THE Joj t1 c Pub'JiLeJ everyday UCi J .-r,eiccp ilonday, t Kl-Ils t'.: .,i. -. . v. .- - pHcrilTa.8. : . CHARLES U &TEVEN3.' xditoi uro rsomiTos : ; SUBSCRIPTIC5 RATES', One year, la advance. ...... One year, aot la advance......... S Monthly, by -carrier la the city....,' 40 Mdyertlfllng Bate furnished on appll cation. - - - ' " ' . i v- Tn., Dfflu lffM Hath. v. N. C, as second class matter. : " , Official fapel of ffet Bn'i .Cfini Coaaty. : I ir s THANKS AND GIYING." 0 , The 'observance ot this-National Thanksgiving Day,. should sot he a mere "perfunctory one, It ought to be one of 'vserl usness,a just realization of the ':-'ble sings vouchsafed to each individual, 4f tfamUvi community, State and Nation ' -da lng the past ye ir, and as the reallza lion comes to each heart, there should seethe voluntary thanks of sincere andi devout appreciation rendered to the '"-.Divine Being who has mads possible '"rlhese canhly blessings. -' -t, . ... Mere thanks, from .llje mouth, la 00 r , .'.way express what should be glvee upon this annual Thanksgiving Oay.but these A. thanks should come from the heart, -and ?..'-be more than mere utterances, they ' should be visible tokens, in the shape of v ' aid to those whom 111 fortune has over i .taken r It is upon such a day and at thla sea son of the year, that Thatfks for bles- , . lags received should go hand In hand ,'with'the (Jiving, to those unfortunates "who may have sorrow or poverty as their portion, when so many in the world round about them are rejoicing. . f: T JVhen Thanksgiving becomes ideal, then there is a perfct union of voice and heart In the utterance ot Thanksgiving, a sincerity In the Thanks because there Is -a substantial Giving to attest the reality, to prove that the occasion is not :' merely ' perfunctory, but that tbe lndl- vldual feels and puts into tangible out. f ward expression, the Giving which the Thanks in the heart have inspired: 1 , It Is well foMhs people of (his great U, Nation to give fitting observance to Thanksgiving Day, (o give the due coS- slderailon to the fact that this people have been greatly blessed, and having been blessed to recognize and give full . -y ( ' ; . WUIVBillTC UUVU UkQ IUU. CatarrlwCannot lie Cored with LOO AI APPLIOATION8, as they ,. cannot reach the tent 'of the 'disease. . Catarrh Is a blood or constitutional Jflbv . - case, and la order to care It yon must tike internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh . Cure Is taken Internallyjand acta dl ; rectly on the blood end mnoons sorfaoes V Hall's Catarrh Cure is not quack aaedl- cine. It was proscribe! by 'on of the ; bast physlcJansJn thjs oooatry for years Jjt; nd Is a regular prescription. It boom; - posed of the best tonics known, ooav . btnsd with the best blood purifiers, act ', lng directly on, the muoous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two Ja , gredleots Is what produces such Wonder fal if sulu in caring Catarrh, Bend tot testimonials fraa. - -j ':' 'i F. i. CHISST4 O?Tolido40 Bold Of DruggiaU,75c.;i a , r " f nalTa faaiDy Pllla ar tha ImM , :r A'snvclal corrcsnondont ot tha Lon j ion Tiroes who has been investigating -" . dh condltioua of labor la. Oaman fac ; torics and has rUUed manr rot - O ' principal tUn reports thattba tborf ft iwk In his list ia flftyvstM and " ono-bntf tours and tha lootrst alxty "' two, Uth in tcrtlla mUla. - It mar be a ,'. .Mid tftmrtlly that tna Boraal OarmaD .. orklng day Is t boon and the nor- raai weok aliry