- V -. . , , " . - - - . ' X , - 1 . . - ' t J ' . ii. r mmmmmmmanaamr - - ' ' .r '4lj v.?.-.. 4 ' "VA.'1'". 4 f I .1 . t vTlie Kind oti Car J?rrii Uoc;l V tal fcsa fceca r- -. la VM for oyer GO years, baa borne the tfjnatort ef :;'', "'" r- "X1 ffi-jiAtyS-frtii0 perTisiori alnca ik fnfitneyv , - AH Coiuterfdlta, tmltatlonn and ;jujrt-ns-tfOod are bet ( ; Pdrlnieiijta tbat ftlflev s3i wa en1angw tlx bealib of V 1 ; V Infanta ajid'Cbildren-Eipriejoe gaias . ErerirasEbv - ' Drops and SeotaJna; na noltliM aV.it. fW5?jeg3h tWHUo,ai mum xviuuiif wreviuwr nm wuBywwrr- :s; and Flatulency. 1 It,admllatet ,tb Feod, gwgadatee lb Stomach and Bov W flrtof 4tallT43att '4flfi3A-i TU Children PafcaamKo - ' 7''v ?:!Vw ww mini mmwt. wmwtT !, iiMi imwt-v "C?' T eatil I4gnt and Heavy Draft Unlet, also Good Working Sorsea pocelt r. Muit be; sold; TM to Lit; Ptarctasers. Cub o good notiablo paper. Call at fttables tnd see' the itook offered. - Craven Street, DR. lYOII'S Salo&Exchana CO QlttDLLO French Periodical Drops f trlctlT vegetable, perfect! j harmless to aeconiptlsh DEiStRCO ,TA. Greatest knoWn female flPTIIl BiOTefoniOTfMi(aa lalMtkNit. M4rarUt to WILLUMa HtiTOOH Kotlcei i and Copy of Entry . Wo. 515. North Carolina) ' - i :. . . . rf-Jpaee Qniiij. ( ' ' . To T Brock, Regjater of Daeda and tx- offlcloEatry Taker. Tm jwjdtraUiW 8 $i'ker Tof Joaea Maty, NorU Carolina, eoten aod )aj Jalimtf4he,rc41ewlDrdctlbe4 ptooa or M4f Janrilo Trealoa townihlp, Jtal kif. SbitbjOatoUna, the earn - Mag vaeaat and aaapproprlaled land al aKketia entry, Tt Lying o Um eat aMe et TreoV rlr and on' Popfr keBiaMaadlal land of P Brook. Tkoa D Warreo, I P Enbankt and fm, Boaided i OaHorU fcy Tkoe tl Warrai-a laart V-mmW foate place), . a Ua U by land el t Brook (fonDdi awael brR AW hi taker and OUer), on , tke SoDtk b land of r Brook aad oalke Vealbf land of Wt Perry (MoDanle) P0 acre paat), eoDtelita' byesUaia- Ikw y)Q aerea awre or.leu. if ;'ff-r - - 8. BABKIR, f ',;; Claimant, . , Iatre4.tllllU( day of Jannary, 0 v- - ' x BBOCK, ' BagfaUT Of lW aad ei-offldoEalry Xaxwror Joneauo, , irpncatiot Per Hew Conflate XoUoa It kereby gtm tkat oarVfloaU V t39t lM4 oa Jaaaary llal, 8ei to i . , , Tlkdnua 0 Jeaklat for on tkara of U aarnul M&ek of tka AUaaUa and RorU OaroHaa Ballread rCoapaay, Jkat- baaa . kMadiroyM.;aAdauiib fcind, and ikal rpHoalow irlfl ke-aade to Ua Boarl of DlraotCrr of aal4 .Railroad , J; Oonpaay for U4 lam of I-mi oarUfl. . 'talaDlker-ot 'lTr"., . v otorfQe o. Ji?pajn j LdaUUUioi of Ue KtMoof Tkonua a Jcnklaa, deea '," . ... - i.. ' raus W - ..4 4,, I roa- 5xi i xi rir wbfilet'ma, fs-5r,(M-(J to ..'f Made frpa o.u4 wyil ' -pnr1ne. $v&?