1 9 . A 7- '..9. ; r tie North ' ; : 3 for a short t.uad to all t tt G N Eanett'B al 8 8 'era ' ,ok ! " SIT ) i t t vi. c, ruar George i ro a If coBjible. A.d- cf Jj'in s.l office. 'lowing poods will be ao!d 1), Cranberries, Apples, Fashioned Btick Candy, ents 9 cts. package at ..'.tOo. r e iid Campbell piano for f jt cash or on time Apply to 1 CHEAP One Winchester 'jtarrel gun, boat, road cart o. Apply to Ella E Rose, 172 ! CHEAP One horse, phar . Apply toElla EJtpse ".a for 25 and SOe peck at iCo. v ! - ,1 .... i' Furnished room. Apply .Hock Bt. " T.I LAUNCH FOB BALE SPOT I will boy cheap. VA new; round a Steamboat 80 ft by ft. 1 horse und engine, speed 10 mile an . thaws too much water for sound ,h built. Ed Taylor Co, Wil- A female fox terrier about four i old, white body with brown ,ort tall, answers to the name of . Reward If returned to. B R s office. ' ,.-v ' ; ' 2 k': . ? adrift from foot of Craw itreet 1 14 feet Ions calnted red. Reward ; irn to E C D Line. ' ' : Delaware oysters iSt Fruit Co. dally at the CHEAP FOR CASH Bhad,Mull" Drsj? Netting, Medium, Bo ft and . Twine, Pine and Coal JTar in battels. Fine Tar In gallon, gallo and d.uart cans. Mees," clear and Rump Pork. Clocks Best Patent and Diadem Flour In barrels and half , barrels. If you don't eewhat you want call for It. B. B. Davenport.- : . '.. '? ' . ';" .V ' ' BANANAS 20 eta. Loosen, etMcSor ky's. .... ' -,-V. ' : THE tery fioekt Oysters of the season at James B Dawson's, 108 Middle 8t, Phone 203. Served In any style or to rnni by measure.' '": OWEN H. GUION Attorney at Law, announces that until his new office build In gon E road street Is completed, be w! 1 c rury 'offices on the first floor of. v ii.llJlne. opposite the City Hall. . Ar.lNTHED Bngar Cured Hams at i is i the Oase Market. ' , " r.rnR, Btenogrepbe add . Competent young lady de Ion. lt prompt and Indus .11 on or address, M No. 4 ANTES Wllktneon'a match 1 Water to cure dyspepsia . i-oublce,or mony refuud :.rj. ' ;i Levis, ( ; cnt to U0 East. A faf f .r Lot;." 1 ! 1 1 . J Fr-ukl'a I Jwaris Las been a.-po'-t- el fo.'.:rl6str at Vancboro, Craven cc.uuty upon the. recomnieudation of the republican executive committee of toss county. :- There will be a meeting of the Antl Ealoon League in their. rooms In Roun- tree hall Monday night. A large attend arjee is requested as business of Import ance will be transacted. . : A slight blaze among some some dry goods boxes In Mr M H Sultan's yard on Middle street called the fire department out at six o'clock last night The fire did not do any damage and was quickly put out. s Kev W H Rich .went to JMowhead City last , night to participate in the recognition services of Rev Walker, re cently called to the Baptist church there Mr Rich made an address on the Rela tion of the Pastor to the People. He re turns this morning. The were only twa cases in the police court yesterday.. They were Foster Eastwood disorderly corduct, judgment suspended on payment of costs. John Cannon carrying concealed weapons, he waa bound over for trial in the .April term of court , 1 ' . . ' V " , The snow balling habit has .become something more than funny. It has be come serious, A lady was badly hurt yesterday , morning ' by - a jnow ball thrown by a boy. The MayorlnBtructed the police yesterday to take up all boys who were ' assailing . pedestrians ; with anow balls, --v;'"'. ;w .-- " ."'' xe4ln prominent ' farmer who has been growing tobacco for the past few years, was in ' the dly yeaterday, end speaking of his crop for the another sea son said that he should plant as much or more tobacco this year than ever. He said that the present high price of cot ton Was rather tempting to plant a big crop of that staple1," but expressed the opinion that tobacco . would prove to be the most Valuable crop ..next fall, giving Several reasons ifor the opinion, all of which reasons appeared to be good, and worth consideration.' ;-;;, Notwlthsttndlng the sudden changes of the weather and the severe cold spells this Winter, there seems to be very little sickness In New Bern now. j For Its size and locution, this xlty Is at all times very healthy, but In winter there Is scarcely any elckneis. As a rule, .the temperature If very mind, making the place a most excellent winter' resort