r t a,-: 7tS ?4 m . The Kind You Have Always Bonsrht. and which &as been i la use for, over SO years has All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good'? are bntvl1 Experiments that trifle- with and endanger the health of jSj- . Infimts and Children Experience ; against Experhnent. What ioCASTORIA fhefnvlak. fa at lt&fmlMa nfkaftfntoi fnv rVurfjw Oil. 1O.Mk. gorier Drops and Soothing 8yrnpslt is ;PleasahtItST5; contains neither OpIran nV)iThm substance,' Its age Is Its guarantee It destroys Worms and allays Feyerishness. It cures IMawhoaa and ;Wind . : Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constlpatton - V' and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food' regulates the i: ? ': f Stomach and Bowels giving healthy andl natural sleeps;-'f . The Children's Fanaeesr-The CENU.riC CASTORIA ALWAYS ijean mo signature pr w. The Kind You HaYe In . Use , For Over. 30B Years, Mrs. Fred No. 228 Territorial Street, "lm pleased to stve tar experience lvlth Wtae of Cardid as I tin very grateful for its help. After my iint baby wu born I could not Kern to renin my strength, although the doctor gave me a tonic which he considered very sirptrlor, but instead of gctthig better I grew weaker every y. . My iuabend cam bomc one evening with some Wine oi Cardui and B ihttd that I take tt for a week and see what it would do for me, At be leemed to have to mock faith m it I did take the imedkine and was very grateful to find iny strength slowiysctnroJng.- In two weeks I was out of bed tad In s month 1 wat able to take up my taual dtrtka, I am very enthtalaatk in its prabe.. ' nrZIOTHEBHOOD it ths noblest doty I IvI I and highest privilege women II l s&n achieve oraipirt to. With out thii privilege women do not get all there it in life too often they go through the .world discontented!, wrapped up in their own selfish earet and troublea. How different ft the happy mother, watching her children raw into manhood and womanhood, mother li ret at many lives at the hat children their oyt and-.aoxrowi are WINE of CARD Publication of Sum mons. NORTH CAROLINA, i Io the Graven County, j Superior Court. Ada Howard, vs Amos Howard. The defendant above aatsed Will Uks a itloa thai as actios entitled as abort has bee a oommeaoed In the Superior Uoart of Craven Oooaty to obtala s dl force f rots the bonds of matrimony and the tafd defeadaat will ranker Uks notice that be it required n appear at the Speolal February term -of eaperlof Coart for said Ooostyjto be held oa the 18th day of rebruary, . J0, at Court House of said County la New Bera,N. U , and easwer' ot demur to the aout plslat la said actios or the plaintiff win apply to the Court for relief detaaaded la ssld cots plaint ...-- --. W. M. vTATBOK ToThel'nblle! I take this sUod . ot, lafonalof Us publte sad Um fries ds of the Vtrrl Carollaa ChsalceJ Co.. Uat I Stvt tse eeeded Kr OX Foy, "at Local Mat for this Coespeey lbs cesjlsg leseot, sad will be pleated to bar any est call star office to see M who U'loteretisQ la rertUlsete tad re our prices before buying. , I wilt do all Is asy power so ana it pleasaat for those who boa it sm wits tkeir rdere, 1 .,-' 4 , ; S; ' TMrtTraly.' " -. -. An.iAwuso?;ii Loeal Mtaafst forJVs. Car. Cb. fH, rttsrBera. il 0. '. . t SOU CII . ' tlm. imrs waoWrtne. aarjlted M kerkMBWwJlr sssdefrarUli4 weMt ead f re trim InpwHW. Seotally t. I if H tVsLaa j fjJamstTaMS ' aa4 preperM f"T a, 1 ir eniixnticm. t 1 . ' ',; Um A!irr4 ltHejt,tutdsT5 1 - wt to sa. . f , ; riuBUyt (rr-Ufl ei1f)7 sse It Jotjprtcea s4 etlrweuoa i", K rf3T7 ESTT-ft Ice CV. J ; - I: ! IL1 I 3 ' w - borne the slcnatnre 1 of and has been made under his per- ., AM sonal Baperrlslon since its infancy. 'jcH-k t Allow no one to deoeire yon in this.'.'--:'' t Mother's Friend. - " : ,V-j.