it i -jf the jcu:u:;j NewBera, N. C, Oct 81, U2. " ;' ; , LODGE tlTJlCTCaT. ' CKAYEN L0DG3 NO. 1 . OF HARMONY. Meets 8nd and irk : Wednesday sights la each month in liountree's Eiuf. Ppllook ft re- ., at 7.S0 o'clock. Uamuel R. ball, It; ut; J. ' JL Emllh, bec'r, R. B. LiO, I tn&nclal Secretary... -. , - lniex te . If or AaTertJseaeats. v . Lost." V -t " " & Qoploa Dry Good. - , -' rV XMsoMrav and Taylor DoFurnltor. . Tj'fcCr Daniels Horses and Male.. . Simmons ft HoQowell Co.-Books. Bushes Locals. t BOABDERS 'WAKTED Two young V, ;men. Tpr items apply at 185 AUddlo Aam.v; Ti : v. . if k r. " ' .'i'i ' .' FOB BALK--A nice hftrse, boggy and shames, cheaporM sold without bng- ;gy to nlt buyer, apply to HanlTJfc'ison, 1 t rK)ST A, pair ol oHd gold 'tiding :;, ?bowspectaolea, near : Treawitfi's shop. H .' '.rinder will be liberally rewarded by re- v turning to Journal office. v " FOB, BENT During theaesstoa of y Congress beginning November 9th and ;A ending In June 1904,1 would like to rent 'ij f?,: .iMw law .4flRAA avai nrlnnnn ' tinilitinff my Taw office ever BrlnBon building; .South Front street, It ia Suitable or lawyer, Insurance or eomrulsstoa ' man. and la large, light and comfortably fur nished. 0 B Thomas. , OYSTERS By Measure in any uuantlty i today at James B Dawson, 108 Middle Bt TV s' Phone 209. - t5 , ,1.1 j- iiiVJ FOB KENTr-Brlck dwelling on Craven "street formerly Hughes Holland's reat- : jV . and cold water, Apply to E K Bishop. VtH 5 h- the dajnujlno pyuuou wuijaegm j. 'i ' Its classes Monday night at eight o'clock i-'tV ' In the main building at the old fair grounds. AU the scholars are requested ' ? i"o be present at the appointed time and ? J''!('pHce. Any one" wishing ttftake the course are also asked to attend. FOB BENT Brick store and offices on Craven street now ooeupled by FF ? :.-'' Vfttfliawa nnaAClnfl frlVAItlt. KAT. 1. 1 1 FOR BENT After November 1st iny f J tween Jttiaaie ana uanoocc ois. .Jror il:iktermBaoploJ. W. 8tewart. ' ' ROLLER Top Desk and Chair for sale. ' t '.-Jl THLL linn ni1 AnmnleUllna of Helna i - t wii ti - j . "i n i. ho depot. '.''..;.;'..: ' 'S' ; ; ? ; ;. BOOK-KEEPER, Btenographef : and . y ' v type-writer. Competent young .lady de- f sires situation. Neat, prompt and Indus .i ,-itrJous. CaUon ot address, t'r X JohnsonSU' ' ' ' : k GUARANTEE Wilkinson's match ..zi ' less JUnaral Water to cure' dyspepsia : , i, ' 'and stomach trouble or money refund 'edDaTU' Pharmacy, v TliM'"'-' j FOB SALE CHEAP Piano Kohle and Campbell made by BtUff and Company 'r.F. Matthew. v. : , M1B8 NANNIE P. STREET, Insurance I Excloslrely. Prompt -atteatioa. " j ; ' FOB BENT Store under Bunly HaU - y opposite post office, H1 be altered to ;.r; suit tenant.' Ale after September 1st, : ' store now ''occupied by Barfoot Bros. , For terms see F. X. Caha. ;.- f ' ? : - J." L fnoOLL-Insurance aad Brick. ' ; - BRIOK We hare a large quantity of - good hard burned building brick and can ' v ablp frompU. Brick and TO Mfg. Co. rbones6Jnd800. r . .f..i tut ' i ':--w;t.'K2 PII s t1Ui Cboapfift at So pr roU -'i-'j?''1 " .-.TO-- t--'Ai.. , , i Tb Beti i IS 00 pet ttiU - ' . anplM tesl to your botut,j ' ; j At dwodV ipa ifl4u et, 6 . i Jt - 1 )". Cheese HUcalli and Cnsady J5aUr this crackers at J R Tartar's jt. t-' 1 US 1 ll I r AtUTOOA BprlBg WaUrlasI roir4 n Juab's Cafe. . -. ; .- - , IT .II- I ' r T (' . IV hllftr-ataadTrlpealJlirsfw us it. ' v.' - ' Tor Dalo. - i Ttesw tr'.l ;'' lort! t thn' t'.! , f .rr- r !lf J t. Thern, "f ijr-4. T. I Ur.t 1 a r,.jr.; '', tf ; .'",! i.f JC.r 3 fi a cJf frt ',y. a' to l ,' 'r ;," fr.iw Fnf in:;' I -. 