, m 4 t r The Kind You Hare JSocc-tai Lidb hi feec?.. in. moror over years, ; Las ana Las fxy1',, . Bonal sapervLIon -eiaee ifcs t tl incyv: ' All, Counterfeits, JmltationJi and " Jost-ogood" t tntS 1 V, Experiments that trUe withi and endanger the h altb of x Infants and Children rrycricnce agalnat Expei IijenS.- , WJiatUo-GASTORIB Gastoria Is a harmless wmbitltnte for Castor OH !ra,A XV gorlo, Drops and Soothing Syrupa.; It isPleatt at It V ;- contains neither Opinm,-Morphine fior-other JS ucotld substance. Its age Is lteVuarantee. It destroys IP ottos - and allays FeverfsrjnesevJti jcores I)larrho3a4u4 "Wtn( . jv; -' Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Const p .jtioil ,v, and Flatulency; It assimilates the Food regula es fb9A" Stomach and Bowels,, giving healthy and rifttanL, sleeps - - The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. , ' t 1 ', 1 -"t i V"' ' f' -"-'j.; genuine r:us i "" ; I;Bearj 4h Cljiataro of t TleMYottHatonil lir Usa Fjbr Over 30) Years. ; MRS. HELENA BliAU, Young IlweuKee, Society -Woman. fKN ; thousand . -cored I I "j - -women hare written lJ to tell how Wine of Cardui bestows the blessing of health on every woman who takes it, rich and peo alike- Mrs. Helena Blau, No. 123 Sev enth Street,- Milwaukee, Wis., is one of the young , women whom Wine of Cat dui has rescued from a life of suffering. , She writes : "Woe of Carnal h certainly Veen, out women's bettfrkaiaod lam plcattd to give my experience with tU A lew 'months ago I caught e severe coldV tarr ing been out in inclement weather, which settled all over me, particularly fa thai, abdomen. I was in almost constant pahy I consulted physician-and took his medldnefor a month and without any felfef. I thentdedded I wosddtry your i mcdtdne.and it wis ludcy day for cne whcnIdidso I noticed chanfs fa a lew days and fck encouraged to cominiis taking Tine of Cardd, and my patience -was rewarded, for in teiq weeks my pains had left me and 1 left like new woman." j ;js If: V Sfra. gSUa.. : WINEofCARDVI Notice of Mortgage Sale. P'i'ii ' i k p-rr rtt sal cos- i J-i nr. iw " tt. t i i -. , tirr o in .K) .i. run w wt nil ! I- rtr il ) III) I.O-'KMil IB til iffl j itl Ui Khii-i of Itont nf Uratra ioot, la H ma IW. furs Its ete, ibe eelO Kau B Boyd avtg Kslgaed ber ga'Mi.q.Lt tad ib etfiiiiiid hv int (taiv appUii.d OeaHlaa of MHk Br ro ta bar oleo aed Strait, eadt'irWftia o' al1 0aMIa fevlat ttrmn iim- e-t ' Inn I . I win ik Hit rlarofDiv re -r A I) iS, V.4SeSr of It o'et ct n'H nff r for aad-Mli to U btguMi htdoVr for ceb M '.tae Ooatt Biee 4oor i4 C'aa -0ietf to sails-; fvtertrb arcwrwl by mis morigtss d.4 ta aeooMtaaoa tin ls post tbaieie eoMleo: al' ib i4ielas desertbait iral eiai to -vln . ' AU tbe Mltwleg t laad with all JproveMnu tM baltdtags tbenxm, , Siluete nil nee4 Ijlsf uwar the CJ t of Hew Be'a. North Oaroilaa. , oa. tae Weal IW.- wka ts'tnaw aaUe at a ea4aalswf Ra4. as4 being tkai eertaia ' tot Bwirteg lb Kember I, o-ia a eer ta pt-va rror4et la taeOAoe oftbe ReeUlrriif IV4 i4 Cvavew UMaty, la ' iteo III Po Set, .as wrveyed fut Willi. Oaaa tor tL ., oa Mat , Bin. INI 4a4 Mat ta aaine lot sold ; braM Wiliti Dit u tbe above . aeaird Iitaa kt. Da, aa4 T!.ur4 . 