Vy:l f -f ft . .C THE JOURNAL. - 1 -r . i i !! - :- lbilshed everyday to tljeejr,excepl Eoaday, at M Klddls street y." I ' ' Hon Ho. t.'V?5cfe - CHARLS 1 STEVENS.':;- t v." r XDiroa aid nmnm : 3117 it?vwcwFncaiiiTE5; : Owjetr, to aflrac.,...i. ...... M-M - - One year, not la advance. IN , t , , Monthly, by carries la ta city.. , S0 MvrUIUiftiinUnedoa appll catloa. U V - 'v V- f i ---'t Entered tth Port Offlc,Hw Bern, ' N. G, u Moond olui tuttar. ' Qfflclal et$vtit "Nfw-Bwa aa 'n f -h s nnTM inaaatv. . . CORPORAL PDNISHKENT OP ' ' CRIMINALS. " . The suggestion of the whipping post i a mode for the punishment of pertain classes of criminal, usually provokes the objection, that Is barbarous and cruel Bat In contrast to thla means of pun ishment, what does the humanitarian 'IrWof-punlshlng criminals amount to, as now practiced ? A study of the trial and punishment of offenders, by a visit to municipal or criminal courts of this State, does not reveal that offenders against public laws, which are made to preserve prop erty and society, receive the punishment due or the aets committed, therefore the laws are again and repeatedly vio lated by the same law breakers. What may be termed petty violations of the law, which are not checked by somedrastlo punishment to the offen ders, soon leads these offenders to com mit the violations again, or become bolder and violate aws which can bring them Into the criminal court. Both the petty and greater criminals are expenses to the city, county and State, and there is a moral obligation upon good citizenship to not merely pro tect Itself , but employ wise methods to reform the criminal and make of him a supporter of the laws, Instead of an of fender against them. There is no question, but that corporal punishment Is an effective and restrain ing Influence upon the would be trans gressor. Nearly every JJayor ha had small boys before him, who had committed some act against public decency. These boys were too young to receive punish ment as set down by law, and upon re ceiving a thorough whipping by their parents or guardians, the Mayor hu let them go. This Is but a milder sample of the pub lie whipping post, the use of which need not be made more open than necessary. Take the carriers of concealed weap ons, second offense drunks, wife beaters, petty thieves and vagrants, and a turn at the whipping post w6uJd prove most salutary, and a discourager of crime. There is no doubt that the present methods of punishing these petty of fenders are Inadequate, and that, the substitution of the whipping post would prove the means of . checking offenders In the early stages of crime, and reclaim ing them to decent conduct As a means of saving to the taxpayer, the whipping poet would prove a tre V meadow saving, compared to present ! methods. . , '' ' ' ' l" '' " Cstirru Cssaot tCare4 with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they " ' cannot reach the seat of the disss. - Catarrh Is blood or constitutional dis ease, and U order to cure It ton must J ' ,Uke internal remedies.' Ball's Oalarra Ours Is taken taunuflj, end aeu dJ ' rsdUr osTTas blood and swoons snrfaoM ' EalTi Catarrh Cure is not a quaek svadi- Jan. It was proscribed by one of the , ; beat physicians In this eonntry for years aadtaarerilw pmcdpUon. It lee , posed of the best toeJes known,, ooev Mned with the beet blood pnriflera, set- lag directly on 'the anaoone etrfaesm, The perfect eoeableailon ef the two la- gradients Is what pvedoene sack wonder . ful rceolta U enrlag Catarrh.' I SeM I4t ' UsUmonlale free, . , t .r . ' . J.CttX5XT eOO, Toledo, 0 Boldly JrvjUU, 73e, , ' EalTl rasaflr rflMen-lhe Vest, ' " ", '- The W4. ' .V y tvbl. Tpr-sW Nfa,' BllffersI tow