' ' 'Z!-:: . ----- . ""' , ' ' ' I S I II ! M I , W fMS II . ,. i. -j. r ' 4r -ft r "7 , f y -4 XVtgebLlerreparulioafof Aa- j tog Ittt Stoiiia aivlBowtis of Promotes DigesttoitCheerful rtess and Rest.Contains neither OpfciniMorpliiitp norilineraL Not Narcotic.,, 's ' juapHtaua-siMuiLmam . Aperfeel Remedy f brConstipfr-j Worms,Convulsions.rcverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP, s , Facsimile Signature of ' ' NEW YORK. ; 1 EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER.' MISS jMONIE BOWEY,- No. 38 P.rry Stret. r , - A couclc of wintefiam I lipped on frozen tldcwatk and fell flat on my bade. On being rtamlned I found tht I hH ttaUined InUmU lnj. det which faldmctipfotinoK than two month, Aftet that 1 noticed that I had palos in the back and groin which I never had before I doctored and doctored foe KTcral months but at the palm In creased Instead of giamiag better I decided that Iwasnot having the right treatment. " Reading In the papers of the wonderful caret performed by Vine W Catduil wroU to one of the parties and received a very satisfactory reply and I immediately sent for some. In a very short time I felt generally better and after seven weeks faithful m I was once more wetland strong. I hart never had a sick hour since and I daily blest your splendid medicine; " y: a ; ' v.-v MONIK BOTEY. TINE OF CARDUI U onemedl j cine that should always be kept I on hand in every home for im w juediataTi9e when femaie weak- Bees first makes its appearanoe. Miss -Bower's painful end dangerous accident woola not tare icsnlted so seriocalT had she taken Wine of C&rdai promptly. WINE of GAUD Kotlccto ,Crc(lItors.'r; : In lh;Dlstrict. Court ' of the Ualted 81 ate,' for the .Eastera District of North Carolina, at New Bern., I the mswsr af. Charles," F.: Dunn; of Klnston, H.O., Bankrupt. " : -" J The petition of Charles. ' F Dnon, of, Klnsum, U 0, for Final Dlschsrge In .. Baakruptcy hiving beea filed la said .' Court, h Is Ordered By The Court that a hesrlag be had oa the 0tb day 0 De- - eember, 100ft, before 8 W Bm all wood, . Referee, at New Bera, K 0, at It o'clock M . aad that all known creditor and - other persons Interested may appear at said lime aad place and shew cease . . If ssy they have, why the prayer of said - Petitioner should not be granted. . ? , This, Il k day of December IM. . ' 'u "J ' . 7 "H L. GBANT, Clerk, J " ' By OtOROK OBKEW. Pepety. - To-TIterubllc! ; . lUkstbts method of In forming the rehlU aad the frteade of Ue Vlrglnls '. baroUea Chearlcal Co, thai I have toe 'OeededKrbXor, U Local Muager forlUs Cosnpeay the eosalsg teesoa, ' aad trill be pleated to have any on call - at snf efflct to set nt who Is lateretted '1 la trertlUMr tad tt cat prtoee tafort .Iraylsf. I will do all In my powtr to . Jnake It pittaaai for lacee who heaet ; me with their order. i - , -''."" j Toert Traly, - ' , ; , ,' - , a. n. B AWU0?, Loral Kassr for Vs. Car. Chesa. Cc, ", ' -. Wew Btra4SC. . - JADMlHISTttiTORS SOTICC.) rtotlre Is tlsrcy glrva lht the esdtr ttf d ktrln( r doly tppolnUd s4 SalaUlrtor of Johe W sri r, 1-1. tktt all f trt!p lnnhtH to 1 tlal will et fnrwsid tnd u!e l!.e unr aad tbsl til Jrn "b v I r c cltlms rilmt tbt Mint wlU t rcnv tbt torn wltblt 6t yf frf.ra the :' ferwt nr Ibis aottre "I.I te pii la r rf tbtli rtcovtfy. Tbi Iw-Mh, " i. ; (J. J. McC'AKriir, A'lii'liiUtrstor.'J on nnsi ii 1 n, fir. m ' . f r r ' r r t '. 1 f rt lf'"1 i : l ' t it I ! I 1- I ' " "! d:i (ti . a n i- p "i- 1 ''"(' r '1 7 t i r 1 t 1 1 w 1 V T i . 