I JW" Wo - - KI7 nir. C- WIDSESDAT M0R5I58, DtCEMB8ft 161903 VOL. aaI-KO; 221. v ..V v., , TWISTI-SICON0.YIAE i i n ' f r" Affs "11 1 I! 1 1 1 i .1 7 N'-t J t PU vfcuy coffee by ithepoimkbutr that Is not the true way to reckon hs cost. That is hot the real way .in which you pay for it. You pay for it by the liquid measure of the coffee pot.i Tc secure proper strength, it may take' twice as much of one kind as of another. Coffees vary. -" Thus, a pound, of Chase & Sanborn's Seal Brand has a beverage-pro-: ducing value equal t ty0 of tkree pounds of ordinary coffee. This makes it the cheap-r est coffee, in the world. Also their 20c Coffee. The Finest on earth for the money. Both for sale by The Largest Sales in the History ol o ur Business. Wo liave just rooeivo'l ii second shipment of the V L Doug Ibs, T,ewis A roesett aud A E Nettleton Kino Shoes. Having sold our regular Kali sto.:k w.s h iA to buy again in order to meet the growing demind for these famous 8 oei. Our htock has also been replenished in our other line of gootlB such as ( lothing, Hats, Uuderweir, Drea Sbirt-, Neck wear, Di es Uood8,Cloaki &o. Huy of U8 and be II ppy. Respectfully, J 1 Hiddle Gaskill Hdw. & Have cut the price o.t Healeri Car load to to sold. Fire Board Fitted, 8tovet act up. , . Full line of Hardwaie, El wood Fence, FainU, Oils and Varnub, Ume and Cement, 8aab, boon and Blind. Ixeit Prior, Beet Good, Nice linrt of Carrera expected for the Ilolldaj trade. . - Gaskill Hdw. & Mill Supply Co., BinDWABE 71 Mtddta Si . Baket Guns, fatambU Bicycles -', Edison.Phonognphs, lOltoct Typewriters, r Hartford Bicydes. -.. WM;T.HILt, Vmti hi frcA. fmitmiM, All kn romYlntim, Jot ruirnta rkoi us. 81 L'ii,':e f i, mm Hir. Illnnrlir. toftlff I l 'clir.a let 9imrt, T. Id lb. and a lb- Tin Cnns lair if lit)- Oihei" hipl gradcfl In rttlily -colored fir.rvlunent bags (moisture proof). axte r , Street. Mill Supply Co. yULL&VITUXS 44 Cistm it) Ping Pong Sets ' I hu aererai Kloe llng Tptig aeUTaf t from Ut. ycf.' which I hart rednoel (0 cent per art below fotner pilcfl. I am now Acllitif them at cot, . Call bdora tbey art gone, ; Owen Q. Dunn, " PRINTER ft STAT10NDS, 7 CKATIX IT. r :4x III r I: A GIillEPSE OF TOKYO vC T 'r , v SCENES IN THE SCARRED CAPITAL 'j" ' OP EASTERN JAPAN. , C A Wldeprea Metier ! VaflaMUt Bia-httr Ofloni'M to Bf f - tit IiennileMM Thmt Baaat tka Forelsaer Im Bkpl.-,-.i.; . Tokyo, the vast sprawling capital of eastern Japan, a comparattrely young elty, Is a'ged with the acara ol On, of earthquake and oft war. IThia great city, onqe 71,000,000 Inhabltanta, spread over what la popularly estimat ed as a huhdred juare milea, aeema still to cower in the shadow of the tots trega of the great Iyeyaau. r . - Tor the American tourist unprepared for the real orient and knowing Japan only through her art products and the few peti pictures of the artist rhapeo dlsts who hare embarrassed her with their praises Tokyo is a rare purgative. Except for the stately and dignified tombs of the shoguns and .the fine offi cial grounds and buildings of the capi tal he finds his senses assailed on every side by unpleasant slghte, odors and sound. -'v " - t Appnaching Tokyo by train from Yo kohama, he sees the green hillsides pla carded with enormous advertisements. Arrived In the city, he finds the poster and - billboard every where . monstrous and flagrant Stagnant sewers lie along the roadside, and foul odors arise from the pavements, y constantly wet down by the householders Porters and store keepers with a rag of a breechekrat or n scant skirt Jostle, Bbout and stare, and perhaps a whole family, may be soimi in a doorway ready for the tub, from which you see the steam -arising.