-1. - i Y- . - ' xfA -Sill rtr v V. BIH, K. C, TCU2SBAT 11025112, S2PTWBIR 24, ;1903 V. .'I TWMTt-SICOSTD YE1S .x ......"V.. .v .n W ' Our Ribbon Department Is - cn aper man ever Deiare. - - tp 'Biaoklwess Goods, Ihi this T 50 Pieces that Ban from 36 suited patterns 1025001 T "8 inch Zibeline at6Qo; T J' '44 inch Zibelineail'l 00 All iiaW and nn.frt-dfttn vautm r nun upcuiu.B weaves. . , j Iri Silk Itounters we hare a (all stock and a 'itff ya-f V i un OUT i rictv. arid fllmnnt aiivtliinf Von Silk We are selling one jspeclal Brana 01 so inch UlacK ;Taffeta; A full line of Broad Cloth and Skirt Goods' in all "colors, ul FOR NEW AND UP-TO-DATE SEE HAGKDURN. j H . i? and Leaks Stopoed. bv oisnini V: nONARCH PAINT CO. S PAINT. O. D. BRADHAM, Nqw Bern, N, 0. Or MONARCH PAINT CO., . ocscononoDODOQOQononccsccf) o NEW FURNITURE STORE " o O V We will open oar, new eralusive WholesaU Furniture, 'O. Stove an j House Furnishing Goods Store September 15th, . Q O Thia store will be open for the good merchants of Eastern CJ Q North Carolina.- All goods sold at 1 actory price A wiUtlocal Q q . freight added to New Bern. .- v .- v . f - nets - - . a a -1 : ja . . i ji . . r . . nviucv tuu Duxoiuuum jniaue oweeu r arenouses o ana Office Phone No. 172. Residence No. 254. o o All Mail and Phone Orders Youn Sincerely, T. J, lurnerhurniture uo.: accconoDODOQOQQDonoaoccccj G0 I A largo Btock bf the very best free . burning White AsHBard Coal In-aU sizes. -r J j M ' ' Also the liumpuBituminous especially tor Personal attention given to all orders at 'I HOLUSfECOX COAL YARD : . . .'. I i- - '.. ' vf .1 Phone34 , Be Sure to Call - prices HEATING we llhavdsa'nIco Uno and1 YOU; CAN,' SAVE IIpNEY.by seeing ns fore you buy. V;.vi.'f ; IuU line of. Hardwire and Agricultural Im pldmonts Best :tnal;oi of Cutlery-;, ;, We . aro agents for Heath & IlUligan Paints. Nono bot- ter. Once usod, always 7? 5c7ji Fron " Jew Fruit Store 50 Broad Btroot: noxt FiilEST FRUIl S j ; Y4T, Ilamji, CrAj a: 0;ti direct from tV.ifi r&'." " '-V "V -s ,- 3i Tl 1; o filled f We' are 'offering Item department we have inches to $4 incite, in width, 00, V : ' J wt yard. ' '. 1 V I mav nail fnr.s ni k"i t ? I 3 r 1 1 DRESS TRIMMINGS lc V r 4 HAW WilpiingtonJ N. Oi o o will have prompt attention. ;.( ! Footof CravM:Stl on; us to get Best on . v,-, ; used. ' ,i r . 1 NeU 'Bern, N. C. 11 n i! Itlr J iit'sl'1 wUf pvt r N try f T.c lr mn r j f , I i ' ' '.1 In I 11 ( I l! I' T.n-.r.t f f m r' i 1 ' - 'y r a' 1 c I i s COM KT7TS llULL. t?art! Jett, - the allcjod " murder r cf lawyer litrcum ia Kentucky, was ftmcd KnUty at bis second trial Tuesday aad It Is said will fce sentenced to be hangea, Oardlnal Gibbons has- retarned to his home In Baltimore after a rammer's so journ In Xtarope, He was In Rome dor lng the sickness and death of Pope Leo and participated lathe eleotlon 'ojt Pope Tain, -i" V.