.lit CL .Zr,z::.z. ANge!atie Preparaliortfor As similating CxfoodandScguIa Iir4 Ite S tonccSs andliowcls of Promotes DigesUonjCheerful ness andltest-Contains neither OpiunuMorphine norMioeraL NOT NARC OTIC. V A , Anfea Stml- t Aperfecl Remedy forConsllpa flon, Sour Stomach,Diatttea Worms Xxiiwulsions .Feverish ness and Loss or Sleep. Facsimile Signature of .V '; NEW "YDUK. - , EXACT COPY OK WRAPPER. ' aft J" . III Hal I IWH ' III t '.I, ll".laW MISSSMONIE BOWEY, . 3$ Kerry Street, r"r , ,J)ETR.OIT. MICHIGAN. A couple of winters ago I (tipped 6a a froren sidewalk ana fell flat on tny back. On being cramlnrl I found that I had sustained jbternal injit ries which laid m up for man than two month. After that I noticed that I had fains in the back and groin which I never had before. I doctored and doctored foreeveral months' but as the pains in creased Instead of growing better I decided that twasoot having the right treatment, Reading in the papers of the wonderful cores performed by Wine of Cardul I wrote to one of the parties and received very satisfactory reply and I immediately sent for some. In a very short time I felt generally better and after seven weeks faithful t I was once more weQ and strong. I haw never had a sick hoar since end I daily bless your splendid medicine. 1 . MONIE BOVEY. MNE OF CARDUI ia erne medi cine that should always be kept on hand in every home for im mediate use when female weak nees Erst makes its appearance. Miss Bowey ' painful and dangerous accident would not have resulted so seriously had she taken Wineof Cardul promptly.. : ' Jfltt Vontt Bom. - WINEbf GAR.DVI Notice to; Creditors;,? it . In the District Court of' the Untied States, for the Easten . Dl.tr let of . North Carolina, at Ke Bern. . -la the mauer af Charles T. Dunn, of ; . Elnston, W. C,' Baaknpt.-'.. ' , , " ' The petition of Charles T Dunn, of Klastou, M 0, for , Final Discharge la Bankruptcy having been filed In eald Court, u Is Ordered By The Court that a hearing be had on the SOt a da? of De cember, 190. before 8 W Bmallwood, Beferee, at New Bern, N C.at It o'clock M. and that all known creditors and other persona Interested nay appear at eald time and place and show cause If aay they have, why the prayer of eald Petitionee should not be granted. . 1 Tbb.Dih day of December 190S. , ' " - . HL. GRANT, Clerk, ByOIOROiOaiXNDepnty.- To Th Public!; . I take this Bsethod of informing the 'poblle and the friends ofbe Virginia Csrollaa Chemical Ccs, thulhsre soo- . eeeded Mr 0 X foy, U Local Manager i .fortbls Company the coming season, asd will be pleeeed to have aay One call ' el say ottos to see me who Is Interested la rsrttllsars and f et oar prloee before beylnc. I will do all In aay power to ' aw it pwHuwgruoH wit noaor -me with their orders. ' :- ; v ';',.; Toers Tmly, -" i - ' ' ,A. n.BAWUNOS, -1 - i . . . . , Local icft for Ya. Car. Cbtsa. Co, Hw Bern, NO. V. IDMIXISTRiTOES KOTICL Nottoe Is bsrry rlrta Ust ths ender- slf a4 ksflni tfe duly sri'tflniod ad- mlalitralot of John Murphy, t!nrw(l, lb all psnti lBilobtud io 't etkts will rone fnTwt'd and stt'e t'i m an1 test ail rrtnm t.' r:'mi artlntt lbs tti will r rrw t t' turns wllbta oae yy from it. tJ; t.crx.f or Ibis antlre wlil t pUJ In t r cf Ibelr rv)vpry. Tbt l'e. l - "! C. i. McCAKrilT, A.!rr.'r,!lrtor. ,i foa v.otr, rE C.n, fire wh - r ".''' 1 I t r ' t r- tr ' t r t- $ fr t rr ra I f V4 a ; f i un11 an I f I r l a t 1 a ' ! ! 