. I A :z;i c:::, r. c, tedesuai c::i::, E:c::Bn s, isos TWISTY-SICOin) TUB - YOL. IJI-KO; 211. , - 4 'J '( . w . . This Vcattc Cnlb fct j ; XV. EXTRA : If you are short on anything in "Ms j "'Htia nn to tt ahtt HTTRwa and find what , r. mf oris : Go: V: , We have a comp ete line ot N. C. tall O , wool Blakents 10-4size,$3 50. ; . : 11-4 size at $4 76T 12-4 size at $6 00,' V Large size Comforts at 76c to $3 CO, 'A lZ Down Comforts at $3 50 to $7 00, . " , A complete line of Childrens, .Lacies Vt - f and-Mens Cotton and Woolen Under-VI; :v;vj wear. ':1'',:,,''':lM ' E. B. HACKBURN. : $ ; 3v 47-40 Pollock St. ' - . ; C Gaskill: Hdw;&tWill Supply Co. Hve cut the price o.t Heaters Car load to foe sold.- Fire 'Boards Fitted, Stoves set tip. ;: . ' 1 Foil li e ot Hordwaie, Elwood Fence, Paints. Oils and Varnish, Lime and Cement, Sash, Doors and Blinds. - , . a t Lowest Prices, Best Good, : - v Nice linn of Carvers eipected for the Holiday trade. . : Gaskill Hdw. & HARDWARE 78 Middle St Phone 147. AGENCY Columbia Bicycles, Edison Phonographs, Rmbkr fficycles. Cither Typewriters, .Hartford Bicycles, MM. T. HILL. , ' DMler In Hi touv 'm4m, lit ? Kihm 8piinii - oOIK Jos lTiBa ' .V' ; ( BBth rtTf. iJPhMD 15. Mll(1le H, . Sir. D'ancli ;t ",- " ' ; Si' BIooo U Tu0r mi FrUWy bioibIoc atti-'rl ck tor Bjboro,V-V'.-"'. d am ni.rti.-Bl( ' .'. - s . -, . . ' i TMbt orlTrd tot bot pn)oU dU ; ( Wboi fxt o Crarct Hu ; PmW "1 ' ' t!rlj o rrtbt r ptf4 afur 6 o'clock fj'V - . "J- B. AR KD1LL, : !, Moving Moved. We are now In our new store , V ; ,v 93 Middle St., and are hotter prepar ed to supply your ; , - Furniture now than over before. Furnituro of all crack 3 to ho found at our etoro and - at pricc3 lower than wcro over quoted in Now Bern. Furnituro cold for Cach or Inctallrnt, Feet lino of Ltovca In tovra. -1 ! j ! J i . -, 1 I i. -, I tCOVlii. " - --V - JaiiSI Mill Supply C6;, ;MILL BUPPLIES 44 Otwm 8', Pbon 910. Any farmer desiring to fence his land with the American 'Held Fence ? can procure the same of me for a Bhort while. I now have in stock two car loads of Same. V:; vl vkw nE it. cw lUOfS " Elab-ffrade aod vp-to-da Dress Goods a 8peciaUr. In thil depart- ment we bite met with, mpreor dented a tot and patroni this season.' To those ' n ho wf cot hart bought their Drrtt Goods" ire would ray that' yoqcnnot offcaM waoso tmm 70a bare examined our line,"-; - J . . In oar Black Goods deiartmcnt you cn' fool sort yon fetlin none bat the best makes, aad the wear will prore saUsfactory, Ottf Oelobratod "Iteroiu" Un derwear, aod "Onyx Hodjry, are the ones to tm'7 for Comft rt and and wear. A fall line of Vf lite Enit Corset Coters, aUo Black Wooi Oorsct Corets, , , CarpcU, MaUtog and' Tiig De- yrtmit Bp lUlri, JUST RECEIVED U oddites h in Lr 1 EliSilli two iErcnTm tici::cs fablic Office SeclAred PeisonU Proper ty. Other Similar Decisions. --: Special to Sonnii. r - f v ." Raleigh, Dec 1-The Bpprem'e court ihU evening filed a mot Important de dilofl whlcb OTerrolea the noted caw of Hoke against Henderson, decided la 1838, which held that a public office U the property of the holder during the term for which elected. ' t AuoclaU Joitlos Ooanorl dellrwed the opinion Chief Jutlce Cluk filed usenUng opinion, AMOctate Juatlw