'-.V-..' "i ,. . S 4 'ft - -J 5-L: 1 The KIn4.Tott Have Always" Bought, and vUdb baa uaeat ' - vf-; la use for over SO jews, has borne algnatnr kf , All Counterfeits; Imitation and Jnustaoodf are bos RiMffanMiti ttiot tolflA vrlrrt fln&ntsvand CJhMren Experience - against Expertortrtdi' ; What lo CASTORIA Castorla la afaumlenl snfcstitate foir Caster OA, Baiw-v toiieDrops and .SeotnlnfeT SyrupsV; It I Measanfc U -i contains neither Oplom, fJHorpnine .nor-other Narcotto anbstance. vita age Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms t x fTeM4 aUaya Feveriahnesa, It- cures .JMaariw? a4, Wind ::, J Colic . It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation :. and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food regulates the r, v iV Stomach and Bowels giying. nealthy and natural sJeeiv ", Sean tno .-Tlie Kind You Have Always Bought JS?1' Ifi. " AA in use ror wver ow. icaro. , VIM OMfMIN OMPMlV W WMMV TRCCT, HBW TOM Qff - 1 .-. , 3-4 ?. ...... .. ' ' MISS ROSE OWENS, No. 720. Seventeenth St., "H CTOV tufierin? vmuii Iim tbc Mine czptricace with , moco( QmluithAt I bad, iyowintJidovWU most f AUb? Abqut yetf ago I began ta have a worn out tired beltag with laaattode. palm in the back and head which kept tocreatta every mooth. Iielt that loccded Sfimrthhig, but to get the cieht medicine waathe troo hd. I finalhr decided on . your Vint of Cafdul and only needed to take thtee bottles when I was fully n I8 I SEN ' Mies Rom Owens, vho hea a responsible position in the Government service at 'Washington. D. C decided to try Wine of Cardai, she made a wise choice. Over a million women have "been relieved of femsje weakness by this sarnie Win , of Qnioi. It is not a 'ftroab medicine bat may helaken svery (day In the rear by any woman with benefit It does not force results, bnt ..corrects derangements of the menstrual .roaci. It atrauzthana the nervous 'T Tjnrtem, givss tone to the bodily func tions, acts airecuy on wt rauiai organs, and is the finest tonic for wo V)nes, knpsrs to the aeienot at tnedidjia. WINEofCAltDVI Kstlco iA3t qipy vt Entry No. 55. 1 ' " liorth CltroUoaJ , " Jones County, f T VrocktJiefiatei of l)eed. and -; oliJ5ntr Tkt. t ' The aderstreed 8 Barker of Jones eeeetrr Meets Oarotlas. -enwre and lays " V fiW.Vtbe loilewlnefleselbed piece of firosl of land la Trentoa township, -' ..v. Jones ooosty, North CaeoUwe, the Mm V belae. vacant aed ,aappropiUted land ." . est ftblect W eeiry, viat Jiflng on the Soet side f Trent river aad on Pope Jf T v lav resca.-adjofals Unci of f Brook, j V .ThOi. IX Waree,'K P F!obsks aad eiaara, Bounded on the Horth by Tho ' -si -ft Vfsrree's WD4(formerlv 8ce place), ' ' . ' e. Ue Xatt by Uad of t Brock ((orsseely . .' " M ewsed by R A Wbltaker aad oUert), nn , tbe Sooth by Ian4 of r Brock aad oa the I . WeslfcT ilaad Of W TPerrr (UnDaatal 1 toO acre paUai), eoaiataleg y ertlet ' tloe 100 eeree store or leea. -." 8 giBri?; ; -V,,M Clal..: '.'Sstefet! this II th day of Jisssry; 104 - Jr ,' 0 t FBROfali BsrlsSsref Deed aid etAdo Catryi ' 'Taker folweOot - ,' r- y ippu6tJo fJf ew.ftfuflctie.