1 Seed eotton sold for IhreC c Lti yester day. - . ' " ; . There were sales On the local cotton market yesterday at 9) to' 9.45. Thirty bales were sold. .vy;:,:V- Major Henry R Bryan, Jr., hu been appointed a marahal to represent New Bern at the BtateFair. -A. Mr Z V Barrington, formerly with the FS Duffy Medicine Company hu ac cepted a position a salesman for S Yof fle, dry goods merchant on lower Middle street.,-.'-- -y-,. , . - The local market was well supplied with fish yesterday, sereral of the best varieties being offered. Some very fine speckled trout which Is the choice fish found in these waters were seen. ; J;- .;. - Among the attorneys who left here last night to attend court at Beaufort, were noticed, Messrs A D Ward, L J Moore, D L Ward, C B Thomas, M D W Stevenson, LJ Moore, Jr., and HL Glblis. v"" ,tf . f. . The following gentlemen from Pant llco county left here yesterdajr morning going to Balelgh to attend the Bute Fair O H Fowler, L L Woodard, W T Caho, X Q Wise, Tho Wise,' Richard Daniels and Jesse Parker. . - The New Bern district Conference and Sunday Bchool nonrentlon of the A E Z church met in this city yesterday at Trinity Chapel, Carroll street, 10 a m. Ber William Sutton, P E la the chair, Rev J F Williams, pastor. , J A The city authorities are having large drain pipe laid along South Front street between Middle and Hanoock, to drain the water waste from the hydrant which la about half way the block This water accumulation has been a great nuisance for some time. - - V , - v Sheriff J "W Blddle left hen last night taking three prisoners who were sen teheed at last term Of the court to work on the road to Lenoir county to serve the sentence,; ' Another prisoner who is now sick In jail will be carried later on. - . , i " . . ' The Free Will Baptists of the Eastern district will meet In convention at Arap ahoe today. S; A large erowd from Jones, Onslow i and Lenoir . counties passed through here yesterday on the way to at tend the Convention, - Judge Frederick Moore who has been folding court here for over . two -weeks left last night going to Beaufort where he will hold the fall term of the Ctrieret court.- The 'Judge 'was detained, here two days" longer than was intended pa account of the big Duffy and Meadows case.' r '-':- ': ' " ' tMlss Estelle: Sorter, of Wilmington who hM been employed u stenographer In the Superior jCoort during the hearing of the Duffy-Meadows case returned to her bom6 yesterdayjMlss Shrier's work was very arduous, and her services were Satisfactory to both sides. She is a com petent rtwogiajmmv I Fish dealers here say that the report of the enormous catch of flih, at More head 'which' appeared la yesterday's Journal wu somewhat misleading The sic of the catch was correct but the rea son (or the rejection by throwing away or giving away should have been stated. It wu on aooount of the fact that the ash were too small for commercial use. They say that fishermen ire aot careful esough to reject the under . else fish la their catch and are Injuring their fisher ies aad the fun business.; "j; ;;Th Stewards aad the Alpha and Ome ga club of Bu Chapel A ME Charch are haiing a series of entertainments la the red school hans on West street this week. Th nature of the entertainments whioh ' began last night and .will eon- Unas until Friday alght is Jlterary and musical Tonight the feature will be th Tom Thumb Wedding! very wans tog little sketch. The proceeds wta be devoted to pastors aalary. Admission tea aad five eeats) season tickets thirty av eeata,'"i u .' 