4 ' j (at , I ' j S m 1 1 ( p r ' s r i r r ' M p - ' r 7 t- " 1 1 3 t ' , ' '"' ! ! t . . . ' T - v f G ti ccl Children. 7b Kir. J Yen IIqvo Ahvays Dcughi , Bears : the Signature Iri Use For Over thirty; Years , fm MmmMwun. mtm rem errr.. Wine of Cardui makes wo men more womanly by oar ing their weakness andmak-' ing them stronger. Wine of Cajdui cored' Miss Bowey,' As a medicine for all women in every trying period of their lives can yon think of a better, medicine for yourself, your sister, your daughter or your mother ? Can yon' think of a more acceptable oresent to srive vbur friend than a bottle of this medicine which will bring her health and happiness? Ton are suffering ? Your duty is to rid yourself of this pain. If your daughter, mother, sister or friend is sick and in need of relief, your duty is equally great to them. Many women, now well, owe their Jives to friends who brought them Wine of Cardui.' . ' .Wine of Cardui Is adapted ' to wo men at any age in any walk of "life. 4 Vnr nrVmi ,.,..., it I strength ' for her tasks ana better treatment than a doctor for very small eOSt.'A,''.r'-.'"' ' J.. : Tour'drnijgist wQl sell you a $1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui. . Bocure the medicine today. Take it in the privacy of your home,- ; Relief will come to you as surely as you take it. . million' luff erinir - women re louna relict in - - Wine ol Cardui. M "CHtOMterCrt'e CN0LI8H ' ' PermYROYAL pills HI m a.nr fj. ii, 17 lax Vlall. In.auu I ,lir-. .it I Dntctou. . UMawllmlMl Ca. aisin rsiu, fa A Good T. .J-'-'-. Telephone .; ; 8EBYICK W A BDBINISr , NECK8SITT, ,' A , UOMJS r CONTZNIXNCK A COM- 1 BI5D J '-..' - CouYcnlcn co, OftW Vout Pbooe t Ortcal ! f . A, Orw , rrsa, B. tL Mtw, ft Tw ' Of. Or, CmSJ. . , Citizens' . Bank, mansusr, aw. a. De Oeoeral Btnkinf Dusltcs April 9, 1903, Borplna and DadiH-, ; ded ProOta, iM.OOaoO. - , We will rWs promrt and earafal at lea uoe to ail buatuwe eatruttod to aa. We Inrlle yonr ancotiBL Try na. 1 : t4 al tHir farfllnajie tDnava I. D.SHnL ). ( . !!!,, Jr. anot).l W . I Jvoe in, Ra''ir.Oav , W . I.r.'.nrar, n A . ,rVa, . W. ka.,a4a f. tt.a.lra, w. t. orMkMt.. !rk Ditnsy. ' f.Xfr.rjitfiCe t t ... ' . , , -1 r i Tori- Aa Atiracilre Cotaine. Ti town L-.-re lllustratfj is an es- rrilciit if.x.-iuiihe cf t!, im.a tweiit tciiti:rno. It U oxtrctin-iv swi ;-ie In cut an J faultless In fluUli. lhe tLrio-qiiar- v. 2. N1 XL- . if T -':.WV v TWEED OCSFK AND SSALSKOf. ter sealskin coat has an Inserted vest In white coming to the waist line., and the skirt, which just clears the ground, Is plaited and finished about the hem with stitching. The hat is of rose pink velvet, with a lace edge otid shaded rose red plume. . ..?; Aaberartnfc sv Kew Shatde. ' Aubergine is the latest color. It Is tt ross between pink "and plum. " There are aubergine velvets and 'aubergine chiffons, anfl to show this tint is to guarantee that the article was import Mr- One- frock from a Parisian maker Is appraised at $700.- As It Is a fairly plain tailor gown, the price seems ex tortionate.