4 ... ,V aW V... i ji Li rcrTr.f-.Tit3 a. Children.';-,', Tb T!fol Yci Ilavo toys Bchi. Bears the Snatnre: . : of ; Thirty Years TntMtmuincoKMHV, una von am. DETR.OIT, MICHIGAN. J v ine 01 varum mattes wo men, more .womanly by cur bg their weakness and mak ing them stronffor.-,Wiiieofr Cardui cored -. Miss Bowey.: As a medicine for all women in every trying, period of their lives can you think of a better medicine for yooTself. your sister, your "daughter or your mother ? Can yon think of a more acceptable Present to trive VourfriAnd than a bottle of this, medicine , which will bring her health and happiness? You. are suffering f tTour duty is to rid yourself of this pain. It your daughter, mother, sister or friend is sick and in need of relief, your duty is equally great to them. Many women, now weltr owe their lives to friends who brought them Wine of Cardui. ' -Wine of .Cardui is adapted to wo men at any age in any walk of life. For the working .woman it gives her strength for - her : tasks .' knd better treatment than a doctor for very small J iYour druggist will tell yon a II. 00 bottle of Wine of C&rUui, Secure the medicine today.' Take it In the privacy of your home. , Belief will come to you as surely as you take it.::' . , ,. .r , VI "A, million snflfering women have found relief irv ' Wine of Cardui. r r;.;- eMicMrertH't) tNQList IfEUflYgOYAL'.FILLS tt . siiStii tiw tiutib, r A Good Telephone f :; 8KB VI CI 13 k BU81NJE33 " .;v'J05CM8ITT,v A.--H0J J ' 00KTX5IENCX. A V 1 K -Wecciwlajr, Convcnleuco, Ordor Your Pbont at Oacal f.lL tmi, Frta. M. H. ISei, V. rrat U st. Orvrte, CiMklar, ..." . Citizens' Bank, "- 0 Jsvjrw-ssmmw.BW.o. 1 - Do Qeoeral Danklnf Builneii April 1, 180a,'Barplus and tl'tdM . : ded Proflu, ?5.000,00. W will rtv tiwimr.l and mfnt t fn Uoa M all batinrM ntnit1 to as. Wt Ittrlie yonr tcctitnL Try . ' ' x ' ' t pirwtsr. C1r . , f. n. WM-'nvt,' (.. i.. lnr, Jr. A.f,.w, w . 1 polt J15 R (,r,, ), w . t "'. A, ,re 1 W. -r .4, C .. itm. w. r. Lit--rH.; ' r..rc;it.t.tc IftM h w ... :j t 1.1 a j I . . fj Mu:..iuj sat tt tt-r t;ue d r ui-;!'.::!-g a rulr cf t a LI bt-n, casi': a t-""1 cv.tward, eLe i-i-rcuiv-ed a tivat crowd of lm-a, woiui-a end children coming from JLe otber t-iid cf the village and la the miiat of tliem a black bear ted by a ketper. The lat ter wore a large white redingote, in which ho was able to wrap himself twice; a 'very short vest and panta loons the worse for wear. - His boots stood in ftint of repair, and his gray hat -had for a long time lacked part of Its brim. Beside him walked a hungry looking lad dressed In wbjte. playing a large flageolet and beating a tam bourine. " ' Arrived before the Red Lion, thcon ly hostelry In the village, the mounte bank paused. 'He made a circle about him and ordered his bear to stancr up right, c Then, flonrlaMng hie baton over the head of the animal, he began to (lance with him, taking steps and poses which the bear Imitated. ; One might believe the Inhabitants of Hopfleld very happy, for the crowd laughed heartily.' ' A ventrlloqalst who was etopping at "the Red Won regarded from a window this spectacle' rf .buff ooneiyi;i Arriving" thnt .morningi he had already , bad. op portunities of recognizing the characr ter of the Inhabitants pt ithei place. The idea', therefore, rocenrred to him uf.amuslng himself at their expense! He descended among the ' spectators, untl, profitlng:l)y a moment when the Jageolet and tambourine were silent, he approached the mountebank. "J' . "No doubt your bear can. talk; he Baidtohim.; .