THErJOUiUIAL, Mew Sen, H. C Oct , n:3. CRAVEN LODGE KO. 1 EHIGHTS OP HARMOHY. sleeta 2nd end elk wtKwlM ulehtt la each month la Rountree's Hell, Pollock street, at 7.80 1 o'clock, rJanmel n. Ball, Pr . 'aU J. H. Bmlth, SeCyj R.B. EU, financial Secretary. " : " - .Iniei to Heir AiTertkeseuts. - ,j BentoB-hUta. ' r ' A& H 0 -Flit rate. ; - ; x. Jar' sale. ? v j '"i" '' r V J Dawson-Oystert, etc - i t , v. Oavfooe Betas Pickle, et&? y " iSlmmons & HolloweR Co - Nobby Stylet. s ' v . Business Locals, tv' JFINB Oysters today any style, A, few for the family trade. Fine Banana, ap plet, oranges, and. Lemons, J B Daw-1 Bam las Middle Stl Phone 209. I , HWH w -r - it- -- i . a; 4 . ROLLER Top Deek and Chair, for tale. i. Apply t this Office, ij. ft 1 ...I , i H-... i i , 1 A fTJLL line and complete line of Helni " Pickle and Preserve atOuy Pope' sear A&NC depot. ,;i -.; r -U . l i. mm !!.... !'.: '1 1111 4 LCST,-Ladlesg6ld filled Wttoh, double v casb. with lob. Finder return to this ' office. ; JDTflTKRS Any style, exoept In the tshelL- Can furnish families a few today. , Excellent assortment of - Fancy Fruit 1 Oraattcs, Apples, Bananas and Lemons. v James B Dawson, 108 Middle St - Phone 209- ' . -" THE Very finest young and grown Chick ' ens, bananas, orange, lemons, peanut, J bottled coca oola. Northern and South f rn apples at M W ! Chapman's, ' corner S Middle and South Front streets. Phone $68. Prompt delivery. ", i A NICE thing for your Bath Room,Our 'J-.' n .. A ' YWT. ft. - J JNew uu ueater tra.ou- m. a. nmw hurst. , "WANTED A Reliable and experienced 'log man to timber by contract to Panv - Hoo County. Ad tress P. Z, Journal Office at once. , BOOK-KEEPER, Stenographer; and type-writer. Competent young ladyde ' ' sires situation. Neat, prompt and Indus trious. Call on or address, 1L, No. 24 f JohnBon St. v WE GUARANTEE Wilkinson's match- 'l? less Mineral Water to cure dyspepsia ' - and stomach troubles, or money refund- ,i cd. Darts' Pharmacy. ' ' DESIRABLE lot for tale, corner of x'-Jdeen and Griffith St. EE. Harper. I r " j ; FOR RENT after October 1,1808 No 85 ' r Middle Street, store next door to Hotel ' nazelton, containing two floor 140 feet K long; and alio Harvey House 41 South ' . Front St. containing 18 room with all Ji tnodern improvements. Apply to J. W. Stewart. ' FOR SALE CHEAP Piano Kohler and , Campbell made by Stleff and Company V F. F. Matthews. y.. . . . . . MIS8 NANNIE P." STREET, Inauaao Exclusively. Prompt attention... ' f FOR RENT Store under Stanly Ball . opposite Poit office, will be altered to .. ilult tenant. Alto after September 1st, . store now occupied by Barfoot Bros. yor termi ice F. M. Hahn. ;0. A NIOOLL-Insuraace and Brick. .' AN easy wty to accumulate . something. ', Boy real estate by paylag ,a email . turn each month. Valuable property acquired la a short time from Which' aa laoom will be received, beteral Iota lor i fay the New Bert Investment Oo' R A ' WuMi Attorney. "I t ' , BRICK We have a larga quantity of gwlDurnedballdugbcVaaadcaa ship promptly. Drtck tad TC Mfg. Co. ; - rhones 6S sad M0. . :, " 6ARATOOA Sprlag WaUrjoat received , . at Jacob's Cafa . , :r - - . .... ; - FROM Tba Ctetport at io jper roll; "Th Bosk at WOO JnroOPj Btfoplrt scut 10 youi Uouan.' Guilford Jit Vt$Oa't 101 Iflddla fit, U f-i: r t tbout 509. t -; ' u ti'iai'iiiw,.. 1 l".t ht - foil Offlce Jtotjce. To tint ReftUra! . '; ', ".' ' .V.'