-A street called the (Qinga Is the stats street of Tokyo, and here In the even ing you may find an infinity of wares siu cnd out upon, the walk; which la one of tho few, real sidewalks in Japan. Most of these wares, however, are a vast "inconsequential array of cheap trifles, such.as the enterprising mana ger of an American "five cent store" might gather together. There are, how pvr, a number of somewhat preten tious stores to be jwen Jy the persist ent shopper. . "; : - Shopping In Tokyo, however, Is at tended by many inconveniences. To be gin with, your rickshaw man knows no English and nothing about the stores, and the names and numbers of streets are kneWn only to- the map makers. Where a street has a bam a it la likely to belong only to the shady side and to run around the block Instead of contin uing from the next corner. If, how ever, you succeed in finding a store your troubles have just begun.1 The proprietor sits at the rear of the estab lishment, cross legged, before a small desk.'- By virtue of being in his own tore he has reached the summit of earthly desire and cares nothing about you. Perhaps if you wait some small clerk of a dosea years or less will eome to wait upon you and, seeing you sore n foreigner, will charge you extra (or the few words of English be can mas ter. If you are bold enough to leave your rickshaw and wander about on foot you will soon attract a curious crowd, the clatter of whose wooden gets upon the flags will well nigh deafen you. It is s good natn red, well meaning crowd, however, and will soon be scattered by a policeman. If there are any clerks going your way they will address you In the hope of learning a few words of English or. Inviting you to their stores. There is no hostility or insult, only cu riosity and good natured, childish amusement . - Modesty Is sa unknown quantity In Japsn, as ons soon learns. If your rick ahaw man's two garments become damp he la likely to cbsmre them before yon, and fellow travelers In the cars are sore to change their clothes without deference, to pises orsummndiafS. Men and women use the same tank at the si me time In the public baths wtth- oat a thought of Impropriety. , , The etreetsot a Jspaots dty are fall Of Interesting sights and seem 0 twice the tame. Every store and every NUMcr by la a novelty that chains the attention for a moment la land where nearly all wiree are band made very artlrla bus eome Indlvldoahty, and os Is led on with the hope of Bod ing emnethlnt better tbsa the net Heavy Ineds sre carried threats the streets on the becks of men sod wom en, on horses sad on two wheeled carts. The carts sre draws by bolls er shag- tJ northern etstlkxte sod are gulo4 by the driver, who wslks with the pole, Tho burdens cairi4 by women and chUdrva are remarkable. AU over Ja pes the bt Wt work is dun by wom en, the bfVts snd mssotiry for the mnnlM and rovereBst btilWlnf be ing m trarwpnrtcd la the bt of mid stimmef, CliiWrm carry thtr brtrthsra and ettr tnitvd to thotr barks snd h) at lr(U ea rsry rsrta. The Itf Of the tutxirltig clssve Mtne very erdiuma, rA ihtf sre tmrbty (Jrtil sed lixliwfrWms. Tftroouhout tty (v1 rnttn'ry evry ime sros to be hsrt t work. Tli difi t' of Tro W vry 1,'s TTv mtlntil r mrfTlii VTT yourf tot n. .Vr. ',. A f. f tit V. ri !Mns lr tlx r.f t'a d; nx--, i4 ti !r 1.f'l r fifun n! -!! ti t.fc'.M. 11,' te ti '" r'.'J U ');. I'1;, i-.l tr?;' f'-.lt ipr'r j ' r.f It t ! t'.-f rf r ' ' '- rfr''r -m ' i jp- t" ' ft t ( ? , tt e f l"n tf'.' n ( ,'tn i'v-h i t' (' ; rt4 (f l: . t FATAL sUHWAT ACCIDEHT' f. . sieasisssBss - . Qae Has Killed and Three Xei Injirtd . . . taFftltM Wreck, -f, Ths aarlne and three cars of freight train Ko 1 Jumpsd'tfce track at point near Elnss Siding between Cora Creek and Dorer,vyesterday at ons o'clock, The engine turned bvsr In the ditch but was not badly damaged but ths oars are a total wreck. A special train bearing Dr . Prunrose, ths company's surgeon nd Dr Khem went '.up at shortly after ons and ths irrocUng tram followed, One hrakemanwu killed and three L wounded. - All worn brought to Sew Bom. Zaok