-v-- L - The man regarded him ; y fixedly, shrugged.,, his Vshorjlders ; and.Creplied brnsquely: Sf1- "Question bim, . and yon will find OUt.' - ' - This was what the ventriloquist ex pected. He made ;a step toward the. bear and said to a imockingolceilf 4 "lou dance like a member of an or era company, nnd I compliment yoti. From what country are yoo, my gentle man?" , ttsa.j ' "From the Alps, Swltertand.'? : I will not attempt to describe the dis may that seized the crowd. They were all. struck with astonishment and af fright, but the surprise of . the bear's owner ,was the greatest' of all. He opened his large,.dull eyes, ils cavern ous month and remained immovable, as if his feet were rooted to the spot. : The ventrlloaulBt turned toward hlmi .' "Yonr bear 'Speaks very good Eng lish,"; he said. Then to the animal, "Tori appear tu be sad.? 'i -rl'Thej air of Hopfleld' ha's mad&- me splenetic," replied the bear. .' . r Here the crowd began to retreat, and the ventriloquist continued: "..' "Have you belonged for some time to your master?? -;.r , - -' .:' "Sufficiently long to . be weary of him." . . ' ,i . ''' Jr",:.;.'i ';"''.' 4 "i he'not kind to your ' - i -'U'Zi i "Xes; kind as a blacksmith with his anvil." .' ; -l ' ,'l,?.-:;Z:"-''r '. fWould you like to jevenge yourself upon him?' r,:...-v. ' '-.;.; : 'yt.' 'One of these flays I will eat him as one cots breakfast." . v j-' -,-v5 '."At these words the affrighted. crowd retreated stIU f arther..VThe dismayed keeper wished-to draw the bear again to him. bat the animal tired of wait ing, uttered a surly growl.' The ventril oquist stayed, no longer, but turned away and., took bis course toward the Inn. The crowd Imitated him and rap Idly fflsperaeoVc'-o0:i.'.'-.-.'; : The ventriloquist, having reached the door of the Red Lion, looked back and laughed at. the fugitives,, while the unconscious cause of all this disorder, tranquilly seated in the road, seemed to throw careless and philosophical glance ppon the terror he bad occa sioned. ; . .. ' The same evening the ventriloquist aft some of tho villagers who had gathered at the. Inn to' discuss. the morning adventnrs with 'many an p fill cations and comments, as . was their amiable custom. He thought the1 joke had been carried far enough and Uughlngly " explained bow the . trick had been done. They' listened attetv tively, but when he bad ended the older men shook their heads with aa air of Incredulity.'- - . ; ' j . "This la very well to teH- to chil dren" murmured Grandfather Orlffy, "botwe are persona of experience. It Is cot the lint time that animals hive spoken, for one remembers Balaam's ass. Besides, the almanac predicted this event In announcing that In mld Angnst, three days before or three dys after, a marvelous thing would transpire In the World." - The ventriloquist Instated and wish ed to give proof of what be advanced, but the crowd dVptrtPd With suspicion, pmnaded thst bs wUbed to dwlrt thora.' The IniiWpOT, who had obsrvcd ill With t watchful cyt ind a mocking trail, tpproecbed the discomfited vpo trlloquUt - "MUord," he said. M0 Dot be Stton Uhwl at .what ht hspptied, ito msofw Is alwtjt more wtlcome to the crowd thaa rraltty. Too wished ti rt With tfiPi nifllrt, but th-y tort lakrn U ).. In Mirni-tt N'tMng will rwiw funvlnre (be Inl.stiltiinfs .f llopflt'ld, wlo fcire tlt rntrmiuus. that Hit f-or rnt s;.n. Tt.lt itot. tn thing. t should fcowtrt cf r'r nlntlng a $tij wl.lrh fs!. tt H Ut find IMi-Ten In t!, n,'t !. I'ird or pilililctmn t'cfrnii-id D.nn to rnt!i)r t rrrtftlo M-Vr f ; a f ! !n-p!r-, htnr,I f tnifji- i'-",.i the frenrh. r ih.ti. Vr-'-r !) I ; i:.b ! " z V "r ' i7l,;;rt''''C'!,:!j"!i' 1 ; It t V I f t r ( I r . t . ' : , ! . 