" TTT" c The Kind Ton XL. a' Always Bought; tad Which bag Jbecx j f 2,1a ; nso for over 80 years, baa borne the signature ''WiO" -"jL0l ' "' ' B- has been made under bis per-4 f , S4ftf-&T sonal Boperrtioa since its infancy i . . 7.77 i - f Aiiow vlo one to ueceive you in 1 is. 1 . fin ai........ yn -r ... - ja . -r .jeaa, b.4 ! . 'V Experiments that trifle iritb atfd endanger the health of t j- Infants aaqiUfo Casteria ia a harnUeMubstlttitrivf Castor on. Pare-; i gerfc, Drops andJSoothlnsr Syrups, j It is Pleasant. Ith ' contains neither vpttmv Morphine tor othet arcotlaj substance. Its ogtMs gnarantee. It destroys Wornuq and allays Fererlsltfiess. It cores Diarrtwea and TOnd Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cores tConstipatloBM . AltA moMAm aBatmllatAB 41ia VatJ . AmlfB tl" . Stomach and Bowels. sAvlns healthy and ; natural sleepv 1 The Ctoen's Panacea-The lotnert ' . -. " v . .... rW Bears the ZimtaiMVy- SJSS 5fS rAM!- meaning a celling of Oft cotofJJa.slia walls for two-thirds of fneir height from the floor of a ho th ai (usually ar.pfeia ,Hn jrather'dark LfiPlQrt th.Sioa btoseeia(-i8fup-"j per- third Of ' ttewaU, covered with e fer. i r 1 1 nForitt. Stance, the lower part of the wall may ipr a "plain paper or prftrally. of a ousjltaptarj?- pe 4a gfeena, browns, bloee, wttn touches flf yellow, did abovfctaal rfflT pTbTwblrbea'yel- iow 06111110,101 then la no denying' that ew 1 the. favorite, cok for oiUiagft welf e-ew- fteeoratorelalfaf that eyery in 4- boose ahonid 6t some tinge of yellow from pate cream to deepest saffron,;' aj'??" ' Occasionally -the lower pdrtTOT l clamberlna teoeai while the 111 js afia.h tuetre!lls without flower On ground t Jfslntwt-blnejeertjW8 M handsome rooms have two-third of f- aTl pStteTealp''feif.(nab and:eriiable brocade or tapestry hang mv the upperfitroV4 Annttl' thing, total raUtbhei otllerart, Utdha nioiaDig'CioBe against uie ceuing pef The Kind YOQflaWMways'Bb In i-nr uver- 1 4? c MISS N, 38 Perry. Street, ,.tl f - f . f , M and fell fUtoa my back. On telng nainloed Iloooi that I had ttotalncd internal tajtfch rlea which laUma mfor most than two fflontht. 'After that laotkcd thatlhai Wm in the back and groin which I never had before. I doctored and doctored lot atweral moaihrbot at the palna ta- better I decided that of CffOWllMf lWUttOt UtTKOlT, MICBtlGANd 1 ri in i 11 1 iklZ sWol Catdal ffllJtet lT men more wonuuuyby ot ing their weakneat andi46 J tag them ftronger. Wtivkof f Oardoi cartd'Sliaa BowM) Asaaveaicinfrfar all woif T7 JrrMiwrWl il tneitUTflB canyon thinanf a baring the right treatment. Reading in the oat of the wonderful cures pcrforattccl by Vine of Cardid I wrote to one of, thi partlet and recetred a Ttry satfafadry reply and I Immediately sent for some. In a very abort Urn I felt generally better and after seven weeks fattbftd taslsras once more well and strong . I have tmrer i who btDoght them .Wine of Cardoi. had a tick hour sines and t Ualiyfelbs your ic lend id medicine. MONIB BOTEY. IKE OF CABDUI is one medi cine that ahowd slwayi be kept en faaistlaerery home for tint neiiate nee whet fettala weak-t w neat Brat snakes tts appearance." Hias liower'i painful and dangerons accident would not bare resnltM so seriously had the taken Wine of Cardoi promptly. tetter medicine for yourselfl daughter mother ft Can rod think of a mortf MoaeDtabld 3J lSusuui to trive'roui1 