THE JOURNAL. New Bsra, H. CWaa. 14, 1904. LODGE DIRECTORY. ' - rmavms Tinn NO. l KNIGHTS 07 HARXOXT. Meets ad ud atk Wednesday Bights ta each month U Bonn tree's Hilt Pollock street, at 3.80 oluk T? lull, rmaidant: -J. H. Smith, 8eoyj a ft. Bi riAudft! i Beereuiy. - , - - - - v..- -- - J Q Dana & C&r-'Bsakrupt tale. ' I ( ' Barfoot Bros Bargain sale. . . . ' - Simmoni & Hollowell SpciaL Business .locals. LOST Small book with prices oi Bau-hers supplies tf-retaraedto Withers Hervey, Under WU1 oe rewaraaa. NOTICE The haH at the Plaaters ware house Middle street: if not for rent; It kaIh ainulv' In ass. Mrs- Anna a 4 Bryan. r "' ,r WANTED furnished room with board or without In desirable part or town, , Address "J." care of Journal. LUST A small tan leather satchel on Hancock street near the comer of Broad It contained children's clothing, a string of black beads and a letter. Finder will nlnua return the same to J M Hlpes' tmra corner of Broad and Hancock WANTED To rent house, near George street, with bath room If possible. Ad dress "B" care of Journal office. : -' ' STEAM LAUNCH FOB BALE SPOT OA8H will buy cheap. A new round bottom Steamboat 80 ft by 6 ft. 7 horse comnound enstne. speed 10 miles an hour, draws too much water for sound '"" for which built. Ed Taylor & Co, Wil mlngton, NO. BANANASJ120 cts. a dozen at McSor- ley's. THE Tery finest Oysters of the season at - James B Dawson's, 103 Middle St, Phone - 09. Berred In any style or to families by measure. UWJkNCU UUlun. fi-wuruoj .uw, anaounces that until his new office build Ningon Broad street Is completed, he Will occupy offices on the first floor of brick building, opposite the City Hall. GUARANTEED Bugar Cured Hams at 15 cts lb at the Oaks Market "WE GUARANTEE Wilkinson's match less Mineral Water to cure dyspepsia and stomach troubles, or money refund ed. Darls' Pharmacy. Guilford Lewis, WALL PAPER From the Cheapest to the Best A nloe line kept IN STOCK. JSamplea send to your house. At Dawson's 103 Middle Bt, Phono 209. SPECIAL TO-DAY I I have several II 60 Foun. tain Pens which I will sell to-day for $1 00. ; Ever j Pen Gorraoieed. Owen Q. Dunn. ; PRINTER ft STATIONER, - , , ' 71 CIATIX IT. ; v Pabt Milwaukee .Beer, per box ot 2 doz. bottlcs,$l,25 at Crown Bottling Works. W AKHOURCEKETU! -v, . . . j . r it,. Brick A TOa Mff . Co we have ssads ar rsssssssaU with the Hysaaa Bspply Co. to repneeat as la New Bsva aad vlcla ' . Ity. We rspeetrUy solicit year patroa 7 i OABOLINA BRICX CO.,' . 1 1 ,u , Clastoa. R. C. . Tas Brick ATDs) Mff. Oo the past few weeka, kava -oat of brick, bat ws have a fair stock oa head aad eaa fill ' order aroeuptly. ; TDK tUIDARB fa at v, a fmaUDwiiiM ciLWCBTH::sTcn 1 tate i ijt hk to pHurtlnf rv. Wank. tariM !1i '! tm4 t4rrhn It ma trim, ft. WnrtMftr M rl i ml tmt 'tut hM y f . I hmtm t ft tklrlf thm Itlmm m Km It la ,? ! m .mraii kiauikta . SntHTM (TmA start NiW mictsf CTS .APMDinE: ?H?T passing 'eyktis,. The weather today will he colder. . : There were , sales In the local cotton market yesterday at 18 to 18J cents. ? : The J E Benton stock of men's I ura- Uhlng goods hs teen purchased by J G Dunn A-Oo. v::-?