-K!r'i--? Always Bought M9 VTMIKT linifOM WfW ; VivraLtK, Benton Harbor, Mich. hers, is tare their ambitions, trinmnha and defeat. Healthy women do not suf fer miscarriage nor does s woman who ia healthy offer tortures at childbirth. It it the woman who is ail ingwho hat female weak ness who fears the ordeal of becoming a mother. Wine of Csrdui builds up the wo manly in a woman. It stops all unnatural drains and strains irregularities which are re- Eisible for barrenness and miscat e. It makes s woman strong and thy and able to pass through preg nancy and childbirth with little suffer ing. After the ordeal is passed the Wine prepares a woman for a speedy recovery to health and activity. , Wins of Cardui, in re-inforcing the organs of generation, has made mothers of women who had given up hope of STer becoming mothers. Wine of Cardui will erne almost any cue of barrenness except cases of organio trouble. . How can yon refuse to lake such a remedy that promises soch relief from suffering ? Win of Cardui limply makes 'yon a strong woman, and strong, healthy women do not suffer. They look for ward to motherhood with joy VI A million suffering women have found relief jia Wine of Cardui. " eMieMcercsra cnolibi. ENIIYnOYAL PILLS -tV7v..n hmIhi Mr Swim. kr CHlCllttTKU li JCNOUMJ M4 Ml Mai UaariMaa. T.ti.M N.i IwttB. MOI.Ma.MHIilWr.kJw tM MU. I . Ml. THMtaU. Mia IrMfMU. r. . . mii fuiua, ire A Good Telephpne, 8KBTICX IS A BCBIKZBd NXCX88IT7, A HOKX 00 IfYKKIXH CX. k OOK." Brazs : . t , CoiiTrnleurft, fcdrr Vosf Pboos st Ones! , . T. A. , Fvee. SU n, etra T. free ' . at. atev,cwiai.t Citizens' - Bank, Do c OsosrsJ Basking Buslatsf ' April 1, 108, Burploe tad JDtdivi- : - . Sed Tni la, IM.000.Ofli ' . ' - Ws wfll rtvs prvmpt and oartful at tea ttoe to ail bust ores enlnvded So at, ' . Wt lavlta your acoouat Try . ef rart4 CIi-m ' , S. m. MmmWws, . C Vntlf.Jt. w, I p,,S t ru Hana, it. ' w.r.cTxats.; : nail tTisoye if. . EXPtRltNCt i - . I.. r - -i ' Inrlarlkle Wlke Egan. Mike Egan, the world's champion handball player, who has just publish ed an exhaustive and lottreatlng trea tise on thU ancient game, stands In a class by himself. There ia hardly a man in the world who can give blm a real tussle. ' . ' ; - . - ; After Egan bad bested all the ex perts in this country be met and over JUKI EOAIT, HAHDB All, CHAMPION OF TBI Wbelmlngly defeated Tim r Tonhllt champion of Ireland, This victory clinched his claim to the title of cham pion of the world. - , v : Tbero seems to be little doubt that Egan will retire undefeated. Wichita a F Bat Track. The talk that the track at Wichita, Kan., to far Inferior to the average eastern tracks does not carry much force with those who remembef that in the fall of 1890 Joe Fatchen and John R. Gentry met In a race on it and that the pair of great stallions went the fastest race over it paced by them that season. Joe Patchen was the winner, and, although he was not the horse he was two years before, when he made his record Of 2.-01& he paced the Wichita track in 2:03 and 2:02. In only one other race did Patchen beat 2:03 that season, and that was in New York, where he won a beat in 2:02. That -performance alone would stamp the track on which Cresceus went bis great mile as one of unusual excellence. AaterloaB Cue ' Expert Im Parle. Paris billiard academies, are alive with American cue experts these daya No less than nine of the men who are well known to American lovers of the game are there. Among the new ar rivals are Al Taylor, who while, an amateur made his headquarters much jot the time at a State street hall; Chi cago; Sutton, the hnndless wonder, and Willie Hoppe, the boy prodigy. "The Wizard,? Jake Bchaefer, is dean, of the colony, but all are doing welL The Frenchmen seem to like the American style, and they are making good and are satisfied with life in the French