THE JOUuuAL. .Ntrt Cera, K. Not. 26, IS 33. LODGE CIRECTORT CSIA.VO 1X)DGB NO, 1 KSIQ3T8 OF HARMONY. Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday nights In each month In Rouutree'a Halt-Pollock street, at 7M) o'clock. eamwlR. Ball, President; J. : 11. 8mith, beo'y, B. B. Hill, financial Soo.retary. .- , . J..- ,.. ; . - index to New AuTertlsemeuts. k . T Doe Btreet. Don't. v v-- -. Helea May Butler's Band. - - '..-v McSorley. Christmas Bell. ' Broad St. Fruit Co -Good Things.1: - sglmmoni Af . Holloweli Co. Under- 'wear.' v - 4 t'i "Business Locals. JjOST a small bunch ', of B eve- : Finder ' will please return them to Una omce. ; DON'T forget to lesvs your subscription , - fortheLadlea Homa Journal with I tT Doa Street. J ; FOB SALE A. FJne Family horse, gen tie, tellable and sound, a fine opportunl j., 1y;Jot bargain, Apply E,H Barnum. 'ij-ij: rij,; v f' ' '. 1 - DECIDEDLY Fresh Candles, Loose and iB'TackBs;eV. Flne Fruits and Nuts, - Cracked Pecans, something ew, James BJDawsoo.108 Middle Bt Phone 209, ' Freso Oysters and Bread. ' : " V WATalUhe people say must be o that pressed and Live poultry, Wild ' ; " Game, Foreign and Domestic fruits, im " ported Chestnuts, Fresh Boasted Pea-PlcHes-PiirFeetat M W C Chapman, Cor Jllddle and 8,Front8tB, ' ' Phrroe 268, Prompt Delivery. ' FOR 8A.LE 8.000 cords ' dry slabs, Elm y City Lumber Co. -' ... ; SEND YOtJR ORDERS IN for Sunday, . will have the best pork saussge in town C and the finest eteas; Snd roast, all day Siturffa. 41 Qaeen St. Henry Bryan, i . J&JJABASTEED Sugar Cured Hams at ' - IB cts lb at the Oaks Market. ; i EXTRA Flee Smoked Tongue at Osks Market. . ' , Foft RENT After November 1st my 2 former residence on Pollock street be tween Middle and Hancock Sts. For -"IT terms apply to J. W. Stewart. , BOOK-KEEPER, Stenographer and : type-writer. Competent young lady do ' ' sires situation. Neat, prompt and Indus Prions. Call on or address, M., No. 24 .: Johnson St. WE GUARANTEE Wilkinson's match less Mineral Water to cure djspepsls and stomach troubles, or money refund ed.3)avls' Pharmacy. ' MISS NANNIE P. STREET, Insurance Exclusively. Prompt attention. . 8ARATOQA Spring Water Just received . at Jacob's Cafe. ILL PAPER FROM 'T The Cheapest at 6c per roll TO ' f' tThe Best at 13 00 per rollf : Samples sent to your houje. Guilford Leyis, ;At Dawson'. 103 Middi Bt, . . Phone 209. .' ; - Str. Blanche. T , Sir Blanche rails Tuesday and Friday mornings at 6 o'clock lor Beyboro, Ysn demere and BtonewalL Freight rtoelred for above polata daily at Wareboaaa foot of Cravsa Bt. . Foal tlvsly ao freight racalvad aftet B o'clock 2 ; J, B. ARKNDILL, , ; .v'V:; "IU svQ that mea do, Urn aftar ibasa, the good is . oft lotemd ' jritk UmIt ' Wes" Shakespeare, ". ' ' Nnt so with Daffy's rata - DeaUeyer, It wliHlveoa tadoa tad laomae la il'SMUmaUoaof the poblle. .Thar la nothing betiar for las cro (sad eoegh cfctUdrta tasa a ttaspooafal of this ulxtd with a (rep of saolsnsi asd gtvaa ss ofl-B as aesded, .Is will ao harai lbs child Tf gltta, tba , tniie assoaat. F'.lfctloa gttarssted by TH Dfy or m'-ntj rtfanded. , ' - to TjirTriibiici . . , . . i .. . I tike tbls mtbcd of Isrormfag the I -.l.ld sad the' fHands of Ike Vtrgls ( krnHesCkealcalCo iaatlhsva ssa '.rJl Mr D X Fey,' as Local Ktaattr if'i C-mpaay ths ftoateg aaMoa, 1 , .! I pteaWd t4 s aaf ens call t f. io fe whoU isterwsied -rt sad fat osrrti' tfora I do all la k; tvww it i Mtaol tot Ikoee wke "hesot ' k th!r Mdara. , . , ToirsTfslf, -a. n.Bwuaas, . 