THE JOUIalAL. ew rra. H. CM Dec. 8, 1SC3. LODGE tERXCTCRX. CHAVES LODGB KO. 1 KNIGHTS OP HARMONY. Meet! 8nd md 4Ut VTednesdav alchta In each month In liouutree'e HalU Pollock atreet, at 7.80 o'clock. tamoelE. Ball, President; J. 11. Bmith, Botfyj B- B- Ei Financial tteoreiary. t;. . ..... - macx is ,ncw AttTcrusuacni. Cabbage plants for sale. City Tree EepprWTvir,; Entry Claim, V J Q Dunn & Co Special Sale.; -l-.- Barfooi Bro-Ttro Specials. -' SW ArmatroBf OTetcoaU 7 ;' 8 Coplonpeclal,5&f s$;l4 v: Simmons & . .Hollowell o.-Cttt Pri ces. ' 0M0 Buslnes toe!. WAKTBDTo rent a comfortable dwell ing honsln ;good part tof the -city, - Apply o C. Jonrnal office, giving sue ' -of bouse and rental. - :'.-".f-f a;; , PLENTY of Nice Venison at Oaks Mar t6ST or Stolen from Callaway's barber ' ebon.- a hair duster, finder return and oblige. , .:.r'X.-' FANCY FRUIT today, also Candies, of all kinds! Fresh Oysters and Bread at James B Dawson, 103 Middle St, Phone S09. " - PECANS for sale,-apply at 112 Ea Front St. LOST On Change or New street, a long ' dark far tippet. Finder wHleasj- tarn to this office. S W Smallwood. , WHAT all the people say mast be so, , that Dressed and Live poultry, Wild ' Game, Foreign and Domestic fruits, Im sorted Chestnuts, Fresh Koested Pea- nuts every day, Pickles Pig Feet at M W ; - Chapman. Cor Middle and BJFront Sts, v Phnne'68, Prompt Delivery. FOR SALiE S.000 cords dry slabs, Elm City Lnmber Co. - 8END YOUR ORDERS IN for Sunday, Will have the best pork sanssge in town . and the finest a'eak and roast, elldy . Saturday 41 Queen Si. Henry Bryan, GUAHANTEED Sugar Cored Hams ar 15 eta lb at the Oaks Market - ! F R RENT After November 1st my " former residence on Pollock street be .'tween Middle and Hancock Sts. For v . terms apply to J. W. Stewart. ; BOOK-KEEPER, Stenographer and type-writer. Competent young ladyde- sires situation. Neat, prompt and Indus trkras. Call on or address, M No. 24 Johnson St. WE GUARANTEE Wilkinson's match. Jess Mineral Water to cure dyspepsia and stomach troubles, or money refund . ed. Davit' Pharmacy. MISS NANNIE P. STREET, Insurance Yxcluslvely. Prompt attention. 8ABATOGA Spring Water Just reoelred at Jacob's Cafe. TREASURY DEPARTMENT,' U, 8. Lile-ttavtog Bervloe, Washington, D. a, ' November 80, 1908. SEALED PROPO SALS will be received at this offlo un til 8 00 o'clock, p m, of Tuaaday, Decem ber W, 1903, and then publicly opened, for the construction of two life-tevini stations, ooe at Bogus Inlet. N. C, and one at Fort Macon, (Beaufort,) N. C. Proposals for one or both stations will bseoasldered, bat proposals for both stations most state the sua for which the bidders will construct each station if awarded a contract for but one. 8peci-fli-ations and drawings, form of pro , posal etc, caa be obtained upon appll - cation to the Boparlnieadenta of Ooa structloe of Life tUvInf Stations,' 17 State Street, New York City? to the Raperlntendant of the 7lh Life Baring District, - Sbawboro, N. O4 or to this office. S. L Kimball, General Boperia UndtDt ' :..; ".' ... ifroh , .' TU theepost kt 60 per roflJJ s TbCEwt at IS 00 per rolTES BajnpUf te&t to jotir boOM. Guilford Lewis, JPhoc 208.V - A Stiici la Time Sires Rise. It it t too soon to be Utfsklsf aboot rood th to ft to tat for the oomlsg o1l f.1 teuoev Sola your dreams do ao li te cut the oMa apple grew In Us fanny Nut. " l't crsnfsa are the bst la oolor aad t, -.nViy, grown froa balked slock, they ! it a decldod saplofty ore siss 1 'rg M "iborooikbreds,' Arshestf cftbemoet diHcicas qany, t i, lesctovs sod of that siq!lte ' n Bstof, so dallgblfsll twptng i) h tnMt errklos srt!'te. So f fismSr that vaf prl.s will aoi ate jnH, for !,! at!jg0S(rtffi rd) to draw from, ihyd? anilsvelo 'lcntV.1 stl fi'sl ('s. Irsadrop snMdle ptn'i in try rastomvrt, k4 - ! f r 1 rr st !. f 3 0flrie Ft TL r Ml t:, C''TBf. , t r. -.