t 1 : . : .ra .u.::g:ny. : . r ..y c'. I' Ij i . :. : . . .ii ta . : -c's U-..:, IV.o.k t..t-t, tt 7.U -'. -r.-i.-s. tanrttl R. Lhll, Fr"V t-t; J. . r-m.th, fcec'j-j R.K. CU, imnncittl rtry. - to New AfiTtrUsertits. Simmons & EoUowell Co. Under wear. ' - r - - "' - nslsess - Locals. K A7R'S Bakery will start to baking Monday and patrons are notified that they will be ready for business Monday, Nov. so., ' : "- .'V,- V L03T One -Boggy Robe Wednesday. A liberal reward offered for Ita return to this office. Charley MIdyett. FOR SALE A Pine Family horse, gen tie, reliable and; sound, a. fine opportunl ty for a bargain, Apply J5. BL Barnum. DECIDEDLY Fresh Candles, Loose and in Packages, Fine Fruits and Nuts, Cracked Pecans, something new, James B Dawton, 103 Middle 8t Phone. SOP, Freao Oyster and Bread. ,, ' WHAT all 'he people say must be so, that Pressed and Live poultry, Wild 6nme. Foreign and Domestic fruits, Im pelled Chestnuts, Fresh Roasted 1 Pea nuts every day, Pickles Pig Feet at M W- ! Chapman, Cor Middle and BJFtont 88, Ph ne 20-, Prompt Delivery. F R S ALE-3 000 cords .dry slabs, Llm City Lumber "Jo. t , - SEND TOUR ORDERS IN for Sunday, will have the. best pork sausage in town - and the finest steak and roast,, all day Saturday 41 Queen St. Henry Bryan : 0UAKANTEE1X Sugar Cured Hsms at 15 eta fit at the Oaks Market. " - EXTRA Fine Smoked -Tongue at Oak F R RENT After November 1st my sformr residence on Pollock ; street be tween Middle and Hancock Sw. For terms rp'y to i w Stewart' -" COOK-KEEPER, - Stenographer and . type-writer. Competent young lady de sires situation. ". Neat, prompt and Indus ' trioas. Call on or address, M., No. 24 . Johnson St, , - ' - - WE GUARANTEE -Wilkinson's match less Mineral Water to cure dyspepsia and stomach troubles, or money refund cd. Davis' Pharmacy. MI8 NANNIE P. STREET, Insurance Ex 1uslvlv.'i. Prompt attention. V SARATOGA Spring Water JuA received at Jacob's Cafe. . ;- FROM ' The .Cheapest at 6o per roll Tb Teat at' $8 00. per 1011151 , Samples sent to jour house. : . ' s Guilford Lewis, At DawBon'i 108 Mddbj St ' Thone 209. ; - Walt WalCsaa aa Jmrm.UU. Walt Whitman. wu not much of a inurnolli.t.V lie hitd too much repose. His eiaMoyer called it laziness. ' He v.i! concerned with permanence. The nearer to nature, the more , repose. Trr end hills d not dance except for urging. Whltman,clcmenUt,'ttrong. P'aeld, bovine,' aid not nrge tbem. It the Brooklyn Eagle offlce Whit i:i:in is clearer memory than In the o.T.i- of its contemporary, Tet It Ji rxMly hnnl to secure facta. There la a UMiirnl and i'king refer are to but ? -H-nity as idlenoHS. k newae not a t ri!-al riptvupnper ma a, for he waanot 1 1 l tms -d or hurried, and la our fi.-.y t jiroclelon end epeed he would ! nvp boon tutposnlble. lie never folt ti nt ntft" from which the wrtfet bo 1 auffore. lie did not want nion- f rudtich to work bard fot It Ona of .- ifris of wrltrrs end adore whkh i r KiMAiider Its niurh wit and lit : wcnUh at rfatfa telU me that of - v. bole party Wbltmsn was the enly f iio wns ver tlimy and never . lo alwsyf .bsd jnirtet ' -t;)f a-hi-rv tut fultl-wrlilinrB. ICill t f frictiilly to blrrt. lie drnnk 1 Ut with tbe nU but Ua i-ffwi in rmSi bill) tbouglilful, errn Hd, i).i t.ihrs wr nxrry. Arrord- i ini rrtM. ti was an anV rr. nigTi' It 6rt not apix'nr ! I.f mkrd Tor larte amminla or i. tifi!i ovists la bt rr!' - CLarlri M. fiklritwT In M :ao- C'AfJTOTttA. l's t -it t i .: ;1 '.z Il;;:iclir. ! ToMilnf nr. 1 Fr! ''J t t k !' f I ', I 1 - i IT f fc T ; I i ; - ' f ( -1 : : r a - -,--. '...a C r. H . .i t.:r Ukux W-tU.ca, D.C. Tie 'ew Eern f etd Cot'j Tet'.'