'I? y - t a s . 4 XvtgefaLle PrcparaliotiLr As simulating fceFoodandEciii tutg teStosarfs artdlkfwcis of JtamotesDigestfonJCheerful ness and Rest .Contains neither OtdunuMorptiioe norlinraJ. f.rf.Mg. ' - : B-Bs'jsi, ' rir . jBBaw9sySJB1emBBV eV1 brCDitsrmav Ron, Sour StomachDiarrhoea WrarnaXxmvulaions.Fcvoristh was and Lo 89 OF SLEEK FaeSnrala Signature bf exact copy or wrapper. ; C Trochct'S ' Colchicine Salicylate Capsules." a stanaara ana iniauioie care lor kheumatism ana UOUT. endorsed by the highest medical authorities of Europe and A' COLCHICINE 1 tAltfYI aTT-'l wence. urspensca oniy ra spnencsi capsules, wntcn us OALHt lLAILI solve in liquids of the stomach without causing Irritation of oisagreesDie symptoms;- ?mce, $i per; bottle, . -sow ,by druggists. Be sure and get the genuine. : wuxiAKS) wo. co., cunrELA.T, omt, m im ! SOLD BY f Whiskey and iseerlniabit PERMANENTLY CUREIX BY ' : ' "ORRINE," l SAFE, St?E HARMLESS SPECIFIC) 1 Ili7tckun pronoun IraakraBMa a dlaMM of tba perrons ijrttaai, cratln( a Biorbid oaTtaf for a timaUat. Coatiawd ladalgaaot la (lakr,tatr or wlaa uli away tb toaaek ltalaf aad ataptflea -tka dlfwtlTa orrana, thaa dwtroylnf tbf dlraatloa aad ralatoa th health. Ho "will powar" cad haal tho la flamed itoaach ambraaaa. d) "OM1H" perauuMatly nrnom tb era-ring- for liquor If acting- dltaetly M the affected aarraa, natoriaff tho atoatack aad dlcaattoe orgaaa to aoranl condition, UeprpTlaf ' the appotlta and rtatoriaf tha health. Wo aaaKariaat tnatmeat aeotaaaiy 1 HOKKIMS"." can be takaa at yon owa homa vltboat pabUcltr. Can be f free aacntly II deelred." , I CURE "GUARANTEED OR'MONEY REFUNDED. 1 Mr. M. Wydlff. Kew Tork City, writaat "ORRINB eared my haabaad, who waa a mill; draaaard fur auay year. Ha now haa eo dealr for stlaialaata. hla health la rood aad he la tally stored to mselieoa. Be aaad oaly ire bona of ORSUIS.' Mr. W. L. D., Helema, Moat, writaat -t haea waited oao yoat befor writing yoa of tb penaaaeat car ad my eoa. Be took aaaltarinai treetasent. aa well aa other ad vertised caresy bat thay all failed aatll we a-aee hint -OKKIXK.' Be to now tally re stored to health aad haa ae dealr for driak." M. A. B. L .."Atlanta. Ok. writaat "I waa Vara wltk a lor at whiskey ana drank It To Bell LandFor MzJ sets. HOBTH 0 ABOLIK1 1 Bdpr1or Court, Orayea Cooat, Belor the'Olerk O J MoCartay, AdatlalatrstoT of lb M Uia of Martla J doow4 ' N Haal MaBaa,EasklIaasi,t1tar Mus aad Mary aVMaaar. I , ' Tha dtfradaal'a'briva aanad vlDtakr otic that ipaclal ptocaadlap v sbort ntlUed ku taea toaaasaaoad Ufolw tb Clark of , the PspwHor Cort-oJ(J Cray aa eossty, in soli for aaaola s ear. talk tract of laad la aaM DUI4 aad cooa ty. swserlbtd la Ua tfad traat TbotnM J Brysa asd Sao 3 Bryaa lo said IMartla iaeaaoa, d'oiaaail. raooplad la look Jio K foilo U J fe at B Htr of Owads for Orarea eonaty, , aad. ra-.h of roa are reqalrod id appaeil at sty fflot la tka aoart oaa af Orsw koaaty. oa Moaday !ba7ibdy otVarrk, In A at tka koaf af II o'atatt a aa, i ad ''tat war or doaiat la ike paUtloa d la raid pro nawainrt, or otoarwiag paow asasr, ii ay yoa h, kt Ua pf af ofiaapa. lUtoaar ahail aat Va