- The frock is of soft cloth of aubergine color, and the velvet trim ming is of the same tint: The richest embroidery Jg used to finish tbeToat. nnd this embroidery combines a varie ty of colors:.! The collar is edged with niching, and the cuffs are finished with a fail of fine lace. ; In addition to the velvet bands and embroidery there are about twenty solid gold buttons.; '";. laurtew Blwat Froek.. '' A great many evening dresses are cut in Instep length, and very'pretty they are and very convenient ; Com ing Just to the instep, they show the high heels that are. worn with the din ner gown and the very graceful arch of the foot Indeed It is due to her vanity tind the pretty shoes of the season that woman wears the Instep skirt -tA -The instep skirt is a featureof the restaurant gown, ' aa well as of , the street drees, and is also worn for the evening and for the nicest Of occasions. No more ia It preserved for the. rainy day skirts and the trotting costumes. '.;? V-.-A KU Oosvt.-' V J. if. A novel garment affected just now by the belles of .Vienna and Parlr la c small, tight fitting coat made of anode kid.. It ia worn with very smart trav eling gowns, and Its appearance ,1s thought to Indicate the revival of fitted coats in general; Kid is quite a favor ite Just now when one reflects upon the pretty crush girdle made of It and that It is even used to face the brims of hats. One pretty facing of the kind noted was of pale yellow suede, Just the thing to set off brunette beaut..- - ' , ' -"- DrvMtaer ke Bolr.' The latest fashton of dressing the hair ts to have a thick, waved piece of hair brought well forward on the fore bead and the aides somewbatjirosbed Bpwsrd, and the Parlalennee lightly pin this lock of Wared balr to the ban deau of tbelr bat thus avoiding any Ugly break,' The French women always prod and poke their balr abont eft-r their bat Is put on, so that-all the la dpntatlntu of the hat should be grace fully filled cp, i ' A Lvetr Bat. ' .'The Blottratloo pn-amta a lovely bat bowing errrral shndre of the new moke grsy. It la la bearer, the under t it. 4 I, fa. ! :'. , - 1 t, :-i, 5 a t. : ! , f f: 1 j ; j ( " ! f. . ' : I ' r " 5 I f 1 ' i i , l ! t, ' It'' ' , " ' i f o i. ft it '. t T' r : I t I' ' ' c i if ill! Tlie Eload'a KelghborlF Act Was All For Kftnght, ILu Lion J iiclibor ricvor haU culled fcefure, so tlie brunette wus somewlKit surprised to see her. " "We've been neighbors for some time," remarked the blond after the first formal greetings had been ex changed. . v "Almost a year," returned the bru nette. " . "Long enooglvcontinued the blond, "so that either of us might' reasonably call upon the other to do a little neigh borly act" . . . "Either of us might," admlttcd ths brunette guardedly. v .v-.- "Andwe really ought to be friends," persisted the blond. We. con bo of great assistance to each other at times." "It's quiteposslble," the brunette con ceded, stilt guardedly.'. "1b there some thing you wish to borrow?", ,. . "Oh, dear, no," answered the blond. - t'l thought perhaps you" were Just out of coffee or wanted a little of my best china and silver to help out at a little dinner or something of that sort" : "Not at all," awid the blond. : "I was thinking of your children.' Xouhnva several, I believe." - )' - , " -:"..";"Four," Was the reply. ; ; -"And they cry some and occasionally piny leapfrog and other noisy games." -, The brunette became haughty, at once.? No, woman cares to have a stran ger cast reflections on her children.'