" r - -X , il k l.ni . f 1' vv- Vv'v V: f A S 'I. '. K B I IS. : S. C. S AT (JRD 1 T 1I0SXIS3. OCTOBIK S, 1903 TWISTY-SICONO TIAR ; , : APASTOR'SWIFE TELTICClUm 3 PORTSMOUTH i ExtmlttUM 'mtneisti Otc. -vol 111-10. -tM. U" - f.V:v;. - ;JS ' V - . . - r 3 r r . T .-t-V'-' f - - fuN'li tl II 1 V 1111 I. II- 11 ' I foam!.- .:" , ' 1 . ru u -r-; a- u . , ot SutrtwttiMMi lath Haywood em .4 . leSS OUreQ Dy czr-iz m&v ' ' . L . - - " Pitsoti "Niw Ones, the iBftond thnt whtfch. itrttok Bklnner, I AVI, Bnperintendent at tb W VT, XT. md tUt lie Utter fU wifein w7M teB one 0f the leading women there, tiu time It wm firedflwo Mytng le.f ul Ht? Tmsbiuid, vhen UTlnfovM flnrt ATer ihoolder. i ' President I- the Bebrask esieyw , XlBlrerslty, Bt Lincoln, Neb, ;, , t 'If "..I". 1 la lettei written from iOl Sixty: GTKHASIUJI -(gyenth Rtreet, Chicago; JlVMrai " """"-'tr -'-! IlehartJya too following to regard to 75 Arrived. I II III II M Mff HVIUlMtt .Jt the hart tooow that cmiareaYBiun. ..i aebd. Si7to2. Frioe c, UKVt' ofhirlotu 'f 1 ' MunlToraltT of North . T . . School begins today. That boy and girl will iieed , good V ; 1 strong shoes to stand i,AVe have the kindjthey -V $125,1150 . T Price 25e and 5c. " , , O i Mens Patent Colt : 3 3i bleacher, guaranteed not to "break. Price Only 2 00. ' For JJnlrersltT Rorth Carolina. Ill 2fri'V a.Llt yt Bynuin " J v Babv's Soft Sole Shoes in Oolorfl or .Black ufee" 1 to .5, Peranai 4 "HaTlngirredaTery aotlve life as wife and working partner of a btuy mlnlater, hiT health failed rhe a few yean ago. I J . . to' I bet aiy husband about the same time, JX-Jnagami'l grtdmaiyJ erned to loee health iodaf on, the land eplrltj My daughtefkaoonflnned Carollni" a'fM.OOOj hiTaUd, and we both felt gt need of gymnajlui la memory pt W aon W. ? l 4 fc my .nelihbori tfWaei ie B." who flled before hie iophomore I ry Prvn. bottle wu ImmeHtUe- ...tnt.ntn mil 'J " itf I T Mamd mad. gnat tbmng took year at Caapeijmi. - , . I ijf dmwdSer'M as w to THE KEWS IN A NUTSHELL, I if nncb foload. ad nttttd aioep i,tjQl - - - I aooa Imanrod as, so (ai w Msawtf '' --. i 1 wuus, Jfreoerica anafwrw ?fcwrk Tharaday.-; The crime they I . Wewlon'u nowcaUed 1 ' I v I J leomniMed wastthe mnrder.theuij. It hM tonBd by 7I AH Q TA n : ;;::-'5lTlTi !rtfc. ' 'lexperfenoethateatanhaldlaeasesoftheH VJ11UU1 ViJL J- . , t i U&wlpelTlOorganswtheoll8olnMce All Ufa UUMIBUHUa V UUUMIMIIV W WUMUV U ISH,la llf 1 ;i ? dtdati for mayor of ttew..7 -yhar- i r Hartmaa was among the areVot day night, Ool (BeorgeR McCleUa .wall Amerloa'i great ,1 I II- V t -a 1 1 II J A fine line of Tablete, Com position. Books, Pencils,;, Pens and Inks all ready for school trade. ? - " t Owen Q. Dunn. ; PRINTERS STATIONER, , 78 CBATEN ST. 2 Goal and inn ' ;v ,.g Wulletiii lm ; s -v Wood : A full supply of Anthracite free burning White Ash, Grate,! Stove and Chestnut Coal, also the! Lonks the Best, V Stops Leaks, Naycs Moucj. C. D. BRADHAM, New Bern,, N. 0,. Or MpNAROH PAINT 00., WilmingtOTi;:Br; 0.' Icratt. I stormy vfi" W "B""''lkmgahaohed the oonctarion that ly .one. -iVfla woman entirely free from catarrhal : ;.'-, if I sJteottoa of these organs would not be '.ThoBemborata of Rhode Island re-1 tnblectto female disease. He therefore nominated Qorernor L. I, 0 Garrm I began aslng Pemna t ot these eases and Thorsday. ' - j I found . so admirably adapted to their ;-..'