hours. , ' v- "- - - Ona tundrpd and Hfgr-thrta whalaa rsr blown asbora.oa nrwfoutidisnd at night rsoraUy dttrtng a gate. Tha big creator were anabla to get oof of th ihslW watfrand th BsUrr po- rl hUlad thcot with tu and ipwrt Their oarwst will bm rlA ona, for ttitm vt the whalra were lanr ) Hi tort which a wbaJctis gUd to mn afros oora a snonth, tor thry.iscan h!g moofA . ," '.' -,'. ,. -, y i t"" , 1 " 1 . , A. ali Toao,..'' ' , Quron AWsaadnt tss a farorlta ta A which is oflfla ia wbr tha jiva l at -KaodrlnKfiam. It Is fx 1!nclr mrkwn, tor; otd and la said Id lo t prlTlw- TUi- '. 1H tfpnt ! in ihe tb of f tntit Inirbmn .!'.;i;g pMrioa a barrel of The l tnu's.rap avv?aiof A ha, fi4 t 1 tAp Ids cut tha favetlta P 4)'c)ock ' ATRimarkat-le Case. , '- (,, tf tit oMt rmttkVi tur o( a ' ', ' f f 'r 1 a tr Innrt, er,ln I : -jfir!,-U til efWrs ."tr: U I! ! 1 t l-e s rf ' V,'- - la Cjtton, Cf:a, Frcvts.oas aoi $ toe is lUcje la trLzi. .RMS';-a aid The following are the market quota tions,' received by private wire to A. B. Baxter St Co. New Bern, N, 0. . ; Hbw Tobk, Not. I- Cottoh; Open. High. Low. 'Close - N0T.',' r. 11.00 .11.08 10.8ailCQ Doo..,.kv,,v 10.91 1U? 10.91 11.0 Jaa,..;., 11.05 11.18 10 98 lU0i Tab ; - - March,...v.t 1V 1U9 1104 1U8 May...;..,, rillt 11.18 11.C4 11.15 July :V li.l 11.18 H05 11.18 .'"t r'"awrorsVNoT."5.- Stookbj w.Open. - , .1 Cloae Amr.8ugar,,41'? '" V- U8i Mo, Pacini... U 89 - . 8! So. Pacific 4f ' . ..'i; , i5f iJnlon ' , Z . 8t Manhattan,... T 189 - 18 Amr. Copper..".. 7i - ;v 8b Atchison.. e vj; "ifot RepuWlc Steele ' - V R.S.Q. .891 , . , iteadlng. 80J " - J 4 Texas Pacific.... 28 25 r7abaah pf 24 J - "34 Southern By...-. 19 Southern 4typf.. 79 78i 0. a Steel 10 4 ' : 101 U. 8. Steel pf... M : Oil Penh, a R. H8f Erie..,.., 261 " - ,if LoulavllleiNasli 102 - -v 108f 8tPaul...O. 187 188 N.Y Central. ... 117 Ill, a&O... SOi - 80 B.0 75 , . - 7 at' w.. Wt 60 Brooklyn .T.vt8I . Golorado do... . - i. Coal, Fuel, Iron- 84 . . . i6J Amr. CttonOU. . '; Va,0 Chemical; 18t - "..-'. HookIaland.....J8l Tena.Coal.Iron.27i -27. Anu-Ioa. ... 8 8J Money.;.... . .... ,. . .. yi A. B. Baxter's; CottonLetter. : I V New York, Hov.'jli. Cotton was a trifle better tone In lbs eirlv market, but trading as usual on the era of a holiday was quite restricted Weill was out with a bearish estimate which was considered ofno consequence whatever, since animates of the beat posted authorltea lnthe trade all lndl cate a very small , crop. Receipts todsy were again running less excessive and li wonld not require .many days of small receipta to cause, a rtampede of ahort,s. Pel lets are growing .mora cautions and nervous every day, especially at It Is certain that the bureau report next week wdl forecast a very small crop. Exp rts continue very : heavy and holder, of spota In ths South are far from showing anxiety to sell : la fact it Is regarded as Vary remarkable that prices have held op so well In the face of such free re. celpU and determined bear efforts to bring about" a sentiment In favor of a very big crop . after all. . Despite a goo J deal of offering, the market kept op fair ly well during the early prooeaedlngs, when prjoee went off u much as 7 points for a while. Port receipts for the day 51,000 last year M.000 " Not t Sick Day Since." "I waa. taken severely sick with kidney trouble. I tried all aorta of . medicines, none of which relieved sac'. One day I saw aa ad of yonr Electric Blttere and oater mined to try that. After taking few doses