1 Mrf r for Ts, C. (Tina. Co , Hna, K O. ''-,-' S k ' -,! . r. I y- j fit ahou: A!:d a: The city banks will be doted today, a National holiday. , - . . , , : The New Bern Seed Cotton and Ferti liser Mill is paying 8.75 for seed cotton.- -. . '. - . ' . - No local cotton market today, and there will beo outside markets U re port . .yc i 1 The regular weekly prayer mteiiog at Centenary If E Church tonight at 7U0 o'cock. , t s v'-j . There were sales of : cotton la tn 10 csl market yesterday,' at prices ring!n from 10.2B to ItlO according to grade. The Graded Schools closed yesterday and will not opea Until next ..Moodiy morting.;. .; i''.", - A wild goose measuiring.fl ve feet from tip to Up on its wings, end welghlnj tan pounds, was admiringly - oserved by sportsmen, who were on the 'dockjesf terday. - 'Q'iiM;. V.loeaUntatt. houses all say that the1 past week has been a good one for them, the weather being ust right, for busi ness, " ana a large trade demand exlsttd for all kinds of food.'.; ''J',Jf ' The" pupils at the " White Graded Schojl yesterdsy, made 'an offerlngof i baskeU of provisions, as a 'Thankstlf log offering for the poor, 'it was a most noble contrlbntioD. : . . v , There - were fair arrivals of turkeys yesterdsy ia the local market; and the demand was good, every family appar ently wanting a turkey in preference to chicken, duck or goose. ; trip from Norfolk to New York;Me.srs Latham & Co had a cotton consignment Which was damaged by the fire. It was Insured," ,, . Rev W H Bleb, pastor of the First Baptist Church in this city, will be the speaker) in Wilmington at the Y M C A men's meeting next Sunday. :J E Latham ft Company Of this city. were amoung those who suffered from the fire in the cargo of the Old Dominion teamer Monroe, on the veasel's recent First Church of CbrjBt Scientists, 87 Craven St. Services Thursday 10.45 a. m. Subject, "Thanksgiving." Goldtn Text; Coloislans 8:15,17. All areco '- dlslly Invited to attend. Iq the case Of the State against Ttom as Green, convicted for an assault, the defendant appealed to the Supreme Court and gave the bond requited, aod wss discharged by the court. The turning on of the city electric lights at 8:40 p m, yesterday, was great ly appreciated by consumers. It a cloudy and dark outsldr, and ip msny offices, difficult to see to do any writ ing. The cold weather yeaterdsy was ac compacted by rain and an easterly wind. 8ow is reported in some parts of the State. It is said that snow fell to the depth of five Inches in Baletgb The forecast for today is for rsin and slightly warmer temperature. - . Thankiglvlcg services will be held in the Presbyterian church today ' at 11 o'clock. All are cordially invited to at tend. An offering will be taken for the Presbyterian Orphanage at Batlom Springs. The elerke who are given Thanksgiv ing Day for a whole holiday, wiU b? bet ter satisfied to go back to wotk ths day after and work heartily, than if they were kept in a part of the day or made to wk the entire day. There is plenty ofdsys for work from now until the Christmas holidays are over and tolay's rest will be appreciated. It la not- expected that there will be aay actual wood famine this winter. Prices for wood are quite hlgh,bnf share la