1, 1 " ( , - 1 ' . ' ' ! 1 f r I ly I . 1 1 I 1 la.', i. ' t Ctt J.:.h 1 at. ; ! f : '- r i ; ...'.' I stand;!:; tt t:.e t.r:-wvt cornt-r cf, rrtk-:h s'r-1 aril E!g!.th avenue chatting in V.i u . j :i.aunt way with a conple of f.:. 1. ' Ears the New York World. He had on a Llb black hat ' . - "Ei ? your pardon, sir," said an old and highly respectable looking gentle-, man who happened to be passing by 1 '"iV -ii.i:'.:..irf: d'..the"maddihg crowd" and who. evidently" did ..not know the senator. "May I ask you a fair question?" ' ; !'Flroway: sgid the senator. ; -. -. Xou're the only man' I've seen out today who has a high hat on. ' . Will you jell me why ybu're wearing one?'.; queV rledthestrojiger.,; : . , ;. ' 'CeftaJnlyVvwl'tse'l'gm nre,"- repUed Plonkltt-f :if s simply be cause I cannot wear two at the same; timOc ;' -. ; &z jit flV. . "Oh, yes;' quite tiaer i.see,: ha ha!" stuttered the old ."gentleman "Why didn't I think of that. .before ! -asked you the quesftlon.!' And off he walked, itj sptezled loorab'o-lt his face. ,. "., oLavewoxAl;'f Jatn'fbs i ' 'rfTIa IMJoii Have Always Bcngtt Notice of Execution korth Carolina!, ) .- in the .v Craven County., : f Buperlor Court J,- -'W. B. Blades, Trustee- ' & - Thomas W. Dewey. ?, . . -By vlrtne of an execution directed tt the anderslgned ; f torn the Superior Court in the above entitled action, I will on Monday,' the first dsy of February,' 1804, at is o'clock; m , at the Court house door of said County, to sell to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy ssid execution, all the right title and Interest wnlcu the said T W Dewey, the defend ant, has in the following described real Mtato.lO-Witr:'.-:;.'.- rVv V Beln Beach. One. tract of land lying oa Nente River and beginning at a point In -Brooks North line which tuns. to Mouse Hirer fifty feet . west wardly from the high bluff and runs thence northwardly across the ravine to a point In Bryans Bouth line fifty feet westwanlly from the high bluff, thence - eastwardly with Bryans said line, and said line extended to the channel of - Mease Elver, thence southwardly with the channel of Neose rtvsr to Bcook'a, north line extended, thence with Drool's North line extend ed to the beginning", tbt said land being the 8eln Beach and the land adjacent thereto. From book 133. page tSft. -. Also lot of land in the City of New Bern, Craven county, N C, bounded and described as follows! Beginning at the corner of Cypress and George' streets and running tnenoe with George street to Pine street. Umbos with Pine street a distance equal . to one half the distance between (ieorge and Btra ttreets.lheace ranotng parallel with George street to Cypress street, at the distance a qua! to one half the distance between George and Bern- streets, thence with Cypress ttrtet to George street the place of be finning aad containing lots No. 88, S9. 