-' trri.f'.r'y t . The bearing jA fha east of former LteatenanttSoTwnar James. -H Tillman of fionth Oaeoliaa for the murder of Xd tlor Gonzalei haf beer postponed, until next Monday. This Is the third heating granted Tillman. ; ' Over alSonsand Vial tors, are in Lexington ; awaiting yt near tha trii. - r ' i: ' ,- f V 4 The latest dispatches concerning; the Tureo-Bnlgarla affair la of the1 same bid stereotyped Import, that5 It' Is '- war , or peaoo in orty-elght noun. The fact seems ' to he that 1 the two nation are afraid of each other,' and there will be pernaps no ngnt aiau.. i, i A stranger, undoubtedly a crank, was found In tha Tklnlty of Oyster Bay, Prerident Rooserelt'S'sttmmer home, Tuesday, acting snsptclonsly; ' He was wmumi ana ibmuubu uy uia souiot Mr-, rice men ' but nothing ' wu found , of a dangerous natniw , Ho was aant Dut of town,, He wu a Bcandlnarlan and spoke English terjrpoorV."- ,. . ThPana'ma Canal treaty is' practl eally dead.! The failure of the'Poiom- blan gorernmeat to epp'rore 'of It Tues day wu the W blow.' Now ' if s i the Nlcaraugan route or no, eanat Senator Morgan of Wabama, 'declarer HI best far this country that the Panama scheme wu rejected.'1; t?" " - ;rntt.hnts.::;i If your bor needs a nalr of oanta. ' we are sure we can suit jrou and.aot hurt your purse rery mucn either. yg-r r or a, nitfinnnttW Just arrlted direct from the mills a fresh ear load of 'Floor, bought before the lut two advances. In prices we are ghriflg our trade the .benefit Of ' our low prices. JB Parker Jc fn;:, t? "--i,v ' T . . 1 t Fresh J)bL. Coned. Beef at 8a. 1 Fresh bbL Corned afactereLJutt opened at JB Parker, Ji's."--'': 1 ; ) Harlowe tsl North , Brtowe. jtSsThe cold ware' hu reachsd here and U seems to be lacUnad to force us to don winter clothes before we are prepared tax them, for we have not beta abU so grt mtxh cotton picked, - Mi .Tu B Hanoock tlfeBlargliig and otherwise lmprorlng his home aoer the talks of the road' Mr Jesse Q Taylor spent lut Saturday U New Bern ?tf oHt -r4 air Asaar avooaee iszv saiarasy to spend a day at t we with his -fatally ' at PoliocksTille he tetutaed laat sight asi Is agate at the saw at tha Xlm Clty Lunt bar Go's. aallL------- - 4- Dr 0 V Mates' has; bt eh 'exoeedlngl; bus lately his territory reaches .beyond uaralock and vldalty and proportion' etely la ethw dlreeUoaa. : '- Mr B W Bail west to Bew Ben' Bt- trday and spent Sunday with tit family eBdrttaraed gaaday erealsg and Is aew pushing forward his mm work." : wears deltghtad to hart Kiss. Bsdie Conner of EJmdale, a fair tUtor to her sleet Klis Botale lloitoa, ef BorUt Bar-; ; Miss EodSe Chadwiok whe : hat- beta TUlUcg at Morahead has retorted to her homimtUsrlcnra.o fe f -.4 a u.vi Mr ThoBU Oaaesa ha! begaa ' work el his telephone lint from Harlowe throegh lo pladea.'fct WH1 put la a teJe phoas at tha la. City Lsmber Co'a IU at Korth Harlowe tad wU e doubt ttUV.Uh otht ataUcma.f ,-j -. !).. ,.Mrs B Bif.tr who has bsee, on s tU to rtlulres at HlwcUle returned home last Friday. t -'- ! ' MrtOirraakni aad ehtldrtn left Monday motafog 'rewrnlng la 'tb!r home ra Berfolk, T...;. ,,;,,'v',4;- Mist ti LA of OriUbom, b Ii oa a visit te hr friad Mrs O L Osotr, was t Weksoaae U!tor at tour" faad.y iohoet aad Prayer ae! e fiur'.y. ' dme Iowa Kit Pne.!.?, t,.-!.- i lu Adams, They cj to ll.K't dn'-jhur Who ill! kill-t snrl.'i. Vt's tr i1.! to y tl f f -ud I f f t-'.itr. I't Adifti W1 l" r- '.im'rj k.-itttt L'.'. Kr. Jt5aT r" 'rj fw irys. '" - ' ' I'.t 1 l AiTt l,t rt'J.Iiy i ?' r.ri. ;; n r . T- ft ' f f 1 a- Iff i t r I C i i a t-- v 1 te' ; . : -- t (' rf !:.