V. v. 1 if I. w -if - V V T0tXXM0..174fi - fs ' filW.BISS, M. C, WCDSESD1T 1I0BHIK8, I IBEUiBT, 17, 1904 r'i V- AT6 II C LE1SE- 1 1 inn ii, I1 me 1 -.-ft; -' 4 ft" Iff J 5" x n V.'A - At" " v I. -t- For Your, Spring fiown. The material and the trimmings for your Spring Gown w can be bought nowhere else so- nere.. . The goods are all yon can wide variety, The prices are even lower that means a great deal. 3E3EsbcfeTbxiriL I Cotton is Almost King Again. At the price in pro pect you can afford to fertilize it well. If yon want the BEST Use Meadows Great Cotton Gitano. Insist on haying that kind, an l yeu will not be disappointed in yonr crop. For Tobacco Use Meadows Gold Lea; Tobacco Guano It makes food, slick, tough Tobacco. November 1908 o planter sold 1,452 pounds of tobaccojfor 5 11,00. He nsed Gold Leei, Special High Grade Fertilizers for all crops If ther is no dealer in your section handling our goods, write us. E H. & J. A. MEADOWS CO., M'n'frs, ' LONG DIST B PHONE 66, Fact or j If ease Hirer, New Bern, H . C. : i Notkel Any farmer desiring to fence hla land with the American Field fence can procure the same of me for a hort while. I how have in stock two car loads of Same. lf.SialooJ, Umiat Hfl Cfcattawta, piny ncniT , n. cv Our Stock of WhiTE Goods andvLace mbroideries Tor - the Bpring is now , complete and ,x trere thought .at old . ;. Ki' r Hake yon rttilecUon D.'F. JARVIS, ; I To The Public.' ; . BBsta sis tiM, I W l t Jtuna VI, Biftha. Wfw. Cf - dm), m4 1U to ?W4 ! Bmm VI ttUuS. mI trrl U Mm all .; cti-:ifrma W 4 VfTnio. iu t4 yt l.'.rwt I fnat.lfc!nt ! Wr'.!m, tni y I wisely and economicallj as V ask -fresh, fashionable, and In " V than onr prices usually are, find Novelty Valentines ! We are showing ! them in the very ! latest creations. "innn eooism I AMoxisHosrl mRAGYCU -A. ItKllRTOS, ' M Wl.Ut. A. Valuable City Proper ', . ty For Bale. . AT that eetitta r preperiy eot set of Johaeoa aal V4lf itrwi, aV s ploe Qti a4 tfaawxt HmU, fotmwl; tt Wir.Uai Cot ll(a- ff lforl.!a f srt!r tk ttrrittM M IM S&T f realty, ; ' to Tl. W.friIUr- ;:f, 'IT- it... Ik nmnnniiMrvrjf 11 i (V, a menu out aiomj fSi? TOB MIAMI K If Ml. Great Interest en Hew Proposition Mors Hew 'Free Barsl Llbrirles. Women Pardomed By Goreraor, CoBrlettsespes -ylwu-r BUtsFam. bor derer Arts For Blelgh, Febmsry 16. There liioat Interest In the nw proposition to leue the AUsntlo and North CsroUntrtilWsy for 99 jean, AJ1 sorts of iriimors si to what this propoilUoa Is are current, one being that U ' includes an szteasioiv of the road to Baaford. GoTernor Ajcock iiyi thtsls aottba fact; bat thttthe xtentibn which li propoied Is that which wu referred to a few days ago, namely U om Hew Beta to Norfolk tIs Edeotqa. - Late thla afternoon UcBeS hadanoth- er talk with Qorernor Aycock, and af terward gar oh tennrof hit propoal- tlon. Thla Is to teats fox 99 years at per cent for 1st tea, 8 for the seeoad tea 4 for third, 0 for fourth, 8 tor flfth, 7 for remaining 19 years on satire1 stock. Bs also agrees to bstld rood 85 miles from New Bern to Washington and, one from Plymouth to Bdenton, nftssn miles, oon neotlng st Edeatoa with the Norfolk ana Bontnern, in tour years. , norioit a Southern now owns toad between Wash Ingtjn and Plymouth. The road to Wuhlngton front New Beta Is to be completed la 8 