0 and SI In accordance with the mip of the City of New Bera aad being that part of New Bera formerly knows at bryboro, being same lots eonvtytd to T W Dtwev and B 8 Pricnrote by P H Pel ltler, Truitee, tlSth dsy of Ftbresry 19 Jl. Recorded In book 139, pages B6fl, C7.6M. Another lot adjoining tht lands of W ti Golnn, William Dunn and others, Bonded at follows, vis, near tht Ulty of Ntw l'rn, ti. C, to that certain piece or parcel of land laid off Into lots and tirtt for,M'Bi. Luna la socordanot wlib. a frtalt plot or plan surveyed and laid out i'ay C'.b, IKS4. by - H A Hrown, turvf"f, rw-flnlfd la tbtoHlre of H"pt ter of Ic!t cf Cro eonnty, N, IxlntlouNoI tad! as laid down la ta' I art. 1 ' i'-fj-lnnlng et N. B. eors CfW. R. Oulnu's nt arjd.rnnnlpr 11 ft,, Ins Niinbww'.r1y dlrartlrn Ma''itii!at t .a I. tb' 1.' hontbat"t' v l'-J ft to tht North WtttsoBt of Vt Ji tiuh na ln 11 tbt Nplarilry, !n( tht samn land C(int"i1 to T I p rj t j J C v a'.i'-a an I 1 j 1 j A:j 1.1, 1 1 and f 1 in f! . 1 : (,f i' , r r.t 1-''m. ( trfa I'f.i.iy, la .o' k 1.) Ar r t-5M . f h- 1 '! V: - V t. Ur f ' .' -t ! 1.. ;.( .., . V, I 1 f : -!1 ! I : ' t t . a 1 1. 0:.!jC:Z::cImngo.. STABLES. - lino lot Ligat and Heavy Drsift '; Mules, alao Good Working Horses ' Just .Roceived." Jlu.t b - 6old. " rJ?erms to suit Purchasers.- - Casb-"j or good negotiable paper; Call at y stables and see the stock offered. ' Craven 5eer, ':.; - Sale, of Valuable Tim- berTimber-Lands,', V-X Saw; Mill, lHry ? KUns andOth- VSr;yroperty:;y Porsoant tq the powers contained in a deedof trust- exeouted to me by Thomas A Green,' Thomas G Byman and Ralph Gray dated July 87tb,sl901, 1 willeell tt public- auction for .cash, at the door of the Court House "of Carteret county, North Carolina on MoBday, the . let day of February 1904, the following": proper ty situated In said Carteret county, to Wit?. Vt t . C 1. Tract of land in Newport township containing 800 acres more or lees, fully described In grant No. 13861, dated June lath, 1899, registered in" office of Regis ter of Deeds of said county In book V V, fcageW.. -i . - r . 1 . 2. Tract of land in Newport township COntalnlDgdll acres, more or less, ' fully described in grant No. 13860, registered in office of said Register of DeedB In book V V, paneU. ' 8. Three tracts Of lands known as the Thomas Lands, .described in deed from James Jl Holmes and wife to William A Thomas, registered In said office in book F P, pages 67, 69;" consisting; of three tracts, in all 2,123 acres, more or less. ptleing same land conveyed to R 8 Neal By deed registered in said omoe la book N N, page 558. j ' p:;:r ;v '-, l 4. Also all the. Jlmber of every kind which was conveyed to R 8 Neal by Ed ward H Bill and wife by deed registered in said dfflce In book V Ti page 48, wfth all ;lgbt conveyed to said deed. ' "- ; r 6. Also ill the timber and all rights fend privileges conveyed to said R 8 Neal by Mettle Gould, Zenemeh Garner and wife by deed registered In said office in book V V, page 60. 6. Tract of land bounded as follows; On the north by A & N C R R. on east by lend of R 8 NeaJ, on west by land of J T Eaton, and on south by channel of Bogue Sonnd, containing 15 acres, more of less.' -.rr ,. .;'. ; i ;' . - 7. Tract of land wdilch Is described In the mortgage deed from R S Neal to W H Webb, registered in said office In book .V V, page 431, containing 3 acres mere or less. ;.-- 8. Tracts of land and ths timber r!ghts thereon fully described in the mortgage deed to the Citizens Bank of New Bern, registered in said office In book V V. 9. All the pine, oak, ash and cypress timber upon the land in- Newport town ship at the head of Newport River and in the northwest York of tame containing SO acres, -.which wit convey ed lo Kb Neal by Stephen Garner by deed regis tered In said office in book V V, page 67, except the 18 acres thereof sold by said N.eal, and also all the timber oa the Und In Newport townahlpt fn the head of Deep Creek Swamp, containing 81 acres, conveyed to R 8 Neal by Thomas P Mann -and, wife by deed -registered In said office In book V V, page 87, -. . 