A. ft 'WBTi :;-iBtB.-i.i E- iii i.iJi i a ,-, mm Lv v 1 ft1 ' ' ' - - 5 AgctaUePrepatalioafof As similating tocFoodamlBegula llngtheStotiBiisaiulBcfvrelaor MI la. , PromotesDigcsaonJCkecrfbt' nessandRestontains neither Ojiumjiorphiaenor Mnexal KOTKARCOTXCf! V: if 3 1 ! Bja Mimlfmml mtmnr V. A perfect Remedy forConsfipa Ron, Sour tomach,DianJea Worms .Convulsions .FeverishV ness and Loss or SLEEP. Facsimile Signotur of UEW "YORK. exact conr pjrjvRAPPca ',.J J .L-; mrs. id a i Mcdonald, Supreme Deputy of h i1 i ma xt R8. MoDONALD, X4o.477Ueaubien Street. Detroit. Mich., is a prom inent; woman .who 'waa greatly benefited by the great woman 'a medicine, Wine of Cardui. Mn. McDonald ia the supreme deputy of the Maccabees" of the World, and one of the most widely known women in the United Statea. Thousands of women gathar to bear her lecture everywhere she goes. Sie great work she has done for the accabees is appreciated by every member of the order. She was so ab sorbed in her work that she neglected to give her health proper care failed to take warning that the symptoms of approaching kidney trouble gave hor, the sallow complexion and torpid liver. But Wine of Cardui cured her the same aa it has cured thousands of others and Mrs. McDonald has written this letter in order that other suffering women may secure from Wine of Cardui the same relief she got from it . "For four ysafs" I suffered with torpid liver until my akia looked yellow aad dull. I then found my kidneys were affected and had severe paint acrou say back, aad J felt V Jftn JfcDmaU. ,-. WINEofCARDM A Good Telephone itv hjk ia A CL'SlKfiaiS- ' "MVKNfEWTK. A .COM- -.a UNIVERSITY-COLLEGE OF MEDICINE, "h1 7THD0, " 1 1,1 "" "" ' " I cxiMica, ' n fm imm o'f. rm ffotmt. All Headaches iVy.bsderrt by JlIDBliit ; ' V n-rLioudi : - e-ea4 AdmiDislraiors Notice i' Te asiVts'fw bavfog tfalf eiaHlld aa A4tirof ol tk turn of Joks 4 MarV. HM"i Ibi1siI Wi said at , teu art nartvd In ak Im-nitsie MMilnai . an4 aM panoa koliUnf rlalassaCals! eald Ut are fw)treO ft px-l the a ff fetmeat oa o Ufore rUpubr JOin IM r Uls ao- tle m l pit ai ia af of wovr r, , j tbl I rtn smk IW. " ' . . C J. MrGAirTnY," - c ' . '' ' " Adailelttraior. - tz7 nidiUc m, , IIcDryV Pharmacy Fill list er Crui tfiJ Ufilrlrfi. fatfninta, TfPM F';, lo ,'a!o t' MlTal Ppstfig, snlaU'H. I' dl Janna, Bnnywll VaronWa, A jfila, l't 1 r1! ' !" ! ' t tDtCMi r r-1 i - r- - I a. For Infants and CI i': Tb Kind You !!:ve; Signature se FotOvrI ? rmoinunionuiT. it venae I MaCctitees ef the'World. - that I most do tomethlM to regain my wlnvJA friend adyeuUd your Wins of Cardui treatment m stroMty that I decided to try it. itlUuwsjh 1 had Itttl faith ia patent medicines. I am no vary thankful that . I dldjo for within ten dsyt; Ueaied relief cum to me, and la less than three noaths I ptt cured, 'and hive ' en loved tin hcatta ever since. I know then Is neihlnf better for a sick woman who wishes to eajoy per. feet health and an very pleased to jlvt my hearty sadorsemenLH i - v ' i No suffering woman can afford to ignore such a letter as Mrs. McDonald writes Her -plans and advice have proved valuable in building np one of the greatest women's organisations in the United States and she takes time to give advice which she knows, will held -Do Dot delay in securing this medi cine. There is nothing to train ana everything to lose b delay. iThe choice is before you. . Will or will yon not secure relief now by .taking Wine t4 Cardui T M druggists seU 11.00 bottles of Wine of Cardui as well as 25c pack-1 ages of Thedford's Black-Draught f ; vklinMak- seffering wtitnsar nave loona tenet in Wine of Cardui.' ,ei"icMteTin'a crtouaM r-;l I alien. M.