Iff a great wonder that some one don't try to boom It up , as such. . A fine hotel and some advertising might attract a crown of visitors every Winter and who 1 a . . " i Knows out mere's money in it lor some The Civil Service .examination for the position of Cadet on the' Revenue Cut ter which was advertised la the Journal Jur weeks ago, The examination. wmcn was to nave taaen piaoe January it S and 8 has been poatppned to Febru ary 25, 88 and 27. The places . la which the sxsmlnations will be held are Athe- Tllle, Charlotte, Raleleh.and Wilming ton. , Farther particulars may be ob tained of the local secretary of the Board of Examiners Mr Charles 0. Clark Jr, or of the Civil Service Commission atWeiblngtoieDO. , -. , v A Pleasln; Entertainment ... The concert by the Ithaca Conserve tory Company In the Academy of Music yeaterday evening for the benefit of the Methodist Church Choir waa and of the best musical entertainments the people of Waynesboro have been . permttle4 to enjoy for aeveral years. The young ladles who farnlahed the program are exceptionally talented as musicians sad admirably trained as artists, and their efforts were rewarded with the heartiest applause. The entertainment will be remembered as pleasing In every rospect and there will be a crowded house If the corn p any returns at any lime la the fo urs, Waynesboro Pa. Paper. ; The Ithaca Conservatory Concert Co will appear at the opera house Wedaas dsy.Jao.lt ' . . . . ; A Drlsrtl "TikUi" 'One of the doctors of Vt Frankljn. M, who was nisklnj a free v a equa tion lour, culled at a boue end lirjulr ed of the biily in charge If aba wUhpd to be avlnat"d. "Na. I was vacci na tnrl forty years ago, and It did not tnts until two yrara ago. 1 think that 1 am fully protrt4." .11 our j vTo Ixan. Oa n1 Yi r, Klrt Moris;a. ip- ply to 8. Josreal ofTue. Tabst rccr on Jlihwiulico John B Garrett' n. ( r r Tin it m i i in m- r I t it t -t . f c ' to t . : & ( r , : . : : : t . . a- '. : : i ,f i-ii ;i -. . i - i. A v i i j i i ui: i . ; i t ; t : lal'ifc . f i an l ;. . - i t . . tT.s- t '' 1 1 . . i, t, . ' v :: . ' s aul .very VC.j wc-IJ lave fro; a to dLi.h vs I.L'a a short tla.e. ELe is s:.!i to have lei n lurcei out of doors by tLs woman with whom i'..e lived. ' Her condition is the same of hund reds who have become the victims of the subtle lnfiaence of the dope. Eer home was formerly In Lenoir county and then she lived In Jones county coming to Craven county about three yeara ago. fihe has been an object of charity during most of her wandering. ; : Application was made for her to be put in the county home but the Com mis slonera at first declined to admit her be cause of her rrorphlne habit.. Bhewas taken to the city hall and cared for un till Wednesday when It was finally de cided that she could be admitted to the poor house , : As the saying goes, "One half of the world does not know how the other half Jives" so we make a practical applica tion of the same saying as regards new Bern. There are people white people too, within our city , limits who suffer even for the necessities of life and are too proud to aak for- assistance. ; The county home Is not a proper place tor them and they would, of course, waist, the action of sending them there as they would have a right to do. But a home of aome sort ought to be provided for such persons.- It is but the act of Christ lan love for suffering humanity to estab lish such a home where rnf or lunate ones - can at least have a shelter and enough to eat ' ", .It has been suggested that a fund be started , for thla purpose by giving to this very worthy charity Instead of giv ing to the foreign mission cause which, though JtBelf .ia a very noble cause, does : not appeal to bur sympathies as does a case like . the one presented and which is really moire urgent It Is fur ther suggested that the amounts - genei ally donated to the causa of missions by the churches are used as a nucleus to start a fund to buy or build such a home and then by establish a much needed In stitution: In Eastern Carolina,, . - ;' O. ' .y-'.THET COMB AND GO. Mrs R W Haywood who haa been' vis iting her parents Mr and Mrs 8 H Boots' for some time, returned to her home In Greensboro. '-y- Mr G A Farrow, returned to his stu dies at theTJntverally, Chapel' Hill yea terday after spending the-holidays with his father, Mr N M Farrow. . MrCT Randolph of KInston spent Thursday night here on business, return log home yesterday morning. .'