, - . - ........ r r '--- I IWBXEi; h 8AT0ED4I UORIlIBIIBaUARI IS, iW4 TOl. 11I-H0. 271, TWIITT-8IC0ND TEAR " A-f a' - - If.; t-1 ft For Your Spring 6(ran. The material and the trimmings for your Spring Gown can be bought nowhere etae so wisely and economically aa here. The goods are all you oan ask fresh, fashionable, and In wide variety, The prices are eren lower than onr prioes vinaly are, and that means a ereat deal. E3CsLcls:"bxir3a. 1 Cotton 2s Almost King Again At tbe price in prospect you can afford to fertilize it well, If you want the BEST Use Meadows Great Cotton Guano, Insist on having that kind, an 1 yeu will not be disappointed in your orop. For Tobacco Use Meadows Gold leaf Tobacco Guano It makes ?ood, slick, tough Tobacco. November 1903 on planter old 1,462 pounds of tobacrojfor $511,00. He nsed Gold Lesf Special High Grade Fertilizers for all crops If ther is no denier in your section handling onr goods, write us. E H.& J. A. MEADOWS CO., Mn'frs, LONG DIST E PHON K 66, Factory Neuse River, New Bern, US C Notice. Any farmer desiring to fence his land with the American Field Fence can procure the same of me for a hort while. I now have in stock two car loads of Same. U.Mmi Vmdtr Hotel Chattewka, IfKW BERN, If. C Our Stock of WhiTE Goods Embroideries and Lace For the Spring Is now complete and were bought at old prices. Make jour selection D. F. JARVIS, wrotwun. To The Public. Rakata at UiImm, I kf t aa IHiw iaM t feM agaia Nw4tlM Birwa, HalM, Bft- WageM, Dar Hiwt, al wta ! 1imi If wtmA lay U frtwia, 4 te aamaii Mf na, , fjmj UptaPf, Mil 111 BABH. . Oitf(nra . . ..lf A lfatt aoU Ik laiaraat la t A4lrftrtatdaM4 trmk,a4 , tr Witf ITUt'SM a40tNVf ' WtD toailaM it Halt M las aaaw pmt Onm fir, - r.. , jtroim wiLUaMi.: O Novelty I Valentines I We are showing Y, them in the very ! latest creations. ', UNFITS BOOK STOEI eeteMMHMMMe ABICV(XC imni haoctAN awauMcaj TnE MIAMI U JtVX&OkRTOX," MItlddle.fi, . Valu&bla Olty .Proper ty Por. Bale. t Ua avHata pte ef ynpvly to. m t( Jokaaoa aal MvtaaU atmULaaJ fomeftf-vwaal ef Ooff B Watt V i o arf vm a yaaamk aimW, fanarty wvad ty WTQJaai OaW tfn ttt tomlo9 aoiairalai U4 tfcaa ( eWra yjny, tpyl V IU-IT. WItXli801l, 5 ' M Cr.rra Pi. Xt Pra. ': rabl v llllvnvuliea Beer, por box ol 3 doz. bottIf3,01,25atCroT7n Dottlinrr 7crli3. Jf )Tvtsmiaauaxa 1 I r Ira I - II B-J tut of Japan to PORTARTIIUR HOLDS OUT Japanese Making a Flank Move. Fleet Reported withdrawn as Troops are land ed. France Ua easy. Special to Journal London, Feby 13. There la an uncon firmed report of the or render of Port Arthur today. The later newa la that Port Arthur till holda oat bat that the terrific bom bardment of the Japaneae fleet la rapid ly reducing the Buajlan defence. The town la being wrecked by the Japaneae fire and there b a great low of life. The DODulaoe la fleelna: from the olty. All forelgnera were notified to leave. Advices by way of Shanghai are that the Rniatan fleet at Port Arthur ha been completely smaahed with great loaa of life. The Japaneae fleet la now reported to have withdrawn from the neighborhood of Port Arthur, their laat movement against the place being to cover the lanllng of foroea. Thla haa now been aocompllihed. An engagement with land forces Is re ported north of Porl Arthur. Baron Hayaabl haa been Informed that the Japanese troops are advancing rapidly on the Tain river where It la ex peeted they will soon oome in contact with the Russian. The plan of campaign of Japan la to push across the Tain rlrer and on to Mukden, tbe present