-1. In. f 1 r-4fi fof. nnmaa ten. Ia!7 retMTftaaxlay Ipuw.' )' ' ' t ' 1 , r I (rT i!y) 7 a BJ.10 I) noe .ee p-. I r.srnfonnJUtot J . T mi Ic5 O. v i" .. ii.i tflS ! nrrtrpav - It U Pleasant.; It' ;JI wifi liM'aAM TTartmUm :.W tt4Lmalv" NEW-BERN, N. C. reiftedyc Price, LS0 per bottle. MimMljritW tllrli IIM bOttU, thMI t I'llnil To Sell LandFor As- NORTH OAHOLXKA. ! Superior Court, CrTq Oonnty, Before tbi Clark 0 J McCarthy, kdnlntatrator of tka V . lata of, Hanla Jackaoa, , Real Manna, Eanle Manna,! JtUtkfnnae aad Mary A Mann t . Tka defendant abora named will take notice that tpeclal proceelngi ai above enUUadkaa bean oonmened, kefprttbe Clerk . oltk Baporior Court of laid Cravra aocnty, tr aell for aetata a oaf tela tract of Jaad la aald Stata andeoaa It, daaerlbed la tae dead from Tkomaa i Brjaaa&d SaaJBrjtnte laid Martin Jack ten, dceatedV recordedla Book Ro 4.fo)lf-1591t cfllce, of tgIterof Deeia Jot prarea oonoly , and eaok of yoa nr rcqtHred to .apptw; tx' ny office la ta conn hno nf Cravan oonaty,oa Monday (b 7ih 6kj of March. 1904, at the hour pf II o'clock a nV .aaiwav ot demur to ike peililoh fl d la Kid pro laga,.o Olliexlaa jbow eabtt, U any yoa.na,whtihatayr.of ik-pe-UUoae4bliaot be granted,. othenrtae the BaUUoan fll apply to. the aoart fdt Ike relief danded.v r - ! Thl Bik day of rakraary. IIOIt; ... .j. , WtM4T&01CvH i . . . 0.B, 0 a modern one 'KXCX3m.-A' COMB -r- ooarzaixxcx Av oov' OiJUf, yoat likaoo at ptxal, ; IrpUeiUoi for Ktw CctJMctt6 s Kotiot (a koreby tlreo ikit eertlflcale Wo.tJU, Uined en laanary tltl,1831,to IxmlM Jeaklaa for" on iku at the tap ftal itock ot the Atlantic d Vottk Cu ollna Batlroad Covpaay, kaa keen loet or dealreyed. aad emaotbe fonad, and that arplfesUo will ba ,ed i thl Board of DUaetora of Mid lunroad Oe-rpaay for Cj bit: of otrtlS ealtJn Ual Ihernof. , , , . :.' Jos. w.nsnr ijo." . .', mic hall ;F.:;n.fv Itrfl'"'i ot ii ntit of rc'n Jt- r e1 v, I ft IS Daniels, r. 1 t c r . ' : . aLu - ef' leit' tBi, .j i . J-i ec Jll.iJt-'x ,aa a, : - PU4 iuwrent la-tba aottag t Ken ry IrrLig j'iowa.ao'fru if af""-1 The great actor baa beea "'! T " i ivk i Denial Bally . wfferedLLfw . b Vast of a IWJeMrM!.' alnfeAf.C warded "The Pariah Prieet,'!1 BecenUy be cot oa a aotlety olar nailed rik Chief Jaauee at It ta a awr :U Bofrur?hfJhierM-)lv iraautfai JTa. Ia tranead tt .u? Theater Barak Bernhardt, Parle, eke wa Hata.rdeian loajt aaaee Mfkjitljft touiieAtio and tnntnittoa ot tage V:iSeni Int lnatiA VkM nWla ilaaa 4ala' 'atlttl. :.VHW jaaaaayan vwHvfuiw afawva aaote Uate clean tlbleiia;wKoJ the innaauaauoB ana. heaii