1 i Bext ConTcnUoa D. tkCl - The rjpited Daughters of the Confed eracy, st their annual meeting la Aah. Villa last week named Goldstar as th place la wbka to hold their aett aaaual oaveatlo, la October, 1901. t'-'-H " : Mtse Mary OUver of this city was agala aaanljaoualy aleoted treunnr cf the Daaghters, aa honor moat worthily bestowed, aad on most aooeptahly and gracefully fiOtd by Klae OUver. .V 'I " 1 ' : CAOTOntA, ' itaM O. - Is Us Te ar fccr r;?:Boy tact Pints. It your boy needs a pair of pants, w are sure we can enltyou aad not hurt your puree very mock either. a : .rw.ARjisTnoNa Ifotic m OtUtoriofTte r-axmcri ',. t I Kcrdianti Jail el Hew . .V i Per. ' ' AO creditor of the Fnrtri h If. cksnis Hank of Prw Bern, ir-; t 5Ta. Iiors waoee aNnou le n vTir.e,l, are tr?7 eotllUd t r;,,": t H''r elia,SBd pK f il.'s t, uti teflpt)ftp1. T'f!-'"-' I. .t'.rtrg ct said PH i t!. r: k 3 ?ca Ti l- lock !-" IB IS ri'r f e r rr), 1 Of tf., i a i'.ij rt ,"."iiTf -i,' r I 1, rr t!.U niit :;i 1 t ' 1 In I r n jartif', . n In t' " ?i c-f t' "i of '1 1 ..s, l r f ' f I ; tar ;. ror ' 1.1.'. a i-i i Lit, ILitldt: ' r :c;-y fear . ' . E.s. ', .After be'.ng cut for twenty foar hours a mLtrial of tie fan.ous Duf y and Headows case was made yesterday about three o'clock. - . This case hss been under considera tion here ever since Monday, October 12th aad has been warmly contested br 0 both sides, creating mich interest not oniy in town bat ail over the county. . . The contesting parties are among the most prominent people of this .section, and they were represented by as fine legal talent as can be secured In the Btate. ; -? r ,t " .v. - It was Mid that the iurv earlv In thelr retirement divided lour to eight Dn th issue r and time failed -to-change the vote. j" , i ' 'X PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. ? if Mrs AM Williams and child and Mas Jlnklns of Yanceboro, who have been In th city a few days left -yeeterday.- 0 ? Mr Bayard WhltehurstLleft yesterday for Trenton on a business trip..; - Dr J H Benton left last' nleht for Bah- efgh Uf1 attend the meetlag of the execu tive committee , of the,State ' Dental So. clety.'- vr- s ; Mr and Mrs Jackson of Morehead City passed through New Bern yesterday go to to , Chattanooga Tenn, where they expect to make their future home, ; Col W p Pollock ot Kinston, was Mrs John H Bell of Washington, D O, arrived la the city yesterday and Is the guest of Mrs George Henderson. , r .Elder Henry i Cunningham of Lenoir county was In the city yesterday. Z r Mrs Mark Dlsosway, Miss Uura Whit ford and . MIm Jessie . Bumpas . wtnt to Raleigh yesterday to visit the Fair. Messrs Hardy Whltford, Dan W Whit fordtnd Chss F Harget went to Raleigh yesterday. , Delegates to Oiarleston.' At a regular meeting of the New Bern Chapter U. D. C the following 'ladles Were elected delegates and alternates to the General Convention to be held at Charleston November 11th. . Delegates-Miss Mary T. Ollverf Mrs A H PoweU, Miss Margaret Bryan, Mrs Mary McKNaaWMrs FO Boberu;ij fe; , ' Alteraates-Mrs T O Hyrnan, Miss F E Green, Miss Mary O Roberts, Mrs J -,T Holllster, Mrs J G Delsmae, ,Y :- ',. ":, to4jThani8i; The Atheala Lodge Knights of Pythias desire to expreu their, sincere gratitude to