-t. lips ir,CU..- A? D A10UT. A north east norm aSectlog the tnllie Atlantic coast is predicted for txJay. The New Bern Cotton Oil and Ferti lizer Mills is pslng 8.75 for seed cot ton. ; , . V C, There were sales In the" cotton market yesterday at prices ranging from 11 to 11 42. . ; T-;': V Mayor Ellla autpended jadgment on W H Wiggins In the police court yester- dsp foj being drunk.; Wiggins psld the Yerteiday was a damp, " dUagreeable day,' It atarted In at daybeak to snow but it sopa changed Into a sletty rain which pieraQed at Intervals all day, ; -While distressed over the account of sinking of the mission boat on the Con go rlver,t;Presbyterians here wer j re lieved to hear "that Rev; L O Vass es caped the fate that met nearly all of them cn board when the craft was lost Bishop tiheshlre, of the Episcopal dio cese of North Carolina, will nil nan- ber of appointments ' for Bishop A A Watson; vf the diocese ol esstern North Jarollna.these appointments being main ly; In the northeastern section pf the State la and around , Kinston: Free 1 Press, 2nd ''iihxfj-i I Mr Walter Cunn LaRoque and. Miss Mamie HInes were married yesterday evening In the Christian Church at Kins ton. Mr LaRoque is a proaperua mer chant of Kinston and a very ? popular young man withal and hit bride is t charming, and accomplished daughter of Mr Lovltt Hues of the same place, '.xy David Williams and Emma Bites ledge a dusky swain and maiden were joined ' together In the bond of matri mony according to the, holy rites of lsw and the church by Justice 8 R Street, at bis office yesterday, Irish noon. 'After the ceremony thev united eouplo, were ushered into a grocery wagon, 'which had been imprtswd for the occasion, by the driver, and away they went In bliss ful hepp'ness to their humble cot in PavieTown.;-;.. - The Journal his received aresent of quite a handsome picture from the art and mualo atore tt Prof E Walnau on Middle atreet to wbom'it feela obliged The picture is a reduced copy of the famous Trumbull painting of the "Sign lng the Declaration of Independence, ' Prof Walnau carries a 'nice line of pictures among which 'are therepro doctlona of several historical paint logs, reduced in size of course, but other wise very true copies of the originals, bet ides a varied atsorlment of musics) Instrument?. The Kafer bakery resumed work yes- terdsy after a temporary auspenaioa necessitated by the enlarging of the plant. The ovens and work rooms are about completed, and are the largest and moat conveniently arranged of any other takcry In the State. The plant wss established here ovtr twenty years "go. and with its past reputatiun - for good work and the late increased facili ties the people of New Bern need hay no fear of being plentifully supplied hereafter with the best bread, buns and cake a that can b baked. WooOmcn of tie World. At the regular meeting of Elmwood Camp No. 19 W. O. W. last night, the following