T " A '. M 4 I r 1 , KIT; EIH",r, C, SATURDAY II023ISS, CECEMBKB 19, 1903 ATWINTf-SICOND YEAR mi, XII M 224 . u;if OUR US HURT HAND CiR. rmm - .r- -a- -iai--V?aaW xna.v .i "CU ' buy coffeeJby , ihe pound, but f ' that fcf not the trttc -way to reckon - its cost' That Is net Ch:-"r;2! 7ay' iii which 'you pay, for fr. Yoa pay for it :by'thcrliquid measure1 of the ; coffee pot. Tc secure, proper -strength, it "may - ialce . twice as much of one kind 'as, of another. . Coffees vary. Thus, ar pound of Chase & Sanborn's Seal Brand has- a beverage-pro-ducing value equd to 'two or three pounds of ordinary coffee. This makes it the cheap-. est coffee in the world Also their 20c Coffee. . The Finest onarth for the jnoney.y rBoth for sale by Your cannot give present than A Nice Bain Coat, A Suit of Clothes,. - ' . 'A Tie,-1 : A Silk TJmbtella, , . . . - A Pairof Kid Gloves A Half Dozen Nice HoseV ;. . ' '; A Half Dozen Linen Handkerchieis, A Beautitul Silk Muifter, .. .. A White Silk Hanttkerchief. : . ' A Bair bilPatent Leather Shoes - A Pair Silk Suspenders, -A Pair ot nedroom'Hlippers; d " And a Thousand other things that cannot , be mentioned. - ' Z- V- , VL. " v ''Respectfully, 2 riiddle Gastull Hdw. Si ' y -. W i. it. JM. TTlAakSl Hatc cut lot prio oa Ileateri Fitted, Stove set op. .-; -.; A - Full liae of Eadmue, El wood Im8 and Cement, Stab, lxr and Blind.. " - , . . -H . . . - . '. T -V .., . " 'Lowest Prioes, BectGoodi, , f- ;, ': - v i ' - ' i . v ." ' ' Nice lin of Carrcri expected for the Holiday trade. - . Gaskill Hdw. & T.lill Supply Co. BA.nDWA.BS 71 Middle ti. For 'Xhnt Tired it to iri-t. 'i ir. a sjrf'-' '' ; aril K It ! '. Urg-iM. i r! f tfcana Ua trr it-iIh I'.U ihs lWlnj for U. , T!-i's i' ! 1!ti4wIs J. P. -Taylor, t f r I r ' 'a. .--tl I : - Is it and lb Tin, Cam (at' lf lit) - . Othw 'Jiici gride in richly colored .parchment bags (moistim prool). . -v your friend Street. Jill Supply Co. O.ea 1fal VV VvA al1t - IMtfu. tva.wa Car load to be sold. - Fire Boardj Jenc, PalnU, Oil and Varnlab, :141U8CITLIE3 4(CnTs . . rhonelie.J KxxrxrtxTXTrxxxrrrtxrrxxx EtIGRAVED I CARDS. Cny .your' vIHUng C4r1g now, ik) you will Lave them y for Cbriitmaii, . 1; Owen Q. Dunn, I rRINTHR & STATIONr.y, u 7i chatf.. rr. Any to; f tin -it:: .in-- r!r:.:i I v. M 'c::ti rrcnro I r.ov; ) r r a nice Baxter, Samuel Tro)t Fell off From fine kni Re- - celYei Serious Injuries. : - - - i y 8am Trott, a white man was lerionsly lojared on the AUanile Coatl Line Eill- way Thurgdjy night. t v Pollockiyllle when something happened to cause Mm to fall off the forward end! Afflm nr. v- Whm --ha Ml' h irrabbad I boWof another man who feU wlthblm.1 - ZiZJfS Trotfi lniarlei.:amonnted totfrao- lD tared ekull, a broken nose, badly braised eyes and other wonndionlthe head and! body which make hlsoondltion Teryl ,etltlcaL - Thelnloredman was brought to this I city on the' passenger .train Thursday I night and taken to- the Marine hospital .h n;ni.iM' ..i w,.l nnr. I .n,Tt w,I.,Jrf w7 ... gave surgical.: treatment. H was re ported yesterday as being Mcomforuble at the nature of his Injuries would per - '".,t - tnnnma rvinw n.inlnae " I Z- . . " I Special to Journal. -v1 ' . -I Balelgl!, December 18.-The Bupreme . . I Court (oday filed .the following; oplnl ionE: f " I A few more will be filed tomorrow I , I and Court will then adjourn for the term I jj u attested by the following tes to meet again the first Monday'in Fe,b timonials sent entirely unsolicited to n.ro " . t 4 - ' I Dr, Hartmflji by" grateful men and w " ' X ' . . .; -. " . : I league vs uowns, irom owain, n. trial, v ' - i I Feathersone ts Carr. from Bunoombs. I . ' . ..j- I AvheTllla vi Webb, from J Buncombe I fAriM.. k , s - I i a j' I Eabank v. Turner, from Henderson. action dismissed. ' Whltson t Wrenu, from McDowlll neW trial., ,, I Morrow vs Railroad, if rom Oston, no I error. ' j ; Bute s Biggs, from Guilford, men ed. 1 State ts Register, from Columbus, no error'. State ts Morgan, from .' Wilson, affirm ad'" , V" v. State ts Taylor, from Edgecombe, er mt. "" . - ; Grlffla ts BR, from Halifax, wew I inau -. , . - . T .'