ana aootaee the e$fa$a poonoumta and is a bamleaa and never latltag'earejvlAall,. inetoaaaaajaf, Oougiii Cold aud Croup, ' On kflnite Coo gh Cure I plsaaaollto taka..barn. i Duiina-Wbat do yon mean wr end. lbr b i -;tkSw1'.Mt Debt-I flidny.knar c.w;drt I MDOiUef eai nan tjionmardai jaan tBtop OM.oa.",fJ wm eore yoa, aadak yp,eaj.ea,; yaan yoangar. , r aioorjrnf. ; ' .;en- -ieenMBBltajaianiB------. VrberVa one tSBl"Si oaiea oant get' flitor aaw, ye att .wijEoaa wfc :,Wbara tbatr crfed a obortta of femtala Tolcea. ' J.aawt 4aBrrlorraw'.iria IT" i, ' - iWbei yoa leal Wo and tbatreryl thing goe wrongvtak a dotCkaavt barlaln'a Stomaob -aad Urn Tablets. TeyiWjoleanae nd. toTbjfprate,ypor stomach, regulate y oof bowels, glroyon arelUh for year food and make yoafeel tbat la this old world t ta good pWef to Ure. For ask.bi ejlgglata, -. ffl5 t J ,j - L .Tbat bpyrer wUl be wortJv aaj;-. ssar marry waaMn raaii . 7 f rnaroicions ar -woeds .of tne asms Vrldck- grow of "tbexnnerfva,'' aad !Mly.waMyajtattftIknrW1J I, 4 . -' : 1 I MYatcHnna riremBataaea.'"""- ".One wsi pal and sallow aad th piker resk sad rosy. Wkaaestko dlffaraaosf h4rhq h Washing wltk kealik ae Dr ig'anaw&uia nuato iuiauia -it, gently ardaslag tka bay. organs tkey pal guod. dlgeaUoa jUdJnrl.oa ooat atipaUoa. Try oau uaiy ho at u f Jackr-Ion kBOWtvbes Mab4 r an fast wek I told y Vmy, .! 4 ypf mIad :tol tef. j r , j yea, for lnif1' -ag t to. rate-? tiaeiiy, Aaas buy,-1 laamated as ktabat bbat I nae ottty Cue it xnemnir-- Cnfl VTke ;affloaey, of. .CIBbat ' Palm fa tk rallnf of rkeuautWi blflg fenvoastratod daily, rnrker Triplet, Of OrllrayaahatCtiiiwWUi-,', f ala Balm g"V bia permanent' Vailet frp-r tkeamaUaat, K tka -backwhon ItaryUllBg !e failed, snk mtX aot WwlAettufeteaUbyailjXeqUu -. .. IVahnbly nxat polkmra cotud bar aoswrnd Jpa- ua!4. at ta, eaasi. . trt yno.JVd.a,,btJrri.4n, irt ky kerncl ebeoi puM et'L Among otkr.roal IWcri J .tWLtur giara Amsiik lkit.iv..tw!" ei a pWro rWr goo4 lot, aad tkia atarcbed latLr"? R m naaailrfotiel U J r' C A.t ::f taxaltas b Maa a J to bar b kid by the r, rr!". 1 It Is tertalAly fngMsW fouod ta lUir burul place rcrart'I 'Jail, orsMMata, SBcb a bead, at, lxarr are ta rtanu ffiitataln tt to dream tf coal I n cwtaja alga ! ix.'.d j r". V , Tt, too, tber m the ; r tnjrrtt f dlr1ui5'-v.t -.J ittj k aT7Uo la tka . 