capital. aooker PeoL Snooker pool is a new game that anT English champion In pool tnd billiards is trying to Introduce in this country. In London tho game bat become a popular fad In clubs and fashionable private houses and baa already, at tracted much attention from players here. ' The new game of snooker poo) It played with the twelve balls used In ordinary English pool and the fifteen balls of pyramid pool Is addition. . On the English table of 12 by A feet the twenty-seres balls do' not urowd lht flurfaoa at on- the ordinary. Americas labia. - -... r" . ' -. ' ' T" Jr- '";.' . y BeekwetPe ftalek Vi' '-'.;'' A i well knows Harvard coach telle a good story of BockwelL tbe Tale Quar terback, which Illustrates the lltUe fel low! quick mind in as emergency. A back had cleared tbt opposing Una, but waa alone Is the open and careen Ing over on ooe aids and bound to (an la s stride or two. -' Quick at s flash Rockwell cam bounding alorjt and, Hooping under bit mate's arm, righted bint sod helped blm along yard be fore the play wat stopped. r- Terf lMk rr WMlHf, : WUllsm G. Whitney beadt tbs list of winning owners od the American turf for the season of 1008. Mr. Whlt tXT's ractrt won (90.40C. u r . : The list of owner whose bones ban won $10,000 or more Includes flftj-fis. who bare won mart thss i.63L,00a Another million of more hat been dis tributed among tbe remainder of the turfmen, about 400 In somber." ,- Laetoa Lra le Star Keea. . ' Jockey Laden Lyns, whe rode James D, Keeot'a borsos in EnKltrrf last sea son, wUl pot return to iiriuu bow that sir. Kent has sold bis Engiub stsbla I jne Is s clever Mdef. It tt doubtful If ttila eounlry bat en a better mte la a W Unxk II will be a wiroois sddlUoti to the rvilng forces net t sea- A Tmai lie A '!, WUllsm J. Or)tl.lT, t.b rhllad.Tpl.la sthHe, le bwDinlng tbe J, riprpntil lnrtil of Harrard stMtH Nut p n tTit With twHng tvnnla rbami'Von, t)d M tli football lrrm,' bawiliiill p'ajpr and trach st;.tM, he Is a str of the rn.rianit Nvkfy tpom. JwA Or. i r:-.c!e. OtS Klsn'e ('(" r 'nr f'- t- ' t In rne t. ',-. I'- It l"'i i Tl -'rj - J 3 )' V '., f . r t , It! ,( - ' ' ' , I ! ft'' t' '-, t ' ; i t ! r y-" " a t. ) i , t ' i , ' : - ' ! ' ' - ! ( , , , 1 - ' 9 Last trltUk Letl.ry. 1 fcave la n.y p.6i-ss!oo, writes a con tributor, a notk-e besrlng date Oct 17, 1K23, lnrltlng persons to take part la tbe lust stnte lottery which was held In this country, says a writer in the Lon don Chronicle. This Invitation. Is a very elaborate affair. : It ia printed In green and yellow.- At tbe top are the royal arms, while below, in the center of the paper, is the announcement: Positive! Ey order of the lords of his majesty's ' treasury ' Wednesday next. 18th October, lotteries close for ever in this kingdom. - Six prises ot 30,000111 be distributed oa that day at the parting -gifts of Fortune." The advertisement concludes with S foot note, to the effect, that Slvewrlght la Belling lottery shares and-tickets at 5T CornhULvLondon.- This man" Siva. wrighf was a well known stock and share broker of the dhy, who mad a specialty of "lottery ! tickets. Ha waa very fond of attracting clients by the publication of doggerel verses, mostly lof the simplest character. Of which the following la a fair example; , ' " , ' iS;Then- gaiiop'oa- irarirj " . The fault 1 your own "T :-v t .