. i- ' , , , I permanent onro that Peruna has now Seaboard Alt, Una aham snff M-T where the women are wing it and prais lamn Tharsdav. Humors are r.fTrr tTrtTAlf i?CAT T7 SJt -rrj M,loU,,tthrJO'4J, lB f okn - Itogft. PtsnoapaUlatlveslm. () EXCLUSIVE WHOLESALE ONLY, ( ) . " - it enm by tomonng thaus. of f 1 wQ t-ut7Q mnH nnr New Wbolesale ifnrnitnre Btore ior w .y- : t the (rood merchants of Eastern worm uarouoa, All goods O female disease.'. r.,.i , v,7.- I)r.Hartmnhu probably cured more "14 need to being arWnea.,'lwrtet romen Of female ailments than any TT.nu. Sr merchant '"but It 1l other llYlns;T)hTStolaa.T He makes these crowding the toourtwa' to hate; the I gures simply by nslng and reooromend- beet rlse..becavse tn aussoon tag Ferona, That . humorous srream, -The test Oak, Ash, Pine and Quick, Prompt ' UraXV li.' Brown, 829 Elliot street, Memphis, Tenn writes t y,-- - t snSered for sereral yean with head 1 aohs brought on by nervous prostration. I was also sifUoted with insomnia. I would get up to the morning more weary ', than when X retired and I used to dread the approaoh.of night. Peruna oame I Celebrated Pocahantas BituminonBj lntomyhome as a weioomegnesttansji . . , c within tiiree short months I was like for grates and Steam. another- woman; . I have now enjoyed perfect health for over a year, and those who have suffered as I did will .know I Mixed wood. how happy I am." Mrs, B. L. Brown. Mrs. Kather If. MUner, De Graff, Ohio, wrltesi ; ' ? :iv H I was a terrible sufferer from female weakness and bad the headache oontln nouily. I was not able to do my house work for myself and husband.:; I wrote you and described my condition as near as possible. Ton recommended Peruna I took four bottles and was completely eured. I think Peruna a wonderful med- lotoe." MrsEstber M. Mllner. Congressmen Thad. M. Mahoa. it ChambenburgPa, writes i .-..j- -, V take oleaiun la commtndlaxyottf Peruna at m aubaiantlal toalo aad m good catarrh ntnedr"T. M. Mahoa, If yon do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna. writeatonoe toSr.Hartman, giving a aijy follstotemeat of your case and he wlU f uuuc be pleased to give you his valuable ao Ttogra4is.,.. 5 Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartmaa Sanitarium, Oolumbuev Onto. r' -" - Delivery BLLIS: Haivey'u Small pig Hams,' Extra Fancy Full Cream Cheese, Fresh Elgin and Fox River Print Butter. Fresh Uneeda Biscuit and Milk Biscuit. New Corned Mackenl. A good Salmon for 10c can, ported and Domestic Sardines. Fine Teas and Fresh Roasted Caffee. I have some big bargains in plug tobacco, if you chew give me a can. Complete stock of good things to eat. Yours to Please, ' , Wholesale & Detail Gtroeer, 71 Broad 0t BAIL. ItOAl, MIl.Ii ABTD MACHINE SUPPLIES. WE ARE MANUFACTURERS AGENTS FOB Erie City Boilers and Engines, v Van Winkle Celebrated Gins and Pr sses, The Oneida Wood Split Pulleys, The Wagner Duplex Steam rumps, StarJet's Fine Tools." We carry a full stock of everything in the line of Machinery and Supplies. J. L 1DM, 2 'Phone 91. H....SP -t. :.F :,:v.,- J Union Point. Gaskill Hdw. & Mill Supply Co., HARDWARE 78 Middle St. Phone 147. IMILL SUPPLIES 44 Craven Sf -Phone 2Hi . does." umce ana oampio " '"r . . , V,T c " Vr" "Z rt I ZLu Vhnr farm In I V U torv and Warehouse 6 ana 7 juwi owe amuie oS ew i, w . -""r- , BftIlA. I :,'v. , Iro-Onln.' BB. - . " III TOSS IUKUI, ailU UBWHai 0 mm rw, -! " - I ZZ I hop now annexes bla holdings to your lT