c, v, s:;ziDY liohms:, jaxuahy m, isoi YOl. Jll-.JO, !S0.": 1 1 4 f;(t a r -it-,-- ' vwcs:: - ...- . - . ' .. - ,-, ...J yi' i TMl iwon' depun4 vla v rces and jEmbroiderietTfcaT J ' Tbft xqnilte prbdufcUom of foreign a VAmerJcan M kt intoketa'drt'rtBd j for jour examination an eelection, They y i,t're well worth your inspection whether yon Intend hnjing at not; and e wottldbe more than pleased U show them tojonj'jh for they are so attractively priced thai "we uow; tbajt Ihoee JF who eome to look fill remain buy. 'I'i,. vSt AT THE1 UEADOF'aLL MEAEOV'S -n r " m' - Speoially prepared for the lands of !- JBaterii . ' Carolina.' ;Jnsnrei a find nre,'makea Wrappere and FOlsJour ufYfJ - As onr goods are manufactured near yon an$ not 'feshipped,'; we laim Freshnesa and Good Mechanical Condition. rrr A"-i?:& Hlgh'Grade CabhPbtato, ADorop and Cotton ltanObvj.f f Factory Ncuse Iliyer, New IHerii, Wt C, GasIiillHdv flare re, cut tht prict 04 Heaters Btores aet up. " 5 Fitted, Stores ' . Full line of Hardwaie; FJwood Fence, Paints, Oiia and Tarnish, lima and (ment Bash,; lwora "and Blinds ' Ar '-'f 4 V Lowest prid'Bestlaooda,;;: :fJiM K : - .Wee Jln of altera expected for the Holiday trade. i f GasWII Hdw. 1 Llill Supply Co., IA&DWAB1 tt KU41e It j ..' m1;WVLS&CTTU13 UOwMli ! Fkoae Iff.' . you eTcr havo . A'-i:f A.!A.:'Pftn ccci-cnt f "'. ' " v If a o bw !n4 I, tot O. t If. WtUnS to cu tr! 'X. v,' Tm ueataoUi)i)f If .t tifla .'., o mrx ; r',trfjif dor : ' j Wr. WfMIt our Work. It j V7 7' w !r 4 rork Um fo d,P 61 n1 j; . 'S-L ..WRnbWTIrfm M vUtll, Wtnrtn your ! f r ' t MWibka wlUimil uU!r l' n, A-. vi, . It KtmA WSK.O , Bailee f DLto!u;:o3 clCc;m-:r- ...... - . . tv, . " , Tevk xie Itaoty .r.-r: T tlrbM tke eTts ,j I ' 't!ili. ) vh a:.' ' Wj- , K C. t-' f . ' -- ! a1 ei)lrfj. . A A i- t ": ' a. o r ' ! M J,,. t.r.M I ; ! . y I I i ; TOBioCO ItBTllIZBR.t' .GOLD:; LEAF N .A :::::: i' i . ....... ; fro "rOnn nnA'; D - HillvSuppIyiCd. - Car (oltobe sold. Flr Board JAfncy Ior; tho v Oliver': Typewriter 1 - . f oo(J fckm! f.uhlilM far rtnit y:;:,; t. hill, UwWr It B;arcxt, Ccn, Thtoi. C TtlttA, IOintO PiU, ftto'-Qtw NOTICIl! TZ2 rz3 a a :ut:-LL TheRi.;uV.Io&a e".lon of kls'on.I, In conTentlon 3o;:,eI a is. .'n eoi kutnlatiBf Prciant r.oe::Te!t n V!i patriotic, consistent at'.I'.utSs wl.i re gard to the recogaltfoa of tno r'rvV.Io of iPknama, and tbat the repul.aa preM of Kissourl U a unit for Hi renoa laatloa at CUctgo next Jane, , ,v-. Work began lait week oa the Elstera of Charity Hoapllal - at Greeniboro, which Is to oft at leut 1100,000,: and It Is expected to be completed by early The flrat rains of the seaaon feU erer portlona of aouthem.. California..;- At Banta Barbara the storm ;laated three hours and the streets were flooded. The weather Indications point to inore rain. At Ventura, where there has been no rain sines Isat May. quite a heary preot- plUUon occurred, The atom was piUe ceneral orer eentral-and northea Calf fornta. 1 h l "'-1-, r At Puerto Plata, ' Banto Domingo, af- st . serere lightnlpK- General Llaara hareeaptared the elty from the rebela, the latter being compelled. to deltrer their armsaad dUband. '.The American and British commandere hare landed a strong force to preserve ortef. Aa armed poese With- Wood nouade Is In parsalf of the1 robbers -who tried to wreck a trala on- the -MuhrtUe. and Naahrille Railroad by .placing ties upon thetraok.....v; - 'J r-'lj r There It a new ; Enaelan w compell ing the Qwaere of factorlee and mines to par compensation for worrman Injured by aooldentsAt a ieath Utrongg inj urles, the widow sad orphans are to re- eel re an"annulty equal to nhe wagee for 260 days, While the actaal working days per year are onlf $20. - f :i, Thebnltdlngtof the .Oxford female Seminary were entirely consumed by Ore Mondey.1, There wa ne aoddent to anyone. Th girls were at breakf ut when the are-wrt eoorered..v-The school wsa Jost opealng the most ptoa peroaa year of Its axis trace, f Csvr:;' The United Butet eoatlnnes to be the chief obJeoUre point of ltallaa lmmtgra. tloa, Ueaumbtf ..oiressigrante fif there la WW reaching a total of nearly Uortgago fiale.fBeal Pursuanf to aortfm mortrtre exe- euted by Tbomaa W. Dewey and wue to KaUeS. Boyd, Geardlan, aated the Jau day of January 1901, and . recorded la oa of the Betutar of Deeds of. Graven county, la book 184, page S43, the neder signed wlU offer for ante and sell Xo the eignest Moaer xor eaan, as ana uoun Houee door M orarea eoaary on i nnre dar the 18th dav of February, lOi, at the hoar of 11 o'clock tL, all the follow ing Aeeonbed - real eeuteas ZoJoweto Al the followlax-lot of land with all tnproreaieate and balldlnre thereoa attnated end located. Vjat artfee city of Kew BWa, Korth CaxoUoa, oa the Waavara sua or waai u aaowa aa ibc-tt.eoadaalaed rod, end balug thai certain lot beartoc the number 1. opoa aoertale plot rwooraad li ui ccoeor the EwrltHtr of Deeda of Graven coaaty bon& lit pare Sift, Msarveyad for WlliUm Uoaa br IX. A Brown, oa fity iik twtcg the aane lot sold tr nld Vi 1,1'nra Data to the above aaw Cilia M. lewv. aad r'"'nr4 In tb cQceoftke !. Utrr f pw.ls cf ald oonetvoa April lit. 1-.?, to wtlnh laid records reterwea U aaa-'e for a fall aad ddalledaerlpU"Q of aald n. r, 1. r. KCUAKI U I, ' . ' GaardUaofX. bUrdock tVarroa., laanerylKhiaOi.- v " KotlcianJ Copy ef Estry Ro. SiS. , r , Worth Cato!tna - .v." s. Joace Cuooiy, ' - TeT Brock. BUtr et DUanlar- cBclJEatry Tatar. ' ' The tarttgaadB I3rkar cf Jos fi eoeety, Forth Cafoliaa,' eaUra aad Uj claim te tba followisi imeilUA or rrct cf Usd la Trttwi tO5.'p. Jonae ooa&ty, Konh Caro"a, the an. U'r.f Vtcaat aad ana; -proprlal! 'ar.l acd Sal to aalry, !: I.j' pa t'..S Sosii f Tn t rlmidi'i I. ; lar Branth, f Ian ' t.f 1 I'c- 1 , Ttra D Warrn, Z P f u'ir.U 1 1 .ttre. toer. !i oe U f"-.t ,i 1 Th t D Wants'. Ui,.-! (f.jin.p.Iy f . I t ) CO tte Fat If l - 1 cf t V - ' " r-nt'.j Hfl f tik V, i " v-r It, ! lf, r 'h ry ln 5 i f F I .- s v.-.t i; i.-.ii.f 17 T r--y " ' : Ve 1 . J a'M .-"e ( r 1 . 