-4 t. a iu m w-14 bmu fttUMritM. Tkka mm llll StiUf Ornmm mm4 laltB. W I mf ml ymmr I 1 W mm 4 kl r,t-iTnMiiii MIUWIrU.kui,!, rm mmm. m' t ,m m mv.vw i wmmm i. v , mvrmu... ituMiii.wr L. B. Habicht,; Xeat la the SkatsvMMd and fresh. 1 ua f mes Wfwr. anci vt iwa; , Babioht't Key West, Uablcht's Porto Bicaa Cigars., Qmiyrtftii& Haaooch Btweto. I 1 1 -1 ! i 1 Action-Breach of -Con- spuraaAriA,-!.", 1 IMIM UMIlt. I T-T- Vi nfniw Ootober Tria,l; Taosaa Daalals, Ratwtvat of the Tarar rs aad'KarebaaU bask tot Ktw ) ! Cars, aad ' The Farmars and t 5 Msrchaatt Bask el Wew : t,iV; i; Bare,-,. .,.'.'-; .'.TouVra hfrcLv iuiinel rttt aa aeilou eaVUtod'v sAabova u Na Inatltnud acalaat Jet la tb hojwl't Uoart of Cravealiionty, North Carolina for tha agrrM fT rw"'! frots yoa tbar"i of tl2.r darr routoiha plaini'r fnr bf ' t f n' 7' rhlr cf 1 ht rrm 1 1 f. i . Hank ofKs flera, a- 1 j 1 are I rrr' 7 amifWl to at r Sr T f"f ('-mst to tha nocn. plaint f l 't ! ' 'inaala nn of ih fisr -'r!t no N fcp. t ft r,e ('flntf ( ! m ! ' ( '"M lionS la four ib 1 f ?ir i- ... ;y la Ai vr ' fnrlhr I! l thli I'm ff ! f.f !. - In -t f t !. nw.ta tA: illv hmnt rinrn!jla la '-' a ' A 11. v r ( rt ( ( Crms Oc$P Jft I s .Thirty i Years Laaet Beer Tb gown tR nitrated ti of silver, gray crepe '-der 'eLlBO,';trtiaraed with gray panne and .Jkllls fiber lace, dyed to ma tea tne crop, ae qnme, iue bkiu lis shhned 'around Tip hips and worn t over a foundation" of rnjrtlk.JLTbe. f ccgoaTa'pointeU lace yoke,- with I collar combined, ornamented by I pllceH peterine formedj-wlthr ftobead tacks, and la flnishsd HlHncW '(Jf p de chine, pafl Teivetiiwp large a chine, with flU0wJspfiVof kiirlnarai W'Talvet. ' T Although yelvet Jiato iU- be to the aicQnclaMXaiac s)tyia.aMeoiioAe4 felta ar aot -tabooed by any: means; The indications: are that Touch -and nairt telta Will prevau most generally, and they come in plateaus and a. wide Taneiy or mr suupu?, xue wiof taua nioatly brown 'and; gray, f 14 the ina- lority of ciealtttebriir'tin be eliffl etehtljr tractable koS Mmltsi o( the; bU Unerfree mattlilatloril if r. YAmofis: fancy bralds talked of la one tuade'f loulalnS'ainbarrow etrlpa of wnicn-are piaicea. come very preny aha pea are made of this. reetoiro -styiea generally win soon be with us than the fact that some of- the newest Jiata hive ybiWu callc4' h OirectOlre? It nevet tceeda Ihree laches in height, la straight at the aides end-not ver wide. It represents H nat oral rtacBostfom plateaus afacr wlll be -decidedly pleaalng' novelty, not too ettreme.; . j.. V ' V f ,. ... Buckles are to; the, fore, both square ana elongated, iney come in cat steel. let or either Kilt or silvered metal TherTis no word concerning tbioe- 8 tones or other WttUnglrtniar-i t , m Thm Bhlrt WaUt Jacket. ' Of thet Invention fof Vran conceit there Is aend. Aong the newest la the "ahlrt waist Jacket," so sailed pre sumably, riot utch because' it covers a shirt walat as becaoa It is so brief as to reveal the pretHneaa of that aar- M,1 .--- rf ,,. I Xbe' sleeve end Just below. tbe-el bW, afctJd Jacket la cut very I low and flnlabed with long revere. 