'' . '. ,;.- V L v 'A - ' .- v EIW EIHI, I. C, WIDNISDAT MORSISa, JANUARY 6, 1904, VOL. XXI-KO. ?38. TWIHTT-SICOND TIAtt' 1 i r 1 n SLG.E10.ur.Eli M Wiahea to say to the many patrons' dose of 1908,Treha,Te(nmohtobe thankful forK that-we V jff hUonljinentiononandtfiati how mtuto 'we appreciate JjJ A jour part ia our great bupinessj for really tbia is a mutual m V ! tranaaotion, and e trust we have 'merited your trade during m the past year.'and that we may be able during- jihe, years to W, s' m come to show you, that to be a successful housekeeper, 70U V Wmnat trade with us. , A We buT for cash, and make a $ buy anywhere elaet always considering the High Quality ot iff oar Goods. . . Again thanking you for all past favors and wishing you. SK all the Compliments of the Season, we are yours to serve you during 1904, on the same. up.to-date methods, as we have used M duringl903, W E. B. HACKBURN. FBI . . . ' ' Jk 47-40 Pollock St., Neit 'Bern Military Academy NEW BERN, N. C. FOB GIBLS AND BOYS. Three large three-story bntldlng', one for cadet-barracks, the other lor girls and lad teacher. Water work provided. Cadets are under military discipline, d'rected bywell trained and experienced officers. Theeirls dormitory is beautifully located and carpeted throughout, elegantly furnished and comfortably heated. Girls the Matron and Lady Teachers. Tl,lilF A ftutamT offers a course yea preparatory and two years collegiate. j HDeclal advantages offered by the Musical Departmeut. The Carolina Business College is prepared to give a thorough up-to-date Bus iness Training; Inoluding Shorthand, Typewriting, Boi k-keeping. Office Practice, aod the Auxiliary Studies to those branches. Gradwites Dave no troume in i rnring positions. Weaeslstyou. TERMS VERY REA80N VBLK. Borlne Term beeins January, 11, 1001. Boecial Inducements to those who enroll before January 12th. Rooms being rapidly engaged. . Write at once for full partlculars.?A card will do. Address. . COL. 8. J. H0LLA.DA.Y, A. B , LL. B. Or MAJOR A. 8. OARSON, M. ACCTS. Gaskill Hdw. & n-r nnt the nrioe o.t neaters Pitted, 8toveaet up. Full line of Hardwaie, Klwood Ume and Cement, Saab, Doora and Blinds. Lowest Prioea, Beet Goods, Nice lin of Carvers expected for the Holiday trade. Gaskill Hdw. & HVRDWARB 71 Middle St Phone UT. Fire Insurance 1 ri st Class Home and foreign Com panies Order ticltd. Inquiries ropJy answvrrd. MIB8 WANHIX P. BTREIT. NOTICE, Kotloa tt Wb a gl-ea Ue I have sold ot mj ntfro wastseea la tie ety loll Berrtate Co, AO petsoas IseVwisd to aie en eosoaal of ay aJ4 Wteaa am saie peyaant lo S fJtrrtetua 0,bsiUg asy pet rots for peat fsvors aad SolloIeUag tk cot ilseeso o4 aassa fof aay laooswsr,' ReepecUelly, i CL.BTIN01R. . m - ' mppx act 41'air, "rJ?"Z ZZrZSZMl rtXnxVin. Co nr,l Ham. nuhl fcy ri4ete awUMw. Is lu'J pojk. t, f tIM p4 .rUB II Willi t,k t! aw or. s4 f8mUh tot! a-.a'H Hf'tl"n tt br.g Tb (. rtobi tl n4 M kg time ijf 'cv ke rMlrg a loiery. W f,t R'jl Tire cm ytit eVl ev t W ,f,r ymjr Irione It re In r e wlii.l mtUrg t',m, tf w r -k!r,f I re tf-nt V.I p J r m' J yT7"wf It In. , . t - i r ' rk '.l' I n Of his house, that at 'the V - lower price-than you can am W : - -r- Mr New Hern, m v. f v and Carolina Business College. are at all times, under the watch-care of covering a period of four years; two Mill Supply Co. Car lo.id"to be sold. Fire Board? Fence, Plnt8.''Oil8 and Varnisb, Mill Supply Co., 'KlLLjaTJPPLIES 44 Craven 6- Phone SHI.; JCSr RECEIVED a full and complete assortment of k -o . -."vv f r -- The Latest and Beat put np In plata end 'fancy storocco Wthet etsea al prlcea raf( from I00 to 1H0.I AO felly guaranteed, Joit the article I for your UUMr, Brother of fwiUeman trieodforCbrhtmu. v foo Balls, Air Rifles, ' fngffson Watches, A foe the boy. . . Vf,l. T. HILL, UeaW la ItarciaM, frai , tan 1 1 Ikian otTT0,0oope. Jot Patvnao fboi Hi. Middle Si. TUT THE Olive Bush Market von ladies a nr RcUlrr. Trt1(i,Wn Hound tUk- A Vf'V t1it f1. JC3 H Front Hie FAVORITE AGES Op WOMEN. It may aeon Strang that women bare preference for particular ages, An inspection of the census, however, leaves no room for doubt that certain I