th oltlzens for their liberal patronage to the carnival last week In whlch , they were interested. - They also wish' to express their appreclatlcn for the favor Showa by the Mayor, Board of Alder men, the County -Commissioners, and the Water ; and Light Commission Id services rendered.;-'C.,;;-.rJ ';!,- ' 'f ' "'. . ' J. HiSirm, ; ;'-TS A. Y.'OAtxrjia, . r.' - ', " 'J AJ.C.'S0AtKS,' ... T y' : r . ' ' W. 8, Coito,.V - .. . , ; Committee.' rproperty : Owner Male Protest' - "En Joinwaxj Th foUowtog petition to the Board of Aldermen hu been signed by "all the pwners of property oa both sides of South Front street along th Hue ot th proposed railroad track, except the Gu Co. The' proposed rail road belne: for the sole benefit and con venience M the Elm City Lumber; Cow, and, that company Is the only one asking for It. ft'.ii'v: 1 r; To th Hob. Mayor and Board of Alder ' men ol th City of New Bora, v...-- Th undersigned , 'cltliens and tax payers of said city would make known to your : honorable body . that they an greatly opposed to the' proposition , to permit a railroad track to be laid In and upon South Front street from th A, A N. O. B. B, Co's track, present right of way, westward up said street. , ' J. You . attention Is called to th fact that .this Is on of the narrow streets and when It shall be filled la and graded to meet the requirements ot a railroad Connecting at Hancock street with th maia track of the A A NO RR, the street would he practically ruined for a distance as to Its use by the public for the ordinary purposes of a stmt, and the. available pass way upon said street would be much fets tbsnjt present, and the thorongWxTTVould be practically much narrower. 1', .. ' . , A rail road op said street la boand to result In great damtge to the property situated thereon, and would be ot no benefit eiotpt to en corporation. There are stores on sld Street which depend for a grsat part of their oi!om Upon tbl trade of perions coming in from the country la tbelr owa carts and other vehicles. A railroad on said sire t wouUl remler It SS enf tborong!,fr of locality fur fcorKS and otbr r draft er.l.s.als fr- ra t';e Country, n-c-:aton ! to tl.e '(:'.t in l oiae of tct. n. il'fr j, snl can la m-s' -a eon 'j if ally tl.e n.untry j ; ' w lI I STui I U, itffft, n;i t'.r i(!a t ' ' r- t ' f f r ' 1 't, . s f r , ( f t ' - ' ' A ( f 1 : t"' . ! ' 1 ' ( f f 0 " ' il.fl ,,','' a ft" r t . i 1 ' t t s ! s "r f t t f -t i ...3 IlrDPTrUtfjii of Zorah broclt tie careers cf a Lear to tLe Oaks Kaiket J9.:r.l j tlch ha " shot on t!s place llonij nlglil. He bear was cue -It la a trap which wu attached to a pole but that did not seem to Interfere with his movements very much. In his frantlo efforts to liberate himself he had broken the pole, leveled about SO feet of fence and had created general havoc all around him. - - - ; - The trap wu placed near a corn field u bears have caused the farmers in that neighborhood a lot of trouble on account of their destruction .of the corn, fields. This one is believed to be th worst of the bunch and they are quite numerous. The animal wu the largest that hu been taken in that neighborhood for sev eral years. He weighed 138 pounds aad measured nearly Ave feet from tip to tip, He) wu a vicious fellow and would have put up a strong fight with anyone If he had been given an opportunity.'