'Scarlet silk flannel makes up smartly into one of these Jackets, ft has black I inolra revere, de-bsck. of. the little ictnt U tliftf Jhkntf 14 fW there to iarallgbt bfbMUMi V drawn into ? walat x a avaanow .MacK toolre r ueit law sua hadimi tor tbw sAawt 6T t fiairoW M the hlpe with two tab shaped places Jn front Thk uttto yoke por- llon la feacttftrtwaibfVblaCk lOtewpg. - i c' i- I tfo Hat la sxMbecomlac us the one that has a loi aai Wto plume draped lv. . - J i' TF f '; aw wat towaua it.)"T. atsr tC It fives aoftneas W tke (aei abAts, after an, so scoponUl.ws,tt rrkU hotocmph shows wU brim m WLjta' TvT inla tat, fmm Wc hU UKia 1M 4.11 trimn.!..t Tt la drapad with one p)am, brsinsing la A paata becklv4b Uf ejttlllwf-Tha pltnna Jv'l Nra. if'Tf IO .1 1 . ' r-' 'ul lrw14 pr miry o (Tv p- aa-mnUrtc4 tt am t-'Uf a14; at frtifJI pifporrl. t J ' f r-f ,5'? prlfr tal ti,r -y f t;. ar r'" 1 lta fc:.la, fcr I.'ji hf a r.f tt.a f.:t..i. Wl!itt " n b 3'-MToIr trlmrnwl l! t'wOl. a TS I Nw Tork f'-fWi r"-r. Tt" T'' ua tr!: ' 6 In ! arvl rr nr.. ' ,'. .i-.n v' t , W' U"-? f' i'si-rsn nw t cb'o'r at S t'..' t-T ! ( f I'lj t I rif a fir J "( t"t t:.-ir V"ji U ot". f t'-.a f'" V.rin! ' wnr',1 t r 1 ! THICKS WITH CARDS. SKIUFUtLY DONE, THEY WILL AMUSE AND MYSTIFY YOUR QUESTS, Dow to Tell Bverr Card Ia the Pack Wttk Its Back Tar aed Toward Tea. Tie Thlrtr-oae Trlek A Clever 'to Tell Draws Car, r.' This undoubtedly la one oi . the "best tllusiona performed with cards, as It not only brings the whole pack into use. but is also legitimately lounaea lUpon arithmetical principles. By this trick you are able to tell the whole pack; tof -cards' with the .backs toward you; also:., to aort them after being cut any number of times to the mere act 01 dealing them out in a row,v It Is per formed tmt??&r&-Xii; A pack of cards being distributed on the. table, with theit faces uppermost, they- are picked up one j)y oneta the following prdertA 4, 1, 7, C, king, 8, 10, knave, 9, 2, queen.' Eepoat the same ea rles of every thirteen cards. ' Four times over will of course complete the pack.; ''That the above order may be remem bered, the followlng-worda are use,d as a guide to the memory and they art Idcenueu 10 enumerate luu cttrua. - 6 4 1 . The- slxtj-fourth regiment beats the 7 0 . . ' nng- ' seventy-fifth; up starts the king, with 8 10 -8 knave eight thousand and three men and queen ninety-two women. p Hence this trick Is said to be done "bywordsTV 1 The pack being arranged, It may be handed to any of the comBany "to cut, with the proviso that this operation be 4one whist fashion that Is, by taking !a JMirtioiv of the cards off In a mass and placing the lower division on what ' , .. - ITkl. .Was vvlviv uvi uuyw uw. xiud uuiw fairly and properly, It may be repeated any. number of times,' as the audience ,nli(y think fit You then take the pack and by a feint catch sight of the bot tom featd. ' Having learned this (it may be done at a glance, in a second of timeV you have the key to the whole trick. Tbu commence It by dealing tha cards out in the ordinary way, but In thirteen heaps. Having dealt out thirteen, begin again and cover them; then go on as before. When finished there will be of course four in each heap, Now every heap will contain all four of the same denomination as the four knaves in one heap, the four sev ens In another, and so on. The thir teenth, or Inst heap, will be of the same denomination aa the One at the bottom which you have contrived to see, and, according to whatever that card Is, all the suits will follow, but In the reverse order, as-the words above indicate. Thus suppose the eight was the bottom card. . Then on dealing them out they would bo in the following order: King, C,'T, 1, 4, 6, queen, 2, 0, knave, 8, 10, 8, and you begin reciting In the mind the words you use from that passage In the sentence, working from right to left, which the card Indicates In the above. You Would soy: . 