-. It you don't get a ejood share - -. "' Before tt'e all gone. - . " : a ii Core Blood'and sua Diseases 1 Itch- 1UC 0UU1UI 3, CUCllla OU U1UUS . tt. u.at. - iS rjtfiyn fecvfJfv-, i: - :: t BeBdjjifn mouey-slmply write, and try Botanto Blood Balm at onr: expente. A personal trial bf Brood Balm li -better than a thousand printed testimonials, so don't hesitate to write for s free tahv If yon suffer, from alcert,-ecz ina, scrofula, Blood Poison, cancerj eating sore, itching skin, pimples, bolls, bona pains, swellings, rbeumatism, catarrh, or. any blood or skin disease, we advise you to take Botanto Blood Baltn (B. B. B.).' Especially recommended for old, obstbate, deep-seated cases of mallgaant blood of skin jJlaesBt s, because Botanic B.'bod Balm (B. B B ) kills the poison in tho blood, cures where All else falls, heals every sore, makes the blood pure ar.d rich, gives tbe fklnthe rich glow of health, B. B. B , the most perfupt blood purifier made ' Thoroughly tested for 80 ears. Costs $1 per large tottlet drug stores. . To prove It cures, temple of . Blood Balm tent-free by writing Blood Balm Co.,v Atlanta, Ge. Oesoribe trouble and free medical advice sent Is sealed letter. EfThls Is an honest of fermedicine sent at once, prepaid. Notice of Execution Sale., K ORTH CAROLINA, I In the graven uounty, ) Bupenor uonrt W. B. Blades, Truatee " tt. Thomas W. Dewey. By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the 'Superior Court In tbe abere entitled action, I will on Monday, the first day of February, 1804, at is o'clock m , st the Court bouse door ot ssia Uounty. to tell to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy ssld execution, all the right title and Interest wnicn ue Mia t w Dewey, ute aerena ant, hat In lht following described real eat ate to-wlt: ... Bels Beach. One tract of land lying oa Neuse River and beginning at a point ia Brooks North line which runt to Neuse Hirer Hfiy feet west wardly ' from the High bluff.and runt thence northwardly across the mint to s point In Bryant South line fifty feet- westwardly froaa the high bluff, thence eastwardl .with Bryant said line, and said line extended to the channel of Neuse River, tbeace southwardly with the channel of Reuse rim to Btook't sorts line extended, thence with Brook's North line extend ed to the beglaairg, the said land being the Sets Beach sad the land adjacent thereto. From book 18, page 886. soto lots oi tana' in me miy ox flaw Bern. Craven county. N O, bounded and described aa follower Beginning st tbe eorner of .Cypress and Oeorge street and running tneace with Oeorge Street to Pine tueet. leasee with Pine street s dlsUnoe equal to ons half ihe - dlitanos between Ueorge and Hers streets, ineaos runntni narallel with Oeorte tirees te Cypress street, at tbe distance eeual to one half the distaaot bet wees Qeorge and Bern streets, ihenos with Cypress street to Oeorge street the plaoe of be- rlnnlDg and coo lain lug lots No. 18, W. B0 aad 11 la secordance With the map of the City ot New Bera and being that part ot New Bars formerly ' kaowa as Orvboro, being same lots eonrtyed to T W Dewsy aad B B Primrose by P H Pel. teller. Trustee, .ISIS dsy of February loot. lrdsdUbooklM.jpsgej Wd, M7.5M, 1 . - ' A a other lot adjoining thskadt ef W B Ouloa, WUllsm Duns and others, Bounded a follows, via, near the Oily of Ns Bern. N. 0,1a that certala piece or parcel of land laid off mio lota aad ttreett tor Wax. Duns ia aosordaaos with s certain plot or plan surveyed aad laid out May Oib, 1804. by It A Brown, surveyor, recorded la the office of Regis ter of Deeds of Crsvea eouaty. N. bclsglouNoS aad I St lalddows la aald plaes. - - , , ' BegtBBlng at N. B. eotBr cf W. R. Outob's lot and ruanlog 10 t, la a Nonbwssurly dltscUoe oa Matulimlis road, thcore boathsaatwsrdly 190 ft to the North Weat corn, rot W it Onions lot f) the brrlnslnr, betsg the tame land toDTfjad to T W Deeay b; J 0 VV'sUlna ssd alls by deed lti Aug. tt, !';.. and rroorded Is fhs of&oe of itK'tero( Deeds, Crsraa Ojttty, la book 124 parfa iw ew. Asoiavr tract ot land aJolafrf tha tanda ''f J no U J'.o-r Co., Laura Vt tlw ford. 8 K bnlltTta an1 othff. fltuad oa lbs rw.ntb ililsof Trtnt l:!rf and W al! Of lirlra'i ( f-k. l'-ar'nn!n at S ej rcjs cio U. Ma of ths ' ) at the arPr avis of ths mouth -of h" Itrim li, ff -m IhfBMi 8. S'J clf-rfs, VY. f') jxiira to teo plopf, Etr t! rornfr r.f the '.