fraatad, aUarwIad M aaatiioaaf a til apply la tta aoart Tor tka raJlof aaataadwd. . . , Tkta Itk day of fabraary, ltC a I. , 'ri Good ? Telephone V ' IIRTICB tS'X'BCTttJltaS - 1 Kicxserrri dV bom-X ; - OOJTTMlXnCX. A r Of let Yaar rvaa at t-ral. - - AXpHciKrt fr Ptw CtrUdaJe. ,i ' VoUrak ksttbf rrMkltaarUSca' - Jo-im, tM aa Jaae.rj M.v iwt,i 1 galea Jlra for at srt af ik flaj aUxt a IN 41'se'esf) aU Car aaa PiHfnad .'pent say, 1st ta Wt Of d1rr'tiJ. 1 fcr1 ' 'fJ, ssd list prikt!na' wl lro a4e V IV Urd of I)'tars of H'd KVrrA Capst U IK S Of aati'it aaia la Ba tfo , " , , ' . " - ai'tn-it r. miiKt, K V M Ft. IMI-A j; i ef its i s'.e tet .M Jt l' . , ,,..1 rcr!-' -Jir---s. Tb Vti Ycj llivo ; Always Bears. thV Signature of in y1 Qsb For Over Thirtjf Years jii x ""."Si, 8 DUFff J V-'V- for thlrt-two Tear It ieelly btMht nta to the' flitter, bomeleea and frlendlesa. I waa power lee to nelat tb cravlaf and ' " woald ataal and lie to ret wblikey. foar bozeaof OBKINB cared m of elt deelra aad I now hate tbe iatejl of liquor.'', - 4 Prlca per bo's. ' Malted la plalai eeeied . . w lappet by Orria Coeapaay, SIT lath St, ' 'Waahlartoa.D.C Ietereeilne book Tre laowDraabaaeaa,(aledlfraaNirau,aati, ' Bold aad renomieailel by . s v j ' C D. BB1DH1M, Drit-f litr rood?sSMs; TTrenty-ira yaara mcQcal ax twrienca, and tba fact that we do ibe largoat bnctoeaa ta beeda In tha fiontbara EUtea, anaUra 04 to apply arary tequirameiU l . - - ; EARCEJi AXO FAK'J wDS; lo Ua'tary Val adrantata, boUl aa wgrdao,nailty and jaiea.. : y. Tracker, and Farncri r twjtthinf larjra q oai) ti tire of Beads are raqocaUid to writa lot apeeial priosa. If rrm hare bot raw-iyad a copy of W001T8 EKED BOOK for liut, writ for it IkaraUaoi aaaolbar (rabUcatkni an yw bare tbat approaches tt la tka aaefuj and praOlcal laformatioa thai It Livee ta Soalbara Untters and tardaaarS. t . . Traers Sod ak-wtl be owflsd kwa tHwanees. 1 lTI , . d at assay. m ' Jw.yci.a5ccs,s5:::::3, a . tNmiiriTt r tsiliti ' renivtinynt iiua I'Mirt . .4. -wo l I s f II It II t I f.K 't.tJ . I. WIS mi t.U m4 . .. s.k. . . . 4 .t w r .-i, - n M " .4 I -- - - e asWi , .,u.M ' Arrllcitloi for Itew CtrtlHcite. KoUoa It asrshy 1fa Utt ratt'S ai ffo, till, Utued ea sentry flu, I v I to TkoaitaO Jraktat for ana strtcf lh aaptial gtrk of lbs AUsnllo anj tTnrib Caroltea R'!ro4 t'ofnraay, ita t al or daetrnyad, ged raaaot ( U v.- aad Ul appilcatlna at!) ta at 'a lo lit loarl Of Dlrarrlrtft of IHIlroad Compj for lha laaaa of a aaw rarv'3 aaia ta Hen (luraof. , Glumt C. itr,Zr : J"B W.JFMSr '. J , aasniBUtrsimi c r i:,e ri'st ar I tot t . C. e'en Va, d . .. 1, rr.rsr-, e f WW mm - I 4 s-r ? a Jv 4 laSF ill 3sp . . . t 4 . . y 1 k.lrta nak a Dstk." EUIrts cannot be lroncl roprly wj'.k a Cuiumoa CoUroa. It U better to pur chase wbat Is ca""l a "duLk." TUia la a am&U troa Ji t tiuat point, tne t.-i. Of trnf smooth Is scored off In UlUe diamonds. much the same aa a rubber tennis shoe. The Irons shou'l be very clean.. 