I felt relieved, and sooa there after waa entirely cured, and hero not seea ' a sick day slnoa. Waigbbors pf mine have beea cured of RhaamatUm, Navaigta, ; Liver aaLEldney troablas aad Qenaral DabUlty," This la what B T iaaa, of Fremont, N 0 wrltea,' Os'y mm x . . n r rr.. v .. - j . l-i ir t Teacher Why, Willie, do look . at your bands! Aren't roo a UttleaahatMd o fotne to school with yoor hands la tbat ,dlttouT Bee bow. ckaa and wbHs hlsbers hands are.. ' triUle-Ckan hands la all right enough for gala. Too dont make no gat of toe. tboogh.--Botoa Traneenpt , ; " t-. t "Katie." a Id Archie, -do yew think yen love me wtll enough to marry soar "I flo not," she promptly anawerrd. ""la that case." rejolnpd Archie, with eqoal promptnfaa, "I shall not ask yon In. No young woman ought to marry a ansa uolwe alia la sore she tov him." Chrs go Tribune. . , Ifoslcal TTrfe-!t'elL mnale bS rrisrms In sootba the savage brrf. yon koow.' ' ' ' ' tJnmoakal Ilolid Hut yoe ewm to forget tbat I an partially tij U11 Ta rettMlt. Collfe Oraflot-I raa vtf eny thlnt yoU imy l-r. , " ntf lMltoe-4tMl!y f The g9 cmt sr1 pntrr e errr a flrata p!. just wi'T tcu r:x Ctsmrr a n' iumick 'ill l!r TiN t'l.n ye i Vi'h'n i'i J'.r.r 1 1 2 Ji ; V.) 'i j r I't-' 'i ' ', ' !. I, R J 1 : - . f ' " V, ; 1 T '! 1 5 - '. r ' , c:u:: x.-la:.: c. s. i..::::r:;r T6 Years of Age, Recommends Yi- - nol for Old People, : Mrs Sarah J. Wiudrom of 429 W, Erie street, , Chicago, a member of one of the mo it distinguished families, in the country, cousin of 2icbary Taylor, 12th President of the : V. & and grand niece of Alexanders Hsmllton, who signed the Oeclaraiion of Independence, writes; ' c "Ylnol Is aTrjdend to "old people. .1 am 78 years old, but I feel .'active and we 1 todav, thanks to the .Vitalizing ef fects of yinoL ' - . r- r" - My .appetite Is all - that could be de- aired. I sleep "well,, and my mind; Is Clear, and I am Interested' la the sffilrs of lift as I as fifty years ago. v'".. ;When I was young codlWeroil was diRpensd in a gtOMy.runpa at able form and it faldj gag?ed me to get It down. yinol-Js so.diftarentf-; palatsble and nourishing to Impoverished blood. s. "I feel so muot- stronger, boib mn tally and phyrfcslly,' vines I uted VlnolJ that feel It my duty, aCw! U plesBore, to recommend iYinol-Ti rthe finest tonic I ever- p.ed lojny Ife.? .-1 tV MRS iJattAtt J. WlND&OMi fcuch words, of . praise from a mrrn Of such high standtog rnu it he accepted aa uaqueiitlonable proof of tte superior- itvof Viuol. -: .r : , Do you wonder that -our Ylntl taa such a strong bold npoa- the. esteem of doctors ,ad SatlenU f ; We In w of noibM else that HU accomplish such wonderful results; and, ramem'jerymol lanot a patent medicine .' There are hundreds of oi l people ia this V yloinlty who ;,need Just 'auoa a strengthmaker 1 ind" .tissue .balloVir? s ViooL - Their blood ia thin and slu B-lsh Vlnoi will enrich and oulcken the blood and build up the system., It Is so much better than-whiskey', and strong iumutants,.' which alway hare. a;. bad after; affect i and weaken and ; break down. There ta ' nothing la" the' world so good forthe - wesk,1 tbe sgedor the fuu-dowa System and to cure a banging on cold or hacking cough as" Ylnol, aadhecanas we know ao well, what It !wlll do we are always, ready to refund evety cant paid s for, It If It falls to do what we say. .Try It on ou'-guarantee if.B.Dnffy Drngglat. ' Y:. Otk.Wixtl, . The oak la a .bistort. wood. As early as the eleventH cwitory" It