-a fX.l.thrtife ft. 41 : zrv,;. 471 p-.: to l a 1 1 V a t t s t' i...y rsi!' U't tin "r r f , I'l t til d -1 IV. p.r! 1 tllill I i r 1 1 i ; t V - . t 71 : " U'-t t I-.-!, I' 1 t'' '. t " O - ...t,uL. U v The critical ordeal through pure. past, Lowevex, it so fraught wHtir dread, pain, suffering and danger,"' that the Yery thought of it Bt her with f pprehcnsioo and horror. i.&ers is no necessity tor the reproduction: or life to be either painful ' or saflspreuav Tha ute tt Mother's Friend abreparca the system for ths comhif event that frit sifeiy passed Without any dange. ?Thjt gvas - asa wonoentu remedy,- is - aiwayt Sfj aiaxernallT,and - ," sea sarded fteaisnili L W sf ': wotaeo tiussch tbs IrytaT exiis withont tuffermr.' . t"4 aaelr V aiaHtalae tntomaUonr et y4 js vna e aeaaa aaaiiaata, ths Bradaefl fttgalstsr Ce Atirata, fia. Sale; o Valuable .Tim ,pe?t Timber Lands, SawjllUU TDry Kilns and Oth- er Property; - Pursuant to the powers contained lu a deed of trust executed to me by Thomas A Green, Thomas GBtman and Ralph nbS sted July 87th, 1901,1 will tell at pubuo aucUon for cash, at ths door of the Court House of Carteret county, North Carolina on Monday, the ls 4lay ot February 1904, the following proper ty situated 14 aald Carteret county, to wltr;c&,-:er.-i.r:' v r " U Tract of land in Newport towah!o conUlnlng 800 acres more or lets, fully described In grant No. 18861, dated June latb, 1899, registered In office of Regis ter of Deeds of said county In book V V, page 18. i ; : '. S.Trsct of land In Newport townshlb containing lit acres, more or less, . fully described la grant No. 18860, registered In office of ssld Resl.tcr of Deeds In book VV,pagell. . 8. Three traota of lands known aa the Thomas Lands, described . Is deed from James hi Holmes and wife to William A Thomas, registered In said office in book Ff, pages 67,60, consisting of three tracts, in ell 2,120 sores, more or Jess, betas same land conveyed to R 8 Neal by deed registered In said office. in book H, paste - . Also ail tne umber oi evsrv i - r . aa . . a which waa conveyed to R 8 Neal by. Ed ward H Bill and wife bv deed resistered in said office In book V V, page 48, wltb au ngnt oonveyea to saia aeed. 6. Also all the timber and all rights and privileges conveyed to aald R 8 Neal by Mattle B Gould, Zenemeh Garner and wife by deed registered in said office in book V V, page 60. 6, Tract of land bounded aa follows: On the north by A 4 N 0 R R, on east by land of R 8 Net! on west by land of J T JSatos, snd oa south by channel of oogve Bound, oontalntnir 13 acrei, more or less. 7. Tract of land which la described In the mortgage deed from B 8 Neal to W If Webb, registered In aald office la book V V pegs 31 oontalnlng 9 acres mere or less. 8. Tracts of land and the timber rtsrhts thereon full) described in the mortgage deed to the OiilsenrBank of - New Bern, registered la said office In book V V. 9. All the nine. oak. aah ' aad evnress timber upon the land la Newr5ort town ship at the head of Newport River and In tha northwest fork of same containing 60 acres, whljh Waa oonvered to BB Neal by Stephen Garner by deed regis tered Is aald office in book V V, page 67. except the 15 sores thereof told by said Neal, snd also all the timber on the ltnd la Newport township, la the- head ot Deep Creek Swamp; oontalnlng 81 acres, conveyed to-R 8 Neal by Thomas r Mass and wife by deed registered In said office la book V V, page 879. ' ' 10. The timber on ihe foUowlns tiactt of laadr Ose trust la JumninS Ran and Deen Creek Swamps oa east Ude of North River being five sevenths of tract known st the Blmpsaa tract. ' . vUae tract, known at the Y B Salter patent, oonttinlaf 817 sores,' store or Ont tract. coauDeaclag at ths aorth weat cornet of the YB Baltert 816 sere traot, ruts south 100 poles, thee wsst 100 poise, then north 800 poles, then east 800 poles, then Bouts, to eald patent, then wits tald 816 sere patent to the berls sinsv - Being same ooe rayed to R 8 Neal by V B baiter by deed registered Is sed efBot la book Y T.page 168. . 