.. I "itui tot rent fottheqeartaf tadlsg : --r: v-f e'.et, J'9 ttW doe and If " , oa Of tM-re Pion!y OctoW . j -if i UcMd, aa fedaleM lnitnjc4 . your mail wtUbt ! In V.. garsl denvcry, This U ' f tie Post OfSow - rnURMltf, roi mikt any t AO boxes wUl t W4 U f -IKQCaW.IIASCOCS, Poetae tf t St t)m mr mm a f TO PH 4 ' Lewis . iMrap.iiout,- fieed cotton sold In the loeel . niixket at three cents yesterday. . - Sixty bale of cotton were told on the local market yesterday at to i cents. .. : i--v;' y' " The groat receipts - of the opening night of the Odd Fellow .Carnival at EUiabeth City were $1,000." -' The proceed lng of Board of Aldermen and report of the city officers will" be found oa the Inside page of thla Issue. They are of Importance to every citizen and should be read. j. - " Rev F D Swindell , will address the Anti-Saloon League at the court house tonight, Instead of Monday night at an- nounoed ia Thursday's Journal. All are cordially Invited to attend. . , The Christian Scientists hare obtained license from the authorities of Lenoir county to "oraotlce the healine art" In that county. Thirl the lint time 11 eente hu been granted this sect to prao- ti k..n. i- th. flf.t. t MVV aVMIUI a MVtllVt . The day are growing shorter rapidly and when clouds Combine" with shorter I hour too, M was the cast v yesterday, i nuke the days dirk, It would be exceed Ingly pleasant to have the light turned on as early as half past four, There 1 certain :, locality , in New Bern known at Sugar Hill, well known to a class of , .her ; citizen, who resort "there nightly to engage in their spree I and unholy pastimes. For -ome cause I no light is ever displayed at theplace, Perhaps tome of those whose resort It i can tell the reason why.- 4 , ; , i,. The popular play, Reaping ,the - Har- i vest, appear at the opera house tonight The people here who have seen the play i can vouch for the great merit which the i dramalia. -The seats are on tale at Waters' store and are going fast. Those who have not - secured their tickets I should do to early a possible. The weather yesterday was of the un usual kind 'and kaleidoscopic change were the order of the day. In the morn lng It wu uncomfortably warm and bade far to be o all day. About 11 o'clock cloud began to gather and- the rain Ctme at Intervals during the rest of the day. There was also a marked change in the temperature: the mercury fell overSO degrees. The Oaks Market hu received a car load of live beef cattle,' shipped direct from the West. The bringing . of live cattle from the West is an unusual thing A few yean ago the surrounding county supplied the losal market cheaply with beef, sometimes as cheap a three xenti a pound, but now tlx or eight cents can not procure supply. The range have been practically destroyed through this oountry, and where the range are any good the fanner neglect to pay much attention to stock, hence the townspeo ple are compelled to send to the western market for their meat. It' good thug for New Bern that the hu an enterpris ing market concern like the Oaks, other wise our meat supply would be very slim at time. Rf Election of Bishop Coadjutor. The Diocese of Eastern Carolina met tn Goldsboro Wednesday alaht tot the purpose of electing a bishop coadjutor. It wu the larrest oouncO ever held in the Dlooese. - Dr Nathaniel Harding presided. RV Mr Guerry of 8ewanee Tenn, waa nomV nated but the nomination wu rejected by the Laity. Dr I W Hughe of Ohoco wialty wu nominated, and also rejected by the Laity. The Council adjourned at midnight, and met again Thursday morning. The Clergy agreed by a large majority o BevTMNOeorgeotthlsclty.but this Bomlaauoa wu rejected by Laity. After mora dieoueeloa, the Council en motion adjourned alas dla4her being iMeMctlo.: .'