--. "Oh, that's all right," the- blond has tened to explain. ""So dp mine. All children are noisy, and the only thing to do is to take advantage of their noisi ness,; Now, tomorrow morning about 10 o'clock a tall man with, o blaek heard will call at my flat, and if you'd watch for him. and set the children to crying or playing leapfrog or making a great racket of some kind!' "Madam!" : ."Don't you understand yet?" persist edJtbe . blond, ignoring the indignant Interruption. "The man with the black beard is the new landlord, and he's coming to' seo me about renewing the lease. - Now,- if you and your children can only make yourselves out to be rlouely .objectionable 1 peighbors jlon't you see What a chance It gives me to force a reduction of the rent? And later, when your lease expires, I'll do as much for you, -Whatlv You won't do It? Well, I dpn't blame the men for saying that most women bave.no head for bu8lness."-Chicago Post. . ... ' O JX. torn mu- Jr a. X JSk. a Stars th lto W ' Ks'ffl Alwars 'uffl' Notice of Execution :7 C :XSale.; ; liORTH CAROLINA, ) . In the - . i T n i r . W. B. Blades, .Trustee -.-i ':r '.,V;-': ;':;"- -' ; .Thomas W. Dewey. . r ' By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned "from the - Superior uourt in tne aoeve entitled action, i will on Monday, , the first day of February, 1904, at 1 o'olock m., at the Court house door of said County, to sell to the highest bidder fot eash, to satisfy snid execution, all the right title and interest wnlch the said T W Dewey, the defend ant, has In the following desert bed real estate to-wlu . -'-'. . ,-'--.' ' Bein Beach. One tract of land lying on Nense Blver and beginning at a point In Brooks North line which runs to- Nense Rlrer fifty feet westwardly from the high bluff and rant thence northwardly across the ravine to a point ia Brytni South line fifty feet . westwardly from the high blnff, thenoe eastwardly with Bryans said line, and said line extended to the channel of Neuse Blver, thenoe sonthwardlv with the channel of Nense- hrivef to Biook's north line extended, thence with Brook's North line extend ed to the beginning, the laid land being the Seta Beach and the land adjacent thereto. Prom book 128, page 236. -. Also lots of land in the City of New Bern, Oravea oounty, N C, hounded and detorlbed aa follows: Beginning at the corner of Cypress andOeorge street! and running tnenoe with George street to Pine street, thenoe with Pine street a distance equal ' to one half the distance between Oeorta and Bern treeta.thenoe running parallel with George street to Cypress street, at the distance equal to one half the distance' between George and Bern streets, thence, with Cypress street to George sueet the place of he rlnntDgend containing lota No. 18, 88, 80 and 81 In accordance with the map of the City of New Bern end being that pari of New Bern formerly known as Dryboro, being stmt lots conreyed to T W Dewey and B 8 1'rtmroee bv V II Pel Irtler, Trnttee, ilSth day of Pcbrnsrv 18 )1. RecordedlQ book 129, pagos C65, M7, 6Ct .'. Another lot adjoining the lands of W R Galon; WlllUm Dunn and others, Bonnded aa follows, via, near the City of New litre, N. C la ihst certsla piece or parcel of Uad laid off into lots end streets for Wo, Dana la accordion whh a crUla plot or plea sotrrytd snd lld oot Mty Bib, 1HU4, by li A Urowa, somyor, rcordd la the office of It'gi ter of D!i of CrTn oooty. N.U being lots Not and aa Islddowa In tftli plara. iip,:lnnlng at N. E. eorntr ofW. H. Tin!.. n't lot snd running V) fl In a Nnr'.;,irr!y (ilirilon vn Irl r.mlr. ro1. tl.rnm rUthrtwar.!!y 1K) ft. to l!.t 1 t h W nl cornrr (A W it 0"l"D Int t" the tf '.r.r.irr, t-Kng the ,rr Uad (rsif" 1 In T Vi Iw.y ty J (J Yi tiVIrs n 1 '9 t T rV ft j'al A "If. t. !-'. ml '- 1 to f;.t i :r.r rf if -ttor ,if If!,, ( in t, o'i!.ty, la li r t-1 tf lsn ! e'J ,U.'