Russian base on the Manchurlan railroad, driving the Bna- siana back on Harlelm to the north. This move wfll Isolate Port Arthur and give Japan the control of the Mancharla railroad and telegraph line. Cores la now dominated by Japan who occupy the following plaoea, Beoal,th capital. Masampo In the southeast, and Chemulpo, Ping Tang and Ohenalpho on the west Nagasaki, February 11 The Raaslaa troops aeea In the neighborhood of Beoal and aapeeted to attack the eapitol ar probably remains of foroea that were da fet4 near Tela. It was thought that the Rnsetaaa might make aa attack on Seoul so as to relieve Port Arthur by drawing off Japanese force. Berlin, February 11 The German (overs ataai has notified Bassla Out the Bait la feet eaaaot pass through the Hal blp canal ea route to the far east The Basel aa feet win now proceed Via Skager around the northers silraalty of Denmark. The fleet made aa at tempt to go by the northern route la the fret Instance but were ditvea back by storms end tee. The flee constats of 8 re new battleship and three smeller la. Paris, febraert lLIt fa denied that ike Preach coven aunt la rmsklaf wav- ahlpe M the rat eaet, It la learned how. ever that vesiili hare sailed. There talk of frane Wooealag mbroIUd' the war. UktX HUH! A LBAD beurh Cams Taateroar AfWruoen Praa v TyphoU Fever. Sped site Jeurnal. WaahUgW, Fsh Ileaeior Vat as A Banna AM at ale hoaae lathto ettyafa afterae. ( The Oeeta f tals preeaiaeat tttVi- eaa aWlseejsu ana Veeei fear! for the U4frcr,th4IMW47W pheteieaa sWwtag Oat iW suae was a wafl atgk kopWss ja. I sailer tfaav haa heea sink for several vesta, frtoa an tttaah algrffpa,' and laiat from ferar which prtvad to t tynaoil ' S$ was beta la Oak, at WT, Hag Ikatafeve f? rear f a. ',:' asalagu, Jy ltThe rewt af the feet f 0eaatof Ca Is &S'4 to alght, ale Is artUflal'y tt. , . ' ni'A ;CAC j i r r 1 1 . CAUGHT BY THE GRIP. RELEASED BY PERU-NA. Congressman Geo. H. VVhite's Case. A. Noted Sculptress Cured. :nininiiiiTnHHmiiiinnnmir C jN: I tarrh.-- " F I ledleillilL I5S.. I I 4nniiiiiiiimiitnHim;!miinfinifr: LA GRIPPE la epldemle eatarrh. It pares no olaaa or nationalty. The enltored and the Ignorant, the aristocrat and the penper, the masses and the elassea are alike subject to la grippe. Vone are exempt all are liable. Have yon the grip f Or, rather, haa the grip got yon T Grip is well named. The original Trench term, la grippe, has been shortened by the bnsy Ameri can to read " grip." Without Intending to do ao a new word has been eolned that exactly describes the case. As If aom hideous giant wltn awful Our had A Joyful Acceptance la alwiys given to an Invitation to rids la a Waters' aarrtage. as they are renowned for their easy riding quamtee, aa wall ss their stylish appearance. Thla oombtaatloa eaa oair aoerae rroat a va kida thai U perfect la oouatrnotloa and Balak la every oetaiu a natter oernagu enanot be built than the geaalae Waters buggy, rabbet or steel Urea. We bund anything yon want Lowest ptlon when anallr la eoaaldared. whaela. We hrmk your teoee rues at a machine without extent th a without toxin- til frees wheel oa bugn while yoa walk. XvaryVedylsla vtted to see aha saaahane at week putttef aew bolts at aid pteoaa. O O. Waters A Dona, ncam W fl Bread yaw BnwaC 0 UBUfDBD E1M IBS CO., M ICUdU Bt,) Htv Bar, K. a ri0D w. All klndii .Builders XXaterlal, Doera, Iliads, Llate aal Cement lTowEra., '" ;.Eca4y-mixcd Paint, TU Bent and Cheapatt ea 'tbe ssaitai Bntldars Tools sd tha Beet Oman, , e ' Q tores and ;-.. .CooUnar