THEJOURNAU - New Bera, H.C., Oct 18, 1105. 1XDCB DIREaCRT. rnATRN LODOS HO. 1 KKIQHT8 Of HARMONY.. Meets tad tad ta WarinmuUv nlirhtl tB. Bach r&Ontfc M Rouatrees Hall, Pollock etreet, at 1-80 o'clock. Bamwsl R, Ball, President J. a Smith. BetfTi B.B..EU1, Financial .. BecreUiy..-iv'-"-v-:8C-y.'---" ' index Hew AfrertUemeats.; foi Maw Vh--v rr Danclnf School U ( t t-y a- BwfootBiot Interesting argument JE Benton Pajamas. Simmons & Hollowell Co-Bnetknd FlOBS.V' Bushes i1 Ucatol 4?YSTERS--By Measure In any quantity "ioday at "James B Dawson, 108 Middle r -phone 809. v FOB BENT Brick dwelling on Craven '. street formerly Hughes Holland's resl- -' denta containing six - rooms, both hot v endfcoM water. Apply to BE Bishop. THE DAMUIHU SWUOOIj Km oegin i f Its classes Monday night at eight o'clock 1 lathe main building at the old fair ' jrrounds. All the scholars are requested ' lo be present at the appointed ' time and place. 'A ay one wishing to take the - 1 nnfflA urn tAiHn ugnn ui mi ikdu. f ,1F0B RENT Brick store and offices on j Craven street now occupied by FF Matthews. ooBBesslon Klven by Kov. 1. Apply to E K Bishop,; iiOET Buneh of keys at Carnival, re- "turn to this office, reward. Thomas Bowden. FRESH Shipment af Force just received x ,-at 3 B Parkers' Jr. ; THE MAGIC TUCKER,Tuoks -With- wut creasing, basting or measuring, Box t -plalu without leaving crease in -center - -of ulait. Fits all machines. Has stood the . l.cSt here of general use, and has proved I to be an tnat is ciaimea ior it. . new ' suodIv lust received by MrsR P Wtt '.ltaroe. Price $1.00. wnn 13 irwr iru ri Annm maw i at m -.former residence on Pollock street be tween Middle and Hancock Sts. For r. terms apply to J. W. Stewart ' 11DLLER Top Desk and Chair for sale. . : Urinltr at thla Offlnfl. . tS-lTV i i ii Kin nun x inaoi vn bi uui m. vim b uoh ? j A INC depot '-t, a-. "-BOOKKEEPER, Btenographer and ;v-hmwi. . j q j : ;res situation. Neat, prompt and Indus ' ? '.'. i.ll u XT OA x.Tinn. uu ur wiurnu. ju.. .iiu. V Jobnson St. . -, i i 'WJt GUARANTEE Wilkinson's match- . x vana iioioaca irouuies, ur njoncy reiunu- j . .v . x .d. DavU' Pharmacy. .DEBIRABLE lot for sale, corner of - - XJaeen and Griffith fit E. E. Harper. FOB SALE .CHEAP Piano Kofaler and m.vii j i (J .1. sa J 1 . t - . lUOttUO vv , J 1 ri a - a.. . JOB RENT Store under Stanly Hall V' opposite Post office, will be altered to suit tenant. Also after September 1st, h store now occupied by Barfoot Bros. 1.' ' 11 1 1 " t ''- q' NICX)LL lnsoranoe and Brick. BRICK We have a large quantity of good hard burned building brick and oaa sfiip prompuy. juries ana iue jsif.uo. " IX . .nit 7R0M Yr' ; , . Tb$ ChiAivwt At to per roUJ v " The Best at 8 00 Dear roll1 1 j, , Bamplei sent to your tovad. j Lewis: ' U -At Dawaoa'a" 101 WMU SL' ,r t . m "i i i v Police to trediton'oine" ftrmai 1 4 Wcrcniatj .Btak tt Hew i' All crdltcra of lbs Fsnaen A Ifer- Wti Bank of Pew Bera, etotytdVjv. ::tr Whni HMtiliim beta nrUed, iby acslfiad to aresoat thIr ''t and make proof thereof, Utke -'jnj4, rnaniit ItMalvers Of : 1 U at the Kaek PulUloies Pot ;r.t U the dty of Kew Bera,- Cm rr$n the Sih day of Kortalmt 1908, : r tl' toUce !U be pleaded la bar to s ftrtk.lpallna lath dlstrfbuiloa of the K4 ef Wl Cask, by all creditors fail 'rJMtoir,p1;hrrwlth. - ; , ,J j C v Tnoa. DAmsi. '"'.. ' ; , .' 