10. The timber on the following tiac't of land: " j1 ' ' j ' - One tract in Jumping Ran and Deep Creek Swamps on east tide of North River being Art seventhl of tract known as the Blmpion tract. ' . -. 'i - - One tract known a the V B Salter patent, containing JBI7 acres, more or loss. -.. .'p - One tract commencing at the north west corner of ths V B Baiter 219 acre tract, runs south 100 poles, then west 100 poles, than north 800 poles, then oast 800 poles, then Booth to said patent, then with s aid 16 acre patent to the be!n nleg. Being tame conveyed to R 8 Neal by V B baiter by deed registered la said oSloe In book V Y,pae 158. i .- - 11 Atl the ttandlng limber on the trad of land In White Oak township oa eatt side of White Oak river, tglonln themosth of Ramon gut, described In deed from Daniel 8 Weeks to R 8 Neal, registered la said office la book V. V. psis lM.-.f; .' r , U Also that SO year leaachold lattrttt, coupled with the tfU to parchase. rents paid for tstlrt term of the tract of land at -Carolloa City" On tooth tide of A dt N C 11 R adjoining tbt land con veyed to R 8 Neat bv W M Webb, ad Joining tht Tands of A A N ORB com pany, aad channal of Bognt sound and of Partis Hons Willis and J T tat on. opa which It located the mills snd dry kilns formerly belonfrlng to it 8 NesU -i,ll AUothesaw mlil loc(t oa said slOT6 ircl3Hl land, la'.d mill being te nacity sbot!t 40.000 fVrt per dty, with all etiRlnca. boCers, Uliltr. sbafltpg, pulleys, sod all tools, fiitaiee and p pKanraaiaO tbt brick dry kilo, wbarvtt out to'.V.lpr", fncmi-nl kouart and oihr bBliiHogt locatfd on tal l land, alvi a'l rflfr,w trmv, war cm a, and other tfxili and Impli nif fill sod appliance, 1 1b Man tn( boats Wli'.lam E H'Kim and ",Ni,;;i." It And the tract of land In Jont t. unly, Nffib Carolttit, doscrtt-al In the If.rn ; .Tpt W lUt and othtrt lo It h Nai, rn-,'.' "d In cflire rf !:-j!tc I r- (rfji.nra engtltj la bo. 4J j i,-n 4.' I t.i (, n.iribtl.1 Haa rrt nt'k ' ! tht Unit of I dwtr H J. 1,1 m l' ( -..' ra. fiA l i' it l( f Un 1 In f'i'o t -'f. ? -r'.'i I I'aa, nn .' .-e i '. 1 kf n aa tht ;'' .-I land i ' ; '. & "s, h ( r U I A ; ' ' .,' ' ' t "n- (', :iVBiW JV. C. 127 Middle m. ' Fall line of Drags and Medicines. J Perfumes, Toilet 8oaps, etc.; also ths following Mineral Waters? Matchless Mineral Spring, Buffalo Lithla, Hunny. adi Janos, Bnnyadl Matyas, Carbana, Veronica, Apenta, Red Raven Splits. : Combs, Brashes, Tooth Brushes, Pasterine Tooth Paste. - COLUMBIAN INSECTICIDE. Creolum, the Great Disinfectant and Bed Bug Destroyer. . ' Br om-Chi or alum A sure PREVENTATIVE of infection of contagion of DIPHTHERIA; SMALL POX. "r -V- : .; :" riyi'olans,,TrescrlpUons 'j specialty r.;M. Simmons, -; A. D. Ward SIMnONS ft WARD, ATTORNEY sal COUNSELORS at LAW. '.'.... BIKW BKBMS, ST. C Office Removed across Street to be: xi IBtory of No. 69 (above Telegraph j flee) Bouth Front Street,' net: to Hotel Ohattawkv, Practice In the counties of Graven, uupun, Jones, onsiow, uarteret, famll co and Wake, in the Suoreme' and Fed' era! Courts, and .wherever services are aestrea. . EASTEltK CAROLINA DISPATCH LLNE AND' te PAIL.Y UJeTEL ; JSKI6HT & PASSINGIS, For All Folnta Jfortli. Effective Oct. 1st, 1908. The Steamer NETJSB Is scheduled to sail at p. m., Monday weanesaay ana many, ror iOlxabeth Ulty 0, U The Steamer OCIIACOKE Is scheduled to sail at 8 p m