1 l-t iJr. rv-ik ' --4 ;jrt ( U4 r - I' X ' It U f Ji.... i ' ' t' -jh ft fltor pT . riTed It from U "an .'lirortd, r . f " - ' n ' ' 'it-- t veeuu katpiy Mast ill y F1TH AND FC1NT. Eotso t tbt m tesiiy awal. Lwed ar LsrJ ,lo d:$e.t,.i '-i,.." ., Tou can l-f 1 a man to follege, but yoa cannot make Ilia tuiok. . s . - The binding do not make the book tXX the flic ttiejlattaaa..v' . '. ,- There l- aometblag almoet nelta choly - nboat yout; Jklgbjy; IsteUtctual person.. vv J i , What a lot of "meddlesome old ogl are, se,b-P.erona wbo spend UMfl.5ves making comjtiaints.. '.r-",;' Ko apUler orer-ooncelrcd a trap for 2 Innocent fiy, Jlk,-tbe,.adTrtllng wba ot Wall' street VBewar of tbi jsta jrno,lnrtta,yM to4oabla foot Tfhowr ;tker n(Jd ';;o 'be'"! yeaUngof BneaaliiMa, aad worry ln be bouatbold wkenji child ibowoAinpioiBt of hroap tSspw pexfaqtodia-i Tjklala twlpf.te Ike lufopi OBejeol Cihanv berlala'a Cough Remedy In the treatment Of tht;deellca Pooloarulei Md,,"la -ipeaklng, of bar ax. perleno In i,he bH f M' fdy ajaj - nnra a woria ot, .oonnaanoa io unaa bsrtsjns iDougb Bomedyfar.1 bare fted ia9j4W?ebiU,cj' land is sabjaot tesfwra attacks of aackiof eroop prompt rellet" 70feiali.br allDrtiffirlnta. n - - ,! -," . . ' I i- . . tori.Baeaii'laTaeai('it' rAre-XOeae, meo-tne tuture hoabanda 0 onr daughterar aald tnatroA t 'koSiiiaSaow siaitlil'l!!l2 .. :. rfOe-efcr,M",.; ,-; MI iw wpuldreaJlstbeact tharitf f paUn,rlM)t pleaaoje, our (Juarral with ttiwonld bcmVn4 woaroaU accept thnnkfoUy lltt B0Tp, dripping on onr dally' bread, but we go on, ezpfCt Ing bapplncas," stand, empty iblat In Uundiiieggani.la aa Inrlatbio oook, find TOflfWJHlyWsirW flot'w wonl; buallaieii Mather. Hxe JrotodjfcsU V ll yoaate: udjgeatoajXodol Dys. pepslk Cora wfQ etire'yoapt kas cared (boaasds, VItl oorln people srory dAyMCTaYy boot. I-Toa owa It to yonr- ssu io git It a trial. Xpa wWotmUoue lesnirHW y?t, do ,tr -1 There I no otker oomUnattok of eigtsnistbst dlgt and build sit lbs sum lima. dot does both, Xodol oar, strengthen aae; rebaQila Boldby ?. . Daffy, -j, A aMlaer, , . -BmglB-tJ-iaayj oMvchap, what bat yea that string aranpd jour .finger (erliWedderly To ! remind me. of aoiethjngl nan to gfor, my .wlt. aliwletonr-Wbat'ar yoa to ket? Wed- 1 4yrtWhj:-ar-jrT forgottaa what tt was, Hew Toner. , ' Mr H Haggles of Malboarean Th. writes, My doctor told m I bHfSna- saatpupa aad aothlng oonld b done for . ' Iwaa grrea ap to dlia Tka; offer ra tne trial bottJ of Dr Ring's Sow Miooaaty.torXkaaaaptloat mdaead m totrylt. Bsuluwr atartllag.), I sat aow oo Ike road jojooTry and owa a to'ptXIas'et ew.'DisooTary. It i-'? ttt ilfe. This great ears y ot i iur fi uroat aad last dia t tC iH' y 1, Dregglst. r Prion t u,), i nai uhum irea. j , x P.-no.Uv' :: - hrst Oaest (at banqnetrI this dl. mond backed terrain J Second OnN Tbafs what the caterer ealla It JVat Ooeet ftaitlng,iOr.V, tll, bo's a pmrarV rtrTrCtilcfe,Xjiban. ( if-' ." 