A.- V'"t ' r" ttr ! M h if k-" ! t . ,V ;THB JGUlu VX ; . Ke w E.rn, E. TcV 1!, rat. " -r CRAVIN LODQS KO." 1 ,W',c 0 HAKMOHY. Keett tad tad 4ih -v Wsdnesdsy alghtt in each taonth U " .Boontree't HalL Pollock street, tt o'clock. Hmul tt. Ban, tTOeiooai; - 4. EL Smith, 6007; B.R. EH, JlMndsl Beoreury. s - v '---" Index tt Hew AArertfseaats. : B X Boyal-For Beat U i o1 V-V Simmons A HoUowell Go Ginghams, Bulaeu'.LMs!. THB 8nd floot of the Broad fit Fruit Co Btor (or nut, 4 largs rooms.-; Apply w HX Royal. , CHIMNEYS for Nlokel Parlor fjampe JaetreedTedelWhttehursMu . TO THE PUBLIC Having -secured the lenrloet of a first clasl" bono shoer, hsvs resumed business at tuna old Hand Mlddla itreet nzt to floottt aUbtoi, aad I aik the pobllo a thart of their work. All mulea. tranifer and draj horaea hoed all around tor 80s. , Dilylng horaee $1. Nothing but the oonme and ahoe ued. Drane j'a Shop H. Q. Draney.Prop. FOR 81LE One Sharpie, capacity M tonisnano, 140 baneli turpentine, ai and bottom good a new. Apply to J A Pittman, Bwanaboro, N 0. BA1LBOAD MABKJCT-1 haTo opened a Ant elan meat market, a Qaeen treet. rear of Q W Pope atore, end am prepared to furnish all kinds offreah meate and aautage. Prompt aeurery. J A.8wert. FOR BALE Half Interett in Hardware Baalneia of Foy and Blmmona. For furtherpartlculara tee I H Blmmena, 79 Bouth Front St. : WANTED A rood ezperleneed furni ture man, will pay good eatery to the right man. Apply to 8 Goplon, BTERIOPTJLOSandManaoe Will more their Confectionery and Fruit atore from Broad street to Bryan Brick Block near the corner of South Front and Middle itreet, and will be in their new tore on Saturday next with a complete line of Fruita and Confectioneries. ORANGES SO cent per doaen, Malaga Grapes 15 oenta per pound at McSor ley's. FINE Seedless Oranges at James B Dawson's, 108 Middle street,' Phone SOB. GENTLEMEN'S clothes can be neatly pressed at the pressing club at the Har vey building on South Front street Mr. J R Simpson, a student of the New Bern Military Institute, It working his wty through the school by this meant. He Is experienced In this work and will give satisfaction. Rates, one dollar per month, fifty cents per auik BANANAS aOota. a doton, at MoSor ley's. FOR BentOne workshop, four living rooms above, on Craven street. Apply to IK Bishop. OWXNH. GTJION. Attorney at Law, anaouaose that until hit new office build lag on Breed street It completed, - he will occupy offloof en the first floor of brick building, opposite the Oty BaR. :: GUARANTEED Sugar Cured Hams at IB ett lb at the Oaks Mark. WE GUARANTX1 WIlklnsosAi atatckv lass Mineral Water to cure dyspepsia sad stoeuch troubles, Ot ftoaey refuaeV ed. Davie FharaVacy. .' J i - from thsj Cbspest to tlx Bent, . sV .ale) Hat kept . rlM-STOCKii . SaiBrjLsi tpA to jov bouir AtrwscoVlClkUiJsBC ; Salb Benefit r '-yi&i-. 'Creditors. ; Tho En tiro Ctock m Gooda formerly ownbd by 1m F. TAYLOR, Oovo N. O.con:i:tlr:nof Qcn cral Xlcrchoadlso, In ventories! . tit 07C0.35 la open for Inspection cf buyers endtha nn C:-JztT ' .1)1(13 L3 r i ' h v. , . . - I i I O, s ' -It ci Ore -I! I nr10 ku east. 7 Tie wetler for .t for t ' y U f.'r aadeontLivi CilJL 11 B-.'