Ai ' a. . ' KZ7 1121, K. THCUS2AY HCfriX, rESaUiBT' 111304 TWIHTY-8IC05D TIAR -Y -"4 rf. .. fi. 5 J3 r 1 i 1.1. 1 i n 1 "V--t-i . . For Your Spring 6p, A The material and the trimmings for your Spring CJown Vr6an be boacht nowhere elm so wislv nnd ' AnnnnmicallT su A The goods are all yon can wide variety, The prices are even lower f that means a great deal. Cotton is Almost ICing Again, At the price in prospect yon can afford to fertilize it well, If you want the BEST Use-Meadows Great Cotton Guano, Insist on having that kind, an I yen will not be disappointed in jonr.crop. . -For Tobacco - Vse Meadows. Gold Leaf Tobacco Guano It makes food, slick, tough Tobacco. Novemberl903 one planter sold 1,452 pounds of tobacftofor 5 11,00. He used Gold Leaf 0 Special High Grade Fertilizers for-all crops If there is no dealer In yonr sectloa bandling onr goods,' write us7 ' E E8 J. A. MEADOWS CO., Mnfrs, LONG DIST BPHOlTJtf e Factory Neuse BiTer, New Bern, W. C. M Notice! Any farmer desiring t6 fence hia land with te American Field Fence can procure the same of me for a short while. I now have in stock two car loads of Same. - JUr tUfi CWttawluC H EW DEPJft TIC Our Stock of WhiTB Goods Embroideries :. . : and;Lace ' . . -. U j . Forthe Spring is nowj X complete r and ' 1 T7Cro bought 1 at .old prices.,' ' v. "y . 4 f.lak7onrclcetlon " D; F; JARVIS,'; ... 4- r To The Public. " M4 tlst t fa M4 tu fir, 4 H7 to M - - Ter; r. : ir:'r, ' " 1 k ; iiinii '-ff i) X) 7 ask fresh, fashionable, and in ;)& : ."' , ' than onr prices usually are, and 1r) i Valentines I. We are showing X t them in the very latest creations. fflHimBOOlSTOEl iscycu: mSKSHCASitt A. ValuabloCity Proper Virty For.;0alew-.- A1 tlt r' cf pfrif ef. ef WlH B4 Vl'r:t fMr1f 1 tr f)"fn H m:, rtiMU, f tasM ry NY !:' (V4. It. W, ?T1! I U!'- ;t. M i .... Novelty PBTUl,v rtOM A KCYC1X (I I '. l I 1 fj I serous rwer . I I s CMM J T f eea mmmnj .! looiirro. ' I fl . MKuiditBW' ;: I f f 1W tqt. : ' Urge Japanese Army oa Ike Karck - Tea basstaa Wsrsklf s are Wrecked. S Tw Tkeisaai Treeps Cap- :.trei,' U Caar Deelans '2 Special to JonrniL r 5.b ? ' fenarebl&h aMttoii'to the two betUeships and one crdsr, punk tt port ArthBr the Japtaete fleet Is wjfort. ed to have captued seres other Basdaa warships. J'xu'; Two Bosslaa transports with 2,000 Rnuiaa troops onboard have b?eap- tored by the Japtbeie ' The transports were on their watio &san, The number of " Bosslaa 1 warships so far wrecked by Japan b placed at ten, Including theeratsers iVeirlag and Kor- lela which were taken at Chemulpo. ;the Japanese occupation of Seoul, the capital of Korea, has been accom plished, . Tally 70,000 panese, troops hare been landed In Sorea since Ban. day' rNK Vv ' ' M St jPetersbug there hare been re ports todty of a land battle In Korea In which It wu claimed that the Japanese were routed but the' news Is not con firmed. ., . , - Daring Monday 40,000 Japanese troops were landed at Flag Yang end the march northward to the Talu rirer was begun With this fores were si batteries of artillery. At the aaral battle off Port Arthur on luesdaf 100 Roulanewore killed y