friend than a botue of this medicine wbion will hring her health and happiness I f Ton are sufferinff t Tour "duty is iovf rid,yourselt.of -Wi pain. If yoin daThter. mothers sister or friend is siok tad In need of relief, your duty ii qu&uy creas. AJiiam. Jnany won VoW-yrelL owe thoir Urea, to frii Wine of Cardui la adapted to M men at any age la any walk of Uuk! For the working woman it gires her, ftreneth for her taaks ' and better treatment than a doctor for Tory (mall coat n Yaht flmrrrrl.1 will .oil vvvtv SliVt "boUle of Wine of Cardui. 8ecure the medicine today. Take it in the privacy of your home. Belief will come to you as surely as you take it . . .,' VV 1 N FintCMt ill W5 T . . w Wineof Csrdul. A Good Telephone HKKV1CX 18 A IlDflLNEary-i NEOR88ITT, A. nOM- OONVKNIKICE. A 0011- 1MNKP Ofdrr- Tff it BrVEririYnoYAbPiLt la tmt UU imnV ta ta-HA I.,oTu Mi mimm. jMawtuMsraiu .M 'Uvl H. f-C!. " Ml '!e"!, -.- - - n ' 1 I.-iTiC- -I'Airenaaches I'lTIIIiMl rBOMPTX.aJiM DrogStoSw, Administrators Notice I T. sUlasVsVlDt Saly nnatlflH m AtwHmrator of lbs tata of Jobs 4 Marfl. ell parma Jif 1n4 w t-J1 m. Ut amsie4lW'Dai,Wa11at uWl' mx sod all prODS Mdlnl rti ilntV-said aUl W)tr4 ' IA b(.Q U aame for fyal r before (Wutr . SV4 or Uls a l (:! tld la b of fvrry " lift: iIelatrato. lifpi JiH use of rra-i tad '?:.::-!:. folio big M iivJ Wai V MUMrIPrTlng.llaraiiI,:(J.:, H :r. adl JasHi- !Uiya4i u,r, d.,! Tsrooa. T rrm f j ;;u. Ote, Pn ! Tonth PmiT , ctwa T-"'"i tv. to!.t)riA! r .: " miilt T1T iltlTFTtl . bt.-.''"- " .rv 'Cent in tbb BUU. Cold and rraak. Tb Finest Lkroora'sM WImmJ 4UbatyiWaI OablubTa Parti !K?S.lW?,ayn --Vs j. r v ii.u 1 . w o , ti , .; ., j - i -- - j 1 1 i- finlanes OS the.npper. pan, ,f, a -AarWWs laWet-ancy-trf park kaoudns derives directly from the older" , column.or pllai jterv y&. haft and capltaL-4ibeX Am KxprUwM tkm Artlat Bt WlOl An amuaing story la told of the artist rtu Hsy and an English conjurer at a L at'Jtitrbrd-on-ATon. f Phil was In the crowd which bad gathered to watch a Terr clever gentleman who was wrap ping up sovereigns and half crowns In t:..oeo of paper and selling them for S ibilltnga, The "sharp- bad a beautiful face ench a face as Phil May loved to drawv" So be sketched him furtively. Utet the gentletnan saw bun and made S speech te&irttibr.' v. ?.-f ' , "If that there celebrlted portrit palnt with the tight breeches on will 'and up the plcter,- the equally celebrltea benefactor to ?oomanlty wot Is gtvto away fluids for coppers will reward 1m accor6lgly,- h ttouted, ;. PhlL with a twinkle in bis eye, band ed up the drawing. The conjurer was deUgbted'Vlththe stetcb and pinned It totaJboafl tito cart, n With an other - proununary ; speecn, ne wew hree .aoverelgns, three half aoverelgns ind Several half crown Into a piece of Japer, acrewed it up and banded it to the artist "TouH be president of the btoomin' .: B"ynl academy ," some tdye, foung man, said he. "Here, catch 1" ' " "A bargain's a bargain," laid Phil, walking off with the packet of gold ana Over; . , I He "confeeacd afterward when! he vOfiened. the packet and found two ben- nwrana' a hairpenny m it tnai 11 was -the toost .entertaining cpmmlsalon he - if" " . ' ' iVtll i InrTuiy , TnafCanneis are-wasnea tm; : .Vtattte-IUhrs tome next R color, things ,ara.4pha white M'. '.iiLilAnam buW U Ihatlrty -ltchen-nprons and clotbs comelaat of aM, V aa.