became the favorite wood of elf Hired Europe; and specimens of . .carving . and ' interior finish have como down to ua front that early flay, .their pristine beanty en-' hanccd by tbasubdulng finger of time. x&e eany coKmists Drougnr witn utm to the ahoree of America their love) for this wood, and here, tav be oak ao'. riCnrei Of f Hefier 4i Tearv'; 4 Mt 6 Haney, of Oetevar O, had ;ths plies for 40 years. D Ktort and doctors eoald do aim ao luting good. . De'Wlit mtoh Hsscl Salve eared bias permaaent ly, lavaluible for uta, boras, hralaes, sprains, laceration a, ecaema, letter, salt rheam, and all other skladlseaaea. Look fof tbe sasoe DeWluoa the paokage all othara are cheep, worthless coaster felts, .Sold hf T Doff f. ..'.- '4 la tbe north of Yorkshire to old cow pltf Ured onhclr rnrm fnilr) alone. Tbe gred man had bra 111 for soma thne Wttm the practitioner wbo attend ed htm advlerVT'tnat e hhytlclaO stioald auiutuooed from the narvt town for cottsultsMon. The doior came, looked (sto' tbe case, gave his opinion and, drcndlng from the alrk room to the kitchen, we there aoeeefd ty the Id woman aaytng; - ' . rv'sll. doctor, wharf your charge r "My fe a ruitwe." - 1 "A fUlu. doctor; a an I no! And If ye roma agsto will It be another guin ea T" - ' - -' .. -Tea."' - AV-J'; , A gulf, dndorl r.lnw mr The old wotnan then went apttetre to hrr fcnntjnd'e IxHlrnom, -arwl the doctor, yrbe w sited txkiw, br4 l" any: .. "lie rtrtHt t giiftipe, and If In tnmim se!n Ifll Ve arvthrf filr finw, what de ynrt $jY' Ths fU to' t,t !! Uk n.aa k pml i t,m rt.x lur, I tit t!:. re w fin en!'liing IH fnr .(! ! cf M !' PI ' : nwrrt4; - "if I rr rd ?r l;t a tm Twt!.lre U1. It.1 Id 5 fret r-lit t!. f-.!' ine r f ' 1 ( 1. ' r if -J- tt t.-r t . j r )"'-' ' ' ! - !'',! t !!;"-. i t ' . ; ( t -. t ! f 1 ; n 1 t ) i 1 . 1 t ! ;!! - - i 1 r 1 1 . 0 : f - - J 1 ! - ! 1 ! I Ju- !i C. '..... v ; ,: I V. ..-J V.'Si. .1 l-i -iLi . . .!!," U ta t arwt cvit iu a new mtlo- ili':in;a. - ' . Miss Carrie Thomas, a well known Boston youuj woman, U meeting with succtAs lu a cluiraotor part tn ' lhe Volunteer Organist." . T Fay Davis was selected by Charles Frohnum aa the 0110 actress on the American (stce best aulted to the title role.of 'Lady Rose's Daughter-l'" Mlfia Itoso Braham, who plays the leading female role in "The Volunteer Organist," Is a daughter of Dave Bra- ham, the well known composer. . . 7 Marlon- Harto, cwho Is one of the prtuctpal members , of the, Frank Dan iels Lomic upera company, was enn- Ist's model - before she went on the atago. " "i - I " v, Annie ; RuBsell's photographs In the character of -Peggjr-nre greatly prized by those who are ninting collections 01 pictures; of this iwpular actress Jn her '2 - A Good NameiT 5 , ' " . From personal experience"'! testify that DeWttt's Little Early Risers are on equalled as a liver p,lll. They are rightly named' because they glv, strength and energy ; and do their, work .with eaae.- W T Easton, Boerne.'Tex, ':i Thousands of people are using theee-tlny .Hule pills In preference to all Qtherr because they are so pleasant and. effect uU Thj care biliousness torpid liver, j so od Ice, sick headache,'4 constipation, etc. Tbey do not nurse and weaken, but cleanse nd e'renghlen. ' Bold by F8 Dnffy, T - ' "The Blr MoaopoHrt,1.!- , Asfe generally known the: cuckoo Inys its eggs' In tbe tiesta of other birds, leaving ' them 'to be' batched and the young cuckoos reared by their foster parents; The young CUekoo throws the other birds out of thenest and gets nil the core -ltsclfe .After murderlns; Jts foster brothersTand alstere In the most deliberate and callous way It Is thence- rortn tenaoa witn tue greatest aevch tlon, Long after It has left the nest the great bird,-apparently big enongh to get It own living and many times larger than its foster parents, la fol lowed about and fed by them with the same' core as when In the neat. -A Scientific DlscoTery; ; . Kodol Dyspepsia V Onro does-, for Ue stomach:,; that which It Is 1 unable do tori nseir evert ;wnca hut sughtry dts ordered or pter loaded. Eodol Dspep ala Care supplies tbe natural Julcea of dlgestfoa and does the work of the stom acb, relaxing the hetvous tension, While ithe Inflamed -mnaclea of , "that" organ aro allowed Jo rest andheaLKodolDypep- ala Cure dlgeta what yo4 eat and en ables the stomach and digestive o csns 10 iranarorm au 100a into rtcn, red Mood roia oy rvB uairy. ir.s;S .' :3 . .. A Jlnimral Deslr.-' ' Sm4hV wonder what Brwu intends' ?to. do; with all jthe -money ine .got for Jtnose mstoncai novels lie wrote. -. .- . J h-e-tHe Intends to travel. ,: He feels (hat he ought to visit some of the places he wrote about jnat to.aee what -thev are like. Llfet rv-xy; jt.t ; For aiek headache try Cbembei Iain's Stomach, aad Liver Tablet; ;they wQl ward oft the atUck If taken la time. For salabyaUdraggUts. .x I -Vnisf (: n't" an Id ' VivL pb lloaopherl "tii!i fn.ia a thing Without unking It If. S-Z - .'.': - - . ' "Olu-1 don't know," the fool replied. .rrCnve- jrotf ever-tried raking aiight from one candle with another?" Chi cago Record-Herald.' ' -" ,; v. .t.., - ' "n-'v;; . -rr. TO CURB A COLD ER 0KB DAT Take Laxative Bromo Qolnlae Tsb lets. AD druggists refund the.Bsney U ft falla to eure.'B W Grove's aigaatare tsoa each bosuaAe. u 1 ' . - " . ' Aa.lirijortiut'arfhaioloRltMlacdv ery baa bwa made at .Vevry. oa tV Laks of Ucuova..of a Qattotletretlo 'wo el cry detlag "bsckr to the period when Swltxcrlanr yrnt Inbabltrd ' by tbe UelretlL Tlie cemetery coplntna thirty-one' tombs, which were dug ,400 yeara before tbe Cbriatlari era. A wo man wss discovered la a tomb wearing number of Jowete. while a aoldifr had been boiVd wttii hlSySrroa. Toy a, ttuffa and Implesncnts have been brough; to fight ,wbleb M. Nf, tbe ' cantonal archsrologlat, atatea to be mora than 2.000 yeara old. L Nsef la writing a book oa the dlacoverlra.. . . MAKES A : STATEMENT. r r L. A.' Smith tho Ico Dealer, Has an Ex ' -perienco, to .Eo-;; .; ; lato. , la srma hr city astvy like th fd lowlrg rr.'ht stttsrt en'r sut ti"S, la Kw IUre, tut cv.lng, It A(i. from a jirmlatnt elt!a. It ea not f!l tr Inttrmt a U'E B ! -i. ? r t l r-r !.' will r"l fr tl r.rr'i.r'( L A rm'th. -ptrlBtWtt r f Crjll W Co, 1 Cfi.Tth Pi., rr.l.frg at IS f;i!?;l f' . tvi! "1 titf 1 f) T.'.'arf fl ' f"f e 1 t!'is aid !fk. tt aa r t t f '-!:! li'ji n '. ' f .T I, 1 t' : ' 'f I '..' I t 1 I ! 1 f . ' . ' ' I f. r 1 1 1 4 ' 1 1: siAioramia " EC H C L digests what yon eat ECDGL c,nses. purifies,- 1 . .atrengthana and sweet-, ens the stomach. ECDOL curea lodlgeson,'dye .. pepsls, and all stomach and bowel trouble?.-: K0D0L accelerates the action of 5 " the gastrio glands and gives tone to the digestive organs.': K020L 18116X69 n overworked ' - 1 atomach of all nervous : strain, gives to the heart a full, f mo . and untrammeled action, nourishes the nervous avstom and feeds ither -Wi.'