Bu Petersburg, Feb. 10-The Csar to day promulgated the official declaration of war against Japan. He plaees Jib blame of the war oa Japan. It Is'oharged by the Busslan newspapers that America is In conoert with Xaglaind in enoonrag- log Japan In the struggle. : ' 1 Naguki, " rabruary 10 Word hire- eelred here that the Bosslan bruiser Tariag, reported sunk by the Japanese at Chemulpo, was aot sunk but was cap tared end has arrired at Baaho, Ja- Pa. Washlagten, febmary iO.The Pres ident wQl proclaim tb neutrality of the Uatud Btatee tomorrow la the war be tween Basrisaad Japan. ' , 1 CASTOR I A Jot Infants and ChUdrta. T Tli KfcJ Yci AhT3ji E::! THE v CUAR1RTEEB . ' CiTAlKB -. '.com. '.-'.':v . I, balf WL1 lcttri KsySf Byomd . - ; Falls." He ttoaack ktslfli:, J; : ; Byoaaet hat m'aoe 'W saaar caret of themottehroale and depttedeSM of catarrh, that? 8 DaffoaUIrs It a tpadaeiatbledbaeee,, , E ettndi aa larttaOon te all eaUunh sfftwi te can at lta store aad pnrohaae a Brovel oeUl with Ue dUUaet tular iUedtUMb wUbe ateolvUlyfrae aaUasUeffwMaeen, t , ' . -. The aklef reaMa for Ue taasaal so eMef ByoMde ta trMtamlofe twrhaltfeabUe and Uw dlMawef the ai pUMgta, U the fad that b ear fcr a m frttadpla, taprtgaaUBg tk air ronbrwuhewlth bwilag eadcr kUlag Uhiu, 0 til acet I. tmcU4 lU mm ot tke dIeaMte tapowtble e pffia, drxs er ouf um. eehdoafaff.- V . y ., KaayefPt Ihrrs ceftosmOBa fcM ffM wUh eatvri a! ace ek!4 kood have km ean em;lttly by ,! aalamtlae ramady. ; v;.,-4j. ' 1 TM WMplt fyat- twiflt eotti It. aad aontta of aa feWar thM caabe earrMta tW pane of pocka, a m1i. da irofpw aad a bolUa ef BrMMii Bu!f a h towmlMl M4f for ika tore ef eilirti Do aotn?f kr wtifc wunU! 4:o.:wv tt it a lij&mM w.r.i timm t 8 Vff, '..f l' ?,r.U I lrtr.U, to fttsrf ll f F-, If iv f". T Ifl tirltlt. 4 tif rat --: '7 r rt. J 1 1 i 1 1 1 pound; of Royal Baking Pbwder. -Bence it is that Royal Baking Powder produces food remarkable both in fine flavor and wholesomehess. Official GlDners Report . Wasblngton,Feb .-The report Issued from the oensus office today; of the cot ton ginned during' the Maaon .of 4008 shows that there wera .80,710 ginneries la operation. There were 9,059,877 com metclal bales and 9,485,687. ; The flgures on the same basis for the season of 1908, shows 8.905,808 bake, to Deo 184909 and 10,588 bales to March 14-1908. ; : ; v i The report shows .that ' North Caro lina ginned from the crop grown In 1908 up to aad Including January 18th. 1904, a total of ' 8fl,448 bales. The cotton ginned from the North Carolina crop In 1908 to March 4. 1904 was 668,88 in this report, Issued by the census of floe today, no account has been taken ef Haters obtained by the cotton toad oil nulls from beginning cotton teed. Startles of such cotton will be Included In the final report of this season, which report will be Issued about March 10U The Anal report win. distribute the crop by eouattae, segregate : upland and sea bland eottoas, and giro weights of f. - Pabst Milwaukee Beer. oh Draught at A. IT Edward's.' Pabst :.'kl5waukee Beer on Draught'; at John S. Oarrett's. ' mroosD eabdwahs co, 68 Middle BW - New