& z-i. Gsirtitd-Fortj iPotuids - ' Days. : - S : teveral months -cur :'joungr brother had been t roubled with lndlge- ftlon. &e tried several remedlca bnt got ' Mat rlnstng.,! done In tepid water.. That extremes of heat or cold cause shrinking. V That soap Jelly la necessary for, wool- That blue must be well mixed through the water. ' that wringing well after, bluing l most important. 3" : Things to remember In drying: ' v To have the lines, pegs and dothest bora scrupulously clean. t'.Vff To banc things up wrong i s To bang colored things in a shady place. Ji Not to banr.wMiTjirmi in too great bee Mrraa a Do-bla Parpaae. (The article Illustrated not only af fords comfortable, quarters Mithe In- ierwent bo 4be stage to see Brl- gnoli, the famous elnger, whom ' he found nacluL' ud and down like a mad- V-man,. bulnmlng over his part. "A 5Why, Brlgrwhat Is the matter With you? Are you nervous r nir asaea. "Yea, I am nervous," was the reply a rho walked harder and faster then ever. r" "Rut rtrltr rnn mifrht nnt tn r new. j. v, v., wv C5 , 1 , . Al. - . k AA OU8. 1TB nearu jou hiuk iub (larh jv times. I beard you alog It thirty year a on.1 . "Thirty years ago! Who are yon tAat should know so much?" i "Who am IT Ton know who I am, and I know who you are." v "Very;well; you know what I nm, but I.anjBure yon do not know what fotl iire, and If you wlsh I will tell ye. You are a fooir - :7 0 r ' r tmcave jnd ul jU. 7- v abfo'to tilake banJy little arttdla, S&d. toe uphotatermg, with cmdcm and)rM beaded tacxa, may be acconv pOAed at MOM-MUneator. ' . . Sera Is the tost'Why inoM flaUckma , 1 out being unde ff4woew Pmn fk,ar L hatlc of mA so I Kb r s m t s .-)rnot. gedi p. MOUTH CAR0UWA.1 Is IV4. . frrU Ctr i 1 BiipAlo Geart. . ,r 7 ..,IUab JUd--- 1 Tb4 dafasdast abate asm fcf)l lak noUo that an actloa .at aWov at3U4 bas beta oommaaead la Ue Boperlor t!oart of Uraraa eoonlf, to oMal a dl vorc from the bnads of Bialrlrooty and tbt aatd dfBiaat furtkar take no(lo UU ab l required to appaar at the ItcrcmbM I'm of Hofvarlor Conrt for said Ooaty to be bald oa Us ?3d day of Novwnlier 19a, at Obnrt IToaiS hof aOd onaaty la Nr llarn, V sad aatwcsr er fliH-iir ta tv" r ri- t la a aid aciUa m b f u: 7 :,, .. i ; 'y to IhsOnrt f jtiL 4-'iH-e4 U aaid coaaplalDt TTina 1 -ufor la aura'.to t'p . k 1"t 1 1 r tf. n- r" , J. JI-' i'I lv,f an.!'''' if ai ;.( rr,. a a. .... n a rteryCborough krwadtng aa a rule. JToff bis the average baker will not take thne.H It is Imperattrrty ncetary HWinrlr dryelop the gtatea ooataln unititmi 'As an onpleasant eaa- BQQsoer lff portion of the flour only partial fenaectattoa the eana of v-rtoosttll. tba oigaattva organs, x- sopt tnCm ca-eoftbose persons wbosa E3itk)Qti rtraottTlly. strong. y Cbeve f nrff r j tt tursrl" I . ratroductk Inyl Mf Tr 1 rTMrtarjcaa). tnrbaooM la 4. .. . I 3 fwx!' k ' irt, f LfcT b4 a tte a' ativajy Tlfe U Wtlrb t' IB4 ' i r breed. I'nf i.ta j pmUty can be t sort . ' t:, va i LUng bakig vfntora, and cotepar. 'a end was aaSnrxS, .iWtnce a a ttva hmic "t' itU.: ! and palatable rrty it is o by soy fneens ta roral Dm at, and tfia pab Oe mrj'. UitfoHi, b contor.t to iwTer. wttii j-pjrt a ur' longi?. ' ; " r'rjr) -tTSvn f.rn pu tats V; Ur of mm, gratM, thrt cx;ym of tiill fms tljUinnful of nj-r, rra tabttonafnl of m)t'l botter. t: ma Wra, Y"rn- ar-mrato'r, at. t a L' i.i .) t .i.rr. ttin tn::. t-f -t,v ay bf-1 a'J t Keit a 1 1L r-r ' -i4 lf"r t rtl- 1 t . 