yean are preferred and certain, other yearn diiUked by-th member of the gentler aiMM'ilS- Of children fourteen year and under the number of boy la nearly 400,000 greater than the number of girla; at fifteen the bora are atUl 6.000 ahead of the girl; at sixteen the glrlf are 0,000 the mora numerous, and each' rear thereafter until - the : twentT-fourth there la an excea of women over men. The favorite agea within these Umlta are eighteen and twenty; There are 2 000 more mlaaea of eighteen than there are boy of that age, and the young ladlea twenty year oto J exceed their masculine companlona by 6a,O0O.. At twenty-four and twenty-live the nnm bers of the two sexes are nearly, equal. Then the women begin to grow less with, great rapidity. jiTna moat unpop ular ages are thirty and forty. At the former age there la a difference of 78,- 000 between the two sexes; at the latter 83,000. ; r -? :,- One peculiar drcumatanca Is that there are more women twenty years old than there are girls of thirteen or fourteen or any age up to: twenty. This fact conclusively demonstrates that twenty Is a very healthful age. But If the younger ages are unhealthy. where did the Increased number who are twenty years old come from? No women are born that old. Only an unusually elastic theory can account for these peculiarities with be coming gallantry to the lovelier sex. J. S. Gilham In Ladles' Home Journal. YANKEE DOODLE. The Original Vercloa Dates From the Time of Oliver Cromwell. , The lively strains of "Yankee Doo dle" are beard at every patriotic cele bration, says a writer in Collier's Week ly, yet perhaps few of those whose pulses stir at the sound of the familiar notes are aware that It dates from the time of Oliver Cromwell and crossed the seas with the Puritans. "Nankee Doodle" was one of the nick names bestowed by the Cavaliers on the hated Roundhead, and a verse writ ten upon Cromwell's entry into Oxford, riding on a small horse with a plume twisted Into a sort of, knot called a "macaroni,' runs aa follows: Nankee Doodle came tojtown Upon a little pony. " With a feather In his hat Upon a macaroni - The transition- from Nankee to Yan keewhich came from Yengee, .the In dian word for English was very easy. and the Royalists used It as a Jeer at all New Englanders. ' When the Colonials In Boston, pre paring for the coming war, smuggled muskets luto the country, concealing them In loads of manure, the Tories sang to the old tune of "Lacy Fisher:" Yankee Doodle came to town For to bur a flreloek; .- We will tar and feather him. And so we w HI John Hancock. When the British forces marched to the battles of Concord and fyeklngton their' approncj waa heralded by "God Sure the King," but When the ."Yankee farmers" saw the foe In full retreat the strains of "Yankee Doodle"' accompa nied their 'flight, and from that hour, wherever the start and stripes have floated, the once despised tune has been beard. OalUeVa Wit. Galileo's wit. according to a blogra phy, got bUn Into trouble when ho put luto the mouth of BlmpUdo, tso fooUah opponent of the Copernlcaa theory In his "Dialogues,' an argument that Pop Urban Till, had himself devised and Insisted on Qalileo Incorporating In the work.. 0llIo made BlmpUdo quota It aa an argument bo bad from a "very eminent and learned personage,'' The enemies of Oallleo persuaded Urban that ha bad been "mads game of." and this waa the offsnae of which GaiUeo waa guilty. It waa not for upholding the theory that the inn stand etlifaad the earth moves that OatUeo waa tried by the Inquisition. Urban himself had supported Ibo Copernlcaa doctrine , both as cardinal and as pop. ; ; - A CeatlaaeM amehe." la tho ruillpploes the oso ot tobacco la anlrertalr Tt natlvt child acquires tbo tobacco babit aa aoon aa It la able to walk. In tbo northers provinces st pedslly It It no aoconmoa slht to see a child Ave or six years old puffing vig orously at a liig cigar. Tbo women amoks fully aa cnoch aa tho men and commonly amok ctgtra where tho men use dgtrettfo. In tb northern part of Iasoo Immense tfgsrs often a epepje of feet long and at thick; at tb wrist art Bawl Bocb a clear s sntpeuded from a