.-9 !. f " r ', H Y- i r; t.f r. I 'In v. ! i i i " ' . , " i ' i : t i t- r 1 iV '.'!.. - t ' ' I. I' ' at jii". - i - f t i ' ! 1 v 1 I ' , - . f 1 a r - , , ' ' I 4 T SalouExciiaiirja STABLES ..Fmo lot Lijjjt aal Heavy Draft , Mules, also Good - Working Horses Just Ucceirell. " Mu-t be eold. Terrna to suit Purohaeera. Cash.; or good negotiable paper. - Call at stablea and see the stock offered. - ; , Ij. ;G-Maniels Craven Street, Sale of Valuable Tim "ber Timber Lands s " Saw Mill -Dry ; : - ) Kilns and Oth er Property. Pursuant to the powers contained in a deed of trust -executed tojne by Thomas A Greeti, Thorass - Q By man and Ralph Gray dated July 87th, 1901. 1 will sell at public auction for cash, at the door of. the-Court. House -ofi. Carteret county, North Carolina on Tuesday, the 29th day of December 1903, the following' proper ty situated inlaid Carteret county, to wii? - - , 1. Tract of land in Newport township containing SOO acres - mare or less,1 fully described In grant No; 13861, dated June latb, 1899, registered in office of Regis ter of Deeds of said county In book V V, . 3. Tract of land In Newport township containing llt acres, more or less, fully described 14 grant No, 1H860, registered itrofflce of said Register of Deeds la book VV, page 11. ' 3. Three tracts of lands known as the Thomas Lands, described in deed from James M Holmes and wife to William A Thomas, registered in said office in book F F, pages 67, 69, consisting of three tracts, in all 2,125 acres, more or less, being same land conveyed to R S Neal by deed registered in said office in book N w, page O&B. - 4. Also all the timber of every kind which wbb conveyed to R 8 Neal by Ed wardU Bill and wife by deed registered in said office In book V Vrpage 43, with all right conveyed to said deed. 5. Also all the timber and all rights and privileges conveyed to said R Is Neal by Mattie Gould, Zenemeh Garner and wife by deed registered in said office in book V V, page CO. - - - - ' . 0. Tract of land "bounded as follows: On the north by A & . N C R R, on east by land of R 8 Neal, on west by land of J T Baton, and on south by channel of Bogue Sound, containing 15 acres, more orlcs. ' . . '; v-, ' ; 7. Tract of laud which Is desorlbed In the mortgage deed from R 8 Neal to W M Webb, registered In said office In book V V, page 421, containing S acres mere or less. , - 8. Tracts of land and the timber lights thereon fully described In the mortgage deed to the Citizens Bank of New Bern, registered in said office in book 7 V. 9. All the pine; oak, ash and cypress timber upon the land in Newport town ship at the head of Newport Rlrer and In thft-TIArt rlKAttt fshtr Af aemA AAnlalnlnsi 50 acres, which was conveyed to Bfl cteai ny oiepnen uarner By deed regis tered In said office in book V V, page 57, except the IS acres thereof sold by said Neal, and also all the timber on the land In Newport township, la the bead of Deep Creek 8wamp, containing 81 acres, conveyed to RHNeal by Thomas ? Mann and wife by deed registered, in aid office In book V V, page 879. ..- 7 . 10. The timber on the following tiect of land: . - "One treat In Jumping Run and Deep ureta swamps on east side of north Rlrer being fire sevenths of tract known as the Simpson tract ,,' One tract known as the Y B Salter patent, containing. 