, u " - ,1 a a i. '-.' 'V ' i- 'Jf : , 4 4 C, 3, 1:: J. ' LCiCE LIT.XCTCHT. rMr-i Tiinn-s KO. 1 KKIGHTS t f llALHONT. Meet 2nd md 4ih ...', . 'ty nlehts in each month In I Area's Halt Pollock street, at 7.80 O'Ci' b Kamnul 11. Ka L rvesiaenu . II. t i ;.h. eo'y; R.B. El'l, Financial bucretary. Iaiex New A4TcrOcments. : Lost.' v - - ' V" ' Wanted. 7 , - If" -t Biovcle Stolen. - "v--v - Singer MfgOOJost Received, v .? ..ft sjq Dnnn & OoJait Received, :, ' Olive Bush Harked J ' - Eaton Diamonds.' s v,.,, ; . ? '. Simmons & Hollowell Cfc-Cbiistni goods. ' 1 " . ,s ' " ;' - Business - Locals. yew era, STOLEN-- Beading Btanduo; rwcyoif , - s a rr.v trrnmn: hlna enameled. .Hartford Ttirii. No 88.800. handle bars upcase, had .-in trai lamD on ? wheel and grip ' .ii.mi wnra. t5'00 reward for return I a ' ' f Bicycle with evidence enough to con Tlot party who etolt wheel. ' Address .'7 Journal Office ' - ",''t BINOER Mfgr Oo, jast received Boat ' ioaa uoiuu Oak Machines, -juai i thing for Chrlstmaa " presents, eaU at once 6 85 VW4 St - " " - .. s, - .nhnrr.b. a tmau. ODea ce,aiiTw-u.1 T A finder will pleasa ' return, U the Jour -' ' llalofflce., ' r'. ' WANTEDr-Blx Good Carpenters o go 'to wonk next Monday morning December 88th. -AppIfW, AiCullenj Construe- j tion Company, Bl Craven St. , WHILE looking around .for Christmas i ' Prfi-entfl, rail at J M Hrnes & Oo. Cot-, HfthCBtk a-id Broad ots. j . ' . an ti ihr, white thavlne parlor - No 88 .' Mlddla street, for stylish hair cut and easy shave, all work guaranteed or mofl' : - ey refunded, we win continue yui low prlOM unttt 1904. - H .W Jewell, Prop." y ? C -v"-J- 8TXAMEB BLANCHE, " will not ; sail . again until Friday January,: 1st on ac y"ountotholldayi." - VV-- LOST One-silver locket With Elk's . . ... . . .. m -art. m-A.. xtaaa, mmais on vsm, . wIU please return to this offloe ana re-1 eslre reward for same. " v-'LOBTLadiesCopen' faoa, silver (watch ' ' . on Pollock or ..Broad streets. Finder - " hinau Mtnni to the Oaks Market A V r- . LABORERS WANTEO-Ws wIU glre cmyloyment to four or fire good men at at our plant at Core ureea, a u. jm-1 i--t-qnl-' at. office over Bradham's J)rug '"" Store. EASTERN ARM rui w.i :, ; ' THE Oaks Market ts ; "ready io ready to ' -r V I -reoelvs yoar orders for fine' turkeys for 1 your Christmas dinner. v-X; :v;: - k- ' - TOR BALE Horse, buggy and haraeel, la good order, price $75; If sold before t'- v Christmas. " A Bargain; apply.to O W - Shaw, Nd S New Booth Front Bt. . '.'.V N10E fat Chickena, flue 8teaksr and Pork. Banaagea, lictt rp pound at Henry Bryans Queen, street, near de- TBI tery (Inert OysUrsot the season at James B Dawson's, 108 Middle 8t,Thons SOB. - Served In any style or to famUUs by saeasurs. ''..yf":-- " - OWEN 1L QU10N., Attorney at Uw, aaaonnees that sntU his new offlos build ! lag on J Broad street Is completed," hs -". will occupy efflon oathe Btstflootol brick building, oppoaiu ths Olty MalL f ' J GfTE us your order for fruit cakes for Chrtstiaas.llha.Kbs, and lOlba. Jobi " 1 ; Daan, Grocer.' '". '' " V-' PECANS tot salkarply at WEast GUARANTEED Bogar Cared Bams at IJctslh altaeOaksMsrkst..'-, DOOC-EEETER, StaoOfrarter and trpwrtier. OmpeUat yoaaf, lady da aires sltaatloa. Ptat, prompt sad Indus trtooa. CaJloa oa4drM, SI, No.t4 WTOTJAnANTEE WUktBtoa's mU Ws Mineral Water to cure djrile ead elomach IroaMea, or ony raf oad ed. PatU riarmaf y. . . Mlttd NAKSII P. BTIU'CT, lnsurn Estlaalvaly, rroBjl atlontlua. 1", ?B TO "rt CO r i " f-.t la 3 .r 1 - At A'.lsMl.