rafter Of tbo bona by a atrtng and tnokd during tho day by all lb Bt bet of tb family dMlrd. CASTOR I A Tor Infant, and C.:'.!:.n. Til Rti Yc3t:::iA:;:;5Cr:1 d&zfJ "i C'gaatV fltTlpf pnr-l,te3 the t'nl cf t! BtVt A Tile V.'i. Co., w t'tr I tO rpr G It Fw I'"Bn 1 ity. w rrw-tf:! t ::. t j -,rfi cat;-uu r , ii r PITTSBUMXORDAGE IT WA8 A FACTOR IN PERRY'S GREAT : VICTORY ON LAKE ERIE. . : ThC Vewela of the Famoma Ha vat Hero's Fleet Wore Enalpped "with Reo Maaaraetared tm tbo The Xlttle Here Th VUlas-e. ' ' ; ' - While Pittsburg and vicinity figured prominently in the early history of the republic, the -city has never laid claim any great share of the . victories achieved, by Americans In the war of 1813 because moat of the engagements . of that conflict took place on the wa ter. But, an Inland town and almost village, aa It was at that time, Pitts burg ' contributed ,' materially toward the notable victory of Oliver H. terry on lake Erie Sept 13, 1813. In Pitta-' burg, .were manufactured the ropes that were required In tho equipment of Perrara famous fleet This Was the first instance that has been placed on record of Pittsburg's having furnished the equipment of a fleet of war for the government, but since that time the Smoky City -has al ways held a prominent place in the building of vessels ot war. Those craft of Perry's, of course, were only wooden affairs, and the amount of iron about them waa very small. With the evolu tion in the construction of war vessels came also the development of indus tries In Pittsburg, so that now, by the manufacture of armor plate for Uncle Sam's ships, the city still sustains Its reputation which was started In such a humble way in 1813 by furnishing a quantity of rope for Perry's fleet on Lake Erie.' . The ropemaklng Industry was begun . in Pittsburg in 1794, and the first one to engage extensively in the business was Colonel John Irwin, a Revolution ary soldier. Who wes severely wound ed in the battle of Paoll. After peace was declared he started In the business in Pittsburg and at the same time es tablished the first ropewalk west of the Alleghany mountains. Bis place of business was located on the -site for so many years since occupied by the fa mous old hotel, the Monongahela House. Here, where since presidents, kings and princes have been entertained, the rope business was modestly begun. Colonel Irwin died not long after the establishment of, his business In the city, his death having been the result of Injuries be sustained In the Revo lutionary war. The business was at tended to by Mrs. Irwin, who is said to have been a woman of extraordinary energy and ability. Later her son as sisted her, and the business was car ried on under the Ann name of Mary as John Irwin. In 1795 the ropewalk was removed to the square bounded by Liberty o ve nue, Third and Fourth streets and Re doubt alley. The product turned out by the Irwlns was of a good quality and was In great demand. The busi ness grew, and soon It was necessary to remove the walk, to a place where more ground was available. Conse quently in 1812 the works were re moved to n site on the bank of the Allegheny river near the Point. Soon-after this last removal there came one 'day to call on Mrs. Irwin a boyish looking fellow who Introduced himself aa Oliver H. Perry. He said that ha waa building a fleet of war vessel on the shore of Lake Erie and that b would require a considerable quantity ot cordage to equip bis fleet Mrs. Irwin made a contract -with the youthful naval officer, and in due time tho cordage waa all flnlsbed and dcllv ored to Commodore Perry. Tho amount of rope In this famoui order waa not great compared with that which. la now used In fitting out our modern sea monsters of ships, bat for tho day and the place the order was a notable one. When the entire or der was. completed, Mrs. Irwin, who. though well up In years was still In terested In business and waa intensely patriotic gave personal supervision to tho Inspection and packing ot the goods. They were taken by wsy of the Alle gheny valley, part way by boats and part way overland, to tho famon bay on tho south ahorp ot Lake Erie