months, and If Bute will furnish 180 oonylots st naual price. Mo Bee says Vsnderbllts are not backing htm In thla matter. H L Flnlsyson of Ooldaboro and hli uaoclates who hold charter of Atlantlo Railway Company which tried -to lease A ft N O Railway bat failed will make another offer He called . on the Got eraor this afternoon and dltoassedthls n atter. - Be Will not yet , make public his offer, Tone 'correspondent begins to think a lease may be mads sad any protpeotlrs bidders had beat lot no time In sending In. their bldtv. ; -' Ths Qovaraor says he cannot at yet say what are Us, pofslbllltea of Us oeptaaos of las proposition, the matter being ap now.. He repeats his stats meats that this Is mack the beet offer yet made, bat added: ''Ton know when a good offer oomes ws fel like the man who planted 9 ot. cotton and when theprlca weat to 'Uots. wsnteoTlSou We srldeatly hire a good thing la this road, sad naturally we take the vans which other people pat upon Ik There are as yst no sdrloss of another propo sition) It was stated by a prints ettiaea thatlhs bidders, who as says are back ed by TaUedelphtatspllsL con template coaaeetloa at taaiord, and that It was thlsplaa of eoaaaetioa which plsased the goteraor, Bat ss sbors sUUd, a each plan Is coatalaedla Uw .propoai- Uon. aaother geaUeaaaa said thet as call d ths'dead UW, slosg hs lias are flgkUag say lsassv. Ia als optaloa this propoaltloB at a ads the ehaaos t golag tarosgh. Tea propsaltloa irsl sobmhtad tolas goteraor by ex-judge James X Bkepherd, who remarked today that tee prirat stoatholders fsroc a teaee becavat Ikey want US' stack to adraaee Mr fchDhw4 thinks Us Buta has as awntng rsQwsys. The goraraor ItTtted Pradaeat Bryaa sad a a ember at sthar gsntlsmea e saset aim here tor s coafsrsaos ss ts the Isaae. Hs says that Is a Jlffereno M optaloa oa this tab betwsaa Us stoolholdera, who acid f rtrsts stocks, sosss favorlBg- ota- srs oppoatag, sad there Is sles a differ. saoaaof view BAoag Us dksetors aa the part at Us ttata, ' Btata saperiatsadaat. ioyaat , It la' formed by Us soanty stpartateadeats of Wayne Uei 19 free tnrarlee at rara- pablla seaoolt art how ta aae, 17 bar lag beet rstahllahed dartag Us' present stbootltrm. There are 79 waits sohoolt ta Us eoeily, sad befors nail yeas as tays he axpaeu to hare Usee libraries alaOof Ths roreraer today parSoaed Jttsale 8lrfcSUad,whetsKaKsti l3t was ml ts Us pealtMllary tor 14 yean for m Mlif, dasghtar, Uara 80, StvUf beta sestaaoed le year, f or Usaaati srUaa,whlh was eoaiaued Is 8arry sosaty. Cat dantkm! Ural hat ei ptted, .BthsoUer sad dgtirsc hired eieellaaUy white ta prUoa, Ul ia faot stoM prUoMrs. Kre Ctrkk U4 Is very oM t4 It wae UvaM t rlMUe to let Ut ge ot af ptUo wtih aw dtejtiUf. " I Cbai'.ae Ka!tUi, eolord, rto Cif- tarsi eotatf, eepe froai Ue tun turn Biaid.' lis was arrtt a for fsare Urn fof Utcnj. la Ue Vtmarttiu wofk et pV.:ktai Ik rltUm'ns C-.a at Wn'.rlfa. afltr tkTMlfr, lire Tailk ( r. I'. !m t C"-, V 1 '- J:.. V, ;:'-f V, foTr'r cf r'.V Tntk ViVr. tea f-.rrr.:1y ft Wlt.t o, i J- a C IwU t- tr.t'.f cf r.4-'.H. I'.itil 1a t. e"" r.'.1 t' i .id Sn, Cti ta tj t' Ttf i; ' in, ! I i ' - -t r t ! 