Montgomery filled a dUeentlng opinion. Aaioclate JuUos Douglu, whe is b eent,idlaientBv'f'.Ai!!y t 1 The case today decided jli that of Ulal agalnet Ellington for: the position of road enperrltor fa,thU county. The oourt deoUres that no offlcs can' hare a property In the sorerelgnty of the 8tate, that regarding legUlatlre offices It la en tirely within the power of . the legisla ture to deal with then as puMlo policy may suggest and publlo interest may de mand. , VV h '- Col Stokes Svord ., ' Raleigh, ' N, 0 I December , 2nd; Today the sword' of Ool. Montford 8. Stokes wu placed la the Hall of History It Is spent by his daughter, Mrs O Hunt of North . Wllketboro. '-It was presented to him while major of the Pint North Carolina regiment in the waa with Mexico' each one of the regi ment contributing- a dollar towards its purchase. , Major Stokes was greatly beloved by the regiment. ' Daring the Oirit War he was the colonel of one of the first North Carolina regiments to Snter theiOonfederate serrloa and wu distinguished for his gallantry and abil ity. The sword is a very handsome one with ruby atndded hat, the blade being inscribed lu order to ehow how the gift wasmade, ,, -f WU Wot Take a Trip TMs Winter Through Florida to Cuba. ; Thlsheautlfal Bute and Island has been bronght within easy reach by the splendid through train service or ue Atlantic Coast Line, the great througn- fare to the tropics. WlnterTonrlsU TickeU are now on sale t all points in Florida and to Havana. t For rates schednlea-naDe Bleentnc Car and B team ship aooommodatlons write to,"4j -A -vt; General Passenger Agent, Wilmington, V': ;K. C ; ''What to 8ay in 8paalsh and How to Say it" seat to any addreesvpon receipt otatwoeeat stamp'' V, r- ' . - V . ' TOUR M0HJBT RETURWED k If Byomei Doep Hot Cars T01 of Catarrh, .. '. ' v : SaysP.fclhtffy.' v,;'.' ; In advertising that they wQl refund the money to any one purchaeln aHy- osael outflt who can say that it his doae then an good la the treatment of ca tena, F I Daffy means exactly what the gaaraeteesajs.' '.;- V -' ' '- - Of course the pereeauge. of euree by Bjomei la nearly oae hundred or alee I conld not afford to make this unusual ftffer. ; Bat If the treatment should not be adapted te) yon' eaea there wfll be no quesUoas cr qulbbllags when you go to get yocr moaey.- - That the beginning of catarrh la 'doe to the preeanoe of germs In the air pase- agee to now admitted by every physlotaa It sueds toreuoathat'eaurrh cannot be eared laleeeftheee germs are first daetroyed-",. The Hyomet treatment kDls the oetanh gams even In the minutest air calk,' soothe end heals the Irritated ocooa asembnae aad makes complete aad lasting cure la case that Save re sisted the neual methods ef tree local. Catarrh ouaot be eared by medldaes aSmtaUured through the stomach. Hy omet to the only natural method aad it has made cures that seem mlraculoua. The oatflt ooets bat $100 sod consists f en isaaler which will last t lifetime tad luBclent Byomei for eeveral weeks tmtmeat A-ddUIosal bolUe of II 70- t el eaa be procared for 6O0. tT S Doffy gTM LU persoaal goaraa e with every Uyomei outfit he sells to refund the money If It doee net cure. There Is ao risk whatever to the pur chaser ct DyomeL Entry Claim. ' , .. '.' , Put Of ITnrth Caffeine, ' ' ' Crsvsa Ccnr.'y. To Geo, B. Tf stere, Ei.try Tcr CrTta Cotintji Tie B'!r-'.