where tho Impatient Perry waa busily engag ed la getting bla little fleet resdyfor tho coming battle which was to mean so much for tbo American cause. la a abort time tbo ropes were all fitted to their places, and tbo fleet set al. What happened at Put-to Buy oa that famous day ot Bmt 13, 1813, Is known to every American. It waa from one of, hi victorious ships, fitted with Irwin cordag mad at Pittsburg. that thft young com nod or sent .bla Immortal dispatch, "Wo sav met the obem, and they are our." , Perry and bla men aod hi stanch ships won. this notable victory, but the stoat ropes and good cords g made tVKia IuqaeM wiy to the Infant city ef nttibarg did thrlr share to, for when they were pot to the test they prvd that they were good !u(L I1ttborg Pre. . km n.T Wete Ulr. Tb watir lily of the Amanon ho very lulv habit. The lm1 ot0 twWt tint time Jnt a rlilnk at Hi tip. In the early mr1 Jionrs, a tort ef prrmonltory rnipt"m. do tb ffillowlpf errnlnf It eprMol ! fntir .! with n-h alnrrlty Hint yon rn - t!,m tno. lint tl.e ti't" white tjrt 1 mt ( th.tn rn)i'n tn' hnnu nn'i i oVW In tl.e tir rti'i e. n It b'ir f.o-Yj ;rea ' lN.'.io !'' ;n. r r. r.tiilrf In t!.'. r:n Vt'nn on'y talf til I'.'.r. V'.!! V -."i:r II tint !!-. ly r! f 1. si' l . ,'.,.!.r t'""f tf-1 tn'f !.e et.'lte f"''''P l.oe '" 1;!n nw'.of tr I f t! f "Sr. t ' t '. f i K t ! ' V-':''--:-;. '"January Tho cold wave truck here Sunday morning about 8 o'clock. Tla the cold est weather by far of this winter. - Mr A 8 Leo la having a nice and eon- vonlent set of livery and exchange ita- blespnt upon his property here. (' , Lots of moving in and out la progress In and around this village. Considerable sickness. Dr Hammond t very busy all the time. M.i E B Elliott who moved to hit prop' erty In this place a few day a ago I qulta tck of pneumonia.' 4,: Several visitors in town but they atay io close we have not learned their namea yet . v Drummers don't stop for rain or cold, the rotd and towns are full all the time' : ;',.: There will be no more public school here until hot weather. J B Eender returned from New River last week bringing a fine string of game baeged while on his farm In Onslow. ' Dr S E Koonce of Wilmington was here on a visit last Saturday, Last Sunday morning about 10 o'clock the a story residence on Green Hill In this place, the home and property of Hon Alex H White waa totally destroyed by fire caused by a chimney on fire and toot falling on the roof. Most ot the furniture was saved. House an entire lots with no Insurance, We are glad to see that there it a move on foot to cover the Presbyterian church at this place which is ruining the inside by leakage. Remember when In needbf a newspa per that J B Bender Is sgent for the fol lowing, New Bern Journal, Wilmington Messenger, Atlanta Constitution, New York World, Washington-Post and oth ers. Give him your subecrlDtlon. Z0RAH. Jan 4 Christmas passed of very plea antly at our place. Dancing teemed to have been the order of the day among the young people, there being a many as five during the holiday. A mong the older, hunting waa the chief source of amusement Mr A D Whit ford killed a fine deer, others kill ing squirrels, birds, etc, In considerable numbers. Among the visitor at Zorah during the holiday not already mentioned were Mr Herbert Stilly and Mlts Bottle Knox of Washington, Messrs Arthur Simpson and Amos Bell of Onslow county, Mr Paul O'Neal of Elnston and Mr JnoM Whltford ot Klnston, Hit Clara Mill of Blountt Creek, Mr TwA Tuten and Mis Ruth Adam of Edward, Mr Gale Yatts and Mr Petei Hill and sister, Mies Viney allot Gllead, Mr snd Mrs J H Ban it and family of Vanceboro, and Hon I W MHler sad family ot Alliance. Mr G A Whltford made a business trip to Greenville lat week. Mr E Q WIte of Pamlico was at Zorah Friday. Mr D M Peel hat recently moved from here to Mr Fred Rowe't place near New Bern. Oar place I coming to the front In the way of marritget Jutt now. Mr Robert Toler and Miss Cells Stiller, both ot this place were haprUy married yesterday by Mr J B O'Neal- joatios of the peace. Another wedding was reported bat wo do not know whether It took