21 is better to rub tbam Willi sifted ssbes or bath brick, ivt to remove any pos sible, rust, t&VUig care to clean the aides as well. ; Then wash and heat on a' clean stoye. Cave' a' piece of cloth on the Ironing boara tatry the Iron on. as well as a cloth with a small piece of wax to rub the Iron occasionally' and a bowl of water with a small piece of clean Boftraj to wipe off the shirt Iron the !, neckband' first,' shaplna it njcely W fit the-nwdy .then. Iron the enffa. ' Btretch and' pull them out ao that no sbiurilLen Ualn4 'or stitchlng wlll cause them to pucker Then, lay ing; ttiem ofc jjtjia) - poairfaaootiv 'out With the damp cloth, after which to gln to iron with a quick, steady stroke, beftrin on With all tie sfrength you possess. . Do hot rest the iron on the shirt a minute or the starch will be apt Stick; to. itanl make a streak, lf thli should happen, wash off wtttt the clean cloth, end If it does not, dis appear acratcii With a finger nali. p:aaTawF: .wsmv swn.jia.fe;-. Cream soups era by most authorities considered the best to aerra for luncn- ona Cwam, ot oyster ! cream ' of clam soup Is always acceptable. They afiraaWirilijfl fB .fimC'Siam.ef . r41enty;flj soon aa they open remove them from the shells and strain, them from the liquor. Chop the clams; pound them In k mots tar and rub as much of them as possi ble through a pforee slere. Put thre cupfuls of- llulMln V dotablol -boiler, cook two mbklpoonf uls of butter aad two ublespcionfuls of flotir together, but do nor let iemT3rwn; then add K the cooked butter1 and floor a little the.mflat from the bailer tomafc( a smootn paste. -Mrm toe pasta mo me milk In the double boiler and, stir the mlxtnra uatil n,4a,aiUttl hlckened Whea dy-to serve,dd-two cupfuls of clam quo and the pulp.: which has passed through tba: atere. k tet It get bot. but do not let It boll or .lt will curdle.-. Season with salt and" pepper If neeeaaajy.? At the.'moment f serving add a cupful of cream aad beat, the Whole well with an aaxwajiiwlltal reclpa makes a quart and ft.balf of oup,. I- ,; -r-f-ij -4 ;&Ltt&Shr V'alaailitf'i .Is the andent and honorable wooden clothespin of our forefathers to be rale- gaieu to uie rear or a new arucie or commerce i rnue wis qnesuon is ag fating the world jf .booaewlres and i Tfi-'. i'H ' a. Ituurt aaxiL V I1 . a, waalierwomrn, ft fcf wall ta direct:, oar attention io ,ita invention of a, worthy Otuea ot ue sura of utan. ' . At first bloAk talg ckXheepia suggests wire FBsale tocb as wa ha ve worried out bralae a vac rapeatedly. tt la coa atractad of two ploces of wkra, vhlck, being hinged at tba center, catch the clothes firmly between tbe lower Java arid, securely toeU them la place an the Una wfclid ru&rgotag-tbe drying pmo KUebbaiCasiTsaJsahonv '. 'X Bttla iron.fxmtrtrsnca.1haJ arrews ta the kltrf.ea table parts, cores and eocee aa apple whOa a paraobi with a sjuts eouia tbink atxrot it .wita a mora cramay looking macklna peas are abelled and "looked oor."i X HttJe beat aad fitted lurrucbrtt Orairs the butter from tbi lump Into aa ladlrldual ah0 shape a a tvin!!n DliU i -A. hatxlr-Ush at papier macha haa t fUvWott la M Brtddla thfoTJgVwtilch ki cut d rMafck bandle. Tkla ta to ao- company tba fti? rwitt aoay. aan1 soap sal atl.er tcw."uU, A acrwdrlTT holds t&f twad of the acrrtr. wtilla it turns it ta Its plac. For beating ecza. whipping ereeia tad soaking mayoa at la drreelng tbafa la B rr4 t9 lorta- . A ssalhrowsa CssrttleMt, A sanitary tv,? ! ii MArr la among S )W t' " i r r- 'fTirt tn t I 4 i , f i ! 