Chapman, ths colored brake men who was killed was brought here and ths coroners' Inquest held, The Injured were placed In homes where they can receive attention from the company's surgeon. , - i j , following Is ths list of the dead sn,d lajured: ' . ',: . Zack Chapman, MoreheadVeity, brake an, neck broken by wheal passing over It M H Russll, engineer, , Hew Bern, whits; badly shaken up but no bones broken. '.j-v-' , - ' Thomas Keen am. flieman, New Bern, colored, sprained ankle and bums. Dan Hadley,-New Bern, brakeman oolored; sprained knee snd ankle. Garfield Chapman, brakeman, coloredl fracture of left leg involving the knee pan; amputation probable? Ion Infanta gad Children. Tki Klsl Yea Ka.a Always Bought Bears the - 4TUrturf of Orlarla of BolMar. The second week In August, if not one of great historical Importance in old Amsterdam, Is certainly one, of martyrdom tor tho nervous snd senal Uve. An ancient custom prevails ac-. cording to which tho JnvenUea of the town axe allowed to beat their drums tor several boors during a whole week while, parading tho exchange. The story goes that about 200 years ego's plot Waa formed to blow? up the ex change, but n small boy, happening to let his ball roll under the vaulted foun dation of tho building, discovered the barrels of powder which were to do the wrecking. So it was decided to reward tho lad, and, on his being asked what bo would like, tho urchin sold that he wished to bo allowed to play -at sol diers v with bis companions round the building, all being armed with drums, and to make as much noise as they liked during several hours of the day for ons week every year. ' This custom Is kept up, and, as ail manner of In struments are called upon to represent n drum, tin kettle and saucepan lids not excepted, ths din Is something to be remembered; Joseph wss an excellent cook, but be was not what might be called an ac complished Uterary man.. At the same time he conceived the Idea that I cook? ory book from his pen would fill a long fwt want Ho set to work! but feel ing that perhaps be bad made some mistakes In composition, be submitted tho work to n prominent literary critic. Who promised to go through the work and correct It where necessary.. After a day or two bo brought It back. "Tea, to said; yirs all right so far as I can see, but I rather fancy you've been a little superfluous la you recipe tor lemon podding." . ; r - Uevett DoWsthstr ' "Well, you sea, yon say here. Then sit on n hot stove and stir constantly . Mow, 1 really do not see hew sny ons Is going to alt on n not stove without stirring eonsUaUy, so I think you can do without that Senteoee, doat you know.- - . , . --j v v Ust tOtiert Besaalabg In tho post Office si Ksw , Bern, Cram oouaCy H. C Deo. li ; stare ust. ; ' ; D Bsary Dudley (D L). - V 7 Boa f raaklla, Kaao Astasia far ssndss (rrlsoshooee), Frisk rttsOereld ear 0 D, Cart Si Tot, Osa Del,!. O-flukiUDrsgOo. . ' . II Adua Keenly B f D. JAlbert X. Joasa, U BaTiroad Bt, Ctessos Joaes, Hkherd O Joaes 71 UI4 dleSu - ( Ir-WlLMsai E Ue Cammoa tit M-Levls P KsrUn, 1 R storgta. g Hojlj F'-nrood, Jols Ba-.Hh. T TsOro 1 Tsrir, It W Tkoaip soa, 4V MrTi'.lmsa !l V). " W-Dr TV.muJ WiljU, BCWI1 ll womrt itr. D - !" ft ' ' ' l. -if; Supreme Court Opinions . . r Special to JournaL 4 r- . RalelgbDoe 18. The Supreme court filed following opinions toclay. v r?" Bmlth ts GudgerJ from Buncombe, modified and affirmed. . ? '. Cowan Vi MJT Ttoberts from Ban- combe, new trial., , Dobson vs So. By Cfo frmn McDowell, error.. t . Land Co vs Btttler from Burke, no er- Btstevs yFrltz Jrom McDowell, two cases, no error, in both, Trusteeavi Realty Co from Mecklen burg, affirmed.' r. t: Fharr-Ti R Jt from Mecklenburg, tt- I . r ...... ... firmtid. ; , TMcCord vs So By Co from Mecklen burg, afflrmed. Dsvis vs Insurance Co from Wilkes, no errors Mfg Co vs Tlerney, from Durham, new trial. ' Town