'Jonnprini. - Htil of The f amrs ami K?rttanta T'ar.k rf It tr. . WALL PM Seed oottoa told for three cents' jetet .The tog Colombia arrived vaster da from Philadelphia with the barjes Stir am, Traaus end Mercury.-:J ;r --y-f Irvla WUllams was" granted a decree of divorce from Amanda Wullarns la Ihf Superior Court lait Thursday. ".U The ladlei oa the -onunlUee of the Orculating Library 'are wmested A$ ; meet there tomorrow (Monday) after- -Xteiu aeetUx of Newt Bera Satan Qrooen and General Merchant! Associa tion Monday eyenlng ; October 19th, 1808. : Hnghea btdldlng,:i50 p. ai ; W, K. Baxter, Secretary.; .. -v A special trala for the transportation of 'flah has been temporarily-put , Into dperatloA - by the ; A, & N O railway to more the enormous supply of fish - now being caught la the waters around More- bead City. v-fe';-3i:f: The week end .shower comes pretty near to being an ; Established thing and the DroposlUon Is not at all-pleasant to contemplate, About an inch of rain fell vesterdav. The forecast for today Is fair and colder weather -r K .- H1', ; n. nftn1t(!t -uh the mmeV In It, bIUl tnd m-- whlch WM tfTertlsed )n Saturday's Journal, wu founa on a roaa leading to this city from StonewaiL The entire contents were restored to the owner, whb .was yery glad to get It At a meeting of the" ' Anti-Saloon League of Wilmington, on Friday, axes. olution was passed that a canvass as made to secure sienatures for the pur. pose of calling an election to see If Wil mington should have, or not, a dispen sary, and also whether distilleries1 be al lowed In the city. The Jones building, which is located oddosIm the City Hall has been leased by the Pamlico, Oriental and Western Railway Co., and will be. used by them as keneral offloes. The building has been thoroughly overhauled and Is occn pied during the construction of the road by Messrs W A Cullen.-H R Bryan, Jr and A Cheney. The entire building win be used by the Company Services Today. Services of Centenary H E Church South at 11 a m and 7:80 p m. Preaching by the pastor Rev B F Bumpas. . Sunday School at 4 1 m. We cordially, invite the public to all services. The subject at 7.80 p m will be "Westminister Ab bey." Tabernacle Baptist Church Preach ing at U a. m. and 7:80 p. m. by Bev M P. Davis, pastor. Sunday School at 9:15 a.m. SuptT. J. Mitchell. All are cordially Invited to attend any or all of these services. Free W01 Baptist Church Preaching at 11 a m, 7.80 p m by the pastor Rev 8 W Jones, Sunday Sohool at 8.80, B D Hamilton, Bupt Christ Church T M N George rector 19th Sunday after Trinity, and St Luke's Day. Holy Communion 7.45 a m. Services 11 a m ft 7 80 p m Sunday School, 80 p b A cordial Invitation Is extended to all. Presbyterian Church Preaching at 11 a. m. sermon by Rev H 8 Bradshaw.Sun day School at 4. p. m. First Church of Christ Scientist 87 Craven street Services Sunday 10:45 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. Bible Lesson 8r mon today, Bub, "Probation After Death." Micah, 7:9. Sunday School after morning sen toe. Testimony service Wednesday 8 pm. Readies Room Is opea dally. ' AU are cordially Invited to attend. Letter to J. B. Eickbara. Mew Bera, MC, . Dear Sin A man taldi Send me IS gal lons. Generally I use 84; don't think It' be enough."