1! U f,f i anil cm-Va tf lo !.,. ai.i-lvrs ftPrirJ to tr. ws'.l, s'.t'f ; rtt'l a Ith -1 r - -, V r-i.4 1!, 1. , ! ; 1 tr t t ii;:;. a f..... t-.. gtuus en-- ''if ft J i I T 1 . , e I - . , T 1 -1 1 " f - '! r i ! I r i ! . .ii. . ' : I r I ' ' 1'i'n ir i It r , , . ( ! v 1 f - - : t : . 1 i. w . . ' I ifjc.- r'Tai-.-?.t wimhxi;. 111 Kit. MWa" H ,11, I m!':..n: . :.VfTi;).- ' i -. of 1 iawai He :.,at Seen ale must 1 i-ren IseHel. Eonie xan.-i;lc of Ce marvels of mesitury wouiu seem entirely lncredlMe hai tirfy cot been given to tag upon the tifcLest authority. Cyrus kxw t. 9 name of each soldier In his arnii 1; . aiso related of Themistocles that he could tell by name every cltlxen of Athena, although tbe number 'amount ed to 20,000. -Mtthridates, king of Pon- tus, knew all his 80,000 soldiers by 1 their right names. s -. i . - Scipio knew all the Inhabitants of Borne. '- Beneca complained of old age because be could not, as f ormerly, ire peat ,2,000 names In the order In which, they ; were read to him, and be stated that" on one occasion, When atJTUf studies, 200 unconnecteOerees having been recited by the different pupils rof his preceptor4, be repeated tbem 'ln a reverse ordert proceeding from the,Jastf to the first' V-' Ir-- ? uJ -Thomas Cranmer committed to mem- pry lit three months an entire tranula Jon of the Bible. Euler, the tnathema-, fjcian, could repeat the neld,'vln.di Leibnitz,. when an old man, -could re cite the whole of Virgil, word for word. It Is said that Bossuet could repeat not only the whole Bible, but all of Homer; Virgil' and Horace, besides many other Works, : - , - . - m CANCER CURED BY BLOOD BALM ? Al Situ and Blood Dlstatei Curtl Mrs.- H.. L. Adams. Fredonla Ala.. afotantc 131 ood Balm which effectually Sred. an gating canear of s the noseband 3sS f Taj aarea healed ;supl pefeetly. Many floewn bad given ap her case as hopeless, hundreds of csset of canctr, sating aoresi'sauppera'tlng awelliogs.eto., have been cured by Blood Balm Among othertfr.B'jif, Oatrnev Tfarrlpr 0 sag, aua. nervosa .ana up were raw as btefl with offer aive discharge from the eating apre. Doctor advised cutting, but ft latitat Ulood Uslm healed the iOresatd )tra, Gaerney; la aa wall as eterf Bomnid 'Blood -Balm alio curei eceema, ItctJng bttmora, scabs and scales bone pains, ulcers, offensive pimples, blood poison, -carbuncles, 1sciofala, ris ing and bump on the akin and au blood trouble Druggitti, 1 pet Urge bottle. Sample of Bottnio Blood Balm free and prepaid by - writing Blood Balm' Co., Atlanta OA. Teafirlbe tronbla aad ancclal medical advice sent In tealecl letteer. ; It is certainly ' worth while investigating such alremarkable remedy, at Blood Balm cure the moat awful, worannd most deep-teated blood diseases a, ... Hortgaxe Gale. ' . -a Pursuant to a power af tale contained In that, certain Mortgage executed oy Joseph Blllley Is W 8. Bonner bearing data Feby 10, 1900, : the same being ra eorded la the offloa