---;VW: TheVoly option of eottoa atNew York which sold at 14. on Tuesday, closed Wednesday at 13.80. The rest of the market flucuated as wildly." . ' ; . Cuarlea F DonaTthe Colored .banker. of Klnston, who ; recent failed Tor a large amount was discharged from tank ruptcy yesterday by referee B w omaii- Tonight' dunce will Lsgta promptly at Mine thirty o'clock. tThe following hare been asked to chaperone the coup lea, Mr and Mrs Jno Dunn, Mr and Mrs M M Marks. Mr and Mrs T G Hrman, Mrs Delia Wbitford and Mrs Wladlejf. The egg market has gone to encash and the hen is no longer the whole thing., la Norfolk the price of eggs! from 40 to 33 cents per dosn In a day and they will continue to de. crease In price as tUe supply increases. In the local uiark t the price which was formerly ?3 cents has dropped to 18 cents. Perhaps as Urge a quantity of tit pork as was ever received in this city la one day was toe quanwy wmuu w hrnneht here vesterday. The markets were supplied with bog meat enough to furnish a good slzd army Wfth rations foT many days. One meat dealer bought 6,000 pounds of pork, oihors bad from 10 to 20 or 25 hog In their stock fork Is cheap now, selling as low as five cects a pound. Doctors as Politicians. ' The doctors are becoming adepts as' politicians. As is well known, the president trot appoint an Isthmian ca nal commission to take charge of affairs In the building- of the near canal across Panama. To be appointed on this com mission furnishes a remunerative and honorable position, The American Medical Association was not slow to seize this opportunity They wielded every power they had m their possession by appointing a com I mtttee to visit President Roosevelt In Derson and try to extract from htm a promise that some member of the Amerl can Medical Association would be ap pointed on tie commission. This is politic with a vengeance. It haa often been said that doctors are poor financiers, but we believe that it cannot be truthfully said that they are poor politicians. They are wide awake when It comes to securing places at the publle crib. Medical Talk. DaUfTihers of Confederacy Election. The reenter annual election of the New Bern Chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy was held yesterday, the following being elected for the ensuing year. President, Mrs F8 Daft, First Vice President, Mrs E H Clsy poole. Second Vice President, Mrs S B Street, Recording Secretary, lles Mary Monk. Corresponding Secretary, Mrs R A Damon, Treasurer, Mrs U B Daffy. Registrar, Mill Margaret Bryan. Historian, Mrs Qso Henderson. Leader of Children's Chapter, Mil Carrie A rendeli. After the election a discussion fol lowed regarding the obaertanoa of Jan. uarr 19th, and It waa decided to cele brate the day ss Lee end Jackson day announcement of prdgram or exercises will be made later. . National Bank Election. The eleoltoo of Bank officers aad offl ctale of The Natloasl Beak of New Btrae was held Tuesday Jaaaary lttk and was s follows: J A Bryan, Prea't. J H Baektmrs, V. Pres. O B Roberts, Oeahter. J R B Carrawar, Teller. Waller Daffy, Book-keeper. M O Crowaoa, Oollaetor. Heary E Oowall. Collector. Dvld 8 WUlls, Stenographer. ': Dlrectors-J A Bryaa, O 0 Bryaa, B Roberta, L Barvey, Joba Das a, IT Blsbop, J U Backbara. ' Mr Clifford J DeBraal died at aft hose sear Pollockrvlila, , Wedaesdsy Jaa 6ta, aisd n ftara.' Bis death was the mult of pneumoala, Bewuwtd If kaowa It Jrnee ooaatf aad a tery highly sjeteeaaed yowaf sass aeoaete- taat Christtaa sad aa active saembet of the MsihodlUharch IT hi sarvlved by a wife, twa seas, aa agd saother. brother sad str. Tie feansl aetvkve were ald There- dayevralet st he Mrh'Mll t chaehla PoOnckivlQe, la Ike f rar of eWvg aaiahv of frVtida, . !0, ; OABTOT1XA, r. A. Green, TepreaWeg W JAv'tWk oat of the tarrt b.lrt'e hoe la Kw Vtnk Wirt be lifts OS tha Jft.Snftl einath, earrylpf a fa!) line of all V'.n ' TH2. cculat:. s l: .a:iy. t'omprehenslve, Useful ar.i Iaexpea . ' . sire Institution The New Bera Circulating library la i Institution which, is as greatly," pat ronised aa perhaps any other department of social life In the clty f - . k..