8 10 8 knave Eight thousand and three men-end 8v - 2 queen 0 4 ninety-two , - women; sixty-fourth 1 7 5 regiment beats the seventy-fifth; np v t ' king ' ! starts the king with, etc. Here, of course, to your starting point The same principle holds good what ever the card may be. Any person ask ing for a card, all four of every suit may be found ra the same heap aad can be quickly turned up as soon aa re- qutred with a little practice, to the ut ter astonishment and wonder of the 'company, - , By taking up the cards la the same 'order as before, but all of one suit you may easily discover the position of any one card that la demanded." ' , A fine trick with cards la called "thir ty-one It Is played with the first tlx of each suit the aces in one row. the 'deuces In another, "the threes In snoth- ar, then the fours, uvea ana sixes, an laid la rows. . The object now will be to turn down cards alternately and en deavor to make 81 points by so turning -or. as Mar to It as possible without overrunning ft and the one who turn down a card the spots of which snake htra 81 or so near It that the other can not turn t down one without overrun nfhtflt VI nl Thla trick la my decelv liiAv-aa' all. other tricks era, and re quires much practice to be wall ande BtntxL. The chief point is to count so as to and with the following numbers- vtJLV 10,'l7 or 24. For example, we win suppose' tt your privilege to ooa ttenoe , with' 8 and your adversary would add 6, which would make It 9. 'It would than b yoqr fclirj to add J ad-make ;ia Than, 00 niaHer what numbef ha adla. be cannot Drevent you eoonftng' 17, which numbar fives yod the cotnniaad of tha trtck. We will wormoe ha tide 6 sod makes Id, Tbes trwa add 1 lad make IT; thaa be adds nod mke 23, you add 1 and mike 24. tThea ha canixH poanllil add any aun ber to tDunt tU the hlfibt nutcbar he can add U 6, wblrhr would only Icmmt so that you cob eeaily add tha ramatnfcg J, or ace, and mats It .Tbsta ere, bowtvrr, many variations to ,t'.e txlfk. - -- i. A clever wiy la fcra gfvra In wb'.co ,to C' m ovi9 pr iiKira drawn rd. Tum tinrrrJvl tS bct'm frd 6f a park fr tipward; It n Irt STrl f tha enFBpflnr draw a card. T.fer4 lb ; k n;:j:y. ao ti t ll. I (:. im la iv lha t ,p fori, firvl U.oa al' '!it mult artj fnn.tl faca upward nnerr-u - IT-'I t' !' trrr'f In yo-jf f!nrrs ?lr , .rr !' ), lm rii t r - ' e t' 1 r t f ' In tl- inrt. Tin All 1 ill) fir"; r.'llf 1 1 l f -'l 1 i ' ; r ' 'I !' I V.,f f t r l l t1 r f v t t:;-i t V ' rt i'j t;. rtirii. :.rf r II rl e J ifUOTiX HOUR . Da tTMtha Tard.- Pretty fair slsed yard for the city," commented the oonntryi visitor as she looked out of one-' of the windows of tha Jower flat in a three flat house, "but I guess you dont use it much." No,T returned the dty. relative? n, don't use tt at alL -v.- 'hk "' m- Thati foolish."? said ' tho country visitor. T?o one else aeems to use it". "No one else Oo&tf A.