.;:',:,.'.;. , Bee Eire KUliaery;- Opeoiflf. A beaoOful line of fall and winter haU wen m exhibition, at the muunery opening of the Bee Civ yesterday., Ar UMIe shapes trimmed U the taoet ap proved style were see tn large variety. The tale were large and the ladle pressed tatch utlsfaetioa la their eaolco I offaahlowhU need wear. . Koticoto CrelitorscIThe Firaers - k Verctiats tiak ot Kcw All eredltor of the Farmer ek M er ectile Bank of Vw Bora, exoept depot- Uor Whoa aoooaat have been rertfled, are hereby notified to pre seat their claim, and make proof thereof, tithe aderslgued. Permanent Receivers, of said Bask at the Bank Building oa Pot- lock street la the city of New Beta, or before the Ilk day of November 1903, or lb I hollos will be pleaded u bar to eartlc'paUoa la the distribution of the aeeeu of teld Beak, by all creditors fall tag to comply aerewli. . i 3oM Dc. Receiver of The Firmer tad MerchaaU . Peak cf 5tw Cera.' - ' - ; Kakae rtrh red Wood. -- ?- . ' f taereMce the rlrealallo. ' . Ptrefijth Uiw heert ' CIvee trP'111 e4 ! ' d?tloa, ' ' Vrvtbov t prisons. ; I Cnrn ehi; 4 lw every time. I I8dt per bot.- f. Ki'ifectloa ttif!fo - . For Calo. ' tles'wf.t t eir1'- U'.l B, f tn ' :f O tr'f 1 J J L J j T!.t t'e-t li a c r ; " ' t ", I f 1 Y ' ' f ' i' f f ; t ' -, t s it'.: - r ' r r City Local -. ecu, ; -. C;tloa Elcc- E'Jzabelh City Cora. Ylrglntan-Pilot.Oct - 7th. , . - The city aldermen met In the city hkll Monday evenlna; and their proceeding! were Interesting; in fact, It wu the most interesting one they have held la many months, A large number of spectators were present and all manifested a deep Interest. - - . The principal toplo of discussion wu concerning the recent local option elec tion. It wlll be remembered that the votes of jnany citizen were challenged and they could not vote. In the Seventh ward many Toted under protest and as a consequence they were arrested and ar ralgned In the , superior court. The cue wu so weak against them. . however, .It wu dismissed without having gone to the jury. - r-, ; . , , . Last nieht the aldermen brought up the question that If the court-.could find nothing against the ones who cast bal lots Under protest, was the ; election le galand. legitimate when many other qualified voters were' kept from; voting on the same grounds Lengthy and bit ter wu the argument which , ensued The pro and cons J were -, heard, r and wnat uiey saw wu ruuy weignea, ana at last a ballet wat takeu The majority of the aldermen decided that the election was not legal and rejected It, 0 - i v - 'Who? 1 The handsome diamond rlngoa exhib it at Hlbbarda lowelrv store hu been pur ehued by the commluee and will be pre sented to the fortunate young lady who shall be selected to reign at rOpenlag t f the Carnival Messrs Simpson and Hib- batd assisted by a committee of ladle will have charge ot the contest. Boxes will be placed today at Bradham'a and Davis Pharmacy, McSorley'j Otwsoa's and Bryan's confectionery stores, where alt who desire can start the ball rolling for