officers wer elected for the ant ensuing 13 months. Consul Commander, A X Hibbard. . Advisor Lieutenant, A J Gssklns. Clerk, WN Pncb. Banker, J J Tolson. Escort, TPAshfoid Watchman, J J Land. Secretary, J C Hm. Camp Physician, Dr Francis Duffy. Waaagara, F W Smith, T H Moot, T H Sutton, .. - , , ? Superior Court, t Th civil term of the Superior Court for Crarso county Is still la session la this city, bat very slow progress la be ing mad ot account of-ta Several caeca triad having been so bard foaghL After th disposal.. of th - Bait case agalast th railroad Monday, on or two divorce cum of colored porsoat were beard, and theoaae R W Williamson vs Southern Rati way Compasy, was takes pTuaadsy which oesomsd th day aad was give to ta Jury Wedaeedey. WClllaouoa brooght suit for 11,000 agalast th railway company becaos of soda deteottoa at some polat aloeg Its Una. Th verdict had not been rotaraed UstaUhL - ' .'.- Argument was beard la a matter com lag from Pamlico Meaty, witch la tiAnt ta right to Us th agsaU of ta Wrought Iroa Baag Coatpany, , who a) aim protect loa arder tb laur-Sute Comro law. Atlorsiy Gtaeral OIV mar krgsad tb Case for th 8taw aad aoaaty, ',' ' Case of Atsry vs Stewart was tilts p before roosea, aad wae eoatlaned aa- lU today. . . Ki J"'. i'j ''.' 1,1 i ; "... Masonic Opera House! December 0 & 9 The Baafnt JCwit la Krery Aaifrkms City. MILD HID ROTJOltflE FrMontlng Uie TraTMty 'Tl2ll;Eth.rrr;::::! liis" i K" t.y itf rut cast nUr;-rtit Ul attatii 1ik!4 ly t!ss l!git lrll I t la Va-)(Jrll' TMX KITiMtlttS . noTiL umni iuoipj fr m l!.e In jf'l Co'iM r f J,-n. run c"t:'UL Trn-c i eH IT '-r, lv - r I I t , f ! ctmr- T ( 1 f jr I ' i, -If 1 i" . 1 '':' 'r t V. -.- -', f-.. -.! 1 , I .'.- I f .- I ' BilUiani S.clJ.y iTtiit latha City cf I.-k.'.rt. Scclety at Besufort It beicg enMyeLed this week by weJ-i:n6a cf prtmlcect people . - '. The marrltfre of Mr T A Uzzell and Mite Corinne Chad wick took place at 6 o'clock yetterday morning at the home of her parents, Mr ana Mrs W B Chsd- wlckin that cliy. .. v The wedding reception was held Tues day evening, prior to the wedding t tie bride's home. - r' 1 The rooms were beautifully decorated in evergreen, smllax and palms.the color scheme being pink and white. The deo- oratlona In the dining room were Amer ican Beauty roses. - .. ; - -v - f -. - Those who assisted th hosts In re ceiving the guests were the prospective bride In a gown of crepe de chin over whit silk; andihe Maid of Honor, Miss Mabel Chadwick, attired In pink ailk;Mr and Mrs "Tjsiell; Mlia Ruby Daniels. Messrs Blithe, Morris and Ajcock -of Goldsboro. Mr W slier Chtdwlck, Miss May Hendren and Mta Charles Aber nethy. , .,r; ' Tb wedding ceremony which occur red yesterday morning was held , In the reception room , which was artistically adorned with potted plants and roses, I The bride entered the room leaning on the arm of her father i who gave her away. She was becomingly atti tod i bloa broadclothlravellog drest and car ried. American Beauty roses.- .Miss Mabje ChaiwlchJ maid -of honor and alstor : ot th bride,;;wot a graysbk shirtwaist suit and carried pink roses, The.