'i 1 - " 'v' ' . t-Hr- : Mftflj SaMeA, Tier lc vwas. trM by e -famoaf krurlae kutn1' 1 -; -Woo M toeod galiir-Prbafttoa. PeWng tadabtmKkeJtjmngbVwa ni :o1 pole; gttHng pot t,tk 01mt smmaanBnleBMBmmannmwBms ..--,. , Very fw ITew Been people ar en lira. y Jre t"i I pektba.1. It Cotf aot taks nnfk to oTf.t lb .HilBtya. A' lltll Uk!a, aioorlBgyoalUuai ot kard rTk,eT-'ixw tif vdc'Jcwt 0TX8I, nd r-y "-he ail prompfy fol low. A b f'.l know 1 ft U'tr U'.lryoa lara hnw Irary kidney lUeaa U h'.:t4 aad red.! E4 about rt, J B Cfirts, firmw td la,bTtrl,cf 'I ';, .'i. U., if li, ' ' f: ''I ati'-wed for y it tl I " " "'-ire H I 1 1 1 B"t t-" 'Iff 3 ' ' I . ' I ! t t I 1 - :- of ,br, Xie.:Bc-om law a mc'J.fr t' " bo a sitrc of yy, U -ail, bet. tb euiTecto r ood aarr b-' ' t to tLo. ori:tl make itaUcipeiioaooo, Buoryvw V. .s" t 1--J is tka only remedy wU reiieT waaa of thojroat-j paiii aai daa jr of raatemity ; Cit hour whick i dreaded a woman's. . uuu .a uvi whit sum by its n.Tbce who aa tLI rctpJjj pro ao Ipogsr. poe4 eat. -arercoaoa, tLo system. is made ;re forJ tbocfftnig,eTen aaaioos aoeUants ao common to" tKe critical,.,. r.. .U j boar an obrUtad by tha aaa of r.oti-r'ap . ay maay wh- hayo od it;; tjom pot . i I a V Ka.'. if rir i itnra. ' r1 Fnntr "rlrtilnintr ' V : -t-CommeaUBg. -apoo. tt4oadtaja4i aonrfoi;. e -naow oLjear 4n.oww,i iAmerlcen, Atedldo oonciodesthatr: jtf jth portion, is rsUy,fiioiia .jbi is bad. becaoik.ln: snck.a poalttonrths eyes are 4id upoa th Jook. tnastrela log and harmful way nd' tbo boikc cannot bo ;aufflclilitiy liUmitliMied; : .B'Mjone aiu propped . at byf tm bead and trnnkas when- In cbalrJ there fan; no jyii consjiaBearn Tided, a.; soodrlck-:,ilabt Pld,u4 at.,pDjide,. nCi, ," i ;-3 J, .f. v'i. .-, The greatest argwoeni fjceadlng t$ bed Is that th nttonaoa by net dla traded br.tbo discomfort f of tbe body, th nolaes and interruptions aM at hfiaiaa;iwialak aa erect' pe sltlon iof ( Jhoj jbodyi and beadbo - snradbe hagoc4,DcoJlatsMtbt4iJs light ta strong, wWttaa4y, s4W prop erly placed.. He may thea Toad wltk bimlVtUdrpwalaoatvC Cum Rhcumatm' tad ataTrb , Send no raoiy--lmply -writ aad try Botanle Blood Babn at onr ozpanaa. Botahlo Blood Balm B. aB.r klll-or destroys tb potion In tb blood wbiob oaus;, tb owfoi' acbos In back aad sbokldar Uadav shifting palaslfflealty lanwrtsg 'flngertv. toe c fcfv .boas paln,4 swollaa masolos sad tolatsof rheomatlam,ortbefottlbreatbwklaf, spitting, droppings fntkroay bad ksaiv tag, speoki flying befoia thaeyay all played oat. ioeilng. of catarth. Botsnie Blood Balm has cored kandmd af easos of W or 40 