- . ' . HadfUft Ordered mors for another Job; 10 for the Job, . BadO left This comes from Messrs W A. hW Bower, Methaen, Mass, They add!', This has bees oar experience all this year. new agents always have to go through ii Af tor a UtUs, they' laara to guess better. - . ' vr- Tours traiy w " J , F W Davot A 06. :'' I W Smallwood sella oaf psiat. : " V"'. Boji iaxe tats.; It yoat boy needs a pair of pants, ws I arasura weoaa sellyot aadtot hurt year para very nook either, ' "v K- .. I.W,ABM8TROaO, Sflpexlor Court Jtete , Wtniam Bcaeack, ' called sad faUed. Board forfeited. . Judgment : bt,- d, fa. ::,vf V' -'V-!.' " ' : Baebsa Waters rs U artha Waters; Pt. rem. Aetloa dlsmtseed, oa aooouot of dutk of defrndaat , The tvtdeaee la the case of Daffy I H A J A Mwdovs was eoieal! aa4 Ue argameuU bjn. 11 li proUile the will be gtvsa to tte Jury Uoaday, j Vtioitie 0u.ce Bock. : '' Tte thlnletksBSoalediUna of Latham l'iMr 4fMpit;'iW,kci eotua L' jTmnl Mil )Ht.eaaUoh, Is miTd al lLUtJSofc M aotton stalls Ure, H Is a at lurilrg and valuable wtk etr' T seftSceab's la Its e-nnrUailon of all (!.:..! srrTtJB!t!g to toUon. - TE2 list CF TH2 CATIYAL . i&e lay to a AfgregatloB sfSiows Folded ; . : Cf Their Tents Last Right " ; .' ' .' '.' - - - i The Carnival Is a thing of the , past The week has been enjoyed and we be lieve - the people have been : edified. Large' crowds have been la attendance and Jt is a matter of great wjoidng that tha organizations under, whose auspices It was held will realise a handsome flaan dal ptoflli'if; The weather had been all that could be wished for up to : Saturday . whea clouds obscured the sky and rala made bw iiay very - disagreeable. According to some authorities oa solenca -auch: ex plosions are apt to causa moiitare- . lt has been noted that rain .follows battles or any HMcailon- when explosives . are used la large Quantltiesy However: the Ferris wheel and the rnerry-go-round had large patronage.':;' An interview with the merchants de veloped the; fact tbat as a general rule meir ousiness was not" neipaov py ue Carnival.- Only orre merchant - reported an Increase in trade la con equenoe of the CarnlvaL ' Othera said they ' might have been Indirectly benefited bat d r sg the week they had not had - the trade they might wish for during such'ao oc culon. . In some satesl It had held its own and in others U had fallen behind, In view of this fact it is a question Jn the minds of mrny that such exblbltlohs are a detriment to a community. Ot course, ererj body" admits that our Car ntval has been free from objoctional lea tures, but nevertheless it sur!erd on ae count of reports that emanate, from sources, opposed to such: amusement Fakes have been imposed oa the people so much that we are Inclined to dtaseoi from the great P T Barnums -oplni. I that the people like to be humbugged There la a limit to the humbug business The Lay ton Company have, been honest in their efforts to please the public a id have given us a clean, reputable tho As to the amusement problem, "as far as New Bern, is concerned, we must pause to ask right here what are we going to do about it f Looking forward taa season when there is aDDarentlv "nothing doing" we think this question entirely pertinent One of the popular attractions was the striking machine, for testing a man's strength. "Mauling rails," as It Is called consists of an upright Iron frame with figures painted on it and at the top ia a belL The