tritu e tbe way to Win a ftrt vw s iVtoi rsralf to hf Soother. . , I rr era-fee atme, thai n to U ; r v,tton-tWk - f wanted 1 wte M4 IVetiL and I tsett fmt edvtos rA (i !vArA snysnll to Mrs. BeeaU, end tw nf old Ufly, who is a widow, t.nu Mteftftf iMheswstL - r r'i'sf c :cl Tvrtf Pisidd U nirty : :;ty. - v-, f Yotr meral ; snoBtsa ow 'yoeifef ;!ior had bea ImebUd with tadtgs He tried sererat rtwMdles bet get ' -'.l from tlm. We porthae4 - rf Climti1!a's Blowach aad "e cf l" r (.; he i4 y ' r It Iff - - ' I : ! ' ' - TESTEXDArS KARIETS. Cottoaj CraiAt fnrrisloas aad .Stocks Hint tt Wees, itecrtpfsand y (.--v'r :r "i.shipnwiti. ''a::V', The following aire the" market quota tions, received by private wire to An, Batter Co. Mew Bern, K. 0. c - .. ,.-;v -'.'-' T -; i Maw IottOct M. CoTToa?- Open. lw. vbcUw....i. -9M "t.5 JJBeV0 Mot...;...... 8.M W 9.84 .69 Deo ... MS. .M MS 0.6a, Jan. MS 9.W M5 Teb...... .. 8.52 9.88 8.51 8.S5 March 9.61 9.7 8.63 " 0.70 May 8.56 0.78 966 ;9.7T Hew York, Oct. 20. Stocks; Open. Close Amr.Buger 1101 W Mo.Pacifla 88 90 8o,Padflo 40 41 Union Pacific... 701 711 Manhattan 1801 1331 Amr. Copper.... 861 88i Atchison.... i... 65 66 BepnblioSteeL.. 8i 81 Beading... 45 48 Texas Pacific. ..211 22 Wabash pf 0 . , 80 BoathernBy....l7i m Bouthera By pf.. 78J 74 U.&BteeL 13i 14 0.B.Bteelpf...68 69J Penn. BR 117J 1181 Brie 27 27, Loulsville&Nash 03J 100f BtPaul 187i 183 NT Central 110 117, a&O.f. 29, 2flf B.AO 73J .741 M. & W 561 67 Brooklyn R.T.. 811 33J Golorado So Ill 1 Coal, Fuel,Iron.. 28J 81 Amr. Otton Oil. 28 29 Va. O Chemical. 19 19 Tenn. Coal,Iron. 28 29 Rock Island 231 24, Am. Ice. ...... 6, 6 Honey A. B. Baxter's Cotton Letter. New York, Oct. 20. On the news from Liverpool, the mar ket opened firmer and after the all It advanced further with shorts tbe lead' lng buyers and the bull support a fea ture. The factor was heavy estimated receipts. The weather throughout the South was more favorable. After the call January shared the activity and was for a time firm on expectations of a bul lish weather bureau report at noon. The weather today wasTgood deal warmer and fair conditions were the rule. The Liverpool situation was rather poor at the opening but there was a better show log In that market. The main obstacle to Improvement seems to be unsettled conditions in the financial world, and fears of war between Buasla and Japan. Receipts are increasing, but this Is no more than looked for and they will probably keep increasing. The! must do so if the crop will equal the last, and even then It will signify nothing mere than a moderate crop. The probablll ties are, that prices wQl be foroed;down to a ridiculously low level a Is always the case when receipts begin to swell. Later on the discovery that the market hu been largely over-sold will quickly re-establish prioea, especially when it appears that the crop after all will tall to exoeed last years. Opening prices were at 1 to t points advance. Report of receipts pointed to 78,000 against 6V 000 last year, and this helped the bears, bat the situation In "Wall et. wja calmed ana woua-oe ouyer wiuorew eup- port. List f Letters Bemalnlng . la the Post Office at New Bern, Craven county N, C. Oct 18 1908: mrsuir. A Prince Anthony. B-W H BelL J as A Barton, T 0 Beckham, Prince Bremsaead 14 West 8t, i Boyle, 8 D Bewdea. O-Jao Chedwlck, W J Cole, TJ L Tet trees. H BnB Hayes, Lincoln T Haas, J-J Oenes, M J Joees 4 New Bt, Jm Johnson. ' H- I Moore, Oeorg Merit 4 Bor- wood Bt. j H L Nebaa, O JB Relsoa. 