co si this winter at reasonable prices, Which will supply any - wood deficiency If the weather gets real wintry, with snow and leavthe feaoeeand loose aid walks a-e likely to suffer, bat sees things happen, regardleee of stocks of coal aad wood la the yards of desleri. PERSONAL fAUGRAPBS Mr AO Bt sale of Goldsboro left hare Monday night for Georgia. ' Mrs Joe Cocfdos is visiting her moth er; Mrs QeskOl el Richmond. Mr J I MoCraw of Bt Loots is la the Miss Delia Byaa of Mysvllle was here yesterday. '. . ; , Eeaetor . Blmmoas arrived yesterday from Waablagloa to attend Sapertor Mrs W B Merosr end children of Old Sputa are ybltisg Mrs W II Orl8e, Mr B L Olbbs of Bsyboro Is la Us elty. ' '; - . . Mr Graham T Richardson left yester day for Not folk on aocoeal of the III mm of Ms brotbtr, Mr J W Iroaasoefs. , Miss Mary Oliver lefl'fMlerdsy for WUmlsgioa to visit hat sUUr, Mrs Mir tie Wfllsrd.' t ' ,,.., . Miss Llule ' Dsaectk wtiil te Goldv bore 1m eUhl lo atUad Ike Methodfat Coefsreare. . Mrs Robert Baaoock Is slttadls- the MftbodUl Coaftreeae la OoUUbore. MreSrifoott, MrsLnCoil.r, Mrs VI glala Barrlaoa aad Mrs MTOri?.a Ull yt-ri1T ( '- for GoliJiboto t sti-ni t'e LjoI Onffir. Mr D M. Ki 4 fJtwport (; 1 tbrotiik U f.ty y-aur It- ra lt y to tU M K Ooeftr at (W It V-rA, KUe fstifcs Pngk wttit to l. Vrr(i yilrUfj . II U CfUtls ft:W W('4 ft'-',!. ' 'y nmra'r.f . Vrt J A fulowt l1 i.t' Ur, , f art J'f ! ire V!!J f V 'l i ' - ri'T'rl. TLe H.C.'. tf t-o n!e J L'u 1 1 be on Eroji abore Esacoik. TLe tt&xt will te maid at S o'clock No postponement on sccount of tie etker onleii tbe rain continues till if tsrnoon. 1 - Tbe course ha been Uuettghly gone over, jib d still be marked by red aad white flaga.;;--."-'-'--? -V- "': ; ". ! .: '- '.' The ridew w HI have all red flags to the left and the white flag , t tbe rfgbt fiand.4 'v'-i:f..:,Tl'4:X' ' 'AH who go cn foot or iir carriages (l be told' Where to go to see the rui a id the flnUh.V. There, will .probably bests teen starters , " iletti At PpUoCsUlcvg -.Nov 21 -Died at her heme two mlln from here at 9 p m the 25ih ' Mrs 8aiah Harget. ; Site had been; a pa'lenisuffe.- er for several months with a com plica tion of dlbesses. She was" a conststeni member of t he Methodist churchy a. good mother, bbloted by all who knew ber" She leaves three ons one daughter,, Mr A J Hargfclt;of (his placed Mr J M Har gett and MIbs MolUe the only Idaaght- r The bereaved family bav'e the sjmpathy of this community' in their' bereavements She waerjold'lady;f;- '" Corainff ' Soob,-Helen May Butler's V, . Band. ' ; .' . The lour of Helen May Butler and her Ladles Military Brass Band th-oigh the Bouth last season was in the: batute of a irrampb. This season has been folio w d hyklmUar.':Vatio'e'aii:N;eW:''Vorkl,..B'f .on. Phlladelobla and ail of the biff east ern, cities. The drganlxstloh Kas ih;oigh merit, won the hearty endotsement kud patron sge Of tie public ; J ' " : k i On her way to the'&t t'ouls Expost Hon where the will have e band of 60 ladles sue give return dates through the south and thanks to the energy of toe manigement of our opera house they nave secured her for Wednesday, Dec, Mtrs Butler carries this j ear i) Lady Artists and her advance agent Mr Gug' genhelm was In town makiog nec. sary arrangements for the appearance' of the company on Weinesday Dec. 9 at popular prices 25, 50 and 75 cent. Post