of the -Baglitar of Deads In Oreven- aounty la Book 113, Psga dji I wtU sell at Ua Court Hoots door la Hew Bern, N 0 on March 90, 1904, (Friday ) at the boor af 19 o'eloak. at, to lbs highest bidder for cash, ell df thar following - deaerlbed property as aoaver4 la tba nortgaga aforesaid, to WlU - " "'4 ....v.SVrk--v.,.;::-:--;-i , All that tract or paroel ol land tying and being la - Towflthlp Ma 1, and ad joining ike laodaJ B O'Neal aad Whit ford laads on the West side af Little Swift Creek end on the East elds .of Deep Branahi betnalng at a Llghlwood ttaikad tuke aa tka edge of the ma of Deep Ban Branch and rani pi. U, S. 190 poles to a I take la the tnai of the firat branch N. 97, W. 14 poiaa, thsno H. 91 C 40 poles, ttienoe It. 97 r. . N polee, thence 8. 89 W. 94 poles, thsnos 8. 99 B 19 poles, thence S. 19 W. dowa lbs roa of Borint Branch Raa ta the . Mala rta of Deep Branah to the - Marked . stake, thenea dowa aald raa of Deep Breaea to tba bet lunlag, ooatalalng oa-t aarea.' It being the tame land deedea by W. J. runier aad wife to Joaepk bill toy ov 8, lSBSaad rtMordad la Cravaa Coanty Book U7. rag I IT. 8. QOKBsR, fr . 1 -. v . .nongaga. - FAarora,'fl a Febraary tJad,1904. - Pcbllcnllon of 8am KOBTH CAROUK As I 'A - la tbt ' CkAVsa Conan ftapartor Oourt .' Befora W. H. vTataoa, 0. ki'o. .3 '$1 ' Aba Danaaborf , A- B. Baxter k Co. t Corporation, aad ;The Hatloaal Bask of Jttw Beroa, t( " ft'-'::-' J yir. To A, BTBiiUt A Co, a Crrporatloa. ' Alt arpaarlag W tka aatUfMttna of tb Court by amJavit tbat A B Batter A Co, a Corpora Ho a la a son,raaUleat Of th B'att of Bortk CtrOllDa, yoa are hereby bollfled, thai a tasmno tndtt tachietat htt ba duty Died la the clerk' oUioa or Cravta coaniy, it C, Is the above enllUrd acvloa by A he Daota bcrjf, Yoa art brthy aolir.ed lo tp rvr Mot IbadttXat V e Court lintis la htw lrn. MG,(i :oniiiv tiia utb day of April lut, at llo'd-ik M, and amvtr or dsrnni to t .' 1 tfilllon at yoe inty dneni best, thert) !t tht P'tjtt of Vi x" ' r,ri;i be rranti, l ! or, it,i V l l..:t B"t!e rob- l'u,r,t one a for t!i apr Vt la Ui fsw Dent Jonrnsl. Thiatinddty of Ftly ri. . . . 4- - W. aI. W AT.-'Ojt, . C.H.C. 4 - . - - . ' ...,.4.. 4lWi F.V. -. tea ' ' ' ". ' 'iff - !, i . ' ;- a ! ! -') r. ' i : 1 'Jr " -t W its rtzttnll- r ari goothtn? crooerrW " :; , i. .rrc-st ail , . . s-;Liilroiia. tmw . - 1. . m wuiii.j.Tft - ir7 fi.ro per jr' ' 'MiA LCU. t . rt !l-a4Xik v"f -Jin 1 UuUfjlJJLsiJ . 4 Free w jSLj flnftS ", f!'!"'-' p."".; ..', niinii..r " riins radios; v a aw tvai . : . awaa ar vm 33 - Btnpeadoaj efftr made by avwelU kaown Phlla. firm., RADIOS 1E1P0S, RADIOS Thou$and8efptro8D9iBallifcliiOi of the country hive been healed : -, by this wonderful discovery I KTerjTdncafect perfMnbu " - I A j i heard of Radium," its. wonderful powers tend lleafinf ' faalttiea- tvn occupied' -page' after page in tfie Metropolitali pnUicatJoiiB, Almoet everybody knowa . that fit la the greatest remedy utat ,uoa nai erer giTen to Buffering'1 ihi mknity. DiB ease germs of eyery descriptfon'Bee before it--they oarraob atandtho contact. Mf hare Vacb. faith in our proposition that we guarantee