Utensils, Oana, PtotoU, thaTk aad CararVSgea, , : ''DUo Cultivators. m mm. Oval Uof rots BtarUnj tllvet Hat rU)i In tbs Kst D-'jts v !tb4 in rrty silver, ti, 19 anJ lt$ )cl In. f - C w!i !:w,' . . J. 0. f clutched n In its fatal clasp. Men. women, children, whole towna and eltlee are eangnt in tne baneful grip or a ter rible monster. tor Grip. htre. Theophlle Schmltt, wife of the Ex-Secretary of the German Consulate, writes the following letter from M17 Wabash arenas, Chicago, IlL t - " I snflered thla winter with a severe attack of la grippe. After using three bottlee of Parana I found the arls had l disappeared." Ure. T. SchsalM. HO. MAR IS RICH XlfOUOH to do without Irs tars ran oa sane ae poor aa not to need It. Whether Tout property consist of real property at household goods, yo need Ira meur anoeef the ruble sort etehia la the of rail abte-the one and aalyhtad wo wrtta, Think tt ever oaos, twiea, tkrlea and then aetarmtae apoa the wte- dout of taking oat era toanraaos at sals oooe- I also seB BRICC OXO. A. B10O1L, Pneaana le. Fnoas V anseel tta. Plfascd to ho.ro fron fr 11 wt wUlbeteeiamtae mu new " ik Of prlng Fabrtoa. iWl are ahewteg a a pern assortment e Wonted aad Cbtkla tn belh by etsl aad tnmmM gxxi to fpvteg. rnn paMama to talta, tmoMfi te neat hMtaV nae ar.wiT-f, Wt have all tia e met ttte te eel sad BaUh to laewyea 4 M:t - niuauis Cecrcn Draught lit A. htrs. Oelsete Oovell wrHee from HO IT. avenue, Aurora, IlL i "Only those who have snflered with la grippe and been eared eaa appreciate how arafctful I feel that eoch a splendid medWtine as Peruna haa twea pleeed at the door ot every anSerhag psraoa." hfra.O.CereU. Vs4 aesOaet.ee Cm4 rfHa Vra. hf. C. Cooper, et tke Boyal Acad emy of Arte, ot Leadoa, England, now reeidlttg la Washing ton, D. C, Is one of the greatest living scnlntoee sod painter of the world. She says: 1 take pleasure in recommending Pe- runa for eatarrh and la grippe. I have suffered fer months, and after the use of one bottle of Peruna Z am entirely well. the International Barber's Union, writes from U Westers avenue, hflaaoayoUa, hflnn.: PoUowlngaeevere ittaek of togrtppe l aeemed to be aflected padly au over. "One of any euatomerawho was greatly helped by Peruna advised sne to try It, and I procured a bottle the same day. now my bead Is cleat, any nerves are steady, I enjoy food and seat well. Pe runa haa been worth a dollar adeee to ma." D. L. Wallaee. Lieutenant Clarice Hunt, C the Salt Lake City Barracks of the Balvataaa Army, writes front Ogden, Ttea t " Tw moa tha ago I was emaTevBac with so screre a eeld that I eould hardly speak. Our captain advtaed Sao to try Pe runa and pToonrcd a bottle fee saa, and truly It worked wonders. Wltkin two weeks I waa entirely well." Clarice Hunk Ciagiissasaa WMerl letasai. Yarfarw, V. Cm OtatUmttrnt i mm anew ttasr aafJa rYeef wtt ftowaw auaf Hm4 M to aw mm surcafisaw nmtmtrnr taw mrtm mm4 ea aarrfe. I An re aW H lu mty tmmttj m4 tbmy mtt sftr saw m reoeananeaieVnf a as mm areaMar reaaeatr. " deorn iu wmm, mtmmmrw rssMrasa. Mrs, T. W. Collins, Trsaenrer Inde pendent Order of Good Teanplam, of Everett, Wash., writs: "After having a eevere attack of la grippe I con tinned la a feeble oemdlttoa even after the doctors ceiled tee cured. My blood seemed poisoned. Paraan cured me." Mm. T. W. Oolllaa. If yew do not derive prompt an factory results from the nee of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartmaa, giving n full statement af your ease and he will be pleased to gtre-yoa has valuable ad vice gratia. Address Dr. Xartman, Prasad! of The Bartanaa Sanitarium, Oolaaabna. 