years standing sftat deotors, kot spring or patoat-. awdloiBsa bad sM fafledV,. Most Of tboasvoarad psataataj bad taken Blood Babau aa a ls Bdesp It Is oipoblally adylsed for iwionkwdasp seated casta. , .Imposslbls fwaay oaoto eaitar tka afoalee at symptom f rbaav matlsm or eatarrb, wbuaor attar. Blood Balm. It maius, tka .blood aad rick tbrby gtrlsg a baaUhy blood supply Cares are permanent and patching ap.,; Sold at drag jtoral aaa largo bottla. , Bampla of iBlood Balm sent free aad prepaid, also spaclal awd oaiaanof oyueecnoing your, iroaois and writing Blood Babn Co.; dilantai Oan A -penoneJ trial of Blood Balsa t batter than a uoasaaa piutoa aisis, so wnif at oaea, ADMIHISTBATOKS I OTIC IV - Kotloa la kareby liyea tkkt tbaaader. alxaed karlni bee, duly appototod ad 1 nulatmor ox Mania Jackie dajnsssed, I mat au pastes maemea w saiqeauu Will eom forward and eattlo th earn. aad- thatair ' peraoa baTtof Spulaas agaiast tka aatata will piassat within oa year from lhdau kereei a this hollo will b plead In bar ,i .(kU reootary. This Fan. ao, 100c - f -1 v , 0. y. MoCABTHT,1 ,VT '.AdmMlstrator. T tIortggoA n3al,;!Eal -.-. .-";. .Estate.;. Z ; Parsaaat to a omtal a. atortgage x bated by Thoma W. Dewey and wif ta KU B. Boyd, Oawdlaa, dated thrUC day ot Jaaiary 1901, and . raofd0S a otBeoof tk Begtaurof Dd of Crara oaoaty, la book 185, pare ua, th aadar signed will offer tor al aadaaa tolha klibeat bidder -WaaeV t th Ooait Hoaae door oi.Qrar- eoanty oa Tkaro day tha 18tb day ot rabnary, WO, at Ihehoeref 11 e'aloak M aa tka toUow bg oaacribed ml uai js foow (a Ad ike foOowter lot of land wtib ai lapmriseoiaaa4 bnOdlngs tharooo city cf Ksw Bern, HartkC.uo3niC..cai'rTtet' the Waaler aide of what I kowaas h ?'v-"'!iMrod,d. be r 4kt m 1 t ,itl , u:n kl bearing the aomber 1, apo co'ula plot recorded lath offiaaat lfi(trof Dewitof Orsrea eotir'f t '"ok tit pit SM. as taryeyad fwr A , Dun by Q. K, Browojo May I i l", I, a4 Uhig heaaJ'--Ju told k i 1 1 "I I una- in Iht "T "Tii i I .tt U. Irwy aad rft'tTi fth etc cl Ike l.r.Uwr o Lr4$ cf 1 aniy oa April lit t7. twkkk,- ' roord ralerawoe Ii mvf tor a foil sad Ci-aui deaorlclln of 1 1 t. . s . . T.r.kc..t,raTy t' I v- OaerdUa of B, MmduU Carro. , Jaaaary 18th 1804. f . M, llmwaas, .. . A.P,WiuJ r::incr.3 a rAr.D.v.' , Arrox5zt ai ccr.'. :ri.crj at f ITT. aawr r 1 1 tri .'