-.L..:? : "Of course. It's in bad shape now, Itutou might fix It up a tittle, and it Would be a splendid place for yourchil- iren. Outdoor life, you know ' "J did have it fixed up." - "I paid 88 to have It cleaned, have the grass cut and have t$e whole place put in the best of order." ( r DldUtTt make your flat seem pleas- ImterrCr'W-n'jjy r "Wen, na 1 sat out there with the children the . first afternoon, but , the next 'morning the woman in the flat sbove put out a croquet set and. her bachelor boarder swung a hammock. Then the woman to the top flat tried to lay out a tennis court and during the quarrel that followed as to which of the two women had the better right to the yardr I retreated into the house. Then 'the woman next door brought over some old boxes to make a doll house for her children, and I was com pletely crowded out" "But they don't use It now?" "No. In forty-eight hours it looked worse than before, and now they all look at me as though I were a rather small kind of person for not keeping it fixed- up. A nice, yard In a city well, I want an eight foot Iron fence around any I may have, with bulldogs Inside." Chicago Post Family Distinction. Tour husband never has bay fever, 1 believe," said the new acquaintance at the northern lake resort. "No," languidly answered Mrs. Gas- well,. "But he suffers dreadfully some times from appendicitis." Chicago Tribune; BrerrthlnaT la. 4. 'De Broke secma to have troubles of bis own." 'I guess you don't know De Broke. 'Why notr 'He'd have 'em In hla wlfe'a name. Rabid. Noosey I've heard- a rumor that she Is to be married. Oldbache Tea. Noosey Who's the lucky one? Oldbacbe Neither of them, If they only knew it Philadelphia Press. We BT le w Md. Thrl 14 mm Hft MM e-ar4 bMwtUnl wimw, A Mlrfl inxUanlinHito) tmmrrt W-lllli er en4 imm itmmi at Ml, Wkiml CAM be imn mt1m IHMH 111 rmtm mm thm 9 won, bMlifwir 1)wi,Ul r.-.lEaUnAlly et4 t m4 em nil 4 wemm N Ui trtm, IliiuH U1 to .U aU-Wlrll ikt 1 1 If re m&mj to MMtn Ihr l?ae mm Ik mmimi ml mmf H) hUliMW)raa N, m ham mm etf MM; el tmwm eae tern , Mother s Friend rir auav-wtk It Will tfarnlaat,),! . ,Vi o aaa, 4m 'Uai V4 llMT7-.f rx a e a aaaarr It r4(J aitafl sjanrvtln feneata tut tVwa4tv Wilt ataait- ai ( aaatd) ftatat wHratatjiat fn I k4 la Bw4 hs tr4n'ai e--ftaa. M m av.f eaa tanW its) ftwt Mlatsr if aa-r- 4 film) Wifa tssj f. v.h a iaa aw sa U fMSJiiwt UaaaaS U -lt,mrm FHa4 If It l aiiwf fa Wa4 arr ' '"wew'l t1f v -e n. It ar' aa l a4rvo am m'mmi f W a4 II Ml- laulf aiiaaaM bai Mai S f-"i h 1 1 11 rm Ya W$ tMt -mk m MMaaWvasj4 TiTs c:.',:.;::id tncuuTc? co. n.AVT.o. . Directory ettte title Pew I era ret C:cc for all r ' IW.h. pq a az Vi tt1A.A N. C. Jt it ta I A. f.' t' e at 1 a. m. r:i R. 1L r' t a.l r tt f Ti- tie A. A H. tr.. 1 ;:.ir!t r"t Wf 1 tt ' 1 p. r;i. r. . It !''! f". t ' i A . A .. 1.. ( r , 1 1 nosuaV TrlumphstA I Tim m rVaaa.aa fnaaanrs. I - ... to WSaa ihHM. I mi K4 I tm ..Ilia taen fNIIEII 11 Buna Pains. It&i-Ann- Biuhha SwaUlBiea, CsTbanclea, 1'baplri, Serof ola firmnfnl'renflbrUi7 UutuUc LIMA pain. B tue acre roiM a i3 diooo. if tut Hon aebes ut Mis la txmea, tack aaa Matt, Itduu BeeMrr SkbvCMea (Kl hot or thin, SwoUca GUckX, RWitge u4 Emma on the Sfcln, llnem tulotm la Motttb, Sore Kuoat, Flmiilct, or eCeiuln erapUau, OopOolord Bjota or ru;i on Biln, 01 raiwlowi, ct llecn on anx put ot tbe bedr, Ildi or Ire. ktw filling out, Cvboock or Boilj, uk Botanlo Elood Balm, euarantead aoeateewothe wont enilmoetaorp wa trdcun wage OotOf,pliM,odhotpriucJl. Batli all tort, atop all aehea and palm, redacea all trolling-. Nooa pnra ana Hen. oorapieteiy caancnir tbe eottn body ioto a clean, beoltbr condition. JJ. B. B. hiM