The Kind Ton Hare Always Bonjjlit, and which &as been - -.'7: ana baa All Counterfeits Imitations and Jtut-as-goodM are baft Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of f laafiuita juid'Cl SI .,-"'-'ifj;'-i-,v r'"?? ,"vi-. vW't-iv-''?-.- Oastorla Is a-harmleM substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothtns; Syrtrps, It is Pleasant. It : contains neither Oplmn,-1 STorpnino nor other Narcotio 'J: snbstanoe. Its age Is. its guarantee. It destroys Worms . 2 : and allays PeTerTshneu. r It cures Dlarrhosa and Wind ? Colic. It relloTes Teething Troubles cures Constipation . and Flatulency. It assimilates the pood, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Wend. " ' ; GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bean the The Kind Yon to In Use For Oyer 30 Years. YMt MflTMMtfMiMUMi W IMHHMT OTRCCVV NMV VOMt Oillrw - Mrs. Fired No. 228 Territorial Street, "I am pleased to rive my experience with Vine of Cardu I am very grateful for ha help. After my first baby was bora I could oat seem to regain my strength, although the doctor garem atonic which he coasidetcd cry tttperlor , hut rostra d of getting better I fnev weaker every day. My husband auric home one evening with some Vine of Cardui and in sisted that I take k lot week and tec what tt would do for mfc At h teemed to hare so moch faith m It I did take the Imedkine and was very grateful to find my strength slowly fsufiirngv-'In two weeks I wu out of bed and in a month I was able to take op my taual duties. 1 am very enthusiastic in its praise,'' ITTIOTHERHOOD is the noblest duty I Pfl I and highest privilege women y ran achieve or asp ire to. With- out this privilege women do not get all there is in life too often they go through the world discontented, wrapped up in their own selflsh cares and troubles. How different It the happy mother, watching her children faw into manhood and womanhood, mother lives at many lives at the hat children their Joyt and sorrows art WINEofCARDVl Publication of Sum mooH. NORTH CAROLINA, i In ibe Craven County. ) Superior Court Ada Howard, vs Amos Howard. The defendant above named will take not toe that an action sntttlad at above has been commenced la the Superior Court of Craven County to obtain a dl voroa frost the bonds of atatriaoay and the said defendant will farther take a otto that he U reqolred to appear at the Special February term of Superior Oonrt rot aald County to be held oa the 1 Uth day of February, l0i, a Court Hones of said County la Sew Bern, N C, aad answer or dearer to the torn plalat la said actios or the plaintiff win applf to Use Ooert for relief demanded la said eoeaplelat. W. M. WATSON O.S.O. To The Public! I teat tela method of laformlsg the peblio sad Ibe friends of the Virginia Caroline Chemical Oo , that I lave ese eededMrOIFoy, at Local htujagef tor this Ooaipeay- tht ooenlag season, and will he pleased to have aay oas call el aav cdloa to see aae whole Interested la Fertilisers and ret car prices before baring. I will de ell fa ssy power to ill pWaeaat for Uoee . who hewn see with their ardor. - Toert Truly, " A. XL BAWLING?, Local X tstgty forJYa. Car. CUm. Oa, " Vew Bera.'ff 0. ; , rot oii est OUea, pwre wbMeeo, re ir, he etMeiWseiir aade frMa dtUie4 wt sm irm irvm usperuw.