- Ithas lncreaiei la papolarlty and usefulness from the start which was made two years ago aad is now a feature that the olty could aot afford 40 lose. - The lMoks oa the shelves comprise the best modern- works, -the standard ao thorbooks, the most aoenrate and In- . ..... ' . 4 . ' - leresung nistory, me atueat essays, ana the leading poetical works, la short, all that a dm class library jequlres. Books of reference on any subject will b found there) cyolopedlas, atlases aad dictions-. ries of the most approved authors and editors, - I V TheEncyclopoedlaBrUtaulcs,' which 1 the best authority extent Is found coni jpleta there. . .. ' The library la renewed every month with the leading wdrks of. fiction of the day. The library Is replenished from time to time . with books' on' modern mors! topics; new dUcoverlea physics, art and science. , ."-M. The price of membership is moderate aad within the teach of all Who whh to avail themselves pf the opportunity to get good books. : One can always flag the book he wants there. The price c f a membership ticket Is two dollars. - HAND CUT OFF.' Elbridge Heath a Colored . Employee at Sullivan's Saw Mill Terribl . t f Injured. Elbridjo Heath, colored, met wth a serious accident 8 E Sullivan's saw mill in James City yesterday after noon. . He was operating tho planer and his left hand was caught in the cogs of the machine breaking the bones of the thumb, first and second fingers in a terrl ble manner. He was taken to Dr Rhem's office and an effort was made to save a part of the hand but it was found necessary to am putate the hand at the wrist. . The man was taken to his home In James City and it Is believed that ho will recover. THEY COME AND GO. Mr Arthur Morgan, sslosman Armstrong and Cater is in the city. for Miss Lula Broadstreet went to Cove yesterday for a day's visit. Messrs N O Hughes, Dr R D V Jonei sod Mayor EUls left yeaterdej for Seven Springs for a few days hunting trip, MrsB Sperling and daughter, Miss Quests who have been visiting: the fam lly of Mr M H Saltan have returned t their home in Baltimore. Capt B L Keeler arrived here yester day from Portsmouth If 0, and will visit relatives hero for a month. Ospt Keeler reports a stormy winter oa the coast. MlsS Lucy Odell, musle Instructor la Harry North's school In MoreheadClty Is the guest of friends ia the dty Miss Ada Davis, of Mor.heedCity Is the guest of Mf and Mrs J B Aran- delL Mrs X R Marxlaer la visiting relatives aad friends la Xdenton. Messrs J B Harvey aad R B Warren ofVsAoaboro were la the city yester day. . Col A H Dennis of Bogus wss here yesteedsy. Mr J Manly Toecae of M ay i villa was la the city Wednesday. . Master Andrew Xeaett bae returned from Cedar Point. ' Mr J H Lewis aad bride, aea Miss Loaa Holtoa, of Oriental, were visitors la New Beta yeetetday. .