1 -. m faesilotl Site ; ALtXIIFF BEtBEiTSl : Japanese Advance into " Manchuria. ; Rus L sians Lose Many w MenhyColcXThe . Railroad Mined Troops at Kiu - Chwangf ' Speolal to JoilraaU. Bt Psterabnrg,1 Feby 1-Ad official dispatch receled hers from Port Arthur admits that ths Japanese hare inraded ifanahnrla,. Tlsn Tain; Feby 18. Two thousand Ruaslans occupied Nla Chwang today A Dalny rSport by courier taya Viceroy AJexleff retreated from the icenaof the1 hoatllltles st Mukdan, and met the troops at Nln Chwang. Toklot Feby 18 -The Mikado has de clared Us empire tobs under martial law. A fleet of Japanese crakert ha been Mat to ths Pacific ocean to watch for a Vassal said' to be carrying precis ions from America to the Russians. iondon, Feby !. One thousand refugees bars loft Vladlrostock by the HamburgwAmsrleaa Steamship Bauyia for Jspsnass sad Chines ports. Choe Foo, February jlft--After a Qerc ac-R10 d "" u spaaess army hu made. further gains (all anohurla, and Is morlng southward towards Port Arthur. Boms, February 18- It U offlolally ad mitted by Ue Jspaaese legatlovher Ulssrenlng that ao far In the oon ten I Jabaa had lost four war ahlpt end two merchant ateamers, ,aad Ue Japanese official alto state Uat Us Ruulanloti to date Is alx teen warships and twenty HSTphaatsMn. .TerliB, February 18. The Frank fur tt ZItang says ths semperatare through oat.BIbsrla le fifty degrees below aero aad also la upper Manchuria. The Bse slsa forces la marching across the Ice oa Lake Baikal , ssffsred a loss of 800 man wno warn rrosea o mn- mi; were short oa pmlslona, v ; New-Terk, Febraary 18.-0 Bleto of) Us Imperial Ohlaeas cuatoes aartcear rirsd la Uls elty today. Hs aays that U whole Manchariaa railway tystew, hroa Port ArUar to Lake Baikal has beea mlaed aad saa be blowa spbythe Jap Ssprem Cowl CiUlons. Special to JoaraaL . - Baklgh, Febraary leV-Tke following oplalooa were handed down ay Ue Bop- raaas Cotrt today f -; 'Maealas TX.A B. Railroad, atw trtst, '. , ' . .' . ' , Blats ts Battev traea Hallfai, appeal 41smlsad.V' ; ' Dtckeas ts Parkins, from Baltfatsw Chaak ta Lattber Co, from SsUfaX sfflrmad.' - ? - - aaaaat xUTy, from Bertford,. ts fsraal ' 1- -V, v j aV , ' Fldeltiy.Csvti jMlaa, from Bertford, Chess Pti. n Aahettlle lanttor! sm, af firmed. ' ..f- '.-. Mahoaey ta Tytaf, from Benin, plala tils srrl doektrud awl 4Jled aa det rais 17.1 . y ,' Theoeart gmnUd A CartloHa IsUe ceof AL'd U!,. rsteisablsasit wk aad the aal of Ue docket ' ' Is U Bepraes Court today Ue tJ ktagoaH we? nrr4 f' tbUlrd dUtrleti ' ' ' ' ' ' EkaU ts On), by aiVry fral for Ut Pt!, D V Ward, for Ud4- , ' ' . - fuuti Dt1a, Auay 0nrl tsl AD Ward for Put. JCLUantr, for dV1it en voMnm for Cll'" 1 1. f U! X?wr !i Allflfaty 0itJ ft T' I) Strlrtf for tffd Bt, - t r U, WO WKi'Larit for a::nt!?, PL t?f fr di . t. ,' Iff vi f .', J' r 1 ! I, O II Publicattoa jf 6am- NORTH CATtOLtNA, i IsTlbe - . r Craren County., j Superior Court. ' John Dixon, v , " , Tt Mtlltta A. Dixon. To Malfisa Dixon,, 7 y ' ;takb notick.