Bcro, H. a AUkindsv.;:' r' - KuIIdora Zlatorial, Saab, Doers, Hi lata, Lime and Csmant ..Hcatly-mixed Paint,r The East and Chaayaat en the market Builders Tools of the Bat Qada. : ' Stoves and - y: CooMnff Utensils, Uaet, riitolt, fihalU aad Cartrtdgaa, , Diso Cultivators'. ' , Wo. B. Emith, BaJeeroaa V '" ' Sf i J HI i& 1 v 'Ji' ii Healthful cream of tartar, derived solely t'efiried rto; absolute purity, is ,the ; actdveiririciple of every ROYAL BAKING POWDER COh NEW FOXEXAtf. . - Feb.9. 1 ram work Is progressing Tory slowly at this ylaor, owing to the bad weath er. . V-;. -v,-".J:;". ;-. x,'i:- :'t i Mr Alex foreman passed through en -route to Beaufort, Batarday. Aleo Memrs A W Foreman and 7 T Small;; ' Bar J B Buaaell, preached In the Free Will Baptist Choach, at Wire Grass, Sunday at 11 o'clock. -He also made an appointment for- the first Sunday In March... I.-.'. ' -.. . ." ' '.'.Mi J ROalaway and wife, Jrom near Beaufort, attended serriees at Wire Grass 8nnday'-is-"1 . . : Mis Alaz Foreman, of Foreman, was a ridtoi at Wire Grass Sunday, bring the guest of her daughter, Mrs Dollle Dudley, "c-'i.!.' . MrBDSpringteta highly respected cttlsenof this place, who we reported heretofore as being rosy sick, died on the night of the 4th last,- after baring been sick about t years, and for the last month ooifiaad not te his bad bet to his chair, which he wae alttinf In when death came to hie Ufa. He wae bnriad Batarday at 11 o'oloek. the badal eer rloesbelBgeoadaotedby Bet JBBaa- aell, asslated by Bar J B Jeaaett The deosaeed Uares a wife and Are children wlih iTVoat ot frtemds to moara his vMt WM.FlgoU,aaor& late the nw school building Tneaday mornlag. ; , We are euro that he with his papOe ui rery glad of the more, 'i. Maaars D 8 baaders and J T Norria, .-cA feu tnppiy d lnthmdu tree burning. White Ash, Grtv Ettfre and Cbesiant Ooal, also tl Celebrated fyoahanU JBItomlsoiU for gratcf aad fitenm. V"" . , . ' : The ett Oak, Ash, ine" and iifxed wood.. : ,." - v ;' ' " Qulclr, Prompt' "V:-: Delivery;- r I 1 V 1 i ) a rt ri a a v 'l -J II t .tie Goal and Wood feHT from grapes, YORK. are still reoetrlng cotton at their steam gin at Wire Grass to be ginned. There being some cottotf , In the flelda at thb place yet to be picked out. Howerer,as the ginning seaaon Is about orer, they are preparing to ruuue sawing ano planing department of their mill plant, on full time. They hare juat purchased two fine mules, in addition to thcmulee and cattle already on hand, and will also soon put In a line new boiler at their mill. It seems now a if out farmers who hare prepared for planting a large acreage In Iriah jwtitoet, will hereto abandon the Idea, owing to the scarcity of seed potatoes. ' - ZOB. YESTERDAY'S COTTOlf MARKET. Hew loan, Feb. 10. Open. High. Low. Close OoTTOWf March 1145 1170 11.80 111B 11.10 10.70 18.18 May 1187 July Aug 1100 i.. ....... 1160 Octf.... ... i Deo.... ... . . 11.60 11.85 I HAVE' already sold about font CAR loads of the the abort, cnltlrators and neret heard a catenae eay they were aot pleaeed with IVbat eO pralaa It. , Il Islamyladgmntthe bait farming Im plement erer .sold la onr fiiata, It has taken the premium erer all ether euliS- retots.4rrtte to me toy Catalogues and prioes br Sea my reproeealaUres. .1 keep repairs on haad.