abBO lately to enre youi :. What is more we will gfvftjou a writtuconlraot to that;effeot. ;lWroffer hMBerer ben duplicated. "Illf out the blank below and iHaik tbi i malady. fram which yoa are1 fullering aad reoeiTe by 'mririi " tnail inforinationVjhat wibeworib.hundreds pfdjjuj to you. - Aek ray banking Arm re ifwdlntf our " free Offer v Free Offer Tree Offer BADI08COv! 8l9DrexelBandlBgl ' ' ' Biaai-. ' , . , . .v Kindly send ma free of coat la- formation refrdlaf yor Badiam treatment aad yoar wonderful rasa'. ady'Badioa.w . ' '..' AMMateataaaeetBterasaj i,m -" .t Irt-ulW e au4aee .,... ... . t ... .-., . , ... . , ,. City.-,..... ae as aa eeae r aaaaaa. J:. - a f Btstaaeaa ,aeae i llaaSBS . m. , . i 4 m t e.'4SM fcWMs - j-V. -a J t.raoa t . SWWM- ' f04,. I . mm V tvi4inet --' '--.-- .-Ii ... - l 1,. I -4 . -- , 1 - , , , fc . i i . . a t . tw (- , ' : a I- , ' i . ...... , , . - a , .i i s i 4a r rt- wmi.., r T. A- Snes, Traa. H. St. wa, T, Tra f , (. B. M. 0r..,r -lea. J 1 L. . . J . ' i ..tale r a-t X-'-tV- drd I'rf '. t -- . Wa "i f ' -1 till " ' :- t' ililii 1 I ta. " , t 1st: i J .r fc---- . i. 1 y 1 1. ' t ,.'t e4 I . i ? r " ",!"- I " - -a, . y ., :e caa be completely,' . . 7vI'Jhouttliem,yet tirj ci-wJtlrougliwliichtlieex--jeeti-t c:;t.er y-r-t rasa tsually is o fv!l tf g'fcrin, Cxnirer and fear J '' t f 1 i 1 xks f ox trd to tin critical v r trDrfehension and 4rorl - d tnpleasaut feelinrs. n4:: ArVf . itiu s sjj rlaV . em WtTflTtg I il t. :r.-i ! JTall line .p, Pinrii ajid. Medlclnei. 7J rmymmtr xouet noapa etc , also tno folltttitMtyeial: Waters: ! Hatohlesa stmetal SprlngBafialo Lttafo, Hnnny. srfaaoa,ifianndl Matyaa, CaAana, VeronlcVApenklRawrJpllta. CobaBrushp4 Tooth rnahea, vJPastormaTnia. wbuawAa inBCOTAUivJfi. Creoluj4Jtte Great Walnfactank and 4pfu.A-jiuurcuum sure PBKVINTAT1VB of tofaction of oontagion of DIPHTHERIA. SMALL 'eisns' Praorlptiof4 a specialty CAEOUHi DISPiTCH Llrfl 1 T I -'wj V.'' - , . ', miiiHTrittm&cHeiR, For All Pointai ITortli. ' Cffaptlaa fant. tat iOOS f " 4.VT? --'!T"-T The Oteaiaer 2T3U0B tesebaduladabaaaat p. xa.jionday weoneaaaT aaa maav. lor jaisartetb Steamer OCnACKJ: fa ackadttlad to sail at 9 nta Traaaday, Tkarsday aad Batarday far; JCllaabetk VPtfi-.ala VI 5.r--d t V 1 S t-V l't:; Tbif wmminmtm sat 'later thaa on Bear werio-u to WsUlng. TsVoy iwhai InJonsUAloci applj to dlDraiNDIESONy Aft W af Tr ITm nr,' 1' swta atiSb aa w m wThrsd) wm.aa( H.A,llTJTrtX " 'r" W. & BUMMHtFJA ' Aatt GeaX Frt. and Fsaa, Agaat, Haw cBaratlC O.-" '"".,: ,' lflB-WliUldX tESOKTS i SOUTH - Southern E&ilway. Tha atbsta taQway anoaacaaika AI toaad trrfp ybtaar' Xxsartloa tlakaU ta all laa avlaaisal raaorta of tke Boattlk, aagtaala Oatobar lfia 1909. - Tka arlatar lasorMef Xortli aad Boalk OaraUaa, QaorgU aad Flarkla are eepea- laBy tarftlaf totkeaam aaarak oiaaalU oraleasara, , Utkaae lUataa ara sack noted reaarts aa Plaakrst,l. Ov Cafa dat, AJkaa. BtmabafrtUa, B. &, Charlaa- toa,8. C-s AagaatsV Bavaaaak, Bnt&s arlok, Jakyt Istaai aad TaaaMtllK 0a. yackJoaTiOav At 'Asgaathte. Onaaad, Myloaa.PateBeaek, stoakladga, Mlasal aadTsmpaaFlaJasttataaaartaa aaa aad Oaba, Vaat reached na foeiaera Rauway. t v? .