1e ( VOlr ot tk KaWet t Dit, of aaM Coomt m ApHt i I fly 7, to wbteb ' aa4 norfa refemMW Is aaM tot a fall aa dealia 6crfWn rA aJd Jot. Tneavrwwi7ih tfloa. - v,: TOO r. -HlABTOr v' Pemflan M-'Mnrk fUrion. NOTICE J :4 a NO l!LROiOOOktPAT ? t e Br, B. C., K 1, 13' la fwtoeeM of roltla of the 8ivVW!drf ike AOto A Jfortk Oaroltaa RaTroad Cr, a4ott a a stlaf bid Kptmef It's, J, altg n be I'M kt Itaw rwa. If 0, Tkatdy (be imk 4y of Ps Dsoawbtr, 10 at iter!k. rf4t ".... . r J t . t- rt S it ! f i i ; j t ' - "5. j: iborne. tie s!;nattu c!j ' teen made under I It to, , i n"-f f iwi us ; ALrareoi : at,:::,:,:: ' Tha woman who has snfc end from -fomala weakness should do nyching within reaeatovse;nre health.; Winvoi Cardoi i3 the medift ciMihatsppasls to reasona-, ble women- women who. iold operationu and catting ihorrcs 1 womenwhoknew, that Natalia tho best phr ioiaa. Wine ,v of Cardju gives .women: tack; their health !by trivias Kstureia chanee ;to build np the wnttd and disv eased tissna. WmeelCauui regulates ths menstrual flow and. Nature, when. reiieved,of ths drains r o the poisons tn Aha system, makee la -functional io-uudergo a -physioian,i aoanunatioB ana treaunent can ana eo excuse tar not secariiigjeliaf when17iae of Caf dot is effered-to her. There is nopub licity to deter her.jr Ehein take Wine of Cardni lathe privacy of her home, witn as mnch assusaneeti a final ewe as though a dousa doctqrs t ecopimwxied u u- l Wine of Cardui to thels,p.itinta. : . j Why not get a SUOQ bcttla of . Wm of Cardui from your drug fit t today f A A million mffirl iff i nave nxma ruiet w '; - WmaofttaduL r i - . . i i e '"7 , .mi. m urannL t 4 AMIS W t M4 M.T I.MJ4. W AlA l ltmU-. Mlil a4ta A Telephone ' BEB7ICX 18 A 8 JukltSS KicMarrr a. boo , ooavxirrtHC. t..ooi. bwcd . , - ContrnlencfH HdrrVnui Phms ' Otsoal t. A. ), rvea. a. A. at tmtmmt,t.Wtm ' a. ax. ravM.o.Mc. . Citizens': : Ban!!; serMxwMra,ir.a Ds General LUnklif Hiitliats 4 April , 19C13, DorplM sa. UadrvW ? :! ded Troflu, $23.(0 ,00. - ft will mihU uit .ttnM mttam vm m aii DaiiMe aire MS to aa - we uviia yonr aooouai. Try us.. Wn 01rtak . a. 'ir, ai w . I n c'. a . ruM, j. W . t W. i. OM. Cat, 'xr.ir. i w i'.s, !.. en 4,rr Maik Discs) f , to vn Ana t if.- t .4 .' org strong imaaeauafaan. untola Dina becaueaahii.tceenaitive 1 rri." 0 1J MMm The i:: kulr tv.lero are bola U S ners cf tie J,.t'r f 3 : .1 V i l" J - !..-, ' I'l'ii1, faosd-wHby plain Jelg clotH and. bor dered .wUhsUHMrafeVW brown clotbi J " ; The turnover jcollsjc and. theflrjni cuffa are also oJtlej(ift4)e1a4lotJr bordered with tteker-.The Jlewen sleeve aps. The blouss ia.of wytejuw oark ciotn, lastenea ni tront wn bucUftiJ-ejftulde des.CouturJereg. .y,: v. Agsinjtbs woifl,48Astton4(rihtha tteparato walsta are absolutely tout or, faebioa and4net t)h)Ue (DOst be made to Mtcb X1m skirt irlthfrtIinra worn, no.maiteojv.JieAWithe jnato rial. Loire many or-tne arbitrary uwa. thla One will be . constantly -broken. There is no question,. hjrffftTerJbni that the most elegant,coetnmAh4,v k4rjts and waists pi, toe anjp mstejrias, In the Instance-o elotu.oie toe bedleea are composed of the cloth mixed, with; either, embroldesy- tw JacMn ucb. a maaiterthat thenars made not only. graceful, but,thei?.tttvno tS.wrtn For oft wateUJttottting la snore- becom ing and beautiful than. one. tBUt0s,ed of lace. Crepe da cblne Is also -com blnedwltianewSroidfltSi - " " V- ' i a sVc i ' v ' "- mm ChrtVtfce Hew Clov, , 'i Pale blue cloth Is one of the season's latest .idaJp(UJiwJUftn ewUissoilt recenay waeet w.pf pajme (dothain. that ekatov Tke style