0, Don stand In aeed ef CceJ EodaTlre Sate, Pokan, Btove Pipe, Store Beards, than kt will take yeu te teaea aas AH theee thtefft wa hare to ear BABDWAM rrocx. ore too ausimnei to m The very took e teem ail saahe yaw aa4 the Ww artoat wVL ssrsn yea favurahr, asa - Foy jk Simmons, ttariamitu sTjnrjnxx, . a Wood A fallBjrpI; Cat AatAradts fraa Ufivl&I.WalU AK OraU, etora mtA CaaaUil Ootl. t2a tie Oeialraial rooahaataj CtsaaiMws bf 7aWda8tonjav r ' ;TU t Oak, I, Ttm mU aQxa4wad.L' ,-"'- Quiclc, Prqnpt; Dc!ivCi7g: Goal and NICE LOT FANCY CAKES 10c, 15c and 20c per pound Just Received Nice and Fresh at J. L. McDANIEL'S. Also Fancy Evaporated Peaches and Apples 10c lb. New lot Harvey's Small Hams and Breakfast Strips. Blackeye Peas 5c qt, A Complete stock Staple and Fancy Groceries. Yours to Please, IT I MaFIAMTPT 51). U 5 Fhoiie01. Fiesh Lot F orida JUST RECEIVED: T. 13. PAEHEE, Jr. Wh.leMl. and R.UII Orocr, Cor. Broad A Hancock Ni. HON I 69. nxxiixiiixiiiiiiTiTiiiiiTT HaTO You a Tlilmt ? So mach the better by that mnch more yoa'U enjoy a rtraoftht of Bndwels beer. It's n thirst qoencher which re eeivee many a well merited encomium will receive your pralee, too, after yoa save oaeesbared tbe pleasore of thse who long ago fonnd oot the manr merits of Bndwels beer. Wholeeale and retell by J. F. Taylor. HIW riH5, H C Agent for Prospect Brewing Co. of Phil adalphla. Freeh Car Load erery work. Cotton Goods AT OLD FI1ICES ! Out line of Bprlsf and Bnm tux Gotten Goods is now In. All loagbt at last years prices and will b tola, AS long as they lsst, at prloes as laat year. Embroideries and Laces. W oaa 9 t r ftna M to 80 per oast, so I. l Cnbroklsr sash lis) Or a .el .li.a ever !o the cftv-;, .... VmrryYT :KD01TT,FOEQET that V7S sxo rstlli t sell lngfour winter gds At Cost and under.';- , tw 0 ol Qotsn Qoallt &4 fe r. iieejj Etoct jrigtla.: I J. yM. Whofettale aft Retail Grosser, 7lBral Ht THIIIIIIITmiTTT TVVVi"- 11 -4 4 4 ranges ! rn TTTTTTTWfc. lAAAAAAAA a- -i w A Ul JJlgUllllU If to come right on to 3 Co.!.n -blore, and there Is th. plsoe wlicre : can find it I Our Besutlfol line of Hprln Cli.Dil is In ready an I joa will find ihem Hi u ties the I'rettleft iljle ws hire errr U ! and In spile of eTerrthlng nln n ; . n, price yoa will find orr goo. Is kIij.; down In price bat not In quality We hare two good clerks si our . rr and yoa will like Ibem both, one ! M r Prioe and the other Is Mr Quality ml ths twe together makes s good team. Ws still hare 73 mens tlO.W.nlt. to close out at slaoghthar prloes, tliia 1 n, 88, 40 at 3 Vk H Tooths Suite, 14, 18, lfl, 18 old j -r 7 M) now $8.91. i Bit even 60 little boy. sulu, i tm from I to 8 half price SO pairs Maas Bboce to cl-M oat tt kslr prioe. It9 Pair Ladles Flee toes, old i ri. $1.00 aal 1.(9 aow for tklt thr '!; onjy 1 SO. Children Bhoee say qoality si a Ii' of aotklag, aad here la a paasle nntmn Itroaal a Poaad aad Oouob cimh t Coploa's to per yard. On Beeatifel Llaa of Dra (i eomlsgta dally. We tavite a I the I., n ef Haa Bern te enaae aad ae. tor , h m atlra what tergal as iay eaa g m h oh (tore Tonra for farrnlna, S. COPLON, a 0. MO&TOV. Bale man. 71 atlODLl STEXXT, tat te OaakUl HardwautOasHilew eaa r I aafS'faeaoved are tin thOf aas1 FUhlagestssae fraa sty a44 ua4 to aMwUSdiagaau eoraes Broad tineV lOddmatraete,;,;; - ' . k Ion Look Plumbing W aiftawaraafaltoa atnvhtel ta4 wta a ft right en Hg Haea m U youi ShWi'at aaae. ,-""-v '.' -,- ' . ". J, AV. WOOD A- r 1: