1 '1 1 - Afegetable Ireparaliorifor As similating ttxFOodandUcguia tingte5tcmaclBareli3cr.a;l3of Promotes DigeslioaChccrfliJ nessandBeslContalns neither OpkmuMorplune twrrEneraJ. , :. ...T-r -p...... ....... . f- . ' aOTOTwr.iaiOT, ApefecS Remedy forConsBp Ron, Sour 9toakh,Diantoea ivormsAonvuisions joverisa ness end Loss OF SUSEB - -' i 1 i ii i i, r t .. exact coprprwnkesoL; i . ,. 1 rim iniff - JwMMSBaBaMPaaaBwawsjassaaaaaaass - A Society Sell of FiTIISS MAT MARKELL I Fl I of Indon, Ontario LLL Canada, is a beauti ful girl who knows what suffering is and Wine of Cardni has brooght her back to health." Bhe is one o the social favorites of her horns and her recovery to health has permitted her to enjoy the company , of her many friends instead of lyhxff' on a Deo or sickness ana suffering. ; Jfor ; the . health ahs now, "enjoys she girs credit to Wine of Cardnl.t 81ewntef i ' 1 have found Vtae of paraaaesca lent remedy for fsmaktfotiW, Isoffcnd for thft yaani with terrihl bearinj-down oalns at the tnemtrual. period, I cotl hardly stand oq my ffstaaAwas nevsr real wefl. Vas of CaaW was the anly medklne mat f could depend oa to do ins any good, at I tried several wtthnotso sa,.j Wis. of Cardttl cored ma and I fcavc now to (oyttf perfect health for two yean, and give you all the credit f or I now yoa dertm ft." , i . ' For ayounff girl Wine of,Cardul is the best rtmedy to guide her throngh womanhood by itarting the menstrual aaitajswt"s WINEofCAitDVl Notice .of -Mortgage;'! - Saler PuttuMH to the pewer of tale con ts'iwl lo a1 certain' mortgage deed eitutei i.e the 1st day etJantary, 1911. iv Taomae W. , Dewey and wife S U M . nwey U Katie B -Boyd Dnar dUm.f Mnrdock. .Barroa, which . said rig;e rtd la duly recorded fa the Offlca of 1 bo Register of Deeda of Orsvea lono'T, h R iok.lM, Pago lit to,4be stll Katr- B. BoV d bating resigned ber gtiultMllp anal the nsdarataged M iag beet'dirlyliappolswoi Odsrdlta ef Matdock Bttroa la herlaoe aed stead, and l rights of said OsSrdKa ksvlag bee duly yetted iapn !; y 'yit . I will on Vtoaday ibtllti ds'yof D ccer A.D. 1908. at the hoar of; II o'clock eooe offer for sale aad sell to the highest bidder for cash- at the Coart Boeee door cf Cravea Coaatf 'to satis fy the debt secared by said mortgage deed la aceoTdaaae -'with the power therein coeuieaa ail ' tea; roiiot it g desert bad rtai estate to wit: .- .' .All the fallow is slot of land with ell laprovtawats and bolldlngs tbsreoa, sll'iau aad located rylsg Mir'ttl ,Clty or New Hera. Norto uarol na. os the West side of what It kaea ' at Us Ma- eadaailMd Road, aad beiag Uateeruls lot Bssrieg the Kamber 1, apoa a ter. tUepbH reeotdeila theOffiee ofth Raautevof Deeds cf Cravea Ooaaty, la iBank HI, Par M9,- ai sefteyed for WlUIaat Dana by L A, Brown, oa May 6ih, l&SI Aad beiag the earns lot sold by said Wllllaia Dota Vo the above aaaed Ills M. Dewev, aad rrtUtered - la the Offloe of the Register of Deeds, ot .' tM Ooootr oa AprU isu 1807. to which ' aa'd renwds tefertaeais stade for fall aa I osteite deacrtrxloa ef saJd kv This Hett-r 17t !. . r. ; - ' - TBO f. HoCAHTUr . ' V ' " I Cshrdlaa Merdoch Prrta. ; NOTICE! , A A ! ClilLftOAD 00FArtT1 . ; " ,iKw Iis, C.,ot la.lKJt'' Is Mrsaaace of a reeoletloa of Ut Stock ho'4rt of 0. 4Cr A Wort?) CereUse'BalJrokd Con: r. s4npJ aaai1sghldftptit.,'r '.J-.h.v ars'lg will be kni -t : I r XC, TbO'dy the 1' . . "'y ' I -DectasUr, i90, at II e c: .... 1 Til. M. VatfLT. Fsff. A Ti r c-. fe t 4 Ter I 11:3 IT ; V i II:v3 Bears tlio; ' V; In Lai ;Londois. Cn.dau tow lh a healthy and nat- nral manner. Atcnctruauon started right Is vary easy to keep regular, t-throigh, the years w mature wrannooa. pma "ohani of life" need not be featd. Thus vWtns Cardni U woman s m jket relief from jronta to 1(1 age. , A million women have secured blessed relief . from their suffering! by tak ing this teatmoht VI relieves meav stmal ttrooblea: in an increclbly short timei i In a sunnla ease of daranged menses Wine of Cardni never tils.; Jo relieve disordered menses U to rem ors the cause ot otoeriemaieironaits. ;Ay physiolaa will tell yon that to remove the cause ofji disease render 'tha'eora easy, ia fact seldom fails to eompleto the cure. -If von wonld hsvf tlie earns relief which Miss llarkell exured try Wins ofiQaidui- Ton can tam it with Out Ian tTamination and w. thout any E" licity whatever. .Ton cai fctka it ia privacy of yonr boms tnk secure aa much benefit as if a iloutor had' prescribed it for yon. Thoossnds of weal mea are reeling we vigor a nxununar . ... . i , . rr ' it health by taking Wins of Ca .-dul-! aUlioa. safferfa womer; nave smna ra tec a - v Wineoft3arttai.- ana eMteMrerta-e tNaua BvuoyflL-,e!tia rente Mr err i-e rweu" a rloUanl'a3 B (.Lln 4"! .1 SKIM Uit MlDr hKlal4 I ill., 1 M4ta1 HI mmM .. hi IT fw lrmt i. , mmA Am. M jtmm 'tJWhflilki'.MIit. NH ill 1 41. Mill. W BUV1U UkJaJV( LMaiSa riTXCaWTTrt 1.H0JLB , tvumrnnrrrT ma. r ' nerrtwri Inrr- nacr roat Ktxma at u-cai . A.Biaaa, fras. 9. at. JSaavUaa.Y.F-rs ' ..,.aV.tVM,Caah' is .a e Banlt, ' , or jwarer xajur, nr. p. Da m General Banking Ilaslaesg " AprUI.1903, Bnrplosaa; lUsdiW- r ded ProBta, a,00t.0i. 1 -We will rive Drtntil end. mtfnl attest Uoi so all betioeas atitrutU 1 o aa. . , WsIsTllayosr acooanu Tysa.', for!'".- rr-sa . js. W. r i t (n i t. a- . Ml vf . I;a Jr. , - a. , w, -. . lot-e c . i . e, , i ra. a . r. KaOs Diaosaty. 7r. ; ThirWearsl. s in. "Jin - fc" fm EWTMHI aaaaa. MM YOMff OfTV. I . : 1 15 ..Hzn.'ucv- v.7.:-.cr.LT, Itnitt to Relata, It Wa m bi it. "And to yon spurn my lorr ; It TfPH1jr'"""n "-Vo r -?tU 'ex clamation, ;' r s..;4tr ay seem. - A glitter, ef anger, a frenzied gleam, in habited her optica and. shot threaten ingly at the man wh& stood In front of her. . A : .v "-?i' .1; ' , v Ha- withstood rltn arctic aeneanor these" aavaneet and" resolutely, folded the north pole,j?ernl,ned. ifiia per onificatlonjji f safjs i 'as. Oia north Dole la 8U1L a proti4 uucan quanuiy, and lta atmospbera CTen.M tnpig oj doubt- He made no reply to nee .woras. She woman's llpa quivered, ton the fringe-of her eyelash nestled ft Uny teardrop. h repeated toe, utterance befora mentioned, ana net -words rang to a tpM jaflenj.wUhJleapalr.iBhe Bob bed piteously, but - the : man, .4 atony hearted: . answered, polt aaye; Jy A chnc- Eie au tool piaiuij auujuia m.ui iu ferlBg-creatnre whose". loyiiaacBfl. ao cruellT SDurned. rj"t. . ., MyvlQvel ayjloterba wisperw "".".tiiflJflegent street may -claim a grander ""rJJl' In W ffncninsht With BUOflrcIliOUS- awoiae? swrw saiajins. ptw tttt-ls.totisensical.T , ' U pout wer yvu in uijr 'vuu,r w t .him, "yon would realize what it meant. Think ot the future sf my .lore, if a aenae ot me ! iijwi Mm.UaK.-ria V.n lmont Into hit I .r r X 1 f r. 7 J I HO K RtUUBBU. W inillTOi ,Tc ,4 . i. itirin t .ii.ll I l!T' ' t.Z:. nr .ViT 1 HULBUUlil JAUS UlIDCUVCi. AMU H.IWHBl'W I KX'.CIZ: Z,Z2.iLA'! eyed, IphigudeieaiOToa I;fial never consent to your marriage.''; i r'c-- y Anajter rawer siampeo wawrw dslyelv.- Then, -like, all great men at a crisis, he Ughtp4 a igat, and smoked ,TWs :sWB'een4roh;if11nv the gift,. with ihe, 4n her mouth and-the otbeVslrW wfta the gum; In "bet Aincna, anpurj r ; . . -. . . H :wSleeT go one places nuther." "Bo dy. .Ikajieet iwjrteiuiywara Teh.' Ootcber money!, , .4 "80 vy.;Goteheit aptiter. -ehwJotcboorsrS'v "Teh. 'Hofwbout fclscekroastfeistr - "Nothlif teet there. LessgurrounfJ corner." - K ..'t 7 rniatUfldodJlU swell aeaaywhara aflghta thonghta that Jirst Oetchet I y,:n cnj-' "t'v JTma gettlnit, ,Ootcber jnoneyTTi Z b4-Jtl 'flan." n'mo aijaj - y . I TV assaaiaai 1 11 s m ' j - I J -H B M last. "Tberr la a6methlng,".be said, "that X have wanted to tell yon for a, tong timchnr :t -r. 1 MMi YferHa aha aalA . hlnkhlnt eweetry. "not herea,th ear befprs 4 all these oecDlel iWaltJCome. tali 1 ; retening.''-,; -y; - i N ,- ,?r ' ? -nf merai that tod have a-ttreah 1 M coot down tia middle of yomr noaw, I Jbntl couMn't frr.ibe-Otfe of. ma get -a ward In till Just BwV-Cblcego Beo id-perakl ' - la-aaaaaaatnr, Italos. plang that wtq eaabM aim to ouua mw a ,tlAlBa . V ma. cninta within, tne raan or au. .,: ; WWka-The ldeaf ' That, meai means, si I great; buslrieaa' tinerfaklng. : KaEioka-O'ml sit ale mea it alM means a greal j aerjsklng osiDaaf-atbolle Btand traaadTimea. -, .-. t t ' f ("JVhtt a loraly roct Did jour msm- ,wrr( nwmir,, .. . nai, tut tut oon t know lu vrn tnr!-o Ersmlnar."'' " - . .. r v . , 1 : ' I'm Iv.( ( fi. Ct'itl wl L; tt Irtrtil 'a w"t a frat5it wss erCr.t;" t- n; - a'imr . siri! r t t a c - -.-n "T!:t t e it irviat ; . 1 L t in (it a I k st rno tu' ). a arrna o hn-a r ir t " - n 1 t': SU Ja."-'i t. t la (i .-a - IlO J I r.. 'iti MJmmJVH Ti 9 U"1TJ yery Intense, the markets are very corf KSed. V- trousej I ws.fhings. Ths meat is trosen, the cat; jyht man smueo. ! I masses of dead animals, as sheep and sun w : i i .j. - 1 1 n i; ni t'--' JJ:-.-".-.. "VUJ ? U lliUIUlUVh pUsBoa.alsa the brick dry kiln, whsrvst . f .tl .f ."- , v' " . oat tulidlrns, leaomrDt bonS and . , 'tJ - -ti v . eth-r boildinrt locatsd ca tsld lead, la . ,. ; T'.v' i V.' i il . .ID .1,1. . tio all rafitrr itrsr, .wseoos, sad other ll 1 ' llil III I! IIII..I II II. ' I I t e Tide cf Sorlat Load I'icca.1.. y s.ems cold and blatant by fu&trubt us cue tLarges uowa It. Xel ven bere, be the sunshine eTer so IngLt, tbe visitor Is crowned In the f t arly baie that tones, attenuates, uni fies, most If not all of London, tnat Laze that has. tantalized and defeated bow, many artists! Even oTer Piccadil ly, even over this the most muadane of all London streets. It throws its Baring glamour.i Indeed Ihe whole splendid avenue might serve for a studio, not lor us vaiuea awot.Dm ior me com- Dlexitr of the types that throng if: It i is the Quintessence "of Xondon, the dis tillation of all London humanity, to be studied nowhere so narrowly; as front anus top. Perfect Dn Manriera lhthe original approach; pass by and. are left I behind ot stand In groups looking train life swarm beneath one, and characters from Thackeray: and Pickens -Jostle unsuspectingly ontbe aldewolbw The clubs alone; which never look so thor oughly clubbable: , as when , hastily glanced at from a tmaslng . bus, will store' one's-memory with a- hundred ..recognizable types.- All England, all the empire, indeed, sooner or later finds its wav to Piccadilly.- One cannot dbss down It without 'Bight of some glit tering, tutbaned,. alien figures majes tically isolated, majestically unheeded. sweep, and by virtue: of its. shops a , more devoted femininity, but It is along ' Piccadilly that the tide of social Lon don;flows brim fulL Sydney. BrookB m ujpers magasine.- j- Im Froas Bosaia, ,,.,,. ,tJ n. "B lunu w.u u OTenrthing, even game and poultry, re- . ... Ll. M We". MiB.wtirnei yeopw Is as picturesque as It is warm, and . . . . . " .w somroname. Theuaihe rivers are frozen ever all the' winter long, and so thlclr Is the ice that every one can skiite anywhere nhd any time. Stalls art put p on the ice and bnay markets heliLthere.- . , rin the Asiatic part of Russia the peo ple1 lire chiefly by hunting and fishltfg. and the fur of the Russian animals. Is very beautiful tbe ermine, fox, sable, sea otter and others. - 1- . v. At the end of the winter, when the snow melts; the huntsman pursues the elk. wearing long Shoes, ,1a which he can glide oyer the snow very qulcklyr whue the poor elk sinks into the snow deeper-and deeper every step and is at last overtaken and killed.' f ?S 1 1 I 1 I I - Jli . onw Kalna, Itching, woabb - . - Mn Diseases. .X) WBTBnca, Carbanslea, FiapIeaSJoaraIa tWaaawtlr nartd by lVliwBoUiDtod Malay a aaanr UW Nsee ta tba stood. ; M tm aatasaal aalas la BftfcBby Ska, Blooa Smm not or tata, Swouaa Oaaaaj JaofS aial BaanCoatht Skta, Maons ratakai at MMta, Son Ttaaal, rtapfca, or ofiaatro ansttea, Cull QlwaSaotswiaioaBlaUin-oira.ai i maaa e any n t h Sod; Batr sr za tnviraUMeat,uartacMSfIiii,W Botanic Blood Balm, suarante9 lonaonattowaiWanSaMiatMi inwl iiiinim till ! attitiwa.MS hot i1iltafl,'-Bia i aaawa,ateaaUailmai1 pali.Talitw iU twaiaaa. iWaolaaieaaa sfaa, tnaajimlr ahaaemt laa eattra Soar 1st a ahwa. ktankf ooaenlofc. . a. B, ttt Wool rauoataaaatal : , Pld a. ii..... ' ar aa ewtol aauont aoaitiHaa af the Btaot. B.B.B.atow Bawtuq aa Sytttli.1, liaiig aa4 SaatuMaa. i aat Mail cows K OnaiH aaaa afl Sarta, Soma, IrtlHaa, Waaay Biama, tmt r n luaw Hail SyaMBia i - 1 laatWlooaawrlTWsaalitaa, m Cenoor Cured :.v w BvaUteoa. Xtta Bona, Taawn, tlaaa. It aUalaaCaaMrraauaaaa haalaUwaM t want auaar aartaaUl, It ros aara a acnlaual hem Wait, SWOaK, Baootlac, SUagiae faaa) Ma aiooa Bala aaS tatf wlU aarar ro Santo Mo Cue. MwapvanaUikooalaai t enraa or UAtni BaUnla Uiooa aaaa. J..a n r.vii.f f..Mir -r r.4 r aiaaajr ul i-y.VrfT..- I. T . , , . . v, T- I. . nMIIwlt -ImfUBTlll f I . 1 4.1M I: 1 t 1-4 . -I ..11..--sr.. . -.-. . I . i.n - .,.. ir:,..:r(iri.; ir- uMWK,nar ru.1 11:8 of Er:i t:3 Uealclsft. Terfunnn, Toilet B-ar-s, etc , also Uit f .Uo-wlnr Klnaral WaU-rti UaUlInat KinprmI P; rlr.ff. ruTulo Li'-Ma, Ilonry. '.i Janr -a, Ilanjucll ITatjaa, Cmrbana, Vfn.i. a, Ati.la, TmI rTi ?;";$. . . rs"rli, Tn'.lh Iata, .ivr I V at I : TIC1DF, tiff lant Cmk.1 i r B...I j r. r f 1 ' n ( I I 'ill, TA . 1 -f 1 III! 14 In fiussia. where the cold In winter is sj 111 s"! " " f 1 " r ' '...t.!Lv.t 1' .. I . . 1 - . . 1 1 deed to tne utiiseas Bank 01 ew at -ll I U i i II I B l ..l.l.u Im In Wnnk W V r lit.. I s - - . imwi.i.w in VWU IUHUV IH vw-J V I ' . at Jill- 1 ' s s ai av a 11 1 na na n am , .naar aaain anil aiwnn-au lllll IS; I I 1 I I I . I K . .1 i- ..v J t I 1 1 i i . - If Mil mill tinber apoa the land id Newport town- Hi ! H " J s I shin at the bead of Newoort River and s 1 , i j 1 1 j I In the north west fork of same containing V iV. VlALl.fi fiOaere. which waa eonvevad 10 , K H e thrill of motherhooc fear. .-.err woman snouia knowtiut the dacfr, paia and horror i-birta. can b sntirely avoided by the use ci Mo4ier' Friend, i. : a t ..ie linijnent for external use I . tuiVx pint, , una. -.a- r tare la its sublime J vWCik. - Ijr ita aldthousands i of. women have pawed this great crisis la perfect safety mm and. without , painvi; Sold kt i.c per .; bottle by j-tirffiats. - Our book of priceless ' alua to ' all " wpmen .sent free, .'Addre! si OajO , JtfllUaulO XJUl -berv TimberXands, Kilns and Oth- Wmm at Pr-nTiftrtTr 5 jPnrsaant to the powtrs contained in a deed of irntt executed to me by Thomas A Qreen. Thomas Q flyman and Ralph Gray dated Jnly 87ih, 1901, 1 wlUteUai pnmio ancuoa.10r .Msn4 at me ooor or the Court - Howe of : Canerei county, North Carolina on Tuesday, the 29th day ot December 1908, the following proper ty situated ia said Carteret county, to 1. Tract of land ia Newport township containing 800 acres une or less, , fully aesoribed la grant Ho. 18301, dated June. l$ib, 1899, registered in efflceof Hegit tef ot Deeds of said county in boo. V V. pseis..r.w..:'v-'"i;v-- S. Tract ot land In Newport township containing tit acres, more or lets, fully described la grant Ho; 18860. registered In office of said Real ter ot Deeds la book V V. DaEB 11. '-. . : . - C v 8. Three trtc a of lands known .s the Thomas Lands, described ia deed from James M Holmes and wife to William A Thomas, registered la said offloe in book r r, pages or, w,-, consisting. i abre tracts, la- hU 8,125; aoftt, moro or less, telngsams land tonfeyed to It a Weal by deed jeglsMIVlneatd offloe in book N a. Din DOB. ' t 4. Also all the timber of every kind which wss conveyed to R B Nesl by id ward H Bill and wife by deed reaislered In said offloe ia book V V, page 48, with all right convened to said deed.; :, B. Also all, the timber and all rights and privileges conveyed to said R 8 Neal by Maltle Uould, Zenemeb uarner snl wife by deed registered In said .office la 000 v-y, peg ottv-r , ... - -. a, -Tract of land bounded . as follows! Oa the north by A 4 N 0 R R, oa east by land of R B NeaL-on west by land of J T Eaton-end oa south by channel of Bogus ttonno, containing id acres, mots or lest. ; . -. v' T. Tract ot land which Is described In the mortgage deed from R B Neal te W M Webb, resistered in laid offloe In book V V, page 48L containing 9 acres more orlesro - - : - 8. Tracts of land and the timber rights thereon lullj deter lbtd la tne mortgage irs, 1 Neal by Stephen Garner by I tared In said offloe la book deed taxis. VV.osge67 esoept the 15 acres .thereof sold by sstd neat, ana also ail the timber oa tne una la Newport towaahip. lathe head ot Dorp Creek Swamp, contalalng 81 acres. convtyed so R H Neal by Thomas r ataaa ni wire ov oeea. rrgisierea said office la.book V V, page 879. 10. The Umber oa the following tracts - , . . .. .. One trsct in Jamniea Baa and Deei Oretk Bwamne s east side of Nortl Hirer btrtsg fire seveaths of tnet knows ss ths Slmpsoa irscf. . x r " vse tract - known aa the v o saner j nt O0tjB,.Bf B17screS,-more i V ..... . ...i. a . .v. -av. west ooraer ot the V B Salter Sll acre I vm piotw. wvuauivaijiBK ao ... mvw tract, runs sonth 100 poler, thea west poles, thea aoitb tw poiea, thea east poles, thea Booth to said patent, thea with said lie acre patent to the. tg ntor. Being suae eoavered to R8N by V B baiter by deed registered la sstd offloe la book V V. pace 158. 