- ?ThV en -action entitled, at abort has been ' commenced In Uls Court by plaintiff to recover ; from' yon the ti tle to certain lots of land In Uo Qlty of New Bern, Stats Of North Carolina fully detorlbed in the Complaint fired fn this action, knd to declare yon a Truatee for plaintiff In relation thereto, upon the grounds that such lots was purohaaed by you with money of plaintiff and the title thereto taken -In your name: Ton are therefore notified to be and appear be fore ih Superior Conn of Craven conn ty to be held In the Court House of said County ln'tbe City of New Bern; Si eta ot Mortb Carolina, on tbe Vtn Monday after tbe Flnt Monday In March tt ha log fie Oth day of May 1904, toanewir the (Jomplamt in said action whioh will be filed during or before the First Three aays 01 said term, ana answer or outer- wise plead thereto as you may be ad vised, or tbe relief demanded therein will be granted. This Feby 16th 190.. - ' - W. M. WATSON - C.8.C. Publication of Sum mons. NORTH CAROLINA SuperlorOourt Craven Oounty. John Dixon j ra Sarah Dixon To Sarah Dixon TAKE NOTlOff: That an action entitled at abore ha been commenced lu thla Court by plain tiff to reoorer from you the title to cer tain lot of land JH the City ot New Bern -Uate of North Carolina fully described In tbe Complaint filed In Uls action, and to declare you a Truatee for plaintiff la relation thereto, upon the grounds that aucL lots was purohaaed by yon wlU monev'of Dlalntlff and Ue title thereto taken In your own nam: Y6u are there fore notified to be and appear before the superior Uourt ot Urartu oounty to DB held In the Court House of said Count tn ibe City of New Bern, State of North Carolina, on the 9th Monday after Ue first Monday In Much, it being the 9th day of May 1904, to answer the Com plaint in laid action whlah will bs filed during or before tbe first three days of said term, and answer or otherwise plead-thereto as you may bo advleed, or the 'relief demanded therein will be granted. - - , inis Feb. tow, iwu. W. Mi WATSON. Clerk o1 Superior Court of Oram (Jouoty. 1 Fire Insurance. at to-to ths aafity of your property by taking out a bis policy, la one ot ta totnd. long eitaansBM companies aw our books. Lesssolsg of fear Is worth more Usn ths nremnima we charts. every dai In ths k, Btndeyt latiad- d. Yoa eaa reaenasvy 'pnoaa, 1 alio in BRICxL QIO.'A. NIOOUC. ;- Pboo 900. . So. Front Enaooek Its. Mm -Vott.lVIIl ctLcftJ via Minns d if If your proaaI at U akoekl ba. Good l' re Uo vat dothM a barm for U Tir.M Uy btv for Wrr on wko tbovld drw at .oilttio wnald Urt Ua I Utr pTftlje rf oit, BsUhaad frri fcv 'nTlff ytint ntfunri or r,rxl f . W. indira'rih tailor, lot Middle Pi, sw Beta, NO." - ' .- TrHlTFCRD H1EE71ES COL CI ?.!!.! J!f Etr 2w Tcm, K". C ' I'honsCll ; Aillilnda : .', r.uildcro Hatcrial, ', '?, r.'lrxla, Mm and Cnnt C7 IV. ly-mlcd Print, !('- t t! l' r ' t i f ! I t ' '. 1 ' St About Quick Work. . It is eaay wheiyi man knows how and 4s an np-io-aate macniue to do It with believe we have bet labor and ma chines that money can get, and always carry in stock material of every descrip tion, for our line of work, and are pre pared to. do good and quick work. Thanking oorjmany friends for their liberal patronage, we are Your humble servants, G. H. Waters & Sens, Succeisors to-QH. Waters & Son, Phone 185. v BmbiJ t Ww Bawt. N. O COLD WEATHER NECESSITIES, Don't stand la need of Coil Hods,Flr Sets, Pokers, Stove Pipe, Stove Boards, Stove, Ranges and E eaters any longer than it will take you to reach our store. All these things we have tn our HARDWARE STOCK, and many mora too numerous to mention Ths very look of tnem will make you feel warm, and the bw prices will strike yon favorably, etc. Foy & Simmons. 