..I.u.a tem perature yete:dy was 1? d' rM. l!rs Fante .TTUllan ke.-tr ottLe county home, wasc&IIsd to Hiastcn, yesterday, on acoonntof tbs Ulntoi of her daughter,. Sue will be back Voa day,, Tsot 1 0 Cogglns, President Atlantlo Ghristian College, Wilsoa, N. O4- IU preach at the Ohnrch of Christ, Sou day at the uiual hours. - The pablle in Tited,. A Rer W H R-ch will deliver a sermon to the young men at the First ! Baptist church tomorrow nighL The subject of the sermon, win be, "The Toung ; Man U)rlf ting; Why be drifts away from the church and why ha drifts back,"',- -:;,. The ran sight ot .Quad -visiting the haunts ot otvUuation waa the privilege of Mr 'Enoch Wadsworth . few days sino," A bevy -of quail settled In his garden and he shot two or : three of the birdC'VS('-'VH KCTL Don'J forget the Valentine tea, Th! afternoon at three, ; , r5 r"r, ( Mrs NioollwlU be there, With her maiden dark and fair And warm welcome you'll And, - , With your pretty valentine. A'' .; The cam-tried in the Superior Court were Adams vs Stevenson, Judgment for plaintiff. T The case of Whitford :;Ts Bland went to the Jury late yesterday afternoon and no verdict had been ob tained up to the time of going -to prestr- ; " t . , Mr L S Grant received g phone met sage from Mr FtJ Toepelman,at Hender son, tatlng that the arrangement for the completion of the Improved phone tervios had all been made and the work of the enlargement and improvement of the loosj exchange otltho "Henderson Company would be pushed u rapidly as possible. When - completed n-lhe ex change will be ai thoroughly equipped and as nearly pesct a sdencf-can musiL ... There la too much letting small hyd rants rut day and night, among too household consumers of ; iratel ; The result Is an lnutent watt of water and a great danger If s fire break out, as the pressure at the street hydrants1 Is not enough to get water to the second storv of anv bulldlnf . Let householders take tome other method of keeping their pipe from freexmg kestdes thi dangerous water wsstc? ' 1 : A Great Success . The play given by (he six youad lad let Misses Mildred Grey- Mary Garnwsyi Irani Peck, Mary Hughes, Mary Nixon,; and Jennie Prettymaa, at tht residtoce of Dr Hughes on Craven street, yester dsy afternoon, proved a great taoooss tu eyery perttcular.: , ., -1 There vu a crowd out which filled ft every foot of the room,, and. the play, Trtgedy of the False WULwat splendidly presented and received a enthusltetie applause. The proceeds 'were over five dollars, which the young ladles will give ...... ft. m M ' . ' mo uw Apieoopat usinu iubu. , ThitErstcn Irtw 1 It Is a cuettloti of neat Interest to a gnat many people .lust when will the draw M theNeute bridge e in opera tion sgala.;Th isconveulenos caused by the broken casting Is making ssdous ; trouble.' The are ' costs farmers who lire oa the north tide cf the bridge who were lathe city at the-tist of theee- ctdenk who have not been able tt get their horses across the bridge and there art many who would cosm te NewBers