0 VlrgflOeley. f-0 OStarkey, J $ Blmpeoo, John Skiaaar Jasper N C, W B Blascaoaa. ; , T-D Tall I Hide St. : - -..W-WWlghu '' B-Lanra Bmat 17 front BL Mar gte Braddlck, Maggie Bealoa Daffytowa (t). Louie Blddl-8t He 1L O-Lucy Credit, Margaret 1 Copper i B-Aaalelteli. ' - : i OMIae Qstpha Vo 1-A, Addle if J-NsWt'J 0 Oatklaa, Ida B Jecksoa, BnagafB.g. , - - h-Urt B A Lent) 111 W WtStam Bu M-Rota Mire Drybore ASey, Bthel Meadovto; ; ' T; ; 1,...?. f , '. M-deM tv Kiof Btama NeH 111 SFmiN. . w . e-.AnirKardJQ7ffewBt' W-Cttele Weisoa, Aaale WIUo 8ih Saha Bt;JS7 Wood II Brfng St. rersoat eallfflf fot the sbere UUr will please M dmti4 aed lvtf !u of IhH.- The rffltdariew raoalreVWvR (1 ealVa:ibte-"'"iiJ 6 tHt 6 ,f evhalTr;''-1 U'.'.t. oueoa ear 4 - f v- - asaw mA aWet aws. t-a uv' r-J.:'' 'Ai'-i-1 :v "fi-'t'; M28 Elsbth 5treet, St Laala, lii, Aurnst 96, 9(0. Mr. Kolich says: I liacl no ap- petitejood did not taste good,- and my stomach vas fall: of gas oon tinnally, Jfy.: Jndigestiott -'became So Twid ; iny stomach rinsed - tho plamest food. "became thlnnerr oos and gloomy. JBy' kdviee of a yerr good physician i toolc PainO'a CwrteattlM of Dlsreatloa. An Augusta gentleman states tliat he once cured a gastric trouble by eat ing at supper a plentiful supply of cu cumbers and cold blackberry dump-! ling, and yet in his case nothing would have seemed more pernicious. j . Proctor, the astronomer, suffered from excruciating headaches. He was satisfied that they came from some er ror of diet, and so he dropped from his bill of fare one thing after another un til he concluded that nothing else was left for experimentation. He bad for gotten one article, however. It was butter. He abandoned that nnd ate everything else and never suffered from headaches again to his dying day. Man is wonderfully made, and so 13 the stomach. Remedies for dyspepsia are numerous.' Ton may pay your money and take your choice. Augusta Chron icle. . Confessions ot a Priest Rev. Jno S Oox, of Wake, Ark, writes "For 12 years I suffered from Yellow. Jaundice. I consulted a number of phy sicians and tried all sorts of medicines, but got no relief. Then I began the use of Electric Bitters and feel that I am now cured of a disease that had me in Its grasp for twelve years." If you want a reliable medicine for Liver and Kidney trouble, stomach disorder or general de bility, get Eleotrlo Bitters. It's guaran teed by O D Bradbam, only 60c AuluifilB cad nr. In. It g.'o.iis ptnuige that uo animal, un I (.83 It be the squirrel, seemi to build Itself a shelter with tho express object of keeping off the rain, which they all so much dislike , Monkeys are 'miser able lu wet nud couid easily build shel ters if they had the sense to do so. "As the creatures bop disconsolately along in tbe rain," writes Mr. Kipling in his "Beast and Man In India," "or crouch on branches, with dripping backs set against tbe tree trunk as oheiter from the driving storm, they have the air of being very sorry for themselves." But even the orang on tang, which builds a small platform In the trees on which to sleep at night, never seems to think of a roof, though tbe Drake say that when it Is very wet it covers itself frith tbe leavee of tne panaanus, a inrga rem, . Broke Into Bis House. BLsQulnn of Cavendish, Yt, was robbed of his customary health by In vasion of Chronic Constipation. Whan Dr King's New Life Pills broke into his house, his trouble was arrested and now he's entirely cured. , They're guaranteed lb euro. 15c C D Bradbam's .Drag 8:ore. Aa 044 sMetare. One of tbe atrangoat eights 1 ever saw to a wild country was a little min ister garbed 'to solemn black, white "dog" cellar, burtonlese vest and stiff black straw hat . The dominie was etandlnaTJa a leaky boat in the midst of a primeval woods, fishing the bett ing waters of a mountain torrent At bin hack a cataract roared and pound ed tbe rocks, churning, the water to white soda. Above him the eternal snow.gUstaned on the mountains, and but a tew yards away a gaunt dane moa bear was quietly noting among the tulttwood'-Daa Beard in World's Work. ' . . 