79 B. Front St, HIWIBBRN, N. O. Goal and Wood - A full supply- of Anthracite (res burning WW to Ash, Orate, 8tors and Caestnnt Coal, also the Celebrated Pocahantai Bituminous for grates and Steam. The Best Oak, Ash, Pins and Mixed wood. Quick, Prompt Union Point. rhoao 47 Wis Sdo ! ' r. OrarVro groas Btsrllni 8Utsr Hat Xlat la ths Bsw DntJpia, ia labad Ifl fret silTsr, Wo,ia aad g9s Just Is, Btstha window! ' ; J0. Baxter; i ' HU0BF.8BLOC. Salo Benefit : .Thd Entiro Ctock 01 Goods fprncrly owned by X. F. TAYLOR, Oovo If. O.fcc6n:!:tinncfaoii crn.1 l!crchs.pd!;3f In ventoried at;C7C0.C5 b c'n for lr."r:ct!cn r T Vr, 7 : - r.nd tho un- Delivery NICE FANCY 10c, 16c and 20c per pound Just Received Nice and Si Fresh at & ,' s& J. L. McDAHEL'SL Also Fancy Evaporated Peaches and Apples 10c lb. ew lot Hatvey'B Small Hams and Breakfast Strips. Blackeye Peas 5c qt, A Complete stock Staple and Fancy Groceries. Yours to Please, L. McMI 'Phone J91. LIIII1IXIIIIIITTTTTTTTTT1 Fi?csh Lot Florida O ran JUST RECEIVED: 3"- "E3- F-KKIEK. Wholesale and Retail Orocar, X?er. Broad A Dancock Kim H0NI 69. UI11IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTYTTTYTYYYTT1 Cwfw.BrT - Have Ton a Thirst? So mncb the better bv that maeh more ynn'U en)oy a draotht of Bodwalt beer. It s n ulnt qonohr wbicb r- oelves mnr a well merited oormluv will receive foor praUe, ton, afur von nave onoe abared lb pUasor of Uvm no inn aco found ont tb rnaor mtriu of Bndws br. WboUaal and rtH by J. F. Taylor, NZW BXRK, R C igaat for Proipoot Brewing Co. of PbO xtolpbla. Frb Car lxd vry wk. AT OID. miCEB J - VBT lias of Sprlof aad Bnnv rntt Cotton Goods is tow it. All bocht at last jrars prices and will bs sold, U lorf ss they last, at ami'trrioes aa.)aat tsar. Embroideries . r " Vand Laces. ,Ws csn f 'T toq from 15 to SO pa oeni . ' . ad Xmhrridsi'c ies. . Tlr si i (lo trar la ths City. l ; i " ':. .V D0NT FORQET"; that wo aro Btill Boil ing our winter goeda At Cost and under. . Ktw llns Qixn Q"jd,ij snd rJp.I!sf! jnlln.; ' . Cotton Goods LOT 1 CAKES W'li miiiiiiiiniixiinisi 4 ti Jr. AA ForBargains ? - If so como rljjlil en Hlore, nd thi re It ibe j can find It I S ('...lon't ' Oar Beautiful line of S; -Ing Cloihlng ' It In ready and jna wilt fln-i H,rm IUa ' tl tb Prttltit tlyi c 64j' andlnaptuof Tr)ttla going ap ia ,' prlcyou will nnd.orr g0oii going down la prloa but not in qmliir. , . ' W bar two food clcrti n oar siorw' tod 70a will Ilk lbm b ,ih. on f Mr frlo and tb oUr li,nr J aJlty aad tb iw toikr tpikr. 1 fo m uo, , W til l bate ti ta-vt i. In out at il.1(,H, ,r : , , . tt, S3. 40 ti 3 90. ' - 4 Toalb Sana, 14, IS. iO, H old DrioS 7 60 bow S 4. - Js.t ea W lluk t,y, trim t to 8 ktlf tv y . , SUpJrn.i, ritoMto oet st If prto. ill fair UdlM Fio. S-.o. old prtae' I'.oo. siuee. fo, lku tkreuia oaiyltsxx nbcM ay iif at f aoUI.,, d btn 1, a (.. ow-c. itfoMt a toad, aad-;owa t,dkt Owa'assswrjara,' Owr LWiurai U,, ,r Dr Ohio's U .' ali a t .a Uft. , W R.w Bva u a-,4 f h m -Iv. wfc4 aWcaiae iat e .1 . Tsars far Bsrafa-, - S. GOPLON, I ! tn t r), H MXDUin mtXT, Hen fc C m k tardwWe Oo, Mew W " k You Looking1 Plumbing I SlWRrii!kM( frtw ,,'! a atw br.ri.'n tMf j. f:w:strwm, . Wt f aw r"rM ti ) 1 f v f , - ,f , i , : -..,,i.i i ' H lit - V " 1: i I ... ' J P r- t 1 ij.i in';

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