11 All the steading Umber oa the tract of land la White Oak toaassin en eaet aids of White Osk mer. . oraiaaiog a the month ofBamoBttat. described la deed from Daniel Weeks to R 5 Neal, rerisursd la said office la book 7. V. aire 191, 19 Also that 10 year leasehold laUreat. oonpkd with the rlht to pnrchasa, rente paid tor entire tens of the tract of lasd at -Caroll oa City" oa sooth slds of a. w n n r .ini.i. iv. 1. w V . .. m ivi.i.i I ibww WW I . .. 1. O VT-.l I ul U U. -V.I. .A I 1 , nln lha laarta Af A S N (1 It IC mm - - . , . .ii pinT, nu ccaoori im i itii fiunu aau lof Mania loa Willis sDdoXta'os, i onoa wbico is locaiea lis muis sna urv I kllBS former It beloBtlnr to R 8 Neal. It Also the taw mlU located on said abort specified lead, said mill being te aeon tools tnd Impicmentt Sod sprl'snf. I3 1be siram tngboats WUiltai Moors and "i,;.ls," . It And the trsrlof ttod la Jonot OnnlT, h'nrth CarcS'na, dctcrlbed la tbt (W(! f mm (jwiTf s VV Jlav tod olhirs to It B 1 ' t. frrUtrrrd la CiClfe ftf IffUlr ot l i ' rf Jnnp eonntyla I.t SO, r- t i i Mrjcn roiis !! Mudu r-" It -;.. '.f:!i,(( the lr!i cf 1'dwsril 8 J"Bi in 1 ci !.rrt. 11 An I I' i Ir ''t of Hr. I la Oni!n Car .'!n. 1 -.r ' z ' ' r. li tha fw!.(, i , r ' r f r ) f I Ml, T ; . ' I ( ! ! I "i t f i Und r t lit i f It the j )y t f the bou v.-ho! J. l-ir vrithocl: it no happiness...! be coaiptete. How', j sweet the picture f mother and bat ' - ange.s .smile - at l.aadco .Tieiid tS - . thoughts and aspir- iuus d'CLc ;.HkLir . bending ove. the cradle, j The ordeal through : " ' whLh the expectant mother must pass, how . ever, is ao full of danger and suuering'that ' she looks for-ard ta the hrjr when she challv with indescribablu dread and - only which toughens and renders nnr3 UU The rxjitctlong sci nnsamable menta tions of a nets an can almost alwais be traced' t a M nt ej e strain, whkh will become Wrrpronoonced when, or jqst af ter reading, or aty close work, and in a more severe strain these feelings are ac companied with a headache, varylagla Inleniity at different periods; this head ache begias iq. the eyes and forehead sometimes extending down the back, often-tlaies cs using sick stomach .and Tomitlog.. " .This constant drain ca the nervous system results frequently in insanity, ao person ash concentrate his mind when laboring under an eyestrain, the peat men t of spec tsoles for Insanity has by many specialist superseded In most cases any other form et treatment, and Is yery reasonable when the laws of optics and the effects of eye strain on the nervous system Is known. Clear vision is no proof of the absence of eye strain as the eye bet the power of overcoming an eoormoue amount of error of refraction, bat l the expense of an excessive loss of nervous energy. 8houM you have . any trouble of blurring of print, Inflammation, and hundreds ot similar eye troubles, we will examine yonr eyes free, end If yon need medical aid yon will be directed to some one competent, If not glasses will be sclentlflcally fitted at a moderate prloe, - J O.BAXTER. EASTJEltH" - CAROLINA DISPATCH LiNE DATIiY IilSE. fBIIflHT k PASStHOIE. For All Points North. Effective Oct. 1st, 1908. The Steamer NEUSB Is schednled to can a 6 p. m, Monday Wednesday and Friday, lor aUisabelh City a. u The a Steamer OCHACOKE Is schedoled to