1 !,: in: - . I AkJa K-.5-. . -5 ' - . . , " ' 1 . ne;crlea tllal Terj In Eastern . ' ckrelina,' C Child Saving Association. Low Tm "perature. Eallroad Gratia. 'V -Eobert,! Lee Annlver-v4-: C.; - 'wry .Observed LJ - ;"A, i'f Personals.'",- - Raleigh, Jan. 19 State Aadltor Dixon left, this afternoon for Greensboro whef e this evening he attended a meeting of the offlcera and troetees of the Child Sav lng Association, of which W H Oaborne la president and Mnfitreeter la SDprlo- tendenu'-vDr Dixon says the aitociatl - hsf found homes already for eight prlen children, " From Greensboro he wtllb to Washington to see the secretary of war, In company with Governors Mont, ague of Virginia and Canllar of Georgia In regard to the rosters of Confederate soldiers.. He- anticipate no trouble In inducing the war department t . .arrange for acoeptlng; such rosten -a j h States accept. kJ r : A , f ,Z T K Bruner has.' been iven a'ati p leave of absence btbe WoiUVH management -t St.- toils In ; ordfr that he may come to tuls.3tate an t a. t for collecting a" great tobC4o, exu'b f The tobacco growers and dealer tu(bi to ec-operte with him to- th f at ex tent In thia very Important w';rai' Dr 8 H Lily of FayetlevlIU wsh Fere today to see Judge . PuraelTtonJiaistaesf conneoied with the soli of JTayetteyJIle against the water company v -"f - 7 It Is learned f'om jlefenne offlclai that rr porta from- tbSeu)ern pwCof the sute coming fnto; tbetn dallyj -ladt cstes the -preeencs ? of mtny'blLnd tigers," r Tney aa not xnow wntnr these reports are true..- but )hey are be ing Investigated. ;.Eioh d if thare aft cells for special deputies to; Investigate these Cases. '-There are-oaly two sfeclal deputies ao.T working la this dlstrlcjj ; Today wu one of he coldest -of thf winter. The temperature by thermom eters aeafthe ground, being:, 12 degrees. the offlclaj flgore being 14 degrees, JThe postmaster here was today . In formed of the establishment of thirteen new rural free delivery mall routes ... Work begtne tomorrow on the grading of the Raleigh and Pamlico Sound rail way, at a point where six miles eaat of Raleigh and pa Reuse ; river, the work to come thlswsy.'.-; One hundred ;oo4 victs are employed, - The sorveyf of three mOes of the. line Into' Balelgk la act quite oompIeUdV ; 'r This evening the 97th annua) aaniver. ssry of the birth . of .General Robert E Lee wu very handsomely ele'jrated by Johnston PetCgTew' ebapter, " TJnUed Daughters of the VConfederecy,- the ex erclses being held la the House of Commons.- The orator of the occasion was Oapt A Ashe. Mr a'B Btrpneoe tht commander of the local eaop' wu hi as ter CT Oeretnonlee. Maslo wu renderto by the band of the aute school for the bUad.- Rev Dr M M Marshal offered tht opening prayer, after, which: General Lea's favorite hyma, "Bow Flm a rood daUoo" wusuag. . ..Jlrs Fred A Olds, the prealdent of the North Carolina' PI Tintoa, U. D. a rMd e poem. , The O m federate Yeterane ware preaent. at were also moat of the Biate olB dta aad repre eaatatlvae of the varinas collet ee - CAS70P.IA Tzt liiuats and CUllren. ''' TI3 Vi Yc3 1.