Office Notice' Friday being legal holiday the Post Office will observe Sunday hours, Ope collection . from street boxes from 7 to 8 o'clock am. ; ' v . - General Delivery and arrleis window open from 8 a m to 10 a m . General Delivery wlndo open for batf hour after 11 am and 8 pmmill from tbe west is destrlbuted. Register and Money-orftr Department will not be open SKYMOUB w. hancoce;. Postmaiter. Tasca and His Band. Tasca's celebrated band will give on performance here at the Masonic Opers House, Monday night, Nov. 80. . In commenting oa . the performance, tbe Weshtngtoa Post, of November lflth ssys; "Tasca and his Royal Artillery Band made their first appearance la this elty at the Columbia Theatre yesterday after noon and eventa.: While it is tbelnlt lal tour cf this country for this band master, he was preceded by a meet favjr able reputation from the oontinsntal clu lee la which his band ha played. The performances of yaeterday show that his fame wee Well founded." . "The band b oa a par with aay of tbe other bands which have beee heard la this elty, sad sarpassee most of them. The hand plsys with all Us precision, anapead brllliascy ; eeaeetial to a flee penormanoe. ana elves the e Imaxaa with all the etaanjog effects whleh are eoaouble .la Itallaat. beads: la addi tion, u poeseaaes an nnnsnallv anellow toss for each an orgaalaalioa, and this tut quality lends a rare beeaty 19 the pisylag of the softer peissgee la Its more ambliloss aembera.M - flanee Tas ItnttwmU&t Bfiaiaff Olmilimitltm!iIIl!;i!ltl!TTntTTTTTfTT7TU ; . hoow he ... J i. ' - - . .' i C Boca be time to " .' . . 'j:;r.v-tWnk of Hojida tokens. ' ' 'i Our entire line is now on ' '"TV?'-4 "r'J n-i oa are cordially - Invitfid call an j inspect It si r ' earl and 14 nf.ta as joo can. '. . - In qnalitjr a'rrrtmmt and nav. ' rMy oar d:f.:jxc-ls snjtJ.ifj .' T loU found In this IcK-ality. All Ibo. fit iMngs are Lrre. It will r ,: iay joa lo se tte sl-k ir a at ynn cn, t c"-;!9 lhj tlira t!it yoa wonM l,ks bst n.aj l ?. rsirly. IIowvr, fcliilW yoa jnlr,d lt:jlr- or Del a ant yi U ? ont i',,p; 'y w!. it is .rr.pK Tf i I flTirs i I -eU rari .f l!f. Jit. Absolutely Pure THERE IS 13 SUBSTITUTE . f Local Dramatic Club., WJL neworganlE tloB which bat foi;hs purpose the elevst'onrof tbe local musi cal and dramatll amateur tafont.1 baa been formed.. Mr i E Bentc n Is business manager Mrs '. DaVid S Oongdou SecV aiidjTreas.;! Th'srorgankatlon j hae adopted for Its, nama, i tie ,Nsw Bern Musical 'and Dramatic' elubiPV-fV' v,Meeings will be 4eld!each .'i;Frl'dfay night and (he first Heffort; Will be given during the hplldaySfcaiai Jhat ;ia es pecially suited to amateur : talent which hs been, given in Wfmlngtoo ' wit, great success. Later in the season; dttr Isgihe sprlng.other eaterlalnmtnis Wi 1 rbf .glyen,cr'Nv,;'j;.;',;f.: 'yf - 'TbereJe'Cteellttsjlt'ia'v Bern and it is hofed that this favorable begin rtiug wljl receive enciiuragemeut and that other? will 1 join Vine'.; organization. Those who were at. tbe first 1 meeting were Mr and Mrs J E Benton, Mr and Mra D S Coagdon, .Mr'; and y Mrs W T Bishop and Mr and Mrs Joe Watson. - Baariths ; Kiwi Vw Haw Alwarg Boagftt Digianrs 'Gets at tbe joints from the inside," that's t he method of cure by Bheumaolde Yo'i'll find It la your druggist's pride. Masonic Opera House m Helen May Butler AND HER Ladles Military Brans Bauii. This