i i Li J C U ii kL. V- ' ' '. New iera, N, C Dee. 27, 1$Q3. LODGE LI2XCTCRY. CRAVEN LODGE KO. 1 OUGHTS OF H ARSON Y. Meet 2nd and 4th Wednesday nights li each month tn Rountree's Hall, Pollock street, at 3.S0 o'clock, amr.ei R. Ball, F resident; J. H. 6mlth. Bec'yj B. R. H1.T, Financial Secretary. - : V v , . Iadex tt Rev AiTCrtUciaciits.; , Lost- ""-''y' i ? .1 '7 r.: ' For Sale. v -s.- -. - Strayed or Stolen. v.. -.v.'.- f v . V . -- Found. Kew Bern Military Academy and Car V plin Battneai College. A & Simmons ft Hollowell Co-Half Price - 'Bale. ;ift;v-'';'"'i?v?i:vf. OH Waters A. Happy New Tea. Business Locals.: STRAYED or Stolen From 21 flan cook street, on or Sabont Dec 1, a large 'cat, white with yellow spots en head and back, ana were Oa to the name'' of "Longle." For hla return;, to 17 Met rlf street or for any Information con cerning hie whereabouts, a large re ward wmbegiTcn. . y FOUND A Banc 6 or 8 keys, awaits owner, this office, by proving property ; and paying for thla notice. - ' - FOB PALE Transfer, horse and bar nesbt Good order $75.00 cash. 23 Cra yen Bt." PaintShop. ; " "r . T03T Dark way pointer dog, black 'maim, baa collar on. : Reward for return toR BBlalock. ' , ' TO RENT The house lately occupied ' by T W Dewey la for rent. For terms 1 and particulars address or call on T F McCarthy. STRAYED or Stolen from pen late Mon day ntoht. cne black dir. weleblne about 70 pounds. Liberal reward, 891 Middle St. John L Potter. SINGER Mfg. Co. just received Boat load Golden Oak Machines, just the '' thing for Christmas Presents, call at once, to 85, Middle 8t. LOST-On Middle street between the telephone exchange and the Catholic church, a small, open face, silver watch Finder will please return Jo theJour- , nal office.. WA.NTKD SU Good Carpenters to go to woik next Monday morning, December 88th. Apply W, A. Cullen, Construc tion Company, 63 Craven St GO to the white shading parlor No ' , Middle street, for stylish hair cut and : easy shave, all wore guaranteed or mon ' ey refunded. We' will continue our low prices nnlll 1904. H W Jewell, M, Prop. STEAMER BLANCHE, will not sail - again until Friday January, 1st on ac count of holidays. LOST Ladles open face silver watch v Pollock or Broad streets. Finder . please return to the Oaks Market. LABORERS WANTED-We will give emyloymeut to four or five good men at at our plant at Core Greek, NO. En quire at office over Bradbam's Drug Btore. EASTERN ARM & PIN CO. '" FOR BALE Horse, buggy and harness, In good order, price $75; if apld before Christmas. 'A Bargain, apply to O W . Shaw, No S New South Front St- NICE fat Chickens, fine Bleaks, and Pork Sausage, ISicU per pound at Henry Bryans Queen street, near de- ;. . pot; ,; ' ; THE very finest Oysters of the season at James B Dawson's, 103 Middle St, Phone 100. Served la an' style or to families ' by meaiore. :; - OWEN H. OUION. Attorney at Law, announces that until bis new office build lag on Broad etreet Is completed, he wDl oocopy .effloet on the first floor of brick boUdler, opposite the City Ball. GUARANTIED Sugar Cured Hams at lOcUlb attheOaks Market, ' BOOK-KEEPER, Bunogrspher and : type-writer. Competent young ledyde ' tires situation. Neat, prompt and iodns trio.. Call oa or address, M4 Ho.M Johnson 8u ' -' WX GUARANTEE Wriktneon's match lese Mineral Water-to cure dyspepsia and stomach troubles, or snoaiy refund ed. Davie Pharmacy. ' MIS3 NANNIE P, STREET, Insurance tielustvely. Prompt attention. . I HAVE IN STOCK BOMB ' . 