Tnetdar. Thursday and Batnrdsy for Elizabeth uuy, . u, . ' Un Freight reoeiyed not later than on hoar pretloai to sailing-. . Tor farther information apply to . GEO. HEUTJEBS0N, Aft. K, . Kurd, Gen.' Up., U.O. HuD8iB,Crea.Iit Pms. Agt Norfolk, Vt. " W.fcSUMMERELL, Au'L OenX Frt. and Pass. Agent, New Bern, a. p. Why Wot Take I Trip Tois Winter J'.CTiiroujIi RoritU to CaM , i This beautiful State and Ulaad hat beea brooght within easy rtach by ths splendid throngh train . service) of ths Atlantic Coast Llss, the grtat through fare to tho tropica." Winter .Tourists Ticket are sow oo sale to allpolalsla Florida" and to Bsvana. Tor rates ecbtdulte- saspt BleepUl Car aad Bteaa ship accomssodatloni write to, - . y : ; -c": W.J.CB1IO,; Otatral Pasttngtf Agent, Wllatnglon, 7 K.C. " -' ';-.. ...r ... -What to Bay la Cpantak aad Bow to Sty It" test to any address tpoa receipt o a two eel stamp. ; - ' : Entry Claim.' 1 - . Bute of North Ctxoliaa, .." . ; " Cravts Coonty. To Oeo. B. WsUrs, Xatry Taktf Craves Ooontyi ;- - " . r Tbt eadtrstgned Wa R Morris of Ciena county, Nottb Carolina, eaten and Uyi claim to the followtng detcrfbtd place or parcel of land la 1st township, t'rTd covaty, Plata of North Carolina, tht tamt being vacant and toapproprla tod land, tnd tot jort to tnlry, Vis? Ly Irg btn 6lfl Cnk snd Nttiat rlTr, tjao.M on eortht y Pee ITaiel tin pafnt, tin at ty Jil.n Jatnn patent cn ..n;h I y Panh I'Bklr.t land and mml t j i ft t. d of !' !' Imif t o., and r n ti i . 1 r 1; Hwarnp, ca U.:.'.! ( ! J tatlmaU-.a II t re, Ir.'.rr! ll.'i ltt fiay of VwmUt, 13. VTn. Ti. !''! : : (','. Inrys Plarniacy i . liefvVeen rtTe A sseoger service ?n? n!,0!rtt equipped with the latest Pullman Dining, Sleeping and Thoroughfare Curs. g For rates, Schedule, Haps or any Informa- " tion, write to - WAL J. craig; ; Oeneral passenger Agent, Wilmington. N. C lyon's French Periodical Drop 8trictlv 'vegetable, perfectly harmless, sure to accomplish DESIRED , RESULTS. Greatest known female remedy. Price, 11.50 per bottle.- RillTinkl Beware of connterfelis ana Imitations. The genuine Is put up only In paata-boart ( WMWIIWn ton with fac-slmlle Rlonaturo on side of the bottle, thin: Afbu'L. teuanir vuwuax w wiiiiiiflma mhu. uu., Boie SOLD BY Au iridkers THE WINTER FESORTS SOUTH RBACHBD BY SouthernSlRailway. The Southern Railway announces the sale of round-trip Winter Excursion tickets to all the principal resorts of the Booth, beginning October 15, 1903. The winter resorts of North and Bouth Carolina, Georgia and Florida are espec lally Inviting to those In search of health or pleasure. In these Slates ere such noted resorts as Plnehurst, N. C, Cam den, Aiken, Summervllle, S. C, Charles ton, 8. C, Augusts, Savannah, Bruns wick, Jekyl Island and Thomasvllle, Ga. Jacksonville, St Augustine, Ormoud Daytona, Palm Beach, Bockledge, Miami and Tampa, Fla., also the resorts of Nas sau and Cuba, best reached via Southern Railway. Tickets on sale up to and Including April 80, 1901, limited to return until May 81, 1901. Southern Hallway affords elegant train servlce.with the latest Pullman Drawing Room Bleeping Cars, operated through between principal cities snd resorts, ele gant Dining Car service, and everything for the comfort and pleasure Of the traveler. Ask nearest Ticket Agent (or further Information sod descriptive literature. The Golf Coast Resorts, Mobile, New Orleans, Mexico and California via Southern Railway. Winter JTonrlsl tlckeU now on sale to the noted retorts of tht Golf Coast tad lftxloo and