their choice, to wear the tceptr j of queenly power at cost of one cent per The votea will be announoed In .ma day' Issue of the Journal and - each morning during the Carnival the ballot .e Z:iiz SSi; 'JllM-. celeTd pstwf uvea a n aevii win vu rvuuij evening and will remain there through the Carnival until Friday noon, when the tote will be canvassed and the coro nation will take place that evening bo- fore a brilliant court surrounded by he militia. ". -v The Carnival Co., Is exhibiting, at Elisabeth City this week and la giving great success. Goldsboro 249 ProUbitioiL At the election In Goldsboro, yeste day the vote for- prohibition wu 149 majority. " ' r - - l:'- :;-" v x Mr M M Marks went toElnston last night. ;. ;- '.:'-; .. V Attorney WO Monro of Goldsboro, attended court her yesterday. Mr J J Wolfenden left for bualneas trip la the central part of North Oaro- lina..- -. Mr John Dann returned yesterday from Raleigh where he attended the Epleoopel Dlooese. -' '' 7! Prof B Walnaa went to Goldsboro yet terdey In the Interest ot ths Cable piano anif Hm) flAvaituate -"M. r - eaaaisi waaj,ai evipysiji - . '-Delecates tn4 Altenutes, . -: At a spedal meeting of Camp-New Ben the following comrade were elect ed to attend the Bute. Reunion at Ral eigh on Oct Slat, 1901. - T -,ri y --xx PlegateeJ I Wolfenden, , Samuel B Street, H H Dowdy, Chu Fred Harget, Jamu W Blddle. . v ',- AltefnateeL 8 Wood, John WWoo tam, Wm tflay Brooks. Wat B Lane, Wm -' By order Oommander, . - A' . v-v''U;r..rCLARS; - f'-.UY,:'-H. Adjutant. - ' ' - ' 1 - . : BakPOOTS KEW STOeE. . KHUaery Opening and BugOfai Amy at frrtu Coodi and Fevcltica. Although Jupiter Pluvlus wu not ai together propttiou lath weather he dealt out yeetardey, the opening Of U new store of Barf oot Bros, wu tdU- ttaot suooeea. The store I one of the pretlieet and moat complete la the city. A Urge number of IadUs who atun Jd the opening spoke la high praises of tfc Bae aooommodatloas faraUhed by lee Arm. ,' 1 ' ; j Tie eoeeeloa wu more devoted to the mllllaery feelura, A greet mny ku were sold, ia fact, their tales Were larger than at any other simpler ocottioa ia tt fclitory of lee Store. Tie Ullae war h'ghlr pUeied with la vi'Uty an! hti tiul dUpUy pf Ml end WlsUr ai!',;tr. goods. Tba Mia cMtduetwl ender the soperrltlnB of Kin Vterr tlrt H tour ahle aliitnta. - Two fcn Hotae trwehow ci f, pUy H e flae aiTa'.;e the f'if l-a j Ifccrole. Onm tr! 1 r.v".;l r ry Cf Velve-si 1 i!'"t tri and itt antclae to f-.ln'e th f Uere. A 1T 8mtr f f t" r r- s ' f. "M'ul -1 f.r -I r -f W'te Tl.' t. ; trip i--' t iw utit'j t. f.i-n ( rre Vry fj'.'ar - I f n I !-;e fit. r " 1 r Sift 1 1- 1 abant Cle.ri tts O'jiI 1 tocket u Tut Ai Cants, at Ti:iT;ra. - Eaper!or Court coniiMoaced yesterday mom:,: - at 9.10, offlsers all la their .aces, " . ' - - - C., ,- Tte ca e of Richard Dixon which w at conUaued from Wednesday oa account ot an irrc9ltlty of the magistrate send lug It up, wu dl&poeed of. - Dixon wu larged with carrying conoealed weapons Wat fined t!5 end costt. ' The maglp irate appearing beiore the eouri, ex plained that u the plstcl wu not loaded and that the negrd boy surrendered it, no damage having been done ha deemed the case to be In his jurisdiction and therefore Imposed a small fine end costs Finding afterwards thai . hi judgmsat- wu irregular, he seat the papers up to court. . An apology wu made and the court excused the magistrate 1 4 ; Collie Smith convicted of assault and battery ' A motion having been made Wednesday for-new trial, case eoatia oed until Thursday, Motion denied. Fine of 60 and- coin; imposed, which were paia. -- ,,v' - Mery Morris,' colored, hvrceny,' con victed, sentenced to one year In State's Piton-f iJrvw i J H Mattocka, failure to list taxes. Judgment - suspended on : payment of tsxes and cost of action, p B Z , Cooper" carrying conoealed weapon, guilty. Judgment suspended on payment of costs. 