man that rings the bell gets a otgar and there Is nothing else to do un less he knocks the bell off. It looks If It required a great deal of strength 'to send the block to the top, but one used to swinging heavy weights like black smith's hammers can ring the bell every time. The weather yesterday sent Mr Laytoa Into the dumps. : He said he had had 11 weeks of this kiad ot weather, la fact he had not had one week this season that wu fair from start to finish. Often in the towns which from the condition be knew he would have a suooessful week the weather would cut him out Last week at Elisabeth City he bad this ex perience. ., - . V - l oose eu round good reuows, meters. Gerkeaaad Morrison, spent two days hare, enjoying the Street Yiil, and lad. dentally doing some lnsaraaos business They are always glvan the glad hand whea they come, and as to being la Wil mington, they, think Hew Bern, "next" V V ' e ' Being both Jokera, of coarse It takes the "wise one," to be get ttearyorBin, where they must cry, quit Bat BIB had oss on him, when he got oa the Ferris wheal. Wednesday night, and was glvea the alght alt for about aa hoar,' aaost of the time oa tha top rlnt of , tha .wheel. Bill said tt was tha eooiert affair he sver tookpatttn. ' . -w .-" Tha crowd oa' Srohd "street Friday alght was one of the largest, tha has srtr beea la the t!ty. It is aettmatad Us! there were at least ff.000 people oat aad suay pat the figures higher sttD. Semes It to say that while the shews Ware all packed with spectator tha -'dif ference was aoareely noticed la tha opea elf. Tha people who witnessed aft. Pa les Inside the enclosure were Isgtoa sad yet they war- Scarcely saUaed. am the oateldr.;--i ",l-f-.?':V f r'TeCtrtiTatQaeea,, ?Ktes Braddla "Hymaa, tbe -ohoara Qurea of the Carnival was erowaed Frt- dty Ike last evening of the gala wek I'M fire works oa the water made a bill) tint background for Ike Kwt, ' The Qoeea was surroeaded by bet nuMs of hoanr aaa eounlers who were as follows. Mtawa Agaes Tof, AaiU Foy, H si He vlsad, Mary Kane Rir sad Hatile Harks. Messrs Great-' a-srd Street Sam Snoa. ioePelford as Adolfih Husn,,- - Mr fans Brlssna the sppo!ul !ng, erowDsd lbs C4i ssd prt4 hr a besfltlfal oimo4 itr. a girt of the Fire Company sad KutjVs of ftt'u Jolslly, nstklng a b'1.f jh tot tb OocasloB. Aflw wh'u k tbs Und r!V a ftw M'.ectlosS, - VTka the sssilc ei d tl Qi SroMI from hsr tBrnas Sn1 1!ri,ii-i t!, C0"1, SrrMa!ff hf V r,k r iht C ;u lr, B1 ',-) kf f ;.n ' fit VV.S fc"Bnf pr.K?Trtl pn Ss. I UM t Wr-i" i wr t!.S r'n la ;' rt I" ttotit, U a l"f al r uni s' a f, 1 ' ' 1 l. i t la t ' :f i f C.. !r Intertsting- klU To Be Cbsa-rel By The ' . 'JKO. 0. X. of This Cty.' The Junior Order of TJnltedMechanlca Which was organised here a few weeks sgo with a membership- of 80 has bad a substantial addition -to their number, v There will (be a big meeting of the order in Rous tree hall nex Friday even tug when the new members will be Initi ated. HU?;i.kU i The degree team of Klnston win offi ciate In tho work and several prominent members are expected to be presents ; Aftec the initlatloa, supper will be PERSONAL - PAR AG Mrs M M Marks left yesterdsy morn ing to spend a few days In Kihaton. :-.; .; MUs Heller, . who hks been -visiting friends and ' relatives ! here has left for her home In BaWmorfc- j-ii "J" Mrs John Dunn Is visiting