-groom was accompanied by his best man, Mr. John Aycock, of Golde boro. : .;;:; -' '' : 'x''- During the ceremony Mra J E Benton played Schuberts Flower Song. ; Thci bride and groom were the re ctpienls ot one hundred and fifty beauti ful presents consisting :l mostly ::pf cut glass aad silver. C . : Mr and Mrs Uzzell left yesterday morn lng for atrip to New York and other point north. ' " . ' Mr D R Davis and Miss King are to be united . In marriage at the Episcopal Church th evening. : Try it Afaitt. . Capt E M Pace, who It well known In this section as being high authority on tobacco growing, writing to the Wilton News, ssys: "Now I am no - prophet, nor akin to one that I know of, but I am not afraid to give this advice. Don't quit tobacco entirely, but diversify your crop. Hog and Hominy to staTt with, then plant nomorot baooo than you can itfely count on to cultivate, nonse . ana cure under the present system of unreliable labor." . v- Tbe Helen nay Butler Band. Th ttormy weather prevented a lar'e attendano at th Opera boos latt night to btar the Belen May Butler Band con cert. Th entertainment, however, wat held and th audience wat highly pletsed. -- s,. Thenar tew organizations ,1n the country that can bout ofmor aocom- Their rhythm and . melody, ar perfecrl aad th United sxpreeslon In the eoaoert piece la rsmarkabl. ' A strong feature of thla band (a the I dividual attainment ot nearly every member..' As soloist they made a dls. tlaot Impression of favor.- Th youth of th girls la also remarkable. . a UU regretted that . the people of New Ban were . hindered by such a severe torm from atmdleg ao msrltorlous a parform ae s';-W.4f" tIwtirtTsiiwlUwnBwtM i CABB1GB PLAIt IS fOtt SALE. ' ' the hardits,largeet, 'arllett aad bast kAowa varletlea. principally Seooeesioa aad Large Typ Wakefield. Prtoes, f, O B. here tt ILW per tbosttads 6000 at 1 K pr thoosand. bLsdal prices oa larga Iota. Addreee '- ' MORMAN H, BLTTCH, '. '. ' V v:-; - , '-' Meggttu, 8. 0. tat ZA miTTmiiiiiiiimmiTTTiiyiimrryirriiiiin s CIIItIST3IAfi IIELLfJ VII,Ii mooist nc iiiNGina - - - ' - '.. .. . - , . ' - ' ' . '. Soon b tlm to .. ,.. '-. tbbk ofllolidsj token. V . . Our entire) line is now on T - dlpplay, and yon ar cordially " t loTilwl to call and infjxv.t it U sail and aa ofwn s too can. . 'Ia quality aMortrncnt and nor. rlty onr difH'lsjticsls sDjUiin to t foun.l io tljli Why. All the iirw Uilrps are here. It will pay joa io s' the tlxk ta ar a as yoti can, t-rrani' tl. tllrgi Joa , WouM t-f fct li.ay 1i a -14 rJtrly. ' IfowtTtr, tl.rr you i:-:. 1 luj'r, or riot wa wft'.t joa t ) onr !y wl,;! It It Comp'clfi. Tl; Injirj wi.l iii car cf l'-lf. 1 . 4 ( ( (I .-... r . "V PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. '.. Hon F H Buabee of Raleigh and Ha, James D Glenn of Greensboro are la th city attending i court la th interest ot theSi. R. R. -'4 ' 'Jit and Mrs J E Benton, Misses Ruby Daniels, Carrie and t May Hendren and Mr Hammond. returned yesterday morn ing from Besufort, . -c. . -t s Mr E B Sal of .Elizabeth City U in the city, the guest of Mr L J Moor. Miss Mary Barbeq has returned to her home in Raleigh accompanied by MUs HalNdWland. . v . ; X.fX.f ;:f ' Mr J 0 Meims, who has for several months held the position of book-keeper tor the Hymen Supply Co baa severea his Connection with that Institution and w it to Suffolk, Va , last night, " Mr Melms leave! many friend her whom h mad by hi genial ways and who re gnted his ijepartdrsvj;. .'ifcf-jtti- bride, '.net Miss Oorlnne Chadwick passed through the city yetterdsy mornlrg ". 