T , 07a i., ., mm . Ejw:EI23r K. C.,' TOISDAI.tlOSma, SIPIEMBIR 23,11803 ' TWISTY SEC05D YIAR Y0L.UtNO. 155 yOICE OFTHB PEOPLE. V r - Wai Rot an Inmate. . J Goal PORTSMOUTH n tv - n n The Old: Sletmer Rnr Bert :W Becoril Rreakln? 'Trio.--fcl'M to to IMa. ' Editob; "OommlMlonet.; ofl and" 4ii u'i(umMi?ii W-il the Old Poor of Craven county I deem It. my V r4 tJ7-t7irL..ji.! .;v.m fi duty to reply to your article !n SunQey't ! EARLY :FAIiL';fiflOD8; ii . i. W Onr Rihfcnn non&rtmnnfc ta flllnd." Wfl are offerilUt them J n oui. . The Bit la questlottWaB sent to thelfi4 nlnA mnofnnt final 1iuv,Hia S Black JweasOoods, la tiia detriment we have:? ; "w'ft; porthlmKlftat when put,ondet u for mtn and Steam. v 5f 50 Pieces that Eu from 86 Inches to 44 inched In Vid .SSSl of the county physJoU' ir Ithem F H8S01W5U putiernB ior 200 10 i uw, . v , - rf - j i the loud but recently feae been., m the - 'V ...... n 1 uui it m 11a nil Touneu ' hi : . juih t:i.it 1.1 llenln. TOMWlcle yo might have ,:f?JrrH fathoming White, AA, Grate, mwrnnm T. O ' ' 1 ru l n Ma mmt. tn tha w ririn 1 A full JTlpply or Aj&thricite M uvu II ets 38 inch Zibeline at 60c, .,. .v 44 inch Zibeline at $1 00 per yard. All new and up-to-date "weavea, On our . . i--. 'rr-r(rr;:::T .1 TkmtnWthat he wae worklnr u.a " 1 1 r now rm uia ninwi dusk in uia iguti - t - i I..- .. .... . ..A.i-ij- .JivliubiUtttteforiomeTneeue, the Com-1 ,ri.1 U t iMOO WOCKjieacuiugae, uiwi . -.n, i.im ; V I yesterday 'afternoon.1 The Wrf al""u . , , " rTIT . I ll.t till M1iub lfKna)mnnn (ha I New Bern and atarted bteh td ttla ;clty Mixed wood. rioty, and ir Uk . w we have a mu .tocK ana a og ya- vt;, i&i . i I o under.td bow, you n. hiwe maah fhft a trrann ri a wt . f w " Quick, Prompt afatK ft , V . " ' " , , I " I ii jT Bilk at $100, , nr ' .i T" r) I :--'",JS 'e W lanaasi T Afull lineof Broad Clo A and kirt Qood la aU colo,' 'I -kuies!Ltl 0XX1. HatCHeft- I I : ' Teazle down in all shades at only 10c, . i - T-" A 1 5 r, BepmbwirchAaldl Oommlaaloner of Poor. Delivery HaiTey's Small Pig Hams, " Extra Fanoy Pull Cream Cheese, Fresh Elgin and Fox River Print Butter. Fresh Uneeda Biscuit and Milk Biscuit. New Corned Mackerel. A good Salmon for 10c can. ha . ported and Domestic Sardines. Fine Teas and Fresh Roasted Oaffee. 1 have some big bargains in plug tobacco, if you chew give me a call. Complete stock of good things to eat. -Yours to Please, ft- t, SEE HACKBURNi' editor lathta State died yeeterday t the Soldier', Home herv of which he Jiad i.. ..I t.jjn mi I irgTnwuaTairy.xiu dwjj--w w- ae&t to, Durham fob e 'cvi (QoL Uatohetl.&waet enfie regular contributor to the Jocmui; and miny pur older eubeerlber wftl lettnbf i blf latereatlnf lettert.Xd . Jn T and Leaks Stopped, by usning HONARCH PAIlT CO.'S PAINT ( 0,-D BEAD JIAM, New Bern, N. C. . h v ; s ' O r MONARCH PAINT CO: c . Wilxnlngton;. N. ; O.1 .1 There ww -oUteaeetmg of the -LIS' a. Wholesale Retail 3 'Phone 91. 71 Broad St v.': 78CHOOL TIMS. Oar opening Thursday. , Welcome! Union Point. Phone 47 - ATTENTION GENTS. k.p. ir.i.K.a p.thia. tuith I icbbol glrla and boye Hreeoale. bW Wghr I. . Wof ltnBfg EOOK STORE. ' I method! end plane for tbet,etrec. eerft tal which wulbe beW here. .pot. 4ujo 1 17th Inclusive,, 'm - m ... . ' , nH. . I O , We have opened ourNew WholesaleFumitnre S(V KJ "tn?,gmfn? 0IlTf . , , v; atfreetlole U r wFJ w,,,u D i r.: , ,.I i:.rv and there VOl be mattatfetabW thlnH we are aiso ewuDg otie wio ww , yt-yi q i .t 'V-ve 3 Votle-e fhe pee- 'I !f A fluejine of Tablets,- Com position Books, Pencil, Fens and Inks all ready for school, trade. vj. 