is tbe only Lady Brass Tend in AmerIca,on her trip to the St. Louis Ex position. Miss Butler will give our town a re turn date with, 10 Lay Artis's. American Music , , . Played by Amerlosn Ladles, Composed by Amerlosn Composer, ' For the American Public, POPULAR PBICE3-J50, 50c, 75c.' ; Tbe Ladles Band ,00 Wednesday . ' ' ' . December 2. Extra! Extra!! .' Eogagemrnt Extraordhury I ; : Society Xrent of the Season at the Masonic OpftaHouse! One Night Only. ; Monday Nov; 30 ;' -" . . . sf v - . .... SCA . ' roa wizibd or music) and his Match' ess Band of fifty.- Known m Europe es King Humbert's Royal An UDsry Band. In a Grand Beptrtilre of Claulcal Popular and Standard Mutlo. S-IMINET qPBBATIO BILOlfT- PRICES -General AdaUsUoo ilOO, 1 ese rved without exra chArre. Seserv ed seau In Gallery Tie, Geeeral admit slow, to gallery 60e.!veeati on aale vTtdn sday roornlng at Watm. , uinaina 3 M r M a- (J ' TA In Cur Pre i:vcryi:.: Oar prescription materials ate v - .-.6 w uu (jiho, ii e u not t ara a'wara Mrrbul nnt llh 5 out yiciunpMou uompounatn isame wltft toe ntmoat'enie 5 and we check over all of the dlffennt AnAKtMnn a m ma sWa aA 4Ta " f?k Ik - -. Sf - ws 5 -. 4 4 3 , 5 -5 - PIIOIIE CO. H;UltMAHnUMMIAMMMUUAiAiAi.iAUUUU ttttHttlsVAIi4iAaAiiAil amsematimisims- - - v w WWWWW t MTvvtMt( p:ism;;siiii:i Dili If you are as iungry to be roil I SAvwa maiw ... A: I :.we will genre yoq until noon on AeV 11 mas.' :.''" I fx 'A Crn '0.ia x KOAST Something we.never get on the qnaltttefbf Oolf 'r-i . ' Snita and OTercoata. : : - - ';,;7::r .-.' ,;j xuisri-wnat our Clothes entitle the wearer anywhere .. GESSEIXT-The flaror ; of onf "eoroomlcal prices,, long; if o ' : - :seiTice 'a'xl1Btic;ut' ' ;J'i---' :,v i-''-, SAtisfacttbyiapther 4 Ae a fnn ILVJ Busy receiving, marking and display ing Fancy iWaresancXIKoveities. Dolls and Toys, putting the store in shape for a great holiday business.' Fashtoriabl ... The popularity of our Millinery is at tested by the Order File. At iio tima has X this department been so well natronized. T IVlA snnfinlnnUn a Mass a kAA uooo wi wo uAiuua xuuDTy iu Bome sense ao count for this. Just received a from Oc up Beauties too. ' Dry' G'arWcmeris- AppmL Phone 21 1. : r ea Pollock WV avissssaat . w car Ufa Not The This atoie'iclienlelevU Om "Ada" are earef ally read rwj " uua wuuouiuij veueve M'sM aumeacy az ear statements ;acd find profit throtigh thsir brAsf. tkers there are who .read, forget "and pass j by. It U t . (ilMA t Kftf m Ma -- - - - i-lt.Hu L i.a - - . - " auvsi, Store and judge for yonraelf yiuimiaviiwiub It H "Why not Apply the testTT X! ; t A Wg feature of our selling of.TJndenrear. Eight strts of Wstm Tiit f derwear at ths right kind of prioee. : , ' r r Z Mens Katorsl Wool BWrts and DraTeta, flas vlilTi at f 1 each garment. t , ' ldles Tine Billed Vattiua Tsats, t9U e4Uy. t r-w Eoys DesTy Flotoed lined tnlbo Suits 6o. . ' . i XJnlns Bilk al tan. . For lining Coat 8otU . ww, ucai; bus, ' 83 Inch VeoeUaa, all we ors, tOo. val o In "II C: P" C.::v :. - ThfM E'jarat'fvl Clovre ia r.swst s'r'aa.' 1!!. (Ilrrr, ,i!k llnrdjl CO. 14arJh aty'.e, Ce t ,lr',;tr'J- f'' 'J.::.-:.-.r:!.it. i;.w Osi-a f r. ji t ITavi a)- r i ; i 7 'if 1 i t r r f k CI . i e- tLe beat t.t wa can buy.'. Erery- exussiisuto, lite doctor direcuom t - . t 4 VK1 Riu..iwiuwaixiuacfi , ' , " wtry-mww-9 m J aaaea saw wk v w snf, asuv sv VWUfi acy. .' 