Mrs J M Turner of BaHth.;; :y ? :p j-v 'Mrs Bradley Haaff is spending a Week n Raleigh. f- - 'f' - . Mrs 0 0 Thornton is v'sltlng In Ral- elgluiW;'ryV;:r:. t: ' v''' i-''f ' Editor 0 LSte vena, returned yester day from Santhport, where he went to see his father, who has greatly Improved Id health after a recent severe Illness. f Mr James Boyd, repretentlng Wit mlngtoa's Big Backet 8tore, was In tha city last alght ' i ; ,.; Judge H R Bryan has returned from. boIding'Bladeh county Superior Jourt Aa Explanation, Mb Xditob: Will yon give me apace In your paper to ' explain an act of tha Board of Aldermen last Tuesday , night aireported by Mr Toleon- In Thursday's Issue of your paper. . Through a mistake one part of the pe tition that was presented to. the Board the first Tuesday night's , meeting in Oc tober, waa'omltted, haviag - been lieft fn Mr J O Whltty's store. When the Board met lest Tuesday', sight Mr AD Ward, In behalf of tha petition asked the Board of Aldermen to receive the Trt of the petition that wu omitted. Alderman- wood moved that part of tha petliloa be received and referred to the committee that had the petition In hand and report upon the entire petition to the Board. Aldeimaa. Wood's' motion ; wu voted down. Wo do not dent , but what - tha Board had the right to reject this re quest- They also had the right to re ceive the part of the petition that had been omitted. They saw fit to rej et What la the reason t To receive, thev would hsrs Deed compelled to grant the election. To refuse, the one third reg- Istored voters wu not secured. , It Is my honest opinion thst the msjorlty ot the Board helped by this act to. postpone tha election so. tho saloon .men could have another six month's leave of Ufa, at least. Will tha' good people of Kew Bera permit this t - - A petition to now being circulated se curing new names, sign tha petition of the ward la which yon Mre. , . ; . , - M. P. Davis. New Bern, N C, Oct 15, 1908. , DffiD Saturday afternoon October 17, 1909, Mrs Ellen Patterson, aged 7t years- J The fsneral aervtoeo wIO' be beld this afteraooa at I o'clock at Centenary M'B cborck. : , Spike? Spite?? Greensville Reflector. It wu the governor of Kortk CaroUna and the governor of Virginia la- Koe folk Thursday alght". AadweTl bet Oovaraor Ayaoek held ap his and of tha spas. . -nS '-j r . .... ; y.; tWictr Came Alter Elm, , Wnsahgtoa I eases gar 17th.l" . - Depaty Sheriff A, r. Hunt ot Craven aounty arrived la thejdty yesterday aad took ia euisooy tha negro Cbarlu Fowl- , arrested by tho . polios , several, days ago. ; Be returned to Few Barn .with kls prlsonef la tha afternoon. Fowler, U The Messenger stated yesterdsy, wsated la Hew Bern for a very -etrioei assault It to alleged that ha shot 0 sua la the chest la that etiy eoaee time ago. Bessi am , W taiknii-ww B i , ' We are eoastaatly reoetvtsg wtatet clolhlsg la sp-to-aow styles at reasona ble prices. Cae la and let as show : -JtW.ABMSTnOSa, Freak I1gs Feet aad Tripe at J It fu unit. . Uilu Skirts. -" - 1 Ws Wn a eowfili Hat of la!!e drte aad !k!rg sktrie. W.'3 Uke p'ja are la tbo-lrj ji b. . Fieh W, (V' 1 r at a. lb, Frk I' t CJrm1 lt-l??el, Just Of n4 St J R r'Vf, Ji'a, fink ll.r ' j-, I T.e.'i h . ...... . . . Jr. t t , c . i::u, f?vi it.9 We have just received a lot 5 I tnas tiooner, toe iamoutrnan insjiniachirer cf Paris, Each Brnsh' ha& "Davis Pharmacy" stamped ' IsndUaid is I guaanteed to Its satofsxtorj, Wki Ay-'i'rlt'ti 1 1Te ,also complete 1 ci pK!paato"M :cccpooac3cna:c;a3C-czc-wCCcn () a :-i??el amas invuutinn uiQtn Solid and Fftxif Colors. o in o o o ites 14 tdlppriqei HATTER ASS W lien we talk you expect Nioht say gives yon benefits. Que argument is one Of high YsJues and low prices. Our boast Is of qualities rataer tnsa uytbing 'else.