'CHOICE ItOLU OF m m fr m wl.kh sdKtii.ns ran 1 ma'e Guilford Levis, AtPawirV "aft, Evanrellst W P Fife will prsaoh la t Peter's M E Church, colored, tocV- half past seven. Mr Longs' Bell hu rtturned to the city and has reeumsd Mi former position In J B Dawson s store. - . . . , Those Interested will bear In mind that during this week, It being the holi days the banks will close each day at IS o'clock; noon, .:. ' ". -Interesting 0 Christmas services were held at the Methodist Chapel on Pollock street Fridsy night. There was a Christ mas tree and brief musical and literary exercises which were highly enjoyed by all present, v . . V-''y'f " 7 The city presented each of her police officers with a handsome new regulation cap for a Chrlstrr as present. The 'offi cers were greatly pleased wltn their sew headeear, which by the way Ifc. quite, be coming to tnenvty-'fe? The Sunday; School, of the ChrisUan Church had a Christmas tree ana appro priate exercises Friday night. An Inter eating program consisting of music and recitations was given.;-? All had very enjoyable time.' pffx'-t V The icrimlnai docket Vae' aurprislnglj small yesterday for the flay after Christ mas. Only three cases" were cited nd one of them 'was continued. Thomas Galloway was bound bvefA to court for Assault -with deadly weapon under $50 bond; Bam Scott, disorderly, was sus pended. . . There was a change In the tempera ture yesterday that would have done credit to a lightning change artist. 10 the morning the mercury was la the fif ties and in the evening it had got down in the twenties.. A sharp : north , west wind arose in the morning. The cold ivave flag was hoisted at noon -and advices from different parts Of thecoun try indicate that the cold is general and very severe . With the coming of the new year there sre many improvements projected ror New Bern that will employ all the labor here and no doubt attract people seek Ing work, from other places! These people will need homes, and at this time there la hsrdlv a vacant house tn town If some enterprising capitalist would buy up some old field on the edge of town and build a lot of neat little houses to rent for five to eight dollars a month it might prove to be a very proutaoie in vestment for that capitalist An Evening Reception. Mrs G B Waters entertained a number of her friends at a very pleasant recep tion last Tuesday evening. Delicious refreshments were served, and all pres ent had a most enjoyable time. . The following ladles and gentlemen were preseat: ' ' Mr and Mrs Geo ANlcoll, Mr and Mrs E W Rosenthal. Mr and Mrs Thos Moore, Mr and Mrs 8 M Brlnaon.. Mrs Thos D Oarrawajr, Misses Brad ford Hyman, Sadie Eaton, Elma Fife, Mattle E Clark) Agnes Foy, Messrs J. S Wahab, Peroy S Cox,' Jas Mitchell, Samuel B Waters, Edward Clark. Harrls-Parklnson Co. . The Harrii-Parklnson Company. which closed a week's engagement at the opera house did a fairly good show business. A business In large proportion to the merits of the company. The holiday week Is poor for any theatre concern for every one is too busy to go to the show. Those who went were not altogether pleased with the performances bnt there were some good features about tbem. The company lacks a good come- diss. - . Friday night the company played "The Little Minister, one of Maud Adam's successes. Che play Is the best' of the repertoire, performed the best by the company and enjoyed the most by the audience.' Robert Harris, the lead Ice; man, supports his character admira bly and Marie Latour as Lady Babble was excellent. ..';-. -.. ..fc- .;.' ; Christmas Blrinday ftxtj. Master Albert Marks,' tl)e Ion i of Mr M U Marks entertained Arty-two of bis boy and girl frlmds at a wry pleasant birthday and Ohrle'mai party on Friday The principal feature was a fine Christ mas, tree which was loaded with all sort of good things. - The bouse was prettily decorated for the occasion and all bad a merry time. . .. . . PERSONAL- PARAGRAPHS, Mr O Marks Is la New Tork oa busl kesa. ..t ' . ' t 'Mr OX Enuett spent Cbriatmu with relatives la Cedar Point. -' Mlts Lucille RIshloa Is trending th Ltolldays with relatives at FayettevlUe. Mr O E Cbarlloa, of Norfolk, is lb gaet of telatlvee end friends la the elty. Mr OA Its t foot went to Wilson Fri day night to spend a few days with rala Uve. , . Mr and Mrs OH Ball of JackaoaTtlle are tbeboll'liy gate of frUods and ralatlv. KltHi Laa D J.me sad Mary Jobm oftl.ePla'e Normil Khool at Urwni b-ifo s:e vUIt '1 at their horr.s. Mrs P.'rhiTd I!nrV ffnrni from r!'.!rn re YMJ li'r 1 Icn a! Uo'V.pg b dsni'.t'r, Jtra Jin!rfs c f l'rr'.'n. ( rrr y, ! t t u ln a r v -, In l!.e Jo'.m II' ; V.n I , ':!. V Jr,r.r.;t rr '- ) ' r 1 w ' '. h 1 rr. iL.