of the gownvwaa extremely, almpbelng jnpire,ly,oowle4 round he hips and, sXcteiderji A(.Ltl4 Tbe skirt trimming, equally unpre-. tentlous. was. fflsbioned of,.oia time ruchlngs of clotb Both 'alperes g4 lingerie wlt rowejisef Mue chif, fon, : ; "Cke boiUm had west and belt of white lace and another, narrow, vest of clotlv jthroiMrti vwMch fwas ;thread.ed a tie -of cerises tttoC y- ; The acarf,l muff. eM iuoleskln, which harmonized deUghtfully.wltli the patoUietothir.Waabingten Star, h . ; One thing is sure ostrich feathers are, the. most. popular 'feature fit the winter millinery and appear -not only upon the picture beta, but also upon the email hats and turbans. ; Buncbee of small ostoeirtfpedroop, over .the upr turned brim of onethsJU-And e plume of Incredible flength? made-Jy joining two plumes togetben trails ground) the crown of aAflcheevhatsndifalltulow ever the shoulder, - - . ' " rr 1k BaDtMSk ' ' - This dainty froc.hHtasirax plalb ed with white chlSonaever rose plpk. liberty eatln. , Tbe bodiee has awreatb eitvTT aat.t oowx. 'f rink r mnr.1 tl.e lf-w-tit h. sol the skirt lltJ..'1t kr!siHiS Of ptnk r" r.4 w r'.Uton. Trlnrtl C' ; I i.- , lliarts 5rra f-.r . rr r lr''t t'.BH rr ,',-.- .'i V r-."-l,t ff f T fa! r' . n Ii I k i ' - ,n, i v . - i t r 1 ' I.,., -. I i ! 3 i ( I . i i'.mchI c r w , V irji.l I'J sa"a Is ;-'- r . St 1 f T tvsntrg w - r. T' s '..i .;i r ii-' in1, r f T i - . , .a Is J 4tkwA A F'rr.tia I JiiJd 1 ier Eattrel I om His BU-l'H... . An I' ' b r.l-e giti a del!'litful j- t 1. .ij (Kx-n-t.r. iu flLlfh, sLe errs. tuere are "no nuinonaires ana no nouvosus riflKs." Titlca there uro In plenty, but position counts for nois ing unless tlie persons in question ate "good sorts' in theniselves." Where? i in England one is tolerated principal ' for ones weultii, lq Scotland for oue blrtU.,lrt.Jlreland it would nppear one (3 judged entirely on one's merits, .'T'lie average Irlsb bouatAiold differs from tUe Englisb In being less stiff,, more amusing and more boepltuble,. Possibly, tbe wall paper : may-be a tripe moldy ..from damp. ,and Jne stair carpets . not ; eltogetler , innocent- of boles, while " your bedroom jug; and basin may- not match. 'JbuWheaaare counterbalanoed by priceless Aid prints, eupefb:,blts of old. sliver und, ell the fun of the fair It is! more amus ing Jo, pay e found of country .visits' Jin Ireland than in England, , .There is no ceremony,-but of .beortji eiecere wel come there is no end. Tuer,e Is no anxr iety abftUt an Jrisb party amalgamat ing, for gueets are all, drawn jnto tbe family circle, Whereas an English par-' ty does not thaw Out untll'the, yislt is nearly ever and often only ahps signs ef exhilaration when--the hour, .of de parture arrives.. It Is a miatetye' -concludes the critlc,'"for the Ssxon .to Start plans for the improving .of.Ire Jand. The Irish Btandard of morality puts English society to the blush,'', i - is .To Improve tha appetite an) etrength en'ths digestion, try a few dpres of Chamberlain's Stomach and Ller Tab lets.,. If r, J. H. Beit f, of Detrolt JKlchn Hb-They restored my appetite when ImpelNd,! relieved me of jjiloattd feel; tng ' and csusecLa pleasant 'and satisfac- tory movement . of the bowels. There era people la this community who need Just such a medicine For saletby all drogglt." Every box warranted Vi ii , Klaar .Edward'a Noble Gnase.