1. 1 I, ... , Steart Set DMe Datr. ' A manufacturer in the west of Cng- land, anxious that his hands should keef Christmas la a proper spirit, told them that If they went to church on that day . they should receive their wages ost 'the Me as U they had been at work.v Shortly after the ad drees a deputation of solemn faced ero- ploysee waited opoa their chief. "We're wffiUf to attend ehorch,"" said the spokesmen, "and If ya cat see yer way to payta o overtime we're wlittn' to attend tbe Method 1st chapel la the evenin'." , . " 'i, . .1 - - Tte'fcwrUUa? abf, i . A Ive-rear-old son f e family the ether day Stood watching lis baby brother, who was making a great noise ever having his face washed. The five-year-old lost his patience and, stamp ing bit tiny foot, seldi Too thick yea have lots sf trouble, but yon don't know scything about it Walt UQ yen are big tneneh tHl Hrktng. Then you'll , Won't be, tnsmmtr Co- lumuue lHpaUb. - . Jteritly compiled statltltre show nmt t'-e proportion ef twins born as tomf tfp with oUirr Infants le one in elsWy blrtlis. Of i 'pW-ts llwre It ontj ei Irntnn In 0.4 )0 n imm are si ene to tli.rmo, while tM r! f a qtlln!et sr ren rnort lmn, r ratio rtrg oae lf "l,t "1"0 tini.e. A fM It kiK n f t 'r!j ; r, (3 t !&1 (mf I ' 1 tf-it-n t I'm tr't '-'i. r , O Celery ; Compound. . It did me a world of rood. Mydlgeslion . has never teen so goodin my life as it is todays BinceSktg Pained Celery CtomrwaodJPisvjJesvrutd of hun dreds of others who ""have used it for the same trouble 'with spliidid results? w-' Cured Him. A Htto Ooa 'Wrens. King Francis . ' of France, who reigned in the -middle of tbe Sixteenth century, dressad himself elaborately for the battle of Pnvia, which he ex pected to wltuhnd thereby to become the master of Italy. An old chronicle says: "The king of France in his ar mor -went about from squadron to squadron, and ho wore over 'his mail a surcoat of brocade ana brown vel vet checker wise, with manyjF's em- Droiaerea tnereon in velvet on tne brocade and in brocade on the velvet and with-cords of gold and brown silk. On his helmet he wore a great yellow and brown plume, the feathers droop ing down to the hone's flanks, and from the midst of them rose a brown pennon with a red salamander; having above it a great gilt F and around it the words, This time and no more.' This motto he bore because he thought on that day certainly to make himself lord of Italy-" However, he lost the battle and was taken prisoner. Cbamberlain's Coufh Remedy. No one who Is acquainted with its good qualities can be surprised, at the great popularity of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It not only cures colds and grip effectually and permanently, but prevents these from resulting in pneu monia. It la also a certain care for croup. Whooping cough Is not danger ous when this remedy Is given. It con tains no opium or other harmful sub stance and may be given as confidently to a baby as to an adolt. ' It Is also pleas ant to take. When all of these facts are taken into consideration It la not sur prising that people In foreign lands, at well as at home, esteem this remedy very hlghlv and very few are willing to take sad other after having once used It, For sale by all Druggists. Bow Meat Roost. The mechanism ofhe leg nnd foot ot a chicken or' other bird that roosts on a limb Is a marvel of design. It often seems strange that a bird will sit on s roost sod sleep all jilght-without fall ing oft, but the explanation is perfectly simple. The tendon of the lea of a