- opwj tested tad frefiswed It heeiae jn. k evuveral &aflj (etoapt.ffeadays) f ; tttdaTl(M Mtyta s V 11 eoea. . rorptee4HWuaorauoe ' - - ' AddreM, " r 1 - m IGE D n" n v been made under ma per-: Arf Xsonal saperrision slnee Its lnfiuicy. , Allow no one to deceive you In this. ignatnxe of Always Bought 3 ViirfclH, Ronton Harbor, Mich.' hers, as are their ambitions, trtumpnt ana aeteats. Wealthy women do not suf fer miscarriage nor does a woman who it healthy suffer tortures at childbirth. It it the woman who is ail ingwho hat female weak-' ness who fears the ordeal of becoming a mother. Wine of Cardni builds np the wo manly in a woman. It stops all nnnatural drains and strains irregularities which are re sponsible for barrenness and miscar riage. It makes a woman strong and healthy and able to pass through preg nancy and childbirth with little suffer ing. After the ordeal is passed the Wine prepares a woman for a speedy recoTery to health and activity. Wine of Cardul, in re-inforcing the organs of generation, has made mothers of women who had given np hope of everbecomingmothers. Wine of Cardui will euro almost any case of barrenness except cases of organio trouble. How can you refuse to take such a remedy that promises such relief from suffering r Wine of Cardui simply makes you a strong woman, and strong, healthy women do -not suffer. They look for ward to motherhood with joy. A million suffering women have found relief in " . Wineof Cardui. ECHicMcariPfa inqubh JlkT. ilwynitiktt. U4lw.MkUrytM U SLEB mm Mullk' n. imt WIU MtltM. 1 SbiftM 'IM IW nam, m r A Good Telephone BXaVIOX 18 A BUBINE88 NICKS BITY, A HOMK C0NYKN1KNCX. A COM BWiD Necelly,J -Convenience, Of dr Ysst Phont) at' Oocil Free. B. St. W.Mews, T fas su at. Citizens' Bank, '' : os srarw . De m Oeneral Banking Biulntu . April t, 190C, Borplat sad JCadrrh. v tded rroau,2f,00(UX'' ' We win give prompt ead carefal attest uoe so ait tmsiaeea eatruneo to oa. Wt lartts yoar aocoank Tryn. . rwwtaMie mnea I ' a. u. Kwkvi, t I. a.MMdow. ,,jr. - iMl W. lpos fmm UOiisit, " B . rrw w, .', . . . W. Wrlp, - ttonu 4.,rM .trjaiiLMi ), a. rov. Marh oisosnty. : U" ' CXPlRiCNCK H WW'iWSl r-.'1r-.f ewi ' sjnM r1, y a t f " r i- " f as e - " - .' i. I - -4 . . i a; A- f ' . ' ' Mt . m I ( i' r r :,! I Utn t -St t I y f e-4U t mm ev-4-e ittt f : a. i.. l- v v i t J i - - I i v ' ' v e -i "i " llnlM.-. A' -sudden Edgar Carroll went away to make his fortune." Kor three years he wrote to his betrothed, Irene Bayne, regular ly,; Then came a letter saying that be j had made a fortune and waa coming I homev After that ho more letters came, nor did Edgar Carroll. Irene's cheek grew paler and' her- step less elastic, ! and anxious friends, began ghats their beads hnd bint of failing health. Her - fnthet became' alarmed. C J'hysl-1 dans counseled travel and change of air. Tbe experiment wan triedV. but without perceptible .benefit,; 0fr tmrinr Ithe obsenod iof Mr.? Hoyne and his dangbter a stranger had taken tap hit abodd la the place of their" resl- '-Who or what Mr. Newcome was or whence he came nobody pretended to know; yet erry man, womaa and child was ready' to -vouch Jor .hla respecta- -bIllty;iHe; Wa j bachelor-andltved atone., rarely appearing In society, yet often' enough to avoid the appearance of shunnlDg lt''riilii; His jbablta? of MdnalonweTS.tnoii; measurably aDandonedi fHe was Con-. stuntly meeting Irene, first by Seem ing - accident f at the chouses xf such Mends asT sbe vat accustomed to visit, then by direct calls upon herself. At one of these interviews the con versation turned upon Australia, where Mr. Newcome had spent some y ears. In the course of it he- mentioned a name which caused Irene to start "T - 'Edgar Edgar CarrollI - JTou " him, then?" stae managed to say, with effort : . ';' 'He was my most Intimate frtena, replied Mr. Neweome,. with ' seenilttg relessness, at the same time scan ning keenly her agitated 'face "that is, until be married." "Married r "It was considered a good match, I believe," Mr. Newcome added, pre tending not to notice the effect of his words. "The lady was a wealthy colo nist's daughter, an only child, and all that" . .' The blow fell with cruel force. For a' moment Irene's faculties -were stum ned. , Some months later, when Irene's fa ther hinted that