1 well dresaed aa t6 be well fetb 1 mi ' e - el ThanksgiTing Day. inur, dbtbea; . iL .11.. .J mil. 9. new line of Hat Veils St., 0pit!ti Iplaciftl toe!. '..... Apply 3Eeot ? ! I eteedllT aad aaHdsr'awwvsns'. by Ike baying pmbliev Uaxy X nouxt aaiTiwoiaam aw, vims T aa te whetliaff ear, aivfrtla. IS snewe VSO IM' ffWlH f ; - Fell and Wtatex baslaasa is tke iee" suj a aasr m w ye) vav . , . . ... and ifakla lrep 8Urs e wncsuaa Tama, .. - Cne, heavy eloth, alt oai Ims Ooo4s en tie vartet !.H f : f r ' i ' f 1 5 w j t r f -a, tut ;" fbarm Millinery Brothers s : f i. We in'- .''.:-'v:'';V'."some linebf -,'- : .''c'' r m 4 a' I ycopvftiSsrr i I III Tn T I I I IriCHMssatJi mA . , m TAKE For COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS. And all Pulmonary troubles of the throat and Lungs. It acts by dissolving tbe phlegm end thereby affords a fine expectaratljn relieving the most obstl. nate Cough. Sold by Harget's . Pharmacy. West BroadStreet. The Autumn Season of 1908 offers an abundance In stiles and fabrics that Is sure to delight all those who regard correct dressing as an eeaentlat to the refinements of life. At W M Chadwlrk's tailoring establishment to most complete line or gooas ever tnown is ready lor your selection. F. HI. Chadwiek, Gherry fflycerine S&SlsK!Z; 111 im COAL! COAL ! A large stock of the very best free burning White Ash Hard Coal in all sices. Also the Lump Bituminous specially for grates, and the very best steam. Personal attention given to all orders at HOLLISTER & COX COAL YARD, ' Phone 34 Foot of Craven St ncccoonoDonoDononononccooo IRON SAFES IN STOCK. 8 We have addtd to oar '4 luainersa complete of B st Fire-proof afre. We have also Five Cars of FvruUtire la stork ' Jroo EaXeS, Furniture, BtOTea-and, HaUreeaee. . ' All VaJt aru) rVinrua Ordara will rfava nmmnt ahUntim OfBos arid Sample Room Factory S aid 7 East Side Ki '. Offlos rhoos 171 O T. aTt'Tamer Fare liar Ch, O j j ; t MIW BIRN, K.CL Jf u cccanoDonbnononoonoacoooo Jew Bern Cotton Oil u lP ' and Fertilizer Mills, ; Hznvfzdutcrs of Cotton Scedm Proaucts V;';.-1 and High-gnJe FettQikets, ; . T7I11 pay the Ilishcst Cash Mces for Cot ton Cccd nr. a Deed Cotton. Bact Jurnished to coed chlrpcrs, .:;'." -:.-. .-'."t r. i!A7i: x or.'nALrra Trtzh o'uppiy of Cot-J ton r 1 ::: t nnd Hulls, uhich ia the finest C .U't I'c: ! in t!:3 vrcrld.- ' ' . - - ., Vo v;ill czclicnzo I'cal for cotton tscd. are - showintr a Hand. ' uvercoats For Boys, Youths and Men. Boys Coats $3 60 & $ 5 CO Youths u 650 & 10 00 Mens " 6150 & 20 00 Don't fail to see our Bain Coats, all sizes for Men 12 OO and 16 50. J. G. tas & Co, Correct Wear for Men. For Oale. A barr aln, one Daelex Automatic Ball Bearing, Weaving Wire Fence Machine. will mate massive dtdtrent atjleaof farm and ornamental fene. Simple to operate. Also sboat one thosiaad pound nf gl vanlasd wire. Apply to Gashbll Hdw. A Mill Scpplt Co. No. TS Middle Bt., New rn, N C. Oct. 84th, IMS. Coal and Wood A full supplj of Anthracite free burning White A(h, Grate, Stove and C hestuut Poal, also the C elebrated rocabautaa Bituminous for grates and Steam. The Fist Oak, Ash, Pine and Mixed vrcod. Quick, Prompt Delivery. ELLIS' Union Point. Phone 47. Kxelaelve Wholesale Furniture and can fill orders prompt for 47 sflddle Street; Warehevse nod die treei 1

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