, Starret'a Fine Tools. We carry a full stock of everything iu the line of Machinery and Supplies. Gaskill Hdw. & Mill Supply Co., ,M1LL SUPPLIES 44 Craven St. Phone 216. HARDWARE 78 Middle St , Phone 147. Don't Be Led or Influenced FOR' SALE BY-r, i ors worth from 15c to 25c, onW lOe to 121c .: . . . . .i . r 1 i . Tl I Wearebowln, a . position to Bakel- price from 20c, 86o snd 40c atito buy anything you do not want, use your best judgment in selecting Ishot aad they werefoond aU:Over't.theBaIU,Overoosts,andTu 40 ,0,urih,l,JPJ3?'- , I the whiskey you use for yourself or family and after deciding on your ody tramthek W insist upon having it, without considering the cost to the dealer wuMrujarj w i u.r..,j,.,!..,.,p,,v., -u 1 at, W6ek only 84c. - lN long as you pay the price he charges. slIghtllsOBthehedhJchmlghtpefosnttowerthaamibefoifc'- ""T . t. . . , J hava been caused br laulag. -: I. Qlve ns a trial end oe oonviBOJO. i tnii'wMi tte. - " i - - u.uu ui The aflalreaosed great exoltemeat JnU; ' RespectfuDy Tonri iL iTL r.Ji -"'-iiifi.ix til niJi wmonjii, ieeung certain no ottier brand will suit the Utile commnaUy . of Mr Blmmoas - R, SAlTiYERj UOQ yOemnantt of i Percale and T0U better or give more satisfao'.lon. hosaa.knwwnfas OUver, aad; also ti TAILOR. , , rnck, worti lOe tor this week 0c. Compare it with any brand at same prioe or a little higher and we ?1J"YZ1?T Cf 7: - 61 Bottk frontBt. Weare.nnable tto menUonthe theQ n0 can perwade you to take any substitute, atedlataly notified an! he was aooa oa r ' numerous Bargains which we have . t . i. . ' . , thaand organic i'pcW; tflFf E EARM ' ' faSook for thlbFall ;V .. ' , Bolditt sealed botUes of following sizes-quarta, plnta and half- BuWorfwu at on(, directed, 14 a f f,f" -..".-; o. . r 'vATiT ""T1T Pbtfc meaaure a01'01 qoahty, and popular prioes. At Leading negro named Alfred .PanJela, H .bad STRAUS, GTJJNT&T A CO., Propn, EICHM0ND, VA. t !- f -!rori oaiE II S: GOPLON. mo- property a! also lo Wddaoanee b Mrl j "'"'"r V'.! JJTEI nDDLB8TRKET, Fert toGukni i Blmmoas aaytng as waa going to.-fct ' I - . Hardware CoWew Bern, -STO" C5i7l) S IlviLlO XTS, t satkateiiwiittodN potiud to" Mn?,-:'V :!L TiAelAra In nsneMl ITfievf raA TlnnV MfAwftB 4 1 gnUt """.'. iliiil! Bik Tioot St 't.fVKV IXKIIX nT I him bMba attempts i io rawa puioi ..,.. I and snoot the sheriff. . He was I .Exporiencod shoer, ; i improvoa snoes. . ;- t:KightPrjcc3.,.r l::Vraneyshojf,: t Mitcbeiri OU FIibiJ ' I!3V. Fruit Store CO Broad BtrooV.'nbxt to Oaks Ilarkot. FINEST FRUITS An 'S Irar. rinms. Gr.ixj and Ofj.l dir-. frffn "R'.iforr. -' Candies'". 1 JV-- Stcrlopouhs. 