117 acres, more or tees. . , , -. - ; - . ... One tract commencing at the north west corner of the V B Salter Si 8 acre tract, runs south 100 poles, then weet 100 poles, Ihea north 800 poles, then east 800 poles, then Booth to eald patent, then with sild fl6 acre patent to the begln ning. Being same conveyed to B 6 Neal by V B baiter by deed reglttered-ln said office In book V V.psRe 158.. - . 11 All the standing timber OB the tract of land In White Oak township on east side of While Oak river, beginning a the mouth of IUraoei rot, described la ducd from Daalcl 8 Weeks to B 8 Neal, registered la laid office la book V. V. pKe 191. '' -' -: 1 Also that SO year leasehold Interest coupled . with the light to purchase, tenia paid for entire term of the tract of land at "Carolina City" oa south side of A ds N O U It adjoining the land oon rywl to It 8 Neal by W M Webb, ad J-.tnlng the lands of A ft N C ft B com ptny, and channl of Bogae son nd and of Attn In Hois Willie and J T Eaton, opia which It located the mills snd dry kilns form"r)y belonirlnr to It 8 Neal. ; 13 A ltd the st w- tnlUlocstisI on said above er-ecl0ed land, said mill bclog ce ptctiy about 40 000fei per day, with til mp.lort. bnllert, llllrf, abtftlng, pol'oys, and alt tools, B ltd ret and ap plltncrt.alto the brick dry kiln, wharvrs e-11 hnlMlnift, tnttnnt booMe .and otbrr bulltllnps located oa said land. to all rf ilea; Ktr, wmous, and other U'oU and ImpWmmlt and aprlltnrwe. 13 11a titm tnj hosts WILiam X Moore an 1 ".NeWc." - 14 And tt trtrl of Und la JoeM cnunlv, J'Orih ('srr Vrt, ilcrPd In the H-i from (if 'irre W IIT and otlitrt to H H ri flMtrrd la cfT,rs Of !(;1t1M ( f pr.' nf Jon c iOty la b'v ii n V't 47 0.472 1in "11 II Kll l it M mi i rrr. k e-'j.ntiu t'.e U ti of fdwar t .1 .' ' ' t r. A' 1 f. ir't r.f Und In Or,i!n r -'iT.tr. r ;h a'li'Int, on t-irt t -it 1 k r r. t' ;U,wU,4 Uid f ( ' ' ! ' 1 3 ' 1 r-I;' F r-r If s,. i ', ,", 1 . I i1 ,.i 1 1 f. '.'. t - '-'r t n ! ' ' ' r 1 - " '.tut ! I in I' r-, .t.'T rf ' ' iff ' ' - a Vi : ' H I It .fc ' -:,( '.fa r ' ' . ' ' 1 f r r - t . : is .1. r NEW BERN, 1ST Middle St. Fnll line of DmRS and Medicinei, Perf umes, Toilet 8oaps, etc, also the following Mineral Waters: Matchless Mineral Spring, Buffalo Liss'titiiiirv'' adi Janos, Hnnyadl MatyaS, Carbana, Veronica, Apenta, Red Raven Splits. . Combs, Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Pasterine Tooth Paste. COLUMBIAN INSECmOlDF. Creolum, the Great Disinfectant and Bed Bng Destroyer.; V Brom-Cbloralum A sure PREVENTATIVE of infection of contagion of DIPHTHERIA;: SMALL POX. VVVvV P5 yi'olans'3recrlptlor.sra specialty F.1&. Slatmoas, , A.D.Ward V 5IMnONit 4k WARD, ATT0RNIY aii C0UN8IL0B8 at . , ' LAW. ; ' ... rasw aicaun, a. c Office Removed across Street to be- x Story of No. 69 (above Telegraph Jf flce) South Front Street, nei . 10 Hotel Chattawkv, - Practice In the counties of Oraven, Duplin, Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pamli co and Wake, In the Supreme and Fed eral Courts, and wherever services are desired. - CAROLINA DISPATCH LLNE AUD Od Dominion Steamship Co "'duly uons. FBIIOHT t FASSipiB. For All Polnte Xorth. Effective Oot. 1st, 1908. The Steamer NEUSB is scneauiea so sail as 0 p. m., Monday Wedneeday and Friday, for llxabeth City N. C. The Steamer OCBACOKE Is scheduled to sail at 8 p a Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for Xlisabeth City, N. O. -i I3f"rreiht reoelved not later than ont boar prevtouj to tsilinf. For farther information applj to 7 GEO. HKNDKBSON, At K. JL Knr, Geo. Up., H.a HrjDeixi,Gn.I.l& Fasa.At Norfolk, Ya. .' W. 