Mr. Newcome had asked permission to become her suitor and that his own sanction had been already given, he was agreeably sur prised at the manner In which the an nouncement was received. By sacrificing herself she could save her father's fortune, and, for herself, what did it matter now? It was the evening before the wed ding day, and Mr. Newcome had called to pay his last visit as a wooer. Irene's face was paler than usual, and her manner was more disturbed, but her father was in too high spirits and Mr. Newcome too polite to notice the change. They were in the midst of an agreeable chat 'when a visitor was announced, wbo insisted on seeing Mr. Hayne alone. . In no gracious mood Mr. Hayne pass ed into an adjacent apartment, whence excited voices were soon beard. At the sound of one of them both Irene and Mr. Newcome starred to their feet "Bo the villain is tterel" exclaimed Edgar Carroll, thrusting open the door. But Irene's white face met his angry gace, and be stood motionless. , Newcome for the moment had be lieved himself in personah peril and had shrunk back cowerlngly, but a moment's reflection assured him that in the presence of Mr. Hayne and hit daughter he bad no cause for fear. "In the distant land to which we bad both gone in quest of gold this man and myself became friends. We shared the same tent and had no- secrets from each other. la treasure seeking I proved the more fortunate of the two, and my gains bad already reached the point I had proposed they, should at tain when my friend suggested a visit to tome unexplored Islands of Which be pretended to have heard rumors and of whose wealth , we 'might become the sole possessors. - , . "We fitted out a small vessel and aft er a voyage of several dart anchored off a thickly wooded island. ; Leaving tht crew ea board, my friend and my Self went ashore and began ear search, la a secluded spot I was felted to the earth by a blow from behind and left for dead. ; . . t On rgalnlag coasjcloutnesa 1 found myself alone. I ran to the shore, bat the vessel was no longer Id tight ' ;"One day I descried a sail la the dis tance. The tight mad me wild with Joy. labouted end signaled tad by ev ery means In my power sought to make my presence known. r ."But sun the ship held her course. rrantie with despair, I rushed Into tlx Wives, determined to twin toward her while strength held out when at lengtii she shortened sell, and I saw a boat lowered from her side.; : "I conducted my dcllvtmrs to the trMttir I had found. There was enough for m sit I returned to find myself robbed of my precious tains. whose place of cooceslmeat wis known only to myself and him who. bad sought my life to urt poaMiWa of them. But the toes 1 regsRM ts trifle. I wst now the poarir of treble th amount . Irene Carroll U a happy wife tx.w tad hover happfor than wh listening to a chapter from the adptufr of her owa Roblni Crusoe. . la Ik tXh, v , Tlftivn two ted a pair rnstm font.' said flu!burm, wb was l-Iaylng cri!. bags WHb I'nploj. "What tart yon in fnur mbr "Ah." rrpttrd TV-tty ly, JUt tf t-WflemX. T!t', 6.!tin. tootwims tlrl In tl. vwWr-n!!it-. pWa l'r. U one rr.lnii'., .:. It "! tr.l rA ).' H 11. 1 '.re t!.e r -.:' r. -tfane,rni'r V r H, i-1 t t I ' ' it' j ' " . r t!.S I:-' ' -. i 1 ' I'm" ' ' ; ' ' - ! - ' la tla rv2.::.' :. Oeaer&l Gorl.a tells a characteristic anecdote of an ec centric southern divine, the Eev. Eoh ert I, Brecklnrldge,.who was one of the most eloquent and fervid not to aay bitter advocates of the Colon cause. His trenchant pen and lashing tongue spared neither blood relatives nor min isters nor members of the church, not tven those of the same faith with him self, provided he regarded them as un true- to the Unions On his deathbed bis family - and - some of his church members were gathered