1 !t'y at if. rat, ntft-'u " '' " a.i f - rruiOT t.. -.vor t 1 ( ., 1 . I 1" T ' t IM' if I PHIL WAY'S BARGAIN.' 113 no' benefit' from them. We purchased some of Chamberlain' Stcmaob and I4ver Tablets and he commenced taking them. ' Inside of Jhlrty dajs he had gained forty pounds in fleah. He ie now fjilly recovered. ' We have a good trade on tee Tablets uolley Bros., Merchant Long Branch, Mo. For eale by All DruggHs. " On one o;i!on ninnchl, the noted Ifivt Letter. . wC.il "QI mttreevyou u.you re look tif fof'argufantced Balve for Bores, Burn or plb-a. Otto Dodd, of Pohdsr, Mo.wtftef! "lauffo'ed with aa ugly ore for a year, but a box of Backlen'a Arnica Balve cured me. It'a the beat salve on earth. 25o at 0 D Bradham's Drug Store. CBlBta as4 DtrrKlas. L; People wlthweab dlgetlon will al- Ways .b round to t be .fond or conoi raenta, ak the tendency of these things Is to atlaulatetbS gland of the stom ah and causa them to produce a larger v:P'y fv digestive Jnlces. , Peppey, rnub t&rd :and other like apices stir the Uvor and are useful to people W from necessity or other cause sedentary Uvea. Vinegar dissolve cellulose tn raw vegetable, and that Why It-taste so well with cabbage and aalada, tor thera la no better Jodgi tin te falati of what I good for thi '' mach. . The -11 la 'added, becansa tt otecta tsa atomaca from the blunj i . 1 -'-Thumb ta v been appreciated area sine the world began. .The andenty used to can the thumb the other band; Barbarous king used to swear and make compacts by tbetr thumb. In Borne It waa a sign of favor to wring and kiaa the thumb and of dlsfavoa or dlagraco to lift It up or turn tt out arard. A mas who waa hurt tn bid thumba waa excused from aarvtag Iq the Bomaa war. . Boms of the bcouih drelly cltlson , used to-rut efr 0U t " 1 w aa to remain at noma and i t rkU, Teacher uard to pnr.:..'i fbeU pupils by . blttng thelt thumta.v . :t ytr gunoMj 11 r J - J- WHAT 13 WEALTH 1 . aalfkrma- A-lIlt- ta W.rk Settar Dotj wealth consist la iU:Mfy. bouses; lanv bank stocks, rallrai boBds. etc alonef We think not. The young man stirCig In life"' with no mouey. .but Wtth good dlgeetkm, good' sleepy good health and ability to. work' in some profitable- employment tias" What the aged capitalist would be glad to ex change all bis millions for. i. . What compensatloB ' Js money for eleepless nights and painful day or the misconduct of dissipated children? Which brings the . greater happiness, the gutter, show, Jealousies and falsity ot fashionable' life or , the heartfelt friendship ? Which ' prevail so largely ta the botses of the Industrious poor? In now tnany Of the palaces of our mil lionaire will yon find greater happl nes in the parlor than tn the kitchen?. How many millionaire- will 'tell yon that tbey are happier now than when starting far Ufa without a dollar? On. the top of mountains we una rocks and Ice and anow. It Is down In the' valleya that we find the vineyards. Let no man envy -those richer (than TumseK wrtu taking all things s Into account-age, health, wle, chlldren,- frlends be la sure he would bo willing to exchange. George J. Angell In Our Dumb Animal. ; " ; ritay-Mom. wont ytr gunaM.D candy bow t lira. CsJKy-Dldif 01' fell ya Of wouldn't give ye aony at all U j Cjf t kape still? ; ' I'atar Tsro. but Mr. Casry Well, th lotiror yt tap 1 tifl Sooner jrelt get iUl U41- n. r ' '-" VM Oalr War. rWctV-il-ntl. tow, do yoa think (W r way irry a true cao fr!...4 t .a fpapact of tils rhlldrvn? Vi.MtH mlfiht -d tha wy from bom a aooii tbry brat V take Dotlc-IV)aloil Transcript, tar r la rtl-a. laily cart floor 1 f-WrHng r v.n we V.ra " 1 , ., , -u. . it.