1I1(U Having Instat'ed a waUr innir ' jfe'ro oSeaU) me ty twi, I aui .now able to turn out twice the aouraat of werk as ! rlofore ". IfyewoUtmoriirM ttadvaatae , 0vcn Q. Dunn, ..rWNTCR ft 8TATI0NCP, ,ji rims it. TheMtro.wa.wrprl.MtjU-rifl 7:1 " H ho wa armed andbad bis oe wiu ' : ,. i- - a m0n oompleU line of Fur- -ik i. feet la else, shelter 6O18O. Two potato nituri of nil grade fiottl the Cheap- -BUIJJI 1r1.11... ... ii.'ii.j V-J. U. dlsaraad aad placed eader afmu He cottM M Blu" ess Wfim iv evf r iuuws . n - - . . I AmA oa imnMVafl frir . alia Brs I 1 ' j . . v - " - . 1 3 , . . . w lcotfltaodtoltnanthooies. N Fne well 73 fwrt flwp 01 iw narrei ciwera n 1 . . . ... ... ood conalilop. onity young ovtosia k It td!-.it D(nluVbt accom- off afterr. U Iy., Th thU u.1 Vanb;.rlBg.Os.ef thebeat farm. W J fieie i"t v vpt awrw wt av v m tbekoktut forfclmash was' ei;-'-1 be was anretite fro F0ilockrvr.: to : 0 BmMt boats - "1 " ' .'The follow DCifii!'l a m..t dar."r oasand 6 ; f-:e t mr. ' B-iiw) jprs sfolsliol a f it!;U ''.-r cvlof-.J man In'.Pc'."--. !'' ao4 cat him la a fitful mttinKf. r -'"'s ! fl the en try fat ttr ral and roat!y ram If . ! 1 Bern, and For tho tloxt NOTICE ! : AO pwaops wanilpg fov rPfalrf " cUaatd or pat p win lad ft to ihtir I im to eH ee i VT Wnf1. Viiove Tl all ! at rca!l or al-o.,!, ,i )Wr pilrM. 'Also aTl Hn.U f.f f'-n,!,'- -fv :etUr. '.'I '. ' - t ,!. f aa-ll .Ullli:.. tnoni area a'tf-'.-tura. ' -y at - - rf 1..8 ; ..n- r a!ao his re i I :T WlV ll 1 J I Farm stock ahd .Implements Will be sol J, x the farm atone, to solt purcbaeet Itf one waning a mm will do wail to atUrwa. . OU FOU31 Ul&. tw Bcb, N.C. 30 Days Special Said i;c!lt ? lo Tax I'aycrm The Ts U'.s for 1S03 havlnt bwn tsrntil ovr to m t thicmmtic)nri 'f Crave cmnly for r.,'.'an'"B, thot wUMnj to rT ltl !r Uta can Cud at r.y ,::. i!:'.y fr"m 8 a. m. to I p. m. j. v,-.r.::..;.i.r., Fherirr,- on ftccflflnt-fif ' having io move In e ; 'li r store, we aro vomptllod to nol'iad. partof onf Tar;;o "stock -; - tr. n ri At cr.:l C:!ov; 4 'pi 'in i: Hi Cornfln anl fxaritlnn our I'.n. I have Just waived a Car toad of AUBTTRN WAGONSbwl,,. Wbls TnE BE3T IM THE MAHKET. ; GVaJIANTEB-4 wUl . . 1 .1,.. ..wVm t1 varrmrdlnca fif In. rt np rlmiim irpiftce ireo 01 suik " ,, . . 0. A ; of TOP and OrEll I I 1 I ' ' T ' K unwiv ' f -t TT AT V, HII ;', 1.LANHLT3, Eurrunw and Winter K0DE3, MEDICAL ) 1 T i J , i i( nii UiiiUiiUA a?va tun v sa.w w w w , UH'i:va, Elo, alno Wg yarMy of Uuggy, Wagon tnd . 1 frinfU.O to 123.00 per aU ' " ' ' ,f ..,., V' :riMi..;vi r- ) t ( r r ' : ; r !'j Fnrnlshlngi of tvrrj description pertaining to ', 1 hve now oa fcAnd tha E-st tWfd CAIl -nC- ' : s. ra--r,Drr.rt cr T..rm IT :. t. : i ..kionif-'r j:ur.r.:, I win' ii.i v I' ! le, t