- , ' t- Like C'p pope,' the kiOg of England has a TVunteer bodyguard knowa. es 4-gentlemen ut hrma,- winch was atAb- llsbea la 13)9 by King Henry VIIl and ever since that' date has attended the royal person on all state' occasions. &t drawing rooms end levees two of them stand guard beside thejiaVereiga or within call if be should need assist- a nee.- Two - more guard ' the barrier that divides tbe antechamber from the audience room. , Their uniform Is strik ing, consisting or a scarlet coat, neav llyxernameoted with gold Utce, opd a brasa-helmet.! crowned with- white plumes. ! There are fifty gentlemen of arms, ail of them noblemen or military eQlcers of high rank, and vacancies are filled by appointment of tbe king. The present' captain general, aa the om mandlng officer a palled, Is tbe Earl of WaldgrYe.Tr-Clilcago pecord-IJenild. ; : i '".V '!jhi Cjj"m.jiu''1' ' iiw-j.' v" ' T"- cures Bipod Poison, cascer, ulcers, tMWi Cariiwcles, Etc Jle u Robert Ward, MaseyVOa aya'i ! snffered from hlood ; polnoiaj.my khpad, face and ahonl lera weraene. mas. of torrupUoD, aches In boats end Joints buoilnf, ltohlng,,, tcabb)! sklnv wassail ran dows and diseonrsgeaV batBotoilo Blood Balm eared me psifeoUyr; heeled all the sores ana gsvs my, skin the rich glow of hekUh. Blood Balm pot new Ufa into my ; blood -and new ambit oa into my brain. Oeo A Wlllfams, Rfx bary.face covered with pimples, chroaje ere On back of head, iopporatlog s wsjl ing on neck, eating "lcer en leg bops palan Iteblng skin eared perfectly b BotMlo Bk orL lUlm sorea ,U bealad. Bptante Bln4 Bajmrcnres all malignant Mo.d oaus,'cnrk s eff m. . scabs .ad.csles, pimple, vTi)ric.li.g a in, cy . iincia, icrofula, stu'; K pool ally ' ad vised for all oaalliate that hav reached tha second e; third stage. Drag als, IU . To prove t cure, sample of Btond Balm aeat ,frt - anl - prepaid b- rstUag Hloed Balm- Co,, A U sot a, Oa. Deaorlbe trouble and 'res nw.1lcal adytof ssnt 1 eeakd letuf. - -r. '," ( . -ATTEtiTIOilf ; : GEUTS. - . Wears now la a posSUos to. msVa Bulls, Oveteoats. aad Treason .to jour leara Itk a guoranlee asui wok njaoahtp, Jtjle, Fit, sad -Trlmmiag. 10 per oeat lower tbsa ever before. -, '; Give as a trial aad be convinced. .,, ' ;" Bpctfoi)v Ynors . IX HAVYOI, w " t -' TAlLOtt. ' 81 rVmth Froal Bu notlco-ol Duxiimcns, rTira J Jours .. v. " Vi'irfti E Jona, Tl.s '' '' r !arl tBmrtI will t ' i l r ' tioii a ai"t , ', ! .1 . i i i r I la 1! i I i ,t i 'fin il'i'n I ' it r ,"i 'I f ro 1 i" fci :" ci j. J 1-r.i' , .'.Ire I , , , . . i il' hi'f 1 1 ( I . t 1 4 la t , i' I Ii " r n l t -1 1 1 -' -a ( f ii ' i ' ' : i .!,', ! i , : r ' - t f . i l i : 1 ' iii ''it . t . - - , . S i r r . r - ( h i i i , ' ' I ' I n i ' i i i r s " r ' i . . i i 1 - r Is to love children, ana-no home can be completely a W aPPy without them, yet the ordeal through wilier the cr . pectant mother must pass, Wua.!l y is - so full of sufering, danger. and fear KJ, f at ?lie loots.forvad;t,j 'the.critical - v r with "PIWWMi- dreai r. -t by its. penetrating and southing. properties,"5 nervousness, and all unpleasant feeliupk and ' .i system for the; - - . . " r t - t . . I - 'wc-' ; Uttla , Va axi-a. - eap tvm ' , passes through - - anduith but :yas numberslivuilL --f 4 ' If A. ' m - - ,:..! fv "drlit in coid." :4i.cxj-perC FZ'r-v jrrists. Book containing izicmation maUed. ZJ EX -lAira CO., Atlanta, Go. aao. of- Valuable iTim ; ter, Timber Labels, : , Saw;' wit Dy xf; Kilns and Oth-' " 7 ei Property. .."