- rr Willis paj 7 3"5 fr tt, J cot- toe. The seats for tie Tasca band entt-rtsin ment are going fast and tickets siiould be secured at once. The funeral of Mr Sam Lancaster's lit tle daughter will be hell today at the par ents home at 11 -o'clock.: Rev T M N George will officiate. - - A fine buck white shad the first of the season, was brought to this market Tuee day by Capt Joe Lupton. It was caught at mouth of Neuae river. . The Westminister- League which was to have met at the residence of Mr W P M Bryan on Pollock street, tonight, has been postponed. 't- 'r '.' The weather yesterday was the ideal Thanksgiving ' weather, clear, crisp and cool, A "hominy" snow fell Wednesday night, Just enough to be noticed on the ground. , , , ' ' The Ihanksgivlng number xf the Elnston Free Press wasane'ght page issue filled with very Interesting Jooai matter. It showed, a creditable- enter prise 1b bur contemporary. 'The observance of the Thanktglrlng holiday was more general than it has been fot-several years.1 Many store did not open stall others did business only during a few hours. ' The service; in the churches were well attended tratl fine discourses appropriate ' "t v - - DIED N In this city Nqv. ?5 Charles A' VTilcox aged 23 years, faneral services wMtaks place 1 bis afternoon at tlio' TOBidence of his parents," Mr acd Mr4 Helen UoC South Front and Eden streets a, 2: !U Attention Confederate Veterans. . You ere requested to meet at the Cotttt House this evening at half pa-1, three o'clock' to etteud the- funeral of i orr late pomrado, L, J: Moore. Members it- uestod to wear badges. V ' ' , ' J. J. WOLFND?N, " " ' Conrmander. J METHODIST LONFERENCE.4'-" Deacons Elected.' Subscription to Brc , "?ard Industrial School , - Special to Journal - , . ' . tJoldsboro, Nov: SO'.-Co' ife'rence met at 9.80 o'clock, -3 shop Candler in the chair." 'The devotional exercises were conducted vby Jlev."S A Willis. ' The roll of the Conference was called and the minutes of ycsterdsj'a session read and approved. ' "' 5'- J M Culbreth, WE Brown, ,W P Cov atable,'and W.Rowe. who have hsen ob trial In the- Conference fur two years were elected deacons, haying pasted tb examlaatlon of character, the. examina tion of the committee and made Ibelr reports. '- ' ? ' i In; response to sn .appeal by Rsv" James . Atkins, : D, D.,. the conference subscribed 1500 to the Brevard Indus trial school in the Western part of tbe State. , 7," : T W Msnfleld asked for realmUsloa Into the travelling connectlon.he having been locattd at blsown tequest several jears ago. F 'D-Swindell repretented htm, but as he fcstl not appeared before the committee was dtfetredt. 'v. . y At yesterday's session a resolution Wis passed asking .Bishop Caqdler to preach a. Thanksgiving sermon tods; and recommending that, conference ad journ at 11 0 clock to hear hie sermon. ; -Deatji of Leonidai J. Moore.-. --While not a snrpr'ae, ' yet It wo a shock to this eommunity wheo the re port was heard npoa the streets yester day afternoon, that Mr. Leonid as J Moore, was dead. - .Mr, Moore had been quite ta well for weeks, -end - returned a few day! ago from atrip away which It was hrpd would bolp him, but U was la valo .and death tame to blra quietly at his hootc on Oravee 8irtet Tharsdsy afttraoon at tbe ax of 5 ytar.