-f 1 T,'jn H r.orr-s r.-f C avea c";.; V -i C" :.r., er.u.-s 1 t';." j n t!.e f-::.i!, - r t l'e or :--I f lud la lt fiwr.-'.'p, OeTf f te', fute ef Hor'-a Vu.:.'-. , t. 1 I ' x ' ' " t ' I v , , U !, , 1 I " Irg I.,.. Ilrr, ! ' I ri t n 1 '-, r 1 t '. f 11 'i ! f 3 t t) f ., t I . . . .. . .- Thos F. McCarthy. , Tress., In ,Ae- eeaat with the City kef New - , ' Bern. , v ' GKNBRAL FUND. ' Rot. lit. To Uah - v - V, 835 88 - . To J JTolson -r t , KW l5.Todo 80. To J H Harget . ' ' W 85 $1,84 64 November ; I By paid , ' W tt Parker'; . R P Montague t WF Griffin V 1 0 C Gordon t i ! r JT Lewis , JO Collins' " J i Tolson - J W Watson T B Carroll ' Foy A Simmons AJGaskina J i Tolson ' . LH Banks J JTolson . WDMcIver , ' C Lupton - A L Bryan , WmBUU - John Fields Jr. M A Brooks Thos P McCarthy O G Dunn - - Error In voucher -RBBlalock -, . '.' J G Dana P Trenwlth " -" do -JH Harget do - Helper : Atlantic 83 00, 85 00 8500 -9OO . 80 00 80 00' ' 860 ' too 8180 - 7.00 -.8000 ' 88083 k 80 00 ,800 ' 10 87 " 85 0 8000 50 00 20000 SO 00 10 07 810 05 800 14800' 400 80 00 50 00 490 . 100 105 4 28 5 0 . 5 60 1000 ,6 00 400; 400 500 800. 7888 Hose Wagon . . Wm Eills . Hyman Supply Co. Helper Hose Wsgoa BBBlalock- New Bern Journal J0 8oales r ' H 0 Lumsden ," . John R B Carraway John 0 Boalea s H P Willis . Burns sV ray J W Bowden - Gaskill Hardware Co '.r- do " iv;-, ' . JobhB Wateon (HoUUteroVQox BybaL " ' x85 00 178 50 ' 00 18 20 15 58 10049 81,094 54 WATSB, SKVTEB ' SXKCTKIO UGHI Nov. 1, To balance 2, B E bill, collector 8, do 8, d 6,do - 9, do :' j ' f, . 9, John 0 Thomas, Jr - 4,10418 - 9887 578 ' 9890 88 89 9384 ..' 67 W ,-84 7 - 8718 ; ; . i81 49 10. B R HUL collector - 1L do ; ' "' ' 18, Interest on 0 D Cltlsens Baoh. - ' .' :' . , -'8498 87 84 18, R R Bill collector 18. do . - . 188 00 l7,do- . 29 8 18,d.i :: TO 71 19, do em 90, do 98, dO St, do 97,d-: 80, do v . ' 48 91 ;6190 ; 80 88 85 88 ; W)7 V ; 6,619 88 ( Hot, J JTolson sr T Brlasoa XWBhipp FredTbomu .' ; J W Gibson " Fosur Zastwood Chsa Tooker ; "; H H Tooker , . ". Hardy Lewis t -K KuUcrkrg Co . Fine Lumber Co J C Thomas, Jr R H UU1 1800 .800 4000 '40 00 80 00 80 00 80 00 - 60 00 7100 49 21" 2810 60 00 MOO 89182 89 63 118 14 16 67 133 67 7125 711. 6103 f. Fort W.yee Electric Works "' N R Drre ; . v JJTolioa ; Joba C Bc:es - JJToUoa -;. Hyn-jia Bapply Co Fort Wsjee tlrtlo V.'oiks JJToltoa" Fort Wsyoe Workl J J TV.tott J T IlerCi ' Ut ba'tDte Electric f.l 79 19 04 73 E I .l U : j r i ernaw .rfot ' 1 "-r. j A J i TUB U A KUTSSELL. Capt Glenn of Winston-Salem, states that he will stay la the race for govern or until the finish. The board ot trusteea of Trinity Col lege has declined to request Dr Jno B Bassett to resign., v' - t ' - V - Senator Morgan who u ' la - favor of the Nicaragua canal, saya - that he will fight the Panama canal treaty to the $ Some of the ootton markeu in the Bute sold cotton Tuesday tor 12 cents a pound.. That to more money than has. ever been .paid In gold before In this! State. ' " " I. ' 'Lord Mayor Sir Daniel Dixon, Of Bel fast, Ireland, gave a luncheon to Hon W J Bryan 7 ' ' The United States Government ha given directions looking to the recogni tion of King Peter Khrageorgeovltch of rJervla.';' - - : , ' - Colombians are awaiting the return of General ReyoS from the United 'States Should his report be unfavorable it Is said a guerrilla warfare wllTat ence be started against Panama. Governor Lanham, of Texas, yester day raised the quarantine which has been enforced against Laredo since Sep tember 26th, Of 1,025 yellow fv oases," ninety-nine have resulted ft- taiir. -'-y C ASTOR I A : Tor Infanta and Children. - The Kind Yea Hate Always Ecught .Bears the. Btgnatartof CHRISTMAS V I have jast received a nice line of Christmas t arda. Now is the time' to get -them. Come early ; and get first choloe. -'; Oweii Q. Dunn, PRINTER STATIONER,, j:&':n CBATEN 8KH Ss?ct your jaXard ware hen if yon want good quality, : Wollty oounts in every article of merchaodlae yii buy but In no other business doe quality count foi more thin It does in Hardware. Our stock Is first class. It has been gathered fronr manufacturers n . ted for the excellent ct their pre doe's. Our prices are not higher than yon often pay for poorly mad goods , ' We are agenta foi HEATH AND MULUQAN'S B E S T . I BEPABXD PAINT. " - :; j. ; .' Foy & Simmons. 79 S. Trt nt Si, NEW BERN, N. 0. The Largest Sesih;l3h History ot doir LlSlllGSS. V,'e l.ve ju"t rccrivcl aflfcontl (shipment of the W L Don T:;v; A vr. tt and A T. I'cVMn line thori. 1' : r ( ) i llc.rr 1' i y 0 r f, I f See Our " Window ; Display Of Novelties, consisting ot FLOR ADORA GIRLS, FOXY. GRANDPA SETS, et, JAPANESE and DOLTOH Jugs, English dkcoratbd.ROok and BONN YASESJSTKINSMOEBRS SETS,'. TOBACCO JARS, CAMEO wari etcJfa'l- ' . Inside You Will Find Aline of PIPES from $6.00 each down to 5fcj PUR9E9, CARD CASES, TRAVELING OAES, BOXED PA- l-ER and a large and varied assortment of fine Extracts, Soaps and Toilet Ar ticles. .... - ,:".,'.:,:.r All goods at reasonable prices. Spool ta attention given prescriptions. , F. S. DUFFY, Pharmacist. Diamonds and Xmas Presents Our full stock of Holiday Goods will be on display about Deo 8tb, including the Paul and .Virginia end Rose of tharon designs of French Gray Toilet Pieces this grade of goods U unex celled. Umbrel'as in gold filled and sterling l!ver, all the best and latest designs. An excellent variety of small ple:es from 2!o op. J. O, Baxter. ; PROSIT t Good health ar d good luck attend 1 on I That's a capital toast, and a well meatit one, if the beverage be Badwets beer. It maintains and bring good health-maintains, also, its reputation for purity, paUtablllly and all 'round excellence Neither your feet or your itomaohwl lgo astray if you stick to Budwels beer. j. F. Taylor, MEW BEfN, C Agent for Prospect Brewing Co. of Phil adelphla " Freeh Car Lead every week. ! - From now on we will . have Oysters which ;we ; will , serre bj meejnre, half-shell or oth- erwise.' . .. v Chefpeeke;BsvOystt to- Z day at i Ntion &Cos, A ltu Middle or. . . , . if IV.l t' k we h I to buy ?!a In .f.l f r !' 1 I-l.'.'.l.M i f. :io'U I ioS i i f :r f ' r J'. ; ' t (' ' l'r. 1 iVWiVtWir OCl)(Q hings Seed Raisins, London Layer Raisin, Currants, Citron, " Cranberries; Evaporated Apples and Peaches Prunes, y 2 Florida Oranges, ' . Attmore's Mince Meat, Jelly, '. ugnou n aiuuus, Aimonua, crop. Buckwheat and Maple Syrup, Good Cooking Butter 25o lb for next ten dayr, Baker's Chocolate and Cocoa, Fanny Elgin Fox River Print Butter, Complete stock of Canned Goods,. Tours to McEANIEL. 