-. - v . ' TVXaid ea sale Ip la had taeiadlag AbrillQ. mtUaUbad aa -ratara kalfl Uytl,J904,.rj-4sa i.I 1j - , , BoaLkera ItaHway afardsaAagaat srafa sarrtoe, with tka ktaat rtUsaaa Drawtaf Badaa (laaylag Cars, epejratdd tkroagb kettaea prtaciaal atitaa aad reearia,ele I tat Dlalag Oar eevrloa, aad everyUita for tka aoavfotl aad plsassn af tke tritalar. i- ' -' -". r ' AAk aaaraat TUket Agaat for ftrtW Uforautloa sad fiaaerfptlva f Urbtara. Tke Cili Csut txiarta, Xatlle, IT fiftt. Iff ike tal CAiraU VTA ' . ' . I .,'( : Couthtra EallTTay. i tr ii- tatOT 2Tar4 ttiktU W ea tl t B' lel rti-rt ef lag (Ja'.fOMt i t t. : it, V s 1 I I'sitoo gal CV'r: ra!-, Tick at o a t: r r. :y kp la aad "t 4r''J i:'tedlaMt t, f r ff ua y-;, it . ' Tl rrrai ef ,, ' 'i-',- s-4 f eestera lit ' .- ! ' t I ' - ).' 4 t i -t ."illM datat.. - ; imI i-. i . ..re at t'.lar. I ; U 1 if V'-Zlj" fl n n W rV D h n wm a ATT AOTu-ei-e, . A "I'll ! :'' jpt" " 1 "a a ' n OOoDniMbipCo - - - a - wyfedtSak tnd Exchange V x : , . . ...... .- 4 10 C&LiifC ' -LARGEST AND FINEST STOCK, OF- HORSES and. IsrTCTHLwDS Ever offtred for Bale in New Bern, A car load of each just in. Also a complete line of uggies, Wagons,' Har8. Eobes, Whips Cart Wheels; Etc. T. A. Aus-Mcncken & Bro- itidkdi Publication of Sum mons. NORTH CAROLINA. ) a,nnnrt CraTen County. J John Dixon TB SarahDlxon To Sarah Dixon TAKE NOTICE: That an action entitled as above has been commenced In this Court by plain tiff to recover from you the title to cer tain lota of laad in the City of New Bern Bute of North Carolina fully deaerlbed In the ComDlalnt filed in this actioa.and to declare yon a Trustee for plaintiff In relation tnereio, upon ine grounus mat anck lots . waa ourohaaed by yon with money of plaintiff and the title thereto taken In your own name: Yon are there fore notified to be and appear before the 8u per! or Court of Craven county to be held In the Oourt House of said County In the CUT of Kew Bern. Bute of Itorth Carolina, on the Bin Monday after the ant Monday la Msioh, It being tbe nth da? of April 1904. to answer the com plaint In said action which will be filed daring or before the first three deye of aald term, and answer or-otherwise plead thereto aa yoa nay be adviaed, or tka relief demanded therein will be granted. Tnia ran. iota, ivo. W. M. WATSON, Clerk of Superior Court of Craven County. Rotlce bf First Meeilne of Cr:ll tors. In the DUrtrtct Court of the Called Stales, Tor the Eastern Olatrlot of North Oarolln in Bank ruptcy, la the matter of Geo H 8a t a, Bank rapt la Bankruptcy. To the Oiodltota of Oao 11 Sution. of La Create, In the County of Lenoir aad District aforesaid, a Bank' tapis - Notice la hereby glvta that oa the 9th day of refers ary a U lvui, ua aaia ueo Bdatteawaa duly adjudicated baak- rapit aad that tka first meeting of kit aradlior will be held at New Bern. N C la tka United Setae Ooart Boom oa the MJk day of Fab. 1904 at 19 e'elock nooe, at which tlma tba aald creditors may ab tcad, prove their claims, sppolat truslee eiatalae tka baakraptaad trsaaaot sock oikar beataaas as saayproperly coma be fore aald ataatlag. - fUMCEL W BMALLWOOD, , - Referee ta Bankruptcy New tWrn, B C., :FaWlCkk4l904. Publication of Sam- :-v4 NORTH CABOLINA. i ta tka ? 