8, BUhtMXRZLL, Ass't Gent Prt and Pass. Ageat, New Bera,K.a V t - - Why Ifot Take a Trip TWi Winter Ttrotitti Florida to Cab. V Td1i beaattful Bute and Island kak been broaght wllala easy reach by Ike splendid through wain service el the AUantlo Coast Llae, the great throe gh fare to the tropic Winter TemrtsU Ticteta are bow oa sale to ail poiau U Deri da and to Eavaaa. For rataa k bed alee- mips Bleeping Car aad Bteaa ship ac4X.QedaUms write to, , , c V V ' ' W.I.CTA.O,;f.. General raaetngar AgeagUBjagtoa, N.O. . S t U ;'Wha to Say la SpeaUk aaABff jn eay U" sent to aay aid rets cpoa receipt 0 a t wo cent stamp. a(v ' - Entry Claim. Bute of North Carollaa,. Craven Coasty. - To Geo, B, Water, Ketry Taker Cram Ooantyi ' " The aadtnlgatd W n MorHs of Craves orroaty, North Camltaa, enUr sal lays claim to the follow lag dtwortbed pier Or parr of lead ta 1st township, Crtva eovBly, Bute of North Carolina, lh mt U!rg vsrtat knd Batppmprta- tl Itnl, tnd inVJtrt to snlry, vlss I.y in jf Utfa P'ft Cmk sad Nense r!tr, botinial a north ty Bsa ton 1 v r.i, ri t fy n Jt rtnt r.n ". ;n It lnr- (''nklnt ItBiJ tn 1 t t 1 r i' i f ? 1 I.".rr.rr Cft, and k - a r t 1 r i' tHirr.p, e'V t . ;-. r j !rr - 1 .is r. ! ;"rrj tL's Ulr!y rf Dsr.l-er, VTk. R. J'-t.--, '. r' A.I I -.' ' J. I .TT . .. i JjKitr I s H . v-. .- : PQrid a - - A passenger service and comfort, equipped with the latest Pullman Dining, Sleeping and Thoroughfare Caw. For rates, Schedule, flaps or any informa tion, write to , ' Wivi j. craiq; Lyon s French Periodical Strictly vegetable, perfectly harmless, anre to accompllah DESIRED RESULTS. Greatest known female remedy. Price, $1.50 per bottle. RHITIfll Bri"eof eounterf.lu and Imltallom. The ftnnlmt It p. ap ealr In aaaw-kOa-O ( WIttllI'ViS ana wltll faA..1mlla .Ivnatara M .lit., ft, ,h. hnttl. thmi .ati Baad tot OtoolAt to WLLUAMS Hiftt. OO 8ol SOLD BY F. Auo-Mencken & Bro- nidkers, Bdlto.Md THE WINTER RESORTS SOUTH BKACHBD BY SouthernllRailway. The Southern Railway "announces the ale of rouad-trtp Winter Excursion tickets to all the principal resorts of the South, beginning October 15,1903. The winter resorts of North and South Carolina, Georgia and Florida are espec ially inviting to those In search of health or pleasure. In these States ere such noted resorts aa Plnehurat, N. 0., Cam den, Aiken, Sammervllle, S. C, Charles ton, B.C., Augusta, Savannah, Bruns wick, Jekyl Island and Thomasvllle, Ga. Jacksonville, St Augustine, Ormond, Daytona, Palm Beach, Rockledge, Miami and Tampa, Fla., also the resorts of Nis san and Cuba, best reached via Southern Hallway. Tickets on sale op to and Including April 80, 1901, limited to return until May 81,1901. Southern Railway affords elegant train servlce.wllh the latest Follman Drawing Boom Bleeping Cars, operated through between principal cities and resorts, ele gant Dining Car service, and ertrythlng for the comfort and pleasure of the traveler. Ask nearest Ticket Agent for farther Information and descriptive literature. The Calf Coait Resorts, Mobile, New Orleans, Mexico and California via Southern Railway. Winter JTourlat tickets now on sale to the noted retorts of the Gulf Coast aad Mexico aad California. Tickets on ale via Soother Hallway up to aad Including AprU 10, 1901, limited to May H, 1904, for return peesegv. Elertet train service. The route of the "Washington aad Southweetera Lisa bed" and "Sestet Limited." - Ask nearest Ticket Agent for detailed Inform eUoa