-(- Pursuant to the powers eontsim d in a deed of trust .executed to me by Ttoman A Green. Tbouue Q B man aun Kulub Oray dated July 27th, ittOI, I 111 sell at public auction for cash, at the. doer of tne unn uonse 3r uarteret county, North Carolina on Tuesday, tbe 89th day of December 1908, the following proper ty situated In said Carttret covnty, to wit; 1. Tract of land id Newport township containing 800 acres mare or less, fully described In grant No. 18861, rVed June 18tb, 1899, registered in office of Keel-. ter of Deeds of said oounty In bcok V V, page U. ,--,. ' , 2. Tract of land. In Newport township containing Hi acres, more or less, fully described tn grant No; l;i860, registered In office of said Begi ter ol Deeds in book Y V, page 11. - . - 8- Three tracts of lands known as the Thomas Lands, deed ibed in deed from James M Holmes and wife to William A Thomas, registered in said office in book F F, psges 67, 09, consisting of tbne tracts, In all 8,125 acres, more or less, telng same land -Conveyed to B B Neal by deed registered in said office in book NN,psgeQb8, .,. - 4, Also all ths timber of every kind a hlchwas conveyed to R 8 Neal by Kit ward H Hill and wife by deed regtsteted in laid office in book Y, page 48, with all right eon veed to said deed;. . .. . - 8HAlso all the- Umber and all rights and privileges conveyed to said R o Neal by MattleB Sould, Zjnemeh Garner and wife by detd srgiatered la said office In book v V, page 60-i t 6. Tract of land bounded aa follow: On the north by A & . N O R R. on east by land of R B NeaL on west by land of J T Eaton, aad on south channvl nf Bogue Bound, pontslolng 18 acres, more or less, v ; j-"1 ' . v 7. Tractot !nd which Is di scribed In the mortgage deed from R 8 Neal to W M Webb, registered In taid oQ)oelubouk V Y, page 421; containing 9 arrse more orless, -.. -v.; y::,- : ; 8. Tracts of land and the timber rights thereon fnlh described in the mortgage deed to the Citizens Bank of New Bern, registered In said pfflee in book V V. i 9JUllhe pine, oaksshr and cypress timber upon the land In Newporuown shlp at.tha JieadiOtNewport River and In-ibe northwest fork of same containing 60 aoref, which was .conveyed to B 8 Neal by B:epbs jQarnor by deed, tenia tered tn ssld offljjejn book V V, page 67. except the IB eciee thereof sold by said NeaJ,andsls.eU the timber oe tie Una in Newport township, in the bead, of l)Mn riM.li D ..ll at "IT ' HffWIVi WBWIBIDK 91 mm c, conveyed . Re Neal by . Tflomee F jubup mna - wire o oeea , n-jtimersa in said office in book .V-V, peg 819. i . I 10.. The Umber on the following tracts of lano: v.-v,..--.- . -.. ;. . . . Dae tract in Jumping Ran and Deep Creek-Bs-smpk. on east slda of Monk River being eve sevsotbi ot trset knows as thHmpoa tract, . ; ' , -; -; One tract ' koowp as the' V B Salter patent, ooaiaialDf ; Ii7.scies mrt or Use tract commi nolee -vn M nor to WfslCQfOfrDf .ib-V BKalUM Sift a rarf, ras. aoaik 109 i olw,ih a wr 00 poles, tba ooita uo poles, 'o-n es SU0 poies, i see , Boutn to Mid pa tool, ibb with said Sltaare pateat to tbe e gla atnc Betas' ama eoovsvad (a R S Nl bv V B ttalicr by deedrelsierad la said omceia book, y ,v, page 168. - J -! 11 Ail tb ataodin timber ea tbe tract or land la White Oak township oa east aide of White Oak river, brtlaBtag a tbamoatk of Raotoca ant, , deacrlnwd la deed from Daniel 8 Weeka to R 8 Neal, regtsured la said offlo Is book V, V, pegs 19U .. ' 4 : m , .'