-csc.aiii i-.rc::::..3 r.sE.3-' Tie i;e r.-:a Lt ' of EcLerolcnt and Protecive OiZt ofE.ks 11 0. 7Ci will lire in the memories of rcacy cf tls cllltens on account of tie occMlon la which thsy were the hosts at the Coait house Friday noon. The Christmas tree which they had for the beneSt of the poor white children was a beautiful and impressive sight and demonstrated better than anything else could the un selfishness and charity of that organisa tion. It was ajractical application of that beautiful precept: "It Is more blessed to give than to receive." . " In accordance with the announce ment made during the week a hand some Christmas tree of the holly vsriety was placed In the court room, Illumina ted with candles and hung with presents and goodies to delight the hearts of the children, ".'., ', ; Inside the bar, Inf the galleries and In the auditorium many Interested specta tors witnessed the proceeding and be came Imbued with the delight and en thusiasm of which the little one were possessed. - Jp- -.v C Rlel' orchestra, of Wilson, whose mu slo hu so often charmed audience here and whose reputation 1 wide were pre ent and added much to the pleasure of ihe event 'SK Mr Tom DanteliTpreilded. " The exer clee were opened with prayer by Re? H S Bradshaw, and Mr D L Ward made a few appropriate remark1 of wel come. , 3 . t' i , I be appearance of Santa Clauswss the signal for an nproarlon shout of weloome by the guests of honor. Mr lames B Dawson,who Is fitted by nature to assume the role of that pleulng per- pnage and he did ample justice to the charaoter. He went through the house shaking band and; greeting the little people whose , fear that therwasno Santa Claus if they ever had any, Were dispelled for the time being. - , , The children were pat In line and led in procession put the tree and were banded their presents by the committee composed of Messrs M M Marks, John H Weddell, J E Benton, J Gulon Dunn. E W Rosenthal, Ernest Green, and T O flyman. The members were ably as sisted by thel wives. . . The little) folk weVe loaded with a much a they could carry and In many case bad to be a- sisted on their way out - That the chil dren were surprised and 'delighted waa shown by the expression on their ftoes as they passed along the row and kept receiving something almost every step they took. It Is believed tbt fully three hundred children enjoyed this splendid generosity of the Elk. After the children had. been served it ws found that there was considerable left and some of the older people were In vlted to Join the procession and they too knew from a praotloal point of view bow good the Elk are. This was the econd annual occasion of the kind under jhe auspice of the or der and It u understood that It Is an established custom. It Is a gracious act and one which will ro far to In creasing the .popularity of the order. Many there are In the olty, who- say, God bleu the Elk. The.Oulstinis Dance.. On Chrlstmu night fa tery pretty danoe wu given in the Planters Build. Ing and It wu one that surpassed any of It kind for some yean passed. ; - Every one present just seemed to have Christ mum their "bones'' and the evening wu most thoroughly eajoyed by all. Th mnsio famished by ReU's Orches tra for the oocaalon began at ten o'clock and at two o'clock "Borne Sweet Home" wu played. Daring the Intermissions the Orchestra played "Violet," "Non-e f er-e" and other serenades which added much to the pleasure of the evening, Th Danoe wu chaperoned by Mr Delia Whltford, Mr Wlndley, Mr and Mr Latham, Mr and Mr Bawling. Those dancing were: .. ; . : Mr Mark Bteveason, Leeds ' ' , Mist Ellxabelb XUl with Edward Street. . ' MUsElliaUth Barrus wlthWOllus Duan. - '.' . .. " ' . Mia Rebecca Blrnt with Adolph Nuan. . Mia -AanU Foy with Albert Wa ll.',. . y . . v ' Mis Sophia Whltford with Alpbeu Dlsoeway. " .'Mle Margaret T rapier with Frank George. . ' . , Mlu Addle Claypoole with Bam Eaton. MUs Octave Ungbe with Mr GDmea of Balto, Md. Ml RoaaeU of Nsw York with Blch- ard Duffy. Miss Annie Stevenson . with Jaross Mitchell. ' MUs Bet He Wlndley with Jonas Wa- hab. Mis Mary Emm Street wllhlrn.it Ormmn. Mr and Mrs J Guloa Dunn, Mr aril Mrs Haton. furs Gaorit, llfridfraoa, Mrk P'.Tns' n, Tnrn YTlrt, Jei C"y pools aril t it) TT'". OAf)' '', f . ' r ..'L.tlTer I: '-:-'-' I talaYsry CLiUt : ii i . J la 2Tew Bern wlth- c.t ary s . u.'