but cannot get here, K"fJ-.Z'- The mill hstrnot btesj carried aorost dienrfdrefoflthrec dayt ftrtfeostte bridge was disabled sad there are ethef i . . . i .... . . . . . treeowe was aare arums va wmw m UiUbroksft tow.7?jMf,At If oae wffl go down to the bridge sty Ume o( the day he wU be able to see the serio usees ot the condition He sssy also be able te bear 'sosse : pa twsaHag by the beleaguered farmers Wat) ecu hot geteltbot wty,-f Ji'?:-:r NtUrally the ceestlot arises, why I UU thus t And how song win tt last 1 Uoaej does not trow oa t na joa ca." For thrt flsts: e5' tsomi tttort art t Ujito, .-......, ,- . ,'! a-n,.,,,, v -.---. t ." " This Great Monet-EaTbgiEaJi close al 13 o'clock EaturJar XWi srt'cleariDf Ihs Aocls.fot-vujr.rfi rrl-j CUlS.vrrfce LaBTOALL. " lOtadU) frreja :ift- ' i trs rlnrxd to 94 1' t r -Ostium CVco, a4 ltoi .- r-"r " ' CHtotis,ow 14 ; ' - 1 'AQ te woc4 dram goo's, si O '' ' 'i j'.jirs, mi all gnk-is s f t tw w eot, ssl s s -t - V Baeslsea. Kts i' "rwii, ststi . r ' It !r SI. - - I -.5 ' l"i J i 1 U 1 ' i , o :: : ' : ( - ' . 1 V fe?HdveyoufjtI a a ,cuit noms-rrae. . i at 0 - cleaner, ie-tartyanaMoiesorne., t RbypJ Baking jPmvder helps the house t wire a pruUU aL IIOIIIC, UIUUUY U1U CW r uuuuuativr aiiu miv wiic, ui lcudwu s -.'.ii- "e,w.i t-'J:,i ...!;. :firrvA""fc -hnot-biscmtipiMciings, ''.'npt'ctoipare.:,. i f to?f4a SAKjMii jMwoe 'HIGHWAY RCSEEXT Engineer . p. Duncan Hdflvp on the t i : ': Mr 0 D Duncln, one of the oldest glneert of the A ft N G railway wsa she victim 7 or$n of tits "boldest; oldupt Thursday night' y thi city f Goldsboro" ever' perpetrated In this sections Ho was going Wiktoardlttr hoase'Irom bit train between the hours ; of 10 and 1J o'clockV The 'JSboO;, flyl.ofrblcbllr Duncan Is engineer bad arrived ip ' : WhssT: &isaly Opposite lA.tho Acme Machlnii shop, not far from he city hall bs observed In the clear light of the sleo triolama iorsb addlrnggy ttaudlng la the road and man nearby on -the watt; He had proceeded but a f aw. "steps when bs was confronted by the glittering mat lie of a revolved endat the asms time bs your bauds? He saw -.the -man ; was Uaftea s43;J to-argue tae matter so, as oqeyea The robber then tot into (he busjcv In wUcbMoilisreuM iaptdljf rdriTrajway; MJammti'co4M m t)Hh ws,wtJtey the man in tie buggy bad s buck stoua. facha.:H.ws UMWe itj describe the horse ,M tmi-&"&it . He reported the robbery to the polios sLoaos buUhsy.werejsol aLle tobtaIs htty 'dua;-M fht tipbbtrtx t Bad tflot been a dlsegreeable night and not ssany people 6a ihetlxeet, tn'ct a deed to that Mr Cejaaot) Pretttwa 'U'StrrHed fa U de (ft to spend l ft Pays, r-- turWbeme front XtH Totk CftK , f RsameyMrt.BsrktlietrovrM bjrf Georgt Green. Mlse, "Bessie parksbslmer, Kiss Balk Wsttoa. Jkfstir ' Albert -Wmi Darenoe OrsDocJKareQt McSprfey left but utght for Klatv, jwhsrs, Wsi;' Chacev'wss given J4t afght.Dy A t. - : jk ix i. v " --t . .1". . : . - .vlt' ,t 'es, anr H Is to your bbr t t ,w, cffer era jro sV.rt sbbm a-tt-i .c3 r r..Ti I l ST' 'J.. TIm hanil went thranrh all nook. its nWB't fc tt' ntlilnirbnt a -. v.. . T". " 5 i C7 tj- ,v mufSri arid tea hv&iti ney, win oe iresne - the lrostear layer-; dp or grpceiiy does co., nkw wrnt. ;;irsttooi Opening- Postponed ; ' SpedlVJoaraal. GuiRSBono, N.O, February IS. mwiWent Motver this evening Issued a notice to all' students that the date of the opening of the Normal and Indus trial College bus been' postponed until February twenty4hlrd. Another A t N C Lease Proposition. Special toi Joumsi ';';,'.