.ry rf , Co) t '. , t H i Is l 1 , 1 ' IS. I. ' a Ererr atetheP feats a V . foet, dread. e tha. caia. v . tk t efitloal period . ui.oaff'Tr.ia. 1THN .:!i!.45"5 : 1J57 ITlddle Bt I Pertnmos, ToBot Boapa, ote ; also the LfoUowmf Minonl Witerac MatohleM lial gtmm, lliUt.Wi,IUk. areafav ApaaaitBao8apettB OomkBnsbaTootbBiJbe 7: rr.t:;&tiBbirlBoaosbPaab -: i, ooltjmbuii laicnciDJnv : )NolBav;i iba4hraab xDWntootaak and .tAJrt;f-i...BdJBntJjtiyf.i: i & aiu PBJBVIWTAT1VJ tafoctton dj 4oontagie ojt DiBnpcBliCd;' 8MAL1V iW9 A swat CAEDLIKA .DISPATCH . LIR1 e"-r 41 WWaMtlvarW. 1a 10I lloTiMiaeiff to rail a r pi aW lwdmdyi aad i Friday favBllaabetl f Thbw. U eskodaledAe al.at na ac Taoadi kMlJWAIeoelTad.aoi.laAal i a t a . . awa i wn suani mriMl w aauinfa )" JT6t. rtka fnfmiaafiin.awala fea. , KorfojkTai.v...... ,v w.n,rvnminudi, Aft Goal Trt. aad rasa. Ami Hw k . anntvtattni.l ttSoutherir-Hallway. ZTJUdMlkara Bftaay taaanaaoai lis saJo al rnaadJilpt VlamaeXanwaasaJ Mokete to all tka priaotoal rwafittW Boatai bijgkapotobaclJvlKliwf kTbe wlaaaiaaaPsaielJUOtBad DarBTIast flamta sad Jrlarldf aaa UTIj taiftlat kaibaaaJa sotod reaorts as Ptahsrt, If. OL ftaa, aa, Biaamiitao,mCkrba roatJLAi tAngHte ,llataaaek. Braami wkk,Jk: Itinadrad TbffTiirTjfll P't JftSkSOW aaa.iawpw,i i aaajiaa fpauiie b aa aad Cnj4Jaepejbodo fjimmam I April lK4,tLJtod to rtra nam kuy Rt4Mao44' -xiv BoirJatra Baflway af otdseJegaat arla hn' ,wtvk tki lafi Jf4aa Dwir iwvJ tloeplag Cvj-opanoad tkroagk tr-o-raeiry'.ti,s yy iy -vgcar. j.eijvT-;j for tho oomfort aad pleanr. of tk Vsyalmv- v. r .s .- 4. AAjktoTwmTVikAtAatironks Uformailoa aad icrtptrt Btsraaare, D4 aU 004 te;3rvlSMJ lew . Cautra,E4illv720f;1 1fle!rrrorlrt tickets, aow eaJ .ttt i r- -u yf ."i.r-?r-i asl 1 .a - ; Ci'!" iSkiJa " ' t '. v y-4iy ieea- '- r;t,r.-itdioi:y. ii.'" ' f-fis "nr!-;-.n.fc., i 1 1-- - f l . - 1m ' . ' 1 1." g:!t: r -it Y -:: - il . whV. lWM ." ii 'iT , v. .-anTBrahi--.- a-r -s IT DiDonieionS a . n . aabaa4 A LARGEST AND FINEST; 8TO( K OF- Jlyepfirfed foraalein Kew Pern, A oar load af escb met in. it r Alao-a: complete line cf P oggies, ;CartWheela.Eto T. A. Free Free RADIOS RADIOS RADIOS Btapeadons offer made by a well V known Pklla. Arm. RADIOS RAD O - RADIO Tlldiiiiiidser persons In all seetlom iDf tbfl country ntve been healed - by this wonderfil discovery Eyery - educated person bA beard of Radium, its wonderful powers and healing qualities hare Mooapied page after page in the Metfopolitaji publications, Almost eyerybrfT taww- that v It is the greatest remedyUitGod has ever given to rnfferipg huaianity. Dis ease genua ol ererj deacriptlan flee before it they cannot stand the contact, .i) We hay gooh faith in onr ifropeeltioa that we guarantee aboo- liy.to cox jou, hat is more are wku give 70a a wnwen conuaoai ' aw a. . i I Uf tfiat effect,; This offer badaeTer WdnnUoakd. 