- HUeeUrby4lvske eeifooel jra.tnt)b4os Jaaoary riet, IHl to TaoVMOJepkletfor nee, Ibereef U eeptaei leh el 14 Atlacu Kortfe CaroUas Ball aU eei paevj has bHe loot ef flstrof4, see eaeet be .freed, ' e il kpp1laUo will be nede U lie . t rd of DlrecUrt ef said Railroad c pasyot eff p eaB. t i lb tbtraot, 1 I ' . ;-CIOUGl O. JtSat'ljtsVw " ' ", J(d vT.JgSHiR, JV, . ' "rifTcaAit,jgswKg,' . N i !r.i.t-.te of the fete Oflaemti v" 4re .' '. ",'. ' 1 1 i i i I HI roi boh rut 1 Vvoaalsoperrtelaa since Its trrf&nejv jutrl mnA anmw IriA IiwnlrlaTBf ?' BignatTiio os 3 WASHINGTON. If too are a suffering wo man we would soy to you that Wine of Cardul seldom fails to completely core any case of female ills. We say emphatically, it never fails to benefit. Every day hnsv dreds of sufferers are writing to our ladies' Advisory De partment TLa letters are opened by persons compe tent to give advice. Mrs. Jones was cored by follow ing the advice which was freely (fi von her by the Ladies' Advisory Depart ment. Kiss Owens was eared, without advice byjnst baying a $1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardnl from her druggist and taking this great medicine in the pri vacy of her home. No doctor's ex amination, treatment or advice is neo essarv. Ton have read what these two curea women have written. Is this not enough to lead vou to determine to be rid suffering r August 13. 1900, Mrs. W. H. Jones, of Cajrieeon, Mo., writes i 1 tuffered terribly at monthly periods for three years, I would sometimes rotof tevea months with no floV at ail. Now I have my health back agate and am eipnthig to be confined In Jaoeary. I Cannot praise row medicine eoonfK1 A million sufferinff r, have found relief in ' Wine of Cardul. To SellLandFor As- v setal. NORTH CAROLINA Soperlor Court, Craves Cooaly, Before the Clerk O J MoCarthy, AdalstslraUtf ef th : tale of Martin Jaektoa, droeaaei u . Weal Moons, Snak Maeea hler Mares 'Aad Marv A-Veans. v Tb deiemdset above aC wtH take soiloe tkat sptcUl ereoeedleg e above titled has Use eoaineeoed befere tee Cierk of Ihv Boporior Coert of Said Crme eoturty, to ii for eaeets scer tste treevef Uad It aali-cHaW aad eoee- if, deeerJba Is ike deed from Thossae J BnMMfwo JBryaa te esld Marti Jackie. acaed, rteorded la Booh He M, goil Ul ta efflo ef. Rentier of Deed for Crarea cooaty, ed each of roe are troelred to scpear at mj ofBce le the eoert ho of Craven eoaety, oe MeeoeyikeTiiday o( March, 10, U tMeoeroriiooieekaam, 4 sstwev or immtt bo Jb pernios gied ta said pro eeedtogs, Art otherwise to eeeee, U eay yne. have, why the or syet ef the pe Utkaser abatl fee be free 14, otherwise tktetaiMwr win apply t tk eoert for i reiter nemaaqwi. . Thl 8ih day ef f.hmarf, lPOi. , " vT.ji.watwk. Telephone-' 1 , giaTiti a. a tmtzMi jrxcEBRrrT, k no m CO XT 1111X5 CX A OOJIV . ConTcalcnco, JjuxtityJl' CHdr 7el rheae at Oacel rrEio for iw Ctncate, foxkeU heribyitvee tkU rert!Sc!' ka4 am Jaeeary tltv, lM.l tU JmiIr fuf nr, ,r ef U cf BUtnk of t! i!8ilrii;J yfouk C r o'ii r "jol Co-r iy, LnsWa Of tfOT1, tl H6t t ft sr, ?, ar, J that rr ''reVIoa. w!4 t Vfi'eH lie 9mtA 'jt r"rrs ef !! r'!-l CJW NOTED irtsw. Hel BcB a ,SDarlne:j ei 'lAaa-wae m Tew,Bvaee ' leazjD4a etc s)M ;.;- Itt" tonBiat 'lritrestliir-'fart l&aiinry:of thK orgfeatesi&cn lav beeni-JSBarinf ewpw t Jhif It la floubtful iX ttero- evw lived a moi. tacrtnra maa than Wallenstela, the famous commander of, the Austrian army -during the hir-yeeM- It is''saidJ)eni1d Hived In an atmosphere of silenced and never vt-' tered a word that -wa not absolutely necessary, nor would be permit others to apeak In hi presence more than was essential, v One of his chamberlain; was hanged -Tor -waking WaUensteta .with needle noise. Bis aemnts r so many mutes, not daring to open, their lips in hi presence and.- be was stuv roonded by patrols, snd tM approaches to his heuse were barricaded by chains to preserve him from the least disturb ance. "In comparison with Wallensteln, It has been recorded, Diogenes would have been tthaitotbo n"Wlrtwf, tne suent-s Drawer i -, l Bnt alienee- u a cnaracterisnc or many of the World's most famowrsoldle(V Napoleon boasted that In his dealings with men he never wasted srord ana 1 made monosytl3les'iiswtuAOBr pirK pose. Bat nothing. escaped bis. eyes, ana ne coiiw wmprw sncwvwBnin; sentence than moat men, could, convey in a quarterof 'tyW0 ;.'f fmi Tbe great Puke of MaMborwigh wheO receiving reports from i bis geirls3j wouia proauce nis watcn ana say, "i will give you . minute;? - And it was , likely to go hard' With the officer who did not obsert IfmltaiTo W staff the. Duke of Wellington wa al ways mora or lees a sphint . A ttod or shake of the head, was oftes the, only response they could get from him, and when once he waa asked what he con sidered the best' equipment of a com mander he answered,; fJL long head and a silenj tongue.? . - Von Moltko almost rivaled Wallen steln In taciturnity. He never opened his mouth, IX a gesture would suffice, and when the news was brought to him that the French had declared war he simply said to toe aiode-cinpr Sec ond pigeonhole on the right, first tier," and turned round to sleep again. But he had said all that was necessary; for in the pigeonhole Indicated were .com plete nlans for the campaign which' closed in brilliant victory. Von Sloltke used to soy that one verb In the Ger man language was worth all the oth ers put' together, add that waa ."thu -"to do." X 'The worst thing his enemies could say of President Grant was, e won't talk because" -A has so much to, .con ceal," and yet ft Vras precisely n this silence that Grant's real ttrengtn' lay. His orders and dispatches were the, briefest ever penned, sna wnen once charming young lady playfully dtked him why he would not talk to her h answered. "My dear, don't yon know that silence Is one of tb greatee arts of conversation V , But it has been the same in all ages. Charlemagne was s perfect miser of words, holding.' with Confucius, that "silence tea friend that will never b trayf Hannibal was s "man Of mono syllable," and Julius Ceecar was nick named by bis soldiers "Tb ancle." , . Even grcet'Stateem! and srritsrs who cannot -ul!r.troar any. lack of words bare often been among the most reserved of men. JOt Addison, John son says,' t)f,m-wxtrasr Btsmifw nothing is so ansa nieotlonea.as twit timorous or sulle) taciturnity which hi friends called modesty by too mild name." According to Cbesterfleld," he was "the most timorous and awi ward maa I ever saw," and svesj Ad. dlaow blmaeif, speaking ef hla'pWS 1 cas draw bills for s tbonsani pounds, thougb I baten't a.guinec la ear eockel.'r ' ,r--A f- . . V Dryoeu. was saqttsnrWf treary ts a ooenpenJoa. .-My scwt-.l IS slew,' be once wrote, ."my tuorjrTB!a tad ressrvtd, aodtl aw none ef (hoe wb sadMTor to jsTSakJ tnW i com. May and bake reparteea." Aad Shad- Well tells bow be sac dined with Dry dee, and from tba beginning, to the. end t t balneal the rtr sever oeeeed bis Km esceot UeaLT V ' v !. Tbomas CartyW was a "boarder of the gold oi-ftc-jd weeMeV4 boors, gentng rway at Ins; ptpe Jts aurt wtnrtas- or sbaat s Tntt'S gruff. U30Ot7lUL(fh 15 oat, his aK Kbor and saBsaats, oece wrot J a mro-itt pt vpv. kovrwilh CerTyW Wbewt nt W be gwW,'nIr: Mr ttatartoa'st partleg 4 snapped oet, "Ocod Asyr sad that Is tb seat ef the eoavereatloa be beared me wit. "Bnt bow i ooeet bis sllese 11 joet eet and looked it blui and cam away trragt eaed to freak stroggW." rj . 4 '- " ' '- 1 l;rQ , ' , T A SBXel .Stfiti . A Of Kin OeorcS IVi THrsit Crte- rry, b bred In tb rty pert bf Ue alnoamtk eeatary, tan thta story ; 'The' king bad ppoUtd tb bitty of W ItKUuitf ta sdBinleter to V:r ko yvaat)t ea en ef Ike Bandar sbout EirW. Tb Uebep Was an( ptiortael ( hi ritM, end brsrrtvw th khng. to S grt p:- (t hev1 b.i klt WSinnt bfll tr.4 fTM wrx I bl IS ffc nxt liMWeiit ii.Bnr, tm toufct b rnBlld to wl'Mrsw, ea i rrrT'4 fen wij!y wis eM t!.tn :a a Tt fete or tr.:n4 to r"l it eiT rrwrnf. n4 !m',d tie ttmXj to s"t4 ra I tt . ey Is S t4!ar !ai of prn r' -n. rs n r-t r r ' !.' i t ' V i ' s r- i' ;. A NERVOUS WAIT. ' ; Web4 asaaatiok Wkea -h dkareh . tinut Toiaiir Dmrk. - - "I went to a Fifth avenue church last Eunday night,!! a&ld a man who is good once a week, "and quite unexpectedly got a new sensation. fhe church was brilliantly lighted, but aomethlng vtent wrong -with the electrical . apparatus, and all of-g sudden most of . the lights went out Midway in the building two tor three bunches of bulbSspontlnued to shed a sepulchral twilight, but the put' pit was shrouded In darkness, and nerv ous members of the cougregatloa began tonaget . . ' ; .U .onditici of affairs tested for some, jniautesaa til- -tho-eholr-had fln lahed ' anlanthem. ; Then the preacher arose .and requestedt.the'pepple to7rr mala quietly seated for bait a. minute" In total darkseas, 1 when the church would be fully lUumiaated; again.,- With ithe words. the-ewi remalnlna : light! went out, and;for a space darkness like thatof coat hole prevailed. t-. . "it was id0 weirdest, most uncanny Walt I ever hud. Everv man nrl ; maa tHe.800 on 1,00ft-in that thurdl was as Bull as deatlr almost I sup pose the darkness did not lasts minute, but It seemed to me to be an hour. When the lights again- leaped out there Was-a sigh, of, relief tspm every person la thejABreSS.' X guess they all felt as queer aboUf Jit as9 I ataV'-New-Tork vHORSEHAja FORBOWS. , ObI niaek White From Besets or LygoiraajiBar . -Tberw is a vast arperanf of horsehair annuauy used in the rjnited States for niaking lead 'repatrijig violin, vfolori ceilo andjbs'sfyjk4jws.v of the Jfeajr comes ifrobi iuermany and Rus sia, in which countries th talis of. hojsirogJillyi aioWedlto grow much longer, than. -bere. The foreign aan Jk' alsoTicoSrser ' in texture, and tougher than that which grows on the American horse, and these v qualities make th Imported article more valus ble than the domestic product" 'Y 1 There , are only , two kinds of hors hair' suitable for' making bows,and. they are Of white and black varjetlea. The -former: is -Bsed , ffV violin bows, and the latter which 1 heavier and stronger, Is the best material for mak ing bow for' elk) and bass vlolabe-cause-It. bftea the larger .strings better. The Imported hair Is put up in hank of thirtslr inches long, which is five or sir Inches , longer than the Standard violin, bow. A hank Is sufficient for one violin bow. while two hanks are re qulredto hatr .k celio or bass viol bow. There art About one and a bait ounces of hair la a hank, which is worth from 20 to 80 cents, according to the quality of tbe hair. Philadelphia Record THE. ART OF: BOXING. .. Ptitie Oesabets Wee Blahlr Estm i- od X AMlM Tlaaee. Pugtlisti th practice of boxing or flghting with the flats, was a manly art and exercise highly esteemed among th ancients. Id those days the hands of the pugilist were armed with-th cestus, leather thongs loaded with lead -orlTon. - This form .of athletic sport was af flrstvoo!y permitted to freemen among the Greeks, but grad ually it was taken up as a profession and lost mucn or its presage;- As an Illustration of lt early V w find la Vlrgtrs fifth finfckVthe. secord of a match between Dares, "with 'mm bis feet and conBdent in youth," and Entellna, th vetsrerrchamplon, ''stroDg qd.Fibly;ilmbd,"'-When tb com Utaata-. 7"' , ; Their arm epllft in air, their head wtth draw- . ' naca-sreea Ue-iMew, aod,' eiinsllf hand . 'VBi osna.- -v 5 - vr Piwisk th eeemJeC"-- Pugllbm bas'been a typical agljth sport tae' dlyt'of KlngaAlfnd, but ttg golueu age as a' profession dates fraia) Mhs sccesiosjf ; the . bouse rBoy?-ikWtf sTirnUr- ' r , r.Uva-r4 WOvtrtm).- 1 - FW peopl eetsira of-boboe and 10- tdlsyj not taxed really Uv jritlv&t Those who work without really Br I t are much mora nomerouanciod- icg, as they da, bUUoasires aad seam- sUswm with mors tbsa six small cbiW Iran -A -v .v.. i la tbe perfsct day, when the lion aad tba lamb ah 11 weJa togetbrr sad th tick sbaA g dava to the college etU meets and, play brtdge with tbe poor, w ahair ill dotitruOas both lit sad vwtUta , - - ? Very fw t(v mrgvpTs'sr estlfe iy free frost tax. It doe set tat Stock lodera s1 kKsirv. ' AMltfl eor e '.(:, i r i'ff p'i!oni sv hard Hnl.tMrttmftM de!t orreaa. a4 Bowiy ',l,ee tad ;nlm roply fal low. A bb well Isows I ITtw Crs tIU yea her kow every kMaey til caa b T:irr4 agd' eirtl b4 Ubot l? . 4..' J B Covtoa, firmer aad tmbera,f rrr. M. C , Kje: Itiirerdf(.r yrs I.htay WV. Iiwa j V.d that 1 ecn.'..! n wa'.k aef d!li.r i rt 1" li y lff. I 4 Sf b::cve 1 er.' 1 : rs r'd Us poD(! it 'tll f ' fossd, Ik fa's iu to -.'. TLlMpf thn ".:'.!' ,'u i- !b f-a't jt'.'r,; r.rt, T!.y 15' n'!tTllMs jovJlY, t.ir I . I eta. I'j I. ilu ? 1 I fi ti'l if 1 "1 1 l-f" 5 ; illll'r rf ill; ! I f , 1 tji. J i"' n 1 H ' ' T , - ! ; 1 : . t i t- , u I - . V;, far. ttl rtti. erltial M '!t.iifa''itf9 s- . 1 bonr witi inmiU. n aa tfi--? ll IV-aaat'u llts- IWal" iamk. fijother's friend, by iti peaetratinj aad toothing nxrmties, ? aiiays nausea; negntai, as! so Drenares Cia tvstitn for tlj i wm sac p&5aB UXQUgU uic cvw aueiv ajiawiifl Dnr littltxl sufferinj:, as number twtw euavi eau. IB iCeata. ftrttfiat A singular-"feat Iniha fnrnirV: mi bkrjk notes lias U8t(bei'aeomplhed ln Cope'nhflgenbut'wita-uiltrililf ultijnatcry.rlji-onght tha Juthoa to dto - aster in a most- iodteroue-'way;-1 WHh no .apparatus better thaa a small lithe graphic press and one or; tWos most im perfect and primitive tool-a llthor- rapher? 1 1'ad j succeeded 'la"1! ptMttUngi fect tUatj only- rupl(lif(y,preventeS a great success.-' The poHce q'ufte"efvW ea to believe that Jiotea. sowrfoct Jusd been produced- wltb'-iUeaiiBsoHkarleH quate, but the lithographer, touched la his artistic pride, asked for bis press and, going -to work lur his -eeU. sooa nthlMma ,v I fci demojitfhft mm-Mmmwu HOW in (nnnnhnirpn ttlA atMnrra snansSB-i - r o syavi cle is witnessed of forgedNlnnJaotSv for 10 kroner, worth nothing as money. .tiplHnjy srckAv ' '- 30 kroner as beautiful specimens of lithographers'- worlt-IindoayQlobe. i Cures RbeomatisiQilfid Cittnli. Medicine Sent Price. " . 'Bend no money simply rlt- and try Botanic Blood Balm at4r expesss. Botanlo Blood Bala (B. B, B.)kUIai:4r destroys the poison In the blood whba oauses ihe" awful scbes to bsk sad shoulder blades, shifting pslnSUBch'tty In moving fingers, toesw lagsbas' nalns. swollen mneelaa and tnlnta of rheumatism, or the f 6ul breatb.hawldBg, spitting, droppings In 1 throat, bad ai-f Ing, speck flying before ith yoatall I played out feeling of catarrh., BoUala Bjood Balm has cured huadreds of cases of 80 or 40 years standing after, doctors, hot springs or patent madiotaar had idl failed. 'Most1 of these cured paHeats aad taken Blood Balm as ajasl -resofti It is especially advised for ckrouiot Ae seated case. - Impoulbls for say oas to suffer the agonic or symptoms f rhoi matism or catarrh whlls or Cftat takis BlcodBalmV It makes th blood -par and rlob -thereby giving healthy bloodj supply. Cuies are permanent aad art a patching op. 8 Did at drug tbrs,fil pi large bottle. Bam pie of Blood Balis tent free sod prepaid, alao special mdi4 cai advice or aeson and writing Blood Oa., A personal trial of Blood BalavW better thaa a thousasd printed; ttisoJ blaia. so write at once. , ADM1NISTEAT0R4 BOTICL' Notice is hereby rlvn that th audwN Igaed bavin been duly appointed sd-rl mlnletratorol MatHa JokoadetnasedJi thU an parties indebted to salsV will corns fdrward and ssula the sn,i and that U.tronr aavtas alalma) against the estaiawUipreeeat th sanstj within on year from the-date hereof otf! ibis notice will bet lead In bar or ui rseovary. Th1rb,-Bd,l0a; 0, J.MoCABXJBi; Mortgage Bale3 neiTi ., .... v Estate, vk-;vl'! . Pursuant ta a oertala .nortgajr gx-f n "J T - rJTlv cuted by Thorns W. Dewey aid ;) o OsroHaa, Oeofgta sad IJrld Kails B. Boyd, Oaardlsa, sW lb 1st j IsUy UrHU W oes t 14 o ieaJU devof Jesrf lWLaed offios of th ReglsrsTot Deeds of Urmtee cooatv, la book IBS, peg US, ta sadee lgBd will offer tot sale sad, U. toabe sian abett ' bidder for omo. at th Cdurt Bona door f Oravaa eeaaty OS'Tliure- aaruta loiasey of rMeaaryvniviw.kt ihetoirot It aolook Jt all the tUo- iDfKrJbed . raalatiate ea.fglloys to AU lb followlhcIot el isil wn loiprovstneat sad bolldlsr