. Lamberton ts Vann, from Ztorthampl ton. affirmed In both aoMals. ' ' I B v t v.n " I " .1 "UUV)U " yu. y.vr, . petition to rehear dismissed. Xoorey ts iPMlUpi,"fromMaeoo; ptr nedon Mthority of Murchl ; e7HC.7 d Bternv. curiam, affirmed son ts Plyer, 10, uo n IA 9, Rankin ts Hotel Go, from Buncombe, per curiam, affirmed,' on-, authority of Baxter ts Baxter, 77 If 0, 118. Kenner ts Kelly, from Maooa, pet curiam, affirmed on authority of Barotllo ts Hapgood 118 R 0, 71t. ,- : . - 81 at T Doles, from Hash, dismissed for failure to print records snd briefs Bank ts Mfg. Co, fiem Bay wood, far curiam, affirmed. 8tata ts Payne, from Chowan, ptr ill rtam, affirmed. CASTOR I A - , lor Infants and CLiliea. Bijaaturaol Personal CuL v I with to sun for thslbeusllt'of Ibsl publlo that la Joiilce to mjt that I am net oonnecud wtih CharUi M B'.leS or asy of kls rp man tat I Tea. Owing to s ntiute la lbs JoaroaJ I u rtprrien ted with lbs sboTS Btml hoasn. . lam sow wlik lbs CaUs I'!no Co. ThsnklDg tho piit.ro for tf.t!rTut patrossga, 1 teg to v ' Vary ;r.;'.f. , i.C. TA!.:-0r.0UGIT. V -'.fa t III 1TU1L Catarrhal Diseases are Most prRuapn n WintPf , ir V' g JHERE NO WAY OF ESCAPE FROM THEM? - - MftwA. rn'Un P,,m I C-LU-ua. novoi i auo, w wuic , l,atarrh WjiereVer - i nntntaA 1 There are some things which are as sure as fate, and can be relied on to occur one-nan or tne-numan lanuiy unless means are taken to prevent. 1 ' I'lrst. the climate of winter is sure to 4rjjj--J0mg , - ;, gj, niinnot promptly enredjure mire to cause catarrh. ? V' 1 " Third, fcatarrb; Improperly treated. Is ore to make life shoA and mlserabla. Catarrh Bvares no orean or function of thtf bodv. It is canable ot destroying sight, taete, smell, hearing, digestion, retion, .MsimUation and excretion. Tt nainiliM mirtt mrt nf ina human fy, hedoV throat, stomach, bowels, bronchial tuhes, lungs, liver, kidney ZT ' ..'TT TAran& Annul AAtairrn wnflrmrar mm vhnhinhMn mum nv rarnnu ' V; gntonle Catarrtw V ri;; MK. Bousch.' Richmond. Va. writes) ul had catarrh all through my anhuo v tnarn vn.nl and fYinld set no j tftVl3 fiye bottiet of it and am well uia Detter now tnan a nave oeen for yearj. X can aanse any one wno SmA any part oi the body to take Peruna. ' My little girl who is eleven yeara old had catarrh, but was .VTamn. T wu .Ink .11 th tlmn. bnt now I am entirely cured, and all praise doe Peruna." Mrs. M.K. Bousch. x Catarrh i tha Koaw, Mr. Herman Khlke, 052 Orchard street, -Milwaukee, Wis- writes t : ; -v- J4 1 am entirely eared of my catarrn of the nose by your Peruna. " My case was a severe one." Herman Ehiice. '. Catarrh ot tha Vhraat. v. ' : B. H. Banyan, Salesrille, 0, writes i " I suflerod with catarrh of the throat for Ave years; I was induced to try Peruna. I hare used fire bottles and Am perfectly well." B. H. Runyan. lr. via OcAln. 1M) TWtAnti atrAnt. pitohburg, Masa, writes t , ' -.' -v. "Peruna nae euwa me ox catarrn oi un . 1 fc. - Al 1 me mJuoioaar. to w m aim .rU yeara.'v-Axchla Godln. JDSTBICBIVKD a fuU and I complete ttMpt;. .'AM The Latest and Best cut op' In plain Mcrocoo fcathsr eas at prioes ranging from JW .to gn to, AH fully guaranteed. Just the article for your fathw, Brother or gentleman friend for Chriitmaa. . v Foot Balls, Air Rifles, .Ingersoll Watches, &e for the' boys. ,".'.. . Kill T. HILL, Oaakt In Bicrcua, FiasABMs, aho kit. luj-oe BroiTtunjaoODs. Job Pai5Tuo RiBssjCBtaut 4 . FtOU U6. 