a combination treatment for malaria VI I . nowareznowiTon jatDgethetV 1- 11. for-ae.. AoetUtS' of MtableU. On. a a Office Phone No. 172, Residence Np. 254. All Mall and Phone Orders will have prompt attention. Yonrs Sincerely.; o o - I) I. Js IUIIIUI . IUI IIIIUIU UVi () occcononononooonononoccccj m mm, ' . f-. I. . Zl IcNdlt iiirnRr-MirniTiir 1 1 I etwdaTmbolof Ainerioui fortune. Bury I tm. .natnine. Btrrchntne Q 1 the dead, get a new apU clothes nl nlc, Csscant, Bpecal and. Oapslcnm, I ; IcNolt'and to work ,agalnI-Kvery.ir ' -..,,,. Mu.ndtW COAL i KJKJJU Thlrty-SIz Tears t Conttanotu tbr-a Daffy AbU-BIHooi PlllN and three, fever tablsU and Is guaranteed to core or money refunded, rloe 5o.. " " ioax thtnsr what that mmfcThlrty- .1 Idz Iongyyeajrt) li tiflklaes 'eMh";year ,1re an wnstanUy woelvug wlntor T I more fuooeesful than the pwloui one,lclo ,r L'7 IwltkBarera Utttaid Movement, : aVbkrPrk'.C a I WV nf f Ka trftinrbARt tYafl bllllllllfflW WW,,ia A ACMf Bnwva w wmw ww. w : - I popaia. TSV0uL,a10W macv.-uM wmi k WVitn Anh TTftrd final in all BizeSlW r IdWnrbuilneMMreerJ ago are evea'',ln i. - ' jj-i: --""kl-.iVvvij -Ierlstenostodivf Vry. tsrv few. la Also tne ljump - iJlumunoiuj eapwuuvuy ws ettrtopBgnVtad om- crates. and the very Dest steam. J . ,r;:1- . ipuaoa, eomona ,- busiaMs . . ... .- - , i . thing in p4o-aow styles at reasons. ' Coma and mu .ui - :-. V -nr. ARMSTnONO. ' TV. ..J Uu II.. v ol AvsTv f lrlght,tmm cattoinsrt tight waeu BguMie ef ' mt r7. o hollistrcox:coayard;e HEATING m mm at mr hsv kv what U rtght,.V4vtnholdlBiWBlmach advance. , To do otherwlM meansi that Us eoaoerg e( today is Ukaly to bel of the nnnlag tomorrow. '.The ' ri" -rr ' - . Mam ... . . - - a t. n.u a vv ia Phone 34 ; ' ' '-.lfi'-" laooees and sH , grot leg. ' .i k "iV: ri'Vr L-A.I falak of ftf BavhMtt been aooom- be bure to van on us xo geLDC3iipaaitiajuiww,By:tsuiAt ' . fnrt ;S laadenTflai onl to the letter every Iitatemast or offsr 4 we make, thrby omUng a omldeiot wM over a quarter k- . I 4 Sill ...I.Sl.J Mm.m,-m S V i MSlh we have ' a ' nlco lino ' and . YOU 0 AN SAVE I mot u brokea.' iui cm ol where MONEY by ceetoff us Dorpro you cuy.; ; : . c, ; 151 'u7i.ua In - tochoi'tof Tti rtimlac.".'' Tk Civil Servke'Corm! lujait received a eall from lbs ri.rpploe Qov- ernsseat fotl0in3e Umu-1 rm. vrl h aHee u fo'U. U al tl.H'.J all'.O aa4 WatX)0pef aciiora. Jt Is ! 'rf to secure tins UvtTi vl',' it r- Beoeesary dlf, an! aa na.'.i!ui r.l be he'.d ea October 13 1 J U variooi dvlee, ... , , ' '. i Fof aj'pUcaUoa l' aodtfsn!.! !BlnrTKl!n INrinr-.?-'r f f t t'TS ti Clt eiiB.'a':,m, ' t;i .;'.:: r caats ., ' e' ' 1 ritlfrr' (V,tt'1 ,n, t ' I). C or ti t' r i ' lit board l i" r I 7'-'" eart'et t I l " ' I'ri ,'! ' i tl f r ...;,- i - '-t n r- Full line of Hardware and Afjri cultural Im plements; Best ; mates" of Cutlery- . 7o are ficenta for Heath & Ulllifran Points. : None bot- ,tcrr Onco uflOd, ; always usocL j - mm no I v ' l: Oonoxal X-Tn,Td.-waxo, -;' 7 &a Front Sti C: 'Nto Tcrn.N.C. t Oar eplog Tfcarsday. ffcleosie tcbool glil and Vcfa. ,. " T Land, ATTENTION GENTS. Don't Be Led or Influenced - it mbbsb sftessm" i II " I 7k to buy anything you do not want, use your best judgment in lelectJng ' ii v:nv . ic j : j ? ...... me wuio&cjr jruu use iui juuiboii ui ituuxij nuu tuusr ueuuung un yvue brand insist upon having it, without considering the cost to the dealer We are now la a position to make I go long as you pay the price he charces. - Bolts, Overcoats, and Trousers to your I We peUy yonr attention to the time tried brand of OLD aTP.