. ; - Mr C K Foy returnel from Klnsion yesterday where he haa bean the guest of his brother.Mr O H Foy. He waa ac companied by Miss Ruby Lee Foy who will be the guest of his family. .:...-V' :r i ' Resolutions of Respect ; -: The following resolutions of respect to the memory of Leon Bandars, the yottb who was accidentally killed near Bogue a few days ago, waa paaeed by Weloome Dcnooi, oogue, or wnica no wae pa Whereas, Leon Banders, a worthly and much beloved pupil of Welcome Bohool, borne from us by the untimely hand of accidental death daring the Chrtetass vacation. . - . . Resolved by the teacher and school la special saealoa that the aad accident Is One which drapes our heart with pro found grief, and as a public expraasloe of aa abiding and tender memory of out departed pupil and school-mate, the door of the school-room and Leon's deak be properly draped with mourning for 80 days. . - - ; . : Resolved That a copy of than re solution's be seat to Leoa's family the News aad Observer, New Bare Journal and The Coaster for publica tion. ' M(ae MiKiaBLiCwsLL,Tsachr Mia Ettiel rUaoEas 1 . Ma J clips Pari aa 1 School KaUe Ma Btajicii, Leu. ) ' " Commltt. Bogue If O Janua'y 3rd 1904. . OAO r-o riTA. lail..-lMKTfc--i Kotice to Pest Orr.ce lot Pcntcrj. Your boi rnt for the '."nrfr r,.l!n March list, 1 J' 1 1 sow 1 . s:. 1 If b ps!d on or btfora Jantisry p.b jr--;t t . Ill t-e cl 1 1 jotir r - 1 j ' 1 1 the Or,nl as j r. ! '.. 1 1 l! pfHtnl ! - 1 r ' ' . n ,uh v,-. i: - " :;, I . r. T i 7 , ,r ;'r;i I ; '. 11 . ' a e t . ' ' a f j-ral fM.t . ;.,u. T: a la i.ei. i Vi 3 t.v 1 it wre tie "Paul Earrua" who were all I wis a stranger in that city and turn ing to my companion I deslroi an ex planation. I was Informed that the deceased was the little daughter of a very wealthy 'Mann." She lived in the beautiM 'Gray" house on the "Hill" surrounded bp 'Geen-Meadow8.,' The house waa equal to the palace of a "King"; the "Sultan" of Turkey might be pleased .to dwell therein. However the "Tonge" girl had.a roving spirit and would take long walks in the "Woods." Two days before she had decide! to go lo town to buy a lace "Bertha", and aome "Hanks" of silk. : She "Donned" her riding habit and went alone not even allowing her flanoe, the"rretty- man" to accompany her. ' This was the last -time she was : seen alive. , ' Later In the day a "H 'inter" found her lying where a'BabblU'.' her. Her.old , father was heart broken at the death of hia daughter whom he cher ished as the fairest rLily." -j : ' . . When he heard, the news he was sit ting quietly in his "Morris" chair mak ing his "Will," said he to hi lawyer. I cannot sustain this awful calamity, so Change this paper now that my daughter lives no "Moore, j I will bequeath all 1 pofsess to my "rayloi" who has served me well." ' ' ' ' This done he gave these Instructions, "Carrowaj" my child and lay her beside her 'mother In the ''GrovsB" l.near the "Waters" of the "Brook." He then col lapsed.' .' : "' .-A -. His oldest servant was called In and afted If be thought he Was deadf "Wei- nau" sir, said he, anybody who "Arm strong" as my "Master" is.halnt'Gulon' to die right soon, leas foth htm out "DU- SMway" and "Lowe"he'll come around all rfght" They did a the old darkey; said and while he steadily applied some of Duffy's remedies, he greatly relieved the Other servants by rehewsing to them a tale he had heard of a "Steward" on a big 'Hoi land Bhlp" who haa a very high temper. One day his temper got the better of him and. the people on 'board the boat deter mined : they r would bear with' him no -' Moore,? o they touched , at a tarren looking place and carried the poor fel low ashore and putting him': down by the side of a "Holloweli". gave htm "Peok", of potatoeiri'.''v When these Were Eaton" he perished ana nis "Blanched" bonos can now be seen there. At the completion of the old negro's story, the father , of the dead girl opened his eyes and lived again. He is now on the "Street'.' In this vary procestlon. -4. --:y'3ir After I had heard this -tale I thanked my companion,- tnea repaired, to aj home to ponder over - the strange inci dents connected with It. . v Bwitit .