around him. They were most anxious that he should be reconciled to all men and especially to a southern sympathizer of his own church, Dr. Btuart Robinson of ' Ken tucky, before lie died, 'and they- asked nlnv 1'Brother Breckinridge have you f orgiven, air your enemies TV "Oh, yes; certainly I : have." ;" Well, " Brother Breckinridge, have you " forgiven our brother. Dr. Stuart BoblnflonT "Cer tainly r nave. Didn't I just tell yon that I had'forgtven air my "eaemlesF ?But, Brother Breckinridge; when you meet Brother Stuart Bobinson m heav en do you Teet that you' can greet him as all the redeemed ought to greet one anotherr "Don't bother me with such questions. . Stuart Roblnsorf will never get there!" 't - t-- .", ' Cure Bloodn4 SMn Diseases Itch- ine Humors, Eczema Scrofula - " Bendf no" money simply' write and try Botanic Blood Balm at rar expense. A personal trial of Blood Balm It better than a thousandl(rlnted tesllmonlala, to don't hesitate to write for A free sam ple, r If you suffer .from ulcers, eczema, scrofula, Blood Poison cancer, eating ores, itching skin,' pimples", bolls, hone paint, swellings, rheumatism, catarrh, or any "blood or skin disease, we advise you to take Botanlo Blood Balm (8. B. B.). Especially TrecomtnenTled for old, obstinate, deep-seated cases bf malignant blood or skin diseases, because Botanlo Blood Balm (B B B ) kllU the poison In the blood, cores , where all else falls, heals every sore, makes the Mood pure and rloh,'gfves sila;,therich glow of health. B. B. B , the meet perfect blood purifier made Thoroughly tested for 90 years. Costs fl per large drug stores. ' TO proye It doret sample ot Blood Balm sent free by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Qa. Describe trouble and free medical advice seat IS sealed letter. iy This It an ' honest of fer medicine sent at once, prepaid. Notice of E4cution Sale." ORTH CAROLINA, ) In the uraven uoonty. v Bupenor uourt W.B. Blades, TrrA tea vs. Thomas W. Dewey. Bv virtue of an execution directed tc the undersigned from the Superior Court in the above entitled action, I will M I . L. Jl . J V 1804. at 1 o'clock m. st the Oonrt house door of said Ooanty, to tell to the highest bidder for cash,' to satisfy said execution, all the right title fend Interest wnlch the said T W uewey; the defend ant, basin the following described real estate to-witi - . Beta Beach. One tract of land bins: oa Neute River and beginning1 at a point la Brooks North Una which riat to Heose Klyer fifty , feet -wtsstwaraly frost ths high blufl.and runs tht nee ' north wardly scroti the ravine td point la Bryant South line fifty feet wesiwanlly from the high bluff, thence eeatwerdly wfU Bryant said Una, and said line eneaded to the channel of Meuse River, theaoe southwardly with the chaaaal of Mease river M Block's north lme steaded, thence wltk Brook's North Use extend ed to tht beglnair. the said land being the Beta Beach and tht Uad adjacent thereto. From hook 1S8, pige 184. aim iou or leas mtne unyorntw Bern. Crarea eoaaty. If C hoanded aad described as follows? Betlnslng at the cornel of Cypress and George itreete and running taeacs with George street to Fine street, thence with Plat street a distance equal to one half the distance between Ueorgt aad Here fetreets,tbeneo ruanlog parallel with George street to CvurcM street at the distance ecus! M oat half the dUtaaoe betweea Oeorra aaaBera streets, ibeaca'wriaujpreae slrset to Ueorge street tat place or he- 80 and II la accordance with the map of the City of New Bern and belsg that Eart of Ntw Bera formerly kaow'a as 'ryboro, being same lots eonvtyed to T W Dewev and B S Primrose b P H rel it tier, Trustee, ,10th day ofFrbnSary 1901. Reoorded la book 188, pagti MA, 07, SOT. - . : , Aaolhtf lot adjoining tht brads