..j ,. t - 13 Also thai SO rear leasehold Is Urea U cob pled wlih the right U pnrchaae, renia paio tor enure term ol tbe tract of Wad a -Caroline City" oe sooth side of A A N 0 R R ad joining the land cos veyed to R 8 Nest by M Webb, ad I'lioiDg ths hade . of A AH ORB eova pkny, and cbaonvi ot Bog aa eoned end .f Manle- Bom .Willis an i J T Eaton, upoa which ta located tbe mills and dry kUns formerly belonging to R KeaU . 13 Alio His aiw ml.! locaud . oa sali above spadOwl laad said mill being Ca pacity about 40 (X.0 fet pr-day, wbb all SBglatl. boilers, blli g,staMBg, polleya, sea all tnola, Sx'Bree aad sp pllascra.alaa tbe trUk dry klia, wbtrv.s vai fculnllnra, tentmsnt bourn sail fiikr bull'lioga located oa hM lasd, s!n all rafting er, wanas, sod Otbst to'( aad Impicmrnts sod S( pllasrwe, IS Tb tiara ng boats , William X Krsand'Nelile." , . . . 14 Aofl the trartof laad la Jones rnunif, Nnrt t Carolina, Coacrt ed la tbe Ar I from George W II v aoi othars to ft t Nrai, KrHtr-red la eSTice of lirslatof i f J t.i' ofjotipi coonlr la tf 44 470 4V1 Ij Ing (a torifc a il Hast n. trerk a"J.-!ita lbs Jn-ll (.f FJsar ti J 'tita ,r. 1 fi'.i era. 1 ', And t' ir. t r.f 1b1 It On!o ti J :'. (. - r CJim- r i 1 I - t ,' ,'.' d Iw) f ' ' , r. 'f r t ! . i i A i i i r ' r i "., 1 ''K en t r rr i s ' i tl ! l i I i ' ! tr' ! , 1. 1 i i' : - . i . f - M'.iM , . ! I ' ' J i i 1 1 r f s ; t i - ,!;.-. 1 -i ;-.); 1 P n'f" i i -, s.Y' freet C 11 U LsjLm V '' ' ' : . ; vz7 tuudif full line of Itrugt ind Medicines, ': Perfumes, Toilet Soaps, etc. also tha following Mineral Waters-. uabchleas ttineral Spring, pu&alo Lithia,-Hnnnv. adi Jan os, Unnyadi. Matyas, Carbana, veronica, Apenta, Bed Raven rJplita., Comba, Brushes, Tooth Brushes, , - -Pasterine Tooth Paste. COLUMBIAN INSECniOIDF. Creolum, the .Great Disinfectant end bm tmg uestroyer. Brom-OhloraluTji 1 sure PREVENTATIVE of infection of contagion of DlPHTHERIAk.f SMALL n vi'oIans',Preacrlptloi.i7a tspecialty 1 1 ..... 1 'i ... Simmons, A. Ward SIMAONS A WARD, &TT0RNE i asl COUNSELORS at . LAW. IflKW BKBSS, i e. Office Removed across Street to be ' i iBtory of No. 89 (above Telegraph flee) South Front Street, nei to Hotel Qhattawk Practice in the counties of Graven, uupun, jones, unsiow, uarteret, rnmU oo and Wake, in theSnnreme and Fad. era! Courts, and wherever services are aeerrea. EASTEUN CAROLINA DISPATCH LINE -AND 'Id Dominioii Steaiiisliip.Co fRIIfiaT.VPASSrNGIR. For All Point IfprMi, Effective Oct. lit, 1908. The Steamer NEIJSE Is scheduled to sail a 6 p. m., Monday Wednesday and Friday,, for Elisabeth uiiy N. u. Steamer OCKACOKE is scheduled to sail at I pm Tneaday, Thuradav and Batnrdav far Ellnhih City. N. a, t2TT Freight reoeived not Uter tusq one fiour pravioui to attUn - For further fnjtqrmaon spplj to GEQ. flKNDEKSON, Aft. K, K- BLrs-a, Oen. Mfr H C. HcDeie,Oen.FitAjPsae,At . .Nor(ol.;,Ve, . Aj,UHelFrf4aa4aas.AgeI..Nw i. ,t .At .-. . Notica.