'uC"' Attorney General Robo t D Gilmer was In the city yesterdaylra official bus iness. . : Mr James Boon of WUdwood was la tb city yaaterday.. - Mr, John O Parker of Jones oouuty was here yesterdsy. . Mr P W Ivss was. In town yeateiday returning from a business trip in Oar teret and on the way to Norfolk his home.'"-; ; . i Miss Bailie Marks left yetterday after noon for New York City, where the will spend the winter. Senator F M Simmon returned f rrm Jones county last venlng and spent tie olght in the city. ' Mr JoshusDeans of Pamlico spent yetterday In town. OA8V Bttntht "- ' A V KM Yw Hw sJwart Btnght Btfaatsr r AFITTT POET. awMtwytwaawtwl ' A Yoathfal Colored Cealas Handlcspped ' By Fate Discovert J la Pamlico " '' County. ' h is with no llttl pleature that th Journal gives ipac and publicity, to th poetic tendenc of a littla oo'ortd boy who hat fit, r Wa' Ilk to rtacoursg thes youthful uplrant Jfortht'mut whetberjthey lav fit or act, f Aad, moreover, age aex, rank or previous ooa-. dltloa of servitude out ao to with as. Bat the greatest Joy w have la publish iag.Uls llttl boa mot n that th boy baa fit. - C"7: .h - ... ' . - It I a wonder If h olda't have a fit poa th delivery of this "song" as It rati I th letter. . ' . r ' ! W regret very much that w ar aot sblstoglvd th nam oil th yoathfal geoiu bat w feel that th readers ar plsased that tner Is a lllll colored boy who has flu aad eau sit down and reel off poetry Ilk thitt - ":', - Two Llttl Aagel around my bed ; -Ta turj the news that I am ded , Mother, mother do aot grim This psla Tv got Tm bound to laava. i, - Mother, mother what bar I don ; I've do ao Crimea, aor killed ao ow. 4 r-4 4 4 3 M -4 4 -4 , ' Our prescription n.iteiu.11 are I . m w . v M .V. VNA , A WV M VU t j .are a'iraya carried out with tbsolute accusacy. .. . . ; . - k ; i ; All of onr prescription compounding la d in with th utmost cart I d we check over an of the different operation! S3 aa to leave not the ; i slightest opportunity for aa error to occur. - . ' V x; ., -r : 1 1 Ttavis r 'Pharmacy. t 5 W a,Aaaaattt4Ttttt 1 GOLLY, BUT '. . -v. - - Jsut no Tnftt.t.fir nnTU' r.ftirl inH oAt in. Am .-.,f : - .11 w en ; wwtiwtie. j smw v m- Tt.DAKfM. .. .... f. A " . tr.. w bam ut vuu vi utu: y ! 2 -Boys or Children, and you will not only be .warn but you will be serene in mind.' if .0 We can save you E. W. ARMStRONQ, , , , We want :td?k . We ara headed for th goal of your approval. We'd like to have you give ra a chance to win your patrongt We have the stock anl we keep moving to th front, Well win of course ' Wont you help us ? - - - TWO SPECIALS. Mercerized White Silk Vesting For Ladies Waists. Twenty foar designs ta Remnants of 8 and Si yds each. Two lots at $1 hnd 1 89 per piece. About half regular price and enough in each piece for a waiat pattern. DOLLS AND TOYS. Our big stock is now being opened, if you want to add ' Bunshtne to the live3 of the l'.ttle ones it will cost you mighty little here. t . ISarfooi Brothers, Dry Goods ana Womens' Apparel I Phone ; 6 Pollock St., Opposite) Iplicopal Church.. CUT K:li.iO Brainard & Armstrong Embroid i ery Silk 2c . ; : m -v- i : , ' - . : Stamp ed" Linen . , Handkerchiefs and Veil Cases. 'Belts, - dollar and Cuffs, 10c . . - . . Battenbergr' Patterns : at r about half prico. " - - k- ' v Baltcnborc Throad 3c, - ' - Battonberg Brain 15c & 25c doz. - Battonberg Uins 2o dor. V' 4 : I-Ioct complcto lino of Juvcnllo I3oo!:3 to :".v:) ever rhorrn. : mmrtr r.oz i t ire, 4 Ino?:n for L ". ." .; r: ' ' , ' ' ' 4 C . tLe lest tlat we can tay ' JEveryi S IT'S GOLD I B f.