of W R Oeloe, William Duta. and othara. Boaadedas follows, via, scar the City of Ntw Bern. N. O, la that certain piece or parcel or laad laid off Into Jcu aad atrceta for Wta. Dnsa fa ancufSati Wltk serials plot or plaa taryeyed and laid oat Kay M, mi. by II A Urowa, soryeyor, recorded la tatOffic of Rris ter Of Deeds ef Crsvea ooasiy. B , beiDgiouMol aad I at laid down is BrlBBtng at If. B. "oofi)T cf W. R. OstoB't lot aad rtsnlng ri XV, U a Nonkwaatcrly dlrecilna on Ma';i.!:a toad, th.fice otttheaalwiril!f lr,l ft to the NorthWeat cornr el W ft OuKms l"t II tht WvlBtlnr, being tht earre Und rjnTryd to T W Dr ty JO Wtuir.t aad wife dd 1atl Seg. tt, l,.f and rwnr1i la t:. of" e of H'i(Utrtf Damls, Cravaa tLt, la hvoc 120 pajtt 105 tUW Aaolipr tract 6f land' e-'J .lu'.r ? IV Ulirls (if Jao I l!rrr Co., L" a i t- ford, 8 K Hulilran an 1 ir.h'r. f , ea tti fflnts tl in of 1 ff rt I a-, side of l'-rl-' t eyiraJt na t it !a nf t'.a M I i tba err' ' "f tl'S r.'nr,a tf ItMB'Bj, frtm 8. ) df ,-, H fi'f to two t Ir.M, n.r lh f "! r th. Jt-.IS f(-:.1, t e P. 1 , 474 X- " l" u I (fst t.f lr,:l rlt'f h- H I) ' - 1 L )."',; 1 1 it r i "t a- k" ir.rtt' - a V 5i . i r : 7 1 (' - a V. , f . t ' t . 1- a ! i , r t if r ' ' I i. ' a ' " i . ' fa '. - ' . ft r, :, , , , a ' i r ? 9 f t . - '' i ' 1 1 Vf at a at 1 1 w. r i f , V, . t rf , . 4 . ' 3 ia sUce At) el tLe x: t ." i , 'Iavs j'Caoot bs W vt t I sad iLllL Cad of tlfcir'rooit Widest trial. esrjr yrb&,tr ' J.f .tb C?y t ,V"7 Vlr Iwr 1 1 " u rur tl. pet'UK par -uts. 'jukik - cataiaaQf thrs ... Tl WT'f-.f.yn.a, M, k,iWH- ,,. ber.TiuberXiiiid , - Kilns anci dili- Jftusuaa la lhpo,weJt ci deedofuuK extouted to jbm n-t to a By ThoBiaal A Green, Thomas' Q Bjma u njmsi th, iwr, SB 1VK1UB Urav dated Jult Wi Ul sell at publlo auction fo( oath,'' atlthe door of tno Uourt Housa ot.jUarteret county, Aorta Carolina on Mi of February 1804, the folio vi rvuiusij Aevvrsa. huv AUiiUviiiE yiuimt- ty Wtualed .ta 'aald Carteret ooanty, to i 1. Tract off lead islKewpfrt towasalp' eontalnlnc 800 acres, mora er leas, fnllv described in grantfHc ll, dated' June istD, i, regitterea m omoeof Regis ter of Deeds of said county in book V V, 8. Tract of land la Newport towathlD I containing lit acres, more or lest, roily oescrioea la gran, no, iow, registered to office t or said Regl.terof i la book VV.oairelL 8. Tare tracts of lands It kaowa as the Thomas Lands, daaoribed m deed from James H Holmes and wife to William A Thomas, registered 1(1 tald dfflca la book r r, pages - cv, oa, : consist Big of three tracts, in all 8,12(1 acres, bore or less, belns tame land conveyed I to R & Neal by de registered m said office la book 1U N mtrntmrn. -4.- Also all the- timber of everv kind which was conveyed to B B,Noal by Jtd werd H Hill and wife bv deed reaistered Insald offlclabookYV.rJage tS, with all right conveyed to tald 0. Alto ail , the g timber i righU and prfvfleget cohieyed to laid. RBjReal by Battie B GUId,TSnemeh Garner and wife by deed registered fa haid office In .6. Tract of land bounded as follows: On thb'northby 'A 4 N 0 R B, on east by land of B 8 Neal, ba west by land ot i T Eaton, aad on sooth by channel of Bogae Sound, eontalalng 19 acres, more or less. . . j , T. Tract Of land whfclits' deecribed la the mortgage deed from R a Neal to W M Webb, registered la salUWBoela book Vypaga481, eontalalng I acres mere 8. Tracts of lan4 and tnetlbwrihts thereon full described la the mortgage deSd to the Citlseas BabsroV New Bern,' registered la said office Is book V V, ... 