'MBaies on vtio marreu. 1 ' D tory and Warehouse 5 andj East Slde.Middle St, New Bern,! O I , ;V . t -,r f tl- o o OfflcJuonaNofrl?SvResldeno-No.254. " -Q AU Mail and rhone Orders wui nave prompt attenuon. i'r 1 r , of. : - , ' . '.aiVe Owen Q. Dunn; PRINTER STATIONER,; ' :.. . CR1TM BT." C r l. T. J. Turner- Furniture .Co.i-J ; .ucc3noaocqDononpqo.Dpp.cpc.u vhave . 4. UUAJj A large stock of the very best free ihurnlnjl .White Ash Hard Goal in all sizes.. Also the Lump grates, and theory Personal attention HOLLISTER m w w 4 4 V Aftnihe artlole ta -Buaday'e Jowmil about haflne M taluW worilnr io the publle road, It Bntgto be pertinent to ask I TL ft why Uttboyat iweh feare old and I I lin oward areaeaa Woktn the road; .-1 1 - - Dd tbeovereri aooept al ;iub.Uwte A MMiiinri , for. ablebodjed mea, (which are.the oc7 1 M I I I V U U Anaa lta law Mnnlral nwj Antw nf.tia I ' ' " unable to do a- maa'e .work? If each I beet line of. Heaters ; ee ' ' V E WE ARE SELLING FAST 3E aarBa . -a m j r uui must rusn on me remamaer 01 our t Summer Goods, - so we can be ready i writ.rt t.hft "RTft PAT.T. HTnnTT 1t!vonr. Sat t thing in our store will be sold at Gut j we are now in a position naw x -p-i- Kn p,, eoin i,0 v.-.- i Vow 3 I r.. i.. ji n I w a.wwa aw wmvaa wwaw "ww wuvia au J r xi c xxx bxxxo ooasuu. uuuio iuiua. uoiurtn manahlp, Style, riband Trlmmldg. 101 1116 DargamS are ail gone. per cent lower than ever before. Give us a trial and be convinced. - Jlespectfully Yours K. SAWYER, TAILOR. ; SI South Front St. 28 Middle St., Near Market Dock. IMotice I BAH. BOAJD), MILL AICD MACHINE SUPPLIES. . WE ARE MANUFACTURERS AGENTS FOR ' iiiy 'irmer desiring I Erie City Boilers and Engines, . . fence his land ,with 0neida Wood Split Pullem aaaaeaeWttC the American Field I The Wagner Duplex 8 team Pumps, Fence can procure 8tarret'fl Fine Toola- r. -1 We carry a full stock of everything in the line of Machinery and the same of xne for a suppues. short ; while. I now n i -n Ufi.it o. Pi;i C..MMI. uaomii nuvi. i mini oujjiy uu., have in stock two car subetltites are accepted, the Jhe ove I In the citv.1 Cast iron top and bot-1 lOaUS OX Dame. , "" wF. wi hh i to -rith urge end door lor wooa.in i r n '11 " - S forklepodtbmamd aheulAWnr., . .T?v-fit Va 7 L1 Ml Vrirt I ICTfinn BaltOWABS 78 Middle St. Phone 147. ;MILL BUPPLEES U Craren 8'.' Phone 16. eharge that some u terseeri goeft South Front Street. IT. Rl. DRA1VEY. . ... . ! I Dound with farmers llrlnr alone tfceli I Bitummous.especially best steam.; : iasloeid II fJli IIK f J, IfKW BEBW, N. C. crrA-n o oil mvirftt'i'; etoerauoa a nir eompeuanoa xoc wei -; jl IIAUUftUAlH a lf ' b vu. w WW wv. v.. .i. u uw, .....LJI IV Wkt at 1V.I w " I ' 1 .C0X COAlYARDi li Hello Central ! toot otvrtven XtTEZZ Z ET-S"."- r: r " HlVD . 0 L Oil an J Import to the people thai other I pvbiu pnr -Ti at a to; auow say auca Don't Be Led or Influenced to buy anything yon do not want, use your best judgment in selecting the whiskey you use for yourself or family and after deciding on your brand insist upon having it, without considering the cost to the dealer so long as you pay the price be charges. We especially call your attention to the time tried brand of "OLD HENRY RYE WHISKEY, feeling certain no other brand will suit you better or give more) satisfaction. Compare it with any brand at same price or a little higher and we CI then know no one can persuade you to take any substitute. I r n Jl 1 la ei ait 1 a.?