- " ,x " K0D0L the wonderfulremedy that la making so mny; -Sick people well ancTVeak peopla- - atrong by giving to their bodlee all of 1 v the nourishment that Is contained In the food they eat.,. Tr Snler Cu ttfttl Tw. J - -1 b - BaHle. orfr. 11.60 SlM boldlo 2 Bjm tb trial slza. which MUsfor 60s. , s X :S C, PeWITT.aj JCO ClfCAflOj F rVpCFF? .The effect of n dog otT a cafataB4B -well worth study, When n cat encopa- ters a strange dos the tnit immedlately assumes, an nnrlht position, the back becomes highly- arched, and., the,, fur stands out straight nil over the body, This sudden change .dismays the dpg, who bring himself to a halt, ftnd the two regard each other steadfastly, vr--iBu$ if the dog should- turn hla gitae away for a fraction ofLa second them la a swish and sr bound, and the cat has disappeared over a fence or up-a tree, Stimulated by the presence of a dog, cats have been known to climb to such, heights that they were, unable to de scend the way; they went up. J . : 1 ' u' 1' 1 Tn 4 " " Ihe Best Liniment : "Cbamberlaln'a Pain Balm If consider ed the best llhlmtht on the . market,' wrlta Post & Blls. of Tieorgla, VI. No other I n'menl will heal a tut ot brulae so - promptly. No other affords': suck quick relief from rhtumatlo pains. No other so vaiuable for ' deep seated pains like lame back and pains Ma the chest Ulve this liniment a,timl aad you wIU never Wish to brWIthont ItljBold byjaQ 3rngglsts.r CcstjCflI23ctitr jaor sua 1 Tciuuu. Ala.. Jar, SI W78.-tm. a J. BIot-II siTiMrtMiu nauMiiwi wdkh, vaaTBUna.. o am v Iwmum mih m. tuotiiwi wdkh, vaaTBUna.. o am ,, BMifWmbllllltllllWllll III iklaoivi4kiiralaaSfraMtlMla(ainaiBaM. hMkMJnOT Ha wmm Minn 1 atfcriHwntn ii'imnw fl. w. vai -; TV - 1 A sharo of yotrr trad la : reoeiTa careful attention All orders imaJl ot lArje 1 (TTrtTSi' : Ilione,74e- IT r Si Bea to can tba atteattw of thtj (ee) piJsj, . 2S Complebe Stock oT" v"-'''' VvV'v--, .Staple: and Fancyrccccina: : - Etctj aicamcr 1 Wng U aome 4ellaa7 to tw aVWod; ; ; 'llllllliMIIIIMIIlUlx ' ,...... . . I I I t I I t I t . f 1 . t . . . . 'J - Iwety, Feed, -Sr: ,rJ Msal ' -aaa Ik- a . j c.r Tiii i.:c:.;;mt.;. ' ccvere? ' if' ' s . ud cl : r'ertti ' w S ; Lcit, TLk i : ,-ae Sl ! leevea composed of small met art oftea-aeen. Ihey-go well with bertha efftcta and are very quaint and early Vlctvrlatu.:";,-v , : . 7ZX-- Crape poplin -la the name otav popu lar material comblnlnc wonted and mpfcalr. ;ItiWill awobablT find faapr for wlatec -weaAT- ry: V;-1 V.,.; ,;.t Tinted, and ahadd velvet .ftgT'eaetBd fruits aro Wading fayorltee la thee- son'a'muuaery,--ena nothing onu. Jbe more luxurlauaklng. 'fj ,t "Braiding tin ' shadea 1b an attractive NvliaLorbJch, toough adding to-the beanty 011007 of the clothdieaaea, -renderf Ihena, very eostly, .-j s ? , I i JChortirracnlaeaxHotMH a thkajreUi Jacket;rJ)iWtsn4o,ahert-sjqfce Is quite prunBeAjiiihiomB of .e.,inahUiva Jfm&towte W shape ?.williftort ffMdejEaJMC tran 11 e Terminated wUh,,wj?gljitkm taa leg of 1 a omh Jf mW It derelppsdji jlobbolOceujaleidl w;aoctars,ana. wwe,fpr4onraeai ThenBucklen,aAmUawiIt,t Just u,fgopd: tof&vmAJ&iih WW Eruptions and Mao,-: MQjXJBt&OnW .'Some 'remabte.dsnJt JiMBjdio are 1tamd exteringr tosi along -fto" Tjtrtf-mw.V--JmW TesaitforosS kraomralnaf.,5rytaI ahdila,sojai ehd- deaMnat flneiprlnt (rbiadilMriBigb-a4kf4ti regloa,-!wa eylently avteeeeeapiedsby igreo AjrsrfBvaQcie, wonoftrou wewanero.wflwnijeffn- tyrflve feet Jp,,etft cwivs' tor wo tensely Bajbe; Jttta HMrtfotf oatntng-tnere will noat jutejuprj-. s ' i'i. :-:, - IJesat lespectOlA Affc : f." WaahBimtfoi wW yrJWia,tejaw proper respect tor old ge but . lust, the oontrary ttlhe ease bf Dr Klnasulew Ufa Pffls. Thej.Mt off ,ml4)s po matter km severe iad IrspepUTa pf oU iffc rDytpepila, JsjijdhvFawr, Oonstlpatloa all yWd .to thjspeifoct mi, S5o,t at a D. Bradham Drag Store, . -'. . j.. . "' . ... ,m ' Tkm Vommr. . "He's what I call a, jodjoaer.' '-satTTA Jaiaa, am sFU.A 4a ma H "Whyr I saw him lose I15Q at poket last sight, and he didn't Uck aUn." ' Tnnnyr Too ahooid have neara hire today when he dropped a- half ollaf and it rolled down tho ealvert"- lie Standard: and Times. ... ssrstla .l" Hal Yoa hn I 1 .1 1 ' the Ir4 TrwiUts ei I iCK4eaeAer4f. AVIscsslleSftrgiililii ,-A,.ilSrWt SWBBSB ij, . ,,sne U4 s0;Jes t 6. iJ.-asoa-rsftv akeerr koutev tso. Bu Blr t IwO, . M MieatIikMMayM ,MllllltMil4l( "Vt'sinaWsJ efsj tUsufsee ' r fsj e-sjaiSBa l . J BJ S adtaCrTotur gderairffl tfV 'mQXrr.VZUvz?t. ?J : wifl U arriAiM.- - ' rThv' a 1 -. I." fc- jroLtaCtn rrr. 1 -'1 a - J , ft- paSBJBBJBh Jb- K I 1 "J 11 Wei Is Not . Most people hswe an idea that rtenmailara la contractea like a cold, that the damp, chilly air peaetratea the) amecke a&4 joints and oansea the terrible echee and pains, oc tht it U sotnethiiif: lik a akia dmat to be robbed wt with Imi.. mentor drawn out with pluten; btrt khmcmatisiB originates in tbe blood andaa caused by Urea, or Uric Add, an irritating, corroding poiaon that settles in maa clea, joinU and aervea, prodndng Inflammation and sorenees and the sharp, cutting pains peculiar to thk djetreaajpgjdiseea vSzpatobedweatherocawdjlssl ivr:1tllm99ima,mt. ehniing of the bodr will haaten aa aU ' Taee ace I was attaekedby aeoie tack of Jlheumati after th bloed and aystenl are ia the right condition for it cdaatara .H ..kkt-- wTfi anmnttnuM Wu4,w 1 ia.l" WIU SOmetlmea reduoo tholnnamsoa- r-v . l T". -anaomoa so nrytfc- nuneoiataiy loom Which are internal and nottornaL . UalUher, and ramarksd - IJnimnt tJaatn '..kkl.. to mother that Iiru KladI hadat laatioand mh rnuvi BwauiuH miuh we pain jo r ' in ine aaeoaas 01 o. t. o. ainoe a time, but fail to relieve permanentlv muoh good. because tlierdo not reaetftb 5fliatn,8t. Kbb. AXloa hobtos. ihe trouble.. 8, S.. cures jyieumatism aabloodwltomdejimvig Book on Rheumatiam will 4sedlree, THr awimtnemn anairra m Jaat Laach. - Am .V. . i ! kitu i 4JU :Ml.tii: a sauuiauuiea uiiguuer than the.swordiBO Jhe laugh is on 00 oasion as powerful as in eloauence the .spoken word. "There are many different kinds of Conversational - accomplishments," re marked a man well up in the ways of the world, "and I have paid due atten tion to the cultivation of auch as lie WJthln my range. Great is langnage great. Indeed and beautiful -withal. Next to my limited ability with words, however, I rank my faculty of using the smile or the laugh, as the case may be. "I don't- mean pleasantry and mirth, aa domestic social graces, but as defen sive business artillery. Of course a nan's first impulse when another mis guided man makes a palpable move to -ao mm up or asu some unreasonable and.