bird that roosts Is so arrange that"! when the leg Is bent at tbe knee tbe claws are bound to contract and thus hold wife a sort of death grip tbe limb round which they are placed. Put a chicken's feet on your wrist and ibea man tne bird sit down ana you will have a practical Illustration on your skin that yon will remember for some time. By this Singular arrangement, seen only la such birds aa roost they will rest comfortably and never think of holding on, for it la Impossible for ineo to let go mi jnej. srana up. ,MMi)0 II. T A- ....... . . . " ' ' ' '-l ; ': '" r-'-' r- New BomToople Glad f '". ly Speak fcabUcly 4 tpib r A!Ntoeteteawnl-- v 'ulrea to, the pnhJItf for the pahllo A ctiliea's siperltnoe. - . ' .Trntifnlly told for hasaaaitj's saks, Bhonld Sal ready appreciation. - - Hew Bera people are tplsased to do ' .-. " . '.'-v "-t neastd to tell their I leads and stlgb- bora. '.f ':." v Teii uess sooot ue.-litut oaqoer- The good deeds of Dose's Kldsey puis . , . . . Are spreedtng-o'rt the city, ' " f' Llfllag bnrdess from aching becks, t ' Caring the paint of kidney Ills. , Rd the proof la S Kew , Ctrs maa't words. I P lvery, foreman at the iaRO R It shops, retidlag at CO Grsvea ttnwt, Ti I eaa rcctnmid Doaa's Kl1ny Tills which I obtained from Eradhtm's Phanary. My b-k hs 1 wonld got p la toe pinrnfrf ff'.i wak and Umt SJi tl;t im of Dnaa's ! lny I'lilt tt- Htvtd 1L I kirt fr'.t m-srH b'Hr and etmrgor s!nctlf1 Uc:n. Vy i tawpitpnt and U I rnj;M r '.i It "U'.f4 t'irt Sr.1 I - ft to InM H n, fflt. f'.nrt B'rj -.' P'r.oy I' tv f 1- In x, t I- ' In lie 11 - ' ft' Hll I ru i,:t. . S a. , J .. A. l"w . . . FOOLED ALL FRANCE. V tMtr SUa Parlt Bcllove Be t. am j - a ! n r Pcnitk Toward the- end of the year 1714 a certain Kebemet Risabecq, who called himself ambassador of the king of Per sia, and the bearer of his commands, (Usembarked at Marseilles. : i ; He was received at two leagues bom Paris by the Baron de-Breteofi, usher of ambassadors, and the' Marshal do Matlgnoa. On the 24th of Jaaaary, 1715, he made bis Solemn entry into the capital with great pomp. v -i ' He declined the royal carriages gen orally used on such occasions and as tered on horseback, preceded by tba. finest horses of the king's stables, su perbly caparisoned and 'accompanied by trumpets) and bands of music - - The 'ambassador, 'richly arrayed in the Persian costume, was attended by a numerous train of domestics and, preceded" by a herald bearing the Pers -slan atnndard. The presents which he offered to the king were very iaootv siderabte. - ' After passing a short' time in Franca, during which be conctoded, in ; the name of his pretended master, a treaty or alliance with Louis XIV- he sailed from Sweden and Denmark tnd was never heard of later. - - ' ';' Rlsabecq, according to the "Memoirs of the Reign of Louis XIV," wss S Portuguese who had never aeea the prince he represented nor even visited a single province of Persia. ' The gov ernment paid the expenses of his ex cellency, which amounted te 1000 B vres a day. Mirror. Saves Two From Death. "Our little daughter had anlmost!fa til attack of whooping cough Sad bron chitis," writes Mrs W K Hatllaat of Armonk, V. T., "bat, when all other remedies failed, we saved her life with Dr King's New Discovery. Oar niece, who had Consumption in an advanced stage, also need this wondertalmediclae and today she Is perfectly weU." Des perate throat and lung diseases yield to Or King's New Discovery as toiao other medicine on earth. Infallible tor Coughs and Colds. BOc and $1,00 bottles guar anteed by 0 D Bradham. Trial bottles free. For Prnvt Only. It is well known that the 'Friends have always been devoted to the-prin- clples of peai-e. As tuey baa a