- r - MIteae Mattle BpWfal of BalUiaore aad Edith Oettlagar tf Klastoa are facets ofXrs MM Marks" KrOSErmieft tor New. York Oily last a Igbt frosa waeaea' he Is to lake a poeltloa of traveling saUtiaU for Jaaee BUk m Co. Els urrbory .IH be Yir glnls aad West Ylrglala. Ha atpecU to be sway shout three Booths. - Tie; Porno,: . ,1 . ..w Tae am asssoer el . tm prsm for the Raw Year opens with ': aa . esiiante by Baary lllchflald Wart of las areeeat eltaaUow U "Amtriea PolWee , (he prlaelpal topic aoasldered belaj the oaa dldatesaad laaaaaat aha Prealdeatlat etoeUoa. A. Msartoe Lew follews with a Slaflsr rertaw of Poreta Affalrt, lacladiag Raasia's actloa la tks Far Zttt tho Paaaasa revalalloa, and Mi Caasf barlala's propagaada,' Tlsseea" daati with by Ales sader D N?7a, .wke dlaeaaaeetheooantetlag Ira4e eplalcaa of tail esd West, aad draws the laaaoaa of the recent eUrtUeg areata a Ike stock sauket. Several aouhU aTrr of the pae oaaner la "Applied Mae re rrrtT4 s1 ttpwi) by .It a-f Hairlana r3apie. Tue trratar r1 IIrbM W lJorwlli,e,LlteVi,r UirumttMot)j' "Lie of 0 t sioa," bet 'ke lif it tw o'lna.le t-x Brij1 Tfi vriuaonike pMei frn1!tl tn rfHe Pri'sa la I eli4 (''. al Pm A O T rtm'!a pe"At'a u.-' Th I a two a1;i'"iiriisl rrr,"e hf C) fi Lang oa "fbe r.lir'l'. Qot'o- k til le rrtif rf t)r J M h'r i i r, n'll ci Y'l frn f n i q I 1 In' r. lV!i 1 r"-i:' rf ('Klof J.. 1l i U r 1 ' I . .11 1 ty -: hi r n . 1 r ' ' T LA? 3 CFTU3 SKY. PUd$ pf tit B'ack Mountain Hotel Clob. , A a Eastern Enterprise."" -The well knowa house of Humphrey- Gibson Company of Golds boro, Is organ Izlng an enterprise that will be of es pecial Interest to the people of this city, so many of whom have spent pleasant days at Black Mountain,-in Bancombe coantf, 15 miles this side: of Asbe?lUe. The plan upon which this company is organize has some new and attractive features. The Company or Club, will own, control and operate the property as a mountain resort hotel, probably all the-y ear-round. The stockholders, how ever, will have a special rate fo? them selves and their immediate - families, which will amount to a ten per cent dis count. As the stockholder will be aV moat entirely people from the towns of Eastern Carolina who will be more or less known to each other, this place will become; primarily a mountain health resort for the east." Very many people of New , Bern are already aequalntedwltk Black Monntaln and !t delightful climate, and piobably all have heard of the place. The prop erty of the Black Mountain Hotel Club consists i of 10 acres of , Jmpro,ied land, with-orchards and vineyards - The present hotel building will be enlarged and Improved. The property is situated one mile from BlacX, Mountain station, mown as the Stevens place; ' and. com mands an unsurpassed view of the taoun tain ranges, the Cr aggies, the Blacks and the Blue Ridge.: The hotel plazzat will overlook 'fruit orchards Of 2.000 trees, the property of the company, bor dering the banks of the SWannanoa riv er;''' . It Is proposed to nuke a specialty of amusements and recreations, such at bowling alleys, tennis courts, golf links, tallyho and an orchestra. A portion of the property will later be divided Into cottage lots, which will either be sold or divided among the stockholders. The authorized capital will be $25,000. High Oass Entertainment. The. Concert Company of the Ithaca Conservatory of Music, New York State gave a high class entertainment at the opera house last nlht. The personnel of the company -was Mrs Booth, Con tralto, Miss Bennett, Violinist, Miss Jar- vis, Soprsno, Miss Keeler, Resder. The program was artistic and showed to good