-' ':' ; Mr. Moore was ws promlrren444.Uw ilrclcs la ILU city, his spKlalty belfap? Criminal prsctloe, In shtc'a, btlal a Urge and lucra tve butlao.a V A 'daughter, Mary Bryan, , end fn-rt, Leonldas J. sjivlve hla. ' .. ' . ' ' ' Tbelanatal iervlces will be held this afteraaoa at 4 o'clock at Christ episco pal Church, of which Mr. Moore wa a communicant. He was a Coofadsrate Vaterao.ead the local cffip of wblck hi was a membf wll hold the services t the grave. . ' ', .1 Hare anl Uottnl , V The garaa if Ilare aod IloanJi )er dy was a grrat sucrm. Thcibr and ground wre Jul ilht aod the hnrts were la s, I rilM t io'l:',I n, . 1 bu chuts hra at t "0 ki 1 eoitc 1 at II C J. Cf t liati Ms'.'jlalJ out enii and caa lac-el tfci rh. Tfi cour9 from tr. f l!r jsl at Iif"l i Hern, up I eta to 'h Ur.'?iJ r'al. S"'ott 1'nfTf t'i laths r.t.lbf the Cr.fto'jr Vii. in tn'-iS at the s mb of U.h c- trr. Ti. f! !'n t -v ' t't v-.-t :.. I'f'1 !(n'. at..-. :. 1 1 I r X ' ' 1; . ' I '.,!'. f, Y V. J. - , I-., n. w ; -, ! . ' I I I i 1 t TLaufi!v!: 1; W6s a ta ! i&y f jr tLe foa.l y t f Mr Ejrn Lacc&i'er who tLo care of tbe draw oa the Keuse b'li'g. ; One of the nxi-t horrible accldeats hip-; peued In Lis home at half pdst !ht, ytsterday morning tbat hf.s occurrti here for many eari It was oris of ihote lamentable instaccee of caieless ness In which almost any one is sjl to be guilty but which rarely results as thl did.. . - - ' ' - Ve-tcrdav morning Mr Lancaster waf preparing to tasea hunting trip and had 1 aded his douMe barrelled shor gun with shells containing No 3 shot alartre deed ammuufiuu r . used for shooting ducks and geese. ' ' ' fiealng a number cf ducks oa .ihe water above the bridge he" went out to hoot some of them but failed to.klll anr; H j Tcturned to Li house- -which ;is on. tbe bridge near thJ - draw, and put bis irun In the cirnsr of the room., ' He 1 f the house then to go to., get some oil ier his bicycle. v ? ' Daring his -ebwu'ce "Ljtth', the tWr teen jear old child took up the gun, n t knowing It .was lovledjf and plajlm, 'ith 1tStl p, "rrk ottj 1 (km ott g t Shoot.V ghodid not Juttad U'C'etle $un however aud It Is qufvtlunet beOi er she really pulkd tha tifgef with hi r flager or ni-tj Botne HUiK ntiav m .tt(t held the gnu b - her side Vie wliil, tnotW of ihe d'e-w-tiav vv nvr4.c lw guu t') go' off1', She ".bill i.t than tittered the bSo Wra th" gnu Wio diwhiTe.! ait t Cer JUlfe vUt-jrMi- n Ua ft e j a a oU a c' Vtd tu- c 'nrc 1 1 of at leaat-on? d?ihe ar-tl l'i LefTits The'euttre Jffi slle of th-:iet'j a blown oft and the little Jgtri's hralmi and bIood'.wen.'Scattered-.-ftll t.Vef the room She was standing at hur tiii hr v k"-n playing with a child in "the tnob-rV isl and how th'i Infant and mother ts-iir-Mi beHg thot K a cause of ai'ichJ woudur. The child lived 'About t 9 "hours., afcr the accident, , - , - ' ' .8tantIog a short dlbtance "away, a mother sitter, Nona,-- age! eight - jrw who received numorou h.t- io-rb-if rieb shoulder and arm. -, 8ba w.s psi;, fully woun'ie tu' It U not thought iLit h 4tjjrte are serious yet'-Jhetloctot says thit be can not jit-terrolce h.)w fat the shot penetrated her- body, Man oi the shot were extracted bf-the doctor. Or S;reet rendered- aurglcal.. asoifttance doctors Jones and Lufly wer6 V.o sent ht...