8. Ail the plaev, oak, athj aad cypress timber upon the land tit Newport town ship at the head of Newpdrt River' Sad la the northwest fork of tarhe containing 60 acres, . which was oonvtjed to. Bb Neal by Stephea Garner bi deed yegli tcred la tald offloe ta book V V, page W, except the IS aoret thereof told by said Net, and also all the Umber os the Its d ia Newport towaahip, la: the head of Deep Creek Swamp, contaihrnrg fl sores, coaveyed to R 8 Neat b ;ThMaar W Maas and Wire by deed Teglstered la said office ia book V Yr pais m, 10. The timber oa the fondwtni tt Sets of lead: - . , .. .. c Onetrvrt"'la JomplkfttBM Deep Creek Swamps oa east life of North Biter belag Are teveatht ot trtot ksows u taa Blmpeoa tract. - , Oas tract kaowa u tie Y B Salter pateat, eoataialag inawroa; SVJre ot Oaesrsct oosBtaeneiaf kt the aortk west eoraer of the VB 8eiter SIS acre tract, runs south 100 satuves wast 100 poles, then sortk 200 poUai Uaea east SOO poles, then, Boaih id tald latent: taes with said tifl icre'Jttnt io the lf ta alnr. Being tarns' oosvey4d ta B Neal by y B belter by deed favlkrared ts taad offiotU book TT.pagt lid. - li A.U we standing uotcsr oa use irac of lead ta Waits Oak toessalrl bide of WhlteOak river,' hefiaatags the Kioula of JUmoBS lot! Seen rt bed la deed from Daalel 8 , Week leRI Heal, reguterea la saidomos a sootr v, j, sagstti(- vv-iiw.'. ' II Also (hat st) ytay-lWkohiirieTeBt, edapled wltsnhe-right to parohaee. rests paid for earl re tarsi bf the tract of land a Carollas Ctty" oa toU aids of sVekNOR B adiotalag tae laivd ooe veyed to R 8 NetJ by K,ad jofalagtbt lands jbfAcaNORBOoaS pany, and eh an rnd OtE-t towed aad of kanla Rot WllMs and J T epos which It located les ' sallls sad dry kilns formerly Uloagln 1p B 8 Neal. , ill Also the tew salU located oa tald above epaclaad lasd; teid jnlll being ea pedty about 40. fw Ser day, with ail ear taes, boliera, txltlog; ShafUaf, rnra,and S'l t'- , lltaraa aed SB- pl!a!i"t.t;.' i flryklls, Wbarvee cut t '. , .1- " hooas Snd oihr l,ii!.... lli- I tS sakl Uad, Sluo all afilr. g'ar wt.-.t,- aad StSSV tools f.i tfrt -.' nitua itii Irr'ianoea. Ill ha s -am i"g boale WliUaaa X JJonre and ";.. '.m... ... , ' Jt And t" Dr.-t rf ,Wnd la Joeae emu", 1 ( . ' crib4 la the a I i' 1 aad e' kert to U H 111' 4) tf l.-'lt sr.. uy la b I it 1 1 i ant'. Si ' lise . t .t laais of Cdear a. of r"' i f - l , 4 4 , I'lrui t ) t', 8 Jifi'S tni V 15 Ari tDf laal la Onilnw na, e (..' t .'. 4 land t of ta. fiaiMy. cr" ar H A I - ' ( ! or t ; r hfn a a I -f rxiB- a r ' v r f s t a i i tii f 1 fr. - rpal i sn aa 0 I ! I) it ( riti, 1 i. ;.-!! - n i 4 A 1- k llf, "r tAV, 'tfXr"' Vfcntf-isr&if fMfpt&c, robs ' h imii iM. uiu miuwM mm j .r. A i . i 1 1 -. , , . ; 'Ha r,f wkieh s'J wouta arproech wiiA" ' tfcdeecribyn fear, for ) . aetircg.jarrparee waJ . pain aad horror, eL,id-bktra. The thought" fW Lor, rote tLe aspeUat mother eomioj e vott,'aa4 caets over tor a; shaken off. Auousaaot tx women Not" orr-i cked ipefllr of 'child-blrth.'bui comma; eve&c, preterits mortaiag-'' 1 m-' a- X f -W r W Jki- "'" afjaaaaSaSslst fott, filr Htie of ma and btftetnei. -'f'Srfume Toilet Heaps; etc , aiscTiie fbff,.'wmg "MfheVat Waters: Match'ieaa Mmeralrprmg,-1tuffBib tlth'ia, tfunny- sdf Janbs, "Hunadf Matyak, Carbana, VewnicaY ApmtaVKtfRaTeb Bplits. COtTJMBlXNHrarCIDEL (Wm, tne Great Ifnie)'nt aad - i';q--TBeBog I)byfe9 a tare PRKVSNTAT1VB of! Infection of eontagfoa of DIPHTHERli; SHALL nyi'otiins- Preeerlptiorj tspectalty r-lBtsiSieBa, 1 A. D. WaN :lf1iWliBMiiB'' at .,.... ..M 4 Office Removed scrbss'BtreeJl.'to Se- r jBtory 0fN. (above Telbgrapa-. f- Hotel Ohattawki. Ertica la Uw ooaatiesjof Oraven, holla, Jones. Outlaw. Carteret. Pamli co and Wake, litie Bupretie. a4 Fed eral 06urta,"ahd whii services are deatrea. . , BABTItk CAROLINA 111 k DAlIiY'XI1JsfE. FEIISHT t PiSsksGIE OrAlloilmWHlsa Bfrectlve'6ot.tit,i008. The Steamer kEUBB hi schaduied to tall as. m., Monday Wednesday sod rridar. nr Klisabeth pity N. XX Thfk Steamer IB BPWMmwa w van an Tharsdsy and Batarday City, N,0, lor ulbeta 19" Freight received not later than oris, now prsTloai to salllaf. For fnrtiuar formation spply to 0IO. HKNDEfisbN, Agt. H. X. Bxarft. Qstv K ft H.a HrjrsrwsQea.Fi.