- ''VI" .i Mr Whltford found the bear In tne trap and quickly dispatched him having his gun ready for the ; occasion. It is a fine specimen and when the hide Is cured It will make an attractive rug or orna ment. f "t fr"s4T y f REFORM THAT REFORMS' What Is Being Don for, the Health of 5 : t ' School Children, r" ; , " . .During Health Commissioner Lederle's administration In New York all ' school children have been examined by compe tent physicians once a weekj .'four hun dred cases have been treated daily t dar ing the put year half a million children have been treated for a single contagious disease of the eye trachoma which neglected .resaU ofun In ' blindness. This of conn Veaas that over aad over agala th . sam . child hu beea caught by the contagion of this disorder After all this, one is aot surprised to learn that during Dr Lederle's.; adminis tration the rate of mortality , f'rom ' eon sumption hu been reduced ;40 per cent, aad that the rate of mortality from diph therlahu been reduced from, 87 per cent, to less than 11 per cent, or that in spit of the fact that there hu r been an epidemic of small-pox and . dysentery; the percentage ot the death rate la the city Is the lowest record. Surely this Is an achievement worth while. Alfred Hodder In Xverybody's Magastne' for NovemMrrfirife;: rf 11 1 i -' :5nie T? .o tflix c--' ; Th ananlmons re-electioa to the pies tdeaoy of the TJalted DaughUrs. of th Ooufederaoyi of ' Mrs F A Olds, of Ral eigh,at the aaaual meeting ot the Daugh ters at Ashevllle, last ,, week wu a de served honor, and compliment' .to Mrs. OldS.-' , ...1' rtoi,"?;', -;r ; ' No better Selection could have possl My beea made, for li Is aot to much to say that Mrs Olds has givea more time, thought and work to the brganlaation of which sh 1 president than ' any other member, and thr. areaumbere of the. Daughters who are devoted to th organ lsatloa aad U wutam&Jfcpi$ .7. Mr .Olds. Is-ia; every, degree iully equipped for th head of the DaoghUra, and will honor and forward "the, organi sation la every branch of development and progresa, aad its members; can re gard their President with all respect aad admiration, knowing that they have named for their President a lady to emi nently qualified for the position as Mrs F A Olds. -V-ixSw i: ' , ' '' ''-.'livOAQ V O XIXW '.'.:' supetan' Bemalnlng b the Post Office at New ',. Ban, Craven county R,. C;' Oct. 19 '.'A Prlac Anthony.rf ; 7 o w ti bu, ju A uortoa,,TO Beckham, Prlaoe Bremmend 14 West fit, J Bojle, A D Bowden.' . . v . t . C-Jno Chadwkk, J Col.' s 1 , ' F-J L Fentress. ' ' r . ' H-R B Hayes, Lincoln FUancI J-JOonca, M J Jones 4 Kw 8t, 3u Johnson. . -r - H : . 1 ' M-W F Moore, Oeorge Marll 44 Nor-' wood st, ; - .. N L Nebaa, 0 X Nslsoa. ' . - r V 0-Vtrg!l Osley. I - ,V 80 OBlarkey, J S Bimr-eoo, John Eklnner Janrer NO, Elmmona. T-D TU Kid St. ; 1W-WO Wright, - . ... - .'' womh'b urr. i B Laura Rrjant it 8 Front Pt, Mtg g!e BraiMli.k, l'..-;'e Hcatoa Duffy tow (2).Lof,lE:.M;-ftKall. ' C Lury Ci'llt, ll rrl J C ; rr. E-Annl Eir..l!. ' . O-i: Us Oi--- l,. To 1-Are, AdJte Cray. n-juiia u n::L' y M a tore B C;Vlna, 1 ' K J r l:i V. A 1. 1 otit vr v. V 3 1 -c Cir::.:$ it ' .. V7e Lave fet recoived a let cf . Tocli. r.Lu jsaia Ij I l Chaa Looner, the famous trash mantiiacturei of raria. Hicli 1 : Erush ha Dayia Pfcarmacv" ; 1 guaranteed to be satisfactory. 5 j We d com jleta Wavts wnmzm (. s - :'.:-:.' ., ' . jsj-'-'"'-'.' ) ! - .':' ; -" ' JL - . 1 ' .. ; ( '.i.wmi.mmMWUAMIm' - M inn....... , ' ' 1 "t v r L5 ii Paj am as in Kf --.,. uoiia and H fVftioeall 00,li50svndf2 60. n igni. itoDcs o sonn to-18, . Prioea o () . . . EATTXB AND HABEXBAIXZ3, v' ' ' ( )".