-.. a ia ji i i Be Sure to Call on " us Prices on1' - .1 HEATING STOVES E I used 01 tUem, tsowt poor mMaftmeat of the eouBty authorlUsa.' I T'. i ii - The asserttoa ts of,Me, thMthe labor liable for toad duty Is tucSdeat i keep then 14 good ix.pQraiH, Bat ! Lhoae aalUled le work the roads as the , ' ' . " I la Alravrti. vara mrn31d to wtuk. tl k . wrwjw a a www. t " - . . WO'Have U.UltU liuu nuu iuu uan OAVJblVOeJdakeab!glanerem- t - - . ' . . . a . ' . I ' I I . f .... I ..I., .f .via b . la ,nONl.X Dy BGOinUS.DOIOroyOU DUy. -I T" unlc4admrt;of our large stock; . . ii tt i . a ..j a i A. . m. i - I ... iJjLUi lino pi xidruvuru nuu ii luuxtuxiu joix-1 oeri na luiig ep..- ,;y, . - . A' "rt -X ..il . TTf I ... - . i 1 i "i i -..' aval . . a . S - lflP Vthsl ."1 JflVt- ; I' For thmU bargains there. fWe have I pints. Full rneaaure. uniform quality, and popular prices. At Leading 1 ' llll af Bja. I .... a.. '- k a. T M I a ' " W M,UU UUjfU ' utheprtoatloSerfor thlsweek. ; jV'f agonta for Heath & Ililllgan Faints ; None bet- CASTO R I A .nnnA'iipnrl olnrnvfl ticiarl t ' I Tor In fan ani r!..'.'ran . 1 79 South Front St., tleivFruit Store CO Broad Btroot, next to Oalia Ilarkot. Fli'.EST FRUITS !!(, I'tara, I'lnma, Crsp e en.l Or' ,1 (lTt frm Cal'fort'a. -OnJ'.ri arl V' an .U. . ybin St ctlo poults. ' L-w-i,-: A eoM-mUoa l.fimt fur lr'.a I ' 1 ... . . n . . . 1 . . - a a a. aj tt i.a it !. a, r rt nil i.iymia, iYW xJCW. iY. C. eoelalnlri Ir..B (; ., f' rjcl n'n. . . ..... f rtf U' ' - ! ! rr'- I In rrt of to.j?;f I ' . r. Mitrrr nnOlfll Snlfl worth ll,,0Q, this weak ,75. VilJUUIUI wuiw M Mens BulU, latest styUe, geaulae on ooount of having ;to more lnr enk 118,00, for ihl week .1 - .11 folia.. - IT Bfluuwiw.w. IIS Van Slack Gilt Waratad. boethtl at a Wg sals, worth froat 14 10,00 for this weak, yoat ehotoe 40. M Mees Plaid flaary Wool falls,! worth IS.I3, tor IbU wewk 1,15. " U Mae fancy Bulpee,ep4o-date Caarlou, worth 5,B0, price this week n Ktas aUl wool Cheviot eutte worth 17,60, will f 9 la ItU sale for 4.63,' t Kras IVowa Klio Belu. regular prloe 10O. IbU waak price S.Te.,. T0UN3 WEIR. twTombl lull, all wool la Ui till on. fro f 1.00 to 10,00, for Ihii GVIf ftT eft CO., Propns EICIIMOKD, VA. JONES Atand Cclov; Cost ' i Ri tki IC2 ! t f"1.! I Come In and examine our tine. J L I U . i Tr.l;MS-Cah ot iBalallmpnti. Z: Sic DisosYzay Livery; Feed, Sale andExcfangelr ... i r , 1 'I iijlre, worth fn I i 0,7 101 UOi MToe.J.e'ea u wtv.l. on( fro 444eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee OystcrsI Oyster'sl From to n fcare Ojitem wlich we will trrre J I y rr PRj ,r, half shell or cth- t V, A . c. rt t fctTt a Ur M or r'.oU, ci'!. 1 Q3rt fi''.t Jra. Cn turf R"'TiiiiUlr.j imi J tt ief. Jr. i. lu. Brows Check, al! 1. on( ttom t.W to 7,50, ibis w. S1 Tcntbi in!!, b!oa iu!p, Cbloi, ;i w'k.I, worlh V'.,t 44 Yoa'h ;!., In it:! f ' . Won 4.:"!. ' I t- i- ' 1 t'.U w-'k f-f if'. ttf r r 5 la l. V -a. r , : f . t ' '. ! ". t ifrf ''" t Ii ml L-t.a: ;: T AND FIKE3T STOCK OF "! ' rr:c:cr: end. ' av J',.r(".r If r r .-? In r. ew Tern, A Cr ! 1 r-f eir.h !-t la, . - ; . A' a r -rj h ' Y.r.n c f Ir;-'.', Vagona, I lam .", IU.kn, . TTtlft C :t V, ! 1 r m -w- - , t i 1 S t I'ixcn G Co.'s, i: ! ! ! I! I I. ! ; 1 ? s

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