7U1 out tho blank Uomd imuk the malady from ' hichyan axi sfleriog aad reoelye gwtnm-) mail information that b worth -hnntrroda of dollars jb)-ij .Ask any bankiaf nn ra- StDf0rfDUJtJ, - r . : ! e reo Ofexs freeOffei: Fret fllhr RADIOS CO. dlAPfwalgelWagicv. - PkSdlpkl,r4 tyftM 'ti 4 Kladly tead free of ooat (a tralmsi aad year woadrfl -atyJUtev?i . KWavtSa..-... -a i i a- e Of.., Staled ' tfttlHWMiilHHfMIHIA J "D1a.,w,t.,,w il"Tl! t t a. a AO -" t . ..-4 - a 'iMa a a. f ' t. " atei BifflLl mngc WagOne Barnes. Bob s, bire wfOlfSS, Brond Nf. A:&ft. C.R. R. tdnr-TABiJi ho. 82 To Tab Effect bnnday, Oct. 5, at 6:00 A. M., E. B. I QelaigBastsl.BoHaiou: tiuiug vv u fRo. I-1 Paaseacer Tralni Wo. v: : DAILY. Dr. p as BTATIOKSs Ar. a m aO..........Goldaboro 11 05 M. o . LaOimng 10 ;iU itt.;4.M ...Kinaton 10 18 R40,.4.MAa. Jlew Bern, Lt 8 0 50... ...Ly. " Ar 8 87 7 18.... Ai. Morehead olty Lt 7 05 " Bo.1, No. 8, PHSHttnger Tralu . ' PasMOgor I erayiowa: i Train DAIL1. LO. a gOd..... Ooldaooro Ar, P. M 5 B0 B 08 7 67 7 r 7 B'i 7 25 7 17 7 00 6 60 H 0 80 r. m. D laaa)4avmo IMiMeeei L 818 4... Beat1. . . LeQrenge trailing Oreek.r. Kinston le...,..i..:OaaweU ,1 18. Doyar '110.,. .Oor Creek.... 180.. . . .Tnaoaror ..... 86 Ourk JO r. .; . . . A. Mew ern, Lt. FEttlGHT. DAILY EXCEPT bONDAY 1U.L MObas. Ly. am II 8 48.;... No. . Id Claaa Ai. p m ... 2 M) ... 18 ... a 03 ... 1 88 . .13 13 . U01 .. 11 'Jt ...10 40 ...10 10 ... (M . .. Qoldaboro Beafa .... LaOrabre taw. 17......ylll creek ,7 IS. .......... Kinston 70....M oaawell 00. i .i ..... . .Dover 0 ..... .oore oreek 101O.t(....tiTaearora l0M.iw.4......olrk'l 1100 At. Jfw Bera, Lt U K0 taao.,..,.Ly. New Bern Ar ,8 1ft lTr.'....,...". Biyerdale 7 to 'l.XW.t.4..arciaat 7 28 ... Hayeloc 7 io 0a.MAMrTewort, Lt 6 84 !C........WBdwood 0 17 SM AtlaaUc 06 P8f ..Ar.MorabeadOlty.Ly.. .. 8 IW 00 ...AT. M. Ctty Depot, Lt 8 00 .. . a. a. 1 " 1 B-1 DILL, t-'JuntWULMO), Oenl Bopt. lUrkmTmasportaWoiL pBieabicht, . irons LagetiBeer TTbria1leiltro KakWr WoaV'Sskicbt's Tea' Qmi Pmawtoe POABA. ' a lane B Proat aad Eaaeook IttwHs, Mew Bern,. 0,. I t Sll'House.' ftknWBafon k t aw Tat lie Wl Eo," tlratJCIaat Yoard. wk4auIM(brymf poopl.' Tbthlag ed irtHif aa)Uu, .Tsnas tlM riwBTaWtw t j a - . ey ot.vfyn ",. . k" -,J y ;..-... . ... ... , i .as . n I iTI . , I v c:"Aitff at Uw; r 5 r ti rri TU Ct &ul CbaUaokai i V - CHMD...'yAUAy.'' V.- . , ' C'..:w Jeaee, OM'WCaXfti X fat!Us trana, laantc, and UA . ' . r a4 Tdri Onrln - - I;.:.-Mlu. Qrcn, ' At' jArniMttuihir, "!., pxw r; ;..t, ?r. C :; ' 4 t'r., tf r,.,., ' " r f ;-" iv V v X V i 3?" A: I i.i t h i ,t' at lfr f, "t ..rii-ii! . nr-ti: f .i i-iUurUoti, write I f 8 f