--.. RaklghFeby IS. McbWs sropost- ttonl to lease the Atlantlo - and North Caroline Railway for 99 years.-1' His at- torney says that this - off sr 'if secepted, will puftho stock nearly at parv' i Governor Ayeock says H - to a much better offer,thsn any1 before made. This it ill he will sty. : iig axa:. atsstais ; "4 Jhett;. Surples tetact v . ' The tight Inturtaes companies rsp- rtlshted by Miss NannW Street of this cttx navt reported to her that they are aot affected by tao Baiumort riro, that tbttrlossts. will be promptly - paid at 4 tble surplus 'kept Intact, This showing tswy'tKlsfsoiory and of courts plaar ing'to Klsst Street at well ss bar many atw mt a im m m wn wwyt sutm ; ':r?tcto Waistle: It U potslbis that mill men and others who' operaia' steam ' power , and have whlstlsa do hot smderstaad. that there Is in cfJlnaDoe' agsiaa'the blowieg 1 vhhpts bstwaeathe hours of ,10 p as ad sunrise.;:'..' r; V. ' ' S. ; The law bat been- U affect staos the M code wss adoetei sad one msn hu bMU.Iefors (he mtyoffot thi violation af ausev i f ' fr : V it i-, WitmbUsbtMsvdissaes: K tht so titam whistle ta the City of Sew, Bers, shall be blown or tosnded at a!fkttimer between the hours of 10 clook f ss sad snartse. exotpt la oaee of fire; "Each person vtokUog this er- dsncs shtO bs need Twenty (ISO) Do' laimiWj ' , s. : if urt your barl earned dollars ' ' J -st. -;- -r- !r no .object: Ira THE ft I- - A. I 'a r i Is LA ssMsnuaMmussBSBmmVnUBmsBBmesaiwM , I' I - I I ' i 5 ! ' ' . I, v. 1 - i i - r large Jot of ' omic and Nov- M I eiiy Bicuunes Jaswiignt, -' ; Owcri Q. Dunn, PRINTER & STATIONER,: r-'1 78 CKATEN ST... ' SilHiwFiis. Bet remedy, forheadaclie. and sold by c 7. AetaimtmsmsmsmssssaYtffY"Tiftt 'mvts Xftarmacv I the line of White Ootids we Offer : for ysinr Early Inspection. r The Spring of '04 brings many New reafcione i5 the ivWhite Goods lhw, apd we have most of the leading ones and all of the good ones. This will truly be a great White Goods, and the prices now are a great deal lower than they will be later. . Mercerized Silk Stripe and Figured Oxfords, 15c lo 80c, yard, . Dainty Dimitietv.some with silk stripes 10c to 80o yard. "y White Cotton Corduroys and Fk's lOo to 35c yard. V; yard for Waists, ;-r Beauttful Lace Stripe lawns and Swiss lOo to 25o yard. Bain tawns, India Linon, ifcc, 6c, 10c, 15c, 20o, 25c, up. 7J. line quality Alt linen, 86 Inches wide, for Waists 50o yd White Madras and the New. Oxfords in white air 12ic and ISoyard . f. ; .i Here's the talk that appeals to your pocket book as well as to your appreciation of good things.. obi Ph Gooi aha Phone M. 69 Pollock mt jUUuul;:,.:' ; : : V: : v; ; :;?