'Phone 01. 6 LimiIIIIimiTTTTITTTTT!TYTTT!TTTTTTTTT?TyTTTTl JUST "RECEIVED. A Fresh Supply of RaUtoa'a Breakfest Food, Pettyjohn'a Breakfast Food, Ralston'a Whole Wheat Health Flour, " ,u Graham Flour, Hecker's Graham Flour, Eye Premier, Mothers and Avina Oat Flakes, Schredded Wheat Biscuit, also a full and complete line of fancy canned goods. A part of your business is earnestly solicited. Satisfact ion guaranteed or you get your money back "rr J" You re to please, J. FABSEE, Jr. Wholesale and Retail Orocer, Cor. Broad ft ITaneock Hu. B0NI 69 HlimiimiII!TTYTTTTYTTTIII!!!IT!!III!!IT!TTTTT!R A. CEIUKY AGO thev didn't have the style "f carriafes w have Sod ay, with comfort and style romblned, 'fhey didn't have repair hops with such splendid equipment as our ahnpe have. We are reedy f r a-y kind of lepalf work yn tan brtni We wft do t Ux ronEhry and tr mpJy.You woa't find our ebargee too high. The only place fat town to get any aod everything to repair bufgtee. bm us before buying aad save mooey. W put Rubber 1 tree oa yoor old or ew wheel. .Wahrmkyortooe tires to a machine without otatnt them, or without taking Mr from wheel o bam while yon Evwybudy to ! vlted to see the maccta work putting new holta at oia piac. O. Tie Waters eft Aon, r ' Phone 188, 78 Broad Bi Haw BsucN O BUARCII OFFICE A. B: Baxter Q Co., ? ' Commission - " Brohers - Mi, Ccilc3,Grali & ProTtncm 17 Craven 8tre. rhon 838. - ' NEW PERN, It C ' MalnOmp. 81 Prrdy. ew fork. ' VwUnto marelm EtneUenteewtos. I'rtratia wlrM to New York. . UirhMt Uoklof aad BteroaaUl ref erencea, . ' eeeeeeeeeeeeeewe t 1 I Turner's Old cRe- ', llzhk North Czro- ' t I'm Atnunzc fort ISO I hs arrived. ' TO EAT II a Drazu isuis, recans, ail new IV Please, Wholesale & uetau wJT049tM 71 Broad Ot The Greatest Sale of Season At S Coplene Friday Dec- 4, taturday Dec 6. GENTS DEPT. 78 Mens Cashmere Suits worth 4 50, for 2 18, 44 Mens Fine Plaid and Check Suits worth 6 Of, for t 85, 26 Mens Meok-Khap rs Beits, worth 5 99 fer 2 68, 86 Mens Striped Cheviot Snrta, a beauty, worth 8 60, 4 06, 89 Mens All Wool Clay Worsted Suits, 8 00 value, 5 98, 24 Mens Extra Heavy, all wool Suits, worth 10 00, 6 85, 18 Extra Heavy all wool Bait 15 00 value 8 79, A lot of 42 Suits, broken sizes, will go at choloe 4 71, Boys and youths Clothing, all sixes from 69o to 8 CO.-' Brinf t&g boya for Jjnaa. The finest line of Blankets ever oarried in New Bern,, will be sold daring this from 74o toJOO, n- Ladle Jackets, Mliscsj Cloaks and tape will g la this gale at price) yon will wonder at. . Don't mlas this opportunity,' ' : V ,, ;le Xns Good ail V9rf Trl otrU, all oolors, tto yd, . 'v i - -: " Cashjcosrea and nerletu 23o, , Worsted from 9to to 14 yd ail oolors, ., i :, Flannels la all colors, double widths JBloyd, i Coma and see the Bar gains oScr ed La this sals, j6Q will bey pleas4 and save money.. ' ;S. co?Lorj, TJ htlDDLt 8TT.!:;T, Kx to Caaini EwJ'ii Co, PewJCna . pin i! :-n !' hire fc-r. -t1 r f t' i" ": t-;'r- ftci sry C ' tu !) It... ..rg fr "ror I . J" ' ' I'.-'-'l. 1 1