- oL Sale' Under :y'f "lfprtgakW ' Stats of KOBTB CAROLINA 1 Parsoant to a eertaia power of sale eoaUia4 IB the mortgage card el ecu ted by tbe Bothers HosisVy Mills Compaaf to tha Klasuvn Oottoe Hllia, oa the lBlh rJay of April 1S0J, aai recorded lathe Ofllee ot ibe KegUter of Deeds of Crav en Coaaty, In Book 141, Fats M, whlck mortgage, deed-aed the debt aawured kerauy was on tbe ilk .day of Jaaaary IW18. trsasferrad aad . asalgned lo the Farmers aad M etches ts Bask of New Kara. Tke aedersfgead as Reoelvers of aid Hank will offer ror sale aad sell to tbe highest bidder for eaab, at tbe Coarl UoBte dom la tke city or new Bern, e Monday tke 7th day of Dcetnbtt 190S. at the boor of 11 o'clock M. all the right Itl aad InterMt of tbe Farmers end Merchants B.sk Is aad to all tkote cer tain' lota of land - sltsste and bela ia the city of flew Sere, Coaaty ad.. Biate kfomald, B the EtM tlile nf Ortmik street sad era ths koatk ll teof Htaalr atreftenoe which ta sir sa rd tbe Mill Building, Ir Houa, Warhou, U"rtr Rroms and lnenil h'lOM-a, ssd WhW-k sre aparal!y and r tlaiXly deacrlbed la the oertnln )r1 o Onavayaaoe, evcnt4 by Pit PUitlr an-t !". on Iha6;h day of Korewlwr lul,tOtke party of tbe Brat tart, t.. t.' l Ho-! Ii.ra l!r!rv Mills (!TifiBV, v ' '- h aaM i1d ta du!y rv-r-l,1 U .i. k l fi-r-a 1 1'b., rfT.nre ti vli'it i In I rr.1 v ti a ff-r a f ill and r-ua-I :,u rf. r ; ' ! n f t lY, pr"r-rt y .t Tj -It l'r a-l ti.e r'r' t. . i . I it 'mi tt fif tal-1 l'nk, la en to i I ' i 1 '" rv, f ,i; j In, 1 -', i ! i , 1 inrj' -"iIhtt 'i,laj i ii" I I i !'i 1; -.'a j . 5 ' - i f i .. . s t it mk'j tin ium . v . . i .,'. i j I ' 'r !'k ilf, f , '4 ' 1 ! it 1 'ill if . y Voast f I lJnfieiUpHFARcfllVEb iBetWeen rtie NORTH mo Flcirida CqtjaJ . '.' " ' ' ' ' . ' .'" ';'V--V'-'''" A passenger service unexcelled fbF Itixiiry . and comfort equipped with the, latest puJlmari Dininj, Sleeping and Thoroughfare Car: For rates, Schedule, flaps or any Informal tion, write to WAi X CRAIG; Oeneral Peaaeoger- Agent, WHinlija1 ''-,B.)i-"t;a. Trochet's Colchicine. Salicylate Capsules. A standard and infallible cure for RHEUMATISM and GOUT, , endorsed by the highest medical authorities of Europe and America. Dispensed only in spherical capsules,, which dis solve in liquids of the stomach without causing irritation or ' disagreeable symptoms. Price, $1 per DQtufe Sold by . '.ruggists. Be sure and get the genuine.' - W1LLUKS UFO. CO., CI.KVJtI.ASip, OHIO, Bole PNX. SOLD BY F. S. DUFFr. ' mm COLCHICINE1 SALICYLATE i Sift 0 rWr Au a Mencken: & THE WINTER RESORTS SOUTH BEACHED BY Southern Railway. The Southern Railway announces the sale of round-trip Winter Excursion tickets to all the principal resoit? of the South, beginning October IS, 1903. The winter resorts of North and South Carolina, Georgia and Florida are espec ially Inviting to those in search of health or pleasure, in ihep Stales sre such noted resorts aa Plnehurst, N. C, Cam den, Aiken, Sumoieiville, S O., Charles ton, 8. 0., Augusta, Savannah, Bruns wick, Jekyl Island and Thomaavllle, Os. Jacksonville, Bt Augustine, Ormond, Davtona, Palm Beach, Rockledge, Miami and Tampa, Fls., also the resorts of Nis aaq and Cuba, best reached via Southern Railway. Tickets on sale up to and Including April 80, 1901, limited to return until Hay 31, 1901. Southern Railway aff irde elegant train service, Ith the lateat Pullman Drawing ttoom bleeping Cara, operated through between piladpal chlee and resorts, ele gant Dlolng Car service, and everything for the comfort and pleaiure of the traveler. Ask aeareat Ticket Agent for further Information and descriptive literature. The Golf toast Resorts, Mobile, Mew Orleans, Mexico and California via Southern Railway. Winter ;Tonrlat