'Thero were i cir cumstance about thfa case appealing to the court tut leniency Which wu grant ed. - i r j X'-A it " The A N O- Company 'through ft attorney W 0 Monroe, vs;J WKornegay uked for judgment by default and cobk tlauatlon. Granted, v .- A sttnuar lodgment wu Mked by Mr Monroe for came company v J Fi Hog gin which wu also granted. .' v L- - State v King David Bennett: for un lawfully injuring an animal, found gall ty.; Judgment teiervod, King David I a colored farmer living In the vicinity of Havelook. " One of hi neighbor mule took to breaking In hi field which wat very annoying. . On Sunday .King DavId't.paUenoo being exhausted, ' he rushed out la hi fury with a hoe and terribly hacked and mutilated 'the male most brutal deed; Mack Duffy, assault and battery, guil ty. Judgment suspended. .Matt White' and Wlllr Bprulll, tw6 young negroea, were charged with gamb ling, not guilty. i - 1 - Bute - ts Joe Scott, ' oolored, uuult with deadly weapoa wu found guilty. Fined 15 and cost; t Y The Solicitor announced that the aria toal docket wu about cleaned np u near a eaa be thl tena. 'Only two 'more jnresM to be disposed of,' on will b token np today, th other Mondsy. There are a great number of aclfa esses still remaining oa the docket,which wm come np next term. The Grand Jury finished their work In the afternoon; -made their ; report and Were discharged. In their report they stated that the - public: propertlea were found la fairly good-ahap, t exoept the bridge ever " Trent and ; Neuse . rivers, which they, reported wereia very bad eonaiuon. ; ,.-,v v r Court took a reoeu until thl morning 0;80oiclock..J:.. V'J.-r'v.h; t' UMUUYNiln :-j, -T-Mr.l-jM 'f v 1 Ezimiiutloa of Teachers. The examination . of "cubUojKhoOl teaohar for thla, Craven couaty, will be held at the Court Hon ta New. Bera Thursday and Friday, October 9. and .White teaoker wiu be exsntinefl ok .... . -..:-. a Tharaday Oct t2d and coloreoL leaahcrl oa Friday Oct ISd. i :; -i : V t ( . By order of the Board 6f XdooaUoai -t-.v.t K; 'i M Beo, f t"V;V. Couaty BupU Freeh Cheese ' EUcalU aad BTeBuady Boiler thla erect era at iRraikefi j ; - : ..- - -v . r 4 ' K lot lot of Freeh' rgift, to dotea today at J R Parker1, Jr. -r j .... '-""V '-' " :" - ' ' ? LOW RATES OF PAS3ES0n FAR! - Ovet A. ft N. 0. R. R. oa aotonat t :-,' f IMRaWgh '. .' , '; Stcuto 2Talx Oct 10-21, 1C03. .' Tlie roJlowlee r'ew!.l roTra. wfcm tickets are pun I. .!, for ti rnnd trp irniu,n?rTni:-r;:siTH i":o by fperUl Tr&!ne en Vi"-:r 'r, 0 Hit, asd 1 hurt !y Vet. S . . I, JV (. M. Cllj, Tn fiik's Iiollfwoexl, 01 1arroim, At'.sntlu. 8 CO Cote. - tl T1 I 4 v. 1 i !,..!, I't. nk, t r it I i, , l.i-w L'-ra, T ' - l S i. I). is l - 11 - 4 fci i -Lift, : 4 H Vtw "I Ht i . f trk 1 in ii . if n 1 . 