-r? ;1 f' , . -The horrible sffitr has prostra'ed thf mother and her oondftlon Is mott pitiable The father also l "lmo(.t - Insaau with rlof and is said. to. blame himself for saving the gun where It could be reached bjrMieohildren.t . -.. v - J,V,V' v w " Relatives friends and '"neighbors went to the house and rendered kindly assist ance to the stricken household.V n :V r " 1 4j-- ',"-'1 -rr 1 " c c - Th Dootc ne-Watnted. ' - Odd demands ere made a the busy editor' fline, A Scotch member of tho fraternity recently received ji tetter,, tbe envelope bearing .a request that the contents should be handed to any book aeller in Edinburgh."; ;Thej letter ran: The book that I jvdnt Is t courting book, a book thnt'Trlll tell me how, to talk to the lass .that . I love. ' A book that will toll . me the words to erty to her and the word to ask her when I be courting bet la the sort of a book that I want, no matter how few or how lit tle the word may be "Irish TImea.t-J 1 - M; rv ' i ;W-".-- .- -. - .i .-. . ntannr. 'Ton trsut to Toarry my daughter, do yon?- Wc)I,trm free to aay yon'ro the most Impudent upsturt tbat ever" ."Te. you're free te. any It because you're tor. dad.' If you' wasn't I'd knock you eld bend off' n youT Chica go Trlbuoe. " ..- . - - .- '.. ' - In il IIn'yo. . ; Adoring ltrldJnck, dorllDg, Is this Wednesday or Tnurwlayt " t : Ji iHitlng Crooro-1 think li Friday dearest. " ; 1 --; , 'v . " M '- "Dt this Mrci'kr-Llfo. 'w' "I"!-'? .' V4e envy wltUurs' -et nnotlier's joy mid hnf 1he etciilkjnce It , cannot rv.cU. Tlsutson. . . -,' :iHmAiiAiiniiA k4 r h 4 1 - - CIIIUST3IAH in.LT. ATII.Is r . ''.-: - " - ; t Boon lo time to . tlink of HoImI y tolf-ns. Our entire liw? is ttow c-n diiiplaj. nn I jdu Hie audibly Snvit"d in c4l an 1 inM; .. t il hk cully bii'1 ds f rn us y an. In q'l-ilitj n.frf nt'r.t nt"l n jv r l!V ft If l;a; l.ij r U r.'M l i, -f ! I - fo ,n 1 i t 1 ) . .-;.' A : t f Ti. t'.- 1 I; .:; 1 1 j r ,"- Tt rt-.:y LI 1: t : t t -0 s;-M ol ;u ;o 0, Mid to fcay t; at tL's was te gua'eit ourpilfe tvtr t?:c.g la foot'caii circits tells tbe talis. - " . . 'Esperts'' hBd Cgur0 It- out ih North C&rolfrM ' c'.iiia uoi tcore. ' nt to By win the git, oaJ last night tlicy ivure wocJiriLg tf tLey had tu doptrd or cot. - It was hard to believe as fur as the Virginlsni wire concerned, but the Nor:h State boys went la with 3a t rml nailon aud gr.i and the score liid.'c&tes what th'lr aitmoi amounted to. - : The bets were 6 add 3 to 1 tb.nl Virgin ia would win bnd 3 to 1 that, Carolina would n.31 score, and it IsueediesJ tony that tho Tar Heel - bettors hafc more "frog skins" today than-they know what todowl'h 7,"- s . PhUJips AcqttUti4.;t - -The jar In the,Phljil(.s mar.Ui, xri-e brought jn a verdict of not u!K terday morning at 10 o'ejoe. j fhe Vf 1- dict was B,t a surijUe to'snyi'ie. , The charge was glvan to the j fy'nl 9 0 Wed netdsy'n!ht vconie.i'.estly ttof, v-. 6 ut about 12 "hours, v 1 "" ' . ' , lJ New. Phone Subsoribirs. !. S iWrlberg j ihs bomf telavt and Wl-(:rtphproaeiiHdd tO their lt.ts.'