-3 A!'J Ecut ' Caars Cie feature 1" Ur- V : W JijJlJii IllilJU I ' "AUnoofLaco and DropIValontinos I ju:t received.- Oxn Q. Dunn, i :::-.ir.r: & static r;ra, :z ( -1 t i v ?t. I. ."Uerelinnt Bank';' On Honda -February lat.:ll0i at the Court House -door,-at the hour of li o'clock M.. I - wIlV offer for sale for cash to the - highest bidder the cartaln two (!) 8 lor brick . building, on the South side ot Pollock street, known as the Farmera and Merchant Bank Building, together With all furniture and fixtures, lnc'odlng . nnfea; . vaults, j: afe. deposlt , bsxea, rjesks i tables, .chairs, stoves and all jotber articlee of fnrnl ture located tn aid heretofore owned by said Farmers-auCHerchanta Beak.?. A full Inspection of building and flxv tures Is open , to the public each day be tween Jhe,1 hour Mrf" II O'clock1 and Tta January Uth, U04 v-i i Trustetn COElTllGHT.t A .Oood Thlng to Have Around is a keg bf ale in. tbe Cellar-especially if It'Sjof that fttre brsndii jhe "Budwelfc Fine thing to have a pitcher , for 'meat timer, when guests come In and juat be foie retiring at tight Budwtla, ale nld digestion and induces aojmd. alnmber if ttkeoatafllahtcap." Agent for Prospect Brewing Co. of Phil' auoipuia. - u - , r- - ; , Fresh Car . Load every week, c..' 4 v w w.- --Afnil anpply pf Anthracite fw 'burning White-Ash, - Grate, 8toTe and Chestnut Coal .also the Celebrated Pocahanrtas. Bituminous for grate and 8tVtT.- irTbiest 0ak . Aahj Fine . and Mixed woortV Af, uuiuii,rrroiiipi:. t wnnn inrn : Union Pointy lIiouo 47a .AA'--.",.-r'. . . .. ... . - .'.to - .-: Coal 7 -V .iawsrJi sanaa, ' - ' ueiivery (i "i ii1 ut- v r i idfl II rvvrrrrrrvrTrvrrrrrtrrrTWTTTTtrvrrrr1 Our; Great SrJo is in; Full y Blast. - - ' Hat cor t!g sale beee a enoeees f Ak the 10,000 people who lave Ttiltnd our grat atore le the part two or three days; Wby " tare tl.y enrne onca, w!c, Uk lleef Kotblot; seeeeods like aneor w, aad all lar? iae-rci tnata aaamloe we hare been report. ' H fot axtlllnjt O 5 T Ppr, Cottoa el 4 I fa s spool Why t ' :' Up ptitona irv:A CIolI:!nr: A Priccs'TJill r f i 'li 1 'i "1 t:.! i . ' t -.-!-- c ' '. ' 4 r 1 notice 1;D6lin-5 quentPay. Tour texts fo' 190S shave 'been due since September aBOV must be paid and paid rJOJft I cannot extend further In dulgence.."1 -DON'T ASK IT. Please take notice aLo Jhat when my deputies have to call at . your place- of boaineas for your taxes mere than 'one lime, a levy win be made and cofcte demanded aa the law provide. ' -."Sheriff. January 8(b, 1903. ' el Any farmer desiring to fence his land with tlio 1 American A Field Pence , ' can ' procure the same of me for a short . while. -1 now have in. stock two car. loads of Same. ' . ' Under rlotof thattawka, :VK1V BEnw; IS. c. tVe announce W-th pleasure that we hare opened a - Sew Hardware Store, in a New Building, with an entlre iNEW STOCK Of Be prosperous this New Tear,' buy -"T- ... '- -f. ruL ..