con trolling influence lu the pnbllo affairs of Nantucket, there was no military organization on that island for several generations. How the matter was man aged is told by the author of "Septem ber Days on Nantucket" Whenever military companies to tbe Island for a holiday young wom en thronged the windows end waved handkerchiefs, but there wss no rise of military ambition in the town. iOoce a coterie of young men formed S train ing company and sent to Boston for equipments, but their elders compelled them to make tbe first article ef their constitution read: "This company shall be disbanded Immediately in ease of war." A Care For Dyspepsia,, I had Dyspepsia In its worst form and felt miserable most all the time. Did not enjoy eating until after I used(Kodol Djspeptla Care which hie completely cured me. Mrs W W Baylor, Billiard, Pa, No appetite, loss of strength.. vcniness, headache, constipation, bad breath, sour risings, indlgestloa, dyspep sia and all stomach troubles are quickly cured by tne ase or Kodol. Sodas rep resent! tho natural jnloes ot dlgeetloa combined with the greatest ksowa tonic and reconstructive properties. It aleaaa- en purifies and sweetens the Bold by 7 b Daffy. Qaalat Aam4la. Among members of the Creek charch fa Macedonia tbe following recipes sre regarded as highly use full OVraveUy ones enemies write tbe psalm "Knows la Judaea," dissolve it in water and: give your enemy to drink thereof, sod he will he padded. For a startled: and frightened man take three dry nuts and sow thistle and three of old wine and let blm drink thereof early and late. Writ also Ta the be ginning was the word1 and tattUs carry it . ' .- - A Perfect Ptlidess tin ' Is the oas that will 'cleanse the tystesa, set the liver to action, remove the bOa, dearths complexion, cam headache sad leave a good taste la tho saoath. The famous little pQli for doing each work pleasantly and effectually are Da Witt's Little Zarly Risen. ' Boh Moore of Lata. yette, lad., sayst "AO other puis I have used grips sad sicken, while DeWltfs Little Karly Biters are simply perfect. Bold bylS Daffy.' : ; Z IJvcryf Feeif Szl: :;trd Exchznge '"sll...... .crusm cp ths tomato; The tornato la a ti.re bf'Socft America and mors pax2Qlarf cf Pars and tW-Andean vagVm. The Indian same tor tt ts "tnmatr sad the Bpenlah name "tomato." -Whaa CatvSpaalards arrived la the Slxteeath osntorr they eoosldered nothing of mttch importaace except stiver. Bat to 1683 trr took some tomstoes-homs wlth thajn ss a matter, of, cnxiosrty, Dtdtt dreaming thaf therss would some day mors sawaK Sat them .sheet there wa,'to all the Fernvlan miaea. There t gen- etsl Tmressioa that anOt Sixty or seveatrfTears Isja thelsosnah plant was antversally regarded aa a potsonooa weed asat that lis handsome trait was caned the love apple," sad akver cul tivated" except as something pleasant to took rmoav' Bat tbto story ttneosv- ISisteot w itself. The tomato war called tns rieve-appls for he;ceasoo that irwaS believed to be aa ishrodls- -Jaeyw - extSttmt o anioroos teellngs. But tt tstjld lsot even be suspecbed of such a property nnteesr itl bad , been bablranny-eaten. The truth Is thai these 4 no -record of athne whaqitv att Aastica the toinab was aotr sjsarflcio ot teed. Thero isf Indeed no reeocd :f a time wheo it -grew' wild. When tboBpsnlajNte rsexbedPero they found nothing bat the enltlvated to mato, which wss coltiKatedi for food. They took a fancy to.lt and ttook It to Bpaln, from which place tt If ound its way in 1806 to England. Ssaataea. OesMn eardlnee are the young of the pOchasd. . Thsraiae eotnes from ts tsxt uat they aiaaaosf; ansserous tne coast of gardiiaa . They swim tbe spring In shoals runts bnrruf mil- Hons-flsh