. , JIol 0M B Gswdys stored . No 811 Barfopt Bos storp. w i.:""" 'NO-289H.O AratMreng'e R dnce," '4 No 273 Cmven l ' - :No 2tt AUrcd Ciu-ur-V Jr'i'Refc' dence. s v, j . NoS75D"1fJarvIs,"Re5lJenci.' -'No -3.78 Q A .fllcoll, RcjiWence,' o 277 E W Armstfieog, Store ' " i-i No 878.0 WNBaUvrRt;'ideuj;a. ' " J No 159 Police Station Depo. w v " No35-J.a Hawk, BtJtldeooe." .; ' cTo230-OweBaDnnn Printer " . '-'.'V ; L. SGRANt, ' "'Geis'stibe Joints frornthe fnalde,? ih'ti's tbe method of cure by Rhenuncbl Yoo'H find It layoTtrifniggist's pride, Extra !"r" V Extra 1 1 Engagerutnt Exlraoidfnary !;. ' .-Society Event ftbo Season at tho Masonic Opera . House! vOnbWigittOjilir. J- filondaiN6v.i30 .V YHE WIZ1RD OJ? Mt'Slt) and his Mstch'ess tjand of Fifty. Known in Europe a King Humbert a Boyal Ar tillery Band, in A Grand Repwt-fre of DesslcaVTopular end' Standard Mulo. 8-EMIN EST OPERATIC 8 UOIHT- 8 PRICES - General ' A dmlsstson 1 1 DO, rl.eserred without, ex.rt charge, Reserv ed seats in Gallery 75c, Oenerar admis sion ": to , gallery.- BOc.:- fieat. ,on . sale n ' 3 '. ' m ' ' . . 1 ww- 'i r, . ; Masonic Opera House t Helen Jlluy Vutlcr ; '! ;"-,'...'.. ;-AND Rr.n .;-::-;. f;' Ltadt f h militn ry ' This Is the only Lady Bras rami' in Aroerlra,on her trip to the 6t. I.o'ula Fx'-position.- r '" ;; 'la Duller wiU glV our town a re turn date wlUi 18 Lsy irtls's. - . , American "rtnslc,. - , 1 layed by Amcrictn Ladios,' 'r ' f Composed by Ametlcsn Composer, ' ' . . For the Amtrli-ao I ub'lc. r0P""LAritI .IC-- l-o, f Oc, 7'c -The Led Us BanJ on WeJntsdsy .; - D.ctmbjr 2. : " 7 ,-. e r-e 41 '4 '4 rf -4 - -1 1 1 Ci.t 1-rt.Si T ; l. j i. .... ., .. ,c I Ij. Etc:'- I tliirj isfrhar.. iure. V,e dj tut .. . 1 Li c.' r's d.Uwt i ;. r.re a ajs cinied out wl.h atsclta a.c. :y. . ! j I " -.- ' 11 ' ' but pre crii ti m ccmpouud Is d;c witi U nSaost care ; ' j and t clieik over all of tbe diiJerent cper',Ioas So M tO lsstv not tls ! -j s'isLtvit.ipp rtnnly for an error to occur. ' ' . ; avis -lyafuicc :jr'fl,'?'tiiwtti.tttt'iki.i.t.ii '..,;iiii'i;SEii::feiL::ticI-;.: J I - j' If you are as hungry to bo well dreeied ai to be Irell fad,5 tf J: "W& Hill per v mil nntil nn.m nn TtmnVinlvinft T-m . ixT 41 - 7 POUPFomelhinar you're ?T . .-'....' JvOAh f Snmcthino n I Buitn na OTercoata. ". - - - v -1 " 8 tf ' J liN'TUEEWhat our Clothes entile thaweeiw uitwheralxt - I1U8WBI f TL. J K ' ,-'-"Jt"-,-"-, -e uututtji pnr. nQaicw pneos, long j, - ' . , ienice an reliable qxiilitiei. 1 Satissf-volion tlothej are always causo for Thanibgivlu.- , , IX IV t E. W ; AR,lSTRONQ. ' 8, "a?2!itt2iJ&SJ 0 , - Busy receivingr, marking: and display-. f,-iog Jancy ."Tareslnd NovitIesr Dolls andToys, putting 1 The noDiilaritv ; ' CT O M V M 1 tested by the Orderlllel At no time has a . this department been so well patroslzed, rthe superiority of the styles end little: ncss of the prices xnvtst in soma sense ao O count tor. this Just received ft from 50c up.Beutie'i;.tS. v.. e a. ' - . I ... '.':; X ?Umt .; '69 Pollock 00-0OOOOC'00000000000. Cj. fft' ''"';" " '. ,'.' I ilTl-U s4ore' cllinUoW , J tbten eLts a) d 11. d pi oflt $t'e.'"e who rthid, forget atd ru U lr. RUto -1 . these Ibiit e t-xieud a moat eafncst t&ritstieati U fiait tatt ' I store sod jnJge for ywune ... t iviiDuig vi u jk it 'rL- ..,.1 1 i .t . 1 . n wy uw Apiuy ino tro'r Winter Undefftezr for Cz, - Women . arJ CI.!!xx r- A bijt feature of onr Falland Winter beainese; Li tto telling of UaJemer." Kigbt ccrwear at tbs right kbd of i : Mmi Katun,! Wool 8hitti and I)iatrari, tx atsOltr, $ e tit I cnr.h pfirnicnt. " . 