-. ' Thl Kind Yw Hare lwart Boagtt Blgaatae '--ef -. -r : . CompetlUre Examination. President' Roosevelt, In hie annual message, ststed thst for, the last fiscal year there haa been 29C8 persons ap pointed through competitive' examina tions nnder Civil Service rules. This wss 13,673 more , than for any previous yssr, and forty per cent of all who pass ed the examinations. There will be Post Office examination In this city the first Wednesday or Baturday after Msy 1. Tbsre will be examinatlona la set eral places la this state, for Railway Mat Clerks, Bu nographeM, Snd many other positions during March end April The Columbian Correspondence Colleg of WathlsgtoD, D C; baa Issued sa an nooDocmenl giving the datea and places for holding sxamlnatlona, education re quired, and full Information 'about the various positions, la the Government Civil Service, and It will be ect free to all who write for iu Iabt Hiluaukeo Eccr, per box ot 2 doz, bottlr3,01,25 at Crown Bottlinc: Vorli3. Tbe Acnnal r.cellEftockholJcrs cjl.e Katiosal T:nL Tl snrin! rnfPSln of tl. Strkhdld era of Un !at.-nl lli.k rt 2'aw Iiote I i tl, :i-.!o cf Ita Vf '.ota enl t Ititiv! i f '!f!i f " i r X , r; r ( 11 f tKf n. n ! j I 1. I fit I' ' r I : ! ' ' ' n tl. i r 1 T r i , .5 I '. 3 ' ' t -i, 1 ( ' I'. r 1 " 1 ' ' Fresh S-jppIy ' a- . m llanilsomo It there is a man on earth would not be glad to receive a new Tie er a Christmas . Gift,' where is he? We wouli Uke to see him. . " VEpSmmXAWM!.' ' --?-rr'' .YtB, it' elegant that is. the only word that covers "ttie territory and tho only way we Can describe our Christmas Neck wear display. Every Smart Swagger shape, every new pattern in silk is here. . . , . u r ,4 7. ' Big 25o line. - c,; 'J,. ' "J E. W. ARMSTRONG 7. MlddleS Street. s . , - m 5oyQt!tyVi&rnd'WM Silks At 7 f ry Goods am hone mH; 59 Pollock :r -!! v . '' - a i f j" ' ' '' ..- : -. ' "Bartoot This cnowy weather haa kopt a great many peoplo away from this special offering, but tho wcath cr i3 very much warmer now, so net (lov.-n n3 early as porciblo, and rccr.ro tho Cirandczt EartTain3 In Iliiiljrcrl'Tl' z ;o liavo ever c'.7 red. T f t.::r cr U r. Just Rjcdved 5 S I I aa.Wyjp MAaMsaitat(. 'cclavear. who could not nee. and -who 1 t t g yd. Brothers St.v Opposite Iplseopil Church.. 1 . ' .-'00 IaJ a4 L . 'v. t. tc::i c.cli nciron to ( I cf 1 r;;t rri-i I 1 i . . r O just received last A plenty of RUBBER SHOES on hand 4 all sizes; at 50c "and O orreci wear ior jaen, . q ; ' ollocfez Street, j c ) IVaUU Grocer e TArra 4-a AUni:M i Zt-Comp?ete Stock of p Staple and Fancy Groceries. X . Every steamer is bringing A share of our trade is ceive careful attention and PROMPT ATTENTION. All orders small or large will be appreciated. mm Grocer. Phone 74. GOAL! A large stock of the White Ash Hard Coal v Also the Lump Bituminous especially for grates, and the very best steam. ' Personal attention given to all orders'at HOLLISTER & COX COAL YARD, Phone 34 Foot of Craven St New Bern Cotto and Manufacturers of Cotton Seed Products and High-grade Fertilizers, NEW BEIXW, IT. . Will pay the Highest Gash Prices for Cot ton Seed andSeed Cotton. Bags furnished to seed shippers. HAVE TOR SALE a Fresh Supply of Cot ton Seed Meal and Hulls, which is the finest Cattle Feed in the world. We will exchange 21 eal for cottonseed. Factori i Mix T Lon Mice Fkcme BiYGnile 1m BiTEF. K?. 125. it Oti Any farmer desiring to fence his land with the American Field Fence ..can procure the "same of me for a short while. I now havo in stock two car loads of Damo. 1.3 111 iMU.J Vr ;-r V. I ChatUwka, . . , ' vr y-y f vr'i". u'.di a i : !' r;::-i a:.i 1 ces night, . ' " O 75c." s J - 4 aUawVWJLUl 3 4k It it. TT l- a. wit . i JC: in tome delacflcy to be added to 2 is solicited. - Your orders will re-3 1 4 ia. 4s POJLaaLOCK ST it COAL ! very best free burning; in all sizes. n Oil Fertilizer Mills, TAKE coughs," IULUJI, ; 1 nnovfiiiiTiH- Aad IQ Pelaaoaary tretUee ef Ue taroal aad Lease. - It aots bf dlaenlvtsg Uie palrfss aad Uaratrf affords a tea eipectoreU raU.visg Ike saost eUlL aate 0.a. . ' told by ' . ' ".. ; IT- 'i. lil.i- ' M.aW.M'-Maf SPECIAL -TO-DAY! I 1 av iTf "1 II CO rin ( ' i V i w! 'i I will t :i DUNK r