taetveei ilinsttd ad tfretir-i i Iiyleg aet ihe eltyornrs Bers,- Hortt Verottne;-n tb Wetters aid of wfcat a kaowa a fbl Mecwlttitsed t-b4,'lVUy tUt eensJa ol bearing the aanbar 1, po I oertala plot recorded la U offloSotr tk Register of Deeds of Cravea aouktyl ta bonk lis page MS, aasarwyed for b'llllw Doeu ky a. A. Brot-.oa ttk l1. '! Mint U!i 1 i sold aid YYillten Dusa tolkeabov aaau4 gilt If. lM3weyr aad reratered la M oTScaof lb liestaur nfilof ' i ooaatroe April 1st. 17, twktcbti reoord refereeo I sie1 for fallead dfli.lldeecilptlootf 'tl I rn r. t. r. .JA-r.:Ja I Ooardltsef X. Kerdoek Barroa, .Jasssry lth 1904 - r. X. 8lnnas, ' A. P. Walt A rr 0511 ast COTJKSXLSU al ; Mkrr:, LlTf - -1 aw CJ3!o rVmnvi rrt f '.r- to'fc Viae"--''' -l Ci: .la,' TV..-4 0 , Story tf rta. f(s rsTc r';rW i ; to) rViHta grel HrH, r -.1', Is-,' 1 . iioVa) LbttUwts, ; , , 'PrarUrw la ! eo&St'oa vt'CVe, If ;', J,m, l,ir,'.. r. ( ,-', - rl ml W tka, ta t! t '. . t -! l"-.r'.a, and b:-. ,.r I . . a. r,M. n. b. M.. v. f B, St. Hni, ( - t! . o ..- -if -t 1 - Im t tevti clUirta,'1 gad no1 . . .wiac can ce complguiy: 1. . ! . - ' 1 tiAfl -najl Ammm.A t fJljmTl?gt.fetr,Ti I M ' v f I . , r- 11 ii w wi Li Al t , ; 7 v.tl L f-1 T 'Psrrojnss. Tonet BoauL te . also tba foEWtaVlM ;MmrBoflto-lLlthl. Bunny. sftPgaAesV-TOfjad yhaMs-Alilveal9T 1 fMBin, BtUBBtdrWrWBrai , PMtarte Tooth Paste. COLDKBrAMlKrftCCttOlDE. QrealSIimfeotBnt aad smg UBBjsinssv - BromOhlorfltjm . ew ' rwe-m w rn-wsw nnavnasa 1 m.i.riMi nrprrrwBTi-a. aMirr . . w .. " T EABTJE1XIT 1 hi 1 lArfrtfit 1 1 1 1 V ' rv---! ' . f 101 , ,1 B-ii-ai5aBV li 1t'lV' re innuttneraa Unlf (,. ls19(lg. . fa scaedaledoaailaS'd p.' miMoadi W4aesdaia4 frtdayy !o ktaaUtj OIlyM.0. Tbf. , Steamer- OOBACQ1TB isseaedalsdta sail atl an Taaada thdrsdsf aadfatartSf lot" Blliab1 thiittt w iix taiorBLSHoa a m , QEa iii3a)iS(LrAtt f HSgSwlOsnilTil PM Alt 1 kr r rf-X j ' ',':' -.' - - tlStoCsEtflvty: MSTb Boalbera BaOway tkMoaaces the saw ttra4msrsssumea Uckts te sfl U wieolssl rerta f U Bpats HglMUgfAbs: IMHn -r Tba rtt fwora al Hnb, MMw of plaarv Is tk Ataus ar 'saea soud rrt aftlt 'i-srt,X t-"C3s AUeir, 'nrftts;8! ftirW toa; fl;"i' Aaitstk, .Vsa, rtfsk wtJVaadtatiffll Cat yackkosTtoaf W'AaliraV.eineia; bafThga, fsVBekO, RoeilJ(K MlinJ lad taafJ; l'aihlkVTascrkf f'lfka ta4Cb,aA(rattssoliri I Kan way. , " pTUHi a ayflaaa-Bl7TM Aprflaa l0t,rJw4 M retara atfi trtl'fnlv4A r, rwty Uerdfekapat waka ..vl -r?r - 1 wn-t P , 0 i wr vra, twnn larvef "" rlat.. UA t . buuag Oas sae'i L2.jMJg ' Aik iWrWr-lft fWArTiW Tkforaf t'r sad ecvWTTlaa, .. ta &ftU aUri VuVl, lc 0rtets4,liflaei " vrvrToii tv-fl ar earr? t : :arrjin r;:::vt - .-1 wltsy It, i, for tr.'.-n y" r-'"" " ' r". t tri'a n; - T.rtkw ef t' '.. '--!rt aad rKAE'- ! f. 1 - ' I '--'-4 " k - ilJ -jm a t I' - -'."