- ' : .-. A Shoe as Good as its TTatne AJIIEBIOAN GBSIj Tor ladies only, in K14 and Patent Colt. , Tery stylish and good, irearers. They axe Tell fitting; ana matte or the best stock including the nsw kavy sole 3 00 shoes and only $3.S0 Pair. " 1 aH'"aaSBMBHaMMaaBMaaaaM m-hmw! . MTT W W"Svnn-- ivsaaiajMHAKA Jl Strikingly graceful and baooming ahapee in Trenoh felt, Scratch felt and Beavers just recaived. Our variety is so great that all ages and conditions may be suited. The Veill that we have been expecting for several days, hare arrived, 50o to II 60 each. .Beauties tea barfoot Brothers, PtyGoods and Womens' AppsreL 69 Pollock Street, Oppoiite Xplftoitl Ciuei. a . v n .. . ss ' h siaie ' i, i i i of -. Fleisliek s( ,; Shet- : hi M.VU U"U U i Department wc - are I showing Crcatibns : : and Childreus Head-;:i " wear. ; . .. Give z of Tooth Ertifil made It I) o o o o uutinn o () o 0cM oandt i& o p ItABIBBAIsTJ o a tgm:m:n MiWk Ibawtv to hear somethiwr, ' What ltd in seven diflerent ilutDes manniih last Better than most d "tttttttStSSSSMSStttttSilSSiiii r n am OSS -V, ' the' - Newest iri": Ladic?H a call Millinery eftTmntllllMMItlltyffaiMtfUilltiftnnyiTffWfa . i: b.Qmnie j I fI 11 The Latest Effects in FANCY VESTS in White, Gray and Tan Mixtures, Price $100 to $3 00. GLOVES. All the Swell Shapes in Gloves, in both Dressed and .Undressed Kid, Tan, Gray and Black $1 00 to $2 00. The Nobbiest line of both Stiff Bosom and Negligee Shirts for Fall wear that we have ever shown. All the new col orings. $1 00 and $1 60. NECKWEAR. Our stock of Neckwear comprise all the hew shapes, and we are showing some splendid values at 50c and $1 00. The latest tiling in Hosiery, Collars, Cuffs and Underwear, &c. We invito you to inspect the New Styles. We are confident we can suit you. I J. G. Dtxnn & Co., t Correct Wear for Men, I U7 3?HcQ: Street- QMaaaaAAaaaaaaaAaaaaaaaaaeaaAaAaAAaAAAAA4AAaAAaAA GREAT and ATTRACTIVE FALL Millinery Newest Ready-to-wear Hats. The Bee Hive. They nave Arrived. The nicest anj best line of Beaters in the dty. Cast iron top and bot tom, with large end door for wood. Call and look at Ibcm at No. 67 Bonth front Stmt P.JI1VDBANEY. Fp Sale r, Kent. A ssuQ fans li aaQes frees Kew Beta tjtaf oa Treat toeeV eeetstarsf 111 seres, ebett SO acres aleetad.'P flae laads tot tree , toUoea or aoitoa. A Ire roflaa HJf, eat VaOdlef. Ta 'AswbjU - ' v . - '. J.W.WAHWHOrOU, . Any faraor doairing to fence hia land' with tho Amorlcari : Field ienco - can urocuro t'l-j'rno of ma for a rhcrt T7hilo 'i ' now I in ctock two car -1 IRTS. It Just Received I ! A Fresh Supply of t all Kmds of ICANDYA We are (Agents IFor BOYATKIi and JLOWNEY'fl I Fme CANDIES. ersese him f i t a . r- . ill '2. hi I , r n . 10. lino Auiumn licicon f !'1 r"s a ahn1e ta atTfee srwvi. St . i . . ?uc::' t 1 t is lull in .H!, Iff 1 i f ' I f- rr t fM.ln m sa I'll r 1 Al ' ' lit 'ontA,

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