-.. i y cT ?t. f - ' i f T22 KB77S El A J)clay Eiplainea." , IM'ab, Sept. 23. The delay in the 1 ?ae of migazlne rifles to the Kstjonal Gauds Is due to the fact that .the quart termaater general who has charge of the psyinents to troops . from' government funds desires to complete that work be fore making the issue, ; - . .. t . Climate and Crop Report For An' ; 'Raleigh, Bept 8 -The - climate, and crop report Issued by C F- Ten Herman for Korth Carolina, for thejarnth of An gust, wu issued today. Jl says the chief feature was the brief but intense' hot period from the 93rd to the J9th daring which the maximum war over 109 degrees at several stations - The only other fea ture Was the great excess of jralhfsll at many eastern stations, notably Winning tout - The hot wave was of sbordara- Hon, as compared with similar ones in Angust 1896 and 1900.-when tempera tores above SO degrees occurred for 15 and JS days in succession; and yet crops were not badly Injured. ; The mean tem peratura for the month, ?S 7 degrees, is slightly over half a degree- above the normal for the past 82 years, and the average rainfall 56 Inches, is a little over half an Inch below the normal. ; At Henderson on the 18 here was a remark able rainfall of 6.10 laches In twahourj. The number of rainy days for the month was large The hlghest monthly mean temperature wu 61 4 degrees at South port, and the lowest 65 at Uaville. The highest absolute temperature was 103, on the 25th at Belmi, the low1 ui 45 aV grees at Llnvllle. The greatest excess of rainfall occurred ate Wilmington, bf lng 6.88 Inches above normal. The greatest State average rainfall recorded for August was 11.15 Inches, 1901, while the least wu 2.81 inches In Midwinter Meeting Press Associa- ' Hon, - - Rsleljrh September 88, President Var nerof the State press association will meet with Its executive committee at Charlotte tomorrow to select the place f or the sm xt metlng.whioh is to be known u the midwinter meeting, this being an Innovation) u heretofore the meetings have only been held. In the summer. Invitations are in bandf rom Washington D. 0., Baltimore, Charlotte, Greensboro and Jackson Springs. Mr. Varner thinks the meeting will be held at Washington or Baltimore. ; ,. mi i , , Convicts Captured. . '. ' Balelgh September 28 The finding of the tweoonvlcts Medlin tad Blot bidden In a loft at the peniten tiary 'gave, great pleasure to tha offlc lals. Borne very glaring eicapea have beta made from the prison and soma equally daring attempt have failed. It if thought that these man had stumped to dig a tort of tunnel under part of the administration building In order to get Into the frost part of the penitentiary ground. ' This discovery wu made sev eral days sgo while sesrehtng for these ' TETJRMAIf ITEMS. , Beet. S3. Tht storm daring tht put week did hut little demsgt in this section Tht wind blew a gale for qultt a time, hot the rals teuou Wu flee. .- , Cotton contlnuee to show rust and fheddingY- that planted after truth will be alkast one-third abort of what wu fxpeoted three wteka ag.