1 to r' ':i - ; 'f (, t J , 1 I r--- ' -r e I -i 1 f I 7 t. i. i V I. 1 i . t.. A r. i". Ar, If your bey aetJs of pantt, we reiarewecin t-'t j x and not L't your parse very icoch I'.ter. ; . , e. w. Aiui5Tru)Na.. Fresh bbL Corned Beef at 80. lh- Fresh hA. Corned Mackerel, just opened at J R Parker, Jr's. . - ; SpectdiAttentton. - s -$ Vo wish to call special attention to our" tin ot Bniahai, 5 we nare probably toe largeet .J3TI2T3 ,IIAII5. t - 1 -i I in towrv j If in need of new I stock before buying." Si ' 3?nonE occcocncacanoscnceicizccccn I J V HA Ilvt O : In Long and Short H flffures and strines. O vAlsote Brass tacned or detatched." r . or : ; pracn fti.6o. o ( ) .. HATTER AND () PHONBH7. ucccocononococonococccccoo OOO-0OM0iO-0OOW- Bartoot Dry. Goods, coo T - v . ... . : . . -.. .1.. I : i , . , - '. .'v. 1' . .1, i- ;Vl?...:-f. - .-: .: ) r J J . .. r ... . :'vi'" -r'"',. ."?.-;'' k"i t 3 f V3 v r-V ; ' -'-. -' Vt.thni"niark tncanfto'( '-luiir ' '' We Lit a con:: : r tfL ire: and w&lkizr pleuur tn tLowfcg you. i -.,-.'..:,.. -S. l.W.Aj2TSOSO. Whole TThe&t, Z;t tad Craham.fioor at J. R. Fs-Ur, Jr1. - -.. r.ZJ-S.Jr. let of hair brush oomo and look at out CO. CKTITT'C - . ill Bosoms. Verv neat O ' ... ? . O at HABXROASSU, 7 Kiddle Street, Brothers v "r - . . i r r " v .: -v - 'i ' : .V 1 u-i 1 V ; .;.a - . -t .-. ' v .' . I-..-. n'RQ.;-..; 1 1 - 1 i . I.. : m -r w .' '-.rr -re ul MiV-!o i I I kw St? 1 ur 81 1, k k I Hi Bros uillincry ; 5 ""'..". & TTTU lllfttflMfltltTtfellUMUffttfUftw C .: . , j J. --. ' r"':- -' . - 1 --a.. l IP- : ' - : Our luit baaineeg for the. two veekshaa almost doubled PoMnM 1 I lart seaaons sales. 1 wajr. IP r ate GOOD CLOTHES have bought IjNE CLOTHING. early Tliey atfed that no tailor had ever been able to fit them as well or give as much style for even double the price of our suite. 7 'The Proof of in theEating." 80 with our suits, the proof 1s In the wearing. Our coats are guaranteed to hold their shape. Dont think this is "talk" only. We will back up our statement. - All we ask of yon is a call. We can show you suits that will make you open your eyes. No matter what your figure may be we have suits to fit all shapes. Give us a Call, we can suit your taste and pocket. - Mens Suits from 110 to $20. Every one Guaranteed. Your money back if not satisfied. 6. Dunn & Co., Correct Wear for Men, 57 3?Hoc3s: Street. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaeAAAAAAAAaaAAaAAAAAaAAAAAae GREAT and FALL Millinery Novest Ready-to-wear Hats. Tlie Tlioyhave rn: AfrivE'ViTjl Tha ; sJossi W lined Heaters la theeity, I Cast iron top and hoi torn, with larg end door for wood. Call and look at Ibea at No. 67 South Front 8treet r ; - P.MeDnANBYe For Oalo or Rent ; i A assail Farm l mfJea from Hew ftWa blnf oet Treat reed, eoaulauf ll aerea, aboat N aeree eJeere. , Flae lead br traek , tebeeee or eeUna. A Ire reoaa 4sHhaf,at tmDdIaga..'T Vaoae Una, eva. v ? "V1-. -..v.' ; Apply to : . . . . " i. W. WARRWatO. . " " -V. :f Hew Bern, If. 0. j. e ' 0 N W Any fanner desiring tofonco hla lind T7ltli tho American" Held .3 r can prccuro so ct no for a Vllib. I 11077 1: v-3 i: tlzzlz tT70 car I TTTTT '-. V'-", v:.av; I 1 past our I the Pudding is ATTRACTIVE f ' I f I II'. 3 1 K hrLlaa 3 Bee Hive. f I Just Received I A Fresh Supply of J all Kinds of XCANDYA We are Agents I For KOTftTElW and IsOWNKY'S Fine i CANDIES. i t i ! fjEflcSqtlcy J . tT.:o Autumn Ccacon f! 1 f "t tn stifxtant fn ttftM if' H,4 1' It tore W t";;M all -'.) r -ptt- k (--' ea aa 1 t r- - ', rf I . at " r