.vtd srenL It was the motX qu!t titt hu beeu known here for t.ny years. Tt regular Fourth of July feature made plenty of noise but evan that wu not up to the standard. There was little disturbance on account of drunkenness u the police record will enow. Chief Eargett report tt th most peaceable holiday within his re membrance. " --i. . "v A warm rain characterized the weith- er and made it a disagreeable day to be out door. In this respect the day wu mnusual too, as the temperature was higher than hu been experienced for several years. ,'. There were several family parties and many went away to spend Christmas. Nsarly all th students In colleges and academies om home to pu th vaca tion beneath the parental roof tree.? The Elk kept open house and'enter- talned a large number of their. Jrlenis in the own generous" and hospitable fashion. The reception wu held In the lodge room. J ' " The Episcopal and Catholic churches held servloes u nsuaL The music was especially fine and the deort!on beau- tlfuL 1 ' -" , .' Th attendance at the matinee at the opera house wu light on account Of the weather, but at the evening performance the house wu crowded. , f , Ben4er-Weeks Marrlatre. Ward Mill, Dec, 85-On Deo. 23, at 7 o'clock ; p m. at the residence of the bride, at Cedar Point,- Carteret county Mr Ralph Bender , and Miss Emma Week, war united in the holy bonds of wedlock by Rev. O E Edwards of Swans boro. 1 1 The ushers on this occasion were Mr Orin Weeks and Dr O J Bender, Mr J B Bender and Miss Igesa Jones were the waiter. - Th happy couple were the recipients of msny pretty and costly presents. . Tbey left for their future home at Maple Grove, New River on Thursday th 84. : May their lives ever be u bright and lovely a the day their marriage was, . V-V ' ' A Friend. 'r At Hotel uazelton. The guests of Hotel Hazeltou enjoyed the following extended bill of fare for their Chrlstmu dinner. ''The bill of fare how what this hotel can do for it pat rona. : '" . BILL-OF FARE. Oysters on the Half Shell Soups Mock Turtle Consomme Roj al Baked Ben Trout with . r 1 Newberry Sauce Celery Olive J; ' s flcklu , . . Chicken. Salad on Lettuce Leaves Turkey PJnlon - Rlssoto a la Prlnceese . Little Pigs In Blanket Nottoway Turkey with . s V Chestnut Dressing . Cranberry Banc Rout Prim Rib of Beef Rout Pork Asparagu Green Pei .String Bean . Candled Tarn : Snowdrift Potatoes English Plum Pudding . with Hard Sauce ' ' .' PlM Pumpkin .' Apple Mince , Pineapple ,: . v , Cocoanut Velvet Jelly with Whipped Cream - B Nof Oaku " ' . Trait . ,-,'8now (Note) . . Pound (Raising ' Wild Bom . ,'. ChoooIaU- " 1 : : ' .. Pound , " .FlgNewtom -j 1 . Frilu of th Benson Crackers and Cheeeer ' r . CafeNoIr. ..: .' - -' OAnTOTlX -Tbl lad lo Kna tin infr rlH ln4 toe Hns mn I RfMSa . f - Bank Rottce. " Next week the National Sank and Clt- lea Bank will be open for baslntse only during the morning hours, closing at noon. Fridsy snd Baturday, January 1st and Ind they will be cloeed all day, Persons doing bo sines with the banks are urged to bear this in mind .and ar range their affair with the bank oa Thursday D 81, before 13 o'clock noon. - First National Back. Clllreas Bank. - Pension Kotlcel State Pensioner who JUloe jl to the I7ia and Wth Brtlmcnt N. C. Troop, hr,B:np vre strkivn from the rtniloa Roll, are hcVy ioforniel Ibat tbey !,? beea r!niU!ed, and that th t!,rfis ar now at U. OtU O" tttL j f ir diMfry h9 called f r. 1 !';) tf rid t?,m to fou if you farn eia your a ! lra. . W. M. WATEON. C. P. O U: Atrial r. tf r : rf II: i r t ( ' 1 v'.LlcsI . , CitU at DaTl.