of Wilson vs Markley, af firmed State vs Sawyerfrom Perquimans, per curiam, affirmed. Toaster vs Lumber Co from Watauga, mention to reinstate appeal denied. Shute vs Cotton Mills, from Union, dismissed for failure to print record and brief. Case of Bond vs Wilson from Burke, Is set for hearing on reargument at end of first district, first week of next term. Range Co vs Campen from Pamlico, set for hesrlng at first district next term Miller vs 8tate, set for hearing at end of first district next term Millionaire's Poor Stomach. The worn-out stomach of the over-fed millionaire is often paraded in the pub lie prints as a horrible eshmple of the evils attendant on the possession of great wealth. But millionaires are not the only ones who are s filleted with bad stomachs. The proportion Is far greater among the (oilers. Dyspepels and Indi gestion are rampant among these-people, and they suffer far worse tortures than the millionaire unless they avail them selves of a standard medicine like Green's August Flower, which has been a favor Ite household remedy for all stomach troubles for over tnlrty-five years. August Flower rouses the torpid liver, thus creating appetite and insuring per fect digestion, it tones ana vitalises the entire system and makes life worth living, no matter what your station Trial bottles, 20c; regular sits, 73c. F 8 Daffy. Gift Selections IffJUDE EAST. Ax you puzzled-as to what to give, eg to whawlll be the jnost pleas ing to each particular friend ? You can decide in a moment by mere glance at bur new slock of v Holiday Goods. The. deaiiraa are as' new as the goods, and the prices ne new in thotr lowness. We are showing entirely uew assort menU to;' , , .'.;..;'. v ."- , Silver Novelties, Rings Lockets, Jewelry, Umbrellas, Fobs.- -.. The leading Jeweler Notice - Of Execution MORT1I CAROLINA.!' Is tho Craven Uooaty. f Boperlor Cort ; - WBIrtsd'S.Taslee,' . - vs. . ' ThiMoas W. Dewey. By virtus of eimtloe dltected t the sn!rr!eoe4 from ths Huperlot (art of t'rTs eiOBiv la ths shove s Ulrrl I will tn ths J ST of l- fmtr 1 '3. al Uo'r.!li M, st the old !ITV "S Kootlj I fnl Ut, N Torn. H V n81 r J W n'fT t' mine ll t ''f ht, tit! n1 lt,tftrl tlr h H H T " () f.r'm lint. I . In nl to f )!olrjr r--- r.l t" I "'V f Tn iliti t lh ( -,'i! fi'" k of thf A h V, H H( . ': U f.tt.'t .ftt. I U.I tttwk f-t IhP I'-I'.i 1 !. Un) h 1 ni k!'. I..n f;fr.:i-.it 1 :.' ?jr rt ; , i T W l''T I ' V U'e t' i Bf f n V ' -If. 1, r . . 1 In i I .:t. r t h r f r.l TM t. I t t i Vl !, u!!f, ' : . Kl , m - .-TV I"'' ,; ' ' "' -( --,.. .r' ! ' ! - - i ... r; , ir ! 'I 1 ! ' ! ' ' -, ' ''- ' ' ' " ' t - , t !':-! 1 I ''.' ' IFJi 63 Pollock St. - High-gra&e and up-to-date Dress Goods a Specialty. In this depart ment we have met with tuoprece? dented favor and patronage this season.. To those who may . not have bought their Dress Goods we would say that you cannot offord to do so until you hare examined our line. In our Black Goods department you can feel sure you are getting none "but the best makes, and the wear will prove satisfactory, Our Celebrated "Merode" Un derwear, and "Onyx" Hosiery, are the ones to buy for Comfort and and wear. , A full line of White Knit Corset Covers, also Black Wool Corset Coveis, Carpets, Matitng and Rug De partment up stairs. JUST RECEIVED Novelties in Ladies Neckwear Just the thing for Christmas Presents. i Dili 63 Pollock St. Notice! Any farmer desiring to fence his land with the American Field Fence can iprocure the same of me for a short while. I now have in stock two car loads of Same. ELkllwooi Under Hotel Chattawkn, STEW BEIUr, N. G. A CENTUIIY AGO tbev didn't have the stylo of eardages we bats today, wltn eomfort and style oomblned, they didn't have repair shops with luch splendid equipment as our shops have. we are ready tot aay kiod ol repair worn you can bring, ws will do It thoroeghly and pmmpt3y,Teo