-! f.f'y years y , '-:.' r I ' l a. '. . ' 1 1 'a t t"T I I J li i t,: -! f r tan rT'.'n 1 t"t 1st.- rttar.J Jr 'I la A w i - f . n . i IT tm w-m ww mtbt w r niaar - f I - ai imi l-TT - " a iSl HI p s a RC B5 r v HI l 1.M The Bn idlte Palaonar. j rrrchargo asln ye," the police jus tice aakl, Is burglary, What havkye got tjiT--.-v-- ' ' : i AS to thai" fepued the prisoner, a aeady mking- man who appeared to have seen better days, "If by the term Ot burglary you mean the offense Which, according to English Jaw 'and practice for centuries, bas been clearly defined as house. breaking by night,' the charge la palpably ridiculous. The policeman alleges that he detected ma In the act of breaking Into a houso yes terday afternoon In broad daylight If, on the other, hand, the term Is made to cover the same offense when committed by day, which, I believe. Is your absurd American understanding of the word, la a legal sense, I shall have to concede the correctness of the charge, your hon or, reserving, however, the right to' re traced to a latent eye Btraln, which will gaVd with-a species of contempt the1ibecome1 morepronouncedwhenorjugt af erode Jurisprudence of this country." Take 1m back to '1 cell," gasped the police justice, "an' let 'lm sober up." Chicago Tribune. To Be Bealtfcr Be Pimotl U Theoretically, every adult person of any intelligence wishes to be strong anil healthy Practically, a majority of them wlab nothing of the sort They, would like to be well enough, but are not Willing to pay the price, though It really costs nothings When a man gets out of health Be usually wants to get something to "patch him up" so that ha can continue the foolish things which have canned his bad condition; hence the almost universal resort' to drug treatment Instead of the natural mean of restoring and maintaining health and strength, If a man Is really desirous of being naturally, sound and healthy be will try to study out the means of becoming' so. These means ate all Included in the seven founda tion principle of practical hygiene namely, exerciser rest sir, light, food, drink and bathings-Cooking Club. that I of th A.Draaaa IbAmS. WlfeI dreamed last night wa In a st6re that waa full loveliest bonnets and Husband fkastlry)-But that waa on ly r dream, my dear. -Wife I knew Utt before I woke up, because you bought me one. Philadel phia Preaa. It is bast toteraember that life Is nt wrlttm -t Iead,pnci1 and erasing may not be dona antUfter the account has bean rendered to th Mastar-Mew 'St HERE'S A BABY tWi-fbMif mi 0m 9 i m. It ra w paw A y-fuif - w4tH )a ww pr hi mm (r4 - j 4 1 m-W twY f mm,- I-mii- ft4 lt' oaf t -a t 'mi ha y r)i- alw-4 '( l . - WrA I a--r,, 4 Irmm . i ' X. I'tt 4 )-' 4 a4 LV 4 Aa-f-W . k f (f'-W -, w 4 - r. ) i - 1 a- m&. ) a C'M H ' 4 i. v, Si ---4 a-r s r ti 1-4 a t f -f -! - t. y u n rr y rt t4 mum j Migl.anLni 4rt Thi cuAontio PrQUuro Co. r1 m y II .". - Bono fains, Itching, Scabby 6kin Disease-. Swallliies, CajrbuncUa, l'imilct. 