- . v- -r XXf vetuuttw, iui ' inoneyr Nuff sed. . A select from. . V M "Big Cut inmosand Mens Clothing.' , Special Sde THf 3SicnXRDA!. o 18 Boys Suits, sices 4 to 15, $1 60 aad $1 TO, lUduoad to $t 00, -M Boys Suits, aiaee 4 to 16, 1 00, t SO aad 1 7, Eeduoed to $1 K, J 15 Boya Bulta, alas I to IS, 1 00, 8 U and I SO, Bedeoed to ft 00, .' .. 80 Boy Suite, sices ltol,O0,450andS00, Bednoed to $S 00, 40 Men Suite, sixes U to 48,1a heavy weight goodsvtfgukr flOOO grade, reduced, to $TJW,- - - - V.:-'. . s-x .18MDt8ailt),'Hto''lgoa41 we'ghfe, 1)60 and $18 80 grades,' Reduced to 9 88, '- ' , 100 Colored Stiff Bosom Shirts, slaes 14 to 17. reanlar tl 00 and , $1 60 quality, Cut to BOo. , ' ThU U your Urn to save money, These prices are for cash and ahould intereat yon. ,W are offering snmetbig values and a the quan titiea an limited we advise yon tb call early. U' f o o Correct Wear for Hen. Corrict Wear for Men, U7 olloclc Street. TAKE For COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS. And all Pulmonary tronbles of the throat and Lungs. It sets by dissolving tbe phlegm and thereby affords a fine er pectoral 1 n relieving the most obttl. nate Gungb. Sold by Harget's Pharmacy. West Broad Street. The Autumn Season of 1908 offers an abundance In ttylet and fabrics that la tare to delight all wose wuo regard correct arc suing at an I essential to tbe refinements of life. At til badwlrk't tailoring establishment tne most complete line or goods arei shown It ready for yonr selection. F. Jl. Chadwick, OOAL! A large stock of the utoy Glvceme White Ash Hard Ooal in all sizes. Also the Lump Bituminous especially for grates, and the very best steam. Personal attention H0LLI8TER & COX COAL YARD, Phone 34 - occoooaoaonoaoDODODonqcoe 9 ld IKUN SAFES av aw , J tfe Jtk tm Am. a ttasa ssbbb Wehav added to onr Bxeleaiv Wholesale Furniture basinet a complete of Bttt Fire- proof Psfrs. W have alau Flvo Can of Furniture in stork and can fill order prompt for Iron Safe. Furniture. 8tove and Mattresae. All Mail and Or Aim. Offloe and fiample Room 47 Factory i and 7 East Sid Kl.tJl - Offlo Phone 172. O T. J. Turner ucccbaonoaonononooaonccsoo flew Bern Gotten Oil : and Fertilizer Mills,- Manufacturers of Cotton Seed Products ; and High-grade Fertilizers, . . ; Will pay tho nighcst Cash Prices for Cot ton Eccd and Bccd. Cottons Bag-a furnithed to i-ccd chlppcrs. " , IIAVK rOR DALrra Fresh Dupply of Cot ton Cccd Ileal and Hulls, 7hlch la the finest C;ltH Yi 1 la tho XTcrld. Vo vi!l crclir.r.3 Ileal for cotton escd. ::-,:!:' : ." . !"! I.'"": P.": t o o WWW For Sale. barf aln, oa Dat-lex lutomatlc Ball Bearing, Weaving Wire Fenoi Machine. Will make Stake 10S dl'erenl atyleaof farm and ornaaiental fene. Simple to operat. Alao about one tbontaad pound of gal vanlasd wire. Apply to CUskill Edw. & Mill Scpplt Co No. 78 Middle St., New Bern, N C. Oct. S4th,190S. J Ooal and Wood A full aupply of Anthracite free burning White Ash, Grate, Stov and Chestnut Coal, also the Celebrated rocAbanias Bituminons for grates and Steam. The b(t OaV, Ash, Pine and Mixed wood. Quick, Prompt Delivery. ELLIS' Union Point. Phone 47. OOAL! very best free burnine given to all orders at Foot of Craven St ft aa. m mm m .mm, tmmmm A . . w IN STOCK. 8 win immIt klddl Stmt; Vt anhonse and trt Farnllar E Yard e)l.