sail at I p m Tnet day. Tharsdar aad Saturday tor Elisabeth City. M.O. E3T Freight reoeiyed not later than on hoar prwnoni to sailing. For farther ixtfomaiaon spplj to 'r. GEO, WH, Aft. K,K.BjjrrOen.HiT., i H.O. Htnnra,Gaa.Fil4 Pasa.Agt .Norfolk, Va, J7 : . rr. a BUMMIBELL, Ase't. QeaX Frt. aad Pass. Ageat, Ntw ; ;' Bars, K. O". . v Notice "'of Sale - Under - Ilortgage. euteof NORTH CAROLINA ' y ?JL Couaty of Cravea. Parsosnt to a eerie! a power af sals ooacalaed la the aaortg agedeed exeeatad by the Bonthara Hosiery atUls Compear to the niastoa uotuta alius, oa ue isis dsv of AprU ISO!, -sad recorded-la the Offloe ot the Retistar of Deeds f Crav ea OoOBtv. la Book ttt. Pste 95. which mortgsge dead aad the debt eeoured thereby waa ea Ike 17th day of Janaary 1908, transferred aad aesigned to the Farmers sad Merehaats Baakof New Bern. The endenlgaed he Reoaivers of aid Bank will afl.r for sale aadsauto the bit beat bidder for eaaa, at the Coart Hoese aom le the ctty oi ntw vera, ea Moadiy lhe7th day of December 190a, st the hoor of 11 o'clock at. all the right tills aad In tarsal ot the Farmers aa Mtrchaau Bank la aad ta all those ear lata loU of land situate aad being ta the city of New Beta, Coeety and Blala aforesaid, oa the tUsl tide of Orirth ureal aad oa Ihe Soath tUeof Httolr strict, epos which Is all. na'td the fttlU Unlldisg, Dye Doaaa, V art' hoc a. dollar Rooms aad faamati hna.ca. snd vbirh are aeoarataly sad dt iln.rtJr deacrlbed In lis certala Id of CoitveTsnea, eirroisd by I" II fellrlle n, !'. oa tha 6ih day of Nothii? 1. I. to Ihe party oft!; f rt rert, Ihe a' 1 Hon'fcare lioalrrf V.'.V.w C"Ty a l.l, b ) 'd Is da'f rerrds-I lo b-. 1 i r -r 1 1 ilr,, rfrenrs to nhU .'.- ! I :' ' f r a ' a I f a fiill n 1 r"ra- v r 1 r . I: .ri rf tba r'"T T'y aVira r a'.-.h ;l I t r . '.t, . t r f ' ' ) I r k. In trii to To- , '! 1 snd T, ra- 1 ti' i t floRQUGHFAREofl WORTH Florida g A passenger service unexcelled for luxury? and comfort, equipped with the latest PuUman pining, Sleeping and Thoroughfare Ca. i :": .."For ratw, Schedule, Haps orany informa tion, write to ' WiVJ. J. CRAIO. Qsneral Paaeeoger Agent, Wilmington. N.Ca- DR. LYOH'S French Periodical Droos Strictly vegetable, perfectly harmless, Bure to accomplish DBSIRJBD kjul.i0. greatest Known lemaie ftlllTlflll Beware of eounterfelia and Imlutlons. The eennlne ia pnt op onlf la palM-MaiS OstV WH StWBl ton with fac-almile EliDatura on side of (be bottle, tbai: f.f 4 , ... tone for OiroaUt to WILUAMS MFU. CO., Sole Agent, CleTelaad, Ohio. K6yw BOLD BY P. m.. us Aua-iVJericken & ttidke Freierictsliflri t Po- tomac B. B. aQiWasig' M Soutern Rail- The Kiclimoud WaMailngt on Iilne The Link Connecting The Atlantic Coast Line R. B. Baltimore & Ohio R R Chesapeake & Ohio Ky. Pennsylvania R R Seaboard Air Line Ry. and x'onthern Railway, Between all points via Richmond, Vs. FAST MAIL, PAP8ENU&R, FXPBE88 and FREIGHT ROUTK. between Richmond, WaihlngtoD, Baltimore, Phil adelphla, Nsw York, Boston, PilUbarg, Baffaloand All Points North, Soath, Ettt and West . W. D. DUKE, Gen '1. Manager. 