6c irni NrnanentlT cored by toUca BoUaieCkndnalm. It amio aaraPSUa laCaalooa. Jtynkmti eclua aM Miaa ta'boaaa, back end jahti ltohin. ' OBDf BUB, 1-lOOa IBUM IXX OT IBIII, BITOUAn OMU, Kaa and Bctdt oa tba E9. Uncoa Pateb- tn VoaUi, Soco Tirooi, Ptmpka, or oaetoln enptloat. vappHiena t?ot or non sst a, aU tokIowt i, ct aartooa, tlcns oa any put ot toe body, tlalr r Ira aro i taUlas onl, Cmrtwocleaor BoDa, take Botanlo Blood Balm, guaranteed to gn the worst and nxXfrxT! MrtdeMew bwa aeeto a. Me medlelm-, .na iAtrinf.n Bmit aUaqwi.ai)paaaahMnrprna,wdaeaaUriii tUlngi. nakM Mood para and tith, eompietely ataan(1a( the anta body tnio a clean, fccalthy eooilitloiu B. B. B. be. eared thouKiadjof cum ot iUood Fooa rrcu ani naebiaf the last ttacca, Q ' Old Rheumatism, Catarrh, Xaaema ar aaued by aa awtct poUesed eonlltloa ot the Blood. B.B.B.Mopa Bawklocand SpUtlng, ItcWnj and BontchtngvAolieaaadritliiii earn aiMimnum, it c:.: : lirrho,i c the Bowti Ire .-' Ch"dreno.- Aids bigeation, i tna noweu, si- and ) i I ... I aThl l i k BOBUkB Old, hiW flo-.: ' ptoytnclana. her t -e boel. were rtmlw, and ihMU to TEBTHINfte liebeie,S .. : Costs ObIj 25 cents tt-ltoWir ?F Catanbl beali aU Seaba, Sotlta. XrapaoBi. Water Bllatera, fool fettering Sons ot Eonmat by eItIiis a tore, beejthy blood inpply to affected pert. Cancer Cured w BotanlB Blood Balm Cnrea Canons ot aU Kind. SovpanUIn SwelUnga, Eating Bona, Tnmon, ngly tneen. U kUlitliaCanoerXoteon and heal tieeoret at wont eascer perleeUy. It yoa hero a pertuten! (impla. Wart, BweUlnge, Snooting, Stinging fain take Blood Balm and they Ul dlupveu before the) derelop into Caneer. atony apparently hopeleia eaeea cf oanoer eared by taking Botanlo Blood Bala, rOttt fbr of bW Same- n 1 a S-eaalet. tukeudlreetoJ. auooei Hiavubii,) Bi ay evhem ane rle-ba tti If ewed you moc SBBBtlty U taki r-SWteTAie, pot a newat, WUHW UjqkxAXJtjB Botanfa Blood Balm (BJtB.l ' Peentandeafetofeike. .TborongayteetedforWn. Oonipoeejl ot Fnry Botanlo Ingndlenta StrengUiene y ,k!4a5T '" 1e Momhe,.cnw a dywecete. Complete dlreeUoni go with eaeb? bottle. Aawplo f. a.;ti TP-inphUt Sent Prea by writing Blood Blm Co, Atliioi, 0. Deeerlbe yon trouble, and epeoUl free medical adTico, to ault nag Henderson.Telephone Toll Rates. The followlna Toll T?&Ipo will h in effect on and after May 1, 1902, subject to change or correction. From Hew Bern to Ayden 30c Lltiloton 55c Boydton 70c Lnnlaburr 50c buffalo bprlngs, 70c Morchead City 30c Latent Eye Strain. The mysterious and unoamable sensa tions of a person can almost always be ter reading, or any close work, and la a more severe strain these feelings are ac companied with a headache, varying In Intensity at different periods; this head ache begins In the eyes and forehead sometimes extending down the back often-time causing elck atomach and vomiting. This constant drain on the nervous system results frequently in Insanity, no person can concentrate hla mind when laboring under an eye strain, the treat ment of spectacles for Insanity has by many specialist superseded In most cases any other form of treatment, and Is very reasonable when Ihe laws of optics and the en eels or eye main on the nervons system Is known. Cloar vision Is no proof of the absence of eye strain as the eye haa the power of overcoming an enormoos amount of error of refraction but at the expense of an excessive loss of nervons energy. BhouM yon bave any trouble of blorrlng ' of print, Inflammation, and hundreds of similar eye tronbles, we will examine your eyes f ree,and If you need medical aid you will be