advantage the individual merits of those who took pert, each per former receiving generous applause there being an encore to each number on the program, these encores being ofss high a class as Were the regular program numbers. The Ithaca Concert Company dees not render what could be called a popu lar program, but the entertainment they give Is one which commands the atten tion and applause of those who enjoy so evening's entertainment of a high olais of vocal and Instrumental stlecilont,nd readings of the same character. DIED. At his home No. 00 Griffith street, Mr L R Mann, aged 4(1 years. The cause of his death wss pneumonia. The funeral services will be held at the lata residence. Rev H 8 Bradihaw will officiate. CAUSES OF COLDS. Ob th Mom Uimi f Tfcvm I .Statu Tm Bfea. The Invariable cause of colds comet from within, not without No one takee cold when In a vigorous state of health. With pure blood courting through the body, and there Is no good reason why say on la ordinary health should have a cold. It may come from Insufficient eierciaa, breathing of foul air, want of wholesome food eiceas f food, lack o( bathing, etc tot alwsrs from some viola Uoai of the plain laws of health. - There can be no mora proline canst of colds than highly seasoned foods as well aa frequent eating. Tbeae give no tine for- tho digestive organs to rest nd locUa aa increased flow of the di- giwtlve swpreiJoiiaV Thus larger quanta tie of Bottrishroeot are absorbed than ran be property ntlllAd, tod the mult Is, aa, obstruction, commonly csfted a "cold,", which is simply aa effort of the ayateta to wzpel tba neckae ipslerlsl Property opeaklng, it la self iblsoalng. daw to aa incapability of the organism to ferula ta aad ewnpeaaale for the dl tnrbant .' - . . ' A cVflclent supply of pare air to the fonts la not only a strong predhrpnalng cauae of ooWa, but a proline enure of touch gravfT coodltiona. Pure strand aMrriaa are SMceeaary to prepare he yia for the assimilation of autrt- nxmt, tot wltboat ttam thrre ca be oo vtanrvos bmlth. The oirrn cf the Sir we bmtbe rfllaf the Sptlta is well ss the nntrirseitt that Is built tp In tle arnno. TbS aafeat srd bret wsy to avoid eoUla l to alop lo a room with the wiiwlirwe M tum-m and to rrial out pf Cnrtrt rtmj day. PO omt(T what may be tlx weibr. for i( Uri twe Ix.cra. pfftbty wdh ama kind of eirrrtM. If p trmr tTisn ws'iklni. (me stnrti4 r"t : t"n to ft tl fr-t are ot tt tU4 rtoiMnj ilmp. PT.h tutf tpt l!h tl- f!..'!, Inn t( thfxwgb 1a H'.n i! c.y tf t I n 71. r.y;-ij-i;t rar rf r,; la tl. i hj rt in( cirri- r- -,iiJ n oer. r, f-tV f,:,f,r ti-i.n t .t r'f. ' n I r I c ' ' - ' t - '!'' t ' t i i J '' i, !l I .- t . - ,V t .- : r. - n . - i : i a , ! arm For Sale at a Barfain, Sonth ' port, N.C. 600 acres, mora or '.leaf, ti miles North of South port. s . - i . , , 80 acres cleared enclosed by new wire fence 4 room cottage and kitchen in good repair. ; Also cabin for tenant. Land is dry clsy sub sott. Will gro w to bscco, cotton, corn. About ) mile front age oa Cape Fear rireraa extensive view np and down the river. Fort Fisher and ocean. Possession ; given at once. Vot particular,, call at Journal office, or K B btevena, Boutbport, N O, i W : Pabst Milwaukee Beer on ; Draught at John Si Garrett's. --P-'" Fresh Supply Just Received AT Davis' Tbarmacy, PHOXE 56. 