- - - - - t . you: Hardware from us. None can sell cheaper and none can'sell bet- tetgoodi..;. . s r. Come ana ee for yourself. f HITFOED EiEDWlBK CO, .cvriione 6 Middle St ,; !JKe; Bern, N, a Wm. B. Smith, Saleaman. KOOLD WEATEIB HECI89IT1E8. Don't ttaadii need of Coal Hodtlre Sets, rokeri Store Pipe, fitove BoaHa, Store, Ranges and; Heaters any looge than i will take yon to reach our store. AU theae Ihlrige we hav la ouf.;'- ;; and many more too numerous to mention The very look of tana -will-make "yen feel warm, and the 1 w prices will strike yon favorray;ete;v-w-?? C Foyti Simmons, 79 8- Front Be, KlWJBIRy, Wr-0.. LUIIU iaaaaaaaa ; TomcrroTr, 1)3 Paralizors, lrf; if ww k at a' rl! a i -n f. i- t a J r i I tl' . : f, nl T arnlib' 1 tl. , toa't i eel tlie r " 1 Ml f .r tli i it ESJSiallwoDi Happy Rev Year i'.Curecli hams I5c tb; . 5n- ' -'H' iT f -J-"i- " " sir t'jK,.!'. ; , last Weeched, ; J. L. McDANIEL'S. Fresh Grit and Big Hominy, Oat Flakes and Carolina. Bice. : Sauer Kraut, A Complete stock Staple and Fancy Groceries.- Yours to Please, L . ?hne 5. ininiiiiii McDMlEL, LIIIIIIIinTTHIIIIIiyillTITTTTYTTTTl APPLES! Just- received a W from Western New Don't buy apples until you see my stock and get prices. Will save you money. jr. H- Jr. Wboleaala and Retail Orocar, HONK B9. Cor. Broad & Hancock Sto. F ine Jewelry, ew Diamond Goods Suitable for Gifts. All Kinds Silverware and Fancy Articles, . J. O; Baxter, . " HUORB8 BLOCK, Middle BtreeL Tho utunSeason ctlBOt toffere an abundance tn etykie and tabrke that le sore to delight ail thoee wbo regard comet dreeetag as an ntbU to th reftnemeata ot 111. At f kKbade-kk'a tailoring eetabltabment the mnak &oinr4et line ot foode ever thown U ready for your selection i . :A n: ctiad wicit, eeeVeeereeeeesSMstseteee From now o we wrll hate 4 Ojiiem hlcn Jwe" will acrra by'mfseure, hall-ehell of th Z t ' OiSk'J&sjlOyaUBrtlto- I Ay at Nixon 0 Co! 5, ita MitfiiB Et. - eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoe i!! ;i Fr:r " B. E.uter G Co., c: 2 v- Wholesale Ore3er, 71Brtaut 01'" APPLES ! car load of Apples York State. $8,000 Worth of Winter Goods to be closed out at In the Next 30 Days We appreciate Your patronage during the ; Year .1003,- andtako;.. this method of ; thank- ' lug you for the. same, v To ahew VOtt our' appreetaUcej for." " year paet patroaaga we pvopoee to give - . yon me aeoent ot our eioaiag out eaia, Iheralore we know no bettor way' than notify yon of the B ABO AID 8 vebav . ta store toe aoeae one, why not yoev be", the nret to aeovpi, we mate ao, mpact ot pavsona, yon have, all proved to be ovvfjrtetvta. .- . - - - P ... I The soUowhif are a tew of the pHoee? sfaa ghoea worth BUS. " JtH f ' Women A- " - . U'.aiM'', . -. ' . j m .; . t.n . 13. ,M ChOIree'i Bhoee worth tae ' M ' . "w-; as v ,4H - nd- . i.rt 1 larr lot of at eot and BoytOer- eoate at eoe. mm the L0O. . A huge k ot Man a Pats from 3e- r lies . A targe lot of Boy's ft from 13e Ve . H . - ', lU of ether thhfi at eca V ' t - (aJlaa4ee. .- . -. ' - S;;CC?I ri movLX tTr.rrr, r t t IUfdia Co,',rsw," -'a. r;::::':: ! I ie I Si n I 4