91 Middle St. X A s Catarrh of The Xiongs., Mrs.' Eiiiilie pHrckhoff, Ada, Minn., writeat . ' " '' ' -"Through a" violent cold contracted last winter, I became afflicted with car torrh of the nose', which in a Short time affected Jny lungs. I took Peruna which cored me thoroughly, I now feel better thaA I have for forty year." Mrs. Emllle Eirckhoff. -' ' ' ' '- - Catarrh of the Bladder. Mr. John Smith, 811 S. Third street Atchison, Kann writes i -" I was troubled with catarrh of the urethra and bladder for two years. At the time I wrote to you I was under the care ofmy home, doctor, and had been for four months, : " ' . ... . J' followed your directions bat two months, and can say Peruna cured me of that trouble." John Smith. ' v. .. .',-' " ': "' ... " - i ' Catarrh of Tha Bead. . . -Mr. D.B. Ramsey writes In a recent letter from Pine Bluff, Ark, the fol lowing ",'. . ' M My son, Leon Ramsey, four yean of ago, saffcred with catarrh Of the head for eighteen or twenty month. He took one bottle of your Peruna and could hear as good as ever." D. K. Ramany, '- -j gale v Of . DCWCJY.' . ; PnVsalint'to ihe power of salt eon- talced la . a- certain morUrare deed executed ontbo 1st. day otv January, luui. by l comas 1 w. uewey ana wue raise n, inwey io ivauo a. ooja uuar dlaaot Hurdoct Barroa, which said mortgage deed Is duly recorded la tbe Office of tbe Register of Dseds of Craren County. In Rook 130, Pan 143 eta, tbe said Katie B. Boyd hiring resigned her f narJlansliip and tne ODdersingea nar. ng been duly appointed Quardlaa of Hnroock usrron in her place ana steaa, sod all rights of said Guardian harlng been duly retted In mt: - ,v . . 1 will on Monday tbe fist, day of De cember A. D. llK8.at the hour of It o clock nooa oner for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cub at tbe Court House door Of Craven County to sail If the debt' secured by said mortgage ded to accordance with the power tbeteln- contained,- all the following described rl estate to wltr . . AllthefJllowlnrlotoriaod with all linprovemeuli and buildings " tbereon, sltnale and located ijlnf sear the ;Ctty of Mew liorn, North Oarollos on Weatsldo of what Is know a astbekta radamlT.f d Road, aud being that certain lot Metrics: the Number l.npon acsr- ttln plot rarordedta IheOfllce of the Itcidaicr of Deeds Of Cren County, In Ik-ok ng pe 810, as" surrejsd for William Duou hy 11. A. Brown, oa May Mb. l9t. And bvlng ItiS itme lot sold by stld Wllllnm Dunn to the soots ettn'd Ellsa M. lwiy, and rRUtersd la the Odlre oi ths lirgltver of DmkU, of stld County on A prll Itt. 1S?U7, to which laid rrroTfli rtfrrtnrs Is rniwla for a fall tml drRnlts dracrtptlon of a!J lot. This NoTm'ff Ifth. K'()3. 14 , . - TUCK F. McCAftTUY'-. C'uardiau MqtdocX litrroa. Gift Solcctidns r Am J1..11 j i.-i.',f l n to wl..it U rWp, Hi) to V, ! fit V. .'.) 1 jtlfl tih ht J ' . m ' j . t. '..r t: r.t 1r k f 1 1 T T f f S'' I ' " T ' ' 'Catarrh of The Kidneys. Peter J. Unger.Hawley. Pa, writes j "I think that I am perfectly cured of catarrh of the kidneys by Peruna, as I have no trouble -of any kind." P.J. Unger. . 1 ". Catarrh of The Btomaeh. A. W. .Graves, of Hammond, Ind, writing to Dr. Hartman, sayst , "I am well of catarrh of the stomach after suffering two years. I have taken five bottles of Peruna and one of Mana lln and I feel like a new man now.'' A. W, Graves. Pelvte Catarrh. Miss Katie Lochman, Lafayette, Ind, writes i " I had pelvic catarrh, pain in the ab domen, back, had stomach trouble and headache caused by catarrh. I followed your directions : took Peruna and Man- lin according to directions, and how happy I feel that I am relieved of such a distressing aliment." Miss Katie Lochman. Catarrh of Tha Bowals, , Mr. Henry Bntcion, South Bend, Ind, WTnesi ; "The doctor said I had catarrh of the bowels and I took his medicine, but with no relief. I was getting worse all the time. "Before I had taken a haU bottle of Peruna X felt like a new man." Henry untmon. - 'If yon do not receive prompt and sata litaotory results from the use of Peruna, write at one to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased. to give yon hia, valuable ad vice gratia. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman sanitarium, Oolomhos, O. Masonic Opcti House , For. One .Week. "U ; And lUtlMca, :, Harris-Parkinson Co. Popular Kew Plays with VaudevOle : BpeclalUes Between Acta Slaves of the Orient .PKICIS Mc, Mo, 85cr Beam can Is reserved without extra charge at Watera; ; :. ':pjS3 Pollock St. nigh-grad nnd np-to-diU Drati Ooodi a Specialty. , la thii depart meat we have, mot with unproo. denied faror aai patronag thJi season. To the who buj sot haTe bongbt their Prta Good w would say that tou Cannot offord to io bo until joa hare txamirTod our Una. IaonrDlack Ooodg drpartmcat you can fJ Bura- yod art ftltiof none tut tl Wt mAae, md tbe wear wOl pruve taUsfacUiry, Our CtMrralf4 "MrroJe" Cn JcncAr, And "Onji" Uo!ery, art U9 cr? 11 buy for Comfort aai and wear. ) A f till line of White Knit Comt (-Tf:, aV") r'.vk Wool ConMt Cftrj .'t, ;lr? and ling W 'jUST RECEIVED T . . f ' tn Monday Night New 5 . 1 JVHT KBCEIVED DIBECT f FKOM THE MILL. 'U '; z i a, i".'.'J.-v.:..'1 i f Feed Raisins, London Lajer Raisin?, Currants, Citron Cranberries. Evaporated Applas and Peachea, Prunes, i , Florifth Oranges, Attmore's Mince Meat, Jelly, ':" 1 Englisn Walnuts, Almonds, Brazil Nuts, Tecans, all new J crop, J Buckwheat and Maple Syrup, ; Gcod Cooking Butter 25c lb for next ten days, "Baker'd Chocolate and Cocoa, Fanny Elgin Fox KiyerPrint Butter, Complete stock of Canned Goods, " Yours to Please, - .'Phone 91. APPLES! APPi n r7ri?rin r?ra n k Just received a car load of Apples from Western New York State. Don't buy apples until you see my stock and get prices. Will save you money. T. Wholesale and Retail Orocer, Cor. Broad A Hancock Sim. BONE 69. aiTiiixxixnxnniiiiiiiiiiiixiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiii All Appropriate OUts. Calendars, Booklets &Books Padded Ooze Edt Hon Easy to mail ImSffl BOOK STDB1. 1 ;MMn A large liae of Oold Filled and Solid Gold Watohi in the New Shape. Nothinf toakei better Xmaa Prasent to a lady or gentleman than one of our Fully Onmntced atchtsi put np in a fine relret CUA. ; y " Also we bare the kind for ebuat for boji. v JTe O; IlaxlcrT" fMMtMMM Oysters! Oyslcrsl I Fmra now oft we will bate t Oyster wblcb Je will cm 1 ly'mrwrarfi, balf-ahell or oth Z erwiaa. - . ' . - Chirk&a;OyiUri to- 1 Nixon & Cos, r:ur'-:i orncit A. B. x!:r B Co., IBS ! Carload of FLOUE Wholesale & Retail Grocer, 71 Broad St' '.r.: Jr." Last Offer for This Year. Last Chance J for Bargains. This offer mean .great Ions to us, but a great gala to joa.- My entire stock of Mens, Youths and Childrens'tlothlng, Orerooat, Ha! ; and TanU mut go beiorv any Is' with three hundred and fifty 1a J Misses and Chlldrens Cloaks an JackeU, Ladlrs Hats and Furs a!, to be sold daring this Last and Greatest Sale ol the Season Begardless of Cost or Talne. Notwithstanding V. Cloaks and JackeU will be sold a' fsr leu than cost" We will give t trerj lady baying a cl fi k or Ja L et a pair of nice glore fxte, ' Do yoa wish to be one of t' larky buyers Iio pleMe do t wait too long as we) 111 be c rusbrd la in a fswdayn, and v tog! re yon the best kUeaUoa j EEMEMBEU this U r--.' the lat sW th , each ctfVjrocr boytng toe si.- 1 wiU be given a tiot pwtt v, aoorpHng. ; . Yours for Bargains", s. coplo: n mn.'Ji.r mv.ztr, r i , 11 arj a ar Co, T ra. Pluinli::: ' ! ! ls fe 1 r f : a f ' i r ? ) . ' '