aad descriptive matter. He Lb!o. ike Sky" inl "SAppklre Coontry." BLU WDTrWl MSOATS. : The Son there Bail way reaches the kVl winter resorts of the "Lead of the Iky" and WarohJteOeaatry," looijdlng Atlevflli If. if.J flU fprlegt, N. C iindereoat1!)Te,v.l0.i Brevard aad Lake Tesewaf.i Taeellaoate of tart tictf tt aaparaiteled, ealtable for taralid athlete or trxrtroa, aad offers every charsa of aa Idtal Winter Keeort. . Kle taat toerUt bo4ela. Tbroegh JleeptBg Cars frees principal eittse. , . , ToirlstTlckeuaew on aal at very towrauc Ask aeareet Ticket Agent fofdMailtd UforaaaUoa aad daecrtpUTC literature. . X. X.. WA1XD, .t Attorney at Law, ' , Tt Bo, frcet Si, Opp. noel Cbettawka xw nr.u.t.;n. a ;. Crara Ootrnlj Attorney. Clmillk Craw, Joo, Onslow, Oart. r i'amllnrs Or, Leooix, tvad ibe Bo rre a4 Federal Coerta tXTSLl CLAI5L - Slats ef North Cwollaa, Crarta C'osa ty. ToC B Wsiirra, Calry Taker for Cr.Tta C'aty, Tie rr'e.M M Tya!U of Crtrta C'SBty, r,r".h Carollaa eatefe tf. 1 i;i l''rn l l. fi lotring dff r ri j cr f "l of !! la lrdtoa ' ;, t'rt. fi'raty, Bute df N''1l ( i '-il'llnl t'rf?trr,ttTl1a , - l !- 1, ar l I ,' Jrt t -.' Ac - i j '' rr tt 1 I - ; ' -' i I i ;. r l t e 1 'j ( - . n t ' 1 1 1 . p h , ' ' . t f V , : s 1 1 . a a n c n efvVeen fficf-Mv - Cuba V r t unexcelled for luxury General Passenger Agent, Wilmington.' N.C Agouls, tilavelul. OkM. IfWa-l S. DUFFY. ' A. & N. C. R. R. .. . ,rj,JlT '. . TIKI TABU HO. 82 , To Take Effect Sunday, Oct 85, '. 1608 at 6:50 A.M., E.S.T. Going East BoHKDxrLK Going We No. 8 Passenger Trains No. 4 DAILY. Lv. pm stations: Ar,-ai! 8 80 Goldaboro ...11 C 8 69 LaOrange ....10 li 4 28 KinstOB ,...101 6 40 Ar. New Bern, Lv,...., 9 0 6 50 Lv. " Ar...r..8e 1 15 Ar. Morehead City Lv 7 C. No. 6, Passenger Train Ho. Paaeenger ZTrala. eranoHBi DAIL1. Lv. A. K. 8 00 8 18 8 96 8 87 Ar.p?.M Goldaboro 80 Beet's ,. 8,0 . LaOrange 7tC7 ....Falling Greek tH" Klnaton 7 87 (Jaawell 7 8. Dover 7 17 8 48. 9 09. 918. 9 80. Core Creek ... 7 00 950.... 9 66.... 1010.... k. M. ...Tuaoarora. ......... 86 i Clerks 6 ii Ar. New Bern, Lv...... 6 80 r. n. FREIGHT. No, 1. DAILY EXCEPT No. 1 Sd Cleat. HCNDAT SdClaas Lv. am Ar, p n 5 11...... . . Golds boro. ..., 9 6) 6 40 Best's Jl;i 819..... LaOrange 8t; 6 17 Falling creek , 1 8i 7 83 Kinstoa .1)13 7 40 oeawell 101 9 00 Dover 11 01 9 40 core creek. ...10 0 10 10 Tuaoarora..... ,,,.,10 10 10 83 darkl 8 Bt 11 00 Ar. New Bem,Lv,.., 0 Si 1 80.,....Lv. New Bern At... ...THS 119 Biverdale 7 4) 1 90., i. a...... ceoataa 7 ti 140... Haveloek ...710 9 09 M Newport. Lv 8 f ' 9 90 WUdwoed ,...81? M Atlantic M... ( 9 65 . JLr. Morehead Olty.Lt r 8 00 ... Ar. M.dty Depot, Lr 6C r.u. - . a.r, 8. I DILL, & A. NIWLAND, , Oeal Bnpt Master Traasportatloo. L. B. Habicht Lager Bee, The rirjwl L'.qa ra JuJti .... --, llabkchVs icy West, UaWits i CentPerfectoa CiaADA - Oecwer I Front and Daaeock f u-- " - Mew Ben, N Q. ' 'j .... ,'. . .'. - Russell Hour While ta Beaufort be mre to f . the BaeeU Boaae, FlrtVCaas I wheat for traVkitag fopla.- T'. tadhuatinriaaieelled. Ttnxu : ' day et I7.W per week J A..JUS8WL Tr...- I'ubilcatlon or Dr.: . monau ROnTTl CAH0L15A.! laf Caavaa Covert iBspetlt.rt ' iWlile Ltarrie, ,a. Oeorge IJanla. TtS dfendht aTxrve Btrrfcd ' aotlna tr.at aa eriln m'.'. 1 r-4 tn t-'.mrtnr4 ia I. ' I r.-:rt rf r.-at.a muntf, I ' f f - - i ' ' . t ' r. t r rr ' . M 1 .' 3 ar. 1 ( - ' a 1' M I .iiT,!-elt ' . 1' ' TI'1 r f I ; r ',..'.( .',IaV, .: ! I ti Dro;