-preposterous business favor Is to enter on wordy' opposition, atrenuous naturally and perhaps violent This, I have learned. Is waste of nervous force and allows argument on tte part of the unfriendly man who la trying to make the touch. The stronger weapon Is to laugh Just laugh. Utter not a word, no matter how much the other may say, but Just keep on laughing. . I've rented many deep laid, dhihpjteet schemes with a good, hearty laaghTry If Detroit Free Press. Disastrous Wrecks. CareleunessJls;responiIblelformanya railway wreck and the same causes are making human wrecks -of sufferers from Throat and Long troubles. Bat since the advent of Dr King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, aren the worst cases can be cured, and hopeless resignation Is no longer neces sary. Hrs Lois.Craggof Dorchester. Mats., Is one of tbe many whose life wu saved by Dr King's New Discovery. Thla great remedy Is guaranteed for all Throat and Lung diseases by O D Brad bam, Druggist. Price B0c and $100. Trial bottles free. jLhaye Jua. returned cts and lllflsourl with luu Head .of Horcc6 and r.lules, l personally And moil iarefully eelected. j Xhoi Best Glass olatok BhoimJn thla mark et for tho paat 6 yeara, auch aa you need and ant VThe right ? kind ilor ,tha. larmt road T7,ork. general tlraft purpiea and timber haullnga - - Can alao atoir. jrflUbaag spiM liaa o( Top sod Ofen Bug fUf. Ilms PQUevTT ipa,' IahUs, c. o U foaad ta leatern CJMollnaV s::.r : v . leUotUbaTOlD AUBUTW WAfONS AND wilEn,? tb 5sLtkUis xasritl, - jsro8tt-'ar.oj!t;,Alf jfaxa5ti t bas. I CAM sml WILL "Tl i v)e s t iMS i i:;it an I Heavy Dral ,.t s ' t ()rl . ITfVinj Hot , ; : Url ' jr.i t ' U, rJJ. t) '.!; rur-.L-MM-ra, Caaa 5 f " ,-- T'f Jr. C&'l St a SKin Disease. uni. 1 arm to aomb my hair. Soetora prMeribed wnounUMIiruiU aoma rauat. x eontlnuad ita na and am antiralr well. I will Mwaya feci deeply because it attache it in the blood, and uiv Ainc acn poiaon ia jieurrauzea, ine SlUggisa cir culation etimnlated end quickened, and soon the sys tem, is purifledi and cleansed, the aching muscles and jointa are relieved of all irritating matter and a lasting cure of 4hls most painful disease effected. S. S. & ia a harmleaa vacrMAhla remiNl-tr uiimiiiIImI INDUSTRIAL ITEMS. America is now exporting about $7, 000,000 worth of shoes a year. The United States will sell about 10, 000,000 worth of fruits to Europe this fear. The United States ranks sixteenth aa .B. .Wine producing country. Our annual output is but a fiftieth of that of France. Tbe discovery of rich oil fields in the neighborhood of Sour lake, Texas, has created a city of 8,000 people iu what two yeara ago was an uninhabited prairie. A ledge ot tin 100 feet wide has been discovered in Alaska which will pro duce enormous quantities and probably cut off our dependence upon foreign sources. Canadian capitalists backed by rail road men are getting ready to boom Dawson, Alaska, and to use it ns a ba sis of supplies from which to explore vast areas of country where white men have never been. FROM SOOTH'AFRICA. New .Way of Usintr Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. r Arthur CI apmaa writing from Dor hen, Natal, Soath Afrlee. sars: "Asa la a cure suitable for old and young, I pen.yon the following: A neighbor of mine had a child jast ever two months old. It had a very bad cough snd tbe parents did net know what to give It. I auggeated that If they wonld get a bot tle of Chamber lala'a Cough fl mod 7 snd put some npon tbe dummy teat the baby was socking It w.nld bo doubt core tbe child This they did and brought about a quick relief and curtd the bahy " TLls remedy la for stle bv l rhnggi-u. ttodol Oyspapsia Cure Qioeerte -what ou eat. from Tennessee, Kan I - I i t L 1 M 1 4!(aii;lL, tn nit, i.e. m " . " 1 : '".":" 7 4 '''J i rjl f J fin t! !! r ; ! t ' t f ; 1 ! I i II f - " 'i ' r . t f r f ft :"'! ri ?i J - x ? ti ' I v ' i f f t ' , r t 1 ! S