1 1 t 2 ' Indies Hue IiiLbwl VesUaad Taata, gmi tj2Aj, t ;; ,' Ilii 8 Kxtra Siir. Oottan Ve?i and Ttutj 22o k. 8 3c. foyt Jlearj I lctcd Lined L'niua 1..'. ;a. . . Lining SJkt UJo, , . . v V Ki r lir.ing Cent -"ulUatid MkaIdi prey Urta tra bate a very flm, heavy ailk, autnual tak, .4- : i i0 itch iRttur, hi) we 1 r-o I t tune m ii t v 1 I ' -r : ! ;i ( ". never ia with otur Clotie ' novov v.f. An Mia aoli .i m . . . ...... ZX the store In shape tor of bur llillinArv is at- new line ofItotVeils -f-i :' -. -.. 61.. 0miItIiiliwulCkiriJ. "' '" 1' S steadily and mafpvKt' throe A tbeir bCet , CHera t 1 f u U whrttW otf tiv-erlav X i auc swo ee WTf S S T - ' - - ' - . - - C. , . .. , ! o-U of Wa Tfitttf a- X price, v ; . :. . i ..' - - 01, fr., l.eavy s L-i 0J- Iri '1 ea V a TVi i a in I!, ) j: lit j. r . . t - - " ' " - ' '' X imiuficry brothers 1 i i Boys Zlens is oq, tXke For, , COUGHS, COLDS, BROIVCniTIS. v And all Pulmonary trouble of the throat and Lungs. It acts by dissolving the phlegm and thereby affords a floe expectoration relieving the most obatL nate Oottgh Sold by Harget's Phanaaej. West BroadStreet. ?tiri The Autumn Season of 1X8 offers an abundance In attles and fabrics that is sure to deluzhk nil those who regard correct dressing as sua eesential to the refinementa of lite. At JTM1 badwick'a taUorlng establishment toe most complete line or good ever shown ta ready tor your selection. ;. XV IT, Chadwlek is 1 iV C A- 1 .fVVM 1 1 J --USA 1 - fame AT A ''sfaal5r III IJb GOAL! GOAL! v A large stock of the very best free burning White Ash Hard Goal in all sizes. Also the Lump Bituminous especially for grates, and the very best steam. Personal attention given to all orders at HOLLISTfR & COX COAL YARD, . Phone 34 . , Foot of Craven St ncccobaocionbnoaoaoaoncccoo IROrf WES Wahave iddtd to our IilaiTe WhJia Furoiture ItuirVra- complete of Btat Rro- yroof f afee. Wt bate also Flja fart of Furniture ta atork and aaa IU irdert prompt for lion 8afca. Fomlture. BtOTea and Uaitresstee. ' . . ' All f;i mil PtiuL (Mm mjM weswa i awvw "ajF wa ev iiwvsif jawMas mm sau saavew Ofllca and Baapla Room 47 Ulddla Skeot; fVarebeota and Factory I ad 7 ait flida Hl.dU Iraelt' ' ' ' r.'; ,;OffioaPbanal71 .T. !. Tomer I!cv Bern Cotton Oil and Fertilizer. Hills, ' - I.knufzdurcrs.of Cctton Seed Products r and H'jh-grctz Fertilizers, ; : ; : . V.'iU r r-7 tho Ill-t Cr--U Trlcca for Cot- 1 : 1 I . - T7o are EhoTTins: a Ilnnd - v - -' come line of -::-r ': vercoats For Boys; Youths and : ; Coats S3 50 & is bb -Xv t: Youths." "6 50 & 10 00 v -S" 6!50' & 20 00 Uix Don't fail to see ouf . Rain Poats,f alll sizesi for Hen and 16 60. 3 Correct; Wear for Men. For Dale. , A bargain, one Danlex Antomatlo Ball Bearing, Weaving Wire Fence Machine. WU) aeka make 1M different styles of famandornanental fenee. Simple to patate. Also about one thonsand pound of al vanlied wire. Apply to QifOU. Hdw. A Mill Sdfplt Co. Ho. Middle St., Mew Bern, N C. Oct. Mth, KKM. and "Wood A fnll lupply of Anthracite free burning White Aeh. Grate, 6tove and ( hestcot Coal, also the Celebrated Pooabanta Bituminous for grate end Steam. Tho tt Oak, Ash, Pine and Mixed wood. Quick, Prompt Delivery. ELLIS' Union Point. Phone 47. j IN -STOCK. X HlJt.'.mi(l kfekUM .... Goal mm FnmUarr Ca O K a Cctton, rr.:3 furnished , . .... i . i . . j 1 - f - -. r; 'v-V-.-'; V?.f.