plack. Auction Sale 1 Saturday, JanearyOth at It o'clock noon, I will tell at auction II ot IS good teoond-hand bicycle. Bala at my ttoro, No. 90 I'lanttit BulldlBf . ' LM. IDQtBTON. Happy Now.Year "Wo announce w.tb pleatur) that we have opened a New Hardware Store, la a New Building, with aa entire NEW 8T0CK OF GOODS, Uto'vj dcaire to be happy and prwporoua ; this new Tear ; buy your Hardware from W Nona oaa tell cheaper and none oaa eell bet kr goods. ' ; ; -. ' . , . Come and aee for yonrialf. ',, IE1TF0SD H1BBMJ CO., 69 lllJdle Bt , New Bern, N. a . . ;"- Phono 93. Wm B. Broitli, Ealeamna. OOO000O000O000000O0 Account and , Memorandum ' 'Boohs for bu5lnc-i and prof :"" v."?. A f r.7 ICOi Cal- t r MiMM Jo. . cm. REDUCTION ! In order to make room for Spring Goods wo have decided to close' out our entire stock of Mens, Boys and CMdrens Clothing All Underwear, Ladies Oloaks and Skirts and other heavy winter good at 20 p. c. reduc tion. ' We mean business. Ooal and Wood A full supply of Anthraoite fiee burning White Ath, Grate, Stove and Chestnut Coal, also the CelebratodJPocihantas BiUuninoui for grates and Steam. The Best Oak, Ash, Pine and Mixed wood. Quick, Prompt Delivery. Union Point. Phone 47. TOOLS OF KODKBN DESIGN and oooitruotlon wSl greatly faoQ- UU four worlc ' If you are about to purchase new Tool, oome ia here and out your eyet orer our stock-. Then if - YOU are A GOOD CABPXN1KB or tnMhanio of aay kind, you will realize that there U talus) lot every Foy & Simmuns, TlaVrronlBi, PIWpXIOf,K.a A 0-x4 1r to UaTO Amuni U a V r I ' It ft r"-e;'Urj if it r f i' .' ' ', t' r iiti. rin t'.!--1 H h t t nJ I' tci r-r,"-: In enl Jit ' t r'! j at r' ' T '". t't a Coal & Wood Yard (' -h of Groceries at Lowest Possible Prices Our ftlotto. It is our aim to every dollar we receive and we will do our best lo please our customers. We carry one of the largest and best selected stocks of Staple and Fancy Groceries in the city, and we will be glad to have you call and examine our goods. TO THE LADIES we would san call and be weighed as are aiways.glad to serve you. Yours to please, 'Phone 91. LIIIIXIIIIIIIIITTITYTTTTI APPLES ! APP Just received a car load of Apples from Western New York State. Don't buy apples until you see my Stock and get prices. Will save you L money. Wholesale and Retail Oncer, Cor. Broad A Hancock Him. HONK 69. anniiiiiiiiiniiiininixiiiixiiniTiiiiiiiiTTi E. K. Blthop. J. & Claypoole. General fire Insurance Apis Representing the mott reliable com panies. Prompt attention given to all batlneta antrnttod to at. Wa solicit your patronage. BIBBOP 4 CLAYPOOLE. Phone 87. The Autumn Season of 1CS offer an abondanoa In styles and fabric tint la an to to delight all those who recaxd eorroet dressing as an taenta to tbo BsAneasenta oi 111. At f MCoadwIdCa tnUoruf Mtnbllahmant tho saos oosaploto Uno of good over shown to ready for you selection. Jtm ZXo Chadwleke MMMMMM 1 l Oystersl Qystersl ; From nor oa va irill. hart ; ; Ojtteri wbloh Jwa will .ecnra) i I bjjroaafora, half-thafl or oib anrlaa,'; 0!p;Bay07s;lo. Ntxon O Co s, US Middle Br, 1 ' BaiHca orr;ci A. B. DixicrQ Co, Commission Brokers. : 'C ::ir;:;::::! 17 C give full value for often as you like, wa ' !L, Wholesale eft Retail Grocer, 71 Bread St1 TTTTA APPLES ! XX Jr. XX Great Reduction in Prices AT s. 1 Thanking our cus tomers ior their pat ronage in 1903 we shall endevor to make it more interesting tor you during, We now ofler the remainder of our Win ter Stock of Dress Goods, Clothing, Shoes Hats, Winter Under wear, Blankets, Com forts, Gapes, Jackets, Skirts,Mens Top Shirts also a large lot Mens and Boys Overcoats. Alllthe above stock must be turned into cash at a Beductlon ,. of from 25e to 356 on the dollar, Come on the first come gets their pick. S. COPLON, 71 KIDDU ITBXET, 104 ao Oatkni Hard war .OorTtwJBera, ON ' Plumbing 1 I'ltv rove4 my tla ahop tnp elamMoghnalBeM horn aay oM aianl v W holldlng ar eoar f r-al a ! MliJil', inM. W r so prraf4 lo da r' i tnl !',! rfi It r';M tt r';Vt fr la J"v,t rr ' I r n-,-, y 7 v'w,. : PHY PTOYR WOOD Vr; t nn. -'"ITT, ' f, p. a t '"Tl

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