444t4a444 fi THURSDAY MORNING at 9 O'clock. OUR GREAT ANNUAL t 'Bargain Sate of Embroideries, Hamburg Edging and Inserting, Cambric, Sltoiss and Nansook Match Sets. J Values front 10c to 60c, j TlnTMti O" f-Viia flalo An r 1 fin -ml ISarfoot Dry Goods ana "pFonT 59 Pollock mm OF Embroideries, Vai Laces, Real Torcfion Laces, Inbroidery EJga and weight material. Prices: i 3c to $1.50 per yard. Floe ValEJget and loser inga, majjy' of Hum iq Match Beta, but mosUj brok a lob, all . ' Priced Low." ' tint Fetectioa tf "ImiUUoc Trvcboo Icea' aod IorUrniat --' - 3c the yard. . Titcso aro all priced low to closo tho Iot beforo utock taklnj?:. An early tore will o o aNrrtr ' Notice of Sale, y Pursuant to a Judgment tendered at November term 1903,. of the Baperior Court of Craven county in aa action aa titled R B Nixon ts NanoAtoalo Fer nandece, the aaderslgaed Commissioner will eeU at Publlo auction at the Court House door at 18 o'clock m, Moedsy the 18th day of Januaiy 1904, One Watch, the property of said Fernandese to tails fy said Judgment. Terms of ea'e Cash. This 7th day of January 1904. W. M. Wa.TSON,C8 U Commissioner. T D 8. t Beains Brothers, Womens' App&rel. St., Opposite Episcopal Charcb. Banasat Vh. cents a doaa ley's..'" :-L Torchon Laces. InsertUgt la heavy and light from ; " : - . , : ;' visit to our pay you. Big Sacrifice Sale of I B 3i m ! Stock. We Have Bought the Entire STOCK OF J. and will offer same New York Cost, SALE BEGIHS FRIDAY Jan. 15, at 9 o'clock, at his old stand on Middle Street. See to morrow's the special values. c. G. 'Dunn & Co., U ..a tur jam, Q U 2 a a Tohn Dunn, Gfocet Beg to call the attention of Staple and Fancy Groceries. 21 Every slfamer is brineine in tome delacacv to be added to 2t Every slfamer is bringing nifl srir.if . A share of our trade is solicited. Your orders will re ceive careful attention and PROMPT ATTENTION. All orders small or large will be appreciated. JOHN DUNN, Groce Pltoiie 74. COAL! COAXT! A large stock of the very best free burning White Ash Hard Coal in all sizes. Also the Lump Bituminous especially for grates, and the very best steam. Personal attention given to all orders at HOLLISTER & COX COAL YARD, Phone 34 Foot of Craven St New Bern Cotton Oil and Fertilizer Mills, Manufacturers cf Cotton Seed Products and High-grade Fertilizers, KEW BERN, JT. C. Will pay the Highest Cash Prices for Cot ton Seed and Seed Cotton. Bags furnished to seed shippers. HAVE FOR SALE a Freah Supply of Cot ton Seed Heal and hulls, which is the finest Cattle Feed in the world. We will exchange Meal for cotton seed. fatlon ai III: Lock fhtaice FkJie RiTeA.tae Hirer. It. 125. N 1 Any farmer desiring to fence his land with1 the " American Field ! Fence can procure the camo of mo for a short while. .I;now have- in stock two car loads of Same. - r v fjn4f Hotel Chattawka, nv.w urzzn. 1. c otice o u o t E. BENTON'S for sale at actual naner for some of v-wwv,- X r 4S It the Housekeepers lo his Fine and in tome ddacacy to be added to 21 a 4 4P- 3 3 POLXOCK ST. A Ooo4 Ttlag U ftara Aran4 la a ! dais aa Ua talW-arr'al! If k's Vi CM pars kr4, V Clr. rt Uilaf la bars a f.ttehf f t tr lis, visa is ta fa an! )t t. fata riirtng at atftt r4 (. a'a sM 4!CUna ss4 wtdoa soaa4 if Uktaa,al4lit'tt." J. F. Taylor, J j 5 -! f ft; ! J j '. rf t . tf dmail gHvl or trrnn',c') sljowc'rf, will tk rf ?"S from t'l trr-i V. Toi s'ifiil-1 lie a1n ; cl i-'' rf t , m f . e m V - r . E ' ' ' s 1 w T - ' j Firo liiGuranco I fi ft f U V,r m S"1 T""'; Cnm. j'-'''l, r-r '"I t !it4. fr-.-:;W i t r