& PsesJkgt W. tt fniaTsfTRgl,?,. , , Aas'tOeaTrrtkad ntaVAgeat, New , fieravSLTX . tljr M Tata "a Trip tils Wis ter , Tlnriti Rsrlda ts Csba. TUsheaattfnl State ahi lslsadraai sesaMeasgstwltUa easy Veich by the tvleadid tareogk.trala tinrlee''of Ot Atlsathi Ootart Llaa, the gVesaUroaaJ. tars to Ike tropica, . W It tar ToarkU Tlokeu are aowoa sale to' all potaU la llortda 'sad ta "Htyaaa." for ratat tctedoW- asapt Bleeplig Car aad cUeaai . . . tri rmAia. OaiateralcaMieng W ft Whet ta Bay ts Bpsalai aad How to 6iy h seat U say addretarSposi receipt SStwaMistasipw,. , iu)nt it Csssstlsl' st Law, . i Wefl einfred to ararch uUet hf hatioai Of snany years erpertoaoe f a1" o anq as J.PiJir tsmum . t twwvm aai Ue (kmru e Crevea, Joot, lsmjloo, CarlHet, Osalow, or where si atrtloet are reualred. f - Kotfco'bl tialo. f- for. i-tn oMr made by the Bux-ahol ;ers of the Urn Clt Drag Cost ran f at a . I ng Of ifct st)elH!ils tS t'.B 111 . of Jaatiary, 1804, thf ' .ri'rnM I oa the Hat day cf Jae. ta-r, 4, att oait haae door la r a ( : y if r aw Tfru, at II o'clock, U. t f..y it' to V t.!.-ht M 1 W for !-e store t" '. X f "-9 t B"B n it l' '-i"i " i i t ! 1 . ' a I ; ar I ' 1. an-l '-!- t -t 1 t - B-w f-'nrM ty ',, ... -' a's 1 I - y H Llaraae'.s of .rwv'.t in las t'.y cf fna t'.'.id en:.lTt.'ad f I ! st s.' 1 l'"t ! , ( ' ti - ' ,'n i ; '- .: a tti a a ! r - a a y y 5 5 f t 4 1- ' - a t til' a-tiia lmuneot la a srod-aend! to .a i-i.r , . . i, , . , ' aas sj (tfej v-" c its use i a . -- r HcuffS'Tiiai-iuaty, ra-V - a ' a f & I s''aVl :'!Tivi'':5:r iafid thfort.f4lpfwIth DlnlnsTs Sleeping andlflioroa : FrraScliedule,' fiioti, vvrtteto WAL J. CRAU3. Oaneral Pitssugii Agent, - DR. LYON'S French Periodical Drops Strictly vegetable, perfectly harmless, sure to accomplish DESIRED KcdULTd. ureatest Known iemaieremecy. trice, per Dome. piUTintl Bawareor oonnterfelia and ImlUfiona. TMmatH Warn Bp ealyla pasta-board Car. Mall I IUH ton with fM-altuile alenauzr oa jldavat tba bottle, tbaa: . rt.-W. ,, Bsedfor Clreolu to WILJAHS Mru.COBoia Xgaata, Clralaail,Ohlo. .9e3tS9 SOLD BY itKskOl THE WINTER" PESORTS SOUTH ESACHED BY Southern RailWay. The Southern RaUway Jannounces the tale-of- round-trip Winter Excuraion tlciteti to all the principal resort of the Bouts, beginning October 15, 1903. The winter resortt ot North and South Caroline, Georgia and Florida are espec ially tavftlng to those In search of health or pleasure, la these States ere men noted resorts at tnnenum, a. u., yauu den, Aiken, Summervllle, 8. C, Chsiles ton.fl.O , Augusta, Savannah,. Brunt- wick, Jekylltland and Thomatvllie, trt. JVoiiittlle, St Auguttlne, Ormond, Daytona, Palm Beach, Rockiedge, Miami ahdTkmtSa, Fla, also the resorU of Nes- fsaa and Cuba, best reached via Southern Railway. Ticket on sale up to and including Anrll 80. 1B0I. limited to return until May 81, 1001. flntiihani Railway affords elefirant train serylce,wtth the Utest Pullman Drawing Room Bleeping Cars, operaied through betweea principal cities ana retorts, oio rant Dining Oar service, and everything for the comfort and pleasure of the traveler. Ask nearest Ticket Agent for further Information and descriptive literature. The Gulf Coast Resorts, Mobile, flew Orleans, Mexico and ciilforala VIA Southern Bail way. Wttter "Tourist tlckttt Wow on sale td the Sited retorts of the Gulf Coast iad stsilob' aad California. Tioketaos tala vfa Bottthera Railway. p to and rnclodlMg'Aptn SO, 1004, limited to May 81. 