-r - ssssa W MBami BBBSB 135 mm mmm - - - - - t:l-: . : C : "y -LARGE8T AND HOBSES ,aaLd. TivTrTXjES Ever offtred for sale Id Kew a lor. n ,UKTilota 1 i . r-. t T ojto 1 luuifiuo nut w 1 ugpier, ttbjuup, nusng, MCiDiS, W Dips Cart Wheels, Etc J. AuaIv1encken & Bro makors, Pfee Free nADIOS RADIOS RADIOS Btapeadoas offer mad by a well kaowa Phi la. firm. RADIOS RAD 0 HA I) 10 TkontBdi of persons in til sections L"- f the couiiry have been healed :r- bj this wonderful discovery Etery educated person ha neard of Radium, its wonderful powers and healing qualities have 'occupied page after page in the Metropolitan pnWicationa, Almost sTarjbody fcnowi" that It is the greatest rtmedj that Ciod ha evrr .given tosuffarlng huooaDity. Die eaJre gcrmB of every description flot haf or lt-Uhey cannot stand the OMitaeti, We have snch faith in our proposition that we guarantee abso- latatf ro anra yon, K hat is morv WVHT glv yon a written contract to that affect. This offer has never Ut duplicated. Pill out tba blank elaoA mark the malady from Which you ar suffering and receive IjJTwtrlrn 'mail Information that t worth,, hundreds of dollars tspfptn Atk any beukiBg Hrrnw tardlb our'rtepocsibillty. fnrtrfjreT"rre0fer FretOfer 1 rr- 4 - ' ' RADIOS ou. eirpwkai Batktrsg; fVv , pMndlphlaPa. 3iiAA fi -tVV . ' L-, ' AUdlyasadnefre efcoella LLeVaUkS&SegardlBg yoer Radtam larwaSssBBtaad yaat woadafl tm- asnti . .ljas Utr. 1 f DVfaea-Tt.,,.. U a g a wa m xrtai8ac 1 ,lv- Maie,j t'-VMT A - ' , nt -r s ! .4 - FINEST 8TO K OF- fern, A car load of each jrt in. H: . T T T. . n.- A. JONES, lsronfl St. CIGAR Balte.Md. A. & N. C. R. K. TIKI TABL1 HO. 82 To Taks Effect bunday. Oct. iB, 19o; at 6:55 A.. M., E. 6. T. Going Baet Hobkddl: (ioiug Wc No. 8 Passenger Train. N,. 4 DAILY. LV, p m BTATIOHB: 880 OoloeDoro 8 68 LaOrange 4 88 ginaton 5 40 Ar. New Bern, Lv, 8 60 Lv. " Ar.. 7 16 Ar. klornheiwl on I v . n 1 U& 10 10 12 W 0 K : 7 No. 6, Paaenager Train L.V. H. 8 00 8 18 8 86 I riU Ar. 1- ? ,1b Ufl ... 7 57 .... 7 r ... 7 ii' zH' .... 7 17 . . . 7 (Kl 6 M d 4S 0 .Mi Uoidsboru Beat's . LaOrange ...railing Creek... Klaelon Oeewell Dover Oor Oeek.... , . . .Tueoarora . . . .. Otarka Ar. New Barm, Lv. 8 87 148 8 08 t 18 9 80 60 KM tO 10 FKH.IUHT Mo. 1. DAILY hJLCKPT dOkua. auNDAV y. a m SlI...... ..Ooldsboro 6 49 Beat's Sit LaGraeg 617 Falling oreek 788 gJnetoa.. 7 40 oaewali 8 00 Dover 9 40 oor oreek ID 10 Tttaoeror 0 8$ olark't il 00 Ar. New Brv Lv. . SO bv New Bern Ar 1 IS.- Rivereai . . Wat Wwn4famw V i 40 Bvock 808.... Newpon, Lv... 80 IvTOdwoed 8 S8 AUawtfe. . IU ..Ar.Moreiee,a ctty.Lv. 100 ..Ar. hL otry Depot. Lv. No. t. Id ( but Aj . p m .. 2 50 .... 8 lb .... 2 00 .... 18 .. .18 18 . . 1U1 ...11 ',1 10 0 .. 1010 V ! .. H if, 7 ... . 7 -.7 0 f .... a 17 .... aj 6 no ... ROO . ' l R L. DILL. A A. rfgWLANT, Oe1 Hapt aaikee TtarjaweaWoa. LsB.:Habicht, FXffE Lager 'Beer Th ffcaeet Liguof aad Wlnaa. Bakiebr gey WeV RHbi'e Tn Vat rervaeto UtUAM Oeew Pi sal aad Hiamk Mree, . New Km N Qt Russblf'House. iWaikUBl'snkdser aeeiof u Ue BsMi Reaea, .inravtlae Bor.v yaesat fW'Uag y. rUAlag sad aesuif araauadt 'Tetn glAI 1 (U at gl.Wpet Weak , ' 2 It tlaVtimXlBal fr ;-' i', ' . ....... ,' ' ' e.,aa4MHinieIiiW i.r- Attamrg ft law ; . ' " , N aVL fraea M tt , R skat tSka ka - ..trf JWIURtl ' I .CVavwa Doy gtaaveet, . . ' . . t CV. Oavn. JhM OnsW, tV.3. t Pvllv lrn, Lepr a h 1 MfMiM d rW4 Onrw - " t j j&nsst'.KarceriH' ' - it"ry ACassVlirit tsw,f '' r" ff-, NtW K1.r, If, 0 '''' : '' u v . (S !, -,T f . rr'- fc ' ' ' i rr!.a. - m Co ry f u u,r t.ii(t(i-. '. la 1' c '. r:-"t j" r. ;r :iy . t 1 r -. 11 r;r- i f,

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