- H0NX 57. ;.:rt f? KllUi Itratt cccccsonococococccocccccco :aji lntorepgJArgiiicnt . JrVhenwetalkyoart tahe AVhat wt say give yon laeflta. OiV aigasmi li oris)" o( Ugh Talaai and low pricei. : Oar boast la of irrjalittes) tather toan aaytuinr else. : --, 'A x,. - r, ; A Shoe as Good as Its Zfaiae ..' Forrladiee only, in Kid ana Fatent Coli, Very stylish and good wearera. . They svra well fittang and . made of the baa stock in seven dlflerent shapes Inolnding the new heavy sole inannish last Better than moat " f3 OOfihoes andonly , , A 1.50 Strikingly graceful andWMmhia shanea in : French ML "Scratch felt and Beavers Just - that all ages and oonditlons my be salted. The Tefli that we' Hare been expecting for sereral 11 50 each. Beantiea to& sa.T'"-'T'- i-!,0,cf. Bwti ; : ! . oot JLJCU l eVe44aeetsraMissteM iSllifii?!! . ' '.'.'' 11 J i' ; -' ,...-.'- ,'.'Vr .'- Offer 200 Coplca ncatj'o . rco2w :- for boys at 10c . . - i I I 'Buy theco jioTT. I -1 : presents forv.boyti boya. 2 'Cpcciallotcf cocd-tii,:3 ln Cno' : " binding.'. I!r.rbla XTur., :d:: "Ida. .a i . ..1, i J J 4 i 1 t atamj?a oa the. ImSia 'ml is ; ' - - - ? i:;' ! lie cf pwparatlo nt fat ti iJetlt ; m n - m S'w 0 u if ng jCloth Fnnftv nninMLV t O in uutinrj itiom 50c, 760, W 00 and $1 50. ;v 1) o n o u Pair. reoeited, Onr tarlett lg so neat '- days, haTo arriTed, 50o ,to i J - .MasMaM 1, ,-. 'i .-. . i .1 : Opposite lpUeot1 Ckwrt. 0 I I 4. . S ,C' - ! .. -' i Thzjrzdii Una. J i - v - "''t' d Ii" 1 T"" rothers TTTT,illllMHMUIIintTnitlttirilHlltTftw 'j. t . I s ) j. I s .j r r3Wf weather, necessitates heavier ttmderwear. p 17? can 23T jcwr yeatUne r 5 1 uur btocs inciuaes: j- ueavy uotton snirts and Drawers at 3 x put?.. ;:r;'5-- r-; iiHeavy leecetl E Drawers at 0c. V ..Light height I Drawers at $1 00. Heavy Weight Wool Shirts and Drawers at $1 00. lledluin Weight Cotton and Wool Mixed Shirts and Drawers at $1 OO. White tod Natural Color, all wool, good weight Shirts and Drawers, $1 50. And better qualities at $1 75 and $2. Sizes to fit everyhodyShirts 34 to 46 Shirts, Drawers 30 to 46. Some Special Values in Outing and Flannel Night Shirts at 60c, 75o and $1 00. Also Flannel Pajamas in white and colors at 1 00 and 1 50. --GrI)tmn & Co., Correct Wear for Men, 57 IPoHoclsz Street. AiaAAaAAW4AAlAlAiAliliAAAAAAAAAAaAA4AAaAaAAAAAAT GREAT and FALL Millinery Newest Ready-to-wear Hats. Tile They havb Arrived ' -;Th nlat aiij best line al Heaters In th city. Cast Iron top and bot tom, with Urg and door for wood. - Call and look At thea at 'No. 87 South Pront Blreet ' "' : P. K1. DHANEY. ... . . Vor Calo or Ilcnt, A sauQ Tana I) ssDa frost Kr kWaJ ttaf aa Tmt road, eoatalalaf 81) aerss, aboat 99 cras elaartd. ,Jla Luads tot Irask, tobaaoo r aoUosu. A 8v roosa 4wsKf, oak aalUiaga, T Ueoo bans, at. f '! :T . v Apply M ' " '' ' t v v ' . ry ;- wABBiaaro.'' v" Ksrw Sra,ir.O. 7 ' Any fj.rmcr dcclria to f:nco hla land with tlio American Hold l"v . era rrccuro C,i3 r:mo cf no fcr a .. " , . T 9 1 n T --r .. a a - A a 4 1.70 cr,r inn U J Ll' l.ia wants in the under- Lined Shirts and - Wool Shirts and ATTRACTIVE Bee Hive. Just Received I A Fresh Supply of I all Kmas of 1.1 (Agents JPor I nOYSTERS 1 and IsOWlVEY'8 Fine CANDIES. X :uJ-. i e r r A Jk Ji V aSb Jt i cm t: ' in 1 . - ' Y '-. ", ;'j le !. J. r. ? -I -..:-c. . ,,4., -"1

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