California. TlckeU on sals via Bonthtra Railway np to and InclodlDg April 80, 1904, limited to May 11, 1904, for retnrn passage. Elegaat train service. The route of the " wetblngton and Bon tb western Llm tied" aad "Basset Limited." Ask nearest Ticket Agent for detailed Information and descriptive matter. Tie "Und 4 lit St" and "Sapphire Country.' DEAL WDTI IE RESORTS. The Southern Railway reaches the Ideal winter resorts of the "Land of the Iky" and "flsppblreConalry," Including AsbtvUle, K. C., Hoi Springs, N. 0.. Ktsderaoavlllle,"'' N. C. Brvvtrd aad Lka Tozowst . The climate Of this see. Uoa Is uparalieled, soluble for Invalid athlete or sportsman,, and offers tvtry charm of aa Idtal Witter Retort. - Kit rant toerlsi hotels. Tkrosfh Beeping Oars from principal dUee. Toerist Tlchttt sow on sale at very low rate; Ask stems Tiektt Agvnt for detailed Information aad detcrlpilvs nurture. . . . - ., ' . 1. tu WA1XD, ' Attorney nt 11 Bo, frock Bt, Orp. Boltl Cbatatwkn Craven Orwnty Attorney. . rirmtt. Ciina 1oml OnaloW. CXri. araa, l'am!if, (Irn, Lenoir, ss4 the Boprtme and fdrJ Omrt fiuteof North Cafollna, Crav Coea- To Go B Wsivra, tslry Taker for Crva t'of nty. . 4 W H TystlaTl cf CraT f tmy, hr.r h Cro'.1t tsttrl arllTir''mtotii folnwlrg dsarT'b- s-Me iiTH0D0linHFADppt5,tr-i unexcelled for luxury - Ageuts, uioveiaua, unio. F. 8. DUFF 7. CIGAR y ncken & Bro- Bdlto.fNU A. & N. C. R. R TIME TABLE NO. 82 To Take Effect tunday, Oct. 25, XW at 0:55 A. M E. S. T. i doing East BouKDULK: Going V7 No. 8 Passenger Trains No. DAILY. -v' Lv. p m stations: 8 30 Goldaboro , 8 59 LaGrange 4 22 Kinaton 5 40 At. New Born, Lv,. 5 50 Lv. " Ar.. 7 15 Ar. Morehead City Lv. Ar. a ...11 ...10 ...10 ea 9 ... B ..,7 '1 No. 5, Passenger Train No. Pasaenge ITrain. BTlTtOHS: DAILY. Lv. A. 800.. 8 18.. 820.. 8 87.. 8 48.. 9 02.. 9 13. 9 30.. 960.. 9 56.. 1010.. A. V.. K, Ar,p. ) .... 8; .... 8,i ... 7. ...r'7 ....7; ....71 ....7i ....7i ....Of .. .Goldaboro Best's . . . LaGrange .Falling Greek... , . . .KlnBton . . . .Oagwell Dover ...Core Creek.... . . .Tuscarora Clarks. .Ar. New Born, Lv.. ... 61 t.i FREIGHT. No. 1. DAILY EXCEPT No. : 2d C last. BUNDAY ' JdCla Lv. a m Ar, p i 5 11 Goldsboro .,;"2 5 45 Best's , 8 5 12 LaGrange , JJ i 6 17 Falling Creek 1 : 7 82 , Kinston .13 1 7 40 cmswell H( 9 00 Dover 11 ' 9 40 core oreek ,...10 ( 10 10 Tuscarora 10 1 10 83 dark's 9 .' 11 00 Ar. New Bern, Lv,,",,,, 9 i U80.,....Lv. New Bern Ar,,.,..8 1 1 19 Riverdale 7' 1 90..,.. Oroatan.. 7 ; 140... Havelook . 7 i 09 ., Newport, Lv...,. 6: 9 20 wudwood.. ........ e ; 28 , Atlantic,.,..,..;.. 9 55 ..Ar. Morehead Olty.Lv..,,. 8 8 00 ...Ar. M. City Depot, Lv..... 5 . A i i B. L. DILL, B. A. NXWLAND, OenT Bupt Master Transportation. : L. B. Habicht The Flneat Lkjnon and Wlnws. ' . Ilablcht's fey Weak, nahichtt 1 Cent irerfectoa.CiaARV ' Coroer I front end HanoocV Etr : I " r Kew Bern, N a Russell Hou Whllt la Baal fort be tare to it' r the BomH Hoate. First-Class r thomt for trtvanag people, r: smlhentlnr tastotiled. Tire 1 1; dty oi 17.00 per wek a a, icastiL rr Ram ager i'ubllcatlon or Cu . xnonn. w0nT!ICATlOUA, 1st' Caitt ttrTf ffi:;';! Tt'tlt I!an!. ta. nerjrjt Iltrr'a. TV" ' !M a'.ta r ' t!.t as as S!' t -if hat Ml f . iT.'r. t ! " I ' .'I r f C'lTis ( - - , j , t .';- 1 1 t j , ' , a '. , s ' , , ' t I . ( l M 1 t I t 1 j ift " f t j rfl tt hr 1 It tr4 tot ( t..t.Bty, f'-att nf J'jth ! , ' ri l;rg vacant and '' ! ' 1, ' 1 . ;"t to antr A f - - i 'i r r j 'Iff 1 1 - I - 1 ; 'i 1 I i-i t ' f 1 ' . A A M C tt