directed to some one competent, if not glassee will be scientifically fitted at a moderate price J 0. BAXTER. Burlington Beaufort Chase City Clarkeevllle Chapel Hill Dunn Durham Enfield Frankllnton Qoldsboro Greensboro Greenville Hamilton New River Henderson High Point Klnston tXP.RitNCB tr i , Taahr Mam OCStQN COVRWMV 3 Airoa eaiKrlna- a ekafes and SaearttXio aua aakntr aaeenain on ofrtntnn fraa wheiaer hi 1 Bon. aem nuoa le e aeblf pel it.Ma. Cuan i emeUr ennaaeauiil. llaiMltaaok oa Fat. ( e Ul.Uat tor nir;- aelea-u a. OM in for mt;-. leeiu. Pauwita Uhea ibraaeh S Ue. ree-Bj rtm ilia wiw .w a m mm Scientific flrstrlcatu knlBMaarr RMrxed etr. tanwi aal.Uua oi any aatanuae InaraaL Twm IS a , na-i r f mw,il waaaraa aeeiaaai.ii, . EATiT-ICr ciEoiiNi-tmra mi 0() Doiaimoi Steainsbip Co DAILY IJPTC. riRSIOHI k fAS3IIflI, For All roInU ITortb. - v ZffecUv Oot. 1st, .90S. Tho Dtoamor NEUBB It sc?ido)4 ba sail at I p. as., Monday WadrMaday and Friday, for HlsabsU tny ft. u - . ' , i ': . Btcamor OCKACOKK li Brbadaled 14 salt st a at Tsasday, Tkaraday aad PaiarJay for Dalb.tr t7 Frslgbt roelT4 set Utst 11. n cr.t boor rratioo to aailiag. For fnrtbar fnformaUon applj to GEO. fiEKDF.nr.OK. AfX. li. K, KlS9 Gart. KfT., H.O. HCDm,nn.Frt.A Ta. Art Korfylk, V. Au'l O'a'l. Frl. sat fa.. Afit, Naw rof v. AT'lM TIUTr' 50TICL r ir t v r. 1 1 mm COLCHICINl SAUCYUTE, Trochet's Colchicine SaJictc C5su!-r. i3tan(1!r? nl Infallible cure for RHEUMATISM anf GOUT, endorsed by the highest medical aathoridea of Europe ana America. Dispensed only in spherical caosnles. which dis solve in liquids of the atomach without causing irritation or symptoms. Price, $1 per Iwtto, Sold by -"u gci tue genuine. auu. ILEVEI.Ain. SOLD BY F 8. DUFPF disagreeabl Truegists, tVH.LlA!h-8 OHIO, Sato TrmtM. VfU & r-5L 0P tl unit Aua-Mcncken & Bro- 4& 80c Nashville 35c Newport 75c Oxford 70c Plymouth bfc lialelgh 45c 25c 65c 40c 55c 50c Roanoke Rpdg 50c rc itocay Mount 45c 50c Scotland Neck 45c 50c Belma 45c 40c Sinlthficld 45c . 90c Spring Hope 60c 30c Tarboro 40c 40c Wake Forest 55c 80c Warrenton 55c 60c Weldon 50c 95c Wilson 40c 30c Winston $1.00 . C. TOEPLEMAN, Gen. Bupt. TO TIIK Glorious Mountains cf Western North Carolina TUB Southern Railway invues me aiieniion or all iieaitn or Pleasure seekers. A. & N. C. R. R. . TIKI TABU VO. 80, -To Take Effect Sunday, June f7,Sl903 at 5:00 A.M., K. S. T. , Going East SOHEDULX: GoingWe - No. 8 Passenger Trains No. 4 DAILY. v Ly. p m btahohs: Ar, a m 8 30 .'.Goldsboro.... ...... 11 05 8 59 LaGrange .408. ' 4 22 Klnston 1019 a 40 Ar. new Born. Lv, 90 tilit T.w a. aer-v, 7 15. ... Ar. Morehead City Lv..' .' 7 08 , No, 5, I I No. 8. Passenger stations: Passenger , Train -T,raia. . DAILY. Ar,p, a ' ! Jl j. u . UUIUSUVIU it,. O DV ' Beat's , 8 08 LaGrange 7 57 ...Falling Greek 7 47 t Klnston 7 87 Gaawell. 7 85 Dover 717 Core Creek 7 00 . ...Tuacarora 6 60 Olarks 4J .Ar. New Bern, Lv. 8 80 Lv. New Bern Ar...... BIS Rlverdale , 547 THE TOURIST SEASON opened June 1, 1903, and on that date Low-Rate Summer Excimlon Tickets went on sale from rjrlnclpal points In the South and SontheaBt,to the noted resorts located on and reached by Southern Rail way. tickets on sale un to and lncludlne September au, 1U03, for return. The Land of the Sky" AND "Sapphire Country," Ashevlllc, N offer C , and Hot Springs, W. C , every attraction to the Bummer Traveler or Invalid. The East Tennessee and Virginia Resorts also offer many Inducements for Health and Pleasure. Ask sny Soothcrn Kali way Aaen for Summer Homes Folder, descriptive of the many Delightful Resorts reached by Southern Railway. a H.HARDWICBT, G. P. A. F.'