eniea Ihonnndio'cuMot Blood rolaoaeTea after leMhlns tb last atagea, Q Old BheomatUm, Catarrh, Eoiema are owed by an awful polaoned condition ot the Blood, jj.ii.tj, itopi uawung and Bpltung, lining and 8cntclilng,Achei and Palnit corea BlMiunatUm, Catarrh) boal all Scabt, Scalta, Xrupttoiu, Watery Bllatera, foul festering Bona of Eczema-, by giving a (ore, healthy blood anppl j to affected partt. f) Cancer Cured V Botanlo Blood Balm Corel Cancers ot aU Kindt. Sappnratlng Swelling, Eating Bote, Tnmon, ngly Claen, It kUU the Cancer Polaon and beau the aorei or wont cancer perfectlj. If 70a bare a penitten! Pimple, Wart, 8we!llnga, Shooting, Stinging Palna take Blood Bohn aM they will disappear before thej develop Into Cancer. Idany apparently hopelen eaiet ot cauoar ciued by taldng Botanic Blood Balm. . OOJa eilAKANTEB. Her) a larae bottle (tor 1, of aew dravalBt, takooo dii-ctoJ. Botanle Btlood Jtitm(II.Xt.Zl.) alwayecuree Fhen tba right quantity U taken. t aat nrad your moaev wilt ptit arfancnt. I eBotanto Blood PoJmfTJJl.E.) Is leteantand n?etot-.:e. TUoroiiKl.ly tested for yre. oni posed of Pare Botanlo Inrredlenta, Strenctheni vu Kilmers ana we.TK ecomacna, ennw ayspepua. vuuium. uumran eu witu enou uonie, Co with each bottle. HanblA f-J. ana j-amprilet Hent Free by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Oa. Describe youi .""II mtrnt ruh i.-'o iiieuicu auTico, w Bun JOB! cue, alae lent In aealort let ter. Latent Eye Strain. The mysterious and unnamable sensa tions of a person can almost alwaj-s be traced to a latent eye strain, which will become more pronounced when or just af ter reading, or any close work, and In a more severe strain these feelings are ac companied with a bexdache, varying In Intensity at different period?-; this bead ache beglrjB In the eyes and forehead aomellmra extending down the back, oflen-tlmes causing sick stomach and vomiting. This constant drain on the ntrvous system results frequently in Insanity, no person can concentrate his mind when laboring under an eyestrain, the treat ment of spectacles for Insanity baa by many specialist superseded in most cases any other form of treatment, and Is very reasonable when the laws of optics and toe etlecls or eye strain on the nervous system Is known. Clear vision Is no proof of the absence of eye strain as the eye has the power of overcoming an enormous amount of error Bf refraction but at the expense of an excessive loss of nervous energy. Should you have any trouble of blurring of print, inflammation, and hundreds of tlmllar eye troubles, we will examine your eyes free, and If you need medical aid you will be directed to some one competent, If not glasses will be scientifically Sited at a moderate price. J O. BAXTER. 'fa. . ...... ! 91 mhrJ .a -t-feaAi' Maaaa ' .. mt OraiortB Vl1 CoarenaMTB 3 Anyone avneint a (ketob ana oeertpuoa nay entnklB oeruin our oetnloa free wbeiher an Inrentum te probably patentabla Ooeamome- UoniBtnetlreniiBdOTitUl. Ilaadbookoa Paiee aant fraa. Okteal arenev for aeoertne Dateete. PaMU taken rkroefa tatana A Go. reeetai l en arte, w law Scientific Haericdtu A tanaflniety meaMted mtlr. Iarweet ear. aalitlon of any eHeuUAe oernai. Terna, S) a yuart mar leoniar, e amaoyaii iieaeuaiiaia tee, ra W SW WaeajtarUM. li.O. New Bern Fire Alarm. Na 1-8 Fool of 0 raven street " 1-4 Cor.Bonth Ft aad East Ft. streets. ' ; . " 14 Blades MULklog street " 1-8 los Factory, Griffith street - 1-7 Blade MUL Griffith street 8-4 Cor. South Ft and Middle v , street ; t-8 Dor. Banoock asd Broad street M Cor Jokaaoi and Mlddls slresU 81 Oor Geor aad Pollock streets 8-4 Cor. Georf aad New streets.'