-.oci ra'.i f t.. llyc:'s court jte; lj for tc ind dairn. . ... :j drssk Haggle, the wife of Hli-haalRorji&ans died Tuesday noon, Rd 63 year. Ko tlce of f unarnal will be published later. The daaceet the Planters Warehouse Christmas nletat will be a very enjoyable affair. "The Kiel orchestra .will furnish the raualo. ' Everything possible will be done to mate It pleaiant for those who attend. It la expected that i large num ber will be present.', - s Mayor Ellis hai made an order pro hibiting the uie of dynamite fire crack era or bombs on Christmas day. The practice lsvery dangerous and the Mayor la wise in stopping IV ! The jollce hate alto- been Instructed to stop the other dangerous -sport of people shooting at each other with Roman candles, -' . There was an ; interruption in the gas service last night 'In consequence of an obstruction occurring' in the Urge pipe which ' MTiplIea the city, this not being duetto - ' any lack In the -.supply of gas The company quickly remedied the tron Ho, but considered It best to cat off tbe , lppiy' tot the 'night.. It will beall tit today. 'V.;v The pW .children of this city are to oe nicoiy rememoereo. on14 vnrisuna. i Tfie Elks have -established a beautiful custom of having a Chrlstma tree esrl peculator tnosawnonave oeenover- looked. The tree and entertainment wtu i jitit Itman &t finnn. I j(.r t. titV; VZ :Z " a . .v.,w how tha Elks-makeotherh"0" Go and - see people happy, -:'The citizens who are interested will te pleased to know that the council will lake no aotlon on tha.. matter of con structlng a side track of the A A N O railway . f rorajthe South' Front .street crossing' tO,ther Elm OHy-company's mill until the Tegular January meeting. Both aides of the question, will be dis cussed at that time. The minutes of the December meeting published in the Jour nd contained this Information Mr B 8 Waters of Black awamp ssc- Hon. Jones county was In the city Tues Ha, tavlnff material and oalnts for a handsome new residence which . hs Is building kt his place.- Mr Waters Is the 1argesU4obaoco grower. In his section and while somewhat . discouraged ."over the crop and prices this " year, says that by diversifying hi crop hs hss been en abled to pull out a good bit ahead., Mr I n Ml u" ' u tohMBII hut In tha meantime . - , . -. . Crop. ; In this eoaneotlon It might be remarked that the gentleman referred to la one of the largest hog raisers In Jones county,', his packing , this year - will be way up in the thousanda,j;;i rf-" ! The express business of the Atlantic j and : North : Carolina .railroad hu In- creased to soon an -extent as to necessi- hate tha'dally - shipment of one or more solid' car loads of express . through to Northern points Tblr harbeen shipped to Goldtboro, and then transferred to the' through cars on other roads.' To avoid the transferring . of freight at this point, Master Machanlo Green of ths A 4s N O has had all the, express cars of d with standard irucka, brakes, slack adjusters "so that 'the cars can be tha road refitted high '.speed air and steam pipes carried "through without.' change of freight" All the freight ears on the road are being fitted up with automallo coup lers and air brakes. Two new express cars are to be built after Iks holidays. ': Feceptlon to lWdalHrty. t Mr sad Mrs John B Ives gave ad- Ugbtful reoepUoa lut nlghi at their home on, Johnson street ' in ' honor of their lUUr MUs Lulls Ives, and the brt- dal psrty who will assist at ths Ear- ding If es ' marriage, - which will .be aolemnlxitd at the Presbyterian church at 8:80 p la today, -V-r;. ,-' ; rV reftsloV; Notice I: i . Stats TeastonerS who '.baloeged to the 17th aad SSlh Regiment N. C. Troopr, whose namae ware strlcksa from the Pension Roll, are hereby Inform! that that have beea rele staled, and IUI their Checks are cow at the Clerks 0e ready (or daUrery whsa call ad for. I wlS ssnj thea to yoo. ft yot faralik you tddrtis. ' ' . . - - a b.o. , . ' AtTfic Open Honse. Tfc Hatrla-rarklotoS Com pony gave most iocpt! praxntiiloa of tba play I Caaay Iscbmms, - Utt Bight at tbe cpara botua. Tb play tv tbe eoonpiqy foil aorpa fnr Ibelr tw "ant woik, Tie c!'ll rlr7 ths ecu wre greasy J'iy'l. i aoa lorliyarti'.aafltd, Tcr.V-1.1, "Iti Puis of Oui:t,"a U'iia.w iotat.!'