$' Phariaacy. , ' Maillara' Candy Preih anpply jnrt received "- ' Terf urnery lger & Gilleta, Spiehler, 'Sole Agency .'for j Iludnut'?, ; - ....... I X v ard Caes, Purses, Bill Books, ,. I . Cigars,' Pipes, &c, , :: " s .r Stationery in fancy TJMkazes. Fountain Pna xiruBueg 01 au anaB, UomDS, r t.. ..... . Mirrors, Bnaving Sefa, Infants Set Manicure 9;tg, 4o, 11, Vavts srbariMM J I 7 nIIS;?r;iTTTTYTyT?T?y?yw wwwe-eie'e'f ili Handsome Neckwear o;j ' .If there is a man on earth, who tsould not,Tise, and who ,, would not be glad to receive a new Tie for a Christmas Gift, where is he? We would like to tee him. Wt J,,,,- IT'S EL.EGJJVT. J II - ' , iB i"s elegant that is the IS territory and the only way we can a Wfl.. J.nnl. O i. C! ix . uwioj. . aaYcijr iunri owagger enape, every new panern tt XX in silk is here.7' ' - It TT 'Rll OKil lim ".. II tl. W. AKVlb 1 KOINU, it . -67 JUlddle Street. Christmas You'll find this store Christmas Headquarters for Re- Q liable Gifts of every character. Tou'l find many practical suggestions here. ' A beautiful diversity of beautiful things suitable Christ mas Gifts. For ladies: Beautiful Keck wear and-Kid Gloves. Silk and Linen Handkerchiefs, A Handsome Silk Umbrella, Clove, Jewel or Handkerchief Case, Mirrors, Pictures & Burnt Wood Novelties, ' Sofa Pillows, v Purses, Wrist Bags, &c, A Beautiful Dress or Waist Patterns. And the Biggest, Best and- Brightest Display of DOLLS AND TOYS X .Matebless' at Every point. Santa Claus in our window. ISarfoot Ptffioods aria Pbone.211. 59Polloek AiAAAAAAiAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAjAAAAAAAAAAl msV ff f WW WW W WWW VWWWWWW WWW WW WW nn Lid u uMbs OF: H n n U Li U 'To closo out of China, vo cut prices exactly in half. Q c V'rc'") lCVc, " v inc : : - 7'. So, : - r , v - s only word that covers the II de8crihe our Christmas Neck XX .1 xx a. , i Headquarters. For Men: President Suspenders in indi vidual boxes, Beautiful Neckwear, SilktJmbrellas, Silk or Linen Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Collar and CufE Cases, Sterling Silver Novelties, A Handsome box of Hosiery Bring the Children to fee old Brothers, Womens' Apparel. ; St-, Opposite Episcopal Churcl). - oer p. n U J all remaining etock- - . 4 - . , WE WISH I AND A Piospetfots New We thank our many friends for thoir i 4 liberal patronage during the past year $ , and hope for a continuance of same dur ing the coming year. Sincerely, c. G. Dunn 8 Co., 3 IT a Kn paw m mm 0TO't 4'e $$wWWWWWWW-m OOGOOODOQOQOD q We Sell io Merchants Only. Q We have Just received another complete stock of Furni ure and can fill all ordei s promptly. We are Ihe only exclusiv wholesale furniture dealerB in the state that do not manufact ure. All goods sold at factory prices with local freight added to New Bern. We also carry a compltte line of Iron Safes in stock. All Mall and Phone Orders will receive prompt attention. Office Phone 172, Residence 254. Office and Sample Room 47 Middle Street; Warehouse 5 and 7 Eaet Side Middle treet T. T. Turner ococonononononoDoonoDCCcc COAL! COAL J A large stock of the very best free burning White Ash Hard Goal in all sizes. Also the Lump Bituminous especially for grates, and the very best steam. Personal attention given to all ordersat HOLUSTER & COX COAL YARD, Phone 34 Foot of Craven St i John Grocer J Bega to call the attention of J Comp?ete Stock of ; II Staple and Fancy Groceries.! v ' Every tamer is hrioging in tome delacacy to be added to Z ' C his stock. 3 . A share cf our trade Is aolicitod. Tour oider will re- J t ceire careful attention and PROMPT ATTKNT ION. 2 1 All orders (mail or large will be appreciated. J J iTOTOBlMNi'li S v Gfocef, Phone 74. ' New Bern Cotton Oil : and Fertilizer Hills, Manufacturers of Cotton Seed Products 4 v! and High-grade Fertilizers, v - m:nrr, ir. c. " - . , " Will pay tho Highost Cash Prices forCgt ton Seed and Deed Cotton. Bags furnished to eccd chippcrs. HAVE rOK fJALEIa Frcsn Gupply of Cot ton Gccd Ileal end nulls, ?hich is tho Cnr Cattlo Peed in tho vrorld. Wo will czchano Ileal for cotton re !. I p V, - () i) u o o ma max . f OBOSgl Furniture Co., NEW BERN, N. C. Dtmn, the Housekeepers to his Fine and ; ' roIXOCK OT. YOU , wv Y V i) ';;t'.. 1 r ' ". t - ' 1 f ! in I !':. i - .1.1.