$tyle:iT.nd Ttb; 10 HENaYB RYE WHISKEY, feeling certain no other brand will giillf Compare it with any brand at same price or a little higher and We then know no one can persuade you to take any substitute. Sold in sealed bottles of following sizes quarts, pints and half pints. Full measure, uniform quality, and popular prices. At Leading Places, f rVXIlA.UN, UU-NrVi: aX UU., JL'ropn, s RICHMOND, VA. - per cent lower than ever before. Give at a trial and be eonvinoed. Respectfully Yonn B. SATTYEB, TAILOR. 61 South Front 8U PILES I PILES 1 1 PILES til Dr. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment 1 win core Blind, Bleeding, Uloerated and Itching PUsa. It absorbs the tnmon, allays the ltchmg at oooe, acta aa a poul I ties, gives instant relief. Old by T bi Duffy, ,. J. A. JONES, ..i1m.-.. Lfoety, Feed, Sate and Exchange: II J.TT" U ' 'II Give Ho CoDia - a . a n si i 5 TaylorCo, 1 85 nitldle Btv-; . tlew Fruit Store CO Broad Street, next to Oaks Xlarkotv FII1EST FnuiTn Vlfplrf, frAr, ritr" (iraj ' sr 1 CarxJifS a- 1 Fi' sees Oystcrsl Oysters! Frgro nr rn we will bTS 0;ifrl!.-h we vrill rn ; ly tD't)rv, la'.' f! fll f-r t!- f rWTML . -niiuiro 1 r. GROCERIES. '. II ui tlifl crtire !ck ''f if. K. In.l A Co, wo trg to M. licit a aUro of your t...-!o. Your cnlrs v'H r- ' ivg v.r care Coitcjc Org m J '(CahlcTUnoQ rorthsrVsUrgainstbsn. We have tried him, and have found them Cheaper than elsewhere v . My Fall Stock is aow Complete. Look at Ue prion X eSsr to this week. 4 Wni bulta, black aad bint, Xruo's, worth l,00, this wssk 1.73. . ; SAMtasSnits, latest etjles, geanias graeltes, .worth W.W, Jot this ; week IIS Msbi BUok day Worsted, bowgm at a big sals, worth from 0 to 10,00 for this weekyour choice 4.W. - , M Msbs PUld Xlsavy Wool Baits, worth 11,11, for this wses. MS.'. - 'i 68 M8 Fancy Blrtpea, Sp44au Caevlots, (3 Hess All-wool Cheviot tnlU woru 7a, will go ta this isle for 4,ft5, IV ai " 1,V Ms .- 1 a w. I . v MIA WOMB'S" i em m. rBiiirvfirm svir nr wat .r x ia - sr 1 w. 1 imm n mi rMr', , " rr tsii LAEQE3T AND FINEST STOCK OF Em offered for sale In New Ben, A oar load of each Just in. - K-: Alio a ompleU line of Bnggiosv Watoas, Ilarness, Itobes, . Wtj'p M M'Di lirowa Ksltoa Bolt, regular Oart,WLeel, H.W. price !0,M. this week price t.75. TOUHO UIXA WIAR. UTcrailit talis, all wool in latest atJOm, Broad , f -rhfff 1 nn jliw, worth from tAOQ to 10,00, for tbU "' -wrrV l U-.MS. f I .1 ! id' 'irnry. will U 3 n. roii balt: tHTon'ht talis, Crowa Chetl, HI kt rnv FlrtTf. jrJwLworta rromB,5!)i0 7'J,6is wees : Ti.u'.tn lalu, bins ftr'r, Cbsrlot, eanJTn:?. fff D rf.yt I will f:n ) 'it.mrf ' f ' ' '. T- ' f II': I ; ! 1 t'l w-.i, wnh e,', ti.'t t.M. , 4i V' v.H islu. In .t11 WOfth 4i i:i U '.i 1 tl.U wk for I ,n "TT! I 1' i- ff brjt hrxA ItilU .T'l " 1 la I' ' t"B. f:,w 1 ' : u if'. lit.'". !, r ' - r '- ' t 1 1 f r 1 1 Any farmer. dosiringj to fence) his land with tho American Hold renco ' can . procuro the camo of mo for a Lhort V7I1II0. I now liavo in clock two car 1 ! 1 c r r im. . stdls and 11 1 nrjTr.i UlllUl !.1 yii 1 . ,11 , . All makes and U . Js. Quns, Elilcs, Lc: : 0hcll3, and -Hunt:. Goods of aliunde. Eicyclcs. - Phone graphs. V - j -!

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