.r wri m i:im, !:b ltwea tte f nin-tm'or lit p"; n'r t'llfs f -r l' rT?''rrr.r, -, 11, S3 an.l E ccc'iu fi mil tt- ?? 1 ) dnjr at W'' :rr. - . . . l7: .... . . . . ...I lira T ,.' L.-.y ; la ttet..?, i-e " r . t tf il.i J II I -loa. Krandl-'r W 11 Ejv of IIYe!ock spent the d&y Ltre yebtetday. Kr A Hyde ltft yesterday to Tlblt b'.a father, Capt A Iljde, at Salisbury. fclrsBtmiuol IJudson of Foliocksvlile returned-home from the city yester day. Miss Anna Boberts who is attending school at Littleton Is here for the noli' days. , - Mr Bam B Waters "of New York City la tUltlng his mother,- Mrs una ters, - OoL James K Toung.of Rilelgh, i aurance commissioner was In the city yesterday,; ; UrBH Russell and wife of Beauforl j l rl.lilnithafamllvof Mr Mr A 0 Poscne Of Maysvllle left yes- terdayfor home ane;. short business trip m me cuy. . - :j - ; '..-- Mr Leon 0 Richardson of Durham ar- j rlved last night to spend Christmas with hls mother, Mrs . Katr Richard: on." , . " -,'"," r . r Mlsa Daisy Bet) of Beaufort, passed I through here "yeBterday going to Stellajxhe artlclea to be ' sold comprise the I 0 spend Christmas , Treyatntn who-Las beenWt- , - . of MrBD Hamilton', re . ' , ... a . t - v- 1 1 .AJa xA hn, hnmft at MmUhflAin.. ' , ' Mr Jarvl. Harding otarnville came Rev7HM North of Ellzleth City passed'. 4hrcUgh the city yesterday , en route for Laurinburg, N C. - Mrs'AmyDall returned to her home at Snow Hill -yesterday after a visit to friends and' relatives in the city. Mrt Edmund Strudwlck," and children and Miss Jennie Hughes arrived, from I Richmond to spend the: Christmas holl- days.-;" r z 'S Mlsa Mamie Russell came' last nlsht from Bt Marv's school tcTsDend the'holl davs with her' erana-mother. Mrs Mary I Mnff Nnh. t ' a --' '- . v. r.'H.niinM : r ih - ninmhi.n University of New Tork U n the city .nnrtinff th. holldavs irlth hli mother. T a j . Ua T.IW HmMll '. " l:V.'iKiSt' Mlstee Helen HInnant, Laura Sand ford, Bertha Wooten and Mrs 8 V Rich ardson went to Qoldaboro yesterday to J IV. 1.. , ; V - Mr and Mrs Ben Miniesheimer who have been spending - several months in this city as the guests f Mi and Mrs J ' L Hahn, returned to their home-la New York City Monday night, they were ac companledto New Tork,by 'Mr Hahn.,. (jhnstmas When yon linyyour! CAinIES, llIXBf DATES,- CAW A1TAS. liElIOIffS. &c.. Call on Dawson 103 "KUddle fkr&C-HZ ", ' .. Nice line of Smokers'; Artlcleo for CrirUtmai PtesenU.-viil' . L X Cigars In small boxes for Christmas giving. .yt-rv'rpft' Tv:..: ' V. ..' fiTYR 'TTR ?A C AlI &U??? JAHES B. Phone 209.. 103 aUi.r T.f 11.'.- v it. a 1 Full of Christmas Goods. Every thiug to please the OldZaa , Immense stock of Fancy China, klns, riaques, Chop Trays, Tea Sots, Dinner Set, . Toilet Seta, :Toys, Books, uamos, 3. , " Our Steel Wstrons are the Stronsrest made. The riaest lot ef Im- ported Dolls In New JJero, Come -13 ai 15 Pollock tit. iiniiiTiuniiiiiiii:iii::iniiiiiniiiiiiini:r 1 Xrnas aw1! 1 0V3 4 Ch nsuiip.s n M II:iv you ; . . It ni .:(..: il. It t t; i a y. A 1- i J l. t cf rkctv-d t..-cr ty cur..-:-.y vtre re a; '.LereJ fct tL t'.a-e, Tie l.iwu concuctt J cy ir d v. oirsti ana i-o bidding. Tery llre'y. E?erytL!og sold went at a Tery good price and those who had it in cbarga were highly pltssid with the results. . ,-. There was one or two funny Incidents that happened during the transaction which came across the reporter's obser ration. There were three bottles which had a wrapper very much like a patent medicine bottle but they had the picture of a hunter on horseback a well known sign among some men. The bottles o iull not according to tha law of the land be sold at auction. Some one sug- geted that they be sold as quart bottles ofredlnk. - . 