- Early plant ed cotton is rusted very badly and opea- fef fut. ,Tke lint It short tnd sot turn. Irg out u mssy pounds to tht hundred u It hu for the put two season. a" ; X ITay asd fodder uvlog I keeplag the frnen busy. ' " - ' !rs.d! Conner left Ttesday to ' sad relatives at Harlowe ar I . , - ' - . . U H Tajlor ,tf Notth Darlowt wi.o wm vuitlog sirs J W Coansr, .rt tsuisd to her bows latardty, ' . Ht Walter Smith speet Bnsday at O: TiripK vUIttog Hi twst glrL He was at mpanteehy HrLe Bafdinoo ,wbo wt t ot a prMportlog" trip, Ussiys I v t quilt suooMtful aalthlfits b will i Sftln, , . 1' t Oso, L Coofitr and Clrds U ITj a dlfgats from Blrerdal Baa 0 olio Dturlat fSsndty 8cbol ( it PoTer.lsfl this moralsg to am-nd conference. : KrtTU Emlib nbohasbMS vUItfei rslatiTM tt IVilPtaiTllle returned bom. f !rdy, - ' . ' . 1 MfttiiDoa W BtiBfgbl Mid Alias Palhllt iret a fw hnors at TLern.ts 8llBlf, . ' 'r I H ii's l.Ifil!on and Kit Long- t ; t F jr..Uy flcr80a at Tbvrmtn V'!i!r.g f:l-1. !.. ' l'''tt nlmaq (Jatoa sad oba it I- j 1 r -i i" i 1 -;f. ' t ti.ti'jilrraU r t he ilgbi '. Mr A!i r nh c :KJST World'PvenowneiS ; 8old by j, G. DUNN & CO.!'' The. Best Light. Our Improved Stand Lamps Beats them all. PKRFE0T VENTILATION, EASILY MANAGED. . A New' Stiook of -Hall Lamps ana store XAmps ' - -AT - - . , VHITEHURST'S ' 45 Pollock St, Phone The Autumn Season - of 1908 offers an abundance In styles and fabrics that la sure to delight all those who regard correct dressing as an iihihuu w tu mmemenm oi me. &i tbe most complete line of goods ever uuwb ia rauij tot jour mibciiod. F. M. Chadwleb, "diauwo nr"" 'Staple and Fancy GROCERIES. Bavincr "hmiirrit th nfJra aftnk: of M.E.Leiid4 0a,Tr6bejto to- uoic a snare or yotur trade. a . Yom orders wifl rooelve our care f ul attention and promjt deUverx.. - All erderi laws or small wOl tie appmaatod. ' " ; - noirden tffc Xmnd, Pkoaeia r. " '-76 Brotd H. 'A mora Comnlct Una' of Fniw nitore of all grades from the Cheap. cet to the ; BcmTand Aim J rr s Bowden est to tht But evrt shown In KrwIOoo&s. Clothlnc Shoes. Hats. Ko. n.'. a tt j . . I For tho Hoxt 30. Days Special Sale on account of having Jto move sraallcr'store, we are ootrtptlled , unload part "of oar large stock1 is to I At and Below Cost . Coma in end examine our l'n?. ,TERM3CMh or Innfallmcota. The -DisosiTay a ITU T " ' 1 It'' I i 1 V J Goal ana Wood 'A full supply of Anthracite free burning White Ash, Gratej Stove and Chestnut Coal, also the Celebrated Pocahantas Bituminous for grates and Steam. The Best Oak, Ash, Pine and Mixed wood. Quick, Prompt Delivery. Union Point. Phone 47. ' Pistols and Cartridges All makes and kinds. Guns. Rifles. TjoadAri aneiis. and Hunting Goods of all kinds. Bicycles. Phonographs. Razors, and Pocket Cutlery. WCI. T. HILL, Dealer In Bictolbs, Fibeabms, axb All suwDe opoBTUfo UooDs. Job Pnimno IlrjBBSB Stamps. Phone 115. 91 Middle St. ATTENTION GENTS. We are now in a noalUna in naka Bolu, Overcoats, and Trousers to your Measure with a guarantee- u to work maashlp, Style, fit and Trimming. 