won't find oar ehanree too hlrhl ' The only tiauw In town to get any and everything to repait buggies. "BeO at be(rre buying and ssve laooey. We put Rubber Ttios on your old or new wheels. Hfe shrink ytwrlooee lira m n msihlne witnoat euuing lo ot without ttkbig Uo from wheel oa horrry while ro watt, XreryVody Is la vltwl to s the maohlne at work putUng sew bolts us ow pisoss. G, IX. TTnteri d. Hon, -" ' rhooo 184, j 79 Broad Bt.' ITsw Bsaw. V. 0 "A ) u Seed Raisin's, London Layer . Cranberries, livaporated Applaa and Peachea, Prunes, Florida Oranges, Attmore's Mince Meat, Jelly, , English Walnuts, Almonds, Brazil Nuts, Tecans, all new crop, . Buckwheat and Maple Syrup, Gcod Cooking Butter 25c lb for next ten days, Baker's Chocolate and Cocoa, Fancy Elgin Fox River Print Butter, Complete stock of Canned Goods, Yours to Please, 'Phone 191. IaITIIIIIaTIIIaaIaT JUST "RECEIVED, A Fresh Supply of Ralstou's Breakfast Food, Ralston's Whole Wheat Health Klour, " " Graham Flour, Hecker's Graham Flour, " Rye Premier, Mothers and Avina Oal 1 lakes, Sdiredded Wheat Biscuit, also a full and complete line of fancy canned goods. A part of your business is earnestly solicited. Satisfact ion guaranteed or you get your money back Yours to please, T. IB- IPjSJJlZTZJZTZ, Jr. Wholesale and Retail Orocer, HONE 69. Cor. Uroad eft Hancock His. We haTe the Nety I est Novelties, the ; best selections and I the most appropri ate gifts for one and all. . EHHEET'S BOOK STORK. Diamonds and fine Jewelry AUrge Assortment of the newest designs of DIAMOND RINGS, BEOOCIIFJ AND SCARF PINS IN VKLVKT CASES. 1 ' Visitors wslooese to our store, t take pUaeorc la showing oor ood. AUrgs variety of surllsg tllrer kat pfaa. J. O. IlaxlorT" AtAAtt4AAasaaaiAiAA ! r : ' " "- . :: OystersI Oystersl j From now eo ws will bv ; ; : .OiUW wtalcn will scrtg ; ; ; I by'tnesAure, balf-nnoU or'olb- nr '. ' . ' .'M ;: Cbi'prliBT0ysV8TS io- ', d; at '" " ' . i Nixon Q Cos, I 1!8 Middle St. . " :: too Ji TO EAT Raisin?, Currants, Citron, !? Wholesale eft Retail n s 71 Bra4 Bt IXIIIIIXIII w Brcakfest Food, Pettyjohn's H IITTTTTITrmTIIIITTTTTrSTITYTT Hurah! Ilurali!! Christmas is so ' near, ". It lills our hearts with Cheer, Santa (Hans will rnme ti t.alfA PeeP ..V .ii 1'.. IIIUl. tilt UVUD mo sold ho Cheap. : S. CotAoris. Snectal :T ft.' i c.f. :' W Stylish Cloaks and .Jackets to e iim i irom, lormeny soiu for 4 OU to S3, . will go In this Mile tt9 25 to 5 40, Children and Mires Cloaks, all.;.;" ti7n ami quality from ibo to t 20, . Ladies ColUrttte from 96o to 4 80, " Unary Skirts, itt stjles, best finslitT. from T4o to 7 (10 Dress Flannels, Waist" Qoodi sod ' . Trimmings, Helricd 40 per cent, .' Mens t'p lo-iiale Overcoats, from 2 40 to 13 500, Mens Xmas Weddls( fiultt, great! '; Owlucod from 18 00 tl 8 75, . Neckwear and Kid O lores reduced -, 10 -rt rnt, '.; A lot of 7 Mens Soitn, broken slstf -will gr, UiU week for 8 W your choice. v UlankeU, QnllU sod Comforts front ' V THcto.60, , t,.-r". A few pain Bojrs tCnoe rsats 0o . vain, now tJo, " ' ' " , Mens Ilaavy fkHced Coderwasf too valoa, now Ole, , Ladtee Pteeced Llne4 Uaderwear, 5c rslof, lie, Ladies Uoderwes will We sold fross t4e to ' e garSjeat, rsfalar ftOa nod 1 vnloe, , .,:. ,"- ItXMIMDEnUiU Great Bale ol re rluerd prieos last osl for Oils, week as w'sn to etoso oat r entire stock of Ue goods BMOttoned sbovo, ; Do oos of Ue flrrt to gt fx stot, ', '. Teors to ptesos, . S. COPLON, ' OcstonTy.t, j1" 73 KIDDLE tTUttt, Vezt to Omsk ill ttenl woes Oo, fewm, - r.itAwftt orr.cit A. B. Bsxtcr 8 Co., Commission . -Brokers. I. , I I il.. . Plumbing! 1 te rov4 my Ha sir'? i jlemMnfrl!MS froS Wif tV st". 1 a aew I sv Vng asr tariff tr 1 " ! ) it Wtt4iw 1( tit C'l f U fVt- f , ,r- ' ' "if. I . It! . ff r i ' ' r i". few f'i' f'!1 'if I i r . i ;T1: 1 1 I ' "!t . H r- V, f ' w f 7 i i -

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