11 AU laweiaadiag timber oa the tract of land In White Oak township oa seat side of White Oak river... baginma mats the mouth ot Ramoni gut, described la dead from Daniel 8 Week to BS Neal regiatered la saldofflos la book V. V. pageisu - ' IS Also that SO year leasehold Interest, coupled 'with the rttat to paroheee. rents paid for entire term of the tract of land at "Carolina GUv" oa south side of A NOR R edjotalns; the land eos- vevsd to H B Neal by W 14 Wsbe, Joining Ut Uads of A A N 0 BBooas paay, aad ehaaasl ot Bogus soaad aad of atanla Rose Willis aad I T Eaton, npoa which ts located the mills and dry anas for marly seioagisg to II q Heal, I til Also the saw mill located above tpedflad laait. aald mill belsg ca pacity about 40.000 feet per dsy, will all eeglaea. botlers, belliag, SBaftlag, pullets, aad all tools. flilore aad aa pUaaoea,alao the brick dry klla. Wharves out BuikiiBrt,' 'leuemsat bob tat aad other bslMior,! located oa said lead, also all rafting tsar, wagons, sod other tools snd tmplemvnu snd sppllaaras. 18 The rum tog boats William X Moore and "Nellie, " 14 ABd.Ue tract of lead la Jones ontiDty, North Carollaa, daeerlbed In tbs dd from Oeorre W Hav SBdMbsrste It H Rfal, rrr'iU'.rad In ofno ot IttUtM of Dei ef Jones coualy la bo'k 41 p.;- 470471 Ijtnf oe north si J II sa era crsrk alnlag the Itadt ot 1 4 war B Jnnf ami olhura. 19 And ths tra-t of land la Onilow eotinty. Uorth C'amlloa, oa J'iari Cr,i1 tif waast:. r?bf)ld issd er.rtt'rilrf f 1 arrr.-norS 0 la. 16 A!t ail ttii.tr '.:.ta. Umber e a ts cir sntrl ( m '( t or ' , ! f '( 1 U l I to v I 1 I. ;rr;B :. 1 i. r f Uh In I' a C"r.' c.f '.Nn U !,: h :.! 11 1 I f a"V lr!rr,L r, t rr -fy I If I' fix I li'iri -i. i 1' ;.a l':"S ralv h ' . i: 1 I w. No woman'a bappW aces can be complete " wimoui cnitaren ; u 4 it her nature to love tm - : ' '-- od want them i ) fYf '. " much to as ! CJ U ViaS'; 7'- to love the,'" v.'-;. ."-? v. beSBtiful .'SOtr:' which the exncr.rant mntht- i''s l J e 17 WMti Full of f'ruirf snd i'erfiiiurx Tm rt -cia,v tc als" tie folio whig -Mineral VVaU-n waulil,f Mineral Spring, Buffalo Lithia, Uuiiny- adl Janos, Hnnyadi Matyas, Carbana, Veronica, Apenta, Red Raven Splits. . Combs, Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Pasterine Tooth Paste. COLUMBIAN INSECTICIDE. Creolum, the Great Disinfectant and v 1 Bed Bug Destroyer. Brom-Chloralu m t sure PREVENTATIVE of infection of contagion of DIPHTHERIA SMALL POX. Oyi'oians'Treacrlptloi.i s tapeclalty PX. Slaatoaa, A. D. Ward 5IMH0NS & WARD, ATTORNEY an1 COUNSELORS at LAW. rkv stasi, a. e. Office Removed across Btreet to bo (Story of No. 69 (above Telegraph . f flee) Bouth Front Street, ne 'o Hotel Chattawkt Practice In the counties of Oraven, Duplin, Jones, Onslow. Carteret Pamli co and Wake, in the Supreme and Fed eral Courts, and wherever services are desired. KASTEUJf CAROLINA DISPATCH LINE AND Ud Domiaiop Steamship Co DAIItT JaTSUL FREIGHT & PASSKN6EB For All Points Xorth. Effective Oct. 1st, 1908. The Steamer NEUSE It scheduled to tail at 6 p. m., Monday Wednesday and Friday, for Elizabeth City N. 0. The Steamer OCRACOKE Is scheduled to sail at 8 Thursday and Saturday p'm Tuesday, for Elizabeth utty, N. u. " Freight received not later thsn ons hoar previout to sslliiis;. For farther inf ormstlon spplj to GEO. HKNDEESON, Aft K, K. Kmc, Geo. Mt., H.C H0Duri,Ga.ril4 Fsss.Axt Norfolk. Vs. W. a BUMMXRELL, Ass'L OeaO, Frt. sad Pass. Afest, New Bers,N.O. Why Rot Tale iTrip ThU Winter - Ttrootli