-U U L d U U lJN- : : iy i'ViTn r.rmi win- to; II sale I: L - A ss" 'isttsnsiitl t. ' memm r- . t I (Jot Two at ' OtS.JlA. . fSt'tt I...,, .i.ili ' - VssS . - ' Ovsr JO Yssrs 1 (TnvSsibikkssMarstri PRtCXSS OTS At all IraSTtsH L1c-J Cjspapsla Curt : Ciaatw what vcms eftSrn." -v ' Made Brothers, Wqmens' Apparel. 6t., Opposite Episcopal Cfairch Son. ht. W. 5 sam. C. B. SmomuT tro ttxstC ai -I Uji flMiiux ttt fuwia ne&au( I f, ana. 1tvo liars sad Dr. Worthtngtom was te&Uvmaoof emu. aul mui In hi pro tMulon. I a? oo wnl (or thlur yean th sffeow ot kis BUHUoltva, It ts my- Aatf to cuts tnallt feme praradaa iBKwttBtaUUle Ii H our vm- i on '.'1 n :ne place nly 5 1 5?y and Mens Boots on band. Prices fibber Jfor! KenV60c6c and $1 00, Woolen Gloves " JUSt the thinsTB jj weather. t j . G. Vum & Co., New Bern Cotton Oil and Fertilizer Mills, Manufacturers of Cotton Seed Products and High-grade Fertilizers, NEW BEIIW, If. C. Will pay the Highest Cash Prices for Cot ton Seed and Seed Cotton. Bags furnished to seed shippers. HAVE FOB SALB a Fresh Supply of Cot ton Seed Meal and Huns, which is the finest Cattle Feed in the world. We will exchange Meal for cotton seed. Factory an! Mills Rmrsifle ta River. Gaskill Hdw. & Have cut the price oa Heaters Fitted, Stovei set up. Full lioe of Hardware, Klwood Fence, Palate. Oils and Varnish, Ijime and Cement, Sagb, boors and Blinds. Lowest Prices, Best Goods, Gaskill Hdw. & Mill Supply Co., Ha.KDWA.RB 78 Middle St. Phone 147. COAL! COAL ! A large stock of the very best free burning White Ash Hard Coal in all sizes. Also the Lump Bituminous especially for grates, and the very best steam. Personal attention given to all ordersat HOLLISTER & COX COAL YARD, Phone 34 Foot of Craven St Agmcy lor the P: ,. I "Other" Typewriter1" hui oiiuo i TOI UTAJf Di&O VlflBLI WRITES Kaehlaes sent Ml ea trial lo proepeo Ute porchsMrs . Second hand tanebiMt for ml HILL, DssJMbBi(rrcLaj,uat,ritTvu,OAa raieaia, tosnsn Baasus, novoanssa, - Rsoosjoai k s tvtx tat or tramse Ooooe. to Puma tn Ben f .sss) Br ana B airmmasn, eeccceccccceceeeccci Oysters! ; Qystetsl f ' Proa Boar oft we rlH i Ojtteti vtJoh trc vlll . serre X " J", - ... it ' :, enrlse.. .. y ' , Clirtgipecke Uj Oysters tc t Nixon Q Co.' s, Ellis' Shops 1 1 I ' ' I ' ' ' I : (l Shoes 25c, 50c and 75c. VOll TlAnd fhv rifsi Loni Distance ftzi Ii. 125. Mill Supply Co. Oar load to be sold. Fire Boards CIU. SUrPLIKS 44 Orsrsti St ho d a IS. Jiri ciass Mores SDd rclfa lea pans CieVt s Mela. 4. fqBhrtM prosps)j anavrn . tf SS limil f. -TlllT. NOTICE ! L-yiS lr ia. OJIt Ha h httrhct rr low prion. tmd Pork aai Hi io ess Bee 163 South Front Street -A I Bif Mtr ! u4kli4 etfht til) re Is ff tK omS or oa Uate. 163 South Front St. Orf bWo Woo4 aor biU I.tw CSlSWSt ',.. . BIG HILL, The Shingle Man. ( : ill M J4 .... I viiai ' " a m. W t BAVXiussJrscJsltho! tear CAB V toeds of (he U s txrS ealUrsSere s4 -ttthar4 e tatoiM eaf tiMysmc e r4 Uh H het ail ptsise it & k Ii y .1t tt fua!t ae , kiir.r rr 14 ! er Sk k he : uk U iii o'4 o alts. Him W hm io f r lit'. (te aa4' r r . r?. c.

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