1 . V1 . . . ... . . . . . Verted ig . ifcaMt mi a cradle. ' A number of olulou, M0Di4 to jnfpect the ma- .hln4l .d said ther "didn't see how a chIld could ileep ta , tning uk tbat. The sale will be continued today bc- elnnlcK at 11 o'clock at tha same place. library; ro,' carpets, pictures, curtains, A ft N 0 stcck, ,B. & T. Co stock.: many valuable-, and handadms Articles will go under the hammer. , , --' " " tl . i!-J II.- ai. ItmiAI eigaatar. TjO-rj Mr William H Oliver had a tery naN trv escape from serloQs Injury Monday nabt and ltia wonderful that ha Is not iaid no as a result of his experience.- Hs j wt( returning from the residence of IBANunn, at about half past six o'clock I where ha had been to weet Insurance Commissioner Toung, When ; crossing Change street hs was knocked down by lawaeonwhlch was being driven as a I very rapid rate. vw. i - . Fortunately no nonea win nroaeu sustained very painful bruises on the right shoulder, arms and Tegf The driver of the wagon Is unknown, If be Is apprehended he will be arrested for violation of the city r ordinance against fast driving.- - j--r' z i - 1 Rne' Heather: purses, bilfiioW snd ladles fins chain bais lOd to tl.CO.' Duf- ' ' ;' 5 'T" t 'SBaow-On Bmr Bemjgy 'i 7. ? : teraachitliiswenia, IUaamltPinHalws s. OKAWOES, APMES, - -DAW30n -7 - -: niddle St- NEW BERN, N. C . n v 1 1 1 w 1 .m, 11 a ajs , - a-i Va m-'mtf: V well as the Toung. ; Salad, Cake l'latos, Vases, Ksma- aniTBee ' '-. '-."' J Phono Cy. Fir Vr I4 ? . . t (jbod uning iri's C:ut Frcli 6a;: rcrfaaiery l.:ser & dicta, PpieMer'g, Sole Agency for Iludnut'i?, .. .. . . - " . v ard Cases, Purses, BUI Booka,- " ; " - ,y -. -. " . Ci J-s, Tipe?, &c, - . . , : . Stationery in fancy packages, Fountain" Penv 'A-U Brushes of all kinds, Combs, &o,-?. t - . '"--.. . Mirrors, E Having bets, lnlants Beta,Manlcure Bets, &o, v. :t Christmas V .TIf there ! a man on earth who could not" ipse, and who 4f would not be glad to receive a new Tie for a .Chriatmaa .Gift, . where igr he ? We would like to tee him, ; - - - ' v -yes, it's elegant that I the territory and the only way we can wear display ?ETery Smart Swagger shape, every new pattern X in silk is here. ' -"""r. s' . v " . X--, ' Big 25c line, -' "-vr, : E. V. AKMS I RONU, 07 Middle ? Christmas tieeeee - . , , "',T'r,,T'r'""r'""r7I.. i-iiToull find this-stow -.Cbristraas . Headquarters for Re- liable; uts m erery cnaracter i x owi ? nna many- practical "uggestionis herel-, V 'l'i " T 1 ' " 'i;A beatitifol diversity of beantifol things suitable: Christ mas Gifts. I """ - C ilFor Isadiest - v Beautiful Neckwear .and Kid Gloves, v. --.. j "., r - r', Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, A Handsome Silk Umbrelja, - , " Clove, Jewel or Handkerchief Cas Vi , ri , Mirror Pictotet & Burnt Wood - Novelties, , .' Bofa Pillows, r , JrPurneSr Wrist Bags, &W - " : ABeaatlful Dress or Waist Pat terns. - - . T'SAndM BbgeAr Beat and! Brightest Display of DOLLS-AND mY8 MatoUesVat KTery jPoiikt, - v Bring Jthe -Children to see old Santa Clans In QM.wlndow,.. - ,tPlioiisrlg;69lP!lo T "' - A " & ' - a a a. V fnrit ftff fftffffft fffffftffftttfffff ?yyTywwj ' r. , - m a.