10 per owns lower una tvtt set ore. uivt us a trial and bt convinced. Respectfully Yours It. SAWYER, TAILOR. fii South Treat St. He Has Baen Found at Last. Yet, some thought he would never ' be oans-ht He oome to town on his own aooord And did sot hate to be) brought Look for the Siim' R. OOPTDN with hU Mammouth 8tock of Dry u M . .t i . . . - t it. wuus, aou wcrjuuflg vt sapptv mm wautt of the people, - ILark to this cau and from jour slumber rise, - . - -Call and eiamint and 70a will ' " booomt wise. ' Ikslow Wa riva a few crioaa ' ITS salrt Hh'i Wtwktar fhoM. V ola stock, worth U sow 11,01 pelt, " a 11 mIk 4m'm IW m HAmm (Aft A tall, worth J.,40 to 10, sow your ehotat vie pr. , it pairs Child raa's fkhoot BiOes, rabble toit. worth 75e t l.oo sow yew choice fit pair. I00 Msas All Weoi BUu. ta yt style, worth from tfi) u 130, sow go . . . - .A (. ing irxm 1,0 10 it rail. , Uo Coys s4 ToU.s f nits, in aay ;!a, worth fr-aa l.TJ te 8.V now go- HI Msa's 0K'fisa, rrlar vTtrsv , wnr'b fro I 00 to 1?,'0, stt golag at f "i S.?t t-i J'.1 " . S 1 ? .t i . t '.1 .-,'h-I " 1 a" r.- ytMTsi . ti 1 C .r 'id f Qfae? fof aye ai . Fresh Elgin and Fox River Shredded Codfish, Bonelees uream Cheese. ShoSs!81118 t0 Cnb' SmaU RC Fresh Eoastea Coffee and Fine Teas. Door Mats, nice ones 50c, 60c and 75c each. Yeurs to Please, J. L iil 'Phone pi. 2cl TVT T j r- t-i AK b&LLlNG FAST ? sliStnUSJ off the remainder of our ?5 JSre SSS?8,,80 we can be ready:" Sc6 BIGt FALL STCK. Every- - P?f,miSur st0e m be at: Cut- 1 K,. such sale has been in New 2: riflJ1118 season. Come quick before the Bare-ninn oro oil Ui o t v. w nu 2ft MlHHlo a- XT "u"u avoiii- juarKei JUOCJC. - iT Don't Be Led to buy anything vou do not want, nark the whiskey you use for yoarself or family and after deciding on you? brand insist upon having it, without considering the cost to Vdealer " so ion sr as von nav tha im. Jltf1 7 M ynr attention to the time tried brand of -OLD 1 -HEN BY" RYE WHISKEY, feeling ,. vI, ... . ' you better or give more satisfac'ion. Compare it with any brand at same price or a little higher and we tnen know no one can persuade you to take any substitute. . '. " 1D seaiea ootues of following sizee-uarte, pints and half, plntA Full measure, uniform quality, and popular prices. At Leading NTJt VI S GVNST A CO., Propn. RICHMOND, VA. ' , C BAII, ROAB, MXI0D, AJTD MACHIWE SUPPLIES. WE ARE MANDFACTTmi?:Ta , w Kne uty Boilers and Engines, Van Winkle Celebrated Gins .The Oneida ine wagner Duplex Steam Pumps, ; '. '" 8tarret'iy!neTools.'':' He carry a full stock of evorrthiniy SuppUes. Gaskill Hdw, & ninnvintnuijii... BARDWARX 71 Middle St. Phone H7. 1 bare jot reo!ved a Car load Whli THE BK3T IK THE MARKET.; 'GtfAHANTi:;; I v ",! . m m ... s a , rqaare uee or cuargt every ymmn axie regarcus oi loaa or t :r I'-anc undrf which II broke. " ' " . ;' Am sTm csnjing an tmliffi!tl aricitmrnt of TOP f i.uwii' M::::.t;va, r.ui, a!w a t taHtty cf JJnt:7, v; ct i:a::m" W. -1 1 60 h fJ5 Oi j-t tv't. v.-irn r, 1 r.A?;i;iX' fun.vr, ax winter r.or.:;:, fTjni.i: ', l f-':ir, !ry Tun :-,-t r f evrj dcripl;,.n j e : mm a w reco1 Print Butter ;, Codfish and Whole CodflsIi, : Ni Ham and Cured j 1 'I I - " Wholesale tfls Bftfjafl l iroeep, 5- 71 Bread Bt . gVllO. wa- . . "? or InflnenroH 2r. Trrvn VarA. j . a. . o -vj umcr UXonU will Suit ; . - - aj ilVJUil AO X" yjjx and Presses, Wood Split Pullevu. r rrry aa Mill Supply tio t S af 7 PCILL BTJPPLH3 44 Craren gi; Phone tin. . V 1 .. 'of "AUBURN WACO.::.;" r 1 Owen (!. !) ..... i . i i -It. r 1 I ' . i f " '