Shaped shoals ten miles long and a halt mile wide. The sardines are netted and taken at once to the shore. There they arc washed, scraped and sprinkled with salt The salt it so renMrred, the heads and gllla cut off and there Is another washing. Then. on beds of green brash, that fish are dried in tbe sun. Next they are boiled in oHve oil till cooked thoroughly. The packers women always-4aka them notr and -pack them In the tin boxes we sH know, filling nn each bor wim boinng eU, fitting on tb MI and making the boa air tight by soldering tne jotota toget&er wttn a jet of ' hot steam. Sardines are more or less-perfect according ss thtf axe Srepared more or lass immediately after their capture and according as the oil they are packed in ts more or less pure. CaiseofLoclJaw. Lock jaw, er tetsnns, Is csused by bacillna or gam which exists plentifully la street dirt It Is Uactlvs so'loagaf exposed to the sir, bat when carried beneath the skta u la the wounds ceased by peroaesloa saps er by ntstr sad when the air Is exolnded the germ is roused to aetiTlty and prodaees the most vlralant poises known. These germs may he destroyed sad all danger of lock jaw avoided by applying Qrasaberleln's Paia Balsa freely as soea as thellnjary la reoslTed Paia Balm Itaa antiseptic aad censes outs, braises and Bks Injuries to heal without mataratkm sad la oas third the time required st the nsaal tmtsaeat It is for sala by all! Drug gists. arlatr A lady tar costly alining attSre was walking in a street la Visas Jbe other day whoa she saw a beggar woman with three ehlklreo, one of them a girl ef two, sttttag at the foot oeVatmetJa- tnent She sent a street porter to ask if ehwotti?ruptne gtrt The wo- snaa aesVled. whesaapoa the "lady In blaok wwlkad np to ssv gave bsok skstos aad tea the ah atdas-ta a tore, Half aa hour with) thasame child elsgantty dasaasd, naBeda eaa saodaoteaway. I Sasy BetBert sot Lite; Optttfon. Mrs. PCaisr, ef TJordora, Iowa, Says: "One of say chOdrea was sabjaol to croap of a severs type, aad ths giving of Chasaberlala I Cough Rssssdy prosaptly always twoagat reUst Maay aethers ta this awlghborhoodthlak the same as I doehoat this remedy and want no ether ktad fot their sJaUdiea, .For sale by AB Druggists. saw ira -AStas w. Whafs tbe moral of that stetyr asked ttoywaaf-vaa, ' -y "Oev" replug htm Xa Flhipr ihseat laladedly, "X dent kaew ag asBVooe. but ths smastsal ss? Ills yast too tlitU lng for asthlngr -Chksge Botord Berald; . " v to ccti i cou nt tin bat! ' Take Laxtttre Urease , Qaiaiaa tTah VtU AH drtcfjfU refoad the mxssy tf it fafls to tare, B W Orovtf sigsatare lsoaeacla.fae.Trr';,Y? t-ifllSS? watal niaass ranen, bn a HATim QTJAHT bj s iSi???Mhf?QA!,wtouo Mow, roa pajfrour dealer at !iS 1 Selgr walttoT b anorxMibl7 b aaj ketter ttua BATNX& U as SaoO, f SOSt a HUM... TV mam hmllinBa mm UK am mm mm f Viil!lXf!P?a ! !- CltlbqOT ! ?. y sogaad ao cheap. ThM-a why we sts qtw aoaarter ot a bUUIoo aatKaed oos tosttrs, ThMS wbr TOU ttaoalS a? U Tom saener baek tt rMremtitfltd. " ?Av1sW3L Si5)52 EXPRESS feuyfiOTG e) PREPAID WS wMeenSron tODB rtTLL QUART B0TTLSS of BATMBB'8 SKVTTN TEABOLD BVS tot SS.I0, and w will pay the npreai ohuires. Tryltaad II rea don't nnd it all right and aa rood at reuerer oaed or ean boy tram aBTbody else at any price, then tend it bask at our expense and your Htq wlh be returned to yoaby antmaU. Juet think that otter oyer. Howoouid It be falrerr II yea are aot perfeotly eaUsfled. you are Dot out a cent Better IMaaaendvoaatrlal nntar. t(Mii.imfi,..iMn.ii rrtendtoiotnyea. We snip la a Wata staled Ordert for Aria, OaL, OoL. Idaho, Koot., atie Write our asanas offlos and do tt HOW. n:s iiAYKzn csnixia company STIAHTSl SA DAYTON, OHIO