.M. Sls, A. DJWarl 3IMJ10NS A WARD, ATTOBHII aat COUNSELORS at LAW. Iw attaaa, a. x 018 oa Removed across Street to beooad tory of No. e (bov Telegraph Of floe) Booth Front 8tret, next to Bote! Chattswka, Practice la lb counties of Craven rWniiM T n..i. . . . . . i, ii yyu. vmv w, v.i w,ta, imbu oo and Waka, In tka Bapram and Fad Muc-ru, and waersvsr ervke ar dsatrad. IGB FOB H0II USE Cteaa, PW wbolesom, ruararUad to be oMMiicauy mad rmra aunuioa wawr aa- frM froas tmiMtrtuae. ftpaolally la- tawdad aad prep-red for humaa o anaanuVie. ,. Ice delivered dally (except Sundays) j sasMaem. . , ; rXBdaya (raua oaiyi T a mro is noon ror pnoa IM oiMrarormaiK-, . - . . '.Address, . - Hew JQerno left Co. Lv. a. a. 8 00 8 18 8 26 837....; 8 48 9 02 913. ... 9 3C 9 50 9 66 10 10 10 20.... 10 40 10 43 10 65 U 08 11 14.... 11 40. . A. at. Ar. .Croatan. . ..Havelock . . . . Newport ...Wildwood Morehead Gity Lv. 548 . 585 . nr. . 515 . 440 P. a. No. 1. 2d Cla.su. Lv. a m 5 U.... 5 45.... 6 12.... 6S7.... T QO u e ( FREIGHT. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY 7 40 8 00... 9 40. . . 10 10... 10 83... 11 00... 18 80... 1 12... 1 80.., 140 No. 8.' xd Class Ar, n m . . Goldsboro 8 00 Best' a 18 ..LaGrange S08 Falling Creek 1 88 Klnston IS 18 .caswell 1901 l .. Dover 1101' ooreoreek....,,.,,.1040 Tusoarora 10 10 m1.W a a. ' iuaa .... BUB ..Ar. New Bern.Lv , 8M . .Lv. New Bern Ar 18 15 Rlverdale; 740 oroatan 788 Havelock 7 10 09 Newport, Lv 8 84 3 20 Wildwood 8 17 8 88 Atlantic.., 808 8 SB . . Ar . Morehead City, Lv 6 60 8 OO . . a a. if nif rN. r a m " ' ' www vw, ay . . . . .w . r. at. ' B.L. DILL. ' , B. A. NEWLAND. Ganl Hunt J Vf aittr TlB-ennefailM. . P. II. PeUetlei: ATTOKKIT AT L4TT, M: '"' on fa, aawjin riK Ballllag. .-, , ". i. ; Win praeUo ta the OoemtVe at rvarae uanatwr jobm, traaio and raaUao. O Oonrt aa law Bans aaal - n.i 1 1 ' Attortiey at Law, ; ' ' t do. rroni oi, vpp. Hotel Cbattawka 10lWtBEIf,3f. a ; ; ;'. CrvQ Comity Attorney, t t Circuit, Creraq, Jonea, Onslow, Oari. let, PamBee, Oraaaa, Laiott, and tba Beuiaie and Federal Ooerta, v , Ilomnln A, iCanita imim AT.uir. ' PracUce in the eonnUea of Oravea, C rural Pamliea, Jooa and Onslow, and tn the 8tat Supreme and Fadaral Oourta. ? - , . , 0-01 South Front gtreaA over TaU frapb offloa, Nre Bera, W, 0 , ;Gn:cip.l Sn.Io Of r. -.:!i Linl :y Ezeoutlon Calo. To satisfy that" ateonitoa to ins di rected from the Bopertot Cob rtcf('rrri, aoeaty lead OS Ul Jaflgro.nl r!!re, i ta said eoeit 1 tt aoiloa eatiila-i , I r.. part Gtaao Coeipaay vs. A T Frmr..'.. iWlllMUfnraMhetpabllo snr'.lim t the Ooert Does door In ffew nro, K U oe Moedsy Nov lad 9-j aa the rr : t ty of the said A T French tba folio.'; n? daefrlbad kad tl Hid Oounlf, vlx: Vr. tract of 71 aent'ee eaat s'.Ja of m n road raaalar ar Wlotar fir. rt tl nr h aad adjotalag tta laada of i U IV and Oibara, mora fnlly t' tk dM rsnordad l a t n i l Itr-tatar t4 Daai'.t of i 1 r..,,.. j : a, page t, d also that tnt i t . K acra et laaa, Sar.r; v i ! , . ted, ret'itared I tka ot: ff i : let of lejrls Of Said Scanty ir 1 fya lis, kaeea fomarly aa t: MoOoytaa. ! Oot a, 1SOS, . I ... Jfnwi-r' -r I . Of Ci t (