- :'" V ;;j.ii.bpewoi;';: V4;-1 ' '.; - 'a ? ry' ,; v. -,i '-;-r - RXW BRM, N.'C . Alee Ateat for the AapTawaQ Fetate FUnter,' V - A Joyful Arpt-inca I i '! 1st!'. ' ", . a i" r - la '. A ' '-l I L, ' J - . -. - IF 1 W .-4 i,'i4 r NICELOT FANCY lOcr. 15c and 20c per pound Just Received Nice and Fresh at J. L. HcDAN Also Fancy Evaporated Peaches and Apples 10o lb. New Jot Harvey's Small Hama and Breakfast Strips. Blackeye Peas 5o qt, A Complete stock Staple and Fancy Groceries! Yours to Please, J. L MtfliMIEL Ftfesh Lot r lor Ml . MB JUST RECEIVED: T. 13. FlSSSIS, Tx. Wholesale and Retail Oncer, H0HI 69, Cor. Broad eft Hancock Sts. immamimm..iAAAUAiW Have You a Thirst 1 So moeh UMTbeUer-by that meeh more you'u enjoy a inuifbt ot BadweU beer, lt'satlitnt quencbtr whloh re eelTee mvsf a well merited eooomlum will reeehre your ptstae, too, after you have odo shared tha cJcaiora of those who kmg ago found out the maay merim ox Boawaw tear. Wholesale and retail by J. Pa Taylor, kiw BiBjr, m. a Agent for Frotpeot Brewing Co. of PhO- ? eaeipnia. Freah Car, Load erery watk. s at owvmcm i Our line ot Sprinf .and Baa. tact Cotton Goods Is now (&. .All botiglt at lalt jrarf prices and will le void; aa on; u they last, at same priced aa last tear, Embroideries : and Laces. Ve can r '. ffm S5 to BO pr omt. on 1. 'j 'I Kairoider i-a. The Or. a '. a;";l;.d errf hi the city. '' ' ;''- Do:rr ronar.T-; tint tro etill tell- cur v.inlcr n'd3 Cotton Good "i.".. . CAKES WholeMale Sc Retail Grocer, M K Dda Are You Lookiflg1 For Bargains ? If ao come right on to 8 Ooplon'a Store, aad there la the place Where you can find it ! Our Beautiful line of Spring Clothing la ta ready and you will lad them Beau tiea the Prettiest alyle we have erer had and In tpfle of ererythtag going up In price yon will tad orr gooda going dowa 1 price bet not In quality. We hare two good oterfei a our etore aad you will like them both, one la Mi Prkw aad the other ie Mr QoalUy tad the twe together makes a good team. We etlU hare 78 meas ia00 aults to oloee oat a alaogather prieea, aiaea N l7,88,e0att8J0. 44 Touths Suits, 14, 18, 18, 18 old trios $7.60 now M M. . , J Sat em 89 Utile bore aolfc, efaea fromStoShaU prioa. . 80 pairs Meoa Moeeio eloee Nl u kalf prion. ' - IN Pal Ledlas Fine Saoea, eld prise 1100 and 1119 now for tale three ears' oniy iiio. , , - , GhUdie Shoes aey quality ete Utile ef aothlag, and here lee pasale eoito lftieent e roved aad Cotton Cloth tf Oop4oaa4e par yard. t .: . . Oat BeaaUful Use ef Dtaae Ooede la" eomlag ta dafly.We UyfU ell the Ladles ef Hew Bern to eome aad see for thm eilree what Bargains they can get a our store; .Tours tot Ertini S. COPLON, ! .0. a MOETOy, BnJennaa.-', r,- 78 MnaDU trarrr, vn u cwktu iU4nntCo,,Few Bern, - , r : Plumbino t : I h;roTl y lla iif-y aan lUn.V.rt-. hvm my 14 tui to ." j ar tntMi Irr al 1 Y f;raltod th-rt'eg I I'-! Ill rJ,lt I-:', :a, ft , i r. ' - -.JM f - I ' r 5 J t c; : 1. ' ' t, . 5 ' f : .t ft i' t "