0. W. CULP, Ase't. Oen'I. Manager. W. P. TAYLOB, Traffic Manager. Notice of Summons, NOBTH CAROLINA Baperlor0ourt MOT,WH WVWM.. EmmaJ Jonea vs. Warren B Jones. The defendant above named will take aotlcdlhataa actloa aa above snUtled hu bean commenced 1a tbe Superior Coart of Cravea conaty to obtalas di vorce a Vlncalo matrimonii from the said defeadaat, Warrea E J ones, aad the eald defeadaat wUl farther take notice that bets required to appear at the asxl term cf the Superior Coart of said aoaate te he held oa'the Ird Monday be fore ihe 1st Moaday la March, 1904, at the eoart hoese la New Bera, N. U ead aaswer or earner to the eo plaint la sale aettOB, or the plaintiff will apply la i ha aaart for the relief aemaaaea ia said complete. ' This Ird dsv of November, 190a.: ' W.M.WATBOM. r, ...... 0.aC r.'BL. Ilmneas. ' A. D. "Ward i 51MT10NS A WARD, ITTOlNll Ml C0UK8IL0U at : --r LAW, : ' . - . ' aaw Baaaa, m. e. Offloe Beenovcd acroes Btrwet td be' "i '. tory of Nov, 0 (above Telegrapu.f Doe) Bon th Frtmt Btreet, asx to , , UotelChaUawk . '.Y rractloe ta the coastUs af OrtTsa, Dsntin. Jonea. Oaalew. OeJlaret. Psmll- eo and Wake, la the Bopreaae aad fed aral Oonrta, aad waerevec aertlcsa are ... . OK BOB! Cflt nn, pi re vrtoiaaoe-.e, rnarantaed to U c t.mlraJiy snade fmm d.atlllad watsr ad tr frnta ImytjrltUe. PrawlaJIy ta xm in-i o4 rparad foe homaa eca , i !nn. ia 4J-iiv-red dH (ier4 f?nadsys)j , m n I p nv. - " ' - I in ;m frwiafl ori; 7 a ' tvm, f if r i .'"a aad cu.'.'nfuoneUae, - :Tct7 Ecms Ico Co,- 1 eRVeen me-- r v nd South Cuba.' remeay. lrice, l.MI per Dotue. : S. DUFFF; CIGAR Bdlto.Md. A. & N. C. R. R. Tim TABLE VO. 82 To Take Effect Sunday, Oct. 25,; 1908 at 6:55 A.M., E. 8.T. Going East Boekdulk Going We No. 8 Passenger Trains No. 4 DAILY. ' Lv. p m BTATiOHSi At. a m 8 80 Goldsboro 11 05 8 59 LaGrange 10 89 4 22 Kinston 10 19 6 40 Ar. New Bern, Lv, 9 0 5 50 Lv. " Ar 8 87 7 15. . . . A. Morehead City Lv 7 05 No. 5, Passenger Train No. e, Passenger "Train. t Ar,p. at SlaTIOSS! DAILY . Lv. A- If, 8 00 818 . .Goldsboro. 8 80 ....Beat' 8 08 8 26 . . LaGrange 7 57 railing Oreek 7 4" 8 87.. 848.. 9 02.. 9 18. 9 80.. 950.. 9 56.. .... Kinston 7 8) ....Oaswtril 795 Dover 7 17 ...Core Oreek 7 00 . ..Tnsoarora 8 00 m..k. a dm ....... .viftii.i w -mm 1010 Ar. New Bern, Lv 8 80 r. it. FBEIQHT. No, 1. DAILY EXCEPT No. 8. 2d Cam. SUNDAY td Chum Lv. a at Ar, p m 511....... ..Goldsboro 100 5 45 Beet's 818 8 12 LaGraoge 8 08 6 17 FaUlna oreek 188 7 82 Kiaatoa 1)18 7 40 9 00. 9 40 Caswell 19 01 Dover 11 01 core oreek 10 40 10 10 10 83. 1100 19 80. 1 19. 190. 140 9 09 .Tnsoarora, 1010 dark. 9 54 ...Ar. New Bera,Lv.,,,.. 980 . ..Lv. New Bern Ar .1815 ; Rtverdala: 740" , a ...... a I croataa 798- Havelock 710 .... Newport, Lv....... fSV .'- 9 90 WUdwood 817. 9t8 Atlaatie 808 9 55 ..Ar. Morehead City, Lv 150 tOO ...Ar. M. city Depot, Lv 800;'- r. a, B.L. DILL, a A. NX W LAND, OealBapt. ' Master TraaaportaUoev P.HaPelleUer, ATTOENXT AT UT, Mlllla Btraet, Lawyer Iris. 'Vtliaiar. " . Trf Will ermattne ta the OoeaMee M tWavea OartaraS' J as, Oaala-a aa4 faaaUee, V ' -- Via UeartaSBaw Attaroey t Ltw, 74 Bo, Froal Bi.-Opp. ffoesl CbatitkV J hew bxbn.otN, a.', - " ': Orarsn twaty AasotMy. . - ' '. Cirealk Cravea, IceaiavOnakrw, Cart, area, Faaallae, Ore ess, Lamots, aad thw Bnfreaae sad Fedatal Ooarta, ttemultui A, IsTnnn, . ' ATTOXNIT ATUW. . rractlee ta the. eocBttee of Cravst, Osjievee. raraUoo. Jonea aad Onslow, and la the Ctaee tnpreasa aad federal Oonrta. - Cffleet Boolh Front ItreeA rm Tele graph eefioe, New Bern, R. 0. . . iBeHabicht Lager Bei' "the Ftnatt Liqoori had Wtoaa, ,rjtlirnfs Ksy Watt, EablcUs T: t Cent srfctoe CiaABS, , - Ooraer froat and Taacx k f '.. ? j . New rm, N C. r it. ! I t

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