risrliU to Cuba. This beantlfal State aad ltlaad bu bees brought Glials euy teeth by-the splsodid UtrosfVtrals service of the Atiaatle Coast Lisa, the freat through fart te ths tropics, - Winter Tourists Tickets srejsow OS sals to all potntt la riorlde:tad to' Havana. For rates echedulse- Sasps Bleeptag Cat snd Steam ihlf accommodations writs to, h:J-.v'. W.J CRAIO, Oeaeral Pmssenfsr Ageet, Wilmington, "What to Sty ts Spanish snd Dow to Say ft" teatta Sty address spos receipt 9 St wo seat stamp. - ' .1 ' Retun si Eerchiau'. Grow Sales, Hrchisev Etc' : - , (Scheduls B. BeteoselAettlNl) . OSes Rsglttet of Deeds, Crsvea Oo. ' . ' Sew Deis, R 0, Jas. 1st, l0i Sin You are required by law to.de Um et rttara td rV wllkls ' tea (dsyt flerthetrsldsy of Jaaasry, la each year, s twors tuiemeat et tat acaossl ef gross sales made by yos hi yesr besW esse at s vendor of, t dealer taooda wsrea, SBerchsadtse, . eesBaedttee of wksuoever ktad of a stars, ether whole sale or ret all for the twelve taoBika, ot say part of said time preeedteg the Brtt day cfjaasarr, 1904. If yoe ere lht oestr cf a poblle fsrry, bridge or toll lata, or U yoa are IItscbibb, kseptsg taTxts or no lis far fcf nrj er If yoe sre s de:r la splrliooea, vtnaooi or Rah llnoft, er n ef a dlpary jot are rn!red to oVilret or tnijta to ass, u oji a"fr the frit day ef Jjnn.fy ar Ja!y la sarll yaar a Iwors iui'Tir.1 rf ysr jfiaa ff(a, as t (f a r'-" " t't'J, ' 't ' rr , a i!tf jrr.an; '.' sir, ts m'i' ' ; t f f an 1 t! l-.Ul VlariO an 1 r 't li rr Ml ff ().f ' t 'S tr-'-r.'.l f t n mim' I '"rtins'-f.' as. KEsasagrsaaB ; liMQRpUGHFARf of; enveen ffie-r No f'-ff'l or ida Cu fa av v A passenger "service unexcelled for luxury and comfort, equipped with the latest Pullman Dining:. Sleeping and Thoroughfare Cars. For rates, Schedule, Haps or any informa tion, write to WM. J. CRAIO, Genera! Passenger Agent. Trochet's Colchicine- Salicylate Capsules. A standard and infallible cure for RHEUMATISM and GOUT, endorsed by the highest medical authorities of Europe and America. Dispensed only in spherical capsules, which dis solve in liquids of the stomach without causing irritation or disagreeable symptoms. Price, $1 per bottle. Sold by druggists. Ke' sure and get the genuine. WILXIAK'S MICJ. CO., CLEVF.LAXD, OHIO, Solo Propfc 8GLD BY F. S. DUFFS'. colchicine I SAIICYLATE I Aus-SVIencken & Bro- mdkers, THE WINTER ' PESORTS SOUTH RKACntD BY SouthernJRailway. The Southern Railway announces the ssle of round-trip Winter Excursion tickets to all the principal reBoitt of tho South, beginning October 15, l'J0 . The winter resorts of North ami South Carolina, Georgia and Florida aro espec ially Inviting to those In soarch of health or nlnanure. In these Slates tire u;li noted resorts as Plnohurst, N. C, Cam den, Alben, Summervllle, B C, Charles ton, 8. C, Augusta, Savannah, llruns wlck, Jekyl Island and Thomasville, (la. Jacksonville, St Augustine, Ormond, Dsytona, Palm Beach, Rockledgc, Miami and Tampa, Fla., also the resorts of Nas ssu snd Cuba, best reached via Southern Railway. Tickets on ssle up to and Including April 80, 1901, limited to return uulll Hay 31, 1901. Southern Railway affords elegant train servlce.wlth the latest Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars, operated through between principal cities and resorts, ele gant Dining Car service, and everything for the comfort and pleasure of tin traveler. Ask nearest Ticket Agent for further Information sod descriptive literature. The ,Gulf Coast Resorts, Mobile, New Orleans, Mexico and California VIA Southern Railway. Winter "Tourlel tickets now onsalo to the noted resorts of the Gulf Const and Msiloo and California. Tlckcti on sale via Southern Railway up to and Including ApiU 80, 1904, limited lo My tl, 1904, for folorn passage. Elegant tralu servlcs. Tbe route of Ihe "Washington sad Southwestern I.lm lied" and "Bob set Limited." Ask nearest Ticket Agent for detailed Information and descriptive matter. Tot "Land of the SJ" and "Sapphire Couniry." IDEAL WHITER RESORTS. I The Southern Railway reaches the Ideal winter resorts of the "Land of lbs Sky" and ftepphlreCouoiry," Including AshevUle,.C., Hot Bpriags. N. C, Bsadereoaylllle, N. C; Brtvard snd Lake Totoway. 