lick eta now on sale to the noted resorts of the Gulf Coast and Mexico and Calif ore la Tickets on sale via Sootkera Railway np to and laolodtog A pill DO, 1904, limited to May 11.1901 for retain passage. Elegant traia servlc. The route of tha "Waahlucton sad Southwestern Iim I ted" and Snaeet LI I ted." . Ask nearest Ticket Agent for detailed utoraaUoa aod descriptive matter. lic lABSol UlC SlT . . SBl "Sipphlre Country." '" r iMAL.Wmillt RESOITS. The roathere Railway iwaches tbe Ideal winter resorts of tn "Land of ths SkvM and "HapphlnCooatry," inolddlag Ahvlle,N. O., Hot epnags, ft.MJ UsbotosvI1I1, N. C. . Brevard and Lake Totoway. The climate of Uls aeo- Uoa Is aaparalwled, soluble for Invalid athlete or soortamae. sad offer every ebara of sa idet vYIatar Keeort. la stnt Mortal boteVs. Tbrange Blesplaf Qare from erincipal oil tee. , Toot 1st Tickets bow oa sale at very low rates. Ask eeereet Ticket A gaaj for-detaiifd taforaaiios end daaertpvlTa llteratar. P. II. FelleUer, ' ' ... .ATT0E.MI AT LATTa ' " Klille Strsst. Lawysn ' Irlsk 9allfliar. - - win prM t arm Cmiifin ef Craves iiuth1 (Mo ana I taiiM, O icrait aa S IMt-w. u4 aFrm Onwrt IK U WAIID, Attorney st Lew, - 74 flo. rrfk Pi, 0; Hotol Cbattawks Craran Connty Attorney. Cir-titL ltmm. OnWrw. Oarl. I "ir-n, (lrtt. lrvolr, and tl-e "Ui'lFWuiwum L. ). Hnbicht, TttlTi'we - . . erne e"wk. t rw CIGAR Bdlto.lMd. A. &N: C. R. R. TIKI TABU HO. 82 To Take Effect Sunday, Oct. 25,1903 - at 6:65 A.H., B.S.T. Going East Sohbdulb: Going We No. 8 Passenger Trains No. 4 k DAILY. Lv. pm stations: At. am' 8 80 Goldsboro 11 OS 8 59 LaGrange..... 10 8 122 Kinston 10 IX B 40 Ax. New Bern, Lv, 90 8 50 Lv. " Ar. 8 87 7 15. ... Ar. Morehead City Lv.. ... 7 06 No. 5, Passenger Train Lv. A. M. 8 00 8 18 8 26 8 87 8 48 No. 0, Passenger ITraiB. k ArjP. STA.T10H6S DAILY. .Goldsboro. a.,. OOU ' ....Beat's 8 08 v . . LaGrange 7 67 . vuiii.m iuV if Am . ....... Kinston 7 87 ' Oaswell..... 7 85 .- 9 02..., 918. 9 SC. 9 50. 9 56. seeeeeeo w w iimiitlll Core Creek 7 00 v- Tuaoarora 8 50 Clarka... 041 ,.Ar. New Bern, Lv 8 80 V.K, - 1010.... A. M. FREIGHT. No. L DAILY EXCEPT No. 8. SdOlaac. SUNDAY Id Oka Lv. b st Ar, p m 51....M- ..GoldsboTO...., 860 6 45 Beat's.. ,. 8.18 612 LaGrange 808 6 7 Falling creek 1 88 7 82...... Kinston. 1818 7 40 oaswell 1801 00 Dover 1101 9 40., oore Creek 1040 10 10.. Tuaoarora ,.1010 10 83 olark's 8 64 1100 Ar. New Bern,Lv..., 880 U80.,....Lv. New Bern Ar..... 48 18 112.: RiverdsleT. .740 1 )..,. oroataa... 788 140..,..... Havelock '.... 710 8 09 Newport, Lv 888 9 20 Wlldwood. 817 8 28 Atlaetio 808 8 58 ..Aj.lipreheadcity.Lv M 800 ...AJ.lZ, city Depot, Lv 809 e.su A. Mr B.L. dill, B. A. NXWLASD, Geal Bnpt,' V Kuter Transportation. , j n j . it y- , . ' TTntlilnct on 11 no The Llsk Cbanecttog The . . AtliBtlflCeiit. Llarj B, ; Bilt'lmorf) k Oilo.R B Cbeiipeike.cV Ohio Bj. , j'.V, , . PenniylriDlt B E. Etiboiri Air Ll&o Ryi - f-'". , ; . ; ; ui Eoitturi Eillwiy, Bet wees ail pofstA ttkRlchnond, ts.'..-, .'-rt..j:l :' :. FAST MAIL, PABflOOtH, tTPtlTTH aedrRKianTROUTR . :' betesee ' - Rlchaoad, Wathlagtoe, BsiUmota, Till adslpbta, New Yotk, Bottoe, riiulsr,-, Buffalo and AU ToIbU North, fioui'i, Kiit sod Wast, W. Db DUIX, v .Gael. Vanajnr. C. W. Ct'Lr, . , ., f A aa'L flafil. tTanavaf. ' . i i r Yt.T. TAT LOR, , i. , . .Traffle Ksnaj'r, V:

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