1004. for return peacecr. nsftnt train servtoe. T route of the " Wtahtsgvos and Boauwastera um tied' sad TuBee, wsuiao. k. t, A seareat Ticket Agenl for detailed lafonastloa aad deacripdvS matter. Tae -tani f tit Skj" aalaptfaUri fcoirttryV ttEAL Wllhil SJrORTS. The Uouthent Railway Jaches the ideal whiter retorts of the ,Laadif ths ... 1 Sky? Snt Sapphire Country," lacJodlng AaaaTlUs,MrtX Hot Bprfaga,..N, iJ itMUratsvmia. M. 0.i Brevard aad Laze Toioway. The climate of thlttee. Uoa UaapaLaled, taiiabiaS rorlsnUd staktsor tportamaa, aad offers every etana of ea Ideal WlaUr Keeort. Xltv irmaTtoarrist hoUls. Through Sleeptag Car froas rriodpsj dllea. , , Toartat Tiakeu bow oa aaJe at vt Idw rates. :Aak leareet Hoke Agent for detailed tafonstaUoa aad dsaoripUve Uterstara, , , . . - i lllmui art tLsarl lIBeC rroatrX, Opp. Hob. Cwta' . low BXENN. G, Oravea Cwtnty Attorney ,;V. are, raaalUo, OrMtvs Leaxtr, hat tht) PoiweiM ana rsaaerai uoarya, . ; 8talSf North Oarouai, UravesTTJowa. TeOeo. B WsUra, Batry Tea?' to Craves CooBty. . , The Vtdertigaed jf .H, TinyaiTof Crevea eoeaty, Nh Carolina errtaft T '4wt 4S i4 tni lajtdalat tout, folJoWtng rth-' d lre nt paro1 tt land !a(f f i a i.'p. Oatea Souui,; ttaUf f J- -'k ( arollaa Je same t!i yt t I ' -) a; j r-f i!al laa l, a- I SB J.t to etjlry ar A r- -a!a J !oe' Of parcel ot land ';!, Sr.d b!ng ta Its Erd towmV.'p '.'.-a ; ' fvcty rs t Bnn'.h sMe cf I' -a I ft r-r-y 1 ;"! rf t! e A A I? C II r: ''traf ; F'h If W II T;- ' a:.- 1 1 ; tt i j .'.i wi't ' T i i it "t i i ; i - QUGHFA Cuba. Wl!iiiItijtt6ii.N.C. F. 8. DDFlrT. BdltcMA A. & N. G. R. R. TIXS TA.BLS XO. 82 To Take Effect Sunday, Oct. 25, 1903 at 6:68 A. M., B. S. T. Going Xatt j Bohmdtjlb: Going We No. 8 Psstengar Trains No. DAILY. Ly, p m STATIOHB: Ar. a m 8 80. Goidsboro 11 06 8 60 LaGraage 10 88 4 88...... ...Kintton. , 1018 0 40 JUr.New Bera,Lv, 0 0 SM" . 887 716....Ar.MoreheadCity Lv 7 06 . No. 6, I Passenger I stanoaat Train No. 0, Passenger ITrain. Ar,.r. DAILY. Lv. A. K. 800..... Goidsboro.... 818 ..Beat's 880 LaGrange.... 8 87 Falling Creek.. 8 48 .ilnston 008 .Oaawell A 1, ' . 8.80 808 7J67 7.4" 787 786 w ia, una 717 700 60 9 80 Oars Cheek. ISO Tsuoaron.. 8 66 .Oarkt... 8 48 10 10 Ar. New Bern, Lv 0 80 4.M. P.M. FR SIGHT. DAILT JffiXCEPT No, 8. SUNDAY Id Class Ar, pm No, 1. 2d Chvst, lit. a 611..., - ..Goidsboro 8 60 34 .'....-Beefs 8.18 II.... LaQraage 8 08 887 ...Falllag. creek 188 7 88. ..........aUnstOBr. . . .18 IS 740....M..oaswell 1101 0 00... Dover 1101 40... ..oorecaeek. 10 40 1010.........,TuBoarora. 10 10 10 88. ........ ".Clark's i,, 9 64 11 lteBerB.Lv 9 SO ll.,..".,NewV5era Ar 18 IS 118. ....faverusle. 7 40 1S0..,.M ovoataa 7 88 "1 40.,,..?.... Haveiock; 710 8 08. Newport, Lv 688 .S::::::::::3S-:::::::::.S 8 SO ,ax.lsVjeead.0ty,Lv 8 SO 100 ...Ar. aL City Depot, Lv 800 r, m. a. . ' ..-.hi,iu. 8.L, DILL, a A. NXWLAjrD, Goal Bupt. jtaviaer Tracjportatlaex, L;'B.abicht9 PETE Beer DThd Flataf liddori sad Wines. I' I i l T : . t a Hablohri XeiWees, naWoht't Tea CaaHrVlwetotCiaABa, s Corners Front aad Bajveoek Btmta, Bar umm, a w. ,-, - r in V-..'- WhQa la Beasiori SS tsrs Hop at the Basel. Somas. Ftrst-COaeS Board. Whettr fot trstaitsr people. . inaklag tad hasttag ''tanoaDed. Ttrmt ILftO . day st f7jtJ paf.weak.. i V i A- BUSSXIIa Prot E ITjTOrMf: 1.1 . i 'lath Uaiyaa Cvuri i strpertot Cosrt 'JL. j wri lTaVAs, -. - TV t ' " '"' YsiU4 Will take ' ! t - . .ld aa abnvt Kaaul. i c- ,. I He fnrxarlir Court fit Ctarim r.-.r,ty. to oMaJs a di vorce f mm the bnn la cf aaatriraoay aad the ' 1 d' '-riant Will fartkaf Use ttn'.', v t a1 a ts railrH o aprr tt ! 1 - f a rf riperlor t1""'! f r ' ( f ti tv.'-l .y V - i ' i f ' 4, at Con't l!oni - . - ! n, ft (', a- 1 i ! 1 t a f - r ' til . ; t .7 I a ; ; ' y t . . r r- . ! "- -. ' ' 1 la a--. I W-. t - ' W 0 . m -- r4r I J . . r- . n .c. '; r- - ' . t " s

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