1 becunate of tbl sec tion It saparalfeled, suitable for iavalld athlete or tportsmaa, aad off srs every eharsa of aa ideal Wtater Resort. Kie taat toeritf koielt. Through oleepiog Cert frets principal elites. Toartst tickets sew oa sals st very low rate. Ask searest Ticket A-m for detailed tafonaaltoa aad descriptive 11 Urals re. f ; lie. WAIID, V Attertey st Law, 74 So. rront Bk, Opp. Bote! ChaWawk CtveaOcBtyAtorey. Ctrourt, Craewn, Jeane, Onslow, Cart. ere, raailloo, tlrweea, Lenoir, Sad she Bupresse aad federal Oowts, . eittrt ana., Stale ef KorUCarellsa, Craves Cota- ty. ' ' ' .. .'' j v To dee BWattrt, lalry Taker, fo Craves toealy. : ' The B8ders!ged W f TyedsU ef Crsvaa twoaty, ?nrh CarollDt s a lets sad lay slslas to Us o loetag dserrlV f4le or psfesl of lasd la ltd toes iMp, Craven fmaty, Bute of Jforlh Carollo Jht same t1ng vacant sad et rrfrptll'l larirl, sad li J:t to tntty tt ktr ! erparlof ltr !!r,( B-.dUlrf U the ltd WWBtf.lp ( !Ta fventr r a t. P .u'.h ef M'e : ; r---' - i r h 'f tk A ? U It V Wiimington. N. C. CIGAR Bdlto.Md A. & N. C. R. R. TIMS TABLK HO. 32 To Take Effect Sunday, Oct. 25, 1903 at 6:55 A. M., K. 8. T. Uoing East Sohkdulk: Going We No. 8 Lv. p m 3 30. . . . 8 M). . . . 4 22.... 6 40.... Passenger Trains No. 4 DAILY. i STATIONS: Ar. a m" Goldsboro 11 05 LaGrange 10 83 . ...Kington 1012 .Ajt. New Born, Lv 9 0 .Lv. " Ar 8 87 5 50. 7 15 Ar. Morehoad oity Lv 7 06 No. 5, I'awiaengor Train No. f. Passenger. I t rail , DAILY. Lv. A. 8 00.. 8 18.. 8 20., 8 U7.. 8 41.. 9 02., 9 13. . . &'.. y r,o., v io. , . M. M. Ar, ri Goldsboro Best's LaGrange Falling Greek Kins ton Oaswell , Dover Core Creek Tuscarora Clarks , . .Ar. New Bern, Lv.. V. M. FREIGHT. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY No. 1. 2.1 I last, Lv, a m 5 12,... 5 4-'..... 12.... 0 27.... 7 82..., 7 40..., 9 00..., 9 40. . . , 10 10.... 10 8.... 2dCS. . Goldsboro. ...Best's V'J8 LaGrange J 08 . . .Falling Creek , Kins ton.. oaswell. , aKaBBBSBBBBBBBSa mm . . . 1 88 -..43 01 1 Dover 1 01 oore Creek 0 40 Tuscarora. 0 10 9 54. Clark's 11 00 12 80. 1 12. . . .Ar, New Bern, Lv At, IiBW DWU,UT Lv. New Bern Ar J8 Uw Kiverdsle. r7 40 9 20 ' 1 ).. oroatan , 7 88 1 40. 2 09. 2 20. 3 28. 2 M 8 00 r. a. , Bavelock Newport, Lv....... WUdwoofL Atlantio . .Ar.Morehead City, Lv 7 10 0 80 fl 17 0 06 fi 60 500 ..Ar. M. city Depot, Lv. A. V. 8.L. DILL, B. A. NKWLAND, GtnT Bupl. Master Transportation. L. B. Habicht, FINE Lager Beer rTbe Finest Liquors and Wines. Ilsblcht't Key West, rJahlcht s Ten Cent Farfectot CIOABS, Comer 8 Front snd Baaoock Streets, New Bern, It 0. Russell House. While la Beasfort be tare to Mop st the Busell Boats. flrtt-Claas Board, whstat tot UsvaJlng people. Flahtsg sad huBttng aosioensd, Ttnal LM day oi 17.00 per week Q,k, SCIint; Pros JPubilcatloh pf Bum- ROimt CAROIiif A, I a tbef Caarts Ootnrrt , 0eperierUoert ''.V. BetUellarrls, 1 Oeot( Barrts, ' ' The ofedanl tWe saoMa win last notice tbat aa artloa eaUUet as abeve k bf eftteBBw4 Is tbe Sapetinf Ooon rf CiBe enenty, te ehula a dl orre from tbs KfS'ls ef tiatrlmoey sn-' U. laid dfoTint 1H farvhar U rntr that K l rffjnlf! le ite yfirtiar Una nf PopwU.t '"-. lM I'.t H ! n ' - 'H It W tt Tin? nft'f , fa tit f ih 1t f f ' rnrf 1 t t CrmtX Ho It, ft ( S l Oa f'.tl!nt I r. I! T - ' rn'' t f f t' art la y ' I riLr.ii runt, in J r. y.-.i- r In ' ,i . '

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