-V' a . . a i-i My a. a.i . r. ivr.i . ZiJ I t Not" many days mas, ana iois ox mrtstmas trade I ' Tb 0 VOlUmO 01 DUSineSS ' DOingr QOnO it by this etoro : is' very eatlBlactory.; Ohows that our buying ' publlo - fully appreciate the earnest effort we have mado to placo boforo you the moat comploto equipment of merchandise suited to tho domands of the.ieason. I7pt only tho playthings for . littlo: folks and ornamental articles, but' uccful things as well in all thoir, va riety and frcshnos3. Hero is a point or two. "' l':C DON'T FORGET . v: Dolls, Tho Eoolis, Tho Furs; GIovcg, Tho Tablo Linon, The cry, Tho Iliidlicrchicfs, , .Tho Tho Tho nr. thirrjs Tlicy'ro V, . J lit v a , . a !y last received. Ucckvvear 4 't only word that covers' the describe our Christmas Neck Xt Street. j ' i." t - For. Men: President Suspenders in iiKTl viduatboxes- . Beautiful Neck wtars SIlkTJmbrellas,' -. Silk or Linen Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Collar and Cuff Cases, "-. Sterling Silver Novelties, : A Handsome box of Hosiery ; iv,J;rt.;' Chnrcli. X " " Ja' ' A. ' A " A. A. A 'a. A. ' A.' A A. -iCl' Vv;" t-;' ?- from'nbw to Chritt-J Duymg io uo uoue, Tho thousand and equally importnat all hero. y am I, :' r;(o worth o cij in: . Brothers UST DECEIVED 5 -. ..... aiicl boys'all tlinewest shapes, 25c Iff, 10, - dozen Mens Hats in next. Spring; Jlft ; 7 ozen pairs Stetson v Shoos. some;'A7;.;'; new shapes al -$5 OO, . .;,;: Y : A few Bath Robes in 'gray mixture'. .r 6 dozen pairs Mens Gloves in Rrav Undressed kidand at $1 OO and $160 , If you .want the Newest 'Oods for CHRIST we can supply your wants, of styles to suit everybody. J. G. Dunn & Co., Correct Wear fW Men, ?J57 Ed&bcQr Street. o coco OCCOOOaOQODOQODOQOQOslOOOaG u Q We Sell to Merehaots Onlj. We have just received another complete stock of Furniture . and can fill all ordei s promptly. We are the only exclusiv wholesale furniture dealers in the state tbat do not manufact ure. All goods sold at factory prices with local freight added io New Bern. We also carry a complete line of Iron Safes in stock. All Mail and Phone Orders will receive prompt attention. - 4 Office Phone 172, Residence 254. A Office and Sample Room 47 Middle Street; Warehouses A 5 and 7 East Side MLdle treet T. T. Turner Furnitare Co., Q NEW BERN, N. C. Q OOOOODODOJDOQODODOOaODOOOdO COAL! A large stock of the White Ash Hard Coal in Also the Lump Bituminous especially for grates, and' the very best steam. Personal attention HOLLISTER & COX COAL YARD, ' Phone 34 A CIirItmas Drive - In one ef oar new bmcles will be' I a real pleat are. There's no Christmas f;tfl (or your fanny use ene 01 our styl sk vehicles. ' They are well made of tbe beat materials, with pneumatic tires sad the latest improvements Ja flalsb. We sell the latest style now at low prices. Call aad etsmine before bay 1st alas where. . --' --,, AH?'h: We put Rubber Tires on ytrar eld er new wheels, We shriek your loose tires in a machine without catting them, or without taking tire from wnel on boery while von wait. Everybody Is la vltei to ee the machine at work patting new bolts in old place. , . . .. O, U. Vnteru & Ron, " :. v. , rhene 185."',. : ; v . 7S Broad Bt,' Raw Baan. 9 0 : . ' Ml ' . : ! t !f . J" T iz- r UUU11J UljU l.jlti i M t ' , ' - , .M . , I,op- V- I .- r 1 -1 i , ' ' - y - i ' 2 'v., i:.- I ( i . c , r - . r r I '- - .. " ' i' - V.'e "1 t '! A r 1 ". 1'; ' r.ry I " , - - r a t -. ' ! i !! .t. It ! t . - - .ill' , ' ' ' ill ! j ' r R ; i. I Tan Driving Gloves Latest Sty es ard DBV'CPHTC A plenty COAL!" very best free burning, all sizes. given to all ordersat ; Foot of ' Craven St A Ooal and Wood; A fall supply of Anthracite u free burning White Ash, Orate, 8tove and Chestnut Coal,' also the Celebrated rocahantaj ; Bituminous V for grates and Steam. L' The Jjest OaV, Ash, Pineand C ' Mixed wood. .., .y V' Quick; Prompt , Delivery, i EXITS' :- ! Union Point. Phono 4T. -.' - ; TAKE ni nnno