. Mi Cor George aad Cypress street - 4-1 Em City MDla.' -V". Oor. Ksw B. Ft aatl, 8pfU - . "'straeta," - ..'. . 41 Cot, Broad aad Dara at recta, 8-1 Cot. Norwood and Crooked etreeU. , ' '." - MFlreroUte. - -1 ' -. f I Cor, E!a ted Ash iirevU. ., M 6-4 Cor. Wset aad Cedar trseta,' 8-8 Cor. Matt itrtet tad Tsvi Aveaa,' '"'.,: V: ; ' -" 6J rio lumber Compass.. t r-t , i . a m mm.w4 -' T- " re r " t. . T O 1 . D.C. ; -:!vi i;:Tr' iTirr. ef liisaaM m 1 r-' . l-tl sjm-m mV , atBBaaaaajTa: f(Tiiw6.rowsiaILirl IO. Costs 0nl 25 CMita r;ts. . ;&faavr mail z ceata ta C ay Qainrranua wun TOBTfllAP nl mawiiAleu TVIriiitrtvi 1 tier SlOUier deafer:! ' e.i tl rw TT tV rm K7 a j L rr r w i ;u ouriuu aWTaar floatinnewl . .. pIJT.n7,TT, I . bo. ro r.-nla. and: taiia t TKETH1N A? Uheabe'tfraMv '55Tfif1''''f''!W , .u..i., eic. n w lyon's French Periodical C: c loifit!1Vc:'7Vt.able.' ecUy Barnles. wwe to aecomplUh DESIEO KrcdUti. Greatest known female remedy. Price, tt50 per bottle, AlllVIAU TIA - a ... VAUilUn & ?h JfKJ.M "a tlona. Bend for circular' to WllZlAMa MlTcoTso?. SSM 80LD BY P tit 5$ CIGAR Aua-Mencken & tndkers Henderson Jelephone Toll Rates. The followlna Toll Rates will hn In effect on and after May 1, 1902, subject to change or correcllou. From How Hern to Ayden 30c Littleton 55c Boydton 70c Loulsburg 50c Buffalo bprlngs, 70c MoreheadCity 30c Purllngton 80c Nashville 45c 25c 65c Beauiort Chase City Clarkesvlllo Chapel Hill 35c Newport 75c Oxford 70c Plymouth 40c 55c one Kalelgh Dunn 50c Itoanokc Rpds 50c 65c Rocky Mount 45c 50c Scotland Neck 45c 50c Selma 45c 40c Bmlthfleld 45c Durham Enfield Franklinton Goldsboro Greensboro Greenville 00c Spring Hope 50c 80c Tarboro 40c 40c Wake Forest 55c 80c Warrenton 55c 60c Weldon 50c 05c Wilson 40c 30c Winston $1.00 . C. TOEPLEMAN, Gen. Supt. Hamilton New Iliver Henderson High Point Klnston TO TIIK Glorious Mountains of Western North Carolina Southern Railway Invites the attention of all Health or Pleasure seekers. THE TOURIST SEASON opened June 1, 1903, and on that date Low-Bate Summer Excursion Tickets went on salo from prlncl pit points In the South and Southeast, to tlie noted resorts located on and reached by Hoaitnern Rail way. tickets on rale up to and Including September 30, 1903, for return. "The Land of the Sky" AND ''Sapphire Country," Ashevllle, N. C , and Hot Springs, N.C., offer every attraction to tho Bummer Traveler or Invalid. The East Tennessee and Virginia Resorts also offer many Inducements for Health and Pleasure. Ask any Southern Railway Agen for 8ummer Homes Folder, descriptive of the many Delightful Resorts reached by Southern Railway. 8. 13. HARDWICK, G. P. A. T. A. Oreea, Prea. K. H. Meadows, V. Free B. Bf. Ororea, Oaehlar. Citizens' Bank, err arxrw mncr, nr. o. Do Qeneral Banking Butlneis April 8, 1008, Burplua aad Undivi ded Profits,, f.23,000.00. We will give prompt aad careful atten Una to ail ouaineaa entruated to na. W Invite yoof account Try ns. Board at DUeetaia. rerdtsaad Clnoa B. B. Meadow a. t. a. Meadows. jr.eP.&d. SirerHtat) Tboraae A.airaam. Beanael W.lpaah Ch.B.rewet, a. w . urainrer, Wi.