ST. LOUIS, MO, ST. PAUL, MINK, W . rASTiujnrr, Taor, a terasHamrD tsea Ancient flead CoTerlnirn. The bat la simply a variation of nnd no doubt an Improvement upon the an cient coverings for the hend. no mat ter what their shape or muterlul. Com ment bas been made becaune some not ed paintings of Scriptural and oriental life do not depict the headdresses of the males. This Is most noticeable in paintings of ancient Syrian life, for no doubt the Syrians wore then, as now, a turban, thick, light and colorless, to protect them from the burning sun. A Love Letter. Would not interest yon If you're look lag for a guaranteed Balve for Bores, Burns or piles. Otto Dodd, of Ponder, Mo., writes: "I suffered with an ugly sore for a year, but a box of Bucklen's Arnica Balve cured me. It'a the best salve on earth. 86c at O D Bradham's Drag Store. aCnnNlNOQWDIRS)! Costs Only 25 cents I Or lull tt eeata ta C. nuuil, Ala., July tt, 187a Da. 0,3. Monnr-I Hi.xll.lH WMS mainxllMt awdtclaa, TBETRINa. InakUiMUllac. SnrrNnMdv wai.xhao.tad la U .hap. oi pnrnortpUoiti from familj phTticlani. Hor bowel, conUti.MVto out S Don Mood and bornlaa toweoatln. for dan at a Um. Her Ufe wai almo.t de,ialrd of. Bar moSW dtoTHlol lo try TKKTH1NA, and In a day tkabawela wata Malar. andthankJtoTaETRINA. the Yemra, ate., D. W. Tolin s Begs to call tbe attention of (Complete Slock of Staple and Fancy Groceries, i Everj steamer Is bringing bis stock. A share of vour trade is receive careful attention and All orders small or large ! IOHN All orders small or large ll Gtocer, I Phne 74. POXXOCK ST. i lhavajsit reoelvtd a Car Load of AUBTJUN WAGONS" aad rTls TIJK BEST IN TDI MARKET. V" QUA1UNTXS I will repUos Xret) el oharn svarf broken axis Jsjrdless of load .or drown. stances ftadar whlcb tl iroU. r''.- 'A Ata a'io ciutjId f an , tmlimlied CUOGin, EUnuKTU, Et, also Cart IIARNE33 fiont $ W to 23 -Taiira, FLANK 17T3, Enmmtt and Wlntat RODE?, MEDICAL eurrLH'..'1, and Sondrj rurnUhfDgl of srerj dsscrlpUoa perUluicg M t' s hnrS s or toV.'rZ Stock. ' .. ' ' ' - ' -'- . '-v. IIcUUts ta n(1.'T., I bsvs B0 on Und lbs Beet frlected CAR T.n T) frrr t 'i h V '"t Carolina.' r.!stfrs, Draft or Farm Honrs. : 'f ' V '1 1-k to rr.s for I'JUIX.VI 1U bsis roa par for ejaenllMoC probably poom dlotlHciy toYOU test, no marks to show what't Wbt., H. Hex,, Ore., TJ th,Waah. What BW Were They Fort Stranger I notice that this part of the country seems fairly teeming with horses. Anne Arundellte Yesslr. And when it comes to teamln' they ain't nothing much better to team with than horses. Baltimore American. For a pleasant physic lake Chamber lain's S'.omach and Liver Tablets. as to take. Pleasant in effect. For sale by AllIDrnggiets. If people talked only when tlit-y h.id something to say the Kllenc:- would bo too dense to stir with a stick. Gal veston News. O.A.3X'rX3:-A.. Bean the , K-inrJ You Han Always BoujjH Sipatoe SAX JJTTZZ: ICant Cholera -Infantum, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, and the Bowel Troubles of Children ofAnr Ann I Aids Digestion, Regulates the Bowels, Strengthens the Child and Makes TEETHING EASY. at fraggists, J. MOrftTT. M. D BT. LOUIS. MO. Dm, Sir l Jnitio. io yon d.m.nl that I should (rive joa Om Uttl. flrl. In, ttilrw.il month, old, haa hd mach or two thar. wa. a irwat change new life had returned little baba la now dolna well. MoIVKB. Kdilor aad PropriMor Tmkegee (Ala.) Newt. Dunn, the Houseteepersjto Lie Fine and in some delicacy to be added to J J solicited. Your orders will re- Z a PROMIT DELIVERY will be appreciated. will be appreciated. ; DUNN, j tt I j : sasnjiwil of TOP and OPEN a Wf rirlety sf BHt7 wsgooad 00 per Set ' : mi

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