1 Cravesj Cos at y. Bapatfor Coart i '. . ;, Melissa A. Dixon. TtMallaaalMioSa .. ; , . . TAXI NOTlCXi-- ' Tkat a actio -aaltlltd as' above kae beat omasaaeed to tkla Ooart by platailff to reoorsf froaa yoa tka U tltlorartale kH of laad la IM City of Mrw Para, State of North Carollaa felly dtootibwd la tka CotipUUat ad ra Ut ar-tlrra, aad la daelare yoa a TrBatea fog t:alriil3ta r'atla laareto, apoa I (maadt that sack lota waa eorckaoed by yoa wltk anaey ef plalatlff aad Ike line t bars to ukaa ta yoar asauif Toa art tWefrrr sxitldad n be aad appear be f ia it t1 Oort of l't area eoa a tr to t bai l la the Court lints of laid t -y t tea f.'lty af NW Bam, fNa I of hunk ('amllna, oa tke Ilk kfnad a' .r ua Mrst Mnadty la kfarck it be I Irf tha lltk dty of A prfl I60i,to answer li s t ' rri la'Dl la t'tH artlna which will t . 1 cJnrlnt r4 !,fip (b Mre Three 'Tt rf taid in.s'l war or etaec. a f lra1 .'. . g gaae be a4-t.-i, or t i.ii j akeadod I bar ei la frtatld ,-."-T!irtvy IJ I. , W, M. WATPON c.i,a 3QSTES aTOIVSSa Broad St. CIGAR Bdlto.M4 A. & N. G. R. R. TIHl TABLH NO. 32 To Take Effeot Sunday, Oct. 25, 1903 at 6:56 A.M., E. 8. T. Going East Bobkdulk: Going We No. 8 Passenger Trains No. 4 DAILY.. Lv. p m stations: Ar, a m 8 80 Goldsboro 11 OS 869 LaGrange 10 89 4 89 ...Klnston 1019 5 40 Ar. New Born, Lv, 9 0 0 60 Lv. " Ar 8 81 7 16. . . . Ar. Morehead City Lv 7 06 No, 6, Passenger Train No. 6, Passenger Train. gTATToqa: DAI LI. Lv. A. M. 8 00 Goldsboro 8 18 Best' 8 26 LaGrange 8 87 Falling Greek.... 8 48 Klnston 9 09 Caswell 9 18. - - Dover 9 80 Core Creek 9 60 Tuscarora 9 66 Olarka , 1010 Ar. New Bern, Lv.. A. M. FREIGHT. No. 1. DAILY EXCEPT No. i id Oktaa, SUNDAY 2d Claa. Lv. a m At, p q 6 U...... ..Goldsboro 2 5 6 46 Beat's 9 I 619 LaGrange 9 0 617 ...Falling creek 1 8 7 89 , Kinaton 19 1 7 40 oaawell 110 9 00 Dover 11 0 9 40 ooreoreek 10 4 10 10 Tuacarora 10 1 10 89 olark'a 9 8 11 00 Ar. New Bern, Lv 9 9 19 90 Lv. New Bern Ar ,8 1 1 19 Riverdal 7 4 190.., oroatan 72 140... Havelock 7 1 9 09 . Newport, Lv 6 8 9 90 Wtldwood 61 9 98 Atlantic 6Q 9 68 . . Ar. Morebead City, Lv 6 0 900 ...Ar. M. City Depot, Lv 60 r, at. a.i B.L. DILL, a A. NXWLAND, Gen'l Bupt Mm tar Transportation. L. Be Habicht, FINE Lager Beer TTbe Ftaast Liquors aad Wmea, Hahlchl'i Key Wast, Ilaaicht's Tea Oeet Perfactoe CIGARS, - . -. Qoraet I Front aad Haaeock Btrwrat, - Hew Bara, N a j Russell; House. - WkTla ta Beaafort be sua to atop at lia BaaaU Hoaaa, rrat-Claa BoaH. Tkoaai for travauag paopla. Flak hag tad kaattae usxoalled. Terms 1LM day at fLbO per weak -' - . T 0,1, BrSUlai rre -S T - D. Id. WAJXD, - V Atfareey at Law, , . 1 ' 74 Bo. Front et, Ortv notel Cbaimwsa " "- kiw BAon., a,:..,- Craraa Omnty AIUmoy, j' .' Ctrx-nlt, CraA, Jroaa, rulo,'CW4. erat, rarallm, (IrMna, Lentett,, and ska Bof rams g4 yadaraJCoflrta. tj t CM, CiatTataa, . A. B. War! ,13 ft VARD, iTT:r5ii t t focrrtoii at '5 A TT. ! r V I: - - t r at. sv . " t. I ! ' ' i i ii r vd . I ? I

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