-i.m. V.BifBT Oee,K.lTea,. W. W. Oroakett. . Mara ptaotwar. FOB HOIK USK a a e a risen. Wra wholasotte. aTiaraaUsd to bacbamicaliy anaoa rrorn uiruiiea wawr asd free froaa laspuiitlaa, Bpecsally ta. . . - - - . - r, ..I. . . . - tBtjoad and.praparao , ror aamaa oosv tutnptiota. Ice (Mirered daily (axorpt Buadsya)j aatoepBa.. . . rundara (reuu only) i a aj,vo ta Booai Fcc.prioas and otaaQnlonaauou, Now Berne Ice Co. ttcdof Dyspepsia Ccro " Clgaata what ywi te 1 . i IGE Liiarrrioej,. the Eowal 1 - Ch'!Jren; at nirVlctV ' y (tne ChiM a TEETi. .1 UAtfvrr. mm mm ST. LOt a.... - . - . . 7 - - Bar ai wa.amMua.u- in oaays) sw , BaaT ffnsala a - - aa ik. -, ... a minia niitie aat riiiwiiii ymailma Tatkaaee(Ala.l Mewi. : ' The genuine l pnt i up only In paste-board Gat - S. DUFF 7. 4 i f , 4. A. & N. C. R. R. TIME TABLE HO. 80 To Take Effect Sunday, June 7,S190S . at 5:00 A. M., S. T;. , y Going East Bchkduu: OoingWea . No. 8 Passenger Trains " Nd. 4 1 ( DAILY. Lv. p m BTATIOHB: AT, A ta 8 30 Goldsboro ...1105 8 59 LaGrange. ......... 10 8 ' 4 23 Klnston. ,...1018 6 40 Ar. New Bern. Lt,...., 80 ' 6 60 Lv. " Ar....,.8 87 7 15. . . .Ar. Morehead city Lt..,. 706 No. 5, I I - No; 9, $ Passenger statiobk I Passenger Train JTraln. Lv. A. at, 8 00 8 18 Ar. . . . Qoldsboro , 8 80 T Best's 808 . . . LaGrange , 7 57 C .Falling Creek. 7 47 8 26 8 87 8 48 Klnston. ,.; 7 87 9 02 Oaswell ; 7 86J? Dover ...717 9 80 Core Creek , , 700 , 9 60 Tuscarora ..860 9 50 Olarks ...849 10 10 Ar. New Bern, Lv.. .... 80 1020.... Lv. New Bern Ar...... 619 - 10 40 Riverdale 5 41': 10 43 Croatan , 548 10 65 Havelock ..6 85T, 1108 Newport 691:-7 11 14 Wildwood 515 'v 1140....Ar. Morehead OitTLT..t. 40- m . F. Bf. .1 Nn 1. HAir.V PlYflWPT Six a : 2d Clast. SUNDAY d Claaa! ' Lv. am Ar.nm'1 5 12 Goldsboro....,...., 8 00 ! 5 45 Best -liRV 12 LaGrange 08 u ' rauing ureea in 7 82 , Kinaton .1818 1 40.. 9 00.. 9 40.. , ouwell U 01 Dover. e. n . core creek 10 10.. 10 83.. Tuscarora. 10 10 Clark's . 864. 11 00.. 12 80., . . .Ar. New Bern, Lt , 80 i T XT- TI , .a mm . . . . j . . a, bw wi r . r . in ,n 1 12.. 1 20.. 1 40.. 2 09.. 2 20.. 8 28.. 256 800 . P. M. Til ... mr . ' nirwuvi,,,,,,,,,,, t saj , , croatan 788i Havelock...'. 710 Nawnort. Iiw B M WUdwood.... .817 AUantJO.,,.,. 6 08- . A r. Morehead Clty,LT....i 5 60 t .Ar. M. city Depot, ..... 00 ' - A t K. ' 8.L. DILL, " v B.A. NEWLAND, GenTBopt' Mai tar Tranaportatlon. ' : P. H. PelleUer, . ATTORNEY AT LA r, , "T ' Middle Street, LAwytri .Brlek' BalUIsr. - ' win praotloo la Us Oontlee el tVavao Oerterof Joaea, Oaalow aad ParaUaa. U Ooort at Hew aarae aad Sapreeaa. Ooart F.-.M. SlBtBtsBS, '1. P4Wsrd SIMnONS WARD, " ATTOKNIi aal C0UXIXL0HS tt LAW. :.- i' BW JBJBUB, m. . , OfBoe Removed across Street to bacon d .Btory of No, 89 (above Talegrtph Of-' flee) South Front Street, neat to . Hotel ChalUwka, " - Practice) ba tha eouatlao of Craven, DipllaJoaea, Oaalow, CarUnrt Pamli co aad wakA la the BapranM and Fed eral OourU, and waarrrar tanrloea are daelred. . , . , l. Ii. WARD, ; AttoraMT t Law, 74 Bo. Froat Bi.'Opp. Eoinl Chatlawkai Cravea Ooanry Attcroey, Clroolk, Oravwet, Jotxa, Onalow, Cart eret, Faaalloo, Orean, Lanotr, anJ t ( oapiwcae a4 Fedarai OourU. ' ' i S llomula A, ITunn, A UTOaWU ATLATT. Practlea la the aounUaa 1 rraen, Carteret Pamlico. Jonas an I (si,t aad to the State enrrmne ami ri